Val's Cafe



  • Jojo_16
    Jojo_16 Member Posts: 180

    That's good skinny keef luckily I've managed to play card games my kids like playing fish most of the week I've managed things like that but my husband had to bath them the weekend will be here before we know it then we can have that time with them again.

  • Stuartknee
    Stuartknee Member Posts: 105

    Hi All

    Planning on cutting the grass its getting long

  • Skinny Keef
    Skinny Keef Member Posts: 1,181

    first one of the year??

  • Stuartknee
    Stuartknee Member Posts: 105

    1st cut. dry in spots

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,274

    hi Toni of the non - monotonous variety

    How are you today?

    Mums ok 👍
    mum wanted to take something to the tailors in the town centre so I went there and just did some minor shopping as I say, which was very nice. Nice change

    I even ate some kale, but with hot, cheesy pasta and cauliflowers as well
    The only problem was the table was wobbly and my squash went everywhere, including on my socks, but luckily I had some spare socks with me haha

    Got a little bit of a headache now so I just have some soothing tea.
    “See” you later on.
    Bye for now Toni take care xx

    👋hi toady Joan SK Jojo xx

    Ps a practical hay fever hat lol xx

  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,587
    edited 5:08PM

    Hi all 🌞 I started this before 9am would you believe 😳 had plenty to do today but then had a batch of such tedious stuff in the post that I though blow this and went to town instead.

    Nice morning for you to take Penelope frog but not nice in any other sense, ie parting with her (and cash at the end of it) 😔 and craft group as well oh dear 😬. Good luck with everything. As above, I nipped into town and got rid of some recycling, also to Piddle so I'm afraid I have sinned 😬 but only to the tune of a super little rosemary in a nice terracotta pot. And some other 'midl' bits & bobs. Picked up a new toad trowel, somewhere else, too 👍️ it was really quite hot and even carrying only a little shopping seems to make me droop and feel the heat, I was probably over warmly dressed, but even so it does annoy me to see things I'd like to buy but can't carry 🙄. I doubt I'll get a lot done today now but might fit in a bit of weeding and whatnot maybe. Seeds below 😊 now the tricky bit for me, looking after them. Don't worry about bench outside he's mostly inside, an end here a slat there, some in the garage 😂 no room in the house is safe from a project, the cupboard door was mostly done in the upstairs bedroom with best light, doesn't everyone? Look forward to Elfie's 'party piece' 😄 dare I click on that link or will I get the tune stuck? 🤔 I'll give it a go. Yes of course Sleek is my special friend as she knows, we are BFFs 😽. Awful that you lost your luggage on those occasions 😥 parents' nightmare, and the airplane one must have been a nightmare 😣. Hope everyone well today, love to all 😘 xx

    Wallflower seeds.

    Hello Joan, hope Brenda's flight went smoothly and everything going to plan for her 🤞. Such a nice day, I was too hot in town my coat was the wrong weight ended up carrying it 🙄. No-one knows what to wear yet there was just a mix of padded jackets and people in tshirts. I bought myself a little trowel for £1.99 I can't find my other, some things like that are still cheap and much better value than online I hate paying the postage especially as Royal Mail are not really in my good books these days. Have a good evening 😘 xx

    Hi SK do tell us about your guitars it's genuinely always nice to hear what other people are doing 👍️ nothing much happening with me at the moment (finish one job round the house and find another has spawned, usually). Really v glad to hear how much things have straightened themselves out for you with family, sorry you are missing Sucré of course but good that he's getting on well at school 😊. Get well soon to Loanda xx

    Quick hello to bosh in case I pop in again later. Bag of cardigans I like it 😄 I got my layers totally wrong today it has been still such frosty mornings I though I would still need at least my mid-weight jacket. Felt too hot and had to walk the long way home anyway because that is the route with some benches, had a sit down and a k*tk*t to buck me up a bit. Hate feeling I need to but my shopping was a bit too heavy really. There was quite a lot of 'talking to self' out today I must say one way & another 😂. Glad your own shopping was ok 👍️ hope you've dispelled the headache now. I do like the sound of LA's story I must say if not too scary it sounds very imaginative. Hope the rest of your day is ok :) xx

    Stuart well done for contemplating your lawn someone has literally just set off here, afraid I have to say I hate the noise of motor mowers because from here on it will be someone or another all the time, and strimming. Wish everyone would agree to do theirs all the same day you could get it over with 😣. Anything interesting coming up in the garden? xx

    Hi Jojo, my day was good yesterday thanks and today not too bad just a bit annoying that I found my walk back from the shops quite tiring, it's not like I try to carry things that are a ton weight 🙄 I don't particularly wish I had a car but I do wish you could just send your shopping home by magic, otherwise you can't really do anything else once you've got bags on you. Nice that your kids like card games 😀 hope you have a better weekend :) xx

    Love to all 😘 xx

  • Jojo_16
    Jojo_16 Member Posts: 180

    Hi toady I hope your evening is less stressful and I'm sorry walking around is making you feel tired. I get my shopping delivered because me and my husband don't drive but the school mornings kill me off. I've got physio tomorrow so hopefully they can give me some tips.

  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,587

    Good luck with the physio Jojo! 👍️ There are still some other non-drivers then, it does put a bit of a spoke in some things. Thanks I'm usually ok walking the same sort of distance (about 2 and a half miles) but it definitely seems to be a combination of being hot and carrying shopping, I also maybe tried to fit in a few too many errands - have to cut your coat according to your cloth I suppose 🙄. Used to use buses and taxis more of course but don't fancy it ever since covid. I do have grocery deliveries it's nice to pick up a few of your own things though. How far is your school walk? Have a good day fingers crossed for you :) xx