Val's Cafe



  • Turbogran
    Turbogran Member Posts: 2,023
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Evening all

    weather has had the odd shower here and there during the day and a bit chilly. tcold tcold but mainly dry. i am feeling a little better today not sneezing as much now slightly blocked nose and a very niggly cough which is very loose. but hopefully cold is starting its retreat I sincerely hope so. Mr T still moping about went to his bible study though but said he would not be having a main meal at lunch time which is the norm on a Wednesday and he would get himself some soup so I had my normal Wednesday lunch out and then onto my knitting group and when i returned late afternoon he was sitting snuggled under the duvet, surprisingly not asleep however just after i got in we were asleep again. tonight he says he doesn't feel so bad as yesterday but is still very tired and has no appetite so all he has had today it cereal and a bowl of soup. as he didnt want any tea I got myself some cheese on toast. still sleeping in armchair tonight as still have the niggly cough.

    Aidan No no comment about not sleeping just that he is very fidgety in bed at the moment. I am sleeping not too badly in the armchair. yes Graycie is a little darling and very inquisitive. Poor artic rabbit getting lost.
    Glad dad enjoyed his brunch he is lucky to have you and B around if needs be and yet still have his own time out.

    Toni yes you are right but then Mr T will not be told like most men. Graycie had a lovely birthday meal thank you and i expect she had another great day yesterday on her birthday and again today when i believe another meal was arranged for her daddys side of the family. no the bush babies are not slow to remind us they were shouting we want dodgers while in my walker basket going around the supermarket. :lol::lol:

    Joan thank you yes i was rather pleased with the outcome of the mermaid. hope you are keeping warm in the nasty weather.

    Barbara yes Graycie has grown so much since i saw her in September I love the photos but seeing them is best. yep Mr T's cold is bound to last longer than mind so that he can then say his was worse than mine. Baby possum coat now that's a new one to try.

    Kath Poor baby Possum as Barbara say will have to get the knitting needles out and knit it a coat. to keep it warm

    bush babies are now happy that i am on the mend and say they are leaving me tomorrow to see if anyone else needs them.
    its time to be off now.

    Keep snug and warm everyone.
    christmas05 christmas05
    Stay positive always👍xx
  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Evening to all, another chilly one too. Didn't realise it is frosty tonight, just noticed the decking sparkling like diamonds tcold

    You are right Barbara, we need to ask Carol to knit a coat for the baby possum, he would look even more cute, if that is possible.

    Yes, it was the giant roasting machine that set on fire, we were watching it drying and roasting the beans, little knowing that it would be up in smoke the day after :shock: :shock:
    We went past the shop the other day, I think they are open again and no one was hurt which it the main thing

    We had to have chips for supper, oven ones, Aunt Bessie's, they are quite nice, especially on a cheese sandwich. Now that we know about Mr T being an expert in chip cuisine, we will all be over, on the bus.

    Crusty bread and Lurpack will be FINE.

    Hi Carol, I am very glad to hear that your cold is beating a retreat and you enjoyed your lunch out and knitting group too. Another day or so and I am sure you will be back in your bed and feeling even more back to normal.

    Oh dear, Mr T is still moping and don't you worry, the man flu will be a lot worse than your cold, it's just one of those "man" things :roll: :roll:

    He is off his food, maybe one of your lovely shepherd pies would tempt his appetite back, if not, we will all come round and eat it :lol::lol:

    Oh, yes, talking of knitting, I think our new baby possums need new coats while the weather is bad. Maybe your knitting group would take pity on the poor wee mite. Isn't he the most adorable little darling.

    He has brothers and sisters too :shock: :shock:


    I am sure they will get on with the pygmy possums and the bush babies.
    I see the Bush Babies are back in their home again, ready to help whoever needs hugs.

    We have just had a big hailstorm, all sorts of weather at the moment.

    Hope you are not too shattered Toni, after the Christmas part for the children. I bet the fireplace looked lovely and did Santa appear? I hope so christmas05 christmas02

    Right, I am ready to potter some more. No email to say we have won the lottery yet :roll:

    Hi to everyone else, Christine, Mig, Charrisse Toni and all

    Take lots of care, keep safe and warm.

    XXX Aidan

    I thought a cheese omelette would be nice for breakfast

    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,226
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Aidan it's called the Furminator and you can get it from argos amongst others. I bet cats love it they must feel you are 'grooming' them with your own tongue like their mums used to :D

    Thanks for the omelette very civilised!

    Now a 3 sided cake-splat screen :? that is a thought......

    Oh gosh the party went well!! It wore Pom out setting up so she couldn't make it.

    It was fab and Santa came and was so sweet with each child. Mrs Santa took photos on parents phones, but the ones who forgot theirs I took for them. All photos duly forwarded later.

    In the evening I went and did a sneaky choir practise, before today's real one, with my two neighbours who I travel with. I think it helped. Then Paul joined us for mince pies and a drink - very festive :D I had herbal tea with mine :)

    By the way it SNOWED again here and Paul and Our neighbour had to go and push someone out! It was settled so it isn't great just yet :(

    Sleek's been out and says it will thaw :D Hermione has told her so, so it must be!! she also knows what Pepe is up to and assures me it's a kind thing to do. They are planning a trip out later to see Jericat and Tomicat to exchange Christmas cards. Sleek is driving :roll:

    Good to hear Dad brought croissants and was 'on the ball' You three are very much in my thoughts such ahrd time of year when you are recently bereaved :(

    The cake was lovely thanks, but oh my!!! the baby possums are even SWEETER!!!

    I am so glad Kath found the little orphan to add to our litter. Of course Carol will knit them little jumpers!!

    Oh poor Mr T! Honestly men!! He is MUCH MUCH poorlier than you were and I am certain his cold will linger FAR, FAR longer than yours did!! :roll: See yours is already going now :)

    Liquids and plenty of them do us all good anyway so his soup and cereal are probably ideal.

    I hope no-one heard the bush-babies asking for their 'dodgers' in the supermarket :lol:

    Hi Joan we are all well here. Lucy has Drs apt later follow-up from her odd blood tests a few weeks back, but it's not till 2 so the snow should have gone by then I hope. I hope you are all dy and warm?

    Barbara I love egg and chips too so whenever your husband is cooking them......??? :D

    I will post a fireplace photo later my poor phone is on charge after being busy later.

    Choir practise later???

    Love to everyone

    Toni xx
  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,239
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hello Kathleen Barbara Carol Toni Aidan and anyone else I missed
    Kathleen I hope you have a good day.
    Barbara have you still got any snow ours has been washed a way.
    Carol you could sell your knitting in a wool shop.
    Toni good luck to Lucy I hope it's ok
    ((((((((Aidan Bill and Dad)))))))) I hope you are all doing alright.
    take care
    Joan xx
    take care
    joan xx
  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Morning all...we had very heavy rain last night..
    Carol what a shame you had lunch on your own..but glad to hear Mr T is feeling a little better ..and you of course ..I hope you can sleep in your bed tonight..think we now need a few possum coats.. :lol:
    Aiden they were very lucky that no one was hurt in the coffee shop and able to open ..I should think they are very busy at this time of the year....thankyou for the omelette..just the job ...
    Toni you had more snow... :shock: you be careful..the children's party sounded so nice ..and father and mother Christmas came bet the children were delighted..I would have been.. :lol: would love to see a pic of the today rest day..I hope so..and hope that Lucy bloods are back to what they should be.. :)
    Joan we haven't had much snow thank did say a few inches but think it all fell on Toni's village hcold ..hope you are both keeping ok today cafe day..via the dial a ride..
    We have 2 cats here in front of the fire..Jake and his brother Louie..both 19 now...they have a cat flap next door so has soon as they go to work in they come.. :animal_busy:
    keep warm everyone ...xxxxxxx christmas05
  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    The Possum IS OURS NOW, cuteness to a whole new level, of course he will have brothers and sisters, so they are ALL welcome Kath.
    Even cuter Aidan, this one has a bow. Sister to the others. Can't wait to see the coats Carol will knit. :D

    Bright and sunny here, but oh so cold. tcold

    Just taking our new babies for a sleigh ride.

    christmas02 christmas04 christmas04 christmas04 christmas04

    The pusskins came too. :lol:

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Afternoon to all, it is just after 2 and black as night, pouring with rain and as unpleasant as it could be. Anyway, it didn't spoil our trip into town, gather prescriptions, visit T room and have loads of coffee, scones with lashings of butter, jam and a mound of cream !!

    The furminator, yes, have heard of and seen them advertised on tv. They remove so much unwanted fur, clouds of it. We have to tackle "mother" she has lots of lugs, for some reason, but getting rid of them is a trial, she lets you get so far, then she is a smiling crocodile :? :? :lol::lol: Daddy has to cuddle her and fuss her, so I can get at least one or two at a time.
    Ragdoll fur is not supposed to matt

    I am so glad the party went well, poor Pom, I hope she is resting today.
    Mr and Mrs Clause were there too, I guessed they might have been. Lots of photo's and you helping out with other pictures. I bet the fireplace was lovely and it sounds like a great time was had. Now, rest a bit...........just like I do. :? :? :?

    Oh, no rest, you went and did some choir practice with your friends......Barbara will be fine and pitch perfect tonight, as she always is now, after the magic spell.

    You had more SNOW, oh my, I think you are having everyone's snow, we were warned of it, Barbara was warned of it, we had a dusting and you had a blizzard :shock: I hope it melts as fast as it came. Take care

    Hermione transported Sleek and Pepe down to see Jericat and Tomicat, they went out for lunch, somewhere that Tomicat knows of, apparently it was very posh.........? With the driving rain, Hermione did not want them awash on their broomsticks. She is very kind. They were all back just after lunch, having had a great time catching up.

    Thank you for putting us all in your thoughts, it means a lot. Dad was ok today too, he enjoyed the T room, it is cute, very traditional T room, has not really changed since I first went about 25 years ago (they have decorated etc, :lol::lol: ) Cakes are FABULOUS, well, all the food is really good.

    Oh the possums, are they not just the cutest little darlings and have you seen the one Kath has rescued, with her little bow. Heart melting.

    Hope Lucy's bloods are ok. ((()))

    Hi Joan, I think Toni is getting all the snow, their village must have moved to Iceland.
    Ours is all gone, it was icy first thing this morning and tomorrow will be icy as well, when it freezes tonight :roll:

    Hope you are both ok and the doggies too.

    Hi Barbara They were lucky in the coffee shop, I think they caught the fire very quickly, just the big roaster that went up in smoke. All the coffee shops are very busy, we have umpteen in town, not quite as many as Skipton, there are 100 places to eat and drink there !! :shock: :shock:

    So you have two puskins by the fire, how sweet that they come round to you as soon as their owners have gone out :lol::lol: they are a very good age and will sleep most of the time.

    Oh Kath, the little girl possum is a delight, that bow just suits her to a T. Carol will be very busy knitting possum jumpers.

    It has been cold here, a very lazy wind, blowing right through you.

    Hope your ouches are under control, maybe the bush babies will pop over to check if hugs are needed. I suspect they might be ((()))

    I am sure the new babies enjoyed the sleigh ride, Sleek and Pepe were very curious as to the new possums, but were kind and didn't try and chase them. I think they rather wanted to mother them, well, who wouldn't.

    Carol I hope you are continuing to improve and Mr T, I trust his man flu is getting better as well, I have sent him a little gift :roll:


    hi to everyone else, Christine, Elizabeth, Mig, DD, Carol, Charrisse and all. Time to potter a bit. I will just go and fetch a treat

    Salted Caramel Drip Cake - after three Toni, one - two

    XX Aidan

    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Morning (just) to one and all

    hope everyone is as ok as can be...................

    I trust the choir practice went well Toni, I saw Barbara coming out of the shed, I think she was walking in a straight line :shock: :lol: christmas03 christmas03 Her vocals were super high octave tonight.

    How were Lucy's results at the Drs

    Ok, you can come out of the cake now :lol::lol:

    Sleek was chatting to Pepe about their trip to London to see Jericat and Tomicat, I think they went to the "ivy" for lunch.........posh or what.

    Mr Toad was back in the broom cupboard, he has grown :shock: whatever the nymphs are feeding him is working a treat. He had a supply of crickets and other bugs, to snack on. Apparently he is going to Hogwarts for the week end - no idea why :? :?

    How is your cold Carol, mending steadily. I hope Mr T likes his man flu kit :D:lol: and it helps him improve, even though it is the worst cold in history, I am sure he will be ok.

    I have been round the sanctuary and seen all the lovelies, fussed all the baby possums, who are snug and bugs in their warm beds, with heat lamps on low - we cannot have them getting chilly.

    Even the warthogs are settled in their straw beds. Just the penguins who are more than happy in and out of the water tcold

    We are scented with yankee candle at the moment, cheese topped garlic bread, veggie samosas and onion bhaji left a rather powerful odour :shock: :shock: Might take a day or two to cleanse the house. It was very nice though. We are having an at home day today, so I will have time to fuss.

    B and SIL will be coming over on Saturday, all being well. I should have not mentioned the snow all going to Toni's. We had a big snowfall, it was very heavy, but short lived. Now it is all freezing, the decking is sparkling, so ninny walking would be required.

    Well I had better do a bit more pottering, put the dry clothes away, no doubt feed HRH Pepelongstockings

    Hi to everyone else, everyone take lots of care and stay warm and safe. XXX Aidan

    donuts for breakfast, well, why not eh

    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,239
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hello Barbara Kathleen Aidan and anyone else I missed
    Barbara yes we are off to town. I hope you have a good day.
    Kathleen I hope you have a good day.
    Aidan we've had a lot of rain.((((((((Aidan Bill and Dad))))))))
    take care all
    Joan xx
    take care
    joan xx
  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Morning all its sunny at the min..but boy we had so much rain last night.. :roll:
    Kath the possums enjoyed the ride cant have them walking in the snow..not with there little legs.. christmas04
    Aiden so you had snow...yes ninny walking..hope that B and Sil make it on Mother cat has lugs..and smiles like a crocodile... :lol: :shock: I love it :lol: ..and love cats...but I am terrified of any that go for you :shock: goes way back to being little and having my hand ripped apart and ended up at the hospital.. :shock:yes the 2 from next door just sleep..but are drinking lots of water so I will mention it to them... I have a Christmas cookie candle on the go.. :D now i don't remember coming out of the shed..are you sure it was me.. christmas03 now the man flu survival kit ..I might just need it.
    Joan you enjoy your outing .hope its nice and dry for you at least you can wrap up warm
    Today we are braving the supermarket..will grab a scooter ..if there are none will come home and try again later..
    Love to everyone I hope Christine's eyes are doing ok..and Elizabeth is recovering form her THR..xxxxxxxx
  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Well, today is MTX day, so feeling fairly good. Just a pain across my back (pelvis? Hip?) and my left wrist is rather tender, so any cuddles/hugs will be more than welcome from anyone. Back rubbing would be a real treat, especially as it's also Tesco day. :?

    Thank you Joan, I hope you, Sue and the pooches have a good day too. christmas02 :D

    Carol's been clicking her needles top spped, with a good selection of teeny jumpers. You have done the possums proud. :D


    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,226
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    kathleenT wrote:
    The Possum IS OURS NOW, cuteness to a whole new level, of course he will have brothers and sisters, so they are ALL welcome Kath.
    Even cuter Aidan, this one has a bow. Sister to the others. Can't wait to see the coats Carol will knit. :D

    Bright and sunny here, but oh so cold. tcold

    Just taking our new babies for a sleigh ride.

    christmas02 christmas04 christmas04 christmas04 christmas04

    The pusskins came too. :lol:

    OMG OMG OMG!!!!! That one must be ours too!!! Kath I love her :):D:D:D:D:D
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,226
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Nearly Christmas Ho ho ho!

    Toni's village had MORE snow!!!!

    :shock: :shock: :shock:

    Kath Here are some ((())) for you and two bush-babies en route too. How sweet are those little jumpers. Carol is amazing! I hope Tesco come soon and your pain eases off too.

    I hope all goes well at the supermarket for you Barbara :?

    Hopefully the cats are drinking more to their favourite watering holes (out door)being frozen over??

    Charley's cat can go for you if you stroke her just that bit too long!!

    Best of luck in town for you too Joan

    Barbara doesn't remember coming out of the shed Aidan, but I can tell you she sang like an angel!! Lubricated vocal chords!!

    The cats went to the 'IVY'!!! wow!! They do know how to live it up (Sleek admitted that she got a 'catcher' code so it was cheaper than usual!!).

    She told me Pepe said Mr Toad was HUGE!!! she helf her paws out so wiiiide!!

    Gosh. Time will tell I suppose.

    I hope your snow has gone and Ninny-walking is not happening now? we had more overnight too, but the cats have been blowing heat on it (new spell) so it's going :)

    Lucy got on ok extra meds and that's about it. Bloods with Dr Tim on 2nd Jan.

    She has been offered a job at school for January at the breakfast club. Paid so good :)

    Thank you for the doughnuts yum :)

    Am uploading photos from the kids Christmas party.

    Back later with them :)
  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    It is a chilly breeze out there today tcold

    Hi Joan, we had our fair share of rain, sleet, snow and hail yesterday, a bit of everything. Pendle is white with snow on the tops, which looks pretty.

    Hope you had a good time in town, out on your buggies, with the lovely doggies too.

    You had the same weather then Barbara :? I did speak too soon about the snow going to Toni's. It was super icy this morning, but we didn't have to go out and they have gritted all the roads on the park now.

    Ouch, not nice having a cat really go to town on you with its claws, they really are weapons and can do some serious damage. We try and keep ours trimmed, but Pepe is the worst when it comes to nail trimming, he is a bit dramatic to say the least, you ask Miss Sleek.
    I can usually do one claw at a time, when he is still half asleep. Any more and you are pushing your luck.

    Our two girls drink lots of water, it is pretty normal as cats get to a good age, our vet was not overly worried.

    Not too keen on the sweeter scents of Yankee Candles, more the crisper smell, like lemon lavender.

    I think it was you coming out of the shed, sideways :shock: but obviously it helped with the choir practice. :lol::lol:

    Help yourself to the man flu survival kits, best to keep one in, just in case.

    Did you manage to get a buggy at the supermarket? The shops are all manic now and will be for the next week :roll: :roll:

    Mtx day for you today then Kath. I will send the bush babies over to supply hugs and back rubs. Some extra anti ouch ((())) too.

    Oh those jumpers are lovely, Carol has been knitting like the clappers, they are all perfect and our possums will appreciate them.

    Who said Christmas, ho ho ho...........ah, Toni :lol::lol:

    You had more snow, now, enough already.

    It was definitely Barbara coming out of the shed, the little drinkies seemed to have worked a treat. christmas03 christmas03

    Yes, it was Aristocat luncheon at the Ivy, so, of course, our esteemed Hogwart trained puskins were invited. Pinkies out at all times. They all paid for their own meals, (I think Hermione gave them some magic wallets ) Just need to ask her for a couple more :)

    Yes, Mr Toad is THAT wide, Sleek is right. He went on the train to Hogwarts at half past 11 40.... :? :? Said he would be back at Christmas, but would not be quite the same as when he left. Goodness knows what it going on.

    The melting snow spell is very handy, all our ice went very quickly and I hope all your snow etc has gone now. I have had enough ninny walking already :roll: :lol::lol:

    Glad Lucy got on ok with the Dr and her bloods are ok, with some extra meds. Dr Tim next year
    Oooh, a job offer too. At the school, how wonderful, paid of course, I should cocoa. Go Lucy.

    Looking forward to seeing some pictures of the Christmas party.

    Pill time, be right back...................

    Pills done, until the next lot :roll:

    Ironing of new shirts done, looking very pristine. Will have to wear one tomorrow when B and SIL come over.
    Just sorting out if they want to meet us for lunch.

    While I am waiting for texts to go back and forth, I will go look for a nice cake for us.

    An Italian Cream Cake, ideal for face planting. There is a spare one, for those who prefer a slice instead :lol::lol:


    Or we can have some of this as well XX love to all - Aidan

    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Chestnuts roasting over an open fire
    Jack Frost nipping at your toes....................... christmas03 christmas03

    it is certainly sparkling like diamonds outside. Hope everyone is as ok as possible and keeping warm and safe.

    A restful evening here, siesta, then supper - B had been out earlier today to get one of those neti nosey things, the ones that make you feel like you are drowning Toni :? :?
    Anyway, he said it was fine and very easy, no problems :shock: I would still be choking now :roll: :lol: I hope it helps..........

    Still waiting for the email from the Lottery.........maybe it is taking them some time to compose the letter :lol::lol: :roll: nice to dream though.

    The broom was fizzing in the cupboard, not sure why, but I didn't go near :? :? Pepe will have a look I am sure.

    We will be going into town with Dad Br IL and SIL today, to the T room we like, hopefully they are not packed to the rafters..........It has a lovely name, Apricot Meringue. It has been there since Adam was a lad.

    Look who arrived, to join the possums, a mountain pygmy possum, who is SO cute, just looking at him makes you feel better.


    We will soon have to build a second enclosure for them. He is all settled in and happy with the others, all nice and warm under the heat lamps. They like nectar and insects.

    On that lovely note I will go and potter. Everyone take lots of care.

    Love to all XXX Aidan

    Breakfast Scones and Muffins

    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,239
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hello Barbara Kathleen Toni Aidan and anyone else I missed
    Barbara I hope you had a good day out and you managed to get a scooter.
    (((((((( (Kathleen I hope these help a bit))))))))
    Toni I hope everything is going has well as it can with everyone
    ((((((((Aidan Bill and Dad)))))))). have a lovely time when you go to the café. we go to town by Dial a ride on in the winter it's too cold to do the journey on the scooter's it takes us half an hour with the dogs and it's too cold for them and us.
    have a good weekend everyone
    make care
    Joan xx
    take care
    joan xx
  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Evening all..I thought I had posted this morning.. :oops: are there gremlins or is it my brain again :animal_busy:
    Joan I am so glad you have dial a ride..our is ring and ride..and I have used it twice but know its there if we need it..I bet the little doggies dont want to go out in this weather bless them..and Yes I did get a scooter was just on its way back :D
    Toni I like the little ditty..and you have more snow..or was that just for the ditty... :lol: glad to hear Lucy got on ok..and Dr Tim in January..its good to know they are looking after her..but must be a worry..did I sing good then... :? dont remember much .. :oops: christmas03
    Aiden I can just imagine Pepe glaring at you has he has his claws clipped.. christmas04 :lol: hope you all got into the T rooms..what a lovely name...sounds charming...that makes me feel better that your 2 cats are drinking more..I worry about them like they are my own...Jake is really... christmas04 did I walk sideways then out of the could have been my ninny walking..and not the cider christmas03 sure I only had one :lol: yes I got a buggy thanks..just one being you say its that is me done for Christmas..
    Think I will have a breakfast muffin for T..and maybe some Italian cream cake...
    It was Niamhs Nativity yesterday her first speaking part...DIL could only get 2 ticket so she and daddy went, he booked a day off..but so sad that they wouldn't let them take pics or films it.. so we thought they had filmed it and would sell the CDs..but that is lost forever :roll:
    Right I had better potter
    Love to everyone xxxxxxxx
  • Turbogran
    Turbogran Member Posts: 2,023
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Evening All

    really don't know how much more of this cold I can take it has really taken my usual get up and get on with it spirit and destroyed it I think. though the cough was getting better and looser but now its as tight and annoying as it was before. went to Dr on Thursday evening to get it checked out to make sure there was no chest infection as I am Asthmatic. but she said it wasn't it was more viral as chest was clear and i was not coughing up any nasty coloured phlegm so was told to carry on with the cough medicine and do steam inhalations which i have been doing. tried to sleep in the bed last night, but of course lying down just made me start coughing again and after 1 and a half hours Mr T was sighing because i was keeping him awake. so it was back out to me armchair. I now have the problem that because i am sleeping with my legs down all the time my fluid retention is causing my ankles to swell like balloons and they are very painful.I have brought a leg rest/footstool today so the i can keep feet an legs raised when sitting armchair see if that helps to keep the swelling down. mr t says he is coughing is still as bad but to be honest it seems to be less to me and although he is eating a little bit more now. but is still very poorly as far as he is concerned. I just feel like screaming out loud at the moment. I have Mr Ts and our youngest daughters present to buy also we have a little ritual in the house of wrapping up small little prezzies and putting them on our Christmas tree christmas05 and after tea on Christmas day we open them all so i have my share of those to buy. we have youngest daughter staying with us from the 22nd to the 27th oh what great joy 5 days of her and her dad i think is going to send me cuckoo Help think i may hide like these little pusskins christmas04 christmas04 christmas04 . it has crept up so quickly I think its because i have felt so rotten since last Saturday and have just not got round to getting them. Really must next week if my body will let me.

    wow what a long rant sorry about that folks but i just needed to let it all out. and this was the only place i felt i could do that.

    must go now as i have to go and have a little potter.

    hope everyone else is having a good weekend so far will pop in tomorrow again

    christmas02 christmas02 christmas02
    Stay positive always👍xx
  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Evening to all, another frosty and rather very misty one.

    Hope all are keeping warm and safe.

    Hi Joan, Dial a Ride sounds the perfect option, we don't want you getting cold or wet, using the buggies into town. Fine in warmer weather, but not in winter. The doggies would not like it either. Hope you managed to get what you needed.

    Hope all your ice and snow has gone now. The carers must dread bad weather. I know we always did on the wards, who was going to ring and say they could not get in :? Normally the ones who lived closest to the hospital :roll: :roll:

    Did you post in the morning Barbara, or was it a dream :shock: :shock:
    Glad you got a scooter in the supermarket, I know the big tesco in Skipton has two, plus wheelchairs. The nice security man knows us and he is off to get the key when he sees us walking in. Bless him.

    Word is that you sang like an Angel Barbara, Toni was very impressed, what a shame you don't remember it :lol::lol::lol: We will have to put a lock on the shed :lol:

    We decided against the T room in town, parking and Christmas mania would have meant a battle Royal to get a table. So we went to the G C, got a table straight away for the 5 of us. They had just finished doing Breakfast With Santa, for the kiddies, they do it every Saturday morning in December. Santa even walked through ringing his bell and shouting ho ho ho and merry Christmas, (frightened the bl---- life out of me :shock: :shock: :lol::lol: )

    We had a very leisurely lunch, which was very nice. I had onion bhaji on a warm sub roll with mango chutney, oh it was fabulous. Plus some chunky chips and then a scone, well, you have to, when they have taken the time to bake them. Dad insisted on paying, he is a terror.
    Then we all went to ALDI, for a nose round, B bought a new jumper and some slipper socks, like TOTES, but not with the same price tag.
    All back here for a cuppa, then BIL and SIL went back to Dads, before heading home.

    Yes, it could have been ninny walking, I was doing that down the ramp on Sat morning, very ninny-ish :lol::lol: :roll:
    Not sure you only had one glass of cider, unless it was a flagon :lol::o

    What a shame that no one could take pictures or film the Nativity at school, with Niamh having her first speaking part. Can parents not take pictures of their own children any more !! The world has gone mad, truly mad.

    Oh dear Carol, we need to get some serious hugs coming your way, to send this virus away. (((()))) I will send the bush babies and possums over, they are immune to human bugs, so they can cuddle and offer comfort to you.
    I can understand that your fluid levels will go a little awry, if you are not resting as normal, in bed. Sleeping in a chair is never the best option, but, if you have a rotten cough, then it is Hobsons choice really.
    At least you know it is not a chest infection I guess, just takes time for your white cells to attack the virus.

    You can shout out loud, we don't mind at all - that's what we are here for.

    The little present tradition sounds lovely, but at the moment I can appreciate that you are not in the mood, or have the inclination to be going out buying your share. Then you have your Daughter staying for a while over Christmas............we can always kidnap you and vanish into the secret garden for some peace and quiet. Just say the word

    Wow, that was a long gap at the end :lol::lol: I wondered what had happened to the page.

    Leaving loads of hugs and get well vibes for you and Mr T too.

    We are back at the GC today, with our neighbours, we promised to take them out for brunch, ages ago, so it is high time we honoured our promise. Not that I am complaining, I would be there every day.

    Right, I must potter. Love to everyone else, Toni, Christine, Mig, Elizabeth, Charrisse and all.

    It must be time for something festive for breakfast.

    Everyone take lots of care. XXXX Aidan

    Stolen Breakfast Buns :)

    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,239
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hello Aidan Carol and anyone else I missed.
    ((((((((Aidan Bill and Dad)))))))) I hope all of you have a good day
    keep warm.
    Carol don't worry you need to let of steam no one worries what you say on here we are here to help everyone. have a good day.
    take care
    Joan xx
    take care
    joan xx
  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Morning all..wont mention the rain again.. :roll:
    Poor Carol you are suffering ..don't apologize for a moan its good to get it out..bad cold and coughs are rotten to have to deal with especially at this time of the year...glad to hear you went to get cheeked out at the doctors..I really hope you feel better very soon and can get back to your own bed..some healing hugs (()) x
    Aiden it was ninny walking taking it from me :lol: I had a feeling you might not go into the coffee shop..but nice to get to the GC and get a seat for you all..our GC is doing Children's breakfast with FC...they must all copy one another..not good that he frightened the life out of you.. :lol: did he not give you a lollypop... :D you are right the country has gone crackers..all these laws..DIL managed to get 2 pics and that was it..her sister old school let everyone film there..apparently she remembered her lines but was also saying everyone's :lol: christmas01
    Joan hope you are all well..and don't have this horrible rain .we have all the lights on its so dark..
    Now lets see what Aiden left for breakfast....ooh stolen breakfast buns.. christmas03
    Love to everyone especially those that are missing..xxxxxxxx
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,226
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Sorry I was AWOL yesterday it was manic and today is no better!

    taking Lucy to work, then off to deliver pressies then singing in choir later and the Christmas service in the next village!

    This was the grotto at the children's party on Wednesday

    This is the fire place we made:

    Will try to get in if I can later


    Toni xxx
  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Just to say hi. Went on the bus to Long Eaton but no gazebo, but felt snug in my hat, coat and gloves. I feel so tired today. :?

    We just watched the first part of the Joan Crawford/Bette Davis drama. I did see What ever happened to Baby Jane, but it was years ago, and I can't remember it.

    Yes Carol, you rant all you need to. We all do it from time to time. Except Joan, who takes everything in her stride. :D Bless her.

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Kath the Joan Crawford and Bette Davis story is very good and true..its nice to get out out all wrapped up..hope you didnt have our rain
    Toni you are a busy Bee.. cfly what brilliant pics..the fireplace is very professional..and the lovely the kids loved every min..sorry I meant to say how pleased I am that Lucy has been offered a job at the breakfast club..many congratulations Lucy..
    We had Niamh for a couple of hours today she is so good now..we can cope.. :lol: got our feet up now though... christmas05
    Love to everyone xxx
  • Turbogran
    Turbogran Member Posts: 2,023
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Evening all

    Thank you all for your comments about my need to rant yesterday that is why i love this group everyone is so loving and understanding, its great to have a group of people that you can say how your feeling without them thinking you are blaming them as tends to happen with family. i have been feeling better today but cough still very annoying so its still armchair sleeping i am afraid I was talking to youngest daughter today and saying that I am using the quilt that she should have on the sofa bed at Christmas and i was a bit worried that i might still be using the armchair when she is down .so she says she will bring a sleeping bag and a warm throw that she has with her and she will use those. Mr T says he is on the mend today and he has definitely eaten more but he is still coughing quite a bit. we are both going into the second week now with it i did have a good nights sleep last night though mr t was surprised i was still asleep when he got up.

    Aidan yes big gap think i must have nodded off there don't know what happened. :lol::lol: would love to be kidnapped and vanish to the secret garden. as long as there are a few possums and bush babies about to cuddle. I have some with me now.
    thank you Joan and Barbara that is exactly why i love this group.
    Toni what a great picture of the children's grotto and congratulations to Lucy on the job time for bed now :animal_busy: christmas02 christmas02
    Stay positive always👍xx