Val's Cafe
Sawley Trail this morning, even though we were both very ouchy. Went out at 7.30 AM
, and as we don't bother with the PO any more, we had a slightly longer sit on the bench. t120002 t98112
Still no nurse! She might come around July. :bee: :bee:
Beautiful pic Aidan, and loved the meal. Hope mum is recovering.
Christine, the lady came for my PIP assessment.
OOOh Carol, Shepherds Pie/So scrummy.
t120007 t120007 t120007 t120007 t120007
Don't know why I'm sweeping leaves, it isn't windy. :roll: Still, the exercise will be good for me."Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein
0 -
Hello Kathleen Toni Christine Carol Aidan and anyone else I missed
Kathleen you are good going out early it's colder then. we went at 9 00.
Toni I hope you are all having a good day.
Christine it's nice to see you yes we are well.
Carol s world seems a nice helpful place to go to.
Aidan you make sure you have rest as well ((((((((Aidan Aidan's Mum in law and Dad))))))))
take care all
joan xxtake care
joan xx0 -
Hello all had my 5 weeks hair cut and colour this morning then went out for something to eat..the cafe we go to you can usually park at the door..
Aiden I am so glad to hear that mum is a little better..especially eating and drinking a little..I hope the bloods come back ok then you can get rid of the pinnys..typical that the chair went missing..we have done the same at xray come out and it had gone...I bet you are shattered so rest when you can..they have said a week for the my last GP it would be a month before he looked at the results..I had a look at your pic on FB..its really nice...
Christine sorry you have been feeling tired and not quite right..have you no holidays left to give yourself a rest..good luck with the rheumy I hope all is well when you get the results..and thankyou Niamh is back to her old self..
Toni I will try not to worry..oh fingers crossed
that Lucy get the position she wants..I bet she want to look after the reindeer's..I would love to see her..she is a little elf anyway...
Kath I hope the nurse arrived...I was very naughty under that cloak...glad you got to do the trail ..the weather was lovely and mild today...
Carol I hope that your OH is in a better mood today..bless its hard work when they are moody...mind you I am the moody one sometimes...glad you got to sell 2 cards .. :)2 more you can make.. I love the works for crafty stuff ..we have just bought 4 presents for the kids 2 for ten pounds..sorry my pound sign doesn't work..think like Kath once said the keyboard has change country...
Joan and Sue i hope you are both well...I think my sinuses will have to go much worse before they do the op :shock:
Right better to everyone xxxxxxLove
Barbara0 -
Evening everyone
Hi Kath Sawley trail despite being ouchy? Extra well-done to you both. A good sit down is very wise.
As for the Nurse coming I think it may need chasing up – again- soon. :?
Sweeping hurts my back big time I think it twists you maybe?
Aidan the secret garden looked amazing with a hoar frost
So late in I’ve had the veggie scrambled eggs for a snack.
Mig must be due back soon from lake Garda surely?
I think Mr T has the sense not to fall out with Carol when it comes to food….I can soon get the bus out if you are after some shepherd’s pie.
It was good of Pepe to try to settle you with a good wash at nap-time. It reassures him anyway even if you didn’t get off. With Mum in hospital I am not at all surprised He knows nothing of pinnies and gloves heaven’s to Betsy he’d faint on the spot. Miss Sleek has had her teeth and eyes checked today and bloods ‘taken’ She is so patient with him
Now I was worried Miss Sleek has left the house on her broomstick. She has promised to be back safely and is meeting Pepe and all the other cats. Even Mrs Darcy is coming down from Fife. Of course it's Hallowe'en and they will be doing their spell :shock: What will happen?? :?
They shouldn’t be making you wear aprons of shame now that all her tests are clear. :x It’s probably just her…maybe? Hopefully she will be on the main ward today and you'll be letting us know some good news
Sorry the trolley chair was half-inched when you were visiting Mum so annoying! Lucy’s 1st wheelchair went that way I was furious. The 2nd when Charley’s car was car-jacked. We still have the 3rd. It’s the cushions that grieve me :roll:
Christine you must see the rheumy for definite. If the fatigue isn’t going off after a rest. When I flare no amount of rest helps me. I am sending you some spare energy and some ((()))
Thank you Lucy will make a great Elf!! Talking of which where is Elfie???
Carol Mr T is a very naughty boy playing up like that. I hope you are letting it go over your head and not getting upset?
His stomach won’t fall out with you though will it?No he loves the shepherd’s pie!!
The Works is a great shop you will enjoy getting crafty bits there.
Lucy (Elf) is so exited 1st shift tomorrow
Barbara she is a little Elf!! She does get to wear the outfit too! Thermals underneath of course. The Deer are white a lot of them and so gorgeous
Your hair looks lovely 10 years younger
Now is it you who’s avoiding the op or is it the DRs???
Hi Joan (and Sue) I hope all is well Lucy got the job and starts tomorrow It got up to 11 degrees here, but felt chilly on my walk
Toni xx0 -
Evening all
Hope you have had a good day it was rather chilly here this morning but got slightly warmer as the day went on.
Weigh in this morning and despite weighing slightly less on my own scales from last week on their scales I had put on a half pound. but still just in target so happy enough with that.
Christine thanks I'm not to bad now I am used to Mr T being like he is. It just annoys me sometimes. Sorry you have been a bit fatigued extra pain makes you feel like that doesn't it.
AidanThank you for the vibes things are getting better with Mr T to be honest I think doesn't like to be doing nothing and he tries to do too much sometimes. and gets annoyed when It doesn't all work out how he wants it to. I have made my own cards before I have tons of craft bits but a while ago I got fed up with making them because I had no way of selling them, so they just kept building up, but since doing the charity ones have occasionally taken some with me and sold them so I hope that continues when I restart making them. yes I think the shepherds pie topped with butternut squash will be made more often now. Oh dear who spirited away the trolley chair no wonder the back and knees were screeching.
Kath sorry you are feeling ouchy hope you soon feel better. shepherds pie scrummy anyway but the topping was extra scrummy.
Joan yes slimming world is nice everyone is so friendly and we have a real laugh sometimes.
well its now bedtime so will say
night night all t98112 t98112 t98243Stay positive always👍xx0 -
Greetings on All Hallows Eve, from Pendle, of all the places, this is the best place, it will be packed on top of the hill tonight t98247 t98247 t98243 t98243 Loads of people make the climb.
Sorry you had the ouches Kath, but all credit to you for going on the Sawley Trail.
I don't blame you for having an extended sit on the bench.
I will have to be sending Matronly vibes out, for the nurse to turn up with your flu jab, either that or Pepe will be over, he is all Dr this and Dr that at the moment. :roll: :roll:
Sweeping leaves, that hurts, something about sweeping that kind of sets my back off full kilter.
Hi Joan, I am sure we will have a rest at some point. We did spoil ourselves and went to the GC for brunch this morning. That was very nice and a welcome break, before heading off to the hospital.
Those hugs are not going amiss, Mum was brighter today, not as chesty by any means. The "isolation" signs are down and there are no more pinnies of shame, HOORAH. She is still in the side room, but no more faffing about with aprons and gloves. Waiting for more bloods and the dietician is coming to the ward to see Mum, within a day or so.
Hi to Sue and the lovely doggies. Take care
Hi Barbara hair is looking very nice, I am jealous, mine is growing like mad and B needs his cutting too, but getting the time together is kind of a none starter at the moment. We are always on home hospital, washing drying, mountain of shirts to press, hospital, home..............
I know, pinching the trolley chair !! I set off walking back down and we found one about half way, tucked in a corner. There were none when we arrived either, so I set off and made it as far as the pharmacy and that was it, I was at a stand still. B had found a chair, just in the nick of time. I was almost horizontal. :roll: :roll:
A week is not too bad for blood results. A month is unthinkable, I would be banging on the door.
You found the pic on FB, thank you, I do not like my pic taken at all.
I see you have done some Christmas shopping for the GC, might as well when there is a bargain to be had.
Hi Toni, I see you are the same with sweeping, it puts your spine at a tilt, which is obviously not its best position and therefore very ouchy.
Oh, t'is after midnight and all the assembled puskins, gathered in the ravine and the spells have been cast..............
One has been rejected, but there is an alternative
The other was passed and is now in place.
Our felines cast a spell of multiple broomsticks for all of us to use, but that was not allowed, we would have to spend three terms at Hogwarts for that to happen :shock:
We have been given a helicopter, to use as and when needed, with our own pilot. It is zero emissions, powered by magic dust. I am sure it will come in very handy.
It is very luxurious, with every comfort.
The other spell was cast and we have a new cloak. It is almost the same as Hermione's tent, it is small, but as you go in, there are rooms, many rooms, a bathroom, kitchen, lounge, bedroom, store is amazing and then, when you step out, it all folds up to the size of a shopping bag !! It will be wonderful for carrying out our cloak duties.
I think there was a third spell, but that went up in a poof of smoke :shock: :shock: so who knows what they asked for.
Pepe does like to give me a little wash, it seems to be his nap time ritual :roll: So he was doing dental checks and bloods on Sleek, bless she is very patient indeed.
All pinnies of shame are gone and we are free of plastic and gloves, which is great news. So we can tell Pepe that Nan still has her own side room, but is not in "isolation".
How rotten to have two wheelchairs stolen. The gel cushions are a must and so expensive too. There is a mobility aid shop at the hospital. Dad got Mum a new paid of slippers the other day, they have a three year guarantee ! So they should they were mega ££
So Lucy is an Elf and first shift today, wonderful news, she will be totally magical.
I bet the Deer are lovely. We have Roe Deer in the woods here, the pop out every so often, sometimes running across the lane as you drive down, which is kind of startling :shock: :shock:
Hi Carol, I knew it, you were in your target range, so that's great newsVery pleased for you.
I am also happy that the vibes of cheerfulness are melting Mr T.
I can understand the trying to do too much and things not going quite to plan. That's life, not all things work out exactly as we would want them to.
I am sure you will enjoy re starting the card making, sounds like you have a good stash of goodies, to keep you going for a while. Matting and layering
I hope they sell very well and you can donate some to your chosen charities.
Let us know when the next Shepherds pie is coming out of the oven and we will be down in the helicopter asap.
The back and knees are super ouchy, keeping a lid on them with extra Tramadol at the moment. :roll:
I will be getting on with the ironing this morning, running out of shirts, they are mounting up. the generator iron is wonderful and takes the effort out of ironing, in fact it is like sauna:?
Then off back to the hospital early afternoon, B is doing well finding parking spaces, it is super busy on week days, even with a HUGE car park.
Hi to everyone else, Christine, Elizabeth, Mig, Kerrin and all. I will have to have another potter.
t98247 t98247 I am sure I have just seen some fly past the window.
Love to all, take lots of care XX AidanXX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
some blueberry and custard danish pastries for breakfast xxXX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0
Morning everyone.
Sorry, haven’t been around for a while. No excuses really, just life has been busy. On my way to school now, a little later than usual as just had my bloods taken and my flu jab done.
Not ichael other news from my side of the world. The cats are very clingy, think they need to get out on their broomsticks.
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk0 -
Jus what I need Aidan a Danish with my macchiato (I've left you one and one for Barbara too).
I am so glad we are no longer fibbing about Pepe's Gran's exact whereabouts. :? No Aprons of shame and less coughing dietician is a good ideaSleek knows side wards were only when you were in deep trouble in the Teenage Cancer Trust ward. Lucy spent many a night in one. Either yellow herself having liver injury or when yellow pinnies were required :roll:
She is full of herself today!!! All the spells she said they had worked so very hard on them much collecting and the gang of cats all needed to be there. Hermione was happy for them to try all their spells, but suspected one or two might be too ambitious :shock:
Having said that.....the helicopter!! wowee!! it's amazing and now I know what the bag is Miss Sleek asked me t look after for 'you lot' us lot. Good job I didn't take it to Tesco. I'm really looking forward to our next pocket duties!! We can have a nap during MRIs for instance.
Yes today my little Elf (a good bit taller than me!) will do her first shift. Pepe and Miss S will be nearby and are having a word with the resident cat to look after her. They have booked a romantic sleigh ride for the two of them for one evening.
I know! stolen wheelchair - with her name on it l might add :x but those cushions when she was skin and bonenever mind all good now. My mum would have said I hope their need was greater than Lucy's.
Carol I am pleased to hear that you don't let Mr T's moodies get you down. I doubt you deserve to be on the receiving end at all.
Glad you are inside target now to stay there.
I tend to like to buy unique cards if I can over ready-made ones so I think you should make a few for definite.
Right I need to wash my I don't the sweep is coming today :shock: as well so ex-MIL will stay with him (if Charley can't) while I take Lucy to work
After that I can light the fire as and when I want to
A quick hello t98112 to Joan (and Sue) hope all is well with you. Lucy-Elf starts work today
Love to everyone
Toni xx
PS KERRIN!! lovely to see youThe cats were probably clingy due to the spells they have been casting with Pepe Sleek and Mrs Darcy for Hallowe'en
t98243 t98243 t98243 t98243 t98243
I hope your bloods are good0 -
Morning all only looks lovely outside..but staying pout today..
Aiden mum is doing well, and no more pinny's for now..hopefully it wont be long before she is home..then some rest for all of you..maybe you could have a man bun if your hair is getting longer..then again...I remember the parking well it was so bad OH used to drop us off and go into town ..and that is bad enough.. :shock: love the helicopter..what a lovely way to travel..if I when I win the lottery I am flying first class..not sure were...I would just enjoy the travel...
Kerrin its good to hear from you are so busy but hopefully you can rest in between..
Carol good for you being in shepherds pie is one of my ley us know next time..I hope Mr T is in a better least you have a clue what is going on..but if he is anything like my OH he doesn't talk about things..
Kath has done the trail..its such lovely walking weather I hope it last...
Toni hope you can get a pic of Lucy..the reindeer's sound adorable..I bet most of the day is spent stroking them..its me that has put off the op...
shouldn't have googles the side effects..
Joan I wonder if the firm my son works for has got the heating contract ..they do a lot of work in Swindon..and if they are quiet here ..they ask for volunteers to go down South...who knows...hope you are both warm..
I bought sweets for Halloween and no one came..we used to get loads.. :roll: all these sweets... :shock:
Love to everyone xxxxxxxLove
Barbara0 -
Hello Carol Barbara Toni Aidan Kerrin. anyone else I missed
Carol yes you look forward to going when people are friendly.
Barbara they are called T FB I think I hope you have bad a good day.
Toni I'm pleased Lucy as got the job. Yes it is colder.
Aidan I hope your Mum in law is soon in a main ward ((((((((Aidan's Mum in law and Dad))))))))
Kerrin. It's nice to see you again I hope everything is going alright without too much pain.
take care all
Joan xxtake care
joan xx0 -
Evening everyone.
Been a bit of a headless chicken kind of day. Got to school late feeling rather jaded but perked up through the day. The kiddies have been doing cycling training today.
We have lots of sweets left over from the wedding. Got rid of some last night and the rest are going to the Christmas fayre at school.
Good luck to the elf! What a cool job.
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk0 -
Evening all
have had quite a good day today first of all had a lie in did not wake up till 7 am usually it is anytime between 5.30 and 6.30 mostly around 6.00 so about an hr extra in bed. had my knitting group in our local library this afternoon which was good. no tension in the house either today. all good. plus I forgot to say yesterday that our slimming world weekly raffle was a slow cooker and I won it the only problem now is that I have 2 as I already had one, so trying to find someone who would like my old one as I'd rather give it away than throw it away as it is in good working order. but the new one fits perfectly on my kitchen worktop. we had to by a new printer yesterday have a good one. but now something else is going to have to wait a bit this may well be pusskins and the storage box in the garden me thinks.
Joan Yes slimming world groups are very friendly everyone is on the same journey so all are very helpful.
Barbara sorry I missed you yesterday but my bed was a calling me so I obeyed and went.Yes mood is better today in our house yes the works is great for craft stuff and now I don't have to go far either and most days I go into our local high street anyway.
oh dear not good when keyboards go like that I wonder what country it has gone to
new larger dish for shepherds pie needed me thinksI love shepherds pie too in fact I like anything made with mince another favourite in our house is spaghetti Bolognese.
Mr T is the same never talks about it but get very snappy with me instead. :roll: and I don't always have a clue what's going on.
Toni Your right the stomach doesn't fall out with me cos he like most of the meals I cook and shepherds pie is one of the favourites.all welcome anytime just give me advance warning so I can have the shepherds pie ready
glad Lucy is enjoying being an Elf.
yes I like unique cards to and I always make them with a space somewhere so that if someone wants it personalised with a name on I can add names ages ect on with sticky lettering.
will do my best to stay in target don't worry. not undoing all my hard work to get there in the first place.
Aidan glad the yellow pinnies and gloves are not needed anymore and the signs are down.
oh my we are lucky a helicopter and a new cloak with rooms our very own traveling lightweight house too well done puskins
yes only just but still in 1/2lb under the top now instead of 1/2 lb over. and to top it all I won the raffle
I too hope that when I do the cards I am able to sell them and donate some of the proceeds to charity.
the vibes are working well all is calm at the moment.
oh think I need to get a larger dish for the next shepherds pie then
yes unfortunately things don't always turn out how we want them some people just cant handle it though. and I have one of said people in my house. :roll:
ok time to go and visit the lovelies and the enchanted forest and secret garden to collect a few stolen hours.
t98112 t98112 t98112Stay positive always👍xx0 -
well, it is already Thursday, so I will say good morning :roll: the days are running away at a rate of knots.
Hi Kerrin, nice to see you, hope that you are as ok as possible. We know you are very busy and then when you get home you just need to take time out to rest.
Don't worry, Tomicat and Jericat will be out on their broomsticks, Autumn weather is perfect for flying and Miss Sleek and Pepe will be heading down to see them
Hi Toni, glad the Danish was just what was needed, they looked so good. Thank you for saving one for myself and one for Barbara.
Much better to visit and not wear the pinnies of shame. Mum is still in the side room, she seems ok, quite bright today. The dietician had been, but Mum said she hadn't :? :? Anyway, she has advised about increasing her Creon and left some other information to look at. Mum didn't seem interested really. We waited around as the Dr was coming to chat, he never appeared so B and I went for a coffee and a cig - of course, the minute we had gone, he came along. Typical.
I don't think he said a lot really, they want to get a handle on the trots. No plans for discharge, not quite sure why, they seem to be stalling for some reason, I must dig deeper and ask nursey questions.
I am sure that Lucy had more than her share of being in side rooms, bless her. They are nice and private, but you can feel very lonely in them too, something that was always instilled in us, to keep our side room patients at the top of our lists.
I am not surprised Sleek is full of herself today, after the spell castings. Pepe has done his fair share of gliding and chirruping.
The helicopter is just pure luxury, on course. The magic cloak that is the size of a house inside will come in very handy, we can nap, make T, etc etc. Barbara can use the facilitiessorry B, I couldn't resist.
Pepe said he had been talking to a new puskin friend at the Deer park, Sleek was super happy. Highly approving of Lucy's outfit.
A romantic sleigh ride for our intrepid duo, how lovely. We will have to ask Hermione to make some snow, to add to the catmosphere.
I could not be without my gel cushions at home, stealing them from Lucy was very wrong.
Did you get the chimney swept, hope there was little or no dust to contend with. Now you can light the fire whenever, this week end will be chilly again, so an ideal time on Sunday.
Is it choir practice tonight, I can hear Barbara practicing.
Oh and there you are Barbara.
Mum is eating better and drinking plenty, which is fine when you are being observed in a hospital situation, different story at home...........but we will cross that bridge when we get to it.
A man bun, oh perish the thoughts of having hair that long, I would be frantic :shock: :shock:
We always get to the hosp a bit earlier than many visitors, so B has found a spot to park on each day so far. He drops Dad and I at the main entrance and he goes off to park up and we wait for him.
I did well today with trolley chairs, I didn't have to walk far at all, no one pinched them from outside the ward, which is a miracle in itself. I don't think I could have walked far anyway. To say my back, knees and neck are a little SORE would be an understatement. :roll: :roll:
first class travel all the way, I have had no email to tell me I have won the big surprise there then :? One day, maybe one day.
You Googled the nose op, naughty. Banish it from your mind :shock:
We never have kiddies for Halloween, mind you, there are no kids on the parkI will help you with the sweets.
Hi Joan, I think Mum will likely stay in the side room, she seems to have laid claim to it nowThey will move her if someone else needs isolation.
Hi again Kerrin, glad you felt better as the day went on. Cycling training, they certainly have a range of activities.
More sweets.
Hi Carol, you had a lie in till 0700 :shock: :shock: that is the middle of the nightI am often awake at that time when the cats are messing about and throwing litter. 0900 is about the norm for us, with a cup of T to come round.
I did plenty getting up at silly o clock to get to the hospital for shifts that started at 7.
Glad the knitting group was enjoyable and that the mood is more amiable, I will keep the good vibes flowing. It makes for a much easier life.
Well done on winning a slow cookerI am sure someone will make good use of your other one.
we nearly bought a new printer, as the replacement inks can be more than buying a new machine :shock: :shock: I found a good site, stinkyink, who do refurbished cartridges that are perfect and so so much cheaper than branded ones.
I am sure you hand made cards will sell, people like things that are unique and not run of the mill ones from the supermarket etc.
We will sort out a catering size dish for the shepherd pie and then we will all pop down in the helicopterHope that's ok
I will pop in to see the lovelies when I get some time........and the secret garden and forest. I need to gather a few days from the shed anyway. :?
Right I must away, it is 1am and I am set like stone. Hi to everyone else, hugs all round, far and wide. Take care. XXXX AidanXX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
Hello Carol Aidan Kerrin. and anyone else I missed.
Carol I hope you have a good day.
Aidan I know in a side ward can feel a bit lonely ((((((((Aidan's Mum in law and Dad))))))))
Kerrin. I hope you have a good day.
take care all
Joan xxtake care
joan xx0 -
Sorry I missed yesterday. We had an Amazon order which I had great fun watching it get closer on the map. Little things please little minds. A toilet frame like the one in my bathroom, a pack of Nebuliser masks, two battery operated lamps and an indoor TV aerial that we haven't got working yet.
The optician is coming on Monday morning to test my eyes, and Martin (my DN) is due on Wednesday for my blood test. Aidan, send Dr Pepe round with his bag so he can do my flu jab please. She's still not been. :roll:
t98247 t98247 t98112 t98243
Hi Kerrin, hope you're getting enough rest. :animal_busy:
Hello Carol, Joan, Barbara, and anyone else I've missed.
t120002 t120007 :running_dog: t120007 t120007 :running_dog: :running_dog: t120007 t120007 :running_dog: :running_dog:"Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein
0 -
afternoon all..I thought I had posted this morning.. :oops: :shock:
Carol good to hear you got a lie in..its good to recharging your battery's..and then the knitting group and Mr T is behaving bless..dont you go worry about missing brain doesn't notice...maybe you can get the pussykins after Christmas..
Aiden the first things i checked out on the helicopter was the facilities..when you have to go... :shock: typical that the doctor came when you went for a coffee.. :roll: like you say visiting is hard but when mums comes home hopefully they will have a plan in place..don't think I could banish the op from my mind.. :shock: these hips were a doddle..
now the singing its is getting there I think..but still getting funny looks from the rest of the choir :? :?
Joan I don't think that is the heating company..never mind has long as it works for you both
Kath is or had fun watching her parcel get nearer..the things we do for fun..
Kerrin was feeling a little better has the day went on...hope it last for you..
I wonder how Lucy got on...good I hope..
I bought new soft top socks now I am back in my full shoes..I have just taken them off and my feet are black...don't think they colorfast the die anymore...
Love to everyone xxxxxxxLove
Barbara0 -
Hello everyone
I hope you have all had a good day. I go in the morning to try my new boots on it's a trial run to see what they feel like.
take care
Joan xx. ((((((((hugs))))))))take care
joan xx0 -
We will all be there Joan..under the cloak..I hope they feel ok on..(()) xxLove
Barbara0 -
Just to let you know l am ok. It was Tia's graduation today so we are only just back
Will post photos tomorrow.
Joan l will be under the cloak too tomorrow.
0 -
After midnight again, poof and the days is gone.
Morning to one and all.
Hi Joan, Mum seems to not mind being in the side room, there is plenty of activity going on and her door is not closed. Drs Nurses and every other discipline going to and fro.
Thank you for the hugs.
Mum seemed about the same as yesterday, they were waiting on yet another run of blood tests and her warfarin levels, then planning discharge - no mention of a day yet. I think they have a handle on the trots now, with various medications, which is good.
It was SO hot in the hospital today, B and I were wilting as soon as we went inside, let alone onto the third floor with all the heat rising. It drains you completely.
I am a choice of trolley chairs today and no one pinched it from outside the ward, in fact there were three to choose from on the way out :shock:
Hi To Sue and hugs to the doggies too.
Hi Kath, tracking parcels is great fun, I did it with our new washer, counting down the numbers before we were next on the list and seeing where the van was on the map.
That was quite an order from Amazon, I often use them for various things.
Hope your new frame is ok and the nebuliser masks and aerial is working :? Where is that practice nurse, maybe your D Nurse can do the flu jab while he is there, phone the practice and ask if he can bring one with him. Would save a double trip out for them and get you suitably jabbed
Hope the opticians visit goes ok.
Pepe would love to come round with syringe in paw, but, best to let the D Nurse do it :? :? he thinks they are darts and just goes for bullseye. :shock: :shock:
Hi Barbara, don't worry, I thought it was Wednesday yesterday, asking for lottery tickets, the lady said, is that for Friday, no, for tonight, but it's Thursday.............oh dear. am I on this earth or fullers.
The facilities on the helicopter are very adequate, with a very smart powder roomWe would not accept anything less now.
We are hoping that the hospital request a more hands on plan for when Mum comes home, difficult when they keep refusing everything. They can cope with the D Nurse, but any more and they say no. What do you do? We see the risks and our voices have been heard.
It was a mistake to google the nasal op, pretend it never happened and all you saw were fields of flowers.
Of course your singing is getting better, the spell of tunefulness is growing stronger, ignore the funny looks, just give them a big smile 8)and hit those high notes.
Oh dear, you have black feet, that's not good, I thought just about everything was colour fast now. I know new socks tend to shed, so I always wash and tumble them when new. Best be getting a bowl of hot water to soak your feet.
Oh, I see you are off to try your new boots Joan, we will try out the new cloak of many rooms. Let's hope they fit well and feel really comfy.
Congratulations to Tia on her Graduation t98243 t98243Sleek was telling Pepe that there was an "event" where people throw their hats in the air and have papers rolled up with ribbon. He was excited and they both watched on the crystal ball, it took Sleeks mind off being left all alone with no food or water :roll: :roll:
Looking forward to seeing the photo's
We had a nip to the shop this morning (Thursday) for some supplies, that's £ MUCH :shock: :shock: nearly fell off my perch
Off to the hospital again today, for our usual afternoon of visiting. I think if Mum is not home this week end we are going to let other family members take over, we are in desperate need of some rest and pottering at home, to catch up.
I won't ramble on, but I will leave lots of hugs for everyone. I forgot to leave breakfast out, how remiss of me.
Hi to Carol, Christine, Kerrin, Mig, Elizabeth and all.
Everyone take lots of care XXXX Aidan
Blueberry and Maple Pancakes anyone
I could not resist a little wander in the enchanted forestXX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
Morning all..see I can be early..but not has early has Aiden
Tony its good of you to look in and tell us you are ok..many congratulations to Tia..hope you can have an easy day today.. after such a long would be good..
Thinking about Joan today and really hope that boots is not to uncomfy...knowing Joan she will just go with it..(())xx
Aiden fullers earth indeed..I think we should be able to make our own calendar.. :? glad there were chairs to be had at the hospital, its makes life a little easier..and hopefully you will both have this weekend to potter..I should have taken a pic of my feet..they were properly black.. have warned OH not to put them in the wash ..I will do them in the sink don't want everything grey.. :roll: I used to feel for the nurses when I was in hospital, it was so hot for us but when you are running around all day..
right I will partake in a pancake or two before anyone else gets to them
Hope everyone has a good day ..xxxxxxxxLove
Barbara0 -
Under the cloak for Joan
Aidan yes Sleek was soooooo thin when we got backGod old Pepe keeping her company and the crystal ball probably gave them a better view than us!!
We cheered when Tia went out. :oops:
This is Paul and Tia. I do think degrees have lost some of their value these days, but am still very proud of her First class honours degree. My head is swelling and might take up too much space under the cloak
I do hope Mum at least gets a suggested day for discharge to day.
((())) for you all it must be getting very tiring
Barbara Why the black feet :? I am confused (not unusual)
Today has been busier. Lucy to work and collecting her in a moment. While I've been in 3 loads of washing and cleai
ning cleaning cleaning :roll:0 -
Well, Tesco's been and gone. Everything we ordered is there.
Guess what, still no nurse. I've just rung AGAIN! and now they are saying sometime during the next two weeks!
t98247 t98247 t98247 t98247 t98247 t98243 t98243"Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein
0 -
Honestly you could catch flu in that time Kath :?
Glad Tesco order came and all present and correct again
Miss Sleek has been glued to me all day today bless her after yesterday
She went to see Pepe when I fetched Lucy from work.
They are selling we baby Elfies in the shopThey're adorable
I hope all is well with everyone and we have news about Aidan and B's Mum coming home soon.
Toni xx0
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