Val's Cafe



  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,315

    hi Toni Joan jojo toady etc

    How are you all?

    Mum is getting better

    Seems to be heart - related but not as severe as heart attack

    I visited her today,

    She reminded of my rheumatology blood test

    I almost cried

    I’m so tired

    Dad wouldn’t let me rest

    She got angry with dad that’s a good sign

    She has ecg tomorrow

    And has made friends with all the ladies on the ward

    She had a lot of fluid retention, which has gone down significantly now

    She looks healthier

    Thank you everyone xx

    I’m going to shower and rest while I can

    Have a good evening and night all tc xx

  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,599
    edited 21. Jan 2025, 18:28

    Thank you for updating us bosh good to hear how things are going 😘 Hope the ecg is clear as to what's what and your mum is not worrying too much. How nice that she's made friends with everyone that sounds very typical 😊 and that she had the energy to argue with BB 🀭. Sorry you haven't had enough rest though as it is hard enough hospital visiting πŸ˜” hope you are getting the chance now. Take care will look in & out when passing, the kettle is always on (and the rich tea biccies have been replenished courtesy of yours truly tottering into town πŸ˜‰). xx

    Joan πŸ‘‹ oh yes if I was trying to be quiet, that's definitely when I would drop a trowel from a great height with a clang etc 🀭. I pulled up a few weeds on my way back from town but I just don't enjoy being out the front I like being in the back garden where at least it's private(ish). I mainly bought chocolate and bird food πŸ˜‚. It's still very cold I think, walking was not that nice at all in the wind but the sun was out on the way back. Have a good evening love to the dogs too 😘 xx

    Hope the things help from the GP Stuart, what did they say about the lingering cold, if at all. Hope your physio referral comes through ok. How is the sleep 🀞 xx

    Hi to Jojo πŸ˜ŠπŸ‘‹ hope your day is going ok xx

    Love to all β˜•οΈ xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,315

    hi Toni toady etc

    I’ve extracted the poem from the bank as I’m trying to do normal things as it were

    I did see the QJL in the evil Santa hat in real life incidentally

    I’m visiting mum tomorrow but not with dad as he’s stressing me out,

    I’ll get the bus and a taxi

    Good night everyone tc xx

    Vc poem called β€œOde to The QJ Lady” (also known as The NHS Queue Jumper Lady - she bullied her way into getting a covid jab early)
    I encountered the QJ lady on the street
    A most unfortunate type of character for me to meet
    She wore a strange red and white hat like an evil Mrs Santa Claus
    The expression on her face gave me pause
    For thought, she said the doctor told her to eat a bakery full of rock cakes
    Because it makes her happy, but that’s one of her mistakes
    If a van load of sugar makes us happy
    We have less wisdom than poor old BR did when he wore his first nappy
    I said to her, why not try a tuna sandwich, or even a low fat cheese slice?
    But she said β€œno, only a full fat cheese - rich pizza please”
    I replied β€œto be honest, I hardly ever indulge in such a meal
    Go to Maidenhead and ask Bill he will be glad to share his pizza with a fellow junk food fan, he’ll welcome with such zeal

  • Jojo_16
    Jojo_16 Member Posts: 209

    Hi toady and bosh I'm ok thanks how are you both doing even better now Im finished work and a day off work tomorrow.

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,227

    Morning Joan How are you doing today? I'm sure you aren't noisy! The vet aspirated the fluid out of Charley and Annie's dog's shoulder gave antibiotics so now we have to hope she gets better. Paws crossed eh? Have a good day! ((())) xxx

    Morning Stuart ok so now you have to try what the Dr has given you and hopefully the physio will help too. Make sure you tell them that your Mum has RA. Hope the cold finally leaves you alone πŸ™„ (())

    Morning Jojo how lovely! You have one of each😊 I have 3 girls one is step, but she's mine as we brought her up and I think she quite likes me!!! Girls are harder work than boys that is a definite. They seem to have to do battle with us (Mothers more than Fathers too) where boys don't really. Mine are way better now that they don't live with us🀭 Even so I desperately miss them. I think the best time is now, 8 is a lovely age, anytime up until secondary school when you are still the centre of their worlds❀️

    (Mine are Charley, Tia and Lucy my husband is Paul just so you know)

    I hope you are doing ok coping with work and rest a bit today (()) xx

    Morning Reshmi I hope you are ok and coping with all that's been going on very stressful.

    You are very very wise to visit your Mum on your own also it means she gets company more often and you get a break from your Dad while he visits.

    Is your Mum's heart getting a bit tired? They can do as we get older especially for your Mum I imagine given that she has had a kidney transplant that puts pressure on other organs. They sound as though they are looking after her really well at the hospital and she is feeling a good bit better if she was able to get cross with your Dad. A very good sign! Also that she remembered your rheumatology appt is a good sign.

    Thanks for the poem I enjoyed the rhythm and pace it was just right☺️ Oh dear me QJL tut tut you'll be joining BIL and Paul carrying too much weight if you eat that rubbish. Her cholesterol will be sky high tooπŸ™„ Yes go join BIL - he loves all the full fat stuff and cakes. Not Paul though so far he has lost 4lb because he's booked us a holiday for March and wants to fit in his holiday clothes😁 Trouble is if someone was to offer him a rock cake I know he'd say yes please.

    Take care of yourself and give your Mum a big hug I am sending you some too this must be very tough for you ((())) xxx

    Morning Toady

    Keep feeding those birds we need some here for BBW this weekend. I am really treating my lot ATM even though the weather is fairly mild. Still I'll only get about 15 pigeons no doubt.

    Yes we can root through our seeds can't we and start thinking about what we'd like in our plots☺️ That's cheered me up.

    I am going to the Drs this afternoon to see about my jaw as requested by the dentist. That hasn't cheered me up😣 I hate going there. Foodbank first though. Think I should mention the ongoing shoulder issue too????

    Ah Sleek has the V E T on Friday morning bless her but honestly it's doing her so much good we played ball (pink ping pong) together for ages yesterday. She said she'd had a chocolate at yours and it was lovely she's bringing some of her candy kittens with her today.

    I was rather adventurous in the kitchen yesterday I made goulash and langos too yum. Both vegan. The langos took the time it's a kind of flat bread (needs yeastπŸ™„ and kneading, but I used the mixer). Paul loves it but only one piece with his diet.

    Elfie would be very impressed to hear that you were doing corpse pose today's effort is head to knee

    Now I can't do that - can you?

    Take care and have a god day ((())) xxx

    breakfast anyone?

  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,599
    edited 22. Jan 2025, 08:22

    Just having an early cup of tea and leaving a wave & hello for everyone πŸ‘‹β˜• and especially to bosh for your visit to mum, back later 😘 xx

    Ooh I see frog made the tea just in time too, saved me stirring far 🀭 lovely thanks. Rest of post shortly :) x

    Right, that's me fortified by tea & a bic (malted milk Joan πŸ‘) so breakfast can hang on a minute.

    Yes the top-up bird food was from my 'liddle' walk yesterday frog πŸ‘ still a bit cold to be enjoyable really but it warmed up on way back. The return walk led me slap bang into a neighbour on the corner of my road, 5 seconds I'd have missed them, why oh why πŸ™„ I was thinking my own thoughts, vaguely saw someone walking a dog and courteously veered slightly to give room - people then insist on doing the 'he's alright' thing, implying you have shied away from the dog in a Mavis Riley nervous twitter, no such thing πŸ™„ assumptions assumptions 🀬. Ugh. Anyway I digress πŸ˜‚. I was going to ask, what sort of length walk is your 'usual'? I dropped my plastic off at al fresco first, the round trip is about 2 and a quarter miles or so; the internet reckons a mile at my age/gender would be 20odd mins average, I feel I walk as fast as I ever did but 20mins doesn't get me one way I reckon πŸ€”. The only thing I bought from the 'midl' was a pair of reading specs reduced to under Β£1 πŸ˜‚ fat balls for the birds & some cooking sultanas they can share. Ooh good going with your cookery yesterday 😊 sounds like super cold weather food. I shall look forward to seeing Sleek, extra choc for Friday then 😽 and I'm sorry for her mother too ofc having an appointment today, hope it goes well 🀞 might they ask how the shoulder is themselves for the record πŸ€” either way it's worth a mention I guess. No Elfie, I can't do that πŸ˜” although as my knees don't straighten it should be easier shouldn't it? πŸ€”πŸ˜‚. Right enough wittering, phone battery is going so will be back later. Thanks for reminding me about the pigeons btw I must get my trees trimmed well before nesting and I have to start again with a new person πŸ˜’. Seeds, am going to put a few in for a (late) spell of outdoor stratification, you never know, can always do normal spring sowing as well. Good luck for appt, love to all hope baby is well & mums coping 😘 xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,315

    morning Toni

    How are you?

    Mum might come home today

    She said not to visit as she’s tired

    I am going to group

    Bye tc xx

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,241

    Good morning everyone

    Toady (()) yes malted milk nice what about ginger biscuits. I still have two box’s of biscuits left I gave Brenda one box she’s eat them. I have not had a Kit Kat for a long time so I’llve ordered her one and Charlie. Have a good day.

    Toni (()) good luck at the Doctors. And sleek it’s good it’s helping her. I have a problem putting her name has the street is called Lesley Ann Skeete named after the Athlete that comes from this town. Have a good day.

    Reshmi (()) sorry about your mum that’s good she feeling better (()) your dad’s not thinking of you (()) i hope she comes home to day.

    Stuart (()) I hope everything goes well at the Doctors. How is your mum (())

    Skinny Keef (()) have a good day love to Loanda (()) and Sucre (())

    take care
    joan xx
  • Jojo_16
    Jojo_16 Member Posts: 209

    Hi frogmorton yeah it's nice having one of each and it also meant I didn't have to do it again yeah I agree girls are harder even at 8 years old she throws herself on the floor I'm finding everything hard today I'm exhausted had heart palpitations this morning manged to chill out and watch a film. My son is called luke and my daughter is called hollie and my husband is called Michael I hope you are well today.

  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,599

    Hi again, just wrestling with a difficult letter to write πŸ™„ tea please.

    Hope things as well as possible with mum, & yourself bosh 🀞 that sounds good if the Drs are happy for her to maybe be allowed home fingers crossed she is, if she's well enough. I expect she wanted to spare you a visit too and keep away from germs & whatnot. Glad you could go to group that's a good thing glad it was today, hope any lifts/walks/buses were ok & if you went to the shops too. I expect you saw my rant to Toni 😬 a dog and a phantom neighbour, poor me 😱. Well they don't quite qualify as phantom they are all too real, they are from further up & over the road. Anyway my point was that not liking dogs is all fine and good; you don't, I'm not overly keen, but I do hate that rather patronishing reassurance that Fido won't hurt you, when I did nothing to prompt it (and do men say that to other men? 🀨). Also you seem v. quick to think people may find your dog big/scary, have a nicer dog then πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚. At least it was a walk, and nicer than today's weather. Love yesterday's poem well done managing to focus on it 😊 yes I could quite believe the Mrs santa hat not a figment of your imagination 🀭 compared to being a queue jumper I expect evil hats seem quite a small lapse πŸ˜‰. Super writing and a good moral, well you can lead a QJL to semi-skimmed milk but you can't make them drink I guess πŸ˜”. Nothing much happening here today, oh you will be interested to know that me and the new nonstick pan are not getting along πŸ˜‚ very disappointed 😣. Take care :) xx

    Hello Joan, I love ginger biscuits 😊, anything gingery really. I have some nice preserve or I have ginger herb tea sometimes etc. I do like the biscuits with actual ginger bits in πŸ‘οΈ. Hope you get the Kitkats I bought plain choc ones yesterday. I haven't tried the reading specs yet I bought for 79p reduced πŸ˜‚ they are the same magnification I already have so won't be any better I suppose but it's a spare. Very quiet day today but I have had 2 charity bags round so must try to do at least one of them. Have a good evening 😘 xx

    Hope your day is going ok Jojo πŸ‘‹ is it getting up for school your daughter hates or just getting up early full stop. Sorry you had the palpitations as well is that something they've ever looked at for you, might you be a bit anaemic or anything? Take care hope you can chill out some more this evening :) xx

    Love to Stuart, and SK if passing β˜•οΈ xx

  • Jojo_16
    Jojo_16 Member Posts: 209

    Hi toady yeah its mainly school morning she won't go to sleep early in the night so she's always tired in the morning I think I should record my voice on my phone saying eat your breakfast lol yeah thankfully I've only had the one heart palpitation today but been exhausted all day just had a chill out day how are you doing today.

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,315
    edited 22. Jan 2025, 21:49

    hi toady Toni Joan and JoJo.
    How are you all?


    Mum Had an ECG and the doctor discovered that it was not heart related.
    he said that it was fluid retention which sometimes happens in kidney patients and diabetics, but the doctor still does not know the exact cause.
    The main thing is that she’s responding well to treatment and she’s been given water tablets which helped reduce the Water in the body.
    She’s also lost a lot of weight in a good way because the excess fluid had made her bloated which I noticed, especially in the difference in the size of her legs and in mum’s face.
    Poor mum, She must been suffering so much for such a long time but she never says much about herself.

    I’m really glad that she’s got the treatment she needed. She should be discharged around tomorrow lunchtime, or possibly after lunch .

    my sister went home yesterday just after lunchtime so at least I don’t have to do with her potential temper tantrums

    It was a bit frustrating yesterday becauseshe had booked a taxi to take her to the station and then to take me home but then it was late and she got another taxi instead which was fine but I didn’t have any warning so I took the bus home

    That wasn’t good because I was already so tired and it involved a walk too

    anyway I survived but yesterday I was absolutely exhausted and I told my dad I can’t do that again (because he allowed no rest after morning walk) because my iron levels are low and that’s not fair on me.
    Luckily today was a day of rest however I must admit I did get a takeaway and overate st lunchtime in a bit of a bill - like manner, but given the circumstances it wasn’t exactly the end of the world haha

    thanks about the poem I actually wrote it before so I just typed it up and put it on here so it didn’t involve much brain work, but I’m glad that you enjoyed it. Thanks again.
    The reason I mentioned rock cakes it’s because the QJL is really lazy and hates any form of food prep or cooking. She makes her husband do it all even though he’s not too well and she’s in relatively better health. She even got in a big mood when she had to fry a few fish fingers for her lovely little grandkids - oh dear, the one thing that she does like to cook or bake, is rock cakes she’s a Type 2 diabetic so she shouldn’t be eating massive oven - fulls of rock cakes but unfortunately she does and she will go after anything sweet. She doesn’t even try and control her greed which is a shame and also must be rather dangerous for her at best, but no one dares to contradict her, especially her husband haha - so that explains that reference

    last time I saw her in the evil Santa hat, She wasn’t even really wearing a proper coat, very strange kind of person indeed, it must’ve been about 0Β° outside - maybe fashion was the important criterion, even though the evil female Santa hats are not fashionable in my eyes, or even my sisters I’d imagine, and she is definitely a very fashionable individual a slave to fashion you could even say haha

    πŸ‘‹ greetings toad

    I may have missed that bit, but the scary dogs oh no I fully sympathise -

    yes, what is scary to you and I may not necessarily be scary to another person

    and also someone saying the dog won’t bite is of course no guarantee that that will be the case

    Thanks about the poem yes you’re right people like the QJL very rarely change their ways

    . My mum told me once that at the religious festivals that sometimes happen here with the cultural Society when she the QJL goes there, she grabs all the leftover desserts that were meant to go to the poor people, or even possibly the homeless.

    I found that really disgusting. She is by no means impoverished and what kind of people would steal food meant for the less fortunate? it’s a good job that I don’t go there because I may have to borrow some dogs and frighten her in a canine manner πŸ˜‚

    Oh dear you have a nonstick pan is sticking to all your sins or something like that

    Or sticking to all your the bins maybe, I may have to call the Phantom bin men,

    but I think LAs in charge of those characters lol

    BR couldn’t sleep yesterday so he spoke to me on the phone and asked if granny or Abu would be coming to visit him in his house when she’s better - bless him ❀️

    πŸ‘‹ JoJo

    How are you?

    Thanks for asking about mum

    She’s a lot better now thanks

    How was your day off?

    Good night all tc xx

    Ps when Alice forgot to make decaf or something like that πŸ˜‚ xx

  • Jojo_16
    Jojo_16 Member Posts: 209

    Hi bosh I'm pleased your mam got sorted out at the hospital and she's feeling a bit better and I'm sure she will be glad to get out of hospital. I'm not too bad it had to be a rest day today it didn't start off well woke up with a heart palpitation on top of doing school felt exhausted all day I think I might of pushed myself too hard at work last night.

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,227
    edited 23. Jan 2025, 07:33

    Morning Joan How are you today? When is the next storm coming? Sleek wouldn't be offended if your iPad types her name wrong. That's what our tech does to us - tries to guess what we might want to type and put something else inπŸ™„ So frustrating. Take care and have a good day ((())) xxx

    Morming Jojo I hope you are feeling well today? That palpitation sounds like a bit of stress ((())) for you.

    How lovely it is having one boy and one girl and yes only having to be pregnant once! Must have been tough in the early days but your husband sounds like he was maybe a good help?

    That's girls for you they seem to disagree with everything us Mums say (Dads too but slightly less) but deep down they do still love and need us. All of mine have said how they don't know why they were so difficult when they were teenagers. For some its even younger.

    Hope today isn't too tough for you and you can get some rest (()) xxx

    Morning Stuart if you pop in. How are the new meds working out and have you got a date for physio yet? Hope the cold is going away too (())

    Morning Reshmi how are you coping with all of this? I am so glad you got to the group yesterday you surely needed the support more than ever this week.

    I would also have eaten rubbish, why wouldn't you? Food is a comfort to us humans and your life has been incredibly stressful. Much as you love your sister being around her/living with her is not a good idea so I am also glad she is going home. Likely you might get an EF visit this weekend though as the boys will have bee worried and want to see their Granny.

    I am even more glad that your lovely Mum will be home today all being well. Maybe you could get her some flowers to show her how happy you are that she is well. Your Dad probably won't think of that.

    So the poem was previously written. Hopefully reading is still helped your MH though. hadn't pictured QJL as being a fashionista! Of course she needed just to wear a Santa hat (jaunty) to go with her outfit whatever the weather😁 As for her rock cake addiction (they are easy to bake yes I get that) not good for our sugar levels at all!

    Take care and I hope today goes smoothly ((())) xxx

    Morning Toady

    Hope all is well with you and birdies🐦 yes any stray branches need to come down now you are quite right. I'll have a look. Yes fruit that's a good idea more natural too. Sleek has one pair of binoculars next to mine and is bringing her 'second best' pair to yours today. Yes she has a few of those tooπŸ˜‰. Some have night vision you know for watching out for hedgehogs (and apparently) 'burgularz'.

    How long are my walks? about an hour in time. I believe about 3 miles in theory, but on bad days only 20 minutes. On walks with Kari they are often longer in time lots of chatting going on I think and we stop to check in on wildlife together. Like the moorhens and ducksπŸ¦† especially when the weather is bad. I just think as long as you try and get out every day it doesn't matter how long it's quality that counts don't you?

    Elfie thinks you can practise to do head on knee - I had a go and no way can I!!! Today's pose:

    Seated pose. I think I can do that one. You should see him do his sun salutation!!!

    Silly neighbour do they not know some people are not ok with dogs? That doesn't mean you hate them and moving over to give extra space is surely just good manners anyway? I do that for people. Our Bosh has been made to jump before now when a dog surprises her in an unexpected place.

    I am being referred for my jaw apparently I'm sure she said ENT or max fax (facial?) I can have a jab in the jaw steroid or botox. As for the shoulder she said go back to physio they refer us now for imaging. The new gatekeepers eh?

    BTW Bosh made me think and last night Sleek was walking towards me (I was dutifully opening the door for her) and she looked so elegant placing her paws down I realised why, for the first time in (ahem) my 35πŸ€₯ years on this planet, why the catwalk is so called!!!!

    Have a good day Toady ((())) xxx

  • Jojo_16
    Jojo_16 Member Posts: 209

    Hi frogmorton this morning has been a better morning thankfully not as tired as yesterday I hope you are keeping well.

  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,599
    edited 23. Jan 2025, 08:58

    Hi all 🌞 well the sun isn't shining but I shall make do with the idea of it.

    Up to put out my couple of charity bags frog, will be glad when they go, but where's the space they've left? πŸ€” there must be some surely πŸ˜„. It's meant to drizzle in a bit, but hope they will pick up first. Nasty week of weather to come in fact πŸ™„. Hope it's okay for your walk, oh I would love to do 3 miles or even 2 fairly regularly πŸ˜ŠπŸ‘but can't complain. I really wouldn't still mind an exercise bike one day if I make room, look no dog walkers 🀭 (I know I'm very prickly these days compared to what I was, illness has given me an extra dose of sensitivity to people taking a dominant position, like many in my shoes I expect. The pat on the head and Don't Worry brigade. I haven't mastered bosh's 'just smile sweetly technique 🀭' my face probably said I don't mind your dog, I mind you πŸ˜‚.) Btw hope Charley & Annie's 'girl' is doing well on the antibiotics . Look forward to seeing Sleek's 2nd best binoculars. Mine aren't too brilliant but that's probably my eyeballs 😬. (Yes the catwalk πŸ˜‚ fabulous darlings, and so effortless aren't they lucky. Ah well you're young yet for the meaning of these phrases to sink in 🀭 plenty of time. I only twigged the other day about something, can't remember what now πŸ˜‚). Which day to choose to count birdies πŸ€”πŸ¦ not sure yet. Ooh yes I can do seated pose Elfie, I can πŸ˜„ isn't he a good motivator! 🀭. Well good luck with the jaw referral, and the physio, whichever comes first 🀞 is the 'botox or steroid' jab choice theirs or yours? Hope it will all be helpful. Take care have a good day :) xx

    Hello in advance to Joan πŸ˜ŠπŸ‘‹ xx

    Bosh hope things are going as well as possible, I will be back with a proper reply after I work my way through that breakfast of Toni's (perhaps not!) all the v best for your mum coming out 😘 xx

    My day was ok yesterday thanks Jojo πŸ‘‹ but I am not sticking to my sort-of resolution not to be up too late and online at night 😳 so yes I think I need a recorded message too, telling me to turn off 😬. Glad you had a better morning πŸ‘ have a good day :)

    Tea & toast anyone? β˜•πŸž? xx

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,241

    Good morning everyone

    Toady (()) have a good day we have a lot of things to go to charity but can’t find who can have them i tried prospect they only want furniture.

    Toni (()) I hope your appointments won’t be too long. The weather is going to be bad tomorrow so the weather man says very windy. Have a good day today.

    Reshmi (()) has your mum come home (()) have a good day

    Jojo (()) have a good day you are good to have the pain and you work and you have the children.
    Stuart (()) have a good day love to your mum (())

    Skinny Keef (()) have a good day love to Loanda (()) and Sucre (())

    take care
    joan xx
  • Jojo_16
    Jojo_16 Member Posts: 209

    Hi dachshund thanks I just about manage some days I push myself too much and the next day I regret it but I'm just trying to be as normal as I can be until I can't do anything. Anyway hope you are well and hope you have a great day.

  • Jojo_16
    Jojo_16 Member Posts: 209

    Hi toady thanks I hope you getting plenty of rest and I hope you have a great day I know the feeling it's like that for me I finish 9pm at night and I need at least an hour or 2 to rewind before I go to bed so I'm mostly an night owl.

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,315

    Hi Toni

    How are you?

    good morning

    πŸ‘‹ Joan

    How are you?

    mum hasn’t come back yet she’s expected to come back today at some point

    πŸ‘‹ Back again to Toni

    sorry for chaotic posting method lol

    I didn’t actually go to group because I was too tired yesterday I just did a normal walk and got a takeaway

    More later on this nasty rainy day bye for now all take care xx

  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,599
    edited 23. Jan 2025, 17:14

    Hi folks πŸ‘‹ back again for a proper catch-up with those I missed. Especially to say very glad to hear the docs are definitive about the water retention bosh, and that your mum's ecg is clear, that's great πŸ˜€. I hope all will go well for her release if it's this afternoon as planned. Good to know she is already looking and feeling better for the treatment and presumably it shouldn't recur in the same way. Oh dear the QJL hoovering up leftovers that really isn't good at all πŸ™„ especially as we are all more aware of food banks and people struggling. I once went to a funeral tea and in very short order the food was cleared away into bin bags I was horrified, I know that's waste rather than people hogging what's left, but still. It does sound like she can't help herself almost 😬. Well however good or bad my saucepan is it's hard lines now as the old one has gone to the scrap metal this morning πŸ˜‚. Take care glad you got a walk in yesterday even if not group and looked after yourself too, all the best to your mum & everyone 😘 xx

    Joan my 2 bags went this morning before it started raining I was so pleased I would have felt I couldn't've left them there getting wet. I finally caught the scrap metal too πŸ‘οΈ. I want to take some particular things to a local charity shop but I will definitely ask first. Is that what you have done, ring around to find out? I have had charities turn down old furniture as well in the past 😬. Have a good evening yes the wind is getting up, storm Γ‰owyn, will be worse in Scotland poor folks πŸ˜” I think the only way my bin can go out this time is if I beat them to it in the morning, I don't want it upending itself in the early hours 😣. xx

    Hi Jojo yes I have been resting fairly well after I got up thanks, I have a few things to try & get done soon like having people call & quote for tree trimming, sometimes I try to cram a few chores into the same space in the hope of a quiet week afterwards (rather than spread everything out & never get more than a day or so clear together), but it doesn't often work out πŸ€ͺ. Oh if you don't finish until 9 yes that's tricky to wind down I imagine. The evenings are sort of when I feel more like doing some things just have to balance that out against sleep etc, I don't think I could rewire myself to an early up and early to bed person without a lot of effort 😬. Have a nice evening :) xx

    Hope Stuart is doing a bit better 🀞 xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,315

    hi Toni and toady

    Mum has been back for maybe an hour or so

    she’s looking a lot better πŸ‘πŸ‘

    Doc said it was heart valve narrowing too much

    But she should be fine, has new meds and needs to watch out for leg - swelling

    Have a good night all tc xx

    Ps Bill by another name would eat all that red meat, as Shakespeare once said πŸ˜‚ xx

  • Jojo_16
    Jojo_16 Member Posts: 209

    Hi toady yeah I sort of get used to evening work it doesn't stop me from feeling tired early in the morning I just about drag myself out of bed. On a positive note I'm off work for 2 days now and not back till Sunday how has your evening been hope you are well.

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,315

    Hi Toni and toady

    I just wanted say I know why Riley licks cakes - this is his granny πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

    Night everyone lol xx

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,227
    edited 24. Jan 2025, 07:36

    Morning Joan how are you today? It's a tad windy out there! None of us are in Scotland are we? So we didn't get the GOVt's phone alarm. Like you I haven't had a charity bag for ages. Wish i had I've got loads, but I take mine to the foodbank which also has a clothes bank for people. Ive' had my referral form online for Maxo facial already. Take care ((())) xxx

    Morning Jojo I am so glad you are off work for a day or two now so you can rest up a bit. I am like you if anything happens in the evening I need 2 hours to wind down and I need my bed! I am an early bird not a night owl. Hope the children behave this morning for you (()) xx

    Morning Stuart how are you doing is the cold improving at all yet? and the new meds from the Dr? Any day for physio yet as well. Bombarded you there sorry! (())

    Morning Reshmi how are you? I hope your sister has gone home and that the stress of the last few days has eased off for you.

    For your Mum:

    Your mum too I bet she is so happy to be home (apart from with BB!!!!). Aha a valve was narrowed for your Mum they will probably keep an eye on her for that bless her. My Mum had a narrowed mitral valve they can replace them if needed ever. I presume though that for now they have given your Mum some ongoing medication?

    Will EF visit this weekend so the boys can see for themselves that their beloved Granny is ok?

    Loved Napoleon BonappetitπŸ˜‚and the pic you have of Riley's Granny!!! (FOR JOJO Riley is a friend of one of Reshmi's nephew. The little monkey licked someone's birthday cake at a party (he was only 4/5) but he set all the boys off misbehaving!!! so it's an on-going cake joke in the cafΓ©.

    Well I hope you will also catch up a bit on some rest and recovery after the trauma of this week. Be carefuk out there too it's windy.

    Have a good day ((())) xxx

    Morning Toady

    Well done passing on charity clothes (the other stiff spreads out once it;s gone you know it breathes!) I hope they collect so far here it's only normally wet and windy but later on it might get worse so they say. I was going up to Stoke but my friend says we should see what it's like later on before I attempt it.

    I thought that some exercise equipment in the house would be good maybe we just have to join Elfie with his yogaπŸ§˜β€β™‚οΈ Today he has taken the day off he reckons he is worn out

    My fitbit keeps telling me to do more!

    Does it not realise I'm a little old lady? Kari's let's her off with a 0-25 target and she runs!πŸ™„

    My binoculars are ok not great like yours but ok I can manage with them. Sleek's are all state of the art. We will be off to the ahem 'vet' in a bit for her jab bless her. It works though we played ping pong for ages the other day with her pink ball. Before she started these jabs there was no way.

    Paul hadn't realised where catwalk came from either! You live and learn eh?

    Bosh will have to give you some sickly sweet smile lessons. Or get one of these?

    I got a teeny tiny referral letter on my phone which came through yesterday from the Drs. For max fax it was too much effort then, but will have another go today. Do they not know I am a little old lady with an even smaller brain?πŸ™„

    Take care Toady have a good day Sleek will have treats to bring over after her jab probably doughnuts with cream inside you just need to supply the tea😊 ((())) xxx