Val's Cafe



  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,315

    hi Toni toady Joan JoJo etc

    Bit of an ookey day really 😱

    I really hope the GP sees mum tomorrow

    So a bit more cheese humour - LA’s sandwich 🥪 lol

    Also a timely reminder for toady, if the dragons have moved next door and are having all night parties and loud fire- breathing contests, best to leave them to it, I know I’m neither vegan nor vegetarian but I don’t want to accidentally consume a toady - burger for lunch tomorrow - with or without ketchup

    Good night all - stay dragon - free tc 😂 xx

  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,599

    Wise words bosh 😄 I shall heed them well. Best to your mum for tomorrow if they can see her, yes she won't want to go I understand but do hope it's helpful. xx

    Night to Jojo too sleep well and to all 😴😘 xx

  • Jojo_16
    Jojo_16 Member Posts: 209

    Thanks toady good night to you and everyone I've finally finished ironing and washing up time for bed up early for school runs.

  • Jojo_16
    Jojo_16 Member Posts: 209

    Goodnight bosh I hope your mam gets sorted out at the doctors tomorrow.

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,227

    Morning everyone

    Morning Joan hope you are feeling well today? Thanks Charlie for unsticking the cupboard door👍️I don't blame you eating at your own place I bet that is much nicer you can eat at your own speed. Journey over to see Paul's siblings went really well thanks. Have a good day ((())) xxx

    Morning Stuart is it a cold or flu you've got do you think? Glad to hear your Mum is ok, but sorry your bones are so achy😕 (())

    Morning Reshmi

    Hope those gastric issues are gone for now. Your poor Mum though feeling so rough. I think being ill can affect bs so not surprising is it? Good on your Dad for standing outside the Drs insisting on an appt for her. For once I 👏 him.

    Glad you liked the chair fighting pic it was good, but some of yours are classic did you see Toady has used one or two as screen savers! The poor dino🦕 looked so upset about not having cheese bless him.

    Hopefully all will be fine with the baby thanks for caring. One day I will get entertainment out of her like you do those boys! I know life is quieter when they (and phantom plumbers/cleaners) are not there but gosh nowhere near as funny! They do rather put us in our places don't they small children when we take it too far🤣Personally I see no reason why you couldn't win a Mima. Maybe LA knows his is the only one?

    Take care and fingers crossed 🤞 your Dad succeeds at the surgery. ((())) xxx

    Morning Jojo 1st day back and you survived! Well done. How lovely to come home to a Sunday dinner cooked by your husband. When mine were little and we both worked it was whoever got home first started the dinner…. He must have burnt at least 4 saucepans!!!

    I'm glad you enjoyed being back. How many shifts/hours do you do? (())

    Morning Toady

    Oh how lovely a robin on your arch❤️ never is there enough time for a photo though is there? and if there is it's out of focus.🙄

    Ah have you spoken to Sleek about the ahem 'pinholes'? She told me it wasn't her but she seems better at fibbing to me than to you.

    Paul lost another lb this week so 4 in total. He has booked us a holiday for march and wants to be able to get into some of his favourite clothes by then. Yes Elfie is indeed helping nuts and the like and obviously yoga today's pose is child's pose

    At this time of year it's a bit tricky gardening at 4am even walking is a challenge yo u cannae see! But soon as it gets lighter why not sue the time effectively? Good idea.

    Laughing in public when alone can be tricky, but I have an idea💡 Yes!!! A good one too. Carry your phone and look at it and the person seeing you tittering as though someone on the phone made you laugh 👍️ Problem solved. I mean half the world thinks it's acceptable to talk loudly on loudspeaker in public why not us?

    Be warned Sleek is on her way she's bringing some walnuts hope you can manage them they are English ripe ones and very sweet not like the slightly bitter shop bought ones. I got them yesterday in Warks.

    'We' really ought to stop meddling with nature don't you think. I am really very anxious about all these electric car batteries😣 everywhere I look parking spaces a springing up for electric cars😥 where will the old batteries go? What kind of world will Arya live in? Stop it Toni! At once.

    Take care Toady ((())) xxx

  • Jojo_16
    Jojo_16 Member Posts: 209

    Hi frogmorton my husband is good at cooking Sunday dinner he does it every Sunday because unfortunately for him he finishes before me so gets the job I work 6 and a half hours on Sunday and 4 and a half hours Monday Tuesday and Thursday so not too bad really.

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,241

    Good morning everyone

    Toady (()) wouldn’t the noise of the lawnmower wake people up. Have a good day is next door still empty. Yes it’s colder I want to hang the washing outside.

    Toni (()) have a good day. Yes I think what will life be like for the children of today. I read of a man who died of Vaping all the time even in bed. That’s good Charley and Annie and Arya are all well now (())

    Reshmi i hope your mum has got an. Appointment I hope she soon feels better have a good day

    Jojo (()) did you say to your boss about the Arthritis. Have a good day

    Skinny Keef how are you and Loanda (()) and Sucre (()) have a good day

    Stuart (()) sorry you have pain I hope it soon a bit easier. Have a good day

    take care
    joan xx
  • Jojo_16
    Jojo_16 Member Posts: 209

    Hi dachshund not yet I haven't seen much of him yet will try to catch up with him though the week hope you are well today and hope you have a good day.

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,315

    hi Toni

    Mum isn’t well at all

    She’s at the doctors now

    Very worried

    wppl xx

  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,599

    Oh dear, sorry to hear bosh 😔 all the best, back in a bit 🤞😘 xx

  • Jojo_16
    Jojo_16 Member Posts: 209

    Hi bosh I really hope your mam is ok and gets sorted out at the doctors.

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,315

    hi Toni toady etc.

    mum is in hospital

    She’s had some tests

    Her kidney function is stable

    She’s had some meds for breathlessness

    She’ll be kept overnight at hospital for monitoring

    Dad and sis are at hospital

    She wanted me to stay here

    Sis said she’s seeming a bit calmer due to improved breathing

    I think she was also panicking before partly as her brother had similar symptoms before he passed, but he had a different illness

    Thanks everyone for your kind wishes
    I’m trying to calm my mind down with some basic psychology tips I’ve been learning but I’m ok, trying to keep busy

    Bye for now everyone tc xx

  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,599
    edited 20. Jan 2025, 17:42

    Afternoon 👋

    Still chilly out there 😬 I did manage a quick 'power walk' well power scuttle to the end of the road last night at least frog, only about a mile all in but will try & do same later. Good plan about looking at imaginary funny things on mobile 😄 mind you if I want to not look odd out of doors I already have my work cut out 🤪😄. Maybe not quite 4am for the garden but it would be nice in theory, though I would still get dogwalkers & joggers 🙄. Well done Paul, not that long til March is it so that's a good start 👍️ and Elfie is well into the yoga now I see. I expect Sleek gives him a superior look as if she could teach him a thing or two about stretching 😼😄. Ooh those walnuts! Lovely 😊 yes very different to the usual, glad you had a good trip & meet up yesterday 👍️. Sleek gave me the same 'vegan spread wouldn't melt' face about the pinholes, but I believe her. I think 😉 well a small cat can't help having sharp little needles. I am just letting the curtains hang up & drop a few creases but too much to hope they will drop to the point I can get away without ironing 😣. I happened to notice today that the browser with the name like classical singing has a feature 'tab islands', some sort of grouping mechanism, interesting but oh dear what would we be like with even more options to bloat with stuff! 😬Yes we should stop meddling full stop with the planet but too much stupidity & short-sightedness I'm afraid, and greed ofc 🙄 nothing should ever be implemented until all the consequences have been thought through and accounted for. Some hopes. Have a good evening love to all 😘 xx

    Joan 😂😂 yes maybe not the lawn mower 😄 although it isn't electric, and anyway it would certainly be my turn to make noise for others, they'd have to lump it 😉. A bit of quiet trowelling & weeding might be nice though, but there would always be someone passing I bet. No it's not empty next door but they are just temporary. I though I might at least get the benefit of their central heating being on but can't say I've noticed 🤷‍♀️. Have a good evening 😘 xx

    Bosh do hope everything is ok I will call in again 😘 edit: I have seen your update now, very glad to hear those tests of your mum's are ok and they have reassured her hopefully, so she will be less panicky, quite nasty in itself of course. All the best for her while she is there 🤞 well done doing proactive calming things yourself too 👍️ xx

    Hi Jojo hope the school run went ok. I have 4 long curtains to iron it's not my favourite 😣 just hope they are not horrors to do. I noticed on my local map a new flag saying I now have a sushi kosk at my tes*o, can't think of anything much less useful to me! 😄. Hope you've had a good day 👋 xx

    Best to Stuart and SK if passing xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,315

    thanks toady

    In the early morning about 4 am, I think, my dad called 111 - or maybe it was mum

    111 called the ambulance but the paramedic asked her a lot of questions asking her to justify why it was urgent enough for an ambulance, but she couldn’t breathe properly and they refused to take her to hospital so she saw the GP who sent her there, I think that was really bad that the ambulance didn’t take her, but I’m so glad she’s there now of course

    👋 hi Toni

    How is the baby today?

    Bye for now all tc xx

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,227

    Just a very quick pop in so that Reshmi you know I am thinking very much of you and your lovely Mum.

    I'm sure she's in the right place for now and they will sort her out for you.

    Well done implementing your techniques to keep calm.

    Sending huge ((())) for you


  • Jojo_16
    Jojo_16 Member Posts: 209

    Hi toady the school run went ok thanks just finished work so a nice chill out before the school run again lol I hope you managed to get your curtains ironed. Yeah we have a suishi kisoc I don't like suishi so it isn't that exciting to me.

  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,599

    Night to all, hope everything going alright bosh, sorry it was an early hours sort of thing for your mum & you all, always horrid 😔 especially as there was a situation with the paramedic 😒 will look into the cafe in the morning 👋 xx

    The curtains will get done one at a time probably Jojo 😬 most jobs get done piecemeal round here 😄. I hate all my windows actually they are either too wide or deep or something 🙄. Have a good night :) xx

    Love to all xx

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,227
    edited 21. Jan 2025, 06:43

    Morning Joan thank you Charley and Annie are still a bit weak and tired but Arya is a strong little girl. One of their dogs had a lump aspirated yesterday she is only 1 and a half. Vet thinks it's an infected abscess so antibiotics. Fingers crossed. Hope you are ok? ((())) xxx

    Morning Jojo I am glad you aren't doing too many hours so there is plenty of time to rest in between. It's tough when you have a condition like ours. Although I do believe it is good to be working if possible. Contact with other people helps a lot. Long term conditions like ours can be very isolating. Hope the children (are they boys?) are behaving for you? Take care and hang on to your husband he sounds a keeper! (())

    Morning Reshmi

    How are you? I do hope not too worried stressed or distressed. I have been thinking about you and your lovely mum I hope she is home by now or will be very soon today😒

    It really sounds as though no-one was worried about your Mum with those ambulance staff. That is wrong isn't it? At least the GP took things seriously as did your Dad for once very helpful. Your Mum still thinking of you wanting you to stay away from the stress of a hospital.

    Just praying all her results are good, they treat her quickly and she comes home soon feeling much much better. Love and hugs to you ((())) xxx

    Morning Stuart how are you is your cold/flu any better yet. I hope your Mum doesn't catch it. (())

    Morning Toady hope all is well at yours and the curtains drop nicely - they are likely to given time. Say no more about pin holes. I have one or two here… no idea whatsoever why😉

    Well poor poor Bosh l am quite worried about them all. I do hope she is doing ok we know just how much her Mum means to her don't we?😕

    All my tabs went just gone! The lap top updated without my consent completely! Cheeky thing! Not to worry I am already up to 26 as of two days later. I know the browser you mean, but like you won't add to my complications. Went to village meeting yesterday and we are not entering Best Kept Village this year! PHEW!!! we need a year off. At least.

    People out early are usually people walking their dogs and jogging you're right. Luckily the most you get is a quick hello as they carry on. Soon it will be light at 6am it's getting closer. Definitely hold your phone ready in case you do laugh though😁 I often play my audiobook/podcast while walking anyway it does stop people talking to you unless you actively show signs of wanting to engage. Sleek says her Arnty Toady iz boot-e- full.

    Glad you are impressed by Elfie's yoga (corpse post today) indeed Sleek can beat him any day when it comes to stretches. She intends to demonstrate her seated spine twist to you later today.

    Hoping desperately to get outside this afternoon for some 'me time' out in the garden. I hope you can too ((())) xxx

    Breakfast toasties hope Bosh will manage one

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,315

    morning Toni toady etc

    How are you all?

    Mum said she’s feeling slightly better today

    We will be visiting her later on today

    Bye for now all tc xx

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,227

    Morning Reshmi

    I am so glad to hear your Mum is feeling slightly better today. I'm so glad you will be viisting later you need to see her for yourself I am sure.

    Take care of yourself too ((())) xxx

  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,599

    Morning all 🌞 just calling in to see how bosh and mum are getting along, pleased to see the night went ok and there's some improvement, will keep an eye out (our turn to make you a nice morning cup of tea I think! ☕) xx

    It looks a bit more promising out there today so yes garden maybe frog 👍must start to riffle among my seeds again. Maybe there will be some more signs of bulbs too. Glad to hear the consensus about BKV is what you hoped, there are quite a few who won't at all mind a year off I expect and I don't suppose standards will slide drastically weeds everywhere 🤭🌱. Sorry to hear the vet had to be invoked at Charley & Annie's 😔 (whispers when is it next for Sleek? so I know if she needs extra spoiling, and thank her for the comp-lee-ment, kind cats get a nice chocolate out of the box I've opened from Xmas 😹😽.) Ooh all your tabs?! This is why I hate updates 😣. I do try backing up my session occasionally but I don't entirely trust the process, or me to do it right 😬. Anyway I see you are replenishing them nicely 😂. Right must get up I am currently emulating Elfie's pose 😬 having fetched a cuppa but not stayed up 😳. Have a good day love to all :) xx

    Wave to Joan and everyone for now, back later 😘 xx

  • Stuartknee
    Stuartknee Member Posts: 113

    Hi guys

    Went to Doc's she gave cream & more pills, referred me to physio. Still suffering with this bad cold cannot seem to shake it.

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,241

    Good morning everyone

    Toady (()) what ever I did outside I would be bound to make a noise. Have a good day. The weather man said it is slowly getting warmer.
    Toni (()) have a good day I’m sorry Charley and Annie dog has a lump good luck with it.
    thats good Arya is a strong little girl. I’m sorry you are not having a best kept village but you need a rest.

    Reshmi (()) I’m sorry your mum is in hospital you are worried when you can’t breathe very wrong of the Ambulance man to turn her down the Dr got her in. I hope she is soon home. Don’t worry we are thinking of you.

    Jojo (()) have a good day do you get any free food working there.

    Stuart (()) how are you feeling how is your cold.

    Skinny Keef (()) have a good day how is Loanda (()) and Sucre (())

    take care
    joan xx
  • Jojo_16
    Jojo_16 Member Posts: 209

    Hi frogmorton yeah I get plenty of time to rest yeah I sometimes forget that I've got arthritis and walking fast then realise I can't because my knees hurt and go stiff I've got one of each boy and a girl my daughter can be challenging especially in the morning but I love them both very much and wouldn't have her any other way lol the main thing is she's healthy yeah my husband is good like that he's really caring we've married a long time. I hope you and your family are keeping well and you taken care of yourself.