Val's Cafe



  • Turbogran
    Turbogran Member Posts: 2,023
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Evening all

    Hope you have all had a good day and I wish you all a very Merry Christmas. hope you all have a lovely day tomorrow.
    as all internet and laptops will be switched firmly off tomorrow and out of sight laptops I pads ooh i shouldn't mention that one should I :lol: tablets internet on phones is banned in this house for the day. :D

    Meats for 2 days already cooked and in fridge and will be heated up when required mince pies and sausage rolls cooked and cooled and packed away.

    Toni yes i was livid but Mr T can be like that a lot i have learnt over the years how to deal with it I will snap back and then go very quiet, that's when he realises her has gone too far, today he is all sweetness and light. oh its a good job he cannot see what I write on the forum he would go mad. we need to get work done to level the space out where the shed would go before getting it and getting pusskins installed that is the delay i have already said that i have money in my savings account for pussycat once we have the shed. and the others didn't take long to sort out because they are covered under my B gas service cover so no charge.

    Joan thank you and well it all gets sorted in the end it just takes a bit of prioritising the important things sorted first.

    Barbara thanks all is sweetness and light today because i snapped back yesterday I'm used to it after 47 years of
    marriage. :roll: and Mr T is good with saving in fact he is better than me but i am getting better. and yep they do get grumpier as they get older :wink:

    Kath so sorry t0 hear about your friends passing and my hugs and prayers go out to her family and of course you.

    Aidan yes all appliance are at present behaving along with the freezer drawer repair i am quite good at getting things like that sorted. yes even Mr T is behaving at the moment too. think he realised yesterday that i had had enough i very rarely loose it and snap back like i did yesterday and he knows not to push me any further when
    i do. Men are a very strange breed indeed :lol: ooh goody chill pills think ill store them for emergencies. and of course your post disappeared down the black hole again don't blame you for being fuming.

    so i'm off now for at potter and do a couple of little bits before it's bedtime
    have a good Christmas day everyone I will be back on boxing day .

    christmas01 christmas02 christmas03 christmas04 christmas05
    Stay positive always👍xx
  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00

    A Merry Christmas to one and all - as the clock has past midnight, I will send my Best Wishes very early.

    I would love to go to this little Chapel and spend a moment of peace and quiet reflection, on all that has happened in this past year.


    I think we are all ready - we braved the supermarket on Christmas Eve. Sainsb was open from 10, but you could not go through the tills until 11am. People were already queued down the aisles when we arrived at 1045. :shock: It wasn't too bad really, we were done and out by half past eleven.

    Thought we would have a cheeky coffee at the top of town, which we did, fairly quiet, everyone was in Sainsbury's that's why :lol::lol:

    Dropped Dad off and then lunch, then blanching of parsnips. All veg ready to pop in the steamer. Just the stuffing to make in the morning. Meat free stuffing, I am no fan of sausage meat stuffing :mrgreen:
    Our Niece has made the cake I was dreaming of. She sent us a picture. :shock: :shock: OM Goodness. I will take a pic of it on the table and post it later on.

    It is a face plant one and then some Toni, but I must resist........ :lol::lol:

    You were very clever with the making of the cake Barbara :wink::wink: Help, no, not from me Mr B, it was all Barbara's work. Hope you had a lovely Birthday. Glad he likes his instamatic camera :)

    So Niamh was not for being tired out, bless, she will be so excited. I wish you all a Happy Christmas and enjoy the day - I bet you will be shattered by the time late afternoon comes along. I know I will be.

    I hope you and yours have a good day Carol, every Blessing this Christmas.
    I had a feeling Mr T would be as sweet as could be, I think he pressed too many buttons the other day.

    No phones, no I pads, no computers, for a whole day :shock: :shock: I don't think I could cope :lol::lol: Our Niece is always glued to her phone, but, I don't mind, after making the most amazing cake :) She is no trouble at all and just goes with the flow.

    You hang on to those chill pills, just in case. Glad that the various household appliances are behaving themselves, may it continue.

    I see you are all ready with the food preparations too.

    Hi Toni, I hope you are feeling a lot better, that Lucy is too and that Grandad arrived safely, to spend precious family time with you all.
    Love to everyone, have a wonderful day, don't overdo it, I know I won't :? :? much.

    Love to Christine, Mig Elizabeth Kath Kerrin and all our lovely Mods too. christmas05 I hope you and yours have a great day.

    I will do a little pottering, before cups of T and bed.

    Stay safe, take lots of care, see you later in the day. christmas03 christmas03 christmas04 christmas04

    XXXX Aidan
    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00

    Pepe wanted to send a special card to Miss Sleek. They will be skyping later I am certain. Hermione has sent them both a gift, new wands, they are beautiful too.


    Purrs and Chirrups XXXX christmas04 christmas04
    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 3,635
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    A Very Happy Christmas to you all and may you have as painfree a day as is possible.
    Mod ChrisK
  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,238
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Happy Christmas everyone thank you Mods for a lovely forum. Aidan Carol Barbara Kathleen Elizabeth.
    (((((((( Aidan your puss's are lovely and well looked after. I hope all of you have a good day)))))))
    Carol I hope you have a good day.
    Barbara I hope you and your family have a lovely day.
    Kathleen I'm so sorry you've lost your friend.
    Elizabeth it's nice to see you I hope you have less pain now
    I hope things are eased for you now.
    happy Christmas everyone
    Joan xx
    take care
    joan xx
  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Morning all didnt think I would manage to get in early but better now than later..
    Aiden what lovely would be nice just to go into the church..and be alone for a while with our thoughts..
    Will be thinking of you and Bill and dad of course..give Bill an hug form me..(())glad you got all sorted yesterday and even got a coffee.. :D
    Joan and Sue have a lovely day..sorry I could send you both a card..JL site wont accept my post code again..when trying to renew..silly really because I have the advent calendar
    Carol I am glad all is peaceful at yours..we have been married 48 years so I understand.. :lol: ..
    Still thinking of Toni and Lucy ...
    Have a lovely day everyone ...xxxxxxx christmas01
  • Kerrsa
    Kerrsa Member Posts: 233
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Merry Christmas everyone from the French Alps.

    Been skiing a little each day but today the body said it needed a break so just headed up the mountain without skis. Very peaceful up here.


    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Edited my last post. Jo's son is 10, not 19!!!

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,225
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hello Everyone :)

    All has gone well here Paul's Mum and Tia's GDad ate well (and took their insulin :wink: ). The adapted vehicle worked a treat!

    Lucy slept through most of the day but ate ok still not 'right' but happy enough. Thanks Barbara for thinking of us.

    Well thank you all for your support all year!!

    Miss Sleek is a happy girl she has anew scratch post and cat house too

    Please excuse the bits on the floor (paper I suspect!) Her wand is inside the house so you can't see it, but she is so happy!!

    This is for Pepe!

    I hope you all have had a fabulous day.

    Get your feet up now and stick coronation street on :wink:


    Toni xxx
  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,597
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hello people christmas04

    A quick appearance from me :) still here, more or less ;), coming (probably) to the end of the 'usefulness' (which was never very :roll: ) of current drugs & off to see someone early January followed by moving hospitals and hopefully seeing a new better consultant after a string of locums - in other words nothing to really report at the moment, same old.

    I see there are/have been quite a few poorlies so my love to all for a better 2018 & thinking of you all as always even if not present. Sorry for your sad news Kath xx

    I also see there have been changes & although fixing the photo thread has been on my list for ages :oops: it may not be necessary as there is an upload link? Will still update if there is any point in any sort of rework - anyway something to come back to if needs be.

    I am going to retire into my corner and see what's left for xmas tea, as far as I can tell bubbles is OC cake and applerose is the hamless sandwich department :lol::lol: a mince pie will do me nicely.

    All my best, & to everyone's families, love toady. xx

    edit: waves at frog, above :) just went looking for the update on frogmorton thread which I thought I had posted in since the apparent last date.. but obviously no.. so as wishes to Lucy are being posted here I assume (?) then here are mine and sorry she isn't 100% right now but love to you all (& cat/s) & thoughts as always. xxx
  • applerose
    applerose Member Posts: 3,621
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Merry Christmas everyone. Hope you have all had a lovely day.

    I watched my Australian GC open their presents last night then again this morning to say goodnight before they went to bed. Then off to my son's to watch my other GC open presents from me and their other grandparents. Christmas dinner and a lazy afternoon then home, feet up to catch up with tv.

    christmas01 christmas05
  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    A good evening to all, finally I am seated for a while and it is still Christmas Dad (just).

    I hope everyone has had the best day possible, with loved ones, families and friends.

    Thank you for your well wishes Mod ChrisK, they are reciprocated :) get me, big words no less :lol::lol:

    Hi Joan, Sue and the lovely doggies, I trust you have had a lovely day together, with carers coming in. Have you watched lots of tv and eaten plenty of mince pies :)
    The puskins are well pampered, beyond pampered, it goes to a whole new level of fuss :roll: :roll:

    Hi Barbara It would be lovely to pop into the Chapel in the snow, as long as there was a warm fire inside.

    Hugs duly given, as per request :) Thank you for thinking of us all. Our shopping yesterday on Christmas Eve was relatively painless and the cheeky coffee was very pleasant (with a danish pastry, of course).

    We hope you all had a great day, with family and neighbours too.

    I bet you were more than ready to put your feet up this evening, after all the excitement of present opening.

    Hi there Kerrin, oh, you are on top of a snowy mountain, I will try and not be jealous.

    I don't blame you for taking a break from skiing and just watching the world go by. I would have joined you up there, minus skis of course.

    Hope you had a lovely day and the snow is deep and crisp and even :)

    Hi Toni, so glad to hear that everything went well, Mum and Gdad ate well, insulin given, transport worked as planned. Wonderful.

    Lucy slept a lot of the day, well, sleep will do no harm and she is eating, but I understand the not quite right bit. I am sure you are keeping a close eye. A low grade infection do you think?

    We all support each other, every day of the week, even if we don't get to write, it does not mean that our friends are not thought of and cared about.

    Miss Sleek is happy in her new house, love the picture and Pepe wants one now. :roll: He is very happy with is new wand and has been making sparks with it all day long :shock: Needs a bit of practice, I think they are quite powerful.

    Thank you for the lovely puskin picture, Pepe is most impressed.

    Now, let me show you the cake that our Niece brought.

    I was very good and did not do a face plant, though I was sorely tempted :lol::lol::D:D

    Pepe skyped Miss Sleek earlier and they wished each other lots of purs and chirrups for Christmas. I think they will be having a fly this week, cold but sunny on Wed I think, so they can play with their wands.

    Hi Toady nice to see you and hear of your news, of moving hospitals and consultants, having had enough of locums. Let's hope that there can be a re shuffle of meds in the new year, that help in better ways. It is a constant case of try them and see.

    I am indeed OCD with cake :lol::lol: as you will see from above, it carried on through Christmas Day too :lol::lol:

    Hi Christine I bet you had a lovely time watching your GC opening their presents in Australia, then saying n night to them and then your other GC opening presents too. Christmas dinner then home to put your feet up. Rest well.

    Carol, I hope you had a lovely day with your Daughter and Mr T, who I trust remains in good humour.

    We had a good day, if tiring. Dad and Niece came as planned and dinner went well ( we had to have the window wide open with the grill in it, it was so hot, with all the hobs on and the oven going.

    We kept the tv on with the Carry on film on, so Dad was happy, chuckling away all day long. I think they enjoyed our labours and the cake was a delight. I was good, I only had one portion, with another slither after. The rest is in the fridge.
    I promised our neighbours some as they came round just before we ate, to bring our presents, far too much on vouchers for the GC and the restaurant, they are naughty. they loved their presents too.

    Niece went back to Dads about 6, so that we could have a nap, my back was screeching at me, for over pottering and fussing and not resting, we never learn.

    The puskins are all ok, Cookie and Pepe both wanted to sleep in the bed at nap time, one on each side :lol: :roll: Mother has her own bed, she is not one for being all cuddled up.

    Lazy evening, a sandwich for supper and 4 chocolates, I have been really good (so far).

    Dad is coming round for lunch today, he said that is a bit of an imposition - bless, I said you are not spending Boxing Day sat on your own, lunch, here, buffet and nibbles and there will be football on (which I loathe), but he will be happy away watching it.

    Well, I had better move and potter a bit more. I will post this, before the pc does something I don't want it to and it all vanishes.

    Everyone take lots of care, love to all XXXX Aidan :animal_busy:
    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Ooops, nearly forgot breakfasst

    Cornflake crusted french toast, with butter and maple syrup :)



    mashed potato and stuffing patties

    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,225
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Those potato and stuffing cakes look rather nice Aidan I think I'll have some :)

    What a cake!!! What a CAKE!!! yes please!! Wow!

    How did you resist face-planting!

    Of course Dad must come to you That goes above the call of duty. ((())) for you :lol:

    Paul's Mum will see all of his family today and even Tia's Gdad will be visited by her Uncle :roll:

    How lovely to see Toady popping in!! I do hope we see more of you and that your meds get sorted out for you in the new year.

    Thank you yes we update on Lucy in here now. She's ok, but not 'quite right' as you saw. Aidan maybe a low grade infection not giving her a high temperature yet though it's been going on awhile....

    I hope Joan and Sue are doing ok?

    Barbara - how's the shoulder?

    Kath how are you? How is your sister doing?

    Carol did Mr T behave and did you cope with your daughter ok?

    Kerrin I am so jealous!! What a fabulous Christmas!!

    Hope I didn't miss anyone :oops:

    I have 12 family coming later for an 'iceland' buffet :wink: and to do our family Secret Santa. The sack is here and we all had the same wrapping paper so no clues there.

    Then we play hunt the elf (tiny cardboard ones) a bit like hunt the thimble and honestly sing carols too :lol:

    Love to everyone

    Toni xxx
  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,238
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hello everyone I keep losing my posts
    I saw Aidan's cake nice
    Toni I hope Lucy feels better soon.
    Barbara it does not matter about a card
    Kathleen I hope you had a good day
    Christine you had a nice time
    Toady it's nice to see you.
    Kerrin. you go steady I hope you don't ache too much
    I think I've done it
    take care all
    Joan xx
    take care
    joan xx
  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Morning all
    Lovely to see Toady in the cafe at Christmas I think of you often ..but sorry the hospital has not been much help..I will have everything crossed that you get a good consultant that will listen and more to the point help let us know how you get on...x
    Aiden glad all went well ..I didnt do much but was I can understand how you must feel..same here with the heat..our son asked us to open the door..he wads lathered..but our middle GD his daughter helped him.the cake is stunning there any left... :D good that someone has been good.. :lol: dad was laughing at the carry on..on the TV I mean.. :lol: talk about repeats this Christmas.. :shock: you are very welcome to the is coming today and it will be nice and enjoy
    Toni you did really well there getting GD and MIL to your house..were there's a way ..thats our Toni.. :D the scratch box is brilliant .. :lol: Miss sleek is very happy in there..yes I had my feet up with corrie.. :lol:
    Joan I am still annoyed not being able to send a card to quite a few people..but has long has you are both doing ok that is what counts ..what did the doggies get for Christmas.. :D
    Christine Skype her GC and had went to her sons for dinner..hope you had a really good day
    Kerrin is still in the snow.. :D I would have liked a little bit yesterday.. :)
    Kath my heart goes out to her child at awful
    Our day went well ..but our neighbour held it together than broke down it will do her good to get things out..the children loved there presents and had a good time
    Now we are chilling christmas01
    Love to everyone....xxxxxxx
  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Morning - yes, morning, to all. Bright and sunny here after many hours of rain and a little sleet.

    What a cake indeed Toni. The temptation to dive into it was almost unbearable :lol::lol:

    Football is on :shock: :roll: :roll: , ready for when Dad gets here, he should be here by now, but I bet he has driven into town. He will turn up eventually, nothing is spoiling for lunch.

    Nice that Paul's Mum will see everyone and Gdad will see by Tia's Uncle. I hope he enjoyed his time with you. You pulled out all the stops to get him there.

    Is Lucy booked in for another GP visit, or blood tests? See if those neutrophils are lowered. I keep trying to think what it could be, infection, UTI,

    You have 12 coming over, gosh, Sleek was saying to Pepe that there were many peeples on the way and she might have to hide in her new house, to guard the wand.

    Secret Santa, then hunt the Elf, sounds like a plan :)

    Oh Dear Joan, not missing posts, it happens to us all, most annoying.
    Have a nice Boxing Day, hope the weather is good with you too.

    Hi Barbara, yes, everything went well, but we were shattered and even I slept when we had our siesta. Maybe the extra Tramodol helped. Talking of which, I will be taking one soon.

    So we were not the only ones who were lathered, don't blame your Son for wanting the door open. Nice of your middle GD to help him. I am sure everything was lovely and worth the excess heat :? :?

    There is some cake left, I promised our neighbours some, so they can have the rest. I don't mind, it was delicious, very moreish, but if I sneak a little, I will eat it all. :lol::lol:

    Just looking through the planner on Sky and everything is a repeat. Carry on films are always on, but all the old Morecambe and Wise etc, some things have more than had their day.
    I will be wound up like a clock, with the football being on. Still no sign of Dad, goodness knows where he is.

    I am glad you all had a good day, bless, your neighbour getting upset, I am not surprised, it is a time of year when families are together, but, she has an extended family with you now, far better than "he" who won't be mentioned.

    Right, we will ring Dad, see where he is. :roll:

    Everyone take lots of care, enjoy the day.

    XXXX Aidan
    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    I felt really weird this morning. I took my Oramorph in the dark! and I think I took a little too much. :shock: So when my paracetamol was due (10am) I didn't bother taking it. I'll take my 3PM one.

    :animal_busy: (me after too much Oramorph).

    I hope everyone has had a good holiday with plenty of good food and drink, and loving family nearby.

    I thought you would love these Dormice. scold cfly

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Love them, LOVE THEM, we adore them Kath. Naturally we need a family of them in the sanctuary. I am sure they can give cuddles, during the spring and summer months. They are in hibernation now, but oh SO cute.

    Ooops, with the Oromorph, don't worry, it will be fine. The dosage is usually quite low in the mixture, so maybe a little squiffy, but no harm done.

    No harm in missing the paracetamol dose, although it would not have caused any further squiffiness :shock: is that a word?

    B went to find Dad, he was busy scrubbing the grill pan, doing chores, had forgotten that he was coming round for lunch. He has not long gone, after a pleasant afternoon, watching a programme about Balmoral Estate.

    He took a doggy bag with him, his supper all sorted, brunswick ham, quiche, sausage rolls, pork pie.

    Hope you are ok otherwise Kath, I know it is has been a tough week the the sad news earlier last week.

    I hope everyone else has had a nice day so far. I have been very good, had ONE cadbury roses chocolate :o :shock: what on earth has come over me.

    Almost time for siesta's after a cup of T, let me go find something festive, to go with it. Until later, lots of love XX Aidan

    Chocolate Honeycomb Roulade with White Chocolate Sauce

    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    evening all..visited OHs BIL and took him some biscuits his favorite..he had dinner with his son and DIL..
    Toni quite a few years ago now I used to love doing the boxing day buffet..its the cooking dinner I always found stressful..I bet you all have a lovely time looking for Elf.. :lol: my shoulder is getting there thanks for asking..
    Kath I am sure you felt very relaxed with the extra word of warning my OH put nose drops in his eye..when doing it in the dark.. :roll: oh the diddy field mice.. :D
    Aiden..sorry I forgot to mention the lovely breakfast cornflakes crusted french toast with maple syrup..another one I might just try to do.. :D so dad was so busy cleaning he had you worried..nice for him to get a doggie bag...we have had another dinner today form all the leftovers..and really enjoyed it..hope you got that siesta..
    we went to Asda to pick up a light fitting..and get some fresh air.. :lol: all the Christmas gift half price..and clothes..I didn't buy anything but doesn't it make you mad..when they have taken people well earned money ..
    same with boots and M&S..that is my rant for the year.. :lol:
    right I am off to get some of the roulade before Toni gets to it... christmas03
    Love to everyone xxxxxxxx
  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,597
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hello all - just to thank you for the hellos & the kind thoughts in my absence - much appreciated x.

    Also for the good wishes re possible new meds. In some ways I think that failing on the Enbrel was such a blow (not that I thought I never would; more the way & the how & the timing), that that is still the overriding disappointment, & failing on the Humira kind of pales by comparison. You'd think that a couple more years of your life down the drain would hit a bit harder, and the slight worry that I've become a bit resigned to how things are, is partly why I'm changing drs etc & hope to be less milk & water (is that a saying?) about stuff. Superstition about jinxing the Humira is why I never really came in & talked about it, & probably the same will go for anything new*, but I will call in hopefully (all things being equal &c) & allude vaguely & cryptically to how I'm doing. 8) :wink:

    Anyway thanks again, love to all, oh & by the way, Aidan - I didn't intentionally dub you ocd, 'OC' is something my mother used to say (meaning officer in command/in charge, but basically just 'in charge of' - we weren't an army family - so don't ask me why..) & I just typed it off the top off my head. Soz for any confusion. :lol: I can still haz cake? x

    Have a good week everyone, I have 8 hours of heavy rain/sleet/snow to look forward to overnight apparently :/ better to follow I do hope.

    * sez me, until I have a question or an issue, & run in here squeaking for help *cough* little red hen *ahem*..
  • Turbogran
    Turbogran Member Posts: 2,023
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Evening all

    Back into the land of internet laptops phones and tablets today so have spent a long time catching up with facebook and emails etc. and here interrupted with a nap earlier.
    Well yesterday went well Mr T has behaved well but then our daughter is still around until tomorrow. so we will see then well tomorrow is raffle prize collecting day watch this space.

    Aidan we all managed to survive not laptops ect very well we are used to it we do it every year on Christmas day. am afraid to say the boiler pressure has been dropping slowly again since Christmas eve the day after engineer came at the moment it is still working thou but don't think it will be long before it goes again and we have to call them out and believe me this time i am going to say if you cannot repair it i want it changed for a new one after all this one is only about 3 tears old and Mr T is still paying for it. yes i have chill pills to hand. Glad you all had a good Christmas day ours was good too i have eaten far to much of the wrong things this year but as i am not weighing for a few weeks i will be getting back on the slimming world and being strict with myself after new year. i need to so that my mobility doesn't suffer as before i started. yes it was quite hot here with oven and hobs on yesterday and today too in fact and tomorrows dinner is cold meats Left overs from yesterday and today with mash or bubble and squeak with pickles.

    Joan yes thank you i did have a good day yesterday hope you both did too.

    Barbara yes we get used to the grumps :lol: after so many years married you learn how to handle it.

    Toni yes have managed to cope with both Mr T and daughter ok in fact they have both been ok, daughter i must admit is not quite as bad as Mr T.

    Nice to see you again Toady

    well it time for a little potter.
    so its nighty night
    will pop in tomorrow and update you on the famous raffle prize. christmas03
    Stay positive always👍xx
  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Evening to everyone - Hope all have had a good day. That is Christmas officially over now :D

    Barbara has been out to visit with family and take BIL his favourite biscuits.

    I always used to enjoy Boxing Day, more than Christmas Day, for some reason. We did a buffet, courtesy of Mark's and Sparks.
    Have had enough of pastry and the like now. Want to get back to our normal meals and sandwiches.
    I was thinking of a kind of bubble and squeak with left over veggies, but, on opening the storage bag, the waft of sprout was too much to take :shock: :shock: :mrgreen::mrgreen:

    I could have bottled it and sold it as smelling salts, it would be enough to rouse anyone who was having the vapours :lol::lol: if only to run away from the odour.

    Anyway, enough of sprouts now, until next year. :roll:

    I am glad to hear that your shoulder is improving Barbara, that is good news.

    The crunchy French toast does sound wonderful and is one worth trying, for sure.

    Yes, Dad had forgotten about coming round, at least he was busy away cleaning the oven and grill. He enjoyed our little buffet and was very pleased with his doggy bag. He went about T time as there was a football match coming on.

    We did get our siesta, thank you. Cats pinning me in, on both sides :roll: :roll: But I did doze off.

    It is very annoying when you go to the supermarket and everything they were selling last week, is now 50% off and they are still making a good profit on the lower price. Grrrr. I know a few people that buy most of their Christmas presents in the sales, plus all their Christmas cards.

    It is the same with all the main food and retail shops. They all hike the price up, because they know we want things in time for Christmas. We should all delay it by a week and then it would be half the price.

    Hope you enjoyed the roulade :) There is always a spare one, in case Toni needs to face splat.

    You are very welcome to kind thoughts and hello's Toady.

    I am sure you would not have jinxed any medication regime, but understand your concern. Not all Drs, be they Locums or otherwise, have the the time nor the inclination to spend with their patients, discussing medication regimes, making the necessary referrals etc.
    By all means call in and have a natter about anything new.

    Don't you worry about the OC and the OCD, :lol: I am the first to admit my obsession for cakes, (scones especially). That and my OCD with making sure things are nice and clean.......the list goes on, just ask Toni.

    I am more than happy to take on the added role of Officer in Command of cakes :D:D, it will be an honour, I like your Mother's saying.

    You are more than welcome to have as much cake as you like.

    I hope you don't have snow. We are all in for a little cold snap this week, I have already been pressing buttons on the heating controller.

    Hi Carol and welcome back to the world of the internet, phones and laptops.

    Now you have to catch up with everything :roll: Facebook can move on at a rate of knots, let alone emails etc.

    Today is raffle prize, so very excited to find out what you have won................ christmas05

    You do right, asking for a new boiler, if yours is only three years old, most are guaranteed for at least 5 years, I know ours is for 7.

    Keep those chill pills to hand, they might be needed, take three, as required, as many times a day as you can :lol:

    Glad you have had a good Christmas together, a little indulgence is fine, you will soon be back on track in the new year, don't worry this week, chocolates are good for you,

    "Regular chocolate eaters welcome a host of benefits for their hearts, including lower blood pressure, lower “bad” LDL cholesterol and a lower risk of heart disease. One of the reasons dark chocolate is especially heart-healthy is its inflammation-fighting properties, which reduce cardiovascular risk.28 Mar 2012

    That's good enough for me :)

    Good to hear that Mr T and your Daughter have been in good humour, long may it continue.

    A big hi to everyone else, Toni, Kerrin, Christine, Joan, Mig, Elizabeth, Charrisse, DD and all.

    We are off to the GC this morning, for brunch, might as well use the voucher for the restaurant / bistro, whatever they call it :) Dad will be coming along too.

    Then we need a few bits from Sainsb and prescription to pick up.

    Everyone take lots of care, keep warm, it is turning very chilly.

    Love to all XXXX Aidan

    Simple breakfast, fresh croissants and orange juice

    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,238
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hello Barbara Aidan Carol Kathleen Toady and anyone else I missed.
    Barbara I'm pleased you had a good time yes the dog's had a chew. we both bought each other the same card and jumper.
    ((((((((Aidan Bill and Dad)))))))) you had a busy time but you enjoyed it. we have snow.
    Carol I'm sorry you have a problem with your boiler.
    Kathleen I hope you had a good day. have you been told by your Doctor that when you have been on Alendronic Acid 5 years you can have a holiday from it.
    Toady how are you I hope you had a nice time.
    take care all
    Joan xx
    take care
    joan xx
  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Morning all..
    Toady it will do you good to get thing off your chest..I know form old you dont like doing..but we all understand some of it if not all..sending some very positive thoughts your way for the next stage..hope to see you in the cafe sooner rather than later..or when you are ready..
    I think OCD sums up Aiden.. :lol: now I could do with a little bit of it..or a cleaner.. :shock:
    Aiden I am all sprouted out..but really enjoyed the leftover yesterday especially had OH got it all ready..boxing day is so much more relaxed :D you are off to the GC today ..we might just do the same ..hopefully it will be quiet before there big you say at 50% off they are still making a profit..I have been very savvy this year..and got some bargains..must be my age... :lol:
    Joan how lovely you bought each other the same things..and I bet the doggies settled down with there chews...I still haven't managed to renew my membership with JL..will have to email them again like last year..
    Carol I hope that heating holds out for you ..or they come back and sort it..I am sure you will get back on target..I can tell you are determined...I really do need to do something about my weight.. :oops: talk about creeping up..bit I can tell with this is the day for the prize..I cant wait .. christmas03
    off to get fresh croissants and orange juice thanks to Aiden
    Love to everyone xxxxxxxx