Val's Cafe



  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,123

    Good morning everyone

    I’m waiting for the gas man to come for the boiler service

    Toady (()) yes we have had rain all weekend and today. I hope you have a good day.

    Toni (()) poor Peanut it’s good she’s feeling better. My neighbour gone to the shops I said don’t forget your boat. Love to everyone

    Reshmi (()) have a good day love to your mum (())

    take care
    joan xx
  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 4,816

    hi Toni toady and Joan

    how are you all?

    Mum has got an insulin monitoring patch on her arm now

    Which I think is really positive

    Sorry I’m so tired

    My stomach still hasn’t settled

    And the virus is still going on

    I did manage a small walk today though

    So the virus situation is improving but pretty slowly
    Don’t really have the energy to give a full report today

    👋 Joan hope the boiler service went ok?

    By the way LA said in the playground game, “My job is grandson” lol

    Nice work if you can get it - eating all those blearios - must be exhausting 😂

    Have a good night everyone tc xx

  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,399

    Hi folks 👋 nowhere near as much rain as it said, phew 👍 did take the internet out though as per usual, at times, so am calling it a night now and see you tomorrow. Just to say all the best frog to Charley & Annie for Weds in case I forget or can't get in. xx

    Night to Joan and hope the boiler man was just a service etc no problems🤞. Mine's still away but will be in touch any day I expect. Funny you said about a boat for your neighbour 🤭 some places would definitely have needed one & part of Wembley football pitch has fallen in I hear 😮. Have a good day, dry it says 😊 xx

    Glad the virus is dwindling a bit more bosh and you had a walk, I might make it out myself tomorrow all things being equal. That sounds very good about your mum, hope it really helps 🤞😊. Back soon have a good night 👋 xx

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 29,855

    Morning everyone :)

    Morning Joan how are you? How is your leg doing are you coping ok with the pain? Peanut is looking great, but needs something to prevent these stomach issues i think he needs dog lansoprazole don't you? Sleek had her arthritis jab yesterday she was a good girl. I met a chap I used to work with there with his dog. Yes a boat we needed a boat or Aidan's arks he used to build when we had loads of rain☔ Take care ((())) xxx

    Morning Reshmi

    What a good thing your Mum now has one of the patch type insulin monitors I have a friend with one she says it really helps. Much safer.

    Glad to hear your peri symptoms have settled back for now and you aren't feeling too bad at least in that respect. Kari has caught your cold not sure how though maybe I am the carrier😮 or really it's just coincidence. She feels quite rough so I know how you feel. Very tired too. Well done managing a walk though.

    BIL has turned feminist has he? Well that is a shock😲 🤯

    What a great job being a Grandson! I love it! As you say nice work if you can get it🤗 So sweet i bet your Mum was totally chuffed with that. He'll be interested to see her new insulin patch won't he?

    We are going to meet up with our long lost cousins in November how exciting is that?! My Mum would ahve been thrilled she was told her brother had died but no he had two girls who are our real cousins. My mum went on to be adopted if i hadn't done the dna test no-one would have known.

    One of them's youngest also had cancer at 16 just like Lucy. He is fine too.

    Anyway I hope your day is good take it easy till you feel proper better ((())) xxx

    Morning Toady

    How infuriating that your internet keeps going our TV keeps pixelating (is that a real word?) so atmospherics clearly play a huge part.

    I hope you get online today. We also had less rain yesterday than threatened. Didn't need that yellow warning did we? Although the localised floods are still here seemingly to stay.

    An ark that's what we need and I need to 'treat' my hedgehog house ASAP it's nearly October!! When did that happen?! Sleek is going to use some wood you apparently have???? is that true? To make herself an ark for visiting you so expect some bashing about. Sorry. She had her arthritis jab yesterday so feeling gooooood!!!

    Hope you have a good day ((())) xxx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 4,816

    good morning Toni

    Wppl xx

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,123

    Good morning everyone

    I waited till 4-00 the boiler man still hadn’t come so I phoned the lady said didn’t you get the phone call we phoned I said what number did you phone I said that’s my sister’s number I thought her phone is not connected and it’s in her bedroom.

    Toady (()) we had heavy rain yesterday. The internet didn’t go. Have a good day any more sightings of your neighbour.

    Toni (()) that was nice you saw someone you knew at the vets. That’s good the injection helps Sleeke. That’s exciting seeing your cousin’s in November. I hope Kari (()) feels better soon. Love to Paul (()) and Charley (()) and Annie (()) and Lucy (()) and Tia (()) and Kari (()) and your friend (()) and your lovely neighbours (())

    Reshmi (()) that’s good your mum (()) is having that patch (that’s the one they advertise is it.) sorry you don’t feel well.(()) take care.

    take care
    joan xx
  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 4,816

    hi Toni

    How are you this afternoon?

    Wi-Fi wasn’t working for some of the day

    So I’m behind with “stuff” - oh dear

    Thanks about mum, yes she’s saying the same thing 👍👍


    Oh dear, poor K, I think it’s just coincidence lol

    My cold / virus is very slowly getting better thanks

    I’m not sure if I’ll go to group tomorrow

    If I do I might get a grumpy dad lift one way or something like that

    But it might depend on the grumpiness level of the dad involved lol

    thanks about the walk

    Yes very much a shock 😂

    Yes mum loved it haha, yes he will be

    I was thinking of applying for the grandson role, but ELTB texted me to remind me that I’m not a boy and that I also have inferior bleario - consumption capacity - what would we do without her?

    Wow long lost cousins that’s very interesting indeed - I hope the meet-up goes well 🤞

    Don’t worry I’m resting when I need to 👍

    I forgot to say I bought some more ankle socks which are a little bit ood - like, less than the previous ones, but you know it seems to a kind of fashion (sorry mum)!

    I’m not necessarily saying that the designer was a Dr Chew fan, but maybe purely on a subconscious level lol

    Another funny sock - related event, when the white - haired acquaintance of mine came to the door, I was wearing a dress with two long socks, one blue and one purple, I told my mum this and she got very angry, “You mean you opened the door to QJL’s son wearing odd coloured crazy looking socks?!”
    I replied that how was I supposed to know who was on the other side of the door? Also they were the only clean socks

    Later on I realised mum was probably just tired and would calm down later - but that was quite funny really - the hosiery faux pas- or something like that haha

    Ok I’ll stop for now have a good afternoon Toni tc xx

    Ps I always knew cheese was bad for us - but hopefully not this bad - ookey xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 4,816

    hi Joan

    How are you today?

    Sorry about what happened with the boiler service

    Thanks about mum’s patch

    That’s ok I’m slowly feeling better thanks

    Have a good night Joan tc xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 4,816

    hi toady

    How are you?
    Yes fidgety flat and over wired yesterday, I can understand that, every high is followed by a low isn’t it unfortunately?

    I know that feeling

    Yes very good about mum I agree thanks

    Yes the grump is back and isn’t even Halloween yet - oh dear

    The rows are bothering me more than usual as my heads aching with the virus

    To be honest I’ve had some paracetamol but can’t sleep and the arguments are never ending

    So I just put something in the bank again

    The “brudders” had a movie night

    Ok I will keep you in suspense

    Have a good evening toady tc. Xx

    Ps did the HD have too much catnip? 😱

  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,399

    Hi all 😊 I am in a quite Good Mood today, see it does happen 😄

    Had a decent walk it actually brightened up quite well for me, went to Piddle frog and got some fun little bits & bobs of shopping & a bunch of sunflowers 😊🌻 and got a couple of useful errands done. I walked past the house with the pretty garden I told you about but they had changed it a lot since unfortunately, I'm glad I saw it that day. I had to make do with seeing a turquoise Chevrolet Bel Air 😍 a couple of kittycats, four crows and a grasshopper. That doesn't get my curtains hung 😳 but indoor jobs can wait if there's sun to be had outside. I love the outdoor launderette arrangement, ooh how brilliant! I wish! Sorry it was Sleek's 'day' yesterday in which case I'm glad she had an outing with me beforehand and will get treats next visit of course. Plenty of room for woodworking in the tidy garage now, that's lucky 😀👍️. Yes hedgehog house treating, another ideal Autumn job. I am petitioning most strongly for an improved gardening shoulder for you next year. No thrilling cars at the auction then 🤔 but not drowned in the process is good. The weather was nowhere near terrible here, didn't do much roof checking in the end, but a leak for you, noooo 😕 any diagnosis? Sorry about Kari's cold too hope she feels better soon and it comes nowhere near anyone else. My internet is fine today hope your tv is too. I bought an indoor aerial once 'in case of', no idea if it's any good though. Have a good evening, how lovely that you are going to meet some family in due course 😀. All the best for tomorrow 👍️ love to all :) xx

    Hello Joan, all fine here today quite pleasant actually. Oh no spoke too soon hoping your boilerman went well, I nearly said at the time hope he actually turns up at least, fancy doing that with the phones 😔. Yes the neighbour is just in & out etc at the moment nothing I can tell from that. There are 2 more houses up over the road & others elsewhere, everyone is moving away from here apparently 🤨 don't blame them although there are lots worse places. Have a good evening my curtains never got hung, oh well, tomorrow. Love to the dogs :) xx

    Hi bosh, I too have some new socks although the only odd or indeed ood thing about them is that the material is not remotely as given in the item description when I bought them online 😠🙄 can't be bothered to return them and annoyingly I quite like them, but it's very bad to mis-sell things like that. Hope tomorrow's grumpiness levels let you get to group, I had a longish walk as it looked like the best day for a while. I bought a t shirt and some t towels but no rich t bics or even actual tea haha. Hope other things ok with you today, sorry your grandson job application was turned down, that's rather a setback 😄 well as one door closes hopefully another one opens. Have a good evening bye for now 👋 :) xx

    Love to everyone 😘 xx

  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,399

    Hi again, bosh, missed you by mere moments once again. Yes I'm a bit less seesaw-y today thanks although really socializing is a very mixed blessing not least for those of us who spend half the time afterwards thinking what you should have said (or more often than not what you wished you hadn't 😱). So a nice solitary walk for me today and you'll be pleased to know a bit of mumbling to myself too, 'hello crows', 'stupid builders' (to great big lorries passing), etc etc. I did have a horrible thought outside the local post office when smiling at a gentleman, I realized there are people living quite near who I have no exact idea what they look like, I might smile at them by mistake when out and they might think I'm being friendly 😱😱 omg. Sorry the grumpiness is extra trying at the moment, bound to be, with a bad head 😔 hope not so bad soon. Here are the sunflowers I bought, I might put something else in with them tomorrow but anyway for tonight something cheerful for the cafe tables, though the vase is not very Van Gogh-esque sorry just an old squash jug 😄. 'night, look forward to movie night tale :) xx

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 29,855

    Morning Joan how are you doing today? All is well here ATM. I hope they have rearranged for your boiler service? Or do you have to chase them up again🙄 Kari was feeling pretty rough yesterday I am hoping today will see a turnaround thanks for your kind words. Sleek is running about all over the place jumping like a kitten so the jab definitely works. Take care ((())) xxx

    Morning Reshmi

    I am pretty sure that Kari's cold is coincidence too, but not nice. I hope you are feeling much better today and your Mum's bs is lovely and steady now she has continuous monitoring if not 'they' will be able to see what is happening and maybe advise🤔

    Oh gosh such a good thing we have ELTB to put us right when we make sure errors!!! Yes it's obvious when you think about it you definitely do not consume anywhere near enough blearios🙄 doh how silly are we?!

    Knee length odd socks that is funny especially if it was before our odd socks being a trend. How were you to know who was behind the door. I doubt he even noticed you know. Mums can react to the most trivial of things but how would she feel if you wore these?

    I hope a certain grumpy Dad will offer to, or at least without too much grumpiness, take you to the group because I bet you are ready to get out after having been poorly for days. Ready for some non-relation company.

    Yes exciting finding family we didn't know we had. My poor mum though being told her brother had died!

    Loved that dog I have never heard the expression 'knee deep in the disassociation pool'! That's me sometimes when Paul has to tell me the whole saga of work yawn😦 🤭

    Well have a good day my friend ((())) xxx

    Morning Toady

    Glad to see that your internet is fully functional again😊 no popping or pixelating TV here either☺️ We also have an indoor aerial we have yet to get out of it's box! Nosegay do you think?

    Looking forward to some drier days now for a bit as I need to get outside Paul's family here on Sunday and time is limited due to the Church harvest supper on Saturday with which I am again helping. Not too reluctantly either.

    Sleek noticed the word treats next time she comes over so she's having her wash now and will be along very soon. She is going to inspect your woodpile to start her ark in the garage with much space - until she gets going😉

    Maybe the people with the nice garden are just ahead of us and already tidied up for winter??😶 Well done getting to piddle I think perhaps you ventured down the middle aisle?!

    Thanks for your support regarding the shoulder it has to get better soon surely? It's been 6 months. My poor garden 😕and woe is me too!

    You saw a grasshopper? wow the weather must have been warmer than here bless him was he ok? Did he talk to you? When I am with Kari they usually do and for some reason they know my name too🤔 And squirrels do funnily…

    Well lets hope for a good day here for us all take care ((())) xxx

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,123

    Good morning everyone

    I have a sore throat and a cold. I’m giving it away to anyone who wants it.

    Toady (()) have you heard of our roundabout it’s been named Roundabout of the year it has one roundabout inside another. Have a good day.

    Toni (()) good luck to Charley and Annie at the clinic today (()) I’m sorry you still have a problem with your shoulder (()) have a good day love to Paul (()) and Charley (()) and Annie (()) and Lucy (()) and Tia (()) and Kari (()) and your friend (()) and your lovely neighbours (())

    Reshmi (()) have a good day love to your mum (()) does she feel better now. Take care

    take care
    joan xx
  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 4,816
    edited 25. Sep 2024, 11:06

    hi Toni

    How are you this morning?

    I had sone Wi-Fi issues so have only really managed to get back online more or less now 🙄

    Not such a good morning so far due to Wi-Fi of course and also heating blaring I’m not going out today as I’m too tired and the virus thing needs to get a bit better plus I don’t really want to risk catching anything from the yucky bacteria in the town centre Petri dish just now

    Mum and her heating - I’m practically asleep already Toni 💤
    Yes the patch is helping, which is great thanks 👍

    Dad is grumping around in his normal manner

    Poor K

    Are you sure you have enough butter there? Lol - looks the Bill - diet to me, lol, “ How to put on 8 stone in 8 days” or something like that lol

    I’m getting better slowly thanks

    Mum said the patch is helping her and also the nurse guided her on how much gluco - zade she should be having etc so that’s all so helping her understand the correct way to deal with hypos or near - hypos

    Yes the diabetic nurse is keeping a close eye on her thanks 🙏

    Yes good indeed that ELTB is righting our wrongs lol

    I think may be excommunicated from the family, so to speak, if mum saw me wearing those socks 😂

    Dad is still in a prize mood, to coin a term, haha

    Unfortunately really I wasn’t quite up to going to group this morning

    I wrote a poem about the littleys’ E.T. - watching movie night, which actually happened, they snuggled up in a pink duvet in the sofa to watch the film, please don’t tell Lorenzo, you know what he’s like, he may insist on a gender - neutral shade for the duvet used on the next occasion haha

    This poem is called “LA and BR’s down time” or “Don’t tell Big Babu, He’ll start to frown time”

    Welcome to LA and BR’s movie night
    We are watching E.T., but don’t get a fright

    Because E.T. was also Big Babu when he was small and sweet - looking

    When he wouldn’t shout with rage when it was his time to do the cooking

    He’d be happy riding at the back of a bike with a blanket to keep him warm and snug

    His favourite pals were Peppa, ELTB and Riley who licked the hot chocolate for him, he also licked the mug

    Bye for now Toni tc xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 4,816

    hi Joan

    Sorry you have a cold and sore throat

    Yes mums patch is the same as the advertised one

    Yes Mums feeling a bit better now 👍

    Have a nice afternoon Joan tc xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 4,816

    greetings toady

    My energy is sapping

    But I’m trying not to start napping lol

    I promise I’ll send you a proper message later

    Bye for now tc xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 4,816

    hi toady

    Sorry Im realising my limitations lol

    Still not feeling too good

    But how are things with you?

    Bye for now tc xx

    ps Halloween octopi
    But I call them oods lol xx

  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,399

    Hi all, just a quick one - I got up & decided to paint the stair wall today for some reason 🤷‍♀️ after a long walk yesterday and on injection day, which was a bit of an unholy trio. So Sleek & cosied up after that in my new cardigan, oversized so definitely room for a small cat right inside if needs be (temp has really dropped today!) - chocolate marzipan & internet browsing may have been involved too. She didn't suggest we catnip baking like bosh's pic, though I do need to do some soon before the bananas turn on me 😬. We did have a quick recce of the woodpile too, I have been deputed to get more screws & nails in and maybe a nice bit of caulking for seaworthiness 👍️. Certainly plenty of rain to come still at various times 😕. Hope things ok with you today🤞and I see the tidying-up is upon you for family, good luck with all that. And Harvest festival too, omg, too soon 😬. Yes the person had cleared the flowerbed probably for other purposes but also taken away the twiggy structure I so admired, which is a shame. I did go down the 'Middle', indeed 😄, bits & bobs, couple of notebooks, just little things; I am limited by what I can carry ofc which is probably quite good 😉. The grasshopper wasn't the talkative sort but he 'sang' for me, isn't it nice the wildlife is so chatty where you are 😂 I always get lots and lots of little grasshoppers in the long bit I leave on the front lawn but yes it must be getting to end of season for them. Have a good day tomorrow :) xx

    Sorry about the cold Joan, where did you pick that up from I wonder 😧 sore throats are awful, hope that stage goes quickly, not that any of it is fun. Get well soon 🤞. I have looked up about the roundabout, it rings a bell now I see it, I bet there are motorists that have a lot worse things to say about it than wanting to give it an award 😬 wouldn't want to go round that on a bicycle for sure, I never liked even normal ones! Someone wrote a tongue in cheek article saying it's 'actually quite safe because motorists all slow to a crawl while they figure it out, and cyclists get off & push' 😄. Keep warm take care ☕️😘 xx

    Hi bosh, quite understand the prevailing limitations and napping temptations, I'll be glad to get to bed early myself 👍️. Sorry that making it to group was a bit of a bridge too far, hope you have a good night and better day. Love the ood octopi 😀 not hat sized unfortunately (don't tempt me to frighten the postman) but they're jolly good, great colours too. An octopus would have been handy today for when I was painting, a spare tentacle to hold a roller or make the tea etc 👍️. Pink duvet for movie night, ah yes, the ideal world where no-one cares about duvet colours or odd socks, long may it last for the littleys 👍️. I'm off for a quick hot drink myself then it's bed for me, see you soon 😊 take care xx

    Love to all 😘 xx

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 29,855
    edited 26. Sep 2024, 06:18

    Morning Joan you've got the cold too?🙄 oh dear me it is definitely going around isn't it? I hope you are dosing yourself up and resting. Kari thinks she might be on the mend now bless her I hope you feel way better soon. Foodbank was good again yesterday Harvest food is starting to come in. Take care Joan ((())) xxx

    Morning Reshmi how are you today and your Mum too? She has had some useful advice that's great I hope that means less scary mornings for you all.

    Has you cold/virus gone yet? I don't blame you wanting to avoid catching anything else on top of it. I am seriously trying to avoid catching anything too or when the baby comes I won't see her straight away will I? The date of arrival is now nearer and as she's still breach it will be a planned caesarean. Watch this space.

    Where did you find that pic of Sleek cooking?

    Internet played up for you too😠

    I love that poem about the boys watching ET under a snuggly. No matter the snuggly blankie was pink it was comfy, but yet very very important to to let the Junior mafioso know. ELRB now she would most definitely approve of the colour choice. She is a modern woman not enslaved by so called gender appropriate colour choices.

    There must have been a time when Big Babu was indeed small and sweet looking. Hard to imagine, but definitely true his mum will have loved him and he will have loved her. Bet he threw some good tantrums though😉

    Meeting a friend this morning for a cuppa and catch up so that will be nice not that I have time, but still I'll manage. She is someone I have known for 30+ years. I really should be cleaning as we have Paul's family over on Sunday.

    Talking of which will you be well enough to see EF this weekend?

    Erm yes well i do love butter - the vegan sort anyway! Did you know burp-pack make a vegan one now? I am trying it I think it's rather good. Must see how the price compares to normal butter though.

    Take care Reshmi ((())) xxx

    Morning Toady hope all is well with you? I am out this morning meeting a friend for a cuppa.

    Wow what are you like doing all that in one day?! Sleek says she helped I could tell she had paint streaks in her tail she is pretty good with her tail isn't she? She loves snuggling up inside cardies or under blankies so that was nice for you both I hope.

    She does enjoy baking as you know and Bosh proved, so more than happy to help 'save' the bananas.🍌

    Dry all morning while I was at the foodbank even some sun. I get home and it's chucking it down so yes the ark will maybe still be used. Good idea for waterproofing yes and extra nails. She was working on the interior 'mood board' here last night - typical Sleek eh🙄

    Very useful to be limited in what you can carry when it comes to the middle of piddle or Baldy come to that both equally tempting. Maybe the twiggy structure the the garden has been relocated to the back garden? Who knows? Let's hope.

    Aww the grasshopper sang for you well I think it may be that Kari is some sort of conduit for all wildlife to speak to me through? Yours probably do know your name too, but without my sister you may never know what they are saying. Oh dear me I think I need a coffee!

    I hope your day is also a good one. I'd better get me showered and dressed. Take care ((())) xxx

    eggy bread oh how I miss thee eggy bread😒

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,123

    Good morning everyone

    We have the sun at the moment. I cannot take anything for my cold/ sore throat because of the tablets I’m on. I just keep drinking it helps.

    Toady (()) have a good time painting the stair wall what colour will it be.. I forgot the roundabout is called the magic roundabout. Have a good day.

    Toni (()) not long till little baby comes. Love to all three of them. Have a nice chat with your friend (()) love to Paul (()) and Charley (()) and Annie (()) and Lucy (()) and Tia (()) and Kari (()) and your friend (()) and your lovely neighbours (())

    Reshmi (()) have a good day love to your mum (()) I’ve seen the patch on tv I hope it works well for your mum (())

    take care
    joan xx
  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 4,816

    hi Toni

    How are you?
    I had Wi-Fi problems earlier on today

    I’m feeling a fair bit better

    Mum had a bad night

    But is ok now 👍

    Bit tired

    More later

    Bye for now tc xx

    Ps a romantic potato

    Better than an ant on the head lol xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 4,816

    hi Toni

    How are you this evening?

    burp - pack - I love it, not to be consumed on the way to the bank lol

    Yes mum had a bad night unfortunately but generally things are better with her diabetes, she’s learning through the patch - monitoring system now which foods etc can trigger high blood sugar etc 👍👍

    Yes she got very good advice indeed

    Nice that you’re seeing your friend

    It’s true about the pink duvet though

    Yes no one messes with ELTB, I agree

    Small Babu, well - loved but terrifying lol

    Meal out with EF this Sunday, most likely

    Sorry Toni I’m very tired this mxt day

    So have a good night and tc xx

    Ps what’s this cat eating? Eggy flowers?? Ookey xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 4,816

    hi Joan

    How are you?

    Thanks about mum etc 🙏

    I’m ok thanks just tired

    Have a good night tc xx
    👋 toady

    How are you today?

    sorry there was an unholy trio situation

    Sounds a bit like a horror movie haha

    I’m in mxt mode - so send me your eyelid - propping matchsticks again please

    LA was chosen as star footballer yesterday- not the renowned Italian athlete Lorenzo - oh dear - maybe it’s as L is 7 years old now - a bit over the hill for a footballer lol

    BR is doing well at nursery and knows how to ask for cuddles according to his “report”, aww ❤️

    Glad you liked the ersatz “oods”

    You know I started composing a mxt song, but then the side effects took it out of me as it were lol, oh well maybe my muse will return tomorrow, after feasting on eggy bread and exercising extreme decorum when encountering the postman

    Have a good night toady tc xx

    Ps some kind of strange British empire - related humour there, seems someone’s had too many jelly babies lol xx

  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,399

    Hi all - lucky that I had my annual Good Mood on Tues because I'm certainly in a bad one today 😬 horrible night last night, filthy weather showing no sign whatever of letting up overnight 😣 unpredictable behaviour from next door, you name it. Sorry to be a damp squib but well, everything else is, if you can't beat 'em. Will be getting tea at some point I have no doubt if anyone is up, otherwise see you tomorrow, expect gale force grumpiness.

    Glad Kari is feeling a bit better frog, get well soon to Joan too, hope you feel better tomorrow - bosh see you for proper chat then, thank you for yours everyone 😘 xx

    Have a good night all 😴 xx

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 29,855

    Morning Joan I am sorry the cold is so miserable. Now Lucy can't take anything for her cold due to one of her epilepsy meds so I make her 'special hot lemon'. So it's just a soluble paracetamol (or two) with honey (vegan in my case), lemon juice and a lttle sugar to taste. It's just as comforting and does still help. Well the paracetamol does I expect that's all.

    I did enjoy meeting my friend then in the afternoon I went to Charley's with a load of baby stuff and then popped in to Lucy's. Take care of yourself yes drinking plenty helps ((())) xxx

    Morning Reshmi Hope the Wifi is working.

    How great is that patch showing your Mum which foods affect her sugar! We should all try it I think maybe then we could look after our pancreases.

    How are you feeling today? Any better hopefully so as you will be seeing EF soon you need to be on top form to cope with those little nephews - tiny tyrants🤗

    Hard to imagine BB as an adorable baby. Must have been very indulged to end up so spoiled as an adulk.

    So far I've never known Sleek eat eggy flower or any other kind she really only eats Sleek-food or treats. Having said that I have let her try my vegan cream, which is safe, I think cats are lactose intolerant or something like that so cow's milk products are bad for them.

    A woman must avoid burp-pack at all costs🤣especially if she (or anyone really) is on the way to the bank!

    I have great faith in ELTB no-one knows like she does. Wise beyond her years she is *nods head gently*

    Hope your day is a good one post MTX you can think of me later ((())) xxx

    Morning Toady me old mucker! How you doing this fine (well borderline ok) day?

    There may well be gale fprce grumpiness here too it continued to rain🙄 Sleek has put her onesie on underneath her mackintosh and sou'wester and galoshes. Her catsi is ordered and she is away over in about half an hour.

    Expect a duvet day thinking maybe LA and BR's pink blankie might just do.

    It will be interspersed with periodic eavesdropping at the wall of your neighbour's I'm afraid. Apologies for that. It's really not (contrary to popular opinion) how I brought her up.

    Some comforting breakfast today I think