Val's Cafe



  • RosieGlow
    RosieGlow Member Posts: 175
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hello everyone,

    Christine I hope all goes well for your DIL. Waiting for test results is always the worst part, I think.

    Bubbles I`m sure you know full well that stress is making your angina worse, so please try to chill.......says she, who wouldn`t know chill if it hit her in the gob!

    Barbara ....Don`t go anywhere near those rooms. Forget that you have an upstairs, and settle down with some tea and cake.

    Marianne Wear whatever you like love. I have to admit I too have rejected the idea of onsies, because of the bathroom issue. Maybe I`ll have a re-think.

    Much love to all the rest of the cafe crowd......ELizabeth and Catie seem to be a bit quiet. I hope they are OK.......Rosie.x.
  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Thanks Marianne and Rosie you talked me out of it..didnt take much.. :oops: :lol:
    Rosie I hope you saw my post on the other page....saying sorry you have been so down and how lovely your little GD is visiting...I dont like it when the page ends..things are missed..jut so you know :)
    Marianne thanks for the toast just what I needed... :)
    Its a lovely day tempted to get a taxi out...but these blinking crutches get in my I will potter...see you all later xxxxxx
  • RosieGlow
    RosieGlow Member Posts: 175
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Barbara, I did see your post, and as always, I felt the genuine care in it. Thank you my love......Rosie.x.
  • tkachev
    tkachev Member Posts: 8,332
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    hi Rosie et al. I've just been very tired and when i'm not tired i need to catch up with everything. i had a tough evening yesterday with my boy. he is getting so tetchy and swearing. I've told him i will not sit with him if he keeps swearing at me. i really wanted to spend time with my other 2 and help them with homework and exam prep but i am not getting the chance.

    Anyway I'm sorry to read you are still struggling but as your Dr said you had a very long spell in hospital and it is difficult to get back to normality without your body reacting in some way. i can only hope you are able to cope with the anxiety until it starts to ease off. It's not nice.

    sorry to read you are gong through a non sleeping stage Karen and your neck is still bad and you nearly fainted at physio!

    So many in here and I don't want to miss anyone out so a collective hug to you all,

    E x
    Never be bullied into silence.
    Never allow yourself to be made a victim.
    Accept no ones definition of your life

    Define yourself........

    Harvey Fierstein
  • Catie
    Catie Member Posts: 362
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi Everyone :)

    I had to smile at the the thought of people out in their onsies. I had an image of dalmations, tigers and all kinds of creatures out doing their weekly shop :lol:

    Christine, let's hope your daughter receives her results soon. I sometimes think the waiting is the worst part....not knowing is so very stressful. My fingers are crossed for her.

    Barbara, I've never heard of the ticket system before. It brought back an episode of Mr Bean to me. He was given a ticket in A & E and found out he was at the end of the queue.... He obviously had to put that right lol. Really funny - well, I thought so :) Hope when you return, you will be number ! on the list :wink:

    Rosie, lovely to see you posting. You have been through so much, but I'm sure that in time your confidence will grow and any anxiety felt will lessen. I think it's been particularly hard for you because you are on your own. Don't forget that all your cafe friends are 'always' here for you :)

    Elizabeth, I wish I lived nearer to give you a hand. The world must be a confusing place for D, but as you say, you want to give time to your other children. So hard for you, but you're a good mum to be so supportive.

    Karen, hope you had a better sleep last night.

    My days of tottering about in heels are long gone and I do shop for sensible shoes....can I find any that are comfy?, and it is so frustrating. I reckon I'm going to end up walking about in slippers lol :lol:

    Love to all and apologies to those not mentioned. xx
  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Afternoon everyone. I can't believe it's Friday already!!

    I don't envy our youngest daughter at all today. She's moving house. I've just been looking on Google maps at it. I hope she and the boys will be happy in this one, as she's moved back into town again. Her last one was in a small village that contained only one street and there were fields and a wood behind it. Nice in summer, but it got too cold now it's winter and driving the boys to school took longer. A few weeks ago it took her about an hour to drive a short distance as she had to keep stopping to move bits of tree off the road. Small bits I hasten to add. This was when we had that gale before Christmas. Thankfully she didn't come across a whole tree otherwise she would have been in trouble.

    Usually chat on the phone on a Friday, but we're giving this week a miss as she'll be too busy - I think I can wait one week.

    Saying all that has made me really thirsty so will help myself to a cuppa. I've already had ginger biscuits earlier, so will give the lovely snacks a miss today. xx

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • marrianne
    marrianne Member Posts: 1,161
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi everyone ,it is so quiet in here just haveing 5 mins ,Going out for a meal later on and seriously do not want to go ,Its absolutely bitterly cold ,My O/H and I are makeing a four for his nephew and new girl ,It will be the first time out socialy since New Years eve and my joints do not like being out of their comfort zone ,its Indian to :lol: I looked on the shelves for some Imodeom but couldnt find any ,I dont have a clue why my tummy is so bad but I had better sit nearest to the ladies and order the blandest thing on the menu,Hope you are all haveing an ok afternoon ((((((())))) hugs to all Marrianne
  • marrianne
    marrianne Member Posts: 1,161
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi Kathleen ,I am glad you are here ,I posted before I caught up your news Marrianne :)
  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    you are very welcome Rosie..just didnt want you to think I hadnt read your post
    Who said it was quiet in here I cant keep up need extra staff... :)
    Oh Marianne that tummy needs sorting..maybe a trip to your GPs ..but we try anything before go and see them..hope you manage to get out..and your tummy improves
    Kath...I would hate to have to move house..I would love a bungalow..but cant imagine moving all our junk..hope it goes smoothly do have your hands full ..and being tired on top of everything..just wish you could get some help..
    Catie yes they have you take a ticket and wait... :roll: I dont usually mind but this one isa fasting...and I think they should take them first..then you can get a drink and a bite to eat..but oh know its beyond them..
    I haven't done much today...we have two GDs here and the baby is coming tonight for an hour...
  • mig
    mig Member Posts: 7,154
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Am going to try the new oven with some cake making my favourite is coconut sponge anyone got any preferences ? Mig
  • MrOptimist
    MrOptimist Member Posts: 175
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Catie, you could try silicone inserts in your shoes :). They are designed to reduce stress to the joints and have helped many people. Imho - worth a try :)
  • applerose
    applerose Member Posts: 3,621
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Bubbles, I don't care what I look like in my onesie. It's too comfy. I hope that if you do have an angiogramme, all goes well.

    Thanks Barbara. Yes I have used all my holidays now plus an extra 1 1/2 days which my boss said was ok and he paid me. Also this week and last week, he gave me my wages and said he didn't have the correct amount. it was £1 over. He said I could keep it. Not a lot but he used to ask for the change. :? Hope you enjoyed your me day.

    Marrianne, I'm sure it would be ok to wear our onesies in the cafe. I hope you enjoyed your meal in the end and that your tummy was ok.

    Thanks Rosie. You are right. I think it is better to know what's wrong than to be kept wondering.

    Elizabeth, don't worry about getting on here. We all know how difficult it is for you. You obviously want to spend time with all your children. You can only do your best and no more. Hope you are feeling a bit better.

    Catie, that would be funny if we did all go shopping in our animal onesies. Maybe we should have a national onesie day. Thanks for your thoughts for my DIL. Hopefully, she'll find out the results soon.

    Kath, it sounds lovely living near fields and woods but, as you say, it can be difficult in winter. I hope your daughter and her boys enjoy their new home.

    Mig, cake sounds lovely. Coconut sounds delicious. Or carrot cake.

    Hi Mr O. I think I could do with silicone inserts. Can you get them from B**ts? I'll have a look tomorrow if I remember.

    Well I was hoping to get in my loft this afternoon to sort a bit more out but sat down to do a bit of jigsaw and didn't get back up. Oops. There's always the weekend. :lol:
  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Morning all
    Mig the cakes were you you keep looking at the new cooker..know I would:)
    Hello MrO its nice to hear from you :)
    Christine..hope you get plenty of the jigsaw done ...they are addictive..your boss not asking for the change.. :o he must be appreciating you at last...I tried my GDs onesie on and they are so comfy...I put it on while the baby was here and she started to cry...think it was the ears.. :lol: brilliant for lounging in... :D
    It is raining today...wet sunshine has someone said to me the other day...don't think so... :roll: not sure what we are doing today hubby is working this morning...and did I tell you we have gone to the ombudsman about the house insurance so will see what they say..
    Hope every ones doing okish...see you later xxxxx
  • mig
    mig Member Posts: 7,154
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Sausage and liver today with smiley faces and baked beans,got chocolate chip ice cream for afters.
    It's really grey and miserable in nottm with drizzle .
    Just flicked through tv mag that came with paper absolutely nothing worth watching today looks like it will be DVDs tonite.
    Just waiting for middle child (well he's nearing 39 ) to arrive he's been to cash and carry and got me a BOX of sports mixture the ones where the black ones are licorice yummy.He's the one who just passed his driving test,I feel quite at ease with his driving.
    Hope everyone is as well as can be and stay dry over this weekend .(((()))) to all Mig
  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,598
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    [Talking with mouth full of cafe cake, excuse mumbling..] :wink:

    Horrible dull drizzly day so tea & cake called me in here. I will turn a blind eye to any folk in here in their virtual onesies, but I draw the line at people going out in them! :shock: They should be escorted home for their own good, what are things coming to.

    Have been washing down some of the ceiling in the living room as hasn't been painted in a good while, pretty appalling the rather grubby state of it too - do other people wash their ceilings down regularly? Or just get them painted more often? Never given it a lot of thought but obviously it's another area of housekeeping I have fallen down on. :oops:

    Wishing a good as possible weekend to everybody, hope you get on better on Monday, barbara, if they can't manage to prioritise fasting blood test people as you say that's shocking :shock:

    I rather envy your daughter Kath, not the actual moving process bit (although I enjoyed that when able-bodied), but the new house, I didn't really intend to be where I am now long term as its not terribly convenient unless you drive - mig I envy your son for the same reason - ah well, envy & rather arthritis go together unless you're very saintly which I certainly aren't..
  • marrianne
    marrianne Member Posts: 1,161
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Toady ,No need to wash ceiling as o/h is just covering 70 s Artex cutting to fit between beams 1 cut wrong 1 fits perfectly only 6 more to go :lol: ....Christine ,awful weather here so reading christmas books hope you got into the loft but left plenty of time for rest and jigsaws .Barbara ,hope your enjoying G/C and haveing a great weekend feeling loads better despite out for the curry last night but if it comes back definately off to the g/p thanks love ,Karen Catie and lovely Rosie think we would all look pretty good in our onesies .Hope your tried those jell thingies thanks to Mr optomist as they are pretty good for sore feet ,welcome back to Bubbles ,and hope Elizabeth is haveing a good weekend with the children and Mig is looking forward to Sunday dinner with the new oven ,Kath love your poems and all wishes to your daughter in her new home ,hope I havent forgotten anyone just hugs to all ((((()))))Marrianne :)
  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Evening all
    Mig that sound so good...hope you dont mess up the lovely new cooker...
    Toady thanks ..its not rocket science is prioritizing fasting people....the longest one I did was 2 and half hours..I was gasping for a drink ...
    Just had half hour out..its is so mild but no GD here and the baby has just gone..gosh she make me laugh..the best tonic ever.... :lol:
    Think I will have some of that cake that toady was tucking into ... :D
  • applerose
    applerose Member Posts: 3,621
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Nooooo, I wrote out my post then my finger twitched and it all disappeared. :( Let's try again.

    Barbara, have I got you converted to onesies now then? Hope the baby gets used to it. Let us know what the ombudsman has to say.

    Mig, I'm watching things I've recorded with there being nothing on tv. Enjoy your dvds and sports mixture.

    Toady, I'm the grey and white rabbit sitting by the fire. Wouldn't dare go out in it though. I don't bother with my ceiling other than to wipe down any cobwebs and painting it once every few years.

    Marrianne, still haven't been in the loft. There's no rush. I just feel I need to get rid of anything I don't really need and get it tidied up while I'm still able to. Forgot to go and get those gel things for my shoes. :(

    Dark and cold here but no rain. Been to dad's. He seems happy enough but is now talking about going on holiday by himself. We'll have to change his mind for him. He'd only forget where he was and why he was there. Right I'm off to do some more jigsaw. Hope you are all having a good as you can weekend.
  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Morning all
    Sorry Marianne we must have posted at the same time I missed you
    Christine..hope you managed to talk your dad out of going on dad didn't have Alzheimer's but he had a brain tumour...well a few really ..and he was the same would go off and we would be worried sick..looking everywhere for him..surprising though he had this homing instinct... :( hope you enjoyed the jigsaw..years ago I used to do them but since the GC came its impossible
    Today we are having the baby for an hour whilst they go hospital visiting...
    I will have a coffee and hopefully Toni will soon be joining us again.. :)
    will see you later xxxxxx
  • marrianne
    marrianne Member Posts: 1,161
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Just looking in break in the snooker ,oh poorSelby missed you this morning Barbara hope you and everyone is haveing a goodish day especially Toni Lucy and family ,no Sunday dinner in my house as D I Y Fanatic has taken over the kitchen .. shall have a cuppa and hunt out the biscuits ...looking forward to the return of Mr Selfridge later hugs for all(((()))))Marriannex
  • applerose
    applerose Member Posts: 3,621
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Barbara, talking dad out of going away on his own will be ongoing until the end of the summer but must be done. Sorry about your dad. These parents are a worry, aren't they? I usually do a jigsaw while I'm off over Xmas but had to wait till after my GC went home. Goodness knows where it would have ended up. :lol:

    Marrianne, hoope you enjoyed the snooker. I watched it for a while years ago but not now. Are you having work done in your kitchen? I need new cupboards but it will have to wait. I'm looking forward to Mr Selfridge too.

    Finally got back in the loft and sorted a bit more. Found a few ornaments which I've put on the windowsill and a bit more for the charity shop. About 2/3 through my jigsaw now and hoovered upstairs and ironed a few things. That's enough for one day.

    Hope Lucy is feeling not too bad and Toni is managing to rest.
  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Evening all
    Marianne...we updated my kitchen last year...only did the cupboards..and replaced a couple of I feel for you...I have just read one of your post sorry you have been struggling with the can us you know x have done well with all the jobs..and I am sure you will get round your dad only I know its not dad was x army..but it kept him going
    The baby was very good slept for half hour...then played in her toy box yes inside again... :lol:
    There are a few people missing hope they are all just having a break..and more hugs to Toni and Lucy...(((()))xx see you all
  • coco67
    coco67 Member Posts: 2,374
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Evening all

    sorry not been in, been floored by the dreaded flu, finally back on my feet again. i hope everyone is ok.

    i will put the kettle on and sit and read back, see if i can catch up with every one and everything ive missed.

  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Morning all
    Coco its always lovely to see you in the cafe...sorry you have been struggling with the flu..I thank goodness I had my flu jab..wish they would give it to everyone..
    One GD just gone to school...we have it finely tuned now up by 7..and hubby takes her at ten to...8..
    Today is my hair day every 5 weeks so cant have bloods that will have to be tomorrow..she comes to my neighbours so I go there ..the hairdresser not bloods :?
    hope all the cafe dwellers are doing okish..
    will see you later...there is one of Toni's special coffee ready don't ask me to spell it
  • marrianne
    marrianne Member Posts: 1,161
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Good morning to everyone ,It was white over this morning ,so sitting in my outdoor jacket its a comfy suedey thing with a sheep skin lineing and cosy collar ,I sometimes sleep in it when it has been washed of course :lol: Cocoa I hope you are feeling better flu is especialy bad this time of year ,Barbara I didnt get my flu jab this time so fingers crossed ,Enjoy haveing your hair done its always a boost to feelimg better ,Christine Thought Mr Selfridge was a bit flat last night I think its because I miss Henri Leclerc what did you think ? loving Lady Mae .. BUT HER HUSBAND grr ... kITCHEN hope this word is ok now please Mods its going to take a long time no money so its all our own work ... :lol: ..ok o/h s own work I am in charge of the microwave ,Hugs to all especially to Lucy and Toni I hope the brave girls are getting the week of to a good start ((()))0Marrianne