Val's Cafe



  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,239
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hello Toni Barbara Aidan and anyone else I missed
    Toni yes I'm sure the. Careers will get to sue it depends our road is never cleared we have a sand box. I hope you have a good day.
    Barbara I was told the bones won't heal on there own.
    Aidan I hope Bill is not in too much pain. ((((((((Aidan Bill Dad))))))
    take care all
    Joan xx
    take care
    joan xx
  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Even though it's been blowing a hooley outside, the gardeners have been to cut back the bushes in the communal areas. Thank you Aidan for the Quinoa porridge. I had 2 bowls with fruit and jam. :P

    I've been for a stroll round the zoo, then took the Meercats up Pendle. Hope they all came back safely, I lost 3 of them. :oops: Long walk on my rollator, so I'll stick to Sawley.

    tcold hcold hcold hcold cfly

    Sending ((((hugs)))) for Bill and dad.

    scold scold

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • Kerrsa
    Kerrsa Member Posts: 233
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Evening everyone. Just popping in to say hello.

    Yes, it’s mega busy at the moment. Been doing some long distance swimming races, lead up to Christmas at school and getting excited about skiing in just under 2 weeks.

    The ole body is just about holding up. Energy levels are ok thanks to a supplement I’m taking. And just about managing to hold off the lurgy doing the rounds at school. One thing that since taking methotrexate I seem to be able to fight colds off better than before, but scratches etc take forever to heal!

    Hope everyone is well and not too fun off their feet leading up to Christmas.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    oh so late neighbour called and she was in a all just come over her...things she found on his comp I just cant repeat.. :x
    Aiden I hope Bill feels better I sometimes think the pain after extraction is worse....that is interesting I get get a lot of tooth pain when these sinuses get infected....a splint ... :shock: I didnt hear that you have ticked some cards off or was that dads..sorry my brain has not recovered form this morning come afternoon. :?
    nice to hear you are all warm and cosy and the cats tray is all freshly done for them to throw around..dont tell me..Toni has face planted again in the cake :lol: hope she missed a peice..I just hope the snow at least lets our GD get here..not bothered about her going back :lol:
    Toni we will both need we will have to go in together..holding hands..apparently mine will be opened up cleaned and then hopefully they will drain properly..choir practice under the lovely ..I will wrap up warm.. tcold
    Joan I hope you are not in to much pain..hopefully you wont have to much snow we need the carers to be able to get there
    Kath it is a long walk around the zoo..but the animals appreciate our company and the they cut the bushes in this weather.. cfly
    Kerrin you must be shattered son be the holiday then you can hopefully rest
    Thats my brain power done with for now christmas03
    Love to everyone ...xxxxxx christmas05
  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    A very early and very snowy morning to all. Quite a shock to open the back door last evening and find we were in a winter wonderland :shock: :shock: hcold

    This will be a short note, finally I have done most of the cards that need posting, so feeling pleased with myself, but chair shaped and back shouting loudly.

    Hi Toni, I don't blame Miss Sleek running in and screaming when caught in the rain, bless her. I know she wants to be on her broomstick, Pepe is the same, he has been trying to start it up, shaking it and getting quite testy.

    I think I appeased him when I showed him the snow - he was not for going out in that. Hermione has firmly locked the broomsticks until the week end is over, lost in a blizzard is not good.

    Pepe will love the indoor flying experience, in fact I would like it too, as long as there is a soft landing and I cannot fly through the roof :shock: :shock: cfly His fur would be super Farah Fawcett :lol::lol:

    They were glad to find Mrs Darcey all snug and warm, with your Sister. Glad the window has been replaced, it would be breezy this week end for sure.

    I am sure Barbara is using the tunnel, it used to be through to the bar, but full of spiders and things...........glad it is all clean and well lit now.

    The keepers are well wrapped up and making sure all the lovelies are snug and warm in their houses. The penguins are more than happy to stay outside and play.

    GC was busy, but the coffee is always perfect and worth every trip.

    We had a sneaky coffee in Costa, had to pick some bits up from Boots and Costa is two doors down, right where we park, so it was rude not to go in :lol::lol:

    Definitely stock up, it is going to be pretty cold and horrid and then a very cold week ahead too. Heating on, nice and warm, gas and electric paid (we pay monthly in the office, on the park, so much easier, you know exactly where you are with it). About £25 a week for all our gas and electric, for a cold month, so not bad at all.

    I hope you don't have much snow Joan, so that the carers have no trouble getting to Sue. I know you won't go out when it is bad weather, but take care, none the less. Bill is feeling better thank you, less pain now.

    Oh, that is what the fuss was, the meerkats were out on Pendle with you. Glad they had thick wooly overcoats on, it is blowy up there.
    No wonder you are tired. The missing three were back in their warm enclosure, they snook away, when they saw how high the hill was :roll: :roll:

    Best stick to Sawley, we don't want you lost in the snow up on the hill, we would need the Rescue Helicopter.

    Thank you for the hugs XX

    Hi Kerrin, lovely to see you, we have been thinking of you. You sound to have been as busy as ever with marathon swimming races and getting all excited ready for your skiing holiday, bet you cannot wait, hope there is loads of snow for you.

    I am glad you are not getting the school lurgies that are doing the rounds, a good thing indeed. Good that your supplements are helping with your energy levels.

    You will be away for Christmas then? How wonderful, a winter wonderland. Piccies will be nice

    Oh Bless you neighbour Barbara, it is times of year like this that bring things out to the fore. How terrible for her to find horrid things on the computer, an aweful shock. The very same thing happened to a dear friend of ours, with her ex, his computer was full of things we could never repeat.

    Bill is in less pain today, keeping up with the pain relief. Interesting to know about the upper teeth and the sinus problems. He is cutting down on dairy things too, they are not good for sinus problems.

    We are warm and cosy, with snow outside. Cats are all very sleepy and happy.

    Hope you GD arrives safe and sound and then has to stay longer :) you would love that I know.

    We are off to Skipton today, if it is not too snowy, to take Dad for his new glasses, brunch in Nero's and stock up for the week end. Sunday seems to be the snowy day for us. :? :?

    Well, I must move, I am totally dining chair shaped.

    Everyone take lots of care, keep warm and stay safe. Will catch up with you all later :animal_busy:

    XXXX Aidan
    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • Kerrsa
    Kerrsa Member Posts: 233
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00

    No snow down south just very Brrrrr. The cats aren’t even venturing outside.

    I love snow. Growing up in South Africa where there was almost none, the novelty never wears off. Like my Tommy cat, I like sitting at the window watching it fall.

    The snow in the alps has been very good, best early season snow for years. Not sure how long I can ski for though so might be drinking hot chocc on the balcony! Ankles and back are most likely to bother me while skiing unlike swimming which is non weight bearing.

    Keep warm and cosy everyone. I have to go out in the cold I’m afraid, taking the kids to athletics (indoors thank goodyness)

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,226
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Morning all. We had a power cut last night for over an hour luckily I had laid the fires so soon warm and cosy for Lucy and Paul I was off to choir practise in the next village who did have power!

    Now we have snow blowing a sideways blizzard!!

    Wahay!! Good to see you Kerrin :D

    The cats broomsticks have been switched off for the duration of the weather so they are all communicating via the crystal ball.

    I bet you love snow, but not so me. Well I like it if I am indoors dry warm and safe ;)

    You have been doing a lot haven't you long distance swimming well take care won't you?

    Barbara singing outside tomorrow at 1pm Santa hats and Christmas jumpers!!

    I am so so sorry for your neighbour :( I am glad you are there for her at least. The other 'good' thing is her ex will not be allowed to see the kids if the computer stuff is what I think it is. Sending you extra strength to cope.

    Kath the meerkats all came back safe and well and enjoyed their trip out inside your parka with the stole to peep out from behind :D

    Aidan Miss Sleek told Pepe his broomstick won't work :roll: bless him! She has been out in the snow, but is indoors now watching it!

    She wouldn't mind flying in this weather at all and has done so before when Hermione didn't switch her broom off!!

    The indoor flying experience will be videoed by Sleek she is expecting him to look very Farrah Fawcett!!! hehehe!

    Barbara is safe in the tunnel it's so well lit with battery back-up so no chance of power cuts at all.

    I'm glad you got a costa in might be the last for a day or two. The farmers will clear here for us snow-wise :) Will you be able to get out ok?

    At least B can walk to Dad's if it's too bad. If not off you all go to Skipton to collect new specs and have some food out :)

    Hi Joan I bet the dogs don't mind this weather too much? I forgot to say I saw a baby Dachs (little girl) the other day so sweeeeet! :D

    If I can get out today I will things to do people to see at this time of year.

    Love to everyone

    Keep warm


    Toni xxx
  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,239
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hello Kathleen Toni Aidan Barbara Kerrin. and anyone else I missed
    Kathleen have a lovely weekend you will be warm and cosy.
    Toni I'm sorry you had a power cut stay warm outside when singing.
    Aidan I hope you don't have too much snow ((((((((Aidan Bill and Dad))))))))
    Barbara you are a good friend to your neighbour.
    Kerrin. you have been busy try and rest when you can.
    take care all
    Joan xx
    take care
    joan xx
  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    I thought I'd posted this earlier but can't find it, so here it is. Had a message from Anita, her MRI showed she has 4 disc problems 1/2-2/3 - 3/4 -4/5 . 1/2 relating to febrile nerve. She has been referred to a specialist. I'll keep you posted.

    :( :? :o :shock: :cry:

    :animal_busy: :animal_busy: :animal_busy: :animal_busy:

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Afternoon all Gd got here glad to have her hear :D no snow has yet..Sunday I think hcold
    Toni I to like the snow..but from indoors..there is something about it ..the noise seems to be dampened..
    So its Christmas jumpers and a hat for are right that is why our neighbours is not allowed to see the children..just indirect..through the solicitor.its nice of the farmer to clears the lanes..
    Kerrin hope you get the snow for skiing..and if you have to watch from the balcony keep wrapped up ..a nice hot chocolate sounds good..I can imagine how nice the snow is after not seeing any in South Africa..its magical.. christmas02
    Aiden so your card are done.. :D yes GD has arrived just till Sunday..hope you got a seat in neros today in Skipton ..everywhere is getting so busy..its good to hear that B is feeling as little better..he must not get cold in the cavity...going off what my late mum would say there.. :) it awful what people are looking at on comps..terrible really the net was such a good thing and still is then there is the other side :x I will heed what you say about dairy and see if that helps thankyou..
    Joan my neighbour would do the same for fact she was a good help when I had my first THR and my second..I hope you and Sue are doing ok and nice and snug
    Right better go Gd is cooking for us and her dad..bless..
    Love to everyone keep nice and warm... christmas04 xxxxxx
    Hi.Kath just spotted you sorry to hear about your sister..thats is awful..Hopefully they will get her physio..before any ops..
  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    A late evening, just before midnight, icy cold with snow on the ground. tcold

    Hi Kerrin - I hope you avoid the snow, being cold is chilly enough, without having to contend with snow / travel / work etc. Even though you like it and enjoy your skiing holidays. I like to see it, everywhere looks bright and clean.

    We always watch the winter sports, skiing, ski jumping, nordic combined etc. The weather is certainly better this year, a lot more snow that previous winters.

    Hot chocolate on the balcony after a little skiing, will be lovely. I bet you cannot wait.

    Hope the athletics went well and you didn't get too cold, going to and from.

    Oh dear, a power cut Toni, that is not good. No heating........but, you must have been one step ahead of the national grid, by lighting the fire so that Lucy and Paul and Miss Sleek could be warm, while you went off to choir practice. Glad the next village had power, for all the singing. You are singing outside today, that will be bracing :shock: :shock: definitely hats and jumpers.... and coats and gloves. tcold

    The snow was horizontal here last night, watching it go past the street light. It settled very quickly.

    Loving the picture of Miss Sleek and Pepe is MOST impressed with her pose.
    You have a beautiful view from the house, with the Church so close. Takes me back..........

    Pepe had already phoned Hermione, about flying, seeing as the sun was shining, but she was not for changing her mind. Patience dear puskins, off you trot into the enchanted forest, or into Narnia, if you want to enjoy some snow.
    She sent the same, on voicemail to Sleek, who was all dreamy eyed, on receiving a message from her :roll:

    Pepe would look like this in the flying experience :lol::lol:


    I am glad the tunnel is safe and snug. Barbara will need her thermals on, Kath will lend her some, for the milk run. All the bottles are heated, we don't want the Rhino's getting Colic from icy milk. The paths are all gritted and salted.

    We did get out ok, it was pretty icy and there was some serious ninny walking down the ramp, even though B had salted it. :lol::lol:
    Even the main roads had snow on them, where the sun had not caught them.
    Skipton was not as busy as it usually would be on a Friday, close to Christmas.

    Posted the Christmas cards :) only a couple left to post and the local ones to write, for neighbours etc.

    Dad picked up his new specs, all fine there. Nero's was a welcome relax time, in our fav spot, by the front windows, so we can people watch :D:D

    Here is a photo of the Victorian Arcade, all trimmed up.

    It was so quiet in there, the wind blows through and it was might chilly.

    There is a coffee shop in there called "the cake ole" if you want to sit outside in the arcade, you get big blankets to wrap up in.

    There was a teeny little Chihuahua in Nero's, with a red jumper on, SO gorgeous, I wanted a piccy, but he scuttled off back to his owners. I want one !!

    Hi Joan - we have about an inch or so of snow left at the moment, with more forecast for Sat and Sunday. It looks nice, but not great if you have to go out and about.
    Hope you are both keeping warm and the doggies are snug too.

    Hi Kath - so Anita has had her results, showing I assume, damage to the discs, vertebrae ? causing the nerve pain / inflammation. Let's hope the appointment to see a specialist is as soon as. It would be good if they could see her before Christmas, when everything out patient wise, closes down :roll:

    Hope you are ok and keeping warm in all your thermals :) Take care if out and about

    Hi Barbara - So glad your GD arrived safe and sound. We must have had your snow - due to get some on Sunday here too.

    Yes, 99% of posting cards are sent now, just our neighbours and local ones to drop off.
    B is a lot better and he has kept his mouth shut tight in the icy cold. He is on the mend, thank you ((()))

    The internet is a mine of information, a whole world, indeed universe for us to explore, but, as you say, with the good, there comes the very bad.

    B is trying the dairy free, well almost, not counting a little milk in T. Goats cheese is fine, so we have a supply of that now. If he finds there is no change in his sinuses, then it will be back to the yummy cheddar :)

    I hope you had a lovely supper, courtesy of your GD. I bet you are so happy to have her there for the week end.

    B's Br IL and SIL are supposed to be coming over on Sunday, but I am not so sure it is a good idea, looking at the forecast. They usually come over Saddleworth Moor on the M62, which is the highest motorway in England, it is bleak up there in mid summer, never mind mid winter :? :? Maybe they will rearrange for another day.

    Had a little siesta, then had to change my bed, thanks to Cookie who was :mrgreen::mrgreen: all over. Bless our puskins eh :roll: :roll:
    Apart from sorting the washing and drying, we have chilled out, B is busy away with seed beading, making lovely bracelets, he is so patient with them.

    Oh, we bought a new blind for the kitchen, so that is up and looking very smart, in striped silver 8) 8)

    I am rambling. Hi to everyone else, Christine, Mig, Carol who will be away now, with her family, all excited I can guess. Charrisse, DD and all

    Everyone stay safe, warm and take lots of care. Love to all XXX Aidan
    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    I nearly forgot breakfast

    Raspberry crepes, with chocolate sauce


    or Apple Cider baked donuts


    or BOTH XX
    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,226
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    DEfinitey both Aidan!! Your cheffery is like nothing I have ever tasted!!

    Oh yes Pepe would look windblown (will look windblown!) Sleek plans on them going soon after Christmas weather permitting :roll: Miss Sleek forgives Hermione for stopping her flying just because it's her heroine!! :roll: She's meeting Pepe and the girls later in the Enchanted Forest if Pepe can drag them in. They are hoping Mrs Darcey Tomicat and Jericat will be there too :D

    We are so lucky to be here. 2 reasons I loved this house were: 1. the Church and 2. the fire!!

    I'm a bit worried about singing outside not sure I can even get there. Not sure whether my neighbours (W/C user and husband) will even try :? We'll see. It's thick out there and still coming down as I type.

    Today is Lucy's birthday and a friend is supposed to be coming from Liverpool I can't see it really though. :? Poor Lu :(

    Ninny walking here too been wearing my walking boots safety first! B is a good in. How is his tooth? Easing yet?

    I am so pleased Skipton jobs all doe. I love the arcade it looks beautiful! I would sit outside with a blanket on me!! tcold

    Oh an ikkle Chihuahua in a jumper?! Adorable!

    Take care and keep safe!

    I agree with you Barbara snow muffles the sounds of 21st century life. Much better but not to go out in unless you are a child then its brilliant!

    Not sure we'll go to choir :shock: I will check my emails and see if it's still on today :?

    Kath I am sorry about your sis but glad they know what it is and she will shortly see the right person. Fingers crossed it's fixable.

    tcold tcold

    Joan at least we have the fire when there's a power-cut - not electricity required!! Do you have snow? If so will the dogs be ok for their walks? and are YOU warm enough?

    Love to everyone!

    Toni xxx

    Ps when does Carol go? I hope she will be able to get there if it's this weekend :?
  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Morning all there is snow on the wont be going think I used to be the first in the street when young make a slide..I remember how it would glisten in the dark under the gas light.. hcold christmas02
    Aiden glad to hear B has his mouth firmly shut.. :lol: do you think there is any truth in it late mum has lots of tales to tell :lol: ..I love the pic..Pepe would certainly need a brush after flying.. cfly
    the arcade looks stunning and what a good idea to give out blankets then you can sit outside..hope your family dont even try to get over Saddleworth..we once broke down there and had to walk to the pub..I have never forgot there kindness..card are posted dad has his you can all settle down..oh and a new blind..I love to get something new foe Christmas usually cushion covers..we had a lovely supper thanks to GD..
    Toni do you chance falling ..I am sure the singing can be another day when its all thawed.. tcold poor Lucy looking forward to her friend coming..hope she might just make it..HAPPY BIRTHDAY lovely to have a proper fire..and to see the church form the window.. :D right will go and look at Toni's pics
    GD is on her own again ..and quite sad bless her so I just keep giving hugs..
    Love to everyone be safe and warm..xxxxxx
  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,239
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hello Kathleen Barbara Aidan Toni and anyone else I missed
    Kathleen that must be painful for Anita I hope they can do somee thing to help it.
    Barbara I hope you have a good weekend. I have my boots they are comfortable i only have to keep them on for half an hour.
    Aidan is your snow very deep. ((((((Aidan Bill and Dad))))))))
    Toni I hope you all have a good weekend our scooters cannot grip the ground when there's snow so the dog's have the garden then it's big.
    take care all
    Joan xx
    take care
    joan xx
  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    How gorgeous, Dachshund puppies. :D We stayed home today, no snow here, but too cold.

    tcold tcold tcold cfly

    Yes Aidan definitely both. Anita definitely said disc, is that the same as vertebra? She is already having physio.

    Kerrin, swimming and skiing! I don't know how you do it. :o

    hcold hcold hcold scold hcold hcold

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00


    All Birthdays need cake :) Happy Birthday Lucy, hope you have a lovely day xx
    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Afternoon, to all - snowy, but not too thick on the ground, ok for getting out, with a little bit of ninny walking on the ramp :lol::lol:

    Thank you Toni for my Cheffery skills, they are finely honed indeed :? :? :lol::lol: I would have both as well, rude not to.

    Pepe will indeed look super wind swept in the flying pod / thingy. I am sure Sleek will love it and will have video's taken to admire at leisure.

    I thought she might forgive Hermione, a good job too, even though we have no snow forecast for today, it has not really stopped since lunchtime :roll: :roll: very light and not adding much to what is already there.
    The roads are all good, everywhere looks very "Narnia" at the moment and it does give a hush, to the crazy world of ours.

    I am sure all the puskins will meet in the enchanted forest while we are having our siesta. I will check that it is full of snow........


    Yes, there is plenty snow, they will all have a good time, Pepe will have his boots on, with lights flashing.

    You made the perfect choice with your house, I always feel an air of calm about it, which is lovely.

    I am hoping that the singing en plein air is cancelled for another day, the weather is not really suitable, if there is laying snow, people will not want to venture out or take undue risks. christmas03

    Maybe Lucy's friend will get there, all the main roads are clear, but it is going to be super frosty tonight and into next week.

    Either way I hope she has had a good Birthday

    Glad I am not the only one who is ninny walking, it is necessary in this weather :lol::lol: :?

    B's extraction site is fine and less painful, eating normally.

    Skipton was a successful trip, yes, the arcade is lovely, just so blinking cold, it is open at both ends, so the wind whips through. I would have to be wrapped up in many blankets, with just enough room to shovel cake in.

    Carol will be there, I think the GGD 1st Birthday party is today, then they come back after that has finished.

    Hi Barbara, definitely no going out today, if it bad weather. I remember making slides out of compact snow, with my friends. It was like glass by the time we had finished :shock: :shock: we loved times change.

    A lot of old saying are very true indeed, some are a wee bit off the mark, but many carry a lot of truth and sense.

    We have not heard if Br and SIL are coming over yet, they might wait and make up their mind tomorrow. Saddleworth is not the ideal place to break down at all, I find it a pretty desolate place, not only because of its history and the tragic murders, but it is an inhospitable area. I am glad the people in the pub were so kind to you when you where stranded.

    So supper was a success, that's great. GS is obviously a good cook.
    Sad that she is on her own at the moment, but I am sure the extra hugs will be invaluable and other partnerships will develop, I am sure of it.

    Hi Joan, best to let the doggies run around in the garden, no trying to get out in the snow, far too dangerous in the buggies, as you say, they don't have enough grip for snow and ice.

    Hope you are all keeping warm and snug. Our snow is not really deep, just a covering, making everything look very pretty.

    Hi Kath, you stay put, it is far too cold to be sitting out under the gazebo, no matter how big the mug of coffee.

    Disc would be the cartilage between the vertebrae, this is the bit that often "slips" and causes a lot of pain. We are not designed very well really, we would be better on all fours.
    Little puppies with their hats on, oh bless them all.....................

    Right, I had better move, I am setting.

    Everyone take lots of care, I will go and slice some of Lucy's birthday cake, best not face plant in it...............

    Catch you later XXXX Aidan
    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    A very early morning to all. T'is a mighty chilly one too.

    We had another light fall of snow while we had our siesta and now it is super frosty, but oh so quiet.

    Bertha (the new boiler) is keeping us very snug and warm and all the cats are :animal_busy: at the moment.
    B is chilling out with his seed bead designs and I am doing my bits of pottering in between writing.

    We had a trip into town (Saturday) wanted to make sure we had enough supplies so that we can stay at home and relax for a couple of days. Dad came with us. We enjoyed a cheeky coffee in Costa, well timed too. The queue was out of the door by the time we left :shock:
    It was silly busy in Sainsb as well, like a Christmas Eve, maybe the weather had sent everyone into a flat spin and they had to buy everything in sight :lol::lol: :roll:

    I wonder if the singing was cancelled? We don't want any of the coir frozen to the spot Toni christmas03 christmas03 tcold Nor do we want any slips, trips or falls :? :?

    I hope Lucy had a lovely Birthday, did her friend manage to get down from Liverpool?

    Carol will have enjoyed the 1st Birthday party for Graycie, I saw the lovely pictures on FB. You will be home safe and sound now. Did the mermaid behave and allow you to finish her hair and face?

    I hope your neighbour is a bit more settled after spending some time with you Barbara. It is a really terrible time of high emotion, given the recent events. I will send them some extra comforting vibes and hugs ((()))

    Take care if you are out today Kath, it is not going above freezing today and then dropping to minus 5 or 6 this evening :shock:

    I think that is it for snow, for the time being, just very cold up to Wednesday when it warms up a tad and rains.

    The puskins have all been chatting on the crystal ball, Mrs Darcey said that there was at least 4 feet of snow :shock: :shock: not sure if that is in human measurements or pus cat measures. Tomicat and Jericat are fine, staying were it is warm and snug. Their brooms are offline as well - it seems to be a blanket ban, from Hermione.

    Hair cut today, happy days :)

    Still no word on BIL and SIL coming to visit Dad / Us............whatever, we will be here, we are "at home".

    More ski jumping to watch and some downhill slalom racing from Val D'Isere, the British skier Dave Ryding, is a hero member of Pendle Ski club and did really well last year in the downhill. Hope he does even better this season.

    Right, I had better potter some more.

    Hi to everyone else, Christine, Carol, Mig, Charrisse, and all.

    Take lots of care. XX Aidan

    I guess the snow could have been a lot worse :shock: :shock:

    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,239
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hello Kathleen Alcan and anyone else I missed
    Kathleen you go care full if you go out today.
    Aidan you go steady on your ramp. we have snow now the council's not gritting anywhere sue's career's cannot be to the people.
    ((((((((Aidan Bill and Dad)))))))).
    take care all of you
    Joan xx
    take care
    joan xx
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,226
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Like a blizzard out there several inches fallen! I will take some photos later of out glorious Church looking so very pretty. I have been waiting for this :)

    Lucy's friend didn't make it sadly, but Charley her gf and other family did. Lucy had a macdonalds cake for her b'day. About 20 nuggets built up like a profiterole tower with candles on top and burgers slapped all round!! Candles on top! She saw it somewhere online, but it was TRICKY!!

    Thank you Aidan for the two lovely personalised cakes - perfect!! :D

    How did you find the smilies of myself and Barbara singing yesterday? we were singing in a Church so warm enough which had a Christmas tree festival going on. Local groups and charities putting up a tree so pretty and interesting!

    Glad Dad was able to get out with you and stock up. Don't expect your family will make it today though so best stay in!

    Barbara I am so very sad about your GD. She will find her perfect gf in time bless her heart ((()))

    I can imagine the snow glistening by gas-light!

    Joan I am glad the dogs can do their business in the garden. You stay warm indoors and safe.

    Oh Kath fabulous puppies in bonnets!!! Gimme gimme gimme!!! :)

    Love to everyone

    Toni xxx
  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    We weren't expecting an snow, but there has been a little. Melting now. It's because we are in a valley, with a huge power station nearby.

    The sky looks full though. :? Central heating on and double thickness woollies on. hcold

    scold cfly tcold hcold

    Joan, I isn't going nowhere! :shock:

    Rang dad this morning, and had a mug of hot chocolate.

    Hope all pusskins and dogs are snuggled up by the fire and Johnny has the sweet chestnuts on. :D

    The does are looking for their hubbies. :roll:

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Afternoon to all from a chilly Ribble Valley.

    I think we have had less snow than the Midlands and southern areas, ours is sinking into the ground now.

    I bet the Church looks lovely in the snow Toni, look forward to seeing the pictures :)

    Shame that Lucy's friend did not manage to get there, but the rest of the family were there, to share the day.
    A McDonald's cake, now there is something different. I bet it was tricky :shock: :shock:

    Glad you liked the personalised cakes :)

    Good to hear that you were singing together in Church, with lots going on around, tree festival and decorating the tree in the Church as well. Very nice.

    No, BIL had rung Dad and sent us a text to say that they were not going to risk coming over today, even thought it says no snow, the forecasts are often totally wrong. It will be minus 6 later, so they are best stopping at home. Plan to come over next week end instead.

    Dad rang and said shall we go out for lunch, but we said no, let's all have some down time and catch up on home things. We can go out in the week, when it is less busy.
    He has to stay in tomorrow as mediquip are coming to collect all the frames, walker, cushion, etc, that Mum used.

    Sorry, I have kidnapped all the puppies :D:D

    Hi Joan, hope you are staying indoors and letting the little doggies play in the snow in the garden. Keep that heating on high, we know you need to be warm and cozy.
    I bet the carers do have difficulty getting to see the people in their care.
    They grit the main roads round here and the roads with schools on, the rest, you kind of take your chances and hope for the best. We won't be going down the ramp today, or tomorrow.

    Glad to hear that you have the heating on full Kath, rightly so, we cannot get too cold, nor too hot, we have to be just right.
    You do right, by stopping indoors. Only essential journeys for any of us, if needs be.

    Our Puskins are all :animal_busy: scratch that, Pepe is running around like a mad man :roll: christmas04

    I see the Doe Deer are looking for their mates...................

    Worry not, they are all here


    I think it is time for afternoon T, soul food, that is what we need.

    All the lovelies are happy and warm, or cold, whichever they prefer. Plenty of keepers on duty to tend to all the needs.

    Everyone take lots of care XXXX Aidan

    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • Turbogran
    Turbogran Member Posts: 2,023
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Evening all

    We did get away to Graycies Birthday celebrations and enjoyed the time down there. only spoilt by the weather. we decided to go to daughters house to drop off christmas presents before going on to our hotel in Ramsgate for the night. arrived in margate to really strong winds i nearly got blown sideways down the middle of the road while trying to cross it with my walker to get to the bus stop I was really struggling with it thank goodness the car drivers could see i was struggling and waited for me to get across. we stood on the bus stop freezing for about 3 mins and decide to go back to station to get a cab. Mermaid now named Ariel was loved and named straight away by Lillie and the smile on her face was well worth all my nightmares over it. and i was let give Graycie her birthday present early because her she is not 1 untill Tuesday. this was also a success. we had a lovely meal with all the family in a nice restuarant come pub in broadstairs as Graycie's birthday celebration. my only problems is that I started coughing yesterday
    and it has gone into a streaming cold today so I am feeling rubbish today and to add to that we have had flurries of snow and rain on and off all day. Will post a picture of mermaid Ariel from my phone to my laptop then I can post it.

    well think its time for me to go as need to take some cough medicine to relieve this blasted cough. christmas05 christmas04 christmas02
    Stay positive always👍xx
  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    tcold tcold I dread to think what the temperature is outside, minus many degrees.............

    I hope everyone is ok and keeping warm, as we face the coldest night of the year so far. The press say minus 15, but I would guess that will be up in the Highlands of Scotland.


    Oh dear Carol, after a lovely time with your family, celebrating Graycies Birthday, you nearly blew away :shock: :shock: cfly and now you have a rotten cold.

    There are some extra hugs in the jars, in the kitchen, so make sure you help yourself to plenty.


    Ariel is a lovely name for the Mermaid and I thought she would be loved immediately. All that worry about the face and hair...........melting away with Lillies lovely smile :)

    Let's hope your cold clears up as soon as it came. We all seem to have had some snow and it is super cold here tonight. Sending extra hugs to go with the ones from the magic jars ((()))

    If I could find the Bush Babies, I would send them over, they could well be on their way........ christmas02

    Pepe was chatting to Sleek, she said all the land and villages she owns, are all frozen, so keeping warm is the best option.

    Well, I had better do some pottering. It has been good to have a home day, no plans to be going out today either.

    Love to all, XX Aidan

    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).