Val's Cafe



  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Evening to all, finally arrived just before midnight, who would have thought it. :roll:

    Hoping that Joans Boot fitting went well, it was so roomy under the magic cloak, I was pottering from one room to the other, amazing. Just like Hermione's tent.

    Hi Barbara, I am sure we could make our own calendar :)

    Chairs were in good supply today at the hospital, so easy to get to the ward. No way could I have walked it, my knees are just about giving out and my back is held together with Tramadol etc.

    Mum won't be out until next week, her Sodium levels have gone way up, most likely due to having the trots for such a long time and not eating properly etc.
    She was more lethargic and lower in mood today, another sign of high sodium levels. She is on restricted fluids, to try and get her body to remove the excess sodium.
    I quizzed the staff nurse about renal functions and other results that I knew would have come back from the bloods. Everything else seemed to be fine.
    Carry on with the antibiotics for the week end and then more bloods and review again on Monday.

    Naturally Mum is not happy at being in over the week end, but, needs must.

    We are not going up today, BIL and SIL are picking Dad up and taking him. We need a bit of a catch up at home.

    Sunday we will likely go in, the only way I can get a proper view of things, is to be there, nosey matron.

    The window was open a bit in the side room, so it was not quite as boiling hot. I remember one shift in July, many years ago, I had done all the beds on one side of the ward, was lathered. Sister didn't like the way one was made, so she stripped them all off and I had to do them again :shock: :shock:

    No, don't put those socks in the wash, everything will come out coal coloured :? :o:lol:

    Those pancakes looked SO good I had to put them out.

    Hi Toni, the picture is really good, thank you for sharing :) Much pride and rightly so.

    Poor Sleek, being wafer thin when you arrived home, after days and days of eating nothing but a crust. :roll: Pepe did do a good job of diverting her worries away and enjoying the ceremonies over the crystal ball.

    No problem with running out of room under the cloak, heads swollen with pride can be fully accommodated :)

    Thank you for the hugs, it is very tiring, as you know all too well. We need a day of catching up and some recovery, 9 days straight takes its toll on ones joints.

    Sat will be a day for cleaning and more cleaning, a bit like yourself, no doubt umpteen lots of washing too, puskins bedding too. I think our two BIG vacuums will be out today, beds moved and lots of fussing and de-littering. Quite how they throw it under a divan bed, is beyond me :roll: :roll: :? Bless em.

    Hope Lucy was ok at work, been thinking of her and sending lots of good vibes.

    Little baby Elves, oh we need one of those (Pic please, when you bu one ) :D

    Pepe said that Sleek had been very close to Mum, after being left for sooooo long :roll: :roll: I think they went up to Pendle, gathering heavy mist - another spell in the offing me thinks.

    Kath, that is terrible, I want to come and get this flu jab sorted, it will take about 30 seconds. In the next two weeks, is a bit off if you ask me.

    Glad the Tesco order came through, with no "alternatives". We used to use them quite a bit, might start doing it again.

    We have had a homely evening, B is busy with doing designs for spring jewellery, likes to be ahead of the game. I have been doing washing and pottering so I am quite content with that. Give me a washer, a dryer and a cloth and I am sorted. :?

    I hope everyone else is as ok as can be, Carol, Elizabeth, Joan, Christine, Kerrin, Mig and all

    I am popping into the secret garden, I asked for some wisteria. I can sit on the wall and just chill out a while.

    Something veggie for breakfast
    Asparagus and tomato frittata slices


    Love to all XXX Take lots of care Aidan
    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,226
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Frittata always good for breakie :) Thanks Aidan I've made some macchiato (caramel)

    The wisteria is fabulous thank you just what we need on a miserable November morning. Here I am wishing my life away waiting for next year t see if my pruning has helped Wilhelmina produce me some flowers :wink:

    I would have been wondering exactly the same about Mum's kidneys with high sodium. She is probably well advised to remain where she is for the time being, BUT you do need a day off. Don't overdo the housework will you.

    We did under our furniture after the sweep came on Wednesday. Charley and Tia were here to help :)

    Flicking litter underneath a divan is a finely honed skill. Probably a sport in the catalympics.

    Pepe was very kind to Miss Sleek on Thursday bless his heart :) He brought his Drs kit and they had some fun with her swooning (catnip instead of smelling salts) and having 'panic attacks' paper-bag. Of course ears were checked out thoroughly too :roll:

    He is still mildly worried about his Gran still being in hospital.

    I'm glad you got a chair and things were a bit cooler in the hospital. Mean Sister making you redo all the beds :shock:


    Piddling down here still :(

    Woo-oo Joan t98112 how was your new boot?


    Toni xx
  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,239
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hello Toni Barbara Aidan Kathleen and anyone else I missed.
    Toni that's a lovely photo good luck to Tia in what ever she does.
    Barbara yes the boot were comfortable now they have gone to have the sole put on and little bits done they are Velcro I have to wait 6 weeks for them Christmas makes it longer.
    Aidan I hope you all have a good weekend sorry about your Mum in law still being in hospital it's the best place for her((((((((Aidan Aidan's Mum in law and Dad and B))))))))
    Kathleen I hope everything is going as well as it can for you.
    take care all
    Joan xx. thank you for being under the cloak
    take care
    joan xx
  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Afternoon all...
    Joan that is such a long wait ..but hopefully it might be ready earlier..I think we could have made new boots in that time..but has long as you found it comfortable that is what counts..
    Kath you really do need that flu jab...not good that they are dragging there feet..
    Aiden ]so there is no rest for you and Bill..but has long as you are happy with the washer and cloth... :lol: poor mum must be fed up..but like you say she is in the best place..hopefully all will be well for early next week..what a palaver having to make the beds again in that heat..when I had my first hip replaced it was in the high 20s..and all the doors and windows had to be shut because they were building the new wing..the poor nurses were changing my bed 3 times a day ... :shock: bless um the were lathered..
    Right old GP said drink more I have always drank lots I am told not to drink to much reading what you wrote about mums sodium levels is interesting..
    Toni what a lovely pic of Paul and Tia..they both look so proud and so they should..I am sure the wisteria will look glorious next year..the on e they chopped down next door soon took was so sad to see it feet were black because of my new soft top socks.. :lol:
    A lovely veggie breakfast thanks to Aiden...will help myself for lunch.. :D
    Love to everyone xxxxxx
  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    This is a novelty, posting in the afternoon. I hope everyone is as ok possible. Lovely bright day here, was foggy last night, but fine today.

    Hi Toni, so you are having a lot of rain :roll: No No wishing of time away, whilemena will be just fine I am sure, we hope our little baby wisteria will flower again, it did have some on when we bought it.

    It was lovely to sit among the flowers, in the secret garden. I must let Carol know that there is a new shed, to accommodate all the spare hours that we loose. The door to the enchanted forest is still at the back.

    I was full of questions about Mum's renal functions, but, they were not worried about anything else, urea was fine, just the sodium that was up.

    Did you say don't overdo the housework - Ooops, too late. :roll: :roll: we are super clean, from front to back, top to bottom. I only did what I can comfortably do, (plus a few other bits that I shouldn't :? :? ). Lots of washing and drying. I have even had my hair cut, which is wonderful, like having a big hat taken off. It was getting very fluffy.
    I will cut B's in the morning, before we go to the hospital in the afternoon.

    I see you have been deep cleaning too. After the sweep I am sure there were bits lurking.

    I think B got most if not all the litter from under my bed, so the puskins can start to skim the litter back under once more. :animal_busy: they are all asleep at the moment, Mother is having cuddles with Daddy, while the tennis is on.

    Pepe is still in nursey mode and insists on bed bathing my arm when it is nap time. :roll: :roll: He did keep Sleek from worrying too much about being abandoned, with all the role play and ear examinations :lol::lol:

    Oh there were some fearsome ward Sisters when I was training, goodness, they put the fear of God in you. If they said jump, you asked, how high. Wards were run with military precision.

    Hi Joan, glad the boot was comfy for you, now you have to wait all that time for the sole and velcro to be put on, goodness, 6 weeks is bonkers. I was going to pop out of the cloak and tell them that is not acceptable.

    Mum is in the best place when her bloods are a little askew. BIL and SIL have gone with Dad today, so we can have a break, 9 days on the trot nearly floored me and B too.

    Hi To Sue and to the doggies as well, hope you managed to get out and about, or is it raining there.

    Hi Barbara Rest, what's that Barbara, not a word I am familiar with :roll: :roll:
    I am happy with the washer and dryer, cloth and various cleaning sprays :)
    I was boiled when I had to re make all the beds again, Sister was not very accommodating to first year students.

    Glad you found the little ditty about our sodium levels interesting. It is quite a fine balance to keep the right levels. I am hoping they come down to more normal by Monday.

    I hope everyone else is ok, Kerrin, Carol, Christine, Mig, Kath, Elizabeth, Charrisse and all.

    Some afternoon scones to go with our T

    Take care, XXX Aidan


    maybe a sponge cake as well

    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,226
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Joan I am very pleased the boots will fit perfectly once the sole is on. They are being hand-made. Thank you Tia will do fine whatever she does, but wants to do animal rehabilitation. We are always available to be under the cloak for each other. :D

    thank you Paul was very pleased, but needs a new suit :lol: Paul's mum is on dialysis as you know and she has been told to cut her fluid intake. :?

    Ah new socks. They also drop little black fluffy bits in the shower don't they?

    Fingers crossed Wilhelmina will do well next year :)

    Aidan I have had some sponge lovely and light it is ta :D

    It is good to see you in the afternoon. :)

    It's always nice to feel the bungalow is clean isn't it? I even started the oven :shock: today, but only did half. The litter was your side eh? They will soon scoot some more underneath :wink:

    I have a pusskin here giving me cat-kisses. She's been over to yours when you fell asleep after your bed-bath C/O Dr PepeLongstockings.

    She adores him and he her so no problem looking after each other during times of need :roll: He told Sleek that his Mummy was having cuddles with one of his Daddies :animal_busy: His 'nother Daddy needed to be cleaned.

    If Mum's renal function is ok that's good hopefully the sodium will settle :?

    I hope you will make the most of your day off and rest together both of you.

    Lucy is off to her bf's in abit and we have been invited to a neighbours for fireworks fizz and fun. Suits me as I don't like prosecco much :wink::mrgreen:

    Take care everyone

    Toni xxx
  • Turbogran
    Turbogran Member Posts: 2,023
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Evening to you all

    Hope you have all had a good couple of days I don't know where yesterday went. Thanks Aidanfor telling me about the new shed for all the stolen hours must pay it a visit to claim back a least a day. After dinner with Mr T yesterday my friend couldn't make our usual coffee I went a bit further than our local high street on another short bus ride to another quite close shopping centre to do some Christmas shopping I now have both Lillie and Graycie's Christmas presents and her birthday present she is a year old in 5 weeks where did that year go :shock: :? :?: I'm sure I don't know.

    Toni we are always having to buy new socks in our house I think the washing machine eats them :lol::lol: there are always loads of odd ones. the picture of Paul and Tia is lovely

    Aidan I wonder too what rest is it seems a foreign language too me :roll: :roll: :lol:
    oh yum sponge cake had to had a slice of that. glad there was plenty of chairs at the hospital an you didn't have to walk to the ward hopefully mum may get home soon. sending a few positive vibes to you . I will put some pictures of some of my cards when I make them on here.

    Barbara We are thinking maybe the pusskins will have to wait until after Christmas what with Christmas presents and having to book an overnight stay in a hotel in Ramsgate to attend Graycie's 1st birthday in 5 weeks time and then at the end of January we are down there again for a couple of nights for a family meal to celebrate my 70th birthday. so lts of money being spent by us both at the moment all this and Christmas in the middle but at least that will be a more quite affair with only us and most likely our youngest daughter.

    I have tried out the new slow cooker tonight I made a sausage and pearl barley stew from slimming worlds new cook book it was really nice enjoyed by both of us. one I will cook again.

    must now go an visit the new shed to collect some hours it stole from me yesterday :lol::lol: and a little visit to the lovelies to see if they are all ok.

    nighty night all
    hope you all have a good night tonight and a good day tomorrow

    t98112 t98112
    Stay positive always👍xx
  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Evening to everyone - quite misty out, with a full moon, apparently a Hunters Moon :?

    We did get some rain Toni, after me saying what a lovely day it was :roll: :roll:

    New socks, oh they get everywhere, I am always jumpy thinking there are spiders on the bath mats - no, bits of sock...... :?

    The sponge did look rather tempting and light, a good excuse for a second portion.

    It was lovely to post in the afternoon, for a change, it has been over a week I am sure.

    I keep thinking how nice and clean we are, don't worry, the puskins are already throwing litter, with B in hot pursuit with the cordless vac :lol:
    The oven is clean, we use it very infrequently and it has not been in very long, so I just polish and shine it :) Cleaning ovens is a marathon task.

    Other Daddy was already clean, but Pepelongtstockings was insistent on checking, before he settled down under his blanket. Cookie always gets into bed and Mother has half of the dressing table, with a big comfy bed on it, laying there like the Queen of Sheba.
    I even managed to nap, which made a pleasant change. Pepe said that Sleek had been over and they nipped down into the ravine, checking on the jar of mist and talking to the Nymphs. I think they had a fly round too, as the broom was quite wet. I was going to dry it off, but it growled at me :shock: :shock:

    I am hoping Mums Sodium levels will come down, they will check it over the week end and again on Monday. B rang Dad and he said Mum was tired, but ok. BIL and SIL never rang or sent a text - :roll: I send long texts after every visit, to family members, but that's me.

    Hope you enjoyed the fireworks, fizz and fun, even though Prosecco is better used for cleaning sinks :mrgreen::lol::lol: Miss Sleek will take cover from the fireworks, ours never bother really.

    Oh and Lucy is off to her BF's, very nice, they seem to be getting on very well :)

    Hi Carol I see you are off into the secret garden to find some of those spare hours and days. There are plenty in there.

    I hope you had a nice meal out with Mr T. Then you went Christmas shopping, seeing as you are down to visit your GD and GGD very soon, a wise move, to get things sorted.
    A year old already, oh my, where did that time go?? Is Graycie starting to stand up and take some steps :)

    Thank you for the vibes, we will take them with gratitude. I am sure they will discharge mum as soon as they can, beds are at a premium nationwide.
    Chairs, well, it can be a bit of a bun fight on a week day, but at week ends it is fine, there are dozens of them. Parking is a breeze too.
    I know I would not be able to walk to the ward, I simply cannot do it. I had to walk one way last week, which nearly floored me. There was not a trolley chair in sight :roll:

    Look forward to seeing the lovely cards you make.

    It might be wise to hang fire until after Christmas, for a puskin, but, you can bet your dollar that they will ring, the week before and you will melt with the puskin needing a loving home.

    The meal sounds very good, another one to add to the must make again list.

    Thank you for popping in to see the lovelies, I feel bad for not going in, but I know the keepers and vets are wonderful and all our animals are super well looked after. Has anyone looked into the glass tank yet? :shock: :shock:

    Well I had better move the bones, they are shouting.

    Hi to everyone else, Kath, Christine, Kerrin, Mig Charrisse and all

    Everyone take care, love to all XXX Aidan

    The breakfast is just out of the oven

    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,226
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Carol would that SW stew work with quorn sausages too?? Jut out of interest? I might snaffle the recipe if it does :)

    Well done getting your Christmas pressies for the girls. Please do not tell me Graycie is 1 :shock: :shock: :shock:

    Thank you Paul was very proud of Tia. Just as proud of Lucy being an Elf though ;)

    I have helped myself to a warm buttery soft Roll and popped some emmental on it (cheese in fridge guys).

    That sock fluff makes me jump too :lol: it can look, out fo the corner of your eye, like sp***rs :shock: :shock:

    The hunters moon was soon obscured under firework smoke! It's proper raining here and it's Church grounds clear up too this morning :? :? :?

    I do the oven in two goes unless I start early :wink: ours is usually clean I am pretty well behaved with it to be honest.

    A last whip round with the cordless and you should be ok for visiting...

    I am glad Pepe's N'other Daddy had a wash too to be on the safe side. They did nip down to the ravine to see the nypmhs in the afternoon as last night and tonight are out with fireworks around. :? You can't go near the broom :shock: :shock: :shock: be careful!

    No other cats joined them I think they wanted to go on their own so they could touch whiskers. Pepe tried to wash Miss Sleek's face apparently :wink:

    She was telling me that everyone has their place for sleeping and Mother is the boss....Sleek would only share humans with Pepe she said. Oh and she'll put up with the soup (my fish).

    I can't sand prosecco so I nurse one glass and then get Paul to finish it. He loves it...along with Asti spumante!!! (no emphasis on the spew! Fireworks were good neighbours competing so we all got one BIG display :)

    Let's hope Mum's sodium levels do go down. I hope they don't give her salt in her food at the hospital too to help.

    I think Lucy's bf may be slightly keener on her, but she's enjoying herself. Sleek used Lucy's basement room to hide from fireworks she cannot hear a thing down there :D

    Hi Joan I did reply to your post earlier, but hello t98112 to you I hope the dogs are doing ok with the fireworks?

    Love to everyone else

    Toni xx
  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,239
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hello Barbara Aidan Toni Carol and anyone else I missed
    Barbara I expect there are a lot of other people having boots or shoes made.
    Aidan how is your Mum in law((((((((Aidans Mum in law and Dad))))))))
    Toni how did Lucy's Alf go I bet she enjoyed doing it.
    Carol I hope you having a good weekend.
    take care all
    Joan xx
    take care
    joan xx
  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Aidan, I hope mum's sodium levels improve. (((()))). I rang dad this morning. We're worried about my little sister Anita. She's signed off work as she is in a lot of pain from her groin down her leg, and can't walk. :shock: I'm hoping it's Sciatica, and not Cauda Equina. She works in a nursing home and has been ill treated by some of the residents. Kicked, bitten, pinched, spat at etc. :o:cry:

    I've had some crunchy bread plastered in butter. Yummy slurp. :D Aidan and Toni, try pink socks, or yellow. They don't leave sp****s behind, just confetti.

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Evening all..think I need the shed for more hours and havent done anything today.. :o
    Lets see what I cam remember.. :? :?
    Aiden has brought us all the lovely food..and they got a long awaited nap..I am pleased...even if you are still busy that will help..not nice that the sil and bil didnt text to say how mum was..they know you would have been waiting for an update.. :roll:
    Toni I dont like fizzy wine ..cant drink any now but my OH buys Asti every Christmas..there is only him drinks it :lol: I hope you had a good time and Lucy enjoyed her visit to her bf...he had better look after her..hope her job is going ok.. :)
    Carol I cant believer the baby is nearly one..sorry I didnt want to miss spell her name..yes its wise to wait after Christmas then when its all quiet you can have your cat :) I love love our slow cooker ..everything in and thats it..
    Joan you are right they will probably be busy making boots for lots of people..just hope its sooner rather than later
    Kath is that a pic of your sister ..she looks lovely I hope the pain ease for her..its such an hard job being a carer..especially when they have dementia..
    Right I need you all under the cloak tomorrow morning..its my repeat Kidney bloods update...dont know why I am worried this time.. :?
    Now I will make a cuppa and have some of the sponge cake Aiden left for us..
    Love to everyone xxxxxx
  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    And now it is Monday - Sunday came and went :? :shock: It is super frosty out, white over. Lovely.

    I won't natter on too long, as the day has gone and I will be fading with my Tramadol.

    Glad you enjoyed the warm rolls, with lots of best French butter of course, (rude not to really).

    You have had even more rain - enough already, especially as it is Church clean up time. Did the pathclear work its magic on the steps at the Church?

    We had some fireworks on Sat night and plenty on Sunday evening too, just at nap time :roll: :roll: Doze, BANG BANG :shock: :shock: Napping was not a success :roll:

    I have only had to clean the glass on the oven a couple of times, as I said it is almost new, so nothing has really had chance to get a grip. We only use it once a week if that.

    I am not happy with the washer, it is making a big rattling noise at the beginning and end of each spin - so I will be calling them to come sort it out. Only had it just over two weeks.

    Sleek and Pepe were on the crustal ball, keeping well out of the way of fireworks. I am not a fan of them at all really, so dangerous, have seen some terrible injuries from them, when people have gone to them, thinking they have gone out.

    The broom is very protective and is VERY territorial, it has laid claim to the cloaks cupboard, we are allowed to get coats out, but that is all :shock: :shock:

    I am sure Pepe will have given Sleek a little wash, he made sure my arm had a bed bath again :roll: :roll: :lol::lol:

    Glad you enjoyed the night out with the neighbours and everyone was safe with the fireworks. Asti, oh my :mrgreen::mrgreen: evil stuff.

    Mums Sodium levels are quite low, so what the nurse was telling me the other day was not quite right :? :? her CRP levels are high, which really is due to her pancreas I think, it usually indicates a long term problem / inflammation. She was pretty tired today, nodding off, then talking a bit, then nodding. We didn't stop too long as she wanted to go to sleep before supper came.
    No discharge plans, more bloods today, so we will see if there are any improvements. Still on restricted fluids. I will do some more quizzing later.

    So Lucy is not quite as keen as her bf is, as long as she is happy, then that's ok.

    Hi Joan, there will be a lot of boots, shoes etc being made, more than we realise. I know we want things done asap, but sometimes, things just take their time.
    I hope the doggies were ok with the fireworks.
    Thank you for the hugs, Mum is tired and very sleepy.

    Hi Kath thank you for the hugs for Mum, I will pass them on :)

    I do hope that Anita is ok, sciatica being the lesser of the two potential problems. I can sympathise with the problems of being kicked punched etc, it was a common occurrence in nursing. Especially in A and E.
    I hope she feels better very soon and the symptoms soon subside. ((()))
    The pictures are lovely Thank you for sharing them.

    Pink socks, what a great idea, confetti is far better than spi---s. I might get funny looks, but I am past caring.

    I will pop down to the shed with you Barbara, we were doing well today, then it all went pear shaped this evening, when neighbour popped round, to sort out some computer problems will B, Supper was very late, then before you know it, the clock strikes midnight.

    Not to worry about SIL and BIL, not dropping us a line. We won't worry about it and I will carry on informing everyone each day, of how Mum is doing, at least I know I am doing what I can to keep everyone informed.

    Of course we will be under the cloak of many rooms. I will go stock up the kitchen, ready for some snacks. The bush babies want to come along too. Don't be worrying too much ((()))

    I cut B hair and I am now promoted back to Salon Junior :D:D under supervision of course :roll: :roll: We are both smart and preened now.

    Off to the GC for our brunch this morning, feel the need to be waited on, so we will go, coffee and munchies are in demand. Then we will head off to the hospital. It will be madness compared to Sunday, when it was lovely and quiet, parking was a breeze.

    Hi to everyone else, Kerrin Carol, Charrisse, Christine, Elizabeth, Mig and all.

    Take lots of care - thoughts and prayers are with those who have perished and are injured in the terrible shooting in the Church in Texas. Lost for words.

    Love to all XXX Aidan
    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,239
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hello Kathleen Barbara Aidan and anyone else I missed
    Kathleen your sister looks a kind loving person and your Dad I hope her pain can be helped.
    Barbara I will be there for you tomorrow don't worry.
    Aidan all the best to your Mum in law((((((((Aidan's Mum in law and Dad))))))))
    Joan xx the dogs weren't to bad with the fireworks.
    take care
    joan xx
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,226
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Morning everyone!

    Joan Lucy loves being an Elf don't know what days she's in this week, but probably plenty!

    Barbara Paul buys Asto for his Christmas dinner too and we all hate it :lol:

    Kath it could be your sis's hip if t's a pain in her groin :? I hope she gets on ok ((())) Your Sister looks very glam and your Dad looks a proper sweetie :)

    get on the phone about that washer :shock: You've had it 5 minutes!!

    Best French butter is a must of course I can only get it in here unless we are out there though :(

    The rain stopped and we raked leaves...oh no :( BAD idea my back is very upset about it very very upset :( Not to worry it'll go off.

    Fireworks at scary and very dangerous I agree I can imagine what you've seen at work in the past :(

    The cats don't mind watching them in the crystal ball it's the sound that frightens them :?

    The broom owns the cloaks cupboard then?!! Oh'll have to clean it when Pepe is out on his??

    CRP is high is it? hmmmm....yes Mum's infection/inflammatory markers are high. That can affect sodium? At least you understand. I hope the repeat bloods show improvement and she can have her discharge planned now.

    Lucy's bf is anice lad and they do have a laugh but of course he things she is adorable :D Just as he should :wink:

    Love to everyone

    Toni xxx
  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Afternoon all..
    Thanks for the cloak duties..the bloods weren't to bad just increased a little..just over 52 so bordering on stage 3 form be honest I was expecting worse.. :o
    Aiden bet you enjoyed being waited on at the GC..then off to visiting again..I hope that mums sodium levels are better today then they can give you some idea of when mum will be home..oh no not the washer..has it only just started doing it, I remember one we had and they had left some packing inside it.. :roll: hopefully they will come soon to check it out..and thankyou for the bush babies they did help.. :)
    Toni Lucy BF adores lovely but if he is not the one..dont you just worry has to who they will settle down be careful with that back..what is it with men and Asti.. :lol:
    Joan thankyou ..and I am glad the doggies don't mine the fireworks..I do...they sound like bombs going off.. :roll:
    Love to everyone xxxxxx
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,226
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Barbara I have no idea what it is with men and asti :lol: silly aren't they? Stuck in the 70s :wink:

    As for your bloods I suppose with chronic kidney disease it will gradually get worse. Still in 2 nearly 3? Keep up your healthy eating as you are that's all you can do.

    The BF jolly well should adore Lucy :wink: She may fall for him yet I am not too worried he is still doing her good :)

    Back is still cross and we have Dr Tim tomorrow so a journey ahead :(

    I hope everyone is ok


    Toni xxx
  • Turbogran
    Turbogran Member Posts: 2,023
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Evening all

    Hope you all had a good weekend. weather here is getting a lot colder. I am suffering very dry skin on the back of my neck at the at the moment that really irritates and I have to keep putting some Dermol cream on it seems to happen every year when the colder weather comes.

    Aidan yep Graycie is standing up against the furniture and walking around it so I don't think she will be long before she is walking unaided. I did get some hrs from the new shed the lovelies were all very happy. oh yes the stew was delicious I will become a favourite.

    Toni yes I would think quorn sausage would work I used the linda mc cartney rosemary and red onion ones.

    Joan Yes I did have a good weekend hope yours was ok

    Barbara Yes Graycie is a year old in December where time has gone i don't know.

    It is now bedtime so i am going to say nighty night all t98112 t98112
    Stay positive always👍xx
  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Evening, well, nearly morning, so I will say hi on both counts :lol:

    Ooops there goes another day, whoosh and it's midnight.

    All the days are becoming one :roll: but, we carry on, as we must.

    Hi Joan I am glad the lovely doggies don't mind the fireworks, the loud bangs set them all off barking round here, they make me jump too.
    Thank you for the hugs for Mum and Dad, they are needed.

    I have the paperwork next to me, to phone the candy man this morning. Less than three weeks and rattling will not do, end of.

    Naturally we have best French butter in the cafe, imported daily :) Entente cordialle etc

    Raking is a bit like sweeping Toni, it leads to ouchies, horrid ouchies. I will send some good vibrations down country and ask Miss Sleek to cast a spell of comfort. Pepe will send one down too, while he is sorting my ouches out too. Hospital ouches. Up down, in chair, out of chairs, up down, sit stand, walk, up down..........

    Our puskins have watched fireworks from the window, ones in the distance, but they don't like those huge bang ones :shock: come to that, neither do I. Horrid burns, lost fingers, nasty injuries.

    I might ask Hermione to disable the broom, so that I can fuss in the cloaks cupboard, she won't mind and I won't tell Pepe, or he will fuss.

    Mums bloods have gone off again, the whole works,the phlebotomist we have seen a few times, they are always on their rounds. She knows I was a nurse and said, do you want to take it - yes, of course I will, but, I am de registered, so therefore put out to pasture.
    I was studying the blood form request, all the usual Liver, kidneys, CRP, Sodium, plus one other that I didn't recognise.

    Mum has moved into a bay now, as they needed the side room for another admission and she is not longer in isolation. Mum not happy, but, that's the way it works. I did have a chat with the Staff Nurse, about concerns on discharge, but we were too close to the side room, despite my whispering and dad was all ears and up like a shot, saying we don't need any more help............... :roll: :roll: So, we are stepping back, we can only voice our concerns.

    Rightly so that Lucy's bf adores her :) Good that they have a laugh together. Good medicine.

    No worries about the cloak of many rooms, we are all there to help. Good that the results were not as bad as you expected them to be.

    We did enjoy out brunch at the GC, I managed to send half a glass of sparkling water all over, table, pills, me, my bag, the can half a glass go SO far !! Lots of mopping and taking of soggy pills, :roll: :roll: I had a very wet left leg. It did not deter me from my egg and bacon muffin, chips and scone. I was determined we were having a feast. B had scrambled egg, lots of it too. They spoil us.

    They will be planning mums discharge very soon, if the bloods are favourable.

    The washer was fine, it has only started in the last week. They can sort it, or send a new one and fit it this time, no way can B put another one in place, it half crippled him.

    Glad the Bush Babies helped, they are so comforting.

    I am so glad I loathe Asti, always have, so I am not in the man group for that one :lol::lol:

    I see you have a longish journey ahead today Toni, that won't help the ouches. Best be sending some more ((()))

    It certainly was very cold last night Carol, a heavy frost and a hunters moon. It was all gone by the time I surfaced.

    Have you tried My Trusty skin care from Salisbury Hospital, I swear by it for dry or irritated skin, it is saving my hands from the constant hand gel of hospital visits. Barbara has some too.

    Sounds like Graycie will be walking very soon, already up and exploring and holding onto furniture.
    I hope you managed to catch up on some hours. I will be in there soon, for a couple of days that seem to have gone over the past two weeks
    Glad the lovelies are all ok, I know they are super well cared for.

    We will all have to come down for dinner, cottage pie and other wonderful caseroles, we can bring extra chairs from under the cloak.

    I had better move and fuss in the kitchen, the dryer has stopped and I am setting like concrete.

    Hi to everyone else, Christine, Mig, Elizabeth, Kerrin, Charrisse and all

    Veggie muffin tin frittata's, yummy

    Love to all XX Aidan
    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,239
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hello Toni Carol Aidan Barbara and anyone else I missed
    Toni that's lovely Lucy having a nice boyfriend he needs to be nice because she is lovely.
    Carol yes it's colder here. we need are thermals.
    Aidan ((((((((Aidan B Aidan's Mum in law and Dad))))))))
    Barbara I'm always here for you when needed((((((((Barbara))))))))
    Joan xx
    take care
    joan xx
  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Morning all..dark and raining.. :roll:
    Joan how lovely of you ..I know you are always there for everyone..I hoipe you ands Sue have a good day with your little family..and maybe you have sun...I hope so..xx
    Aiden poor mum ..I hope the bloods come back better than the last ones..I could just imagine Dad listening to all that was said..bless ..but mum will need the help ..I can understand how he feels I wouldn't like the thought 9of people coming and going..I was bad enough with the nurses giving me the injections..good that you and B had a feast at the GC bet you have not eaten properly with all the visiting.. :( now hopefully the Candy man will come soon B mustn't put it in place again..thanks for the veggie breakfast.. :D
    Carol little Graycie..hope that is the right spelling.. :) like Aiden says she will soon be walking..saying that our eldest GD was 16 months.. :lol: now she walks everywhere..the cream that Aiden has mentioned is brilliant , my GD has some for her eczema and I have some now and the oil..
    Toni hope all goes well with Dr Tim will be thinking of you both..and rest that back tonight with all the traveling..please..yes I suppose these kidneys will get worse..but I watch what I eat and luckily never had lots of I dont add it to anything..and read labels.. :roll:
    Hopefully I will get out for an hour with OH later..unless it continues to rain..
    Love to everyone xxxxxx
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,226
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Evening everyone 

    Back from seeing Dr Tim with Lucy. Mmmmm all is ok... I think :? (hope) although Lucy’s neutrophils are lower (1.65 were up to 4 I think) so he wants to see her in January instead of February. I am hoping it’s the flu jab or something like that although the GP’s results were also on the low-side.

    Joan you are quite right!! Any boy who goes out with Lucy must adore her :D  We do all think she’s lovely too :D

    Barbara you are definitely doing the right things with your diet. The aim has to be to keep the progress of your kidneys as slow as possible.

    I hope you managed your time out with OH? My back is still iffy, but may be better tomorrow I hope… :?

    See above re today. All I can say is Dr Tim is no panicker (new word?) and is on the case.

    Aidan the veggie fritatas have just gone down well as a snack thank you! We had penlty to drink while we were out not enough food. Saw the nurses on Lucy’s ward one has been promoted; one is getting married in May and the other looked so gorgeous!! Also saw her SW who is a very funny man. :lol:

    It was a long day we go on the train now. Results are at the beginning of my post. Lucy’s other results are all good and she hasn’t had any temperatures so fingers crossed it’s a blip. :?

    Too right candy can FIT the washer this time!! Grrrrr :x 

    It’s not nice being in a bay – poor Mum. I hope she copes ok and discharge is fairly soon for her ((())) for her and you too. Glad you saw the blood results, but not good Dad’s ‘selective hearing’ worked when you were trying to dob them in!! Ooops!! :oops:

    Sleek disables her broom so I can clean Pepe could do it if he wanted to you know. Cats eh? Did you see Vet on the Hill last night? There was a poorly guinea pig who was called…..Pepe!! Your Pepe has been keeping Miss Sleek company today as she was ‘locked in’ again with bread and water :roll:

    dermol is good I use it too but that cream Aidan mentioned sounds really good. I like Linda McCartney sausages. Her sausage rolls are to die for! :)

    Off for an early night

    Love to everyone

    Toni xxx
  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Evening to one and all. Good to be here before midnight, although it will be well after, by the time I have written and pottered and pottered some more.

    Hi Joan, I see the thermal's are coming out, ready for the cooler weather. I know you don't like it cold and being less able to get about, you feel it even more.
    I hope Sue is ok and that doggies. Thank you for the hugs, you are always very generous with them and they are very welcome.

    Hi Barbara, Oh yes, Dad was all ears, he can tune in like a radar :roll: :roll: nothing more was said mind. We completely understand how he and Mum feel about extra help, but, I think, just think, that there is a glimmer of realisation that extra help and input will be good.

    We did enjoy feasting at the GC on Monday, little piggy I was, what the heck I thought, bring on another super strong coffee as well.

    I rang D and General this morning about the washer, they said, as it is within 28 days of purchase we could ring the seller and request a new one, or, get the candy man out...............after umming and ahhing, I decided that the candy man can come out and then if he says, just get a new one, we will do. No way can B put another in place and I am not able to even help.
    They charge £90 to fit them, put the water pipe on and put the plug in :shock: :shock: We will see what he says on Friday. It is still quite usable.

    i hope you managed to get out with Mr B today. I am sure you are careful with your diet and well done for reading the labels, salt is a big hidden item in a lot of foods especially pre prepared meals.

    The Mr Trusty skin care is great isn't it. I swear by it now and it is saving me from the ravages of endless hand gel applications. It has reduced my seb warty thing on my arm, which I am amazed at.

    Hi Toni, I bet you are shattered after your visit with Lucy to see Dr Tim. I am guessing that the change in neutrophils is a glitch, as you say with recent colds and flu jabs, it will alter the results slightly. Avoiding any more infections is always a good recommendation but very difficult to achieve in reality.

    Nice to see the staff from the ward, lots of changes, marriage, promotion and being absolutely gorgeous :) Plus a SW who is great fun. Lovely people.

    Good that all the other results are ok and keeping an eye on temperatures is quite important, sorry, you know this more than ever, so I will hush. :? :?

    Candy Man on Friday, he can wrestle with the washer.

    It was total mania at the hospital today, we got there just in time, the traffic was queueing out onto the main road, for parking spaces, at least a 1//4 of a mile :shock: :shock: B found a space though, he is a demon in the car park. There must have been every clinic known to man open today, never seen it so busy. I still managed to find a chair, abandoned outside, so we laid claim to it quickly.

    The bay is not bad at all, it is very roomy, I am used to bays being quite cramped, but this is surprisingly open and pleasant. Mum said she slept well and it was very quiet :shock: :shock: Quiet, in hospital, never :lol::lol: All the other ladies are very nice. Sister was lovely too, in fact all the staff are good.

    The physio and OT came round and talked about discharge within a couple of days, given favourable blood results. They use a home first team, who bring Mum home, go in and check round the house, see how she manages with walking, bed, loo etc, then, it they are happy, the next team will come in and discuss how much care they would like (mum did say she wanted help with showering). Dad was a bit quiet, but I think he realised that some extra contact will be a good idea..............softly softly we will get there :)

    Oh Dad has ears like a bat, so if you want to talk you have to go half a mile away :lol::lol: He seems ok with things the way they are going. Thank you for the hugs :)

    I will mention to Pepe and ask him to turn off the broomstick so that I can get into the cloaks cupboard. Little tinker. No, I didn't see the programme, will look on catch up. A little Pepe, ah bless. I told pepe but he heard the word VET, so was horrified :roll: :roll:
    He did mention that Sleek had been abandoned again, with water and gruel to eat :roll: He took some tuna for her, in her time of need. t98243 t98243 :?

    I hope your back improves, I have a feeling it is quite ouchy, so I will send some vibes and ((()))

    Ok I will have another potter. I trust everyone else is as ok as possible, Kerrin, Carol, Christine, Elizabeth, Mig, Kath and all.

    We have had a quiet evening, lots of texting and phone calls to make sure everyone is kept in the loop. B is busy seed beading, some of them are SO tiny. He has nearly finished another bangle, looks beautiful.

    Johnny said all the lovelies are doing just fine in the sanctuary, apparently the covers have been taken off "the tank". So I am steering well clear. :shock:

    everyone take lots of care. Love to all XX Aidan

    Blueberry Danish anyone ?

    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,226
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Blueberry Danish!! Oooh lovely Aidan! :)

    Yesterday was exhausting yes. I am hoping the lower neuts are 'something and nothing' too, but so good that Dr Tim is keeping a slightly closer eye on Lucy. I have upped temperature taking again too, but thanks for making sure I was :) My back is still very ouchy so extra ((())) have come in very handy. :)

    Parking sounded dreadful yesterday :shock: Good job B is a demon d010.gif

    The bays are big - well they are in the QE. Plenty of room for me on the pull-out as well as for a nurse to do bloods/ put up fluids etc.

    2 days will be fine for Mum to come home all being well with bloods. I rather like the plan....yes a check to see if she's safe and a second check to see what help she needs :D Of course she needs a hand in the shower and Dad is surely not really strong enough to be that help.

    Bat ears :lol:

    Of course Pepelongstockings would faint at the word 'vet' silly me :oops: but that guinea pig's owner you 'talk' Guinea pig different whistles for different needs :)

    I could smell the cats had had tuna yesterday bless Pepe looking after Miss Sleek. :animal_busy: Apparently it's also her job to keep an eye on the house if we are out :?

    Broomstcks can be turned off - definitely!! But if Pepe says he can't Hermione will :roll:

    The sanctuary was all snug and warm overnight due to imminent frosts :(


    No covers had better have been taken off any tanks :shock: :? I heard a larger tank had arrived for a more 'normal' environment and that the said creature had suffered very badly prior to rescue. So we need to try to open our hearts :?

    Friday it is then for the Candy man who will probably fit it in seconds for you anyway.

    I'm glad B can do his jewellery to relax with all you have going on.

    Love to everyone

    and an extra t98112 to Joan :)

    Toni xx
  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,239
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hello Barbara Toni Aidan and anyone else I missed
    Barbara yes it is sunny here we have not had any rain since Saturday night.
    Toni I hope all of you have a good day.
    Aidan you take care ((((((((Aidan's Mum in law and Dad))))))))
    Joan xx
    take care
    joan xx