Val's Cafe



  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,599

    Morning all πŸ‘‹ good grief it's awful out there πŸ˜’ are we really going to have weather like this every 5 minutes because if so I'm not sure what I'll do with myself. Just so disruptive even without having it as badly as it could be.

    Glad it's no worse than it is at yours so far but it's filthy here 😣 awful night. Missed the bins they were so early it just wasn't worth it. Charity went yesterday thank goodness. I supposedly have shopping and tree people (only to quote) both Sunday but that's a bad day too, can't see a way round it though πŸ˜”. Do be careful if you go out hope the short vet trip is ok but yes I would definitely put Stoke on the 'if in doubt' list. I will be v pleased to see Sleek (not just the doughnuts ofc πŸ˜‰) and frankly Elfie has the right idea, just going to have to turn a deaf ear to it all today and be sloth-like. Fitbit wants you to do more, oh 'eck 😯 horrible vision of past PE teachers, 'once more round the track for you, girl' 😱. Well birdwatch will be tomorrow for sure I think, if they have not packed their bags; I would πŸ˜’. Ooh a teeny tiny letter, requiring binoculars itself πŸ€” that's quick! And will turn out to be convenient I hope. Cups of tea well they will be non-stop today I think, like Joan I have plenty of bics, in fact I have chocolate gingers, help self πŸ‘. As to the handy smiling face, what a good idea, no-one would know that underneath it's more like 'Smiler' from Last of the Summer Wine πŸ˜‚. Love to all πŸ‘‹ xx

    Love to Joan hope it's not too awful where you are, things are blowing all round the garden here πŸ™„ xx

    Hope things are ok with you bosh and very glad to hear how much better your mum is looking 😊 and you all know what to be aware of. Hope she had a good night and if any family come over the weekend that will work out well. Have a good day yourself 😘 xx

    Hi Jojo yesterday was ok but such a windy noisy night 😣 what a good couple of days for you to be off work, if it's anything like this where you are. So sick of the weather I really am πŸ™„ bins blown over today and all that, haven't seen the news yet today but there will be people with power off &c I expect πŸ˜”. Have a good day hope kids got off to school ok have they far to go - take care xx

    Love to all 😘 xx

  • Jojo_16
    Jojo_16 Member Posts: 209

    Hi toady yeah school run went ok bit wild out there trying to stop the wind blowing me on the road theres bins down where I live not doing much else today just a chill out day I hope the rest of your day goes ok for you hopefully you get to rest.

  • Skinny Keef
    Skinny Keef Member Posts: 1,201

    morning all.
    how is everyone??

  • Jojo_16
    Jojo_16 Member Posts: 209

    Hi frogmorton I guess Im lucky that I still manage to get to sleep not long after 11pm and just about manage to wake up 6:15 am yeah my daughter wasn't too bad this morning the wind was wild I'm pleased to be home to my warm house I hope your day is going ok for you and I hope you are well.

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,241

    Good morning everyone

    Toady (()) when I went to let the dogs out this morning it couldn’t have rained any faster I only had the door open a bit the rain came in the next minute it had stopped and they went out. Have a good day.

    Toni (()) that appointment came quick. Have a good day we have the sun now. That’s good Charley and Annie’s dog been treated. Go careful when you go out.

    Reshmi (()) that’s good your mum is home she is a strong lady (())

    Jojo (()) go careful when you go out. Have a good day.

    Stuart (()) that’s good you have different tablets. Love to your mum (())

    Skinny Keef how are you and Loanda and Sucre how old is he now. How are you it’s lovely your back on here.

    take care
    joan xx
  • Jojo_16
    Jojo_16 Member Posts: 209

    Hi dachshund thanks we got to the school save now I'm staying in the house nice and warm I hope you are ok and keeping safe and warm.

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,315

    thanks Toni

    How are you?

    Mum is feeling and looking a lot better and is telling off BB πŸ‘πŸ‘

    Wppl xx

    Ps bill in the morning lol xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,315

    hi Toni

    Good afternoon

    Thanks for the lovely welcome home message for mum

    I’m okay thanks, so glad that mum is well of course, but really shattered, maybe it’s a reaction to the stress of the last few days

    Yes sister went home a while ago thankfully lol

    She does get a bit self - absorbed sometimes unfortunately

    That’s interesting about your mum, yes they have thanks, she also has to limit her water - intake for a while

    Yes she’s happy more or less thanks, yes BB has become a massive pain in the cabbage indeed unfortunately

    sis is visiting in the weekend, but not littleys or bill, I think she knows that mum just needs rest without pressure or temptations to cook a lot of meals etc, so no doubt kids and so on will visit a bit later on πŸ‘

    Ok I’ll stop there as I need matchsticks for my eyelids

    Bye for now Toni tc xx

    πŸ‘‹ SK toady Joan jojo etc

    Bye for now all xx

    Ps just thought this was funny lol xx

  • Jojo_16
    Jojo_16 Member Posts: 209

    Hi bosh I'm pleased your mam is now home I bet she's pleased to get home I hope you are also taken care of yourself and getting some well earned rest hope you enjoy the rest of your evening.

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,315
  • Jojo_16
    Jojo_16 Member Posts: 209

    I'm not too bad thanks just had a rest day after school run I've a bad lower back so I've got a heat pad on hopeing it eases off for tomorrow.

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,315

    hi face of the toads πŸ˜‚

    How are you?

    Mums doing well thanks

    she’s catching up on sleep currently

    Just sis visiting in the weekend
    you missed the bins - outrageous

    LA chief bin man will not be pleased

    Sweet tea is indeed a great thing
    A lot of fatigue again for me today and eating in a somewhat unhealthy manner

    But the main thing is that mums home of course ❀️

    Filthy weather you said, was that the storm - wind and rain?

    We had that here yesterday too, today wasn’t too bad however

    Bye for now toady tc xx

    Ps more caffeine - related Alice - esque art lol xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,315

    hi Toni

    I read a bit of your post to Toni, I think, it was, sorry to hear that your jaw and shoulder are hurting, are you going to have the steroid injection for your jaw?
    Please be careful and don’t walk if you’re in too much pain πŸ€—

    Mum spoke to BR yesterday on the phone and he asked if the doctor had given her C*lpol, mum thought it best to say yes πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

    C*lpol - the universal medicine and milkshake, I remember those days, lol

    Have a good night and take care Toni xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,315

    hi toady

    Just another manifestation of your good self πŸ˜‚

    Goodnight tc xx

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,227
    edited 25. Jan 2025, 07:08

    Morning everyone!

    Kettle's on!

    @Skinny Keef LOVELY to hear from you! I am doing ok thanks, but how about you? Did you manage to get on better with your MTX or did you need a change of meds? How are Anda and SucrΓ©? We miss you and look yesterday Toady got first post on a new page! Take care ((())) xxx Oh Keef how's the bike? We need a vehicle catch up soon.

    Morning Joan how are you doing? I hope well is your hip recovered ok and do you need a check up soon? That referral letter came through via text super-fast though I have ti work out how to fill it in yet! Sure I'll manage it when I get a minute. Take care and have a good day ((())) xxx

    Morning Jojo Did you have much storm damage I do hope not. I hope you have today off so you can have some quality family time that would be lovely. Your daughter will be slightly less grumpy on a weekend than a school dayπŸ˜‰ 11 till 6.15 yes that's just about do-able I think for sleep. 10 till 7 though imagine that? Wouldn't that be lovely? Take care and make the most of today. ((()))

    Morning Stuart I hope everything is ok we haven't heard from you recently…..?

    Morning Reshmi

    Bless your lovely Mum letting BR believe that she had calpol. Of course she did!!! I would have said exactly the same. He knows how it is to feel poorly and it makes him better. The faith those littleys have in it is just so sweet.❀️

    Very sensible of your sister to visit on her own this time. The boys/pressure for everything to be perfect would be too much for your Mum. Good she's back telling BB off she's definitely feeling way better.

    She'll miss her cups of tea but she'll manage she is a strong lady - like her daughter.

    Don't worry about me I can cope like all of us here pain is nothing new is it? Honestly I am ok probably just talk too much. Anyway I might get the choice between steroid and botox injection in my jaw😁

    Loved BIL drinking his morning hot chocolateπŸ˜‚

    Now that everything is ok please look after yourself a bit and take some extra rest ((())) xxx

    Morning Toady

    Wasn't Sleek a good girl yesterday for her jab? The vet said she was and was so pleased to hear that she is initiating play with me again since she started on the jabs. She is to have a really good MOT when she has her vaccines as she's an old lady now though you wouldn't know it. Hope the doughnuts went down well the biccies certainly did thank you very much Elfie and I shared. As you can see he is just sweeping up the crumbs. I didn't ask him to it's just in his nature.

    Yes this morning for the birds I agree is best as soon as it's light enough I think. They are still here I think just hiding most of them. You should have seen the pigeons yesterday! On the ground near the hedge, keeping out of the wind, feathers fluffed up to keep warm!

    The charity clothes went! Great let's hope the tree and shopping arrives ok tomorrow I'm sure they will get to you paws crossed🀞

    Yes that fitbit! Honestly! It's immoral and just like those P.E. teachers. Did you know children don't have to shower anymore after P.E? remember those dreadful showers? Those days are gone they just go home a bit whiffy instead.

    Well you have a good day fingers crossed we get many birds I know @Kitty will be doing the same as us too. Take care ((())) xxx

  • Jojo_16
    Jojo_16 Member Posts: 209

    Hi frogmorton yeah I'm off work today so we planning on going to indoor play area luckily I don't think there's any damage from the storm. Hope you are well I hope you didn't get any damage from the storm.

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,241

    Good morning everyone

    Toady (()) how are you I never saw your post. Have a good day I hope the wind never blew you away

    Toni (()) have a good day take care when you go out. Love to everyone. Yes my hip is alright it’s just getting dressed takes a bit longer. I think my appointment is 6 months after the op.

    Reshmi (()) take care if you go out. Love to your mum (())

    Jojo (()) it’s good to have a rest. Have a good day. Take care when you go out.

    Stuart (()) how are you love to your mum(()) take care if you go out.

    Skinny Keef (()) have a good day love to Loanda (()) and Sucre ())

    take care
    joan xx
  • Jojo_16
    Jojo_16 Member Posts: 209

    Hi dachshund the kids decided they don't want to go out so it's a pj's day and chill out day and a takeaway my daughter is tired off school how are doing this morning I hope you have a good day.

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,315

    Good afternoon Toni

    how are you?

    Mum is okay thanks blood sugar wise

    She also isn’t too bad in general thanks

    My sisters has come to visit for a little bit today

    I’m more or less okay thanks but I had to inject methotrexate today due to pharmacist and the mum situation so I’m somewhat tired

    Wppl xx

  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,599

    Hi all πŸ‘‹ I am multi-tasking 😣 I am not enjoying myself.

    The usual birdies for me frog, 3 pigeons, 2 sparrows, both robins; Mr B only, no Mrs, etc - nothing unexpected - how about you? 😊 Oh your fluffed up pigeons 😘, well what else to do in that weather, poor things. It's a totally different day today in every way, even some decent sun - more wind to come though rain tomorrow πŸ˜•. Sleek was a big help with the watching πŸ‘οΈ she spotted and I wrote them down πŸ˜„ yes she is a very very good girl to cope with her treatment and has been told so 😽. 2 cat stories in the news today, one up a tree that looked very glad to get down, and one missing that had been at Elstree Studios, looked much less pleased to be sent home - had been hoping for a walk-on part I think and the big time πŸ˜„. Now applying myself to asstd online jobs, finish a letter & other things, all a bit grudging I'd rather have a liedown frankly 🀭. Shopping has been put off to Tues, in case I have a no-show from the tree people, can't fancy hanging about for more than 1 thing, it does not usually end well πŸ€ͺ. Did some washing as well, on the line now; maybe Joan got some out too. Isn't Elfie lovely, housework with a smile, just imagine πŸ˜„. Oh yes school showers do I remember, not half 😫 by my 5th year they were optional, that school (I was only there that year) was a lifesaver in all sorts of ways actually. So much more civilized than any I'd been too - better choice of sports could even use pingpong table in breaks - nice cafeteria, trusted to use facilities & library, even hot choc vending machines, it was another world 😊. Hope everyone well today and good luck with the fiddly form. xx

    Joan you're quite right I only got as far as a good morning yesterday, I can't think what happened πŸ€” it's because I was earlier than usual I suppose it put me 'out of synch'. I missed Keef and everything. Poor dogs yesterday yes I hate the rain blowing in like that, it's like it can't wait to come in & make a mess πŸ™„ . The wind finally settled down, no I didn't go out far in it so I was ok, but even the garden was horrible, picking up stuff that had blown around, and wrestling with the not very good tarpaulin I have over my shed roof (waiting to be re-felted πŸ™„). Yet today it is so so different you wouldn't believe what it was like 24hrs ago. I have a few things on the washing line perhaps you were able to as well πŸ‘οΈ. Sunday tomorrow already, I hope this person turns up to quote for my trees, should only need to be here 5 mins so I don't want to be waiting about just for that. Have a good Sun yourself 😘 xx

    'Lo Keef πŸ˜ŠπŸ‘‹ you slipped in the one day I wasn't looking, I did keep meaning to ask how the mxt was going as well, ok I hope. Everything alright with you I hope bunker still standing after the storms etc. Love to all :) xx

    Hi bosh, oh no, that imaginary fictional AI girl has my fantasy hair, I may have to get the Cheshire Cat to give her a little spiteful scratch for me πŸ˜‚. She does look like she could do with a chocolate biscuit or two though. Isn't that haircut poster clever πŸ˜„ Toni will identify with the long fringe syndrome. Thanks for the nice funny posts when you've had a lot going on yourself. Face of the toads πŸ˜‚. I like the Ian pic too, Sir Ian I should say, he's a bit of a legend isn't he and he & Captain Picard are good mates I believe. Glad your mum's doing ok today, rest & sleep and short family visits πŸ‘οΈ I didn't pick up on the possibly less tea factor until Toni mentioned, but ofc if she has to limit her fluid intake tea must be rationed but not totally I expect. Yes it was very very rough here yesterday, there is a bit more to come apparently but surely not so bad I hope 😬 heavy rain tomorrow, no doubt with me standing in the garden pointing out trees to the gardener, hatless and umbrella-less I expect πŸ˜‚. Sorry it's a bit of a random mxt day for you hope you can rest a bit yourself 🀞xx

    Hope your day off is going ok Jojo, as the kids wanted to stay in too is that better (no wanting a lift somewhere) or worse (less peace & quiet) haha. It really was awful here Thurs/Fri I got my neighbours bin in, there was one blown over further up the road I'm afraid I wasn't kind enough to go pick it up 😳 nowhere near the road or I would have. Quiet day today just writing letters paying bills & whatnot. Have a good Sunday :) xx

    Hope Stuart is ok πŸ‘‹ xx

  • Jojo_16
    Jojo_16 Member Posts: 209

    Hi toady yeah its not been too bad really the kids like to chill out on there phones we played doggy bingo game together they like that. I might sometime next week get the bird feeder up I love watching all different types of birds getting food and the kids like watching to I hope you have had some rest today I hope you enjoy your Sunday.

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,315

    hi face of the toads

    Oh dear more heavy rain 🀒
    yes nasty mxt day 🀒🀒

    πŸ‘‹ greetings SK how are you?
    πŸ‘‹back to our amphibian friend

    Sister visited

    Mums ok, she’s catching up on sleep

    I’m rather shattered by late ablutions

    Yes less tea for mum

    But look at the milk 😱

    Is that bills handiwork maybe?
    semi - skimmed, yuck, I like skimmed - do you have any opinions? Milk - related?

    Ok I must hit the potato sack

    πŸ‘‹goodnight all tc xx

  • Stuartknee
    Stuartknee Member Posts: 113

    Hi everyone been sleeping for long hours, been doing some exercises to loosen up , but every morning stiff as board.

    Mums got another cold.


  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,599
    edited 25. Jan 2025, 21:46

    Hi again all -

    Yes I've had a nice quiet day thanks Jojo apart from having to catch up on a few things, have finished a couple of letters that were on my conscience so the things to do list is a bit shorter πŸ‘οΈ. Oh goody another bird lover, and your kids, that's nice 😊🐦️ do you get anything unusual round your way? Glad you had a good day too, I play games more on the laptop than phone if at all, but I have done; my worst on the phone is browsing late. Back when I just had a large desktop pc downstairs this was not such an easy option & was probably better for me 😬. Have a good Sunday, I had an update earlier to say what time the chap should be here tomorrow to quote for the tree trimming, not dead early thankfully 😊 xx

    Night to bosh, well it's semi-skimmed for me I'm afraid, although there's quite a lot of soya too and I use dried skimmed in tea as well, to answer your question comprehensively πŸ˜„. There's nothing I drink in quantities anyway really not like milky coffee &c. I have never padlocked any it's bad enough getting the lids off πŸ˜‚. Glad your sister could visit and hope your mum carries on as she is doing πŸ‘οΈ. Sleep well 😴 xx

    Oh no not a cold for your mum Stuart, that's not fair πŸ˜• hope you don't pick it up. Glad you're getting some sleep that's the meds is it I expect, and well done even doing some stretches & exercises that's more than I usually do, the weather isn't very encouraging is it so it's even more of a good effort I think πŸ‘οΈ . That photo is gorgeous 😍😊 someone doesn't look sorry to have a nice warm beanie hat. Beautiful 😺 xx

    Night all there may well be early hours tea β˜•οΈ xx

  • Jojo_16
    Jojo_16 Member Posts: 209

    Hi toady yeah we mainly see the usual birds around like Robins blue tit's I once seen a hawk chasing all the little birds away we do sometimes have squirrels round our garden we have a big tree and there's one on the grass outside of our garden I hope you have a good Sunday I will be working but I finish at 4:15 pm in the afternoon so not too bad really. I hope you get plenty of sleep.