Val's Cafe
We need energy food this morningXX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0
Yumy um Aidan lovely plenty of president butter on those thanks
Sleek was quite right saying that to Pepe! It is very chilly and treacherous out there. 4X4 is the way to go - or Paul's van maybe? this is now and this.....
was last night
I am glad the family were sensible and stayed away. We have had snow non-stop for HOURS maybe days :shock: at least 24 hours at one point and it had gone 8 beyond that when I went to bed last night.
Good that all mum's equipment is going to be collected today to be use again all good. I am sure Dad is ok so long as you are all safe it really is icy out there now
I helped myself to a couple of puds thanks
Carol how considerate of the car drivers to wait for you to cross the road in that wind!! I am so glad that you made it for Graycie's birthday and that Ariel is loved already
We knew that would happen
I am so sorry you are feeling rough againThe bush-babies are on their way maybe arrived now? Get well soon and WELL DONE!!!
Kath you had snow - we have lots if you want some?? Miss Daisycat will happily bring you some if she's allowed to fly today??
We are warm and cosy had the fire lit got to clean the grate out later and should have been having my hair cut this morning too :roll:
Aidan found the Deer's mates
I hope Joan is ok warm and dry ((()))
The village is temporarily cut off so waiting for the milk lorry to come and clear the main lane (ours!) :?
Love to everyone
Toni xxx0 -
Hello Kathleen Carol Toni Aidan and anyone else I missed
Kathleen you are doing the best thing staying in so are we.
Carol I bet it was lovely seeing everyone's faces with the mermaid.
Toni all of you go careful when you go out. when you changed internet provider's I have my photo's in p bucket I have got in touch with them but no reply yet 2 weeks ago.
((((((((Aidan Bill and Dad ))))))))take care when you go out.
take care all
Joan xxtake care
joan xx0 -
Joan I am not going out can't clear the drive despite help from lovely neighbours so will wait awhile....we have food and coal
Have you lost your PB photos?0 -
I hope it's not too slippy underfoot tomorrow, we need to go to Sawley Co-op. :?
Not me in photo. :shock:"Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein
0 -
Hello all..internet has been on and off so gave up..we haven't had bad weather at all so not sure what it was..the poor midlands with all that snow... tcold they did forecast it here but just had a little flurry
Gd got home safe and sound one trains was cancelled so the one she got was standing only for an hours..then she got a seat..
Carol has seen her lovely family..and Graycies first birthday bless her..but boy what a time you had with the weather..glad you are now home safe and sound..Ariel the mermaid.. I love it...and hope that cold clears for you ..there are so many bugs going around.. :roll:
Toni you cant get off your drive... hcold blimey it did snow I say we got away lightly..the Mc Ds cake sounds brilliant..such a shame Lucy friend couldn't get there but it sounds like she had a good time ..I am sure they will catch up very soon...we did well getting to the church ..the sledge came in after all.. christmas02
Kath you keep warm..its just not worth going out..the puppies are adorable ...I hope the physio is a big help to your sister..
Aiden..let me try and remember what you have been up to.. christmas03 B is feeling much better..nice to get rid of an horrible toothache...and you managed to get into costas..good on you ..much safer for your family not to risk the moors..when we go over them there is such an awful feeling ..think it will always be there..its so nice to get back home when things are so busy...our GD was a little down..but enjoyed seeing her sisters..soul food is very welcome..
Joan I hope you can get your photos just goes to show even on the net they are not safe..glad the gritters are out
just wrapped some presents..well not really wrapped but bought bags for them..much easier..
Kep safe and warm everyone xxxxxx christmas01Love
Barbara0 -
Beautiful pics of the church nice it must be to sit in the window looking at it..Love
Barbara0 -
I hope you can get to Sawley tomorrow Kath. Bless that lady I could tell it wasn't you!!
Barbara yes lucky we made it to the Church wasn't it? Glad GD is safely home bless her.
Set to drop to minus 15 tonight, but I know I can't sleep with the heating on
Lucy supposed to be in work tomorrow at 8.45, but I failed to leave the village today so we shall see eh?
The Bot is in the utility I rescued her. She has been switched off for a while, but Paul forgot to put her in the garage.
Take care everyone!
Toni xxx
Miss Sleek went to see Pepe today on an old broomstick!! She was desperate to see him bless her :roll: Naughty girl Hermione doesn't know, but she is home safe now. I have confiscated it...tut! tut!!0 -
A little miffed, I did a lovely post earlier, with face splat cakes for Toni and I, plus cakes for everyone else, wrote a little, then posted and now it is not here. :roll: :roll: :x :x
A wee bit annoying, but not to worry. I will try again.
Hi Toni, definitely President butter on those pancakes and just a pint of maple syrup should do nicely.
It is SUPER cold here, colder than last night, no way is the heating going down low tonight. We normally leave the thermostat on 18, so that should keep us warm enough.
Most of the snow has evaporated into the cold air. Pendle is still white over of course and looks lovely. Pepe has been peeking at the window and is glad that there is a no fly zone, even with thermals on, the wind chill would be too much.
I think Hermione will lift the flying ban later today, once the worst of the frosts have cleared. But, only for an hours flying and at low level.
The pictures of the Church are just wonderful, Rev Delphine must be very proud of her Parish and the lovely Church, don't they look amazing when it has been snowing.
Sounds like you have had a lot more snow that we have. When I lived in Nottingham we used to get some really heavy snow, then you had to make you way home in it, on a motorbike !!
The equipment has all been collected from Dads, B was round there to see how Dad was when they came to collect, so that was handy.
We will be out at the GC this morning, after leaving the car running for a little while to thaw out, bless her, she is frozen solid. Dad has been itching to take us out for brunch for days now.
The village was cut off, goodness, I hope that has been resolved now. Gotham, near Nottingham was cut off one winter, I remember the temp went down to minus 22 degrees, we were on the tv, as the coldest place in England. Boy was that chilly, in a big Rectory, that was about 70% glass, single pane, metal frames. Frozen inside and out they were. I digress
I am glad you stayed in yesterday Joan, maybe the same today, if it is as cold, we don't want any accidents.
Photobucket make you pay now, if you want to share your pictures on forums etc. Toni and I both deleted all our pictures and closed our accounts. Google Drive is much better and no silly adverts.
Keep warm all of you, the doggies will be snuggling up real close.
Hi Kath, I wonder who the lady is in the photo, hopefully she got to where she was going :shock: :shock: Walkie frames are not very good in snow and ice.
I hope you can get to the Co Op today, if not, will Tesco deliver the same day? I am sure they did to us one time.
You have had Gremlins in the internet then Barbara, must be ice on the line :? :? hcold The forecast for us was for very heavy snow, but it seemed to head south.
Glad you GD arrived home safely, despite having to wait in the cold for an hour, for a train.
You remembered well, B is much better tooth area all healed up now. Costa was good, apart from being cold from the wait down. ( I have filled in a survey about our visit and told them we all had frozen legs and to get some more heating put in )
We are glad B's Brother didn't come over on Sunday, it will be super cold on the top of Saddleworth and yes, it does have an eerie feel about it, never like going over that way.
Pressie bags are a great idea, just tie the opening up and jobs a good n.
Minus 15 Toni, that's mighty cold, I think the heating would come on anyway, to protect the boiler from frost. Ours will be on low all night.
If it is not safe, then don't risk taking our little Elf to work. Not worth taking any chances.
Bot will be very cold, you did well to rescue him. I am sure he will thaw out and be happy with a recharge.
So, that is who Pepe was talking to at the window, it was Miss Sleek, naughty girl, using one of the old broomsticks, which would not have been under the no fly spell. Pepe kept that one under his whiskers.
Pop it under lock and key, Hermione will know, she has her own crystal ball, with an all seeing eye. One demerit me thinks.
All the lovelies are inside their houses, no going out tonight. The penguins are the exception, they seem to be having a great time, sliding on the ice and splashing around :shock: :shock:
The Meerkats think we have gone to the Arctic and are not coming out of their heated burrows for love nor money.
The milk machine is in the Rhino house, with 12 gallons of formula all ready. It is nice and warm in there, lots of straw and hay.
Ok I will have another potter about. Hi to everyone else, Kerrin, Carol (hope your cold is easing ) Christine, Mig, Charrisse, DD and all.
No point me trying to find those face plant cakes again, so I will sort out something for breakfast.
Everyone take lots of care and stay safe and warm. XX Aidan
Some winter oatmeal with dried cranberries (fresh cream optional)XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
Hello Kathleen Toni Barbara Aidan and anyone else I missed.
Kathleen you take care walking to Sawley.
Toni we have rain tonight you go steady.
Barbara I hope you have a good day go steady.
((((((((Aidan Bill and Dad)))))))) go steady and keep warm.
take care all
Joan xxtake care
joan xx0 -
Morning all
Bright here this morning and dry but very cold. Well the last 2 nights I have slept in the armchair with this streaming cold this morning Mr T tells me he has got my cold he says he has been coughing all night as well, he is coughing a little but he dose tend to exaggerate a bit i have only heard him cough once or twice in the last 2 and half hours.
here is Ariel the mermaid
hope you like her. well Today is our Graycie's birthday cannot believe how fast that year has gone. she is a right cheeky little monkey and is getting to look more and more like her daddy every day. where as Lillie looks so like her mummy.
Barbara yes the weather was particularly nasty tcold tcold and quite scary trying to get my walker across the road and being blown sideways towards the cars. yes lots of nasty bugs going around.
Joan yes it was nice to see everyone and Lillie's huge smile when i gave her the mermaid was worth every moment of making it.
Toni Yes Ariel was certainly loved straight away. Bush babies have arrived and giving lots of soothing warm cuddles. I was really thankful that the car drivers were patient it was really rather scary Mr t was also having problems with the suitcase going all over the place.
Aidan thanks for the hugs and i did take plenty of hugs from the jar and i have the bush babies in residence too. yes Ariel was loved and when asked what she would call her Lillie didn't hesitate at all she loves all the Disney films. Glad you enjoyed a home day hope you are all doing ok.
well i must away to do some bits and pieces. before taking a trip out as although it is cold it is dry and sunny out here today. christmas02 christmas01Stay positive always👍xx0 -
Aidan, I don't know who the lady is. But she's a brave soul and she inspired me to wander to the Sawley Co-op after I had some winter oats with cranberries(fresh cream optional)
Carol, such a sweet looking mermaid. Gracie will love it.
Toni, The church photos are enchanting, especially the one in the dark. Yes, I thought you would realize she wasn't me, I'm well teeny.
hcold hcold hcold hcold hcold hcold hcold hcold
christmas02 christmas02 christmas02 christmas02"Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein
0 -
A slightly less chilly afternoon to all.
Last night must have been many minuses, I hope everyone's pipes are ok :shock:
Hi Joan, we managed to get out for brunch, after B had warmed up the car for a good 10 minutes, she was frozen solid poor thing.
We have rain forecast, then next time you look it is sleet, then snow, so we will get what falls I guess :? :?
Hope you are both keeping warm and the doggies are happy to play in the garden for now, until it is safe for you to be out in your buggies. Did the carers manage to get to help Sue?
Hi Carol, hugs for the streaming cold to be on its way as soon as possible. Sometimes it is better sleeping upright, otherwise you end up coughing the minute you lay down.
Oh dear, has Mr T got "man flu" (I exclude myself from that). It will be a lot worse than yours of course and all your fault :roll: :roll:
Ariel is lovely, no wonder the tail was naughty to finish off, she looks great, Lillie will be more than happy with her.
I saw the pictures of Graycie on FB, she looks adorable and full of the joys.
I am glad the Bush Babies are there, to five cuddles, (they cannot get human colds, so no worries there).
They will help as much as they can. Take a peek at the post I put on FB with the Mother Possum carrying all her babies, I want them ALL.
We are doing ok thank you kindly. It was nice to have a couple of home days and we were back soon after lunch today and no plans for going out on Wednesday either. After all the recent events, we need some time out so to speak and Dad needs his own space too.
Take care, out and about.
The lady in the snow is certainly one brave soul, determined to say the very least.
Hope you were well wrapped up for your potter to the Co Op. You are right, cream is essential.
Brunch was very nice, bacon and egg muffin, shared some chips, :shock: yes, you heard correctly, I shared my chips !! Must have been feeling super generous
I had to have a scone, just butter and cream, no jam thank you
The coffee's were strong and perfect. Dad enjoyed his toasted bacon and egg sandwich and then we nipped into Sains to get supplies. Then had to go back into town, as we had forgotten to get cigarettes :shock: :shock: :shock: that would never do.
Pepe says he has been out for a low level fly round with Sleek, which they enjoyed, I think they went up to Pendle, to look out over Pepe's land.
They stuck to an hour - ish, as Hermione had requested, well, they tried to eek it out to more than that, but the broomsticks brought them home, on auto pilot after 60 minutes.
My new shirts have arrived, just plain white, short sleeved ones, I treated myself, £8 a shirt, so not bad at all. The others have lasted over 6 years, so I can wear them around the house now. New ones are washed and ready to dry, so I will go potter in the kitchen a while.
Hope everyone is ok and staying safe and warm.
Did you manage to get out Toni, or was it not worth the risk?
Right, let me go find some face plant cakes, we need the energy in this weather
Till later XXX Aidan
Ready ToniXX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
Afternoon all going dark already and very cold..but still no snow thank goodness..
Carol the mermaid if brilliant I have only just realized were the name Ariel came middle GD told me..I love her pigtails..and that wonderful tail..I hope you feel better very soon..a stinking cold if awful..poor Mr always get it worse than women..except Aiden of course
Toni I hope you have manged to get out today...did you say the milk lorry clears the rd..I hope they have been..and if Lucy cant get to work well not to worry.....and the bot is away for winter..
Kath the little lady with the frame made me laugh I know I shouldn't... :oops:
Joan I haven't been out..just OH doing bits of shopping..sorry I didnt know you already had your brain misses things.. :oops:
glad you dont have to wear it all the time
Aiden has a new white shirt..and a good feast although you shared your chips.... :shock: I had my share of the porridge..and that face splat cake did Toni get near it...nice that have both had some us must both still be feeling the stress of the last few months..I think we got to around minus 6 so not has bad as Tonis..minus 15... :shock: I was worried about all the animals but when I cheeked in last night they were tucked up nice and warm..and I gave them extra food.. christmas03
OH has made tomatoes soup he cant believe how well it has turned out..I am a good teacher..
Love to everyone keep warm...xxxxxxxx christmas05Love
Barbara0 -
Evening everyone
Had my porridge – thanks and then I got Lucy into work, but not until lunchtime too risky for our little elf! :? Once I got out of the village (first time since Saturday!) I got her there ok and back (via her Nan) because I also got my hair cut! Bless my wonderful hairdresser for squeezing me in!
Barbara the milk lorry always gets in but the bin-men didn’t and the school remained closed too so still pretty bad in the village. :?
Tomorrow is the kids Christmas party in the village Hall which I am helping with and the setting up thereof. Remember the fireplace etc…. :?
You are a great teacher I bet OH is very proud of himself.
OMG!!!!!!! That is one face plant cake Aidan!!! *****takes a run-up******SPERLATTTTT!!! Muffled yum yum yums….blackforest gateau
Sleek has been far happier today after her ride to Pendle with her beloved!! She told me they were trying to be a ‘little bit’ late, but the brooms brought them home with only time for a quick whisker-touch!!! Hermione did know what she did yesterday and that’s why she gave them a safe short fly today. She is understanding and isn’t giving Miss Didicat a demerit this time!!
Did you let Dad treat you to that lovely sounding brunch? It sounded perfect.How much more do we appreciate it when we have had to go without for a while?
This bit of enforced rest has probably done us all good don’t you think? I certainly feel rested. I think you two need couple time – we all do and Dad needs time to assimilate his sad loss too
The milk machine has been working overtime super-vet has advised increased rations while the temperatures are so low. Extra fish for penguins too and Carol can give the bush-babies extra jammie dodgers.
Bot seems ok and has dried out on one of my best towels!! Lucy!! :roll: !
Kath it was obviously not you the lady you are much smaller. By the way I am with you about the cream – it’s essential isn’t it?
The Church looks so very pretty ATM I love it so much I am so lucky. That’s the view from the window seat as you know.
Carol I knew Ariel would be loved on the spot bless her! Her hair worked out just fine and she has a sweet face A lot of drivers are good and caring only a few nasty people exist. What with wandering suitcases being driven by Mr T you were lucky.
I’m glad to hear the Bush-babies are helping you must need them if you are again having to sleep in a chair :roll: ((())) for you.
Shame about Mr T’s man-flu, but HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Gracie!!
Joan rain?! Wow I want some to wash away this snow. I am being careful I promise. I hope you are ok too.
Love to everyone
One very tired
Toni xx christmas010 -
Evening everyone
Wow second visit today but just having a chill out. as only popped out for about an hour and a half had some coffee and a bite to eat then came back home. to find Mr T asleep on the sofa under the spare duvet which i have used for the past 2 nights in the arm chair and will do so again tonight as i am finding it easier to sleep more upright as i don't couch as much. and yes as you say man flu for mr T he has spent most of the day asleep he will say tomorrow i had a rough night couldn't sleep not surprising really if you have slept all day. :roll: :roll:.
Toni yes Ariel was loved and named by Lillie immediately she is Disney films mad and loves the little mermaid. yes it was wandering Walkers and suit cases and very Lucky indeed. thank you for Graycies birthday wishes. Bush babies have had loads of jammie dodgers had to get some more today for them. they were sitting in my walker reminding me there were none left.
Barbara Glad you liked Ariel and yes its a male thing (Aidan excluded of course )
Aidan yes Aidan armchair is best when you have a cough Yes thats what mr T said this morning ive got your cold wouldnt mind but since it has developed we have not slept in the same room and he has spent all day in our spare room on his laptop. we really have only been in same room in the evening. Yes Graycie is rather adorable. the mum with the baby possums is wonderful i would love them all too.
Kath the mermaid is rather sweet and Lillie loved it Graycie had the teddy i knitted back in september.
Well must go now as i need to get up and move around if i am to sleep in the armchair again tonight. plus take my night meications and some Cough medicine.
christmas02 christmas02 christmas01 christmas04Stay positive always👍xx0 -
Evening to all. Damp cold tonight, have felt colder, even though the last bits of snow are thawing after the rain.
Hi Barbara - Yes, I have three new white short sleeved shirts, with pocket, must have pocket, for my phone. They are already washed, dried and ready for pressing.
I know, sharing chips, I must have had a lax moment of super generosity
Dad enjoyed his brunch too, although as soon as he is finished he starts tapping the table, ready for off, when we are only just on our second coffee.......He stops eventually.
Our home days are very welcome indeed, it has been a very tiring few months, well, years, to be honest and it gradually eats away at your physical and emotional reserves.
Sometimes you just want to shut the door, kick off your shoes and just do your own thing, rather than thinking, right, where should we be now.........
I am sure it was about minus 6 here as well last night. We have been pretty lucky with the snow, compared to Toni, who has been marooned in her village, sorry, Sleeks village
So Mr B made a lovely soup, I am sure you are an excellent teacher, well done Mr B, did you have warm crusty bread, to dip in the soup? mmmmm
Hi Toni At least Lucy arrived at work, even if a little late, the effort was made and will not go unnoticed I hope. Then home via Nan's oh, plus a haircut too, we are looking smart
The children's Christmas party today. Ah, the fireplace, yes, we remember, would Santa have something to do with that I wonder christmas05
I bet you will be shattered after all the festivities and super excited children.
Perfect shot with the cake, I thought you might take a running jump
Pepe has been in a happy mood too, just finished doing some serious gliding and carpet clicking :roll: now resting on a cushion by one of the radiators. :animal_busy:
They enjoyed playing in the snow, on top of Pendle Hill and as you say, just managed to brush whiskers, before the brooms went their separate ways home......ahh, bless em.
I thought Hermione would pass on giving out a demerit, she is very kind and always transports Sleek back to her house.
We treated Dad for a change, he is always wanting to pay for things. We do appreciate things more when you wait a little while, between visits. Absence makes the heart grow fonder, as the saying goes.
True, we are enjoying our own company, it makes a pleasant change to step off the treadmill for a while. Dad is ok and happy pottering about at home. He will pop in this morning for a cup of coffee. Everyone needs their own space to grieve and think etc.
Bot is happy on your lovely towel, how nice :shock: Only the best eh LucyThe view of the Church from your window seat is really beautiful. Kath and I will have to have a seat and gaze out for a while.
We are blessed with our views and location too.
Hope you manage to get some rest, in preparation for the children's party.
( I have tagged you on FB, on the video of the possum Mum with her babies, not to be missed ).
Hi Carol I knew it would be your fault that Mr T has "man flu" :roll: :roll: There he was, fast asleep on the sofa on your return from coffee and nibbles.
Let's see what is said this morning, about having a bad night and being awake for ages.......... :? :?
I hope you both feel better very soon, feed a cold.
Graycie is a darling, all inquisitive. I hope Ariel has settled into her new home, I am sure she will have.
Hope you get some rests too, cozy in the chair.
Hi to everyone else, Christine, Mig, DD, Elizabeth, Charrisse and all.
Let me see who is about in the forest.................
I think the Arctic Rabbit has wandered a bit too far south, with all the cold weather :shock:
Stay warm and safe, love to all XX AidanXX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
Carol Mr T is very silly to sleep all day he will have struggled to sleep last night. I agree sleep upright for now you cough less than when you lie down.
I do hope Graycie had a lovely birthday and am so glad your knitting talent has made her and Lillie happy what more do we want?
Those Bush-babies are not slow to remind us when we are getting low on their treats
Hello AidanI love the fire-place it's like ours here! Sleek and Pepe want to take the arctic rabbit home :shock: Not sure unless Santa's slay is out for a test drive after it's MOT later :?
I think Hermione has a soft spot for our two pusskins she is happy they adore each other
Lots of gliding here too and Sleek also has a cushion by a radiator :shock:
We all need some alone time to grieve and recuperate. Poor DadI do keep thinking of him (and B and you of course) at Christmas ((())) Glad you were 'allowed' to pay!!!
The only problem with taking a running jump (in order to face plant) is the splats go higher up the walls.Luckily the hoover takes care of it
I have charged up my batteries ready for today's party :? Pom will be there to and one or two others.
Fun times eh? :shock:christmas05
tcold Keep warm and dry Joan our little Elf isn't working until Friday now...phew!
Better get on then love to everyone
Toni xx0 -
Hello Toni Aidan Carol Kathleen Barbara and anyone else I missed
Toni I hope all is well with you.
Aidan have you still got snow ours has been washed away with rain ((((((((Aidan Bill Dad))))))))
Carol the mermaid looks lovely you must be pleased with it.
Kathleen I hope you made it to Sawley safely.
Barbara I hope you have a good day my boots are comfortable.
take care
Joan xxtake care
joan xx0 -
Absolutely pouring here, and getting windy woo!
cfly Thankfully we got out yesterday. I just put a review of my new coat on George's website. Top marks all round.
Joan, I'm glad your boots are comfortable.
I thought of all the pusskins the other night when we watched Phillip Schofield. He had a special cat comb that you put in your mouth, then brush.
tcold hcold tcold hcold tcold hcold tcold hcold scold scold"Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein
0 -
Afternoon all ..raining and very dark here..
Carol HAPPY 1st BIRTHDAY for yesterday to Graycie...I bet you saw such a difference in her..even though there are photos its not like seeing them in real life...Mr T had pinched your duvet...hope that cold ease for you very soon..not sure about Mr Ts..might last longer..
Toni I hope the snow has ,melted and you got the fireplace to the school..all that hard work needs to be seen..I did wonder what all this cake was doing on the of the bush baby's were licking it off bless..glad you managed to get Lucy to work well done you no wonder you are shattered...
Kath my GD loved her parka form Asda..nice and warm for her and she says the hood is not to big so she can see were she is going.. christmas03
Joan you and Sue keep snug and warm hope you have enough supplies to keep you going..
Aiden glad to hear you enjoyed the GC with he was tapping the table ready to go... christmas04 nice that he knows you are both there when he needs you..the white arctic rabbit will feel at home hcold ..nothing nicer than a real fire..I want to move in there..I remember we had 2 fireplace at home when I was in mum and dads bedroom..and when we were poorly she would light it and tuck us up in there bed..hee wish I was back there
yes Mr B is a dab hand at tomato soup now and egg and chips..
Right better go to everyone ..xxxxxxLove
Barbara0 -
Afternoon to all. The snow has all gone and we are wet wet wet. Even Pendle has returned to her normal colours.
Glad you liked the fireplace Toni, I am sure it is very similar, of course you need it for today, for the children's party. I hope you all have a great time, try not to overdo it, or am I too late in saying that :roll: :roll:
I think Santa will appear later on. The Sleigh has passed its MOT and is on its way.
The arctic rabbit has whizzed back up north, it is too warm for him now, he likes the snow, where he is almost invisible. Sorry Sleek and Pepe, I am sure you would have liked to chase him :roll:
Hermione does have a soft spot for our puskins and keeps an eye on them. They do adore each other and have been out for a quick fly round and visit to the ravine, in between the showers. Mr Toad was there, with the Nymphs and the Deer as well........they are all up to something. I asked Pepe "is it something nice" to which he just grinned and did a bit more gliding.
Cushions by radiators, the pair of them, how cute is that.
Thank you for thinking of us all, I know it helps, thoughts and prayers travel endless miles in seconds
Dad popped round with some very nice croissants and we had them with a coffee and a natter, he was quite "on the ball" today, which was very good to see.
Hi to Pom christmas04
At least Lucy the Elf has a couple of days off now, so that the snow can melt away.
Hi Joan all our snow has gone now, washed away with the rain, we had a lot overnight, I could hear it clattering on the windows. At least some of the salt will be washed from the roads.
Hope you can get out today, you will have missed going out together, but it was better to stay put in the freezing cold. Glad the boots are comfy.
Raining in Notts as well then Kath and getting windy - don't get blown away, like Carol nearly did cfly
Glad you wrote a good review for your new coat. I like to write reviews too. George make some nice clothes, as do Tesco.
A cat comb that you put in your mouth, sounds interesting, although with ours we would get a hairballAre they online, will have to take a look.
It is nearly 4, so tablet time, only 14 to take :roll: No doubt Pepe will be waking up soon for some food.
Hi to everyone else, Kerrin, Carol, Christine, Mig, DD, Charrisse, Elizabeth and all.
I will pop back later, let me see what I can find for our afternoon treat.
We need a three sided screen thing Toni, so that the cake splat does not go up the walls.
Take care XXX Aidan
Clementine and Almond Syrup Cake with Chocolate CoatingXX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
Is this one of ours? Cute baby possum.
"Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein
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The Possum IS OURS NOW, cuteness to a whole new level, of course he will have brothers and sisters, so they are ALL welcome Kath.
I posted at the same time as you did Barbara
It has been dark and rainy all day here too. We had the lights on from getting up, don't like dark rooms. Glad all the snow is gone, for now, at least.
Dad is very grateful for our diligent help, after Mum had passed away, sadly, I knew the pack drill so to speak, after loosing my Mum and Dad. He keeps wanting to buy us things, but we say there is no need, just make sure you are ok and that's all that matters. Other family living further afield, we tend to be quite protective of him now.
He is coping really well and we keep a close eye on him, at least every other day.
We will go into town tomorrow and have a coffee in one of our haunts and maybe a cake. The coffee shop we went in last Monday, had a big fire the day after :shock: :shock: no one was hurt and the fire was soon brought under control, the coffee roaster caught fire and sent flames up into the roof..............
I am sure we had open fires at the Rectory, until the Church dained to put in gas heating and gas fires. The boiler was in the kitchen and was the same size as Mum's top loader washing machine :shock:
Egg and chips, way to go Mr B, we will be round later, can we have crusty bread to make chip butties
XX AidanXX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
Oh Kath the baby possum needs a coat to keep it warm..maybe Carol could knit one.. tcold
Aiden again we post at the same the coffee machine set on fire in the cafe..I hope they are up and running again ..can you imagine the smell..
bless dad trying to treat pleased he has you both nearby..I had just cut that slice of chocolate cake and saw your if you want chips this is the place to be be...Mr B has perfected them...
and yes crusty bread with Lurp**k butter..
Take care everyone xxxxxxxLove
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