Val's Cafe
HI Barbara I'm glad Niamh is home sorry her Mummy is poorly though and your OH is exhausted!!
That about sum it up?
Ignore the looks they are directed at one of the other sopranos :roll:
Aidan is 27 today
another cake for him for when they get back from the hospital visiting Mum I'm sure
Pepe has been telling Miss Slimkins all about it today he's got his DRs bag out again sorry :?
He is doing extra special glides to take his Daddy and Daddy's minds off worrying and some artistic litter flicking..... :? :? :?0 -
Aidan if you get in We all hope you have had a good birthday and that Mum is ok on the mend even if she is in the hospital. She's a strong lady.
Love and ((())) :cake:0 -
Evening, well, morning, just - to everyone.
Goodness, that was that day soon gone.
Thank you for all the kind Birthday Wishes :cake: I even managed to have a sconeThank you for all the well wishes for Mum too, they are all greatly appreciated.
Mum is obviously not in great health, as we know, but she says she feels a lot lot better than she did on Thursday, now that she is on IV AB's.
Also on potassium as that was in her boots. They wanted to give IV, but oral is ok for the moment. (they are horrid tasting fizzy things). Mum's face is a picture when she drinks it :? :?
B and I went on our own to the GC for a spot of brunch, before picking Dad up and going to the Hospital (Blackburn again Barbara).
I was like a Terrier, as soon as I spotted the nurse in charge of their bay, I was on her heelsExcuse me Staff Nurse, can I have several words about Mum.........................Once I told her I was "in the profession" for many a long year, she was fine and spoke in code, whilst busying herself with the next lots of IV's. I speak fluent "nurse code".
Most of it was as above, get her insulin and sugars under control, which had already come down to more normal levels. At least three days of IV antibiotics, get her potassium levels up to normal again, monitor food and fluid intakes and generally do what nurses and Drs do
I thanked her kindly for all the coded information.
then Mum was moved from the Assessment ward on the ground floor, up to a medical ward on the top floor. So, off we went again, not a trolley in sight, for me to go, off I poddled. It was only about half a mile !!:roll: :shock: I said to the porter, we are surely out the other end of the hospital by now !!
We then went all the way down to the main entrance, for a quick coffee and a ciggy, oops, I didn't say that really. Fortunately there was one of those hospital chairs on wheels, that go better if you pull them instead of push them. I am sure you know the ones I mean.
B then whizzed me up to the ward at high speed :shock: :shock:
BIL and SIL arrived, so by that time we were ready for home and we brought Dad back with us, via McDonalds (he fancied one for his T).
Then home, then pills, then neighbours popped in, then nap, which was a waste of time, then supper and now I am here......................phew.
Hi Sue, lovely to see you, we always ask after you, you are equally as important to everyone XX Glad Joan is ok too and we will see her today. Hugs to both and to the doggies
Don't worry about not getting in Toni, I had a suspicion that the day had run away, as they do, then choir practice as well.
Thank you for your thoughts for Mum. She is in the right place for necessary treatment.
How often are things missed in the elderly, very often, unfortunately. Blood results that are way off the mark are put down to them being a bit confused, or feeling tired, or a bit off colour :? ..........I did spot the sugar levels were going up and up, so set the ball rolling with the DN and the Diabetic Nurse Practitioner ( I know her quite well).
From then on the GP came and said pneumonia and it was off to Hospital.
Pepe was very worried, as he was saying to Miss Sleek. He is more settled now that Mum is being looked after in Hospital and getting treatment.
They spent some time in the Ravine, talking to the wood Nymphs and checking up on the spells, Miss Sleek did a good job at distracting him from his worrying.
Love the cake and the balloons, thank you
Oh, leaves, set up an account at Fix My Street and then you can put a kind request for the road sweeper to come and clean the roads, as they should do, they are a fall hazzard after all and the Council would not want a case against them, now would they 8) t120007
We could just let the warthogs take care of the managers at River Island, they would send them scattering for sure Kath.
I am sure Mum's pneumonia will respond well to the treatment, thank you.
I hope Tesco man arrived at the right time. did you get to Sawley, it has been a lovely Autumn day here.
Hi Barbara, I did hear singing and Toni said you were at choir practice in the evening.
I hope Niamh and her Sis are improving, poor Mum is not well now goodness, there are some horrid bugs about, we need a good few frosty nights, to send them packing.
At least they managed to get an earlier flight home.
Thank you for the hugs for us all and especially for Mum and for the Birthday wishes. It came and went so quickly, I forgot it was my Birthday for most of the day.
So you get a waft of cig smoke when Mum is about. A lot of people do get different aromas when a loved one is about.
Bless, Mr B is shattered and gone to bed. Sorry I didn't get chance to leave any extra cakes, but I will put some B Day cake out for us all to nibble on.
Yes, you are right, I am 27 now Toni, getting on a bit:?
Oh, another cake I see, many thanks, all cakes are welcome
I did see Pepe taking his Drs bag off into the bedroom, so I might get a wet ear later. t98243 He has been gliding and doing his pippylongstockings impression. Sleek was most impressed t98243
more hugs too, I am blessed.
We are not going up to the hospital today, Niece and her partner are coming over to take Dad to visit. We are meeting up with the friend I lost touch with again, we had to cancel two weeks ago, but we feel a little more settled now Mum is being cared for and doing ok.
We will meet them at the GC for brunch, no doubt lots of laughing, she is as mad as a box of frogsI am sure her and hubby will want to come see where we live, so lots of preening to do, even if it doesn't need preening.
Ok, time for me to shut up now, I have rambled on far too long.
I need to potter a bit, back is very shouty and hands are very sore from all the blinking hand gel at every corner :roll:
Hi To Kerrin, Christine, Carol, Mig, Joan, Elizabeth and all.
Everyone take lots of care XXX Love to all. Aidan
Help yourselves to cake..............
and if that wasn't sweet enough, something for breakfast
Sunny Sweet Spring Vegetable MuffinsXX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
Hello Toni Kathleen Barbara Alcan and anyone else I missed
Toni the council are sacking over a hundred people I've read.
Kathleen I have my flu injection this morning have you had yours yet.
Barbara thank you for the kind words. I took the dogs out early yesterday we were being picked up by Dial a ride 9 30 to go shopping.
Aidan sorry to hear about your Mum in law I hope she is soon home. Happy belated birthday. ((((((((Aidan Aidan's Mum in law and Dad))))))))
have a good weekend everyone
Joan xxtake care
joan xx0 -
Muffin first for me thanks Aidan then a slice of cake
I'm so glad that you di manage some 'birthday stuff' GC etc. I was worried I bet Mum had wanted you all to go out again.You got lots of exercise there and a backwards ride in a wheeled chair (they make me feel queasy!) at least you had a chance to 'nip outside' (shhh! not a word
At times like these when being 'in the trade' comes into it's own. You know that they are doing what you want! One day that staff will be likely doing the same for her own family so you must stick together
It really sounds as though the hospital are on the case sorting Mum's levels out potassium too...hadn't thought of that. Yukky drink :shock: She is good drinking it at all! Yes let the niece take Dad in today. You two will be likely to do most of the lifts so a day's rest will do you good....
Did I say rest? :roll: nope cleaning and preening ready to meet up with an old friend has to be done! I hope at least the visit takes your mind off any worries.
Did Pepelongstocking's display help take your minds off Mum being in again? I bet it did bless himand of course his General Catitioner skills in the night...? wet ears????
Miss Sleek might tease her beloved, but she adores him and can always be counted on to distract him from thinking Daddy's Mummy is ill. The ravine is a great venue the nymphs always have something to say :roll: They were making smoke voles in different colours. Pepe made tartan and pink and Miss Sleek made rainbow and sparkly.
Better get on today. Paul will be laying turf towards where the conifers were leaving a boarder for.....let's see
Hi Joan (and Sue) t98112 more council staff going? The place will be a mess :shock: Glad your flu jab is finally done
Love to everyone
Toni xx0 -
First, Tesco arrived in good time thank you. My favourite delivery person. He looks like Gary from Corrie, he has a poorly hand, slammed it in his van door.
Joan, glad you've both had your flu jabs.We're still waiting. I wonder if Pepe wold put his doctor outfit on and come to do it for us?
Barbara, we would have been under the gazebo today, only it wasn't up so we ate without a cover over us. :? But Chris bough me a Dignity two handled mug and a lipped plate. Everything is ready for tomorrow. I've ordered bacon butties for everyone who joins us, and there'll be urns of tea or coffee, whichever you prefer."Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein
0 -
Afternoon all all got Niamh today her sister is with her daddy and Niamhs daddy is working..she is quietly playing on her tablet..but would you believe she is lying in the chair upside down..
Aiden so glad you could talk in code to the staff and you are now happy that mum is being looked after..hopefully she will be home very soon..and good that you have today off to recharge your batteries..oh no I see you are preening...honestly no stopping you..I dont like being pulled to see were I am going..glad yo got to have a little party...not the right word but my brain has gone again.. :? some more hugs for all of you (()))
Toni I am so relieved the rest of the choir weren't looking at me..I just knew I had improvedhope the weather is better there for the turf laying..its pouring down here.. :roll:
Kath bacon butties it is..we will wait till they have gone though..sot eh gazebo wasn't up..hope it was dry...
Joan you are very welcome...glad to hear you still have the dial a ride..ours is ring and ride I used it twice..and it was brilliant..OH take me now..
Right better get Niamh off this tablet she will have square eyes :shock: and will help myself to some of Aidens Birthday cake
Love to everyone xxxxxxxLove
Barbara0 -
Barbara I can quite believe Niamh was upside down on the tablet bless her she is certainly a character that one
Paul had to move the wire for the bot before laying the turf......then he went to the football without laying it so poor bot got banked on the soil :roll:
Your singing is much much better
Kath we are all ready for tomorrow (early night everyone) do NOT make her a drink let Chris do it for you and make sure you use your new mug. Chris is so thoughtful
Do NOT do anything that hurts!!
Veggie bacon buttie for me please.
Poor Tesco delivery man :shock: ouch!!0 -
A very early morning, as it is now. He says, having moved the clocks back already, so I am well confused........ :roll: :?
Hi Joan, I am sure Mum will be home within a few days. Thank you for the hugs.
So you were out early doors with the doggies, prior to dial a ride.
More jobs going, more cuts by the Council, oh dear. No reduction in taxes though.
Hi to Sue, it was very nice to see her writing yesterday.
I hope you enjoyed your muffin and cake Toni, they all looked very good.
Mum was put out that she was in hospital and could not go to the GC for my Birthday. I said not to worry, just keep taking all the AB's and get rid of this infection.
I don't like going backwards in those chairs either, so B usually tried to keep me facing forward. They do make you queasy, a bit like being wheeled on a hosp trolley and watching the ceiling moving aboutYes, we always have a little nip outside, give Dad time alone with Mum, which is only proper. We don't mind having a cig
It was a long walk there and seeing as they have moved Mum to another ward, even further away, we will need a bus. :shock: They love to move patients about like a chess game :roll: :roll:
They seem to be pretty on the ball, doing all the right things to get everything on an even level. I will have to be checking what her BM is now, just out of interest, seeing as the super sweet pink lemonade has stopped. I know she is hardly eating at all.
Our Niece popped in after dropping Dad off home, to update us on the visit. Mum is in a side room, due to trotting to the loo. They just do it as a precaution, as they don't want any more bugs than are already lurking in hospitals.
It is a plastic apron and gloves job, every time you go in......... :roll:
Won't be for long, I don't think it is a bug, it is not a new problem as we said to Sister when we rang the ward this evening. Brought her up to speed on several matters, which she was grateful for.
We will be doing 90% of the visits, so it has been good to have a day off.......not resting as such lol. Preening and then off out for brunch, which was lovely. Glad we split the bill :shock: :? didn't realise we had eaten half the menuah well, not to worry eh.
Pepe has been less stressed today, he was chatting to Miss Sleek on more than one occasion and from the fur on the carpet there had been much gliding and rolling. All the puskins are really good.
I did get a wet ear, from Dr Pepe :roll: he feels happier when he has his Drs bag with him.
Sounds like they had a lovely time in the Ravine, with the Nymphs, making colourful coles, bless em.
Oh, a new border for you to plant lovely things in, very nice.
Hi Kath, glad you order arrived on time with your favourite delivery man, ouch for shutting the door on his hand. (())
Pepe, with a syringe and needle, errrrm, maybe not, but I can do your flu jab in 10 seconds flat
You managed to get to your missing gazebo :? and have all the things needed, in place for later today. We will be with you and will be issuing lots of calming vibes. The bacon butties will be lovely, when the assessment is over.
Don't do anything that causes you any discomfort at all. The Assessor had better be pleasant, or else.
Hi Barbara, I see Niamh has been with you, playing on her tablet, whilst being upside down in a chair, as you do.....
It was lovely to see friends again, we did have a laugh. You will see us on FB.
Talking in code to the staff nurse was good, I thought I had forgotten most of it, but no, it was still there. We will see how Mum is later today, trying to get her to eat is a big problem at the moment.
Thank you for the hugs XX
Oh dear, I see the turf was not put down Toni so bot ran aground. Maybe today you will have a border............
Wise words for Kath, I concur completely.
Right, I will go sort the drying. We have the oven on for Bills polymer clay baking and the dryer has been on a while, so it is roasting in here.
A frost tonight they say, minus 1 ish. first of the season.
Better post, been pottering for a while now.
Hi to everyone else, Kerrin, Christine, Elizabeth, Carol, Charrisse, Mig and all.
The trees in the forest are nearly bare now, but none the less beautiful.
Just in case we eat all the bacon butties from Kath, we had better have something to hand.
Take care all, XXX AidanXX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
Thanks for that little lot Aidan!!
I am very hungry which is a good thing as it's veg-bacon butties at Kath's just now
I suspected 90% of the visiting and running around would be you and B so a day off what exactly right. Sounds as though preening was successful and eating more so
Miss Sleek says Pepe does feel much happier with his Drs bag with him when someone is not 100% a wet ear and a bit of fur is nothing to have a less anxious pusskin. She is good at taking his mind off his worries yes and knows just who can help her such as the nymphs bless them.
Now let's hope Mum hasn't got a bug (Lucy caught C-diff in the hospital twice so we know all about isolation :roll: yellow aprons and the like :oops: :oops: ) bless her she will be home early next week
Right are well all ready?
The cloaks is here smelling fresh complete with porta-loo and oh dear two cats, assorted bush-babies, Blush, Marigold, cuddles and oh no! the tamest warthog incase we need him :shock: On a lead held by Miss Sleek with Pepe (avec Drs bag) on his back :roll:
We are with you Kath
If you get here in time Joan come on in it's Kath's assessment for her PIP t98112
Love to everyone
Toni xx0 -
Hello Kathleen Barbara Toni Aidan and anyone else I missed
Kathleen I'm sure you will have the flu injection soon you are on the list.
Toni There is so many empty shops in our town centre.
Barbara how are your sinuses getting on.
Aidan I hope you had a lovely birthday((((((((Aidan's Mum in law and Dad))))))))
Joan xxtake care
joan xx0 -
Morning all just pooping under the cloak for kath..I could smell the bacon..
hope all goes well..
Aiden I remember how big the Blackburn hospital there and brother had a side room and I remember being fascinated that were the walls met the floor it was rounded off so easy to clean..the things you remember.. :? ..I am sure you can celebrate when mums comes home..nice you got some time at the GC..and finished most of the menu...why not...
thanks for the lovely spread..
Toni I hope the bot is ok..poor Lucy really did go through it in there isnt much room under this cloak think I had better dot on the loo..with a bush bay on my knee...
Joan my sinuses are doing ok..they wont be cured unless I have them cleaned and opened but..I dont like the idea so will persevere..I hope you and Sue are ok and had a good few hours out thanks to dial a ride..
I remembered the clock last night..wish they would just leave them be now.. :roll: lovey and sunny out..hope the cold kills off the bugs..
Love to everyone xxxxxxLove
Barbara0 -
morning all,
Just wanted to say that we are thinking of you Kath and all hiding under the cloak. It is very busy under here, has anyone seen the warthog?
Yes Toni, it is yellow pinny and gloves :roll: :roll: as we said to the staff again this morning, this has been going on for a good long while, on and off. They will have sent samples off by now.
Pepe was back by the time I woke, very talkative, so hoping that everything went ok for Kath.
Sleek and his nibs will be off flying over Pendle today, it is glorious weather, wall to wall sunshine.
It is a big hosp Barbara, as you know, I am sure the new ward Mum is on is a chair ride, no way can I do half a mile, there and back, twice. :shock: :shock:
Not so bad at week ends, parking is a breeze, as all the out patients and day wards are shut. Even disabled parking is super difficult to find in the week, and they have hundreds of spaces.
Hi to Joan too.
I had better get on with a sandwich, we are picking Dad up at 1, so early lunch for us............
Everyone take lots of care, will catch up later, Love to all. XX AidanXX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
Barbara. pooping under the cloak! I know there's a porta loo under there, but honestly!
A very pleasant young lady drove all the way from Birmingham to Derbyshire and arrived just before 8AM without getting lost, even when she reached our rabbit warren of an estate. Everything seemed to go well, but I guess we'll find out in 6-8 weeks. Hope you enjoyed the crispy bacon butties, I think the warthog certainly did - he stayed behind to clean the plates and get rid of all the greasiness.
Very good of you all to be there beneath the cape. I think she could smell the bacon, well I HOPE it was the bacon Barbara.We didn't offer her a drink, but we let her use our toilet.
"Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein
0 -
Kath that wasn't me I promise..just taking the weight off my back
think it might have been the bush baby I was feeding it grapes..
glad it went well in the lap of the gods now..
Aiden its so tiring visiting hospitals, without all the walking..I hope mum seems a little better and has had something to eat..bless her she will want to get home..
not done much today..we are relaxing after Niamh..
Love to all xxxxxxLove
Barbara0 -
Oh I am not happy ny post has GONE and it was such a good one
I was pleased for Kath (Pepe and Sleek should have fetched the errant warthog by now?) worried about Barbara pooping in the cloak
Upset about Aiden's Mum and the aprons of shame.... :oops:
I said hello to Joan and agreed too many shops have closed
Lucy got the job at the Reindeer sanctuary (Christmas) when the kids come to see Santa.
She might have to dress up as an Elf though
Taking her Tuesday am to find out0 -
Evening to everyone, after a beautiful bright but cool day and now some frost on the roof tops.
I say cool, it was outside, but in the hospital it was melting. I never remember our wards being so steaming hot, we had to pass an assessment in our little red book, on how to ventilate a ward properly :shock:
Mind you, most of them where Nightingale wards when I was training. Bays didn't really come for some time.
I am so glad that things went well Kath, best not to make the lady a drink, but allowing her to used "the facilities", she as probably checking out if you have any aids or adaptations.
I only just realised that Barbara pooped under the cloak :shock: :shock:Blaming it on the Bush babies too
That was a great typo Barbara.
The bacon butties were lovely and how kind that the semi tame warthog was there to clean the dishes :shock: :? ( I am sure you boiled them all afterwards).
Glad you liked the breakfast Toni and yes, the veggie bacon butties were equally as good as the meaty ones.
We did enjoy our day off, all the eating and the preening was compulsory with friends coming to view. They loved the park home and want to move into one. Couldn't believe we had every possible convenience.
Pepe was busy with his Drs Bag again last night, checking pulses, blood pressures, temperatures :shock: Seemed to settle him. I didn't tell him that Gran was in isolation, he would have fainted.
Miss Sleek has been over and they had a lovely fly round, not sure of they went to Lytham, after their time under the cloak. There is sand under the broom, so I am guessing they did. No mention of the pedalo.
Mum was in her side room, yes, yellow pinnies that don't fit and gloves that fit where they touch. Anyway, we were togged up and lathered, just what we needed to be under plastic pinnies. Mum was ok ish, she had eaten some of her lunch, was pottering off to the loo over the way, IV is out.
I collared Sister and we made sure that a lot of things and concerns were made clear.
Results of cultures came back and no infection in po--p, no norovirus, so that's good, but they want to find out why there is persistent trots.
Her BM is back to normal levels, as we suspected it would be. I think the D Nurse should come in every day and do the jab.
I suspect that they will move her out of the side room today and won't be long before discharge. We will be shouting loud that more input is needed, no matter how much grumbling there might be.
Hi Joan thank you I did have a nice Birthday, I am 28 now
I hope you have had good weather to get out and about, also that your heating is working well, with the sudden drop in temperatures.
Now then Barbara, we all know you popped under the cloak to join us all
I think we have been to so many different wards at Blackburn, what with my Mum being in twice, until she passed away, then Mum IL being in umpteen times. Always shuffling beds and wards. It is a constant thing though, the demand for beds is immense. Oh yes, the floors come up the sides to meet the walls, makes for very easy mopping, that's when they actually did mop, with lots of disinfection and bleach. :roll: those where the days.
Mum does want to come home, but I think there needs to be more care put in place.
I cannot blame you for not wanting to rush in having your sinuses drained and the "windows" opened. Even though I don't know what they do - much :? :?
Hope you managed a relaxing day after Niamh visiting. Is she feeling a lot better now and how is Mum.
Where did you put the post Toni, did you ask Miss Sleek to wave her wand at the computer, to try and find it :roll: I have closed a page before, with all my post on it, by mistake, when you look in your history, it will still be there, thankfully.
The warthog is back with his family now, Sleek asked Hermione to transport him, as she was far too busy talking to Pepe on the crystal ballHermione laughed and soon had said warthog home in a flash.
I am hoping that Mum will be out of the side room and no more pinnies of shame, they are as much use as a chocolate T pot.
We found a nice new wheeling chair, so B had me up to level three and down the corridor in no time. We have it sussed now, which are the less used lifts and which loo's are the least used too. We usually have a cup of coffee, I say coffee, it is not quite as Costa as it says on the board :? :? :roll:
Way to go team Lucy, turning into an Elf for Christmas and looking after the kiddies with the Reindeer. She will love it I am sure. Mega happy for her.t98243 t98243
I bet there will be a lot of leaves falling today, after a very cold night. We have pine trees that shed here, so they are going everywhere and stick to the car and carpets like glue.
Another hospital trip today, the car knows the way and it is not so far, 25 mins, easy route, says me, being chauffeured all the way. It will be every man for himself for parking on a week day. Sunday was great, park at the door almost.
It is not quite this cold, but I love the picture
Now, a warming breakfast
Ciabatta French Toast and Apple Maple Syrup
Hi to everyone else, Kerrin, Elizabeth, Christine, Carol, Mig, Charrisse and all. Hugs to all. XXX AidanXX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
Oh no I did poop :oops:
and I was blaming the bush baby..
Just been for repeat bloods for these kidneys..I am a little scared this time..but will know in a week.. :shock:
Toni Lucy will make a lovely Elf and the reindeer's and children will love her..I just hate losing post... :roll:
Aiden I hope mum is a little better and not in a side room..good that the IV is out and she can get to the you have sussed a good wheelchair..put a sticker on it..very cold here with frost but I dont mind its nice and bright
Right french toast for me...
Love to everyone...xxxxLove
Barbara0 -
Hello Aidan Barbara Kathleen Toni and anyone else I missed
Aidan that's a nice age yes the heating is working well a new man is coming to check it today. ((((((((Aidan's Mum in law and Dad))))))))
Barbara no I don't blame you I would not fancy that yes we had a nice time shopping.
Kathleen that was a nice lady I hope everything goes well.
Toni i'm pleased Lucy got the job she is a kind loving person just the person for the job.
take care all
joan xxtake care
joan xx0 -
Hello Aidan Barbara Kathleen Toni and anyone else I missed
Aidan that's a nice age yes the heating is working well a new man is coming to check it today. ((((((((Aidan's Mum in law and Dad))))))))
Barbara no I don't blame you I would not fancy that yes we had a nice time shopping.
Kathleen that was a nice lady I hope everything goes well.
Toni i'm pleased Lucy got the job she is a kind loving person just the person for the job.
take care all
joan xxtake care
joan xx0 -
Oh no Toni, a lost post is so frustrating. Oh I can just see Lucy as an Elf. The children (and Reindeer) will love her. :x
Barbara, I hope the blood test gives good results.
My mum was often on a Nightingale ward Aidan. As was I when younger. Eldest 3 all born on such a ward, 2 at Highbury Vale, one at Peel Street. I was yonks younger then. :?
I have to say, the warthog was very well behaved, apart from slavering rather a lot.
Joan, we are on the list, but no-one nas been yet. :roll:"Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein
0 -
It was lost as I had become logged out. Not sure why I was always permanently logged in :?
Joan thank you I hope she gets it if she's an Elf I'll try to get a photo
Thank you to you too Kath I am glad to hear the warthog was well-behavedWe did take the nicest with us......
Lucy will love the deer tooIf there are any stray ones who might want to sneak into our sanctuary
Barbara try not to worry about the bloods there isn't much you can do really. You are avoiding salt already I expect?
Lucy will find out tomorrow what role. there's a café and a shop and of course Santa's grotto so who knows?
Aidan hospitals are always so warm!! Sure it can't be good when it's so cold outside mind you, you do get chilly in bed not moving so :?
I was in one those wards when I was 6 and had my appendix out (something wrong with my kidneys though!!). That was in Middlesex where my bro was born.
I reckon they are checking whether we have raised loos seats etc, but if the assessor had come to Kath's from Brum she probably did need a wee!!
The butties were lovely - we should go to Kath's again!! hehe!!
I'm glad your friends were after a park home now too - I think they are a great idea. Community ground floor accommodation what more could anyone want?
Gosh no don't tell Pepe his Gran is in isolation :shock: heaven's above!! He'd faint. It does help him to be able to 'Dr' everyone while she is in. Miss Sleek is patiently allowing her BP to be taken and her ears poked she understands him so well. She couldn't take the warthog home Pepe needed her!
So can you ditch the yellow pinnies and teeny gloves now Mum has no infections?? Poor lady. Glad the IV is out, but still one or two things need sorting persistent trots being one :roll:
I do hope you're right and it's back on the ward today and home not too long afterwards. My fingers are crossed for an increase in support at home for her.
I think Lucy will love the job you know she will be good at it. She's good with kids and loves Christmas.
Just put our wheelie bins out and saw the Rev popping leaves into the Church bin ready
Oh now that is a gorgeous picture Aidan ) really lovely.
I enjoyed my breakfast now Yum yum thank you very sticky
Love to everyone
Toni xxx
PS saved this message just incase0 -
Evening all
It seems an age since I was last posting but I have just not felt like doing anything since the end of last week, I have just been really down and fed up. Mr T has ben really moody but if you ask him what's wrong he says nothing's wrong. which is part of my reason for feeling like I have infact we have hardly spoken over the weekend the couple of times I did I got my head bitten off so I just kept quite. yesterday afternoon youngest daughter was in Putney and called in to see us. he was ok when with her but quite and moody again after. also the knees have been playing up a lot so that don't help. but things seem to have settled a bit now.
We had an open morning at the church on Saturday and I even sold 2 cards :shock: we have a new branch of the works in our local high street, and they have some great craft stuff for making my own cards again that I will sell with a donation from the proceeds going to charity. think I will be quite a regular customer at this shop.
Hopefully this week I have been good and that weigh in at sliming world is a good one
Have had a look through the posts since I was last on and lots of things have been going on. Toni I see Lucy has job as an elf I think she would make a good one well done Lucy.
Aidan Glad Mum is on the mend sending a few more ((((hugs)))) for her and Dad too.
made a fantastic dinner on Saturday evening a shepherds pie with a butternut squash topping instead of potato and mixed vegetables. to go with it. we ate half and saved half and put in freezer and today when we were talking about dinner tonight Mr T says can we have the rest of that shepherds pie it was good so we had it again tonight for dinner I can see that becoming a favourite meal.
almost forgot happy belated birthday Aidan.
well I must away and catch up on a few things.
have a good night all
t98112Stay positive always👍xx0 -
Just popping in for a minute before bed. I've been really tired this week. Came home early from work on Friday. I just came to a stop and couldn't do any more. Feeling a bit better now though. Had my flu jab on Tuesday and had my bloods done at my GP's RA clinic. All normal again but the nurse made an appointment for me to see my GP. She thinks I need to be referred back to the rheumie as I'm in more pain and feeling very fatigued. Things are starting to get more difficult at work. I keep dropping things and knocking things over. No-one's noticed yet. :oops:
Aiden, hope mum is out of the side room now and feeling a bit better.
Toni, sorry Lucy didn't get the River Island job but I bet she has a lot of fun helping Santa.
Barbara, how is Niamh doing? Hope she is picking up now. Glad your sinuses are a bit better.
Carol, sorry you are feeling so down. OH isn't helping any.
Sue and Joan, nice to see you in here Sue. Hope you are both ok.
Kath, I didn't see what the lady was coming for. Only saw that you were hoping to find out in a few weeks how it went. Hope it turns out well.Christine0 -
Evening to all - a frosty start and a pleasant day. Dry, for a change.
Hi Barbara, don't worry about blaming the bush babies, with all the grapes they had, it was no wonder :shock:
Fingers crossed for the blood results, they usually get them back to the surgery within a day or two. I always ring and pester them to see what they are.
Mum is still in the side room and we are wearing the pinnies and gloves, even though nothing has come back with anything that requires "isolation". :roll: I did say are these really necessary, I know the results of the cultures that were sent off. But, it was pinnies, regardless :x
She was a little brighter today, said she had had a fair night, eaten a little better and was drinking plenty. They have sent off another lot of bloods and a wee sample, so will wait on the results of those. I am hoping that she will be out of confinement. A bit of a joke really when the door is wide open and she totters across to the loo. :roll: :roll:
I had a trolley chair to get up to the ward, which we parked out on the corridor - come to nip down for a coffee and the shop, chair had gone, not one in sight so I had to walk all the way down to the main entrance area. No wonder my back and knees are screeching. But needs must.
Hi Joan, 28 was a nice age, but, I am happy where I am now, time marches on.
Thank you for the hugs, they are always welcome. Glad your heating is working well.
Hi Kath, I used to like the nightingale wards, you could see everything that was going on, from Sisters office. There was no hiding place and woe betide if the beds were out of line and the counterpanes were not even.
I remember Peel street Hospital, the ladies hospital as it was known as. The lady who took over from my piano teacher and taught me to play the Church Organ, sadly passed away in Peel Street. I think it closed shortly afterwards.
I was a wee bit younger then too :? :?
Oh, did the warthog slather, they are mucky pups. Bless em.
It is high time the Nurse was coming with the flu jabs, they need doing as soon as. Keep pestering them
Hi Toni, so Lucy will find out today, what role she will be taking on, sounds like a range of things on offer.
People do feel chilly when they are laid in bed for most of the time. Mum thought it was quite cool, as B and I were melting under our pinnies of shame. By the time you are togged up, half your time there has gone :roll: :roll:
I am sure the assessors do check, especially when they do home visits, their eyes will be everywhere :? :?
Mind you, after a long journey a wee would be needed, as you say.
We do have everything we need here, well, a small shop, you could not do a weekly shop, but, they sell most essentials.
No mention of nan being in isolation to Pepe, as far as he knows, she is on the ward and being well looked after. Pinnies and gloves are not spoken of. He would faint for sure.
Kind of Sleek to let him do her BP and check her earshe decided that I needed a wash at nap time, so my right arm was given a thorough lick :roll: (I did anti bac wash afterwards). He soon settled, as did the girls, just me lying wide awake. I think by the time you have been to the hosp, there, back, home, do some washing, feed cats etc etc, your mind is in a whirl. You will know that all too well.
No mention of discharge, but that can change in a flash, so we are primed and ready. We want there to be a lot more input at home too - we will get there, one way or another.
I am certain Lucy will be fine in whatever post they offer, being good with children and loving Christmas, is a huge bonus.
I could not resist that picture, I love winter scenes, ones where you could walk into the picture / painting..........dreaming again.
Breakfast was rather gooey, but very moreish
Pepe said he will be talking to Sleek during the night, over the crystal ball, I think their spell is nearly ready, for tonight. :shock:
Hi Carol, sorry you have not been feeling great and things have been a little "tense" at home. Not what you need when you are feeling down and tired. Fatigue is just horrid, it can hit at any time and takes some getting over.
I will send some positive vibes your way, to make sure Mr T is in a better humour.
Hugs for the knees, I can totally sympathise. ((()))
You sold two cards at Church, well that is an improvement on the usual quiet days.
Making your own cards sounds good, especially if there is a shop, to find all the supplies you need.
I am sure SW will be fine and you will be on target.
Thank you for the hugs for Mum and Dad, all appreciated very much.
The Shepherds pie sounds wonderful, love butternut squash, great alternative to tatties. Obviously Mr T loved it too, if he wanted to have the rest.
We might have to pop round for a sampleToni can soon have the bus ready.
Thanks for the Birthday wishes, it kind of came and went as they do. With a 101 other things on our minds.
Hi Christine. You are not feeling too good, sorry to hear that. A lot of us completely understand what it is like to come to a complete standstill. We keep going and going, then our bodies just say, ok, that's enough.
Glad the bloods were ok. But another apt with the rheumy is not a bad idea.
I was saying to my GP that I was in more pain, year on year.
No one will notice at work, I drop things with regularity. If I am trying to get things done it is even worse, so B is always telling me to slow down. :roll: :roll:
I wish mum was out of the side room, or at least not in isolation. I am sure she will be today, he says, ever hopeful
Leaving some extra hugs ((()))
Right, I will have to move again, I am set, like a plaster cast.
Love to everyone, far and wide, wonder when Mig is back from Lake Garda?
Everyone take lots of care. XX Aidan
The secret garden was all wintry, it was lovely
Veggie scrambled eggs with vintage cheddarXX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0
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