Val's Cafe



  • Jojo_16
    Jojo_16 Member Posts: 201

    Hi dachshund I'm just about coping with the pain I'm wearing a heat patch and taking codeine tablets I'm hoping it will ease off soon. How are you feeling today I hope you have a great day. Yeah I hope your neighbour is ok.

  • Skinny Keef
    Skinny Keef Member Posts: 1,195

    morning all. Feel rough today. Managed to do my two a cooked breakfast to keep them fed on the way on their trip. Sucré’s favourite breakfast, bacon and dippy eggs.
    He was quiet when he left and I think he wished I was going too but I am not up to it atm. They be home Sunday and I promised I would let him help me fit the handguards to the new bike. He loves doing mechanical stuff with me.


    Hope everyone okay.

  • Skinny Keef
    Skinny Keef Member Posts: 1,195

    oh thanks for the gothic tea pic Reshmi, forwarded it to Anda.
    Eyephone was funny too.

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,297

    greetings Toni

    How are you?

    Mums ok 👍

    Nice hat 👍

    I’m feeling energetic today unusually lol

    Walked for a longer time and ate baked beans on toast

    Or baked bones as they say in R and C*stard

    👋 SK and toady

    Bye for now all tc xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,297

    hi Joan

    How are you today?

    Mums well 👍

    👋 hi SK

    Sorry you’re feeling rough

    You’re welcome about the gothic tea pic

    Have a nice afternoon tc x

    👋 toady

    How are things in the amphibian residence?

    Almost forgot a poem is in the bank

    👋yes Toni a poem is in the financial institution- I almost forgot to mention it lol

    👋Jojo how are you?

    Bye for now all tc xx

  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,594
    edited 7. Mar 2025, 17:31

    Hi all 👋 rained sneakily and quite heavily in the night 🙄 not too bad since though.

    I have been 'rescuing the perishing' again frog 😬 a sad primrose from piddle (twice in 1 week!), bought one good specimen as well, wish I'd got 3 really. I blame Stuart in part for this having seen the primrose leaves in his garden 😉. I wanted some nice kale seedlings too but I would have crushed them on way back if not careful - another time maybe. I did pick up a cheap kneeler from the midl but that was all 😇. I took my backpack yes 👍️ and went back in the shop I felt hot enough to have a moment's sitdown in the other day, so I expect the assistant now has me down as eccentric scooter lady and not feeble looked-affected-by-heat lady 😂 marginally better. Yes do post asparagus journal 😊 not sure what to do in the veg line this year. People going about their lawful business in their gardens, well yes some of it legal some of it borderline if you ask me, say no more 🤨. Annoying, certainly. Hope your day was ok especially being subjected to the HD 😣 even worse than having your coat brushed! Hope to hear Kari was a little better fingers crossed, and thinking of your poor friend 😔. Love to all and to Elfie of course, hopefully even Sleek will not shed enough for him to be tempted to a mullet hairdo or a curly perm 😄. Have a good weekend :) xx

    Hello Joan, no it's not an e-scooter I wouldn't trust myself 😬 the situation around what you can ride on the roads or the pavements is a bit of a grey area too it seems and no-one seems to fully understand it. Thanks for asking about the parcel, funnily enough I just had an email to say they are still looking into it, but I doubt there's a lot they can find out as it was never beeped/scanned. Have a good weekend it looks quite nice, warm too 🌞 😘 xx

    Quick wave to bosh, will catch up with your news later 👍️ I hope your head is better today. Thank you for the summoning teacup, just the thing 😍🧙‍♂️. I vaguely remember about Spock's blood now you mention it, I had forgotten, yes off to Vulcan for us, what's not to like 😊 no iron supplements to take as you say and no anaemia, perhaps the worst we could get is a bit of verdigris 😂. It's better than silly 'Elongated Tusk's plan for us all to go to Mars, and carry on down the AI path 🙄 we're all doomed. Take care hope the mxt not been too bad this time 🤞xx

    Lovely picture Stuart 😍 so many crocuses coming there, and primroses 💕 love them, I bought a couple of plants home as you can see, one very limp but will pick up after a watering. Haven't managed to grow them from seed myself in the past. The weather is warming up, well for this weekend at least, hope it helps 🤞 xx

    Take care Jojo sorry things aren't right with your back yet hope you can ease up where you get the chance xx

    Love to SK etc etc 😘 xx

    edit: sorry, posted without realizing we were onto a new page 😬 will read anything I missed and catch up later.

  • Jojo_16
    Jojo_16 Member Posts: 201

    Hi toady apart from the school run and the shop I've been resting it's better than it was this morning thanks how are you doing today I hope you have had a good day.

  • Jojo_16
    Jojo_16 Member Posts: 201

    Hi bosh my back is better than it was this morning so that's an I'mprovement how are you doing today hope you have had a good day.

  • Skinny Keef
    Skinny Keef Member Posts: 1,195

    a little bit of Hendrix. Sucré is a huge Jimi Hendrix fan and always asks for Purple Haze to be played, he did however say the other day, “Daddy, I do like the Hendrix version but I also like the Gary Moore version because it’s a bit more heavy!”

    Have to remember he is still only 4 and a bit sometimes.

  • Skinny Keef
    Skinny Keef Member Posts: 1,195

    good night all. Pain everywhere, so early night for me.

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,297
  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,297

    hi toady

    Sorry pm mood swing stuff kind of resurfaced

    Yes verdigris could be a problem lol

    very tired now

    Have a good night tc xx

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,223
    edited 8. Mar 2025, 06:49

    Morning Joan thank you my shoulder is ok it should be better on the trip no hoovering mopping lifting etc to do! Paul will lift the cases for us Hope you're ok and that Charlie is too with his heart😕 ((())) xxx

    Morning Jojo how are you? If your back carries on you might need to have some imaging done on it to be honest. Your job is a bit physical and life with two young children is too. When mine went in the end (it used to go on and off for years before this) I couldn't ignore it because my right leg went completely numb like you could stick a knife in it I wouldn't know and it stopped working too. Then they finally operated. When have you got physio next? I'm just going to find something for you on the main site:

    But if you can check it's ok with the physio and start gently. ((())) xxx

    Morning Stuart hope you and your Mum are ok (())

    Morning Keef I loved that little but of Hendrix thank you had it playing in the background. Blimey Sucré has his opinions doesn't he?! At 4 that's lovely and a bit wow!

    Also adorable that he loves spending time helping his Daddy with mechanical stuff. chip off the old block he is. Bless him.

    Well done for getting your two breakfasted before their trip. They will have plenty to tell you when they get home. You were right to rest yourself and not join them it would have been awful for you and they can at least enjoy themselves (hopefully) not worrying so much about you.

    Oh I got Penelope back the big chip and 2 little chips in her paintwork cost me only £240 not bad it's the posh paintshop too where they did her original respray.

    Take care today please.

    Morning Reshmi

    Saturday morning it is….are you feeling ok? I am just about didn't help we had a foodbank quiz last night (raised £159) which was fun but a late night for me. Is your mum well still I hope so.

    I am so pleased to hear you were 'full of beans' yesterday even venturing out for a longer walk. I know we live in a lovely village in the countryside here, but sometimes I like to walk near Kari's where there is something different to see. Like other people's houses. How long before you get to some shops? We don't have a shop only the Church and the little primary school.

    Love the Mcdonalds iphone I think that's what it was did someone custom build it or do they actually exist? Does it actually belong to BIL he can just suck on a chip while taking and important business call….

    I'll try to get that poem cleared for you ASAP.

    Pic below is a snapchat filter!

    Take care my friend ((())) xxx

    Morning Toady looks ok out there so far I hope the same with you. Maybe you'll get outside - I feel doubtful for me so much to do yet….

    Hair was cut yesterday Paul and Elfie went to the barbers. No sign of a bubble perm or mullet as yet.

    Well done rescuing the little primrose do please report back on progress. They have kale seedlings in midle? Oh now I wish I wasn't away tomorrow😕 I will indeed to an asparagus journal for you. A new kneeler too that's good I hope it's not green though they can get 'lost'.

    I think better to be a scooter lady than a feeble fainting one. Yes definitely. Back packs are great aren't they? I was after a b*m (just incase) bag and failed to locate one thus far I still have al fresco to check. Mazda's was dreadful tiger print I do not think so!

    Penelope is home all perfect and pristine again and (possibly) even better I saw another Fig on my way home with her so we did the mad Figgy wave and beep beep! That makes your day when you have a Fig. Nothing worse than seeing one when you are in a normal car😠

    Kari was pretty rough yesterday my friend feeling maybe a tiny bit better at least she wanted to eat something so that's an improvement.

    Take care Toady ((())) xxx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,297

    good morning Toni

    Wppl xx

  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,594
    edited 8. Mar 2025, 08:08

    Morning all 🌞 there's that strange thing the sun again can't get used to it now!

    Little primrose was practically all better by bedtime frog 😊 better than I felt anyway the second half of the day I really 'dropped' 🙄 maybe if I drunk more water myself.. 😉😳. Not used to going out thrice in the same week really, and I should do smaller regular walks but there are no shops at the end of those 😬. Oh the kneeler is, absolutely, green 😄 but I don't really have places it would get easily lost, unlike trowels et al. Off to check what is coming up out there today and do a bit of mulling over, do hope you get out a little bit at least🤞. Glad Penelope is back and did not cost the earth, oh I can imagine seeing a fellow Fig when you aren't with her must be awful, like sudden invisibility 😱😣 was it one you know by sight? Hope you find a suitable bag in time, oh the interminable animal print! They do think you want it on everything and tiger is the worst. Wouldn't catch Mona with one 😉 suits you 😄. Elfie, I see as something more Rembrandt, the actual, not RR, with that moustache. Love to all and glad your friend feels just a squeak better do hope Kari does too soon 😟😘 xx

    Morning in advance to Joan 👋

    Have a good day bosh, hope you are less tired than last night (it got me too 🙄) - and your mood as well. Poem in the pipeline; noted 👍. Doesn't Toni look suitably enigmatic 🤭 the HD of the day would be saying 'now, about those eyebrows' 😱 run Toni. Take care I am off to put the vital kettle on 👍xx

    I will catch up with your post later Keef I am in tinny-headphone land on my mobile atm. You are certainly raising an aficionado, it is really quite something to have an 'ear' like that and the discernment, yes at 4 😯. Hope your day is better 🤞 xx

    All the best for a good day JoJo, more energy would be good I will have to fit some rest in too I think. Hope the sun is nice for you whatever you do :) xx

    Love to Stuart too 👋 xx

    Take care al 😘☕ xx

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,236

    Good morning everyone

    Toady (()) have a good day. Is your scooter the one you put one foot on and scoot along.

    I have a plant catalogue I wanted to get a orange patio rose the lady said we don’t do those. The sun is here for the weekend.

    Toni (()) have a nice holiday you and Paul need it. The sun is here for the weekend they say next week will be colder.

    Jojo (()) I hope your pain calms down. Charlie visits me every morning to see the dogs they wait at the front door for him.

    Reshmi (()) how do you feel now has your energy gone. love to your mum (())

    Stuart (()) how are you. I hope your pain soon calms down. Love to your mum (())

    Skinny Keef (()) have a good day. I hope Loanda (()) and Sucr’e (()) enjoy the day I’m sorry you had too much pain to go as well.

    take care
    joan xx
  • Skinny Keef
    Skinny Keef Member Posts: 1,195

    morning all.
    feel slightly better this morning. Not up to going out on bike but might get some time in the bunker.
    lovely pics Reshmi, I missed them when I wasn’t posting.

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,297
    edited 8. Mar 2025, 14:31

    hi Toni aka tone of the xylophone - sorry running out of good rhymes lol

    Mum’s ok thanks 👍

    I’m ok thanks

    But yesterday a bit of the old pm mood swing stuff again

    But it seems to have passed now

    Also I got rid of some of these stupid stragglers on fb who just want a woman to keep on messaging them “hi”constantly

    Change of season - it’s somewhat ookey isn’t it?

    Poem is still brewing, well the typing up of it anyway

    So one quick thing to mention i was watching T Hag or Bag lol and she drinks tea - weed brew now, as opposed to tea - plant, so the weed brew is more powerful and magical but hopeful not as magical as toady’s mushrooms 🍄

    👋Joan toady SK Jojo S knee xx

    Bye for now all tc xx

  • Jojo_16
    Jojo_16 Member Posts: 201

    Hi frogmorton yeah I will see how my back goes it's just on and off luckily pain wise today it's a lot better thanks I haven't got any physio appointment coming up yet still waiting for my next appointment. I hope you are well and I hope you have a great day.

  • Jojo_16
    Jojo_16 Member Posts: 201

    Hi toady thank you it's sunny here I've put my washing on the line for the first time this year I hope you have good energy I hope you have a great day.

  • Jojo_16
    Jojo_16 Member Posts: 201

    Hi dachshund my pain has settled down a lot thanks. That's nice that your neighbour comes to see your dog every day I hope you are well and I hope you have had a good day.

  • Jojo_16
    Jojo_16 Member Posts: 201

    Hi bosh I hope you are well and I hope you are having a good day.

  • Stuartknee
    Stuartknee Member Posts: 110

    Hi all

    Just cut the grass outside the front & some little bit me on my bad ankle.

    put a few alpines in. Now stiffening up

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,297
    edited 8. Mar 2025, 16:16

    hi Toni and toady

    Cash payment of a poem here lol

    No counterfeit notes I’m almost sure haha

    Thanks xx

    Vc poem called “ When Excess Family depart, these are the words from Mima’s Heart”
    We were young, we were free
    The end of tiring visits from Excess Family
    I threw out the cheese, both block and slice
    I ate tuna with wild abandon, I even ate rice
    I did not watch monster snakes with protruding fangs
    I excommunicated myself from the little boy mafia and similar street gangs
    I stopped living on a diet of chocolate cake and greasy fries as well
    I stopped drinking Fruit S*oots, and stuck to plain water from the well
    But I missed telling stories to the little Lord
    As Beruvio and Mima create such fun together, they never get bored

    Ps tuna sandwich a favourite of mine that my sister abhors lol

    And vegan tuna substitute snack for Toni xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,297

    thanks Jojo I am okay thanks, how is your day going?
    bye for now tc x.