Val's Cafe
Hi I am back
here we go part 2
Aidan I have not seen my friend in the last week as she has been away but she will be at knit and natter tomorrow what are you like forgetting which day. my visit is now 2 days today I will be off on my way to my GGs and other little and big peeples.
Kian and mummy are doing well.
I know you are liking piccies of the baby so here are a few more
First the little man himself
2nd with Rubie kissing him 16.23.03.jpg?dl=0
and lastly with Graycie 16.24.43.jpg?dl=0
Toni I have been thinking of you all
Kath I will have to look up some sp***r songs for our little band. must admit I love the picture of the GGC altogether too. I also love the one I have posted today of Rubie kissing him. mind you I love all the photos our house is full of them. I'm Knitting baby cuddles in 2 weeks can't wait.
Barbara Thank you I think they are adorable too but then I am bias they are my GGC after all.yes where dose time go Rubie was 1 on Sunday. and baby Kian is 1 week old tomorrow where did that week go think someone stole it
Time has caught up with me again and its time for a little potter and cup of tea time.
Lots of love and Sparkles to you all
t4591 t4591 t115006 t115006Stay positive always👍xx0 -
Hi to all
Quite a pleasant day, sunshine, breeze, just right. It has gone cool now, single figures tonight :shock:
Hi Barbara - I do love butterflies, we had a garden full of them again today. I do the Big butterfly Count, but they are difficult to count when they are all dancing aboutt4591
Cartier bracelets, I dare not look at the prices - I looked :shock: :shock: The one that Sleek likes, second hand, £130,000
We won't mention it to Toni.................
Glad you enjoyed the bread, cakes and fancies, we are spoilt here, with so many sweet and savoury goodies.
The GC has a big reputation to uphold, so the food is always very good (apart from one mix up in 10 years, which isn't bad).
So the sandwiches are ok at yours, but that's about, not so good then. Are their cakes nice ?
Better at the pub you like to go to, their food sounds very good indeed.
M was fine, I think she felt a bit guilty for us being woken up at 3am. But, if needed, then so be it.
I think there is a fair bit of rain on the forecast for the rest of the week t111055 t111055
Hope your GD was ok and enjoyed her visit
Hi Carol - Oh dear, troubles with the knitting of Kian's jacket. Finally sorted though, after much concentrating, of course in your fav coffee bar
Knit and natter today, Wednesday, I should know by now :roll: :roll:
Good idea not to take the knitted jacket with you, if you have to keep a close eye on what is going on with it.
Laptop messing about, I will send some sparkles over to it t115006
They should sort it
I hope your friend is still on her best behaviourwith no random interruptions.
Just under 2 weeks now, on the family visit countdown t4591
Good to hear that Kian and Mum are both doing well
Thank you for the lovely pictures
Kian looking totally gorgeous, kisses from Rubie and Graycie holding him so carefully - Bless t4591
Of course you are biased and rightly so t4591
Toni, Paul and all the family, you must be tired, after a very difficult day, laying Paul's Mum to rest t4591
There is always such a range of feelings, of sadness and loss, relief that the person is no longer suffering, the finality of a funeral and then the time to think, talk with family and gradually move forward, as Mum would want everyone to do. Everyone has been very much in our thoughts and prayers t4591 t4591
I was thinking of angels, as I do, butterflies too, so a combination of the two is worth sharing
Sleek popped over to share a little time with Mother. Some shrieking about a levitating floor ?? :shock: :shock: Much munching of sweets, then she was gone, in a flash t115006
Off into town, pills to pick up from the Surgery, then toddle a few yards to the T room, see how everyone isPossibly a little brunch. Dad always likes it there. Like the GC, it is familiar and he must feel more comfortable. t4591
Time I was pottering a little. Ouchy back, as per. :roll: :roll:
Love and sparkles to everyone, in and about. t4591 t115006 Take lots of care XXXXX Aidan
Lemon and Raspberry Sweet RollsXX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
Good morning everyone I hope all is well? Sorry to have been AWOL yesterday, but we had a gorgeous sunny day for my MIL's funeral - apart from a VERY heavy shower as we came out of the crem. Everyone said Pam did that! Stopped before we had finished looking at our flowers though.
Thank you Aidan very much for thinking of us. The butterfly angel is just perfectthe day was just as she would have liked. Plenty of laughter photo sharing and everyone enjoyed the food. It was in a pub where she had attended a wake herself and her own choice. In fact it all was she had set up her funeral already with the Co-op.
This is where she was born (as was Paul his sis and bro) and in recent years lived:
Though most of her life was spent in Cherington a tiny village in the Cotswolds.
I will post some 'floor pics' later it is indeed levitating!
Lemon and raspberry sweet rolls lovely!
Thanks for the photos Carol. Kian is adorable so sweet and tiny! Graycie looks such a big girl now and bless Rubie kissing him!!
Gosh I am glad you were able to sort the jacket out!
Thank you for thinking of us it all went very well now everyone can get on with their grieving.
You'll be off soon to see them all and meet him for the first time t4591
Barbara thank you for thinking of us all - I have been thinking of you and your worries. The cloak is ready and aired and will be at yours waiting to set off when you're ready ((()))
Yum Kath that Raviolli looks tasty. Holly is a proper blessing to lots of people then! So nice you known such a kind person.
I hope all is well with you Joan (and Sue) we have rain here ::)
Love to everyone
Toni xxx0 -
Hello Aidan Kathleen Barbara Carol Toni
. Aidan that's good your Dad and Mandy both doing well with your help don't forget to help yourself has well(((((((()))))
Kathleen I'm pleased you have Holly to help you((((((()))))
. Barbara I hope you are doing alright((((())))) we are having a smart meter fitted today.
. Carol good luck with the knitting I know you will sort it out(((((())))
. Toni I'm pleased the funeral went as well as it could ((((((())))) thinking of you all at this sad time(((((((()))))
. take care all love to Mig (((((((())))))
Joan xxtake care
joan xx0 -
This morning was a bit drizzly early on, then the sun came out, since then we've had torrential rain but now it's just light rain. But it's so cold. I'm wearing a skirt at the moment with a T shirt, cardigan, pair of socks and slippers. But having bare legs is rather unpleasant, so me troosers are coming back out. Plus, I had some chewing gum to moisten my mouth (sugar free) and it is now stuck to the skirt - don't ask me how - and is making a right mess of it. It won't fit in the fridge, so I've tried rubbing my sucker wrapper on it. :roll: I think I'll end up throwing the skirt away.
Joan, I'm VERY pleased we have Holly to help us, I'm just glad it wasn't raining like this yesterday. t111055 t111055 t111055
Toni, how thoughtful of Paul's mum to arrange her own funeral. At least you know everything went the way she'd have wanted it. t4591
Aidan, no butterflies here today, they're probably sheltering among the various trees around and about. There's a fair clump in the middle of our court, mainly flowering cherry and Rowan.They look lovely when they're in flower, but the blossoms don't last long.
Those Lemon and Raspberry Sweet Rolls
look scrummy, I'm having 3, so thanks mi duck.
Carol, how sweet are those photos. t4591 Especially the one of Rubie kissing Kian. They are adorable.
Barbara, I love the fancy fondants too, so you're lucky there's any left.
2 tablespoons plus 1 teaspoon extra-virgin olive oil
1 shallot, minced
¼ pound white or cremini mushrooms, rinsed briefly and wiped dry
freshly ground pepper to taste
1 to 2 garlic cloves (to taste), minced
2 teaspoons minced flat-leaf parsley
4 eggs
1 tablespoon minced chives
2 teaspoons low-fat milk
3 tablespoons grated Gruyère cheese
Trim off the ends of the mushrooms, and cut into thick slices. Heat a large, heavy frying pan over medium-high heat, and add 1 tablespoon of the olive oil. Add the shallot, and cook, stirring, until it begins to soften, two or three minutes. Add the mushrooms, and cook, stirring or tossing in the pan, for a few minutes, until they begin to soften and sweat. Add salt to taste and the garlic, and cook, stirring often, until the mushrooms are tender, about five minutes. Stir in the parsley, season to taste with salt and pepper, and remove from the heat.
If making individual omelets: Heat an 8-inch nonstick omelet pan over medium-high heat. Break 2 eggs into a bowl, and beat with a fork or a whisk until frothy. Add salt and freshly ground pepper to taste, and 2 teaspoons milk. Whisk in half the chives. Add 2 teaspoons of the olive oil to the pan. When the pan feels hot as you hold your hand above it, pour in the eggs, scraping every last bit into the pan. Tilt the pan to distribute the eggs evenly over the surface. Tilt it slightly again, and gently shake with one hand while lifting up the edges of the omelet with the spatula in your other hand so as to let the eggs run underneath during the first few minutes of cooking. Spread half the mushrooms down the middle of the eggs. Top with half the cheese. As soon as the eggs are set on the bottom (the top will still be runny), jerk the pan quickly away from you then back towards you so that the omelet folds over on itself. Shake in the pan for another minute if you don’t like the omelet soft on the inside; for a moist omelet, tilt the pan at once and roll out onto a plate. Keep warm in a low oven while you repeat with the remaining eggs and herbs, and serve.
If making 1 large omelet, heat a 10-inch nonstick pan over medium-high heat. Beat all 4 eggs in a bowl with the milk, salt and pepper, and the chives. Heat the remaining tablespoon of olive oil in the pan, and follow the instructions for the 2-egg omelet, pouring all of the eggs into the pan. The eggs will take longer to set, and you may want to flip the omelet in the pan again after it’s rolled, if the middle seems too runny. Roll the finished omelet onto a platter, or cut in half in the pan, and serve.
Add 2 teaspoons of the olive oil to the pan. When the pan feels hot as you hold your hand above it, pour in the eggs, scraping every last bit into the pan. Tilt the pan to distribute the eggs evenly over the surface. Tilt it slightly again, and gently shake with one hand while lifting up the edges of the omelet with the spatula in your other hand so as to let the eggs run underneath during the first few minutes of cooking.
Spread half the mushrooms down the middle of the eggs. Top with half the cheese. As soon as the eggs are set on the bottom (the top will still be runny), jerk the pan quickly away from you then back towards you so that the omelet folds over on itself. Shake in the pan for another minute if you don’t like the omelet soft on the inside; for a moist omelet, tilt the pan at once and roll out onto a plate. Keep warm in a low oven while you repeat with the remaining eggs and herbs, and serve."Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein
0 -
Afternoon to all - a t111055 ish day, on and off. Raining when we were pottering to the T room. :roll: Worth it though
Hi Toni - I am glad to hear that the weather was beautiful for your MIL's funeral. We were thinking of you all, the very least we could do XX
Oh yes, our Angels can do as they will, with the weather - It would have been Pam, for sure t4591 t115006
If the day was just as Mum would have liked, then no one could ask any more. It was the same for my Mum and Bills Mum too.
Sharing laughter and tears, enjoying the get together afterwards, in her pub of choice and good food to eat
Shipston on Stour, what a lovely place, as are the Cotswolds in general, with the honey coloured stone and streets reminiscent of a time gone by. t4591
So, Sleek was right, the floor is levitating :shock: :shock: look forward to seeing some pictures, as and when
Rain with you as well, it seems to be pretty much over the country this week. t111055 Don't mind, it is good for the gardens and the rivers.
Sleek came over to see Mother while we were out this morning. Mother stopped indoors while Sleek ventured up to Pendle for some mists and dew. She was soon back, looking rather glam in her wax coat and matchy matchy booties, hat, gloves
They did go down to the Cafe in the ravine, nattered to the nymphs and drank lactose free latte's with no fishjust cattiene :shock:
Hi Joan and Sue - Thank you hun, you are both super kind indeed. We try and take some time to ourselves.
A smart meter, oooh, is that for the Gas / Electric, or both?
Dad was ok today, he enjoyed his brunch at the T room, bacon buttie with salad, then a big slice of summer fruit pie - go Dad.
Hope your ankle is not too painful, do you have any prescription pain relief that helps ? ((((())))
Hi Kath - been chuckin it darn then as it mi duck..........innit orrid
Now yer cowd as well, with many layers on - I can feel a sweat coming on at the very thought :shock: :shock:
Ooops with the chewing gum - ice cubes can help remove chewing gum, or freezing the item and chipping it off. Send it ere duck, we av room in freezer
All the butterflies are in the woods today too. Just the birdies out and about, Mr Robin is back, Mrs Wren, plus we have an ever growing family of sparrows and dunnocks, who love our hawthorn hedges. The blackbirds are busy taking the blueberries off the bush, so many at once, they can not be bothered to fly :shock:
Yesterday we had 5 sparrows in the bird bath all at once
There are a lot of berries on the rowan trees this year, they say a sign of a bad winter, but who knows. Flowering cherries are lovely, but as you say, poof and they are gone
Thanks you for the mushroom omelette - super tasty (I had cheese and mushroom toasties at the T room today, half a lb of cheese at the very least)
Hope any ouchies are minimal t4591 t115006 Hi to Chris too
Hi Barbara - hope you are all ok and your GD enjoyed her visit. Will Niamh be over later, so keep Nan and Gdad on their toes. Hide the laptop asap :shock:
I can guess you have had some rain, it is pouring here again. Pendle has vanished into the mists :? :? t111055 t111055
Hi Carol - hope you enjoyed your knit and natter and your friend was well behaved
Must be one week and 6 days, to family visitst4591 t4591
Hi to everyone else, in and about.
Time for another potter. Tennis has just started from Cincinnati
Love and Sparkles to all t4591 t115006 Take care, will pop back later XXXX Aidan
Everlasting Lemon Meringue PieXX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
Evening all more rain don't think its stopped today :roll:
Niamh has just gone home so I have my feet up...
Carol more lovely pics of your nice to see the other little ones with baby Kian..knowing you that little jacket will be finished in time ..I do love hand knitted garments..hope that laptop get sorted..
Kath the rain has been really heavy here..not sure how much more is left up there..thankyou for the omelette recipe..I have gone form skits to trousers..I always said I would wear them all the time but needs must..think freezing bring spearmint out of clothes or did you already say that..
Toni glad the weather picked up for you to look at your would have been MIL being naughtybless her..thankyou for the good wishes for my brother he is getting scared now I think it has sank in.
.my OH is taking him tomorrow..such a lovely place that Paul mum and his sisters lived lived...xx
Joan a smart meter.. I wish we had one then we knew what was using the most electric and gas..but my OH wont have one..not a clue why ... :? hope that ankle is not to painful for you xx
Aidan the pics are lovely..we got a few more butterfly's but not has many has previous years..and thankyou for the cloak duties tomorrow..xx
Oh yes the cakes are good at the GC..the soup is not bad ..but the dinners are nothing to shout about.. :roll:
sorry I forgot to say my appointment went ok more bloods next week because my right legs is really swollen..but I couldn't ask about OH she was so busy..we need another plan :roll:
Thankyou for the Lemon and Raspberry Sweet Rolls..was that breakfast I have forgotten... :?
better move before my eyes go blurry
Love to everyone
t111055 t4591 t115006Love
Barbara0 -
oh no I have just spotted the Everlasting Lemon Meringue Pie
Thankyou Aidan...
Barbara0 -
t111055 t111055 and some more t111055 apart from that it has been a nice day :shock:
Hi Barbara - I guessed right, you have been soaked, just as we have. We are not so far apart, as the crow flies
Hope you had a nice rest, after time spent with Niamh
The cloak will be with Mr B and your Brother tomorrow t4591 candles will be lit, as always and thoughts and prayers to all t4591
We will come along, under the cloak and keep very very quiet.
I am sure your Brother is feeling a whole raft of emotions at the moment. A good talk with the Consultant will hopefully put things into some sort of order, with plans of action and options. t4591 t4591
Most of the buddleia are finishing now, the botterflies nip out of the woods, when the sun comes out, to drink some nectar. Won't be long before most of them migrate. Amazing to think that such fragile looking beauties can travel thousands of miles :shock: :shock:
Good that your appt at the Drs went ok, more bloods in a week. I am not the Dr, but it can be associated with kidney problems, which you are more than likely aware of.
A lot of people assume it is due to heart problems or circulation. Being less mobile, causes the same thing. My lower legs swell, but my cardio said it is not due to my heart condition, it is due to mobility issues. :roll: :roll:
Yes, the lemon and raspberry was for breakfast, well, any time of day really. Glad you like the everlasting meringue
Hi Toni - How is the levitation of the floor going. Sleek called Mother and said her house has been dee mollyshd :shock: :shock: and Mother must find a spell to make it all better :? :?
I think she was able to pacify Sleek, that all will be well when the bill derz have finished. :? :?
Hope you are all ok (((())))
Hi Carol - how was your knit and natter group? Went well I trust. Minus two weeks now, counting down rapidly until you go visiting.
Hope all are well XX (((())))
At home today, we will need a day of comparative rest.
Out Friday as normal, out Sat to see Aunt and Uncle and my two Cousins, the one we see a few times a year, from France and one who moved to Ireland, not seen her since her wedding, sooo many years back. :shock:
Sunday BIL and SIL are coming over
Monday out as usual
:shock: :shock:
And Breathe
Time I was pottering, look at some more tennis. Leaving lots of...Take care XXXX Aidan
Pumpkin PancakesXX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
Good morning!
How lovely Aidan seeing family you haven't seen for YEARS!! That will be wonderful won't it? Then BIL and SIL at the weekend tooLove the sparkly heart.
I am pleased to hear yours and B's Mum's funerals were as they wanted too. It helps knowing that. Shipston is lovely Paul and I will go there soon for the day to reminisce. Well also to help do the garden!!
I have never had a pumpkin pancake before.....chomp chomp chomp....mmmm very nice indeed!
No wonder Sleek was so high yesterday drinking catteine!! Now I get it! the absence of fishy breath confused me :animal_busy: Mother is going to help the builders clean up the rubble today. She has ordered them a skip and asked me to park over the Rd.
That lemon meringue!! I had extra meringue it was there calling out to me!!
Pics to follow...
Barbara yes Shipston is lovely ever so pretty - an expensive!! I wouldn't put it past MIL being naughty making it rain on us
I am so glad your OH is taking your bro he needs support and an ear to hear what is said and a voice to ask any questions too ((())) for you sitting in the cloak waiting.
With one leg being swollen could it be joints as Aidan says?? Odd only one if it's kidneys/heart issues :?
Kath yes MIL organising her own funeral. Typical of her to make sure no-one had to worry about her even when she'd goneBUT also as you say nice to know it was spot on for her t4591
It did nothing but rain here yesterday and is still raining today :roll:
Mushroom and chive omelette?! ANY dayta v much xx
Joan I hope the smart meter was fitted ok and works well. Thank you for your kind wishes ((()))
Love to everyone
Toni xx0 -
Hello Kathleen Aidan Barbara
. Kathleen yes it's good you have Holly everyone needs help sometimes ((((((())))) I hope your ouchies are not too bad.
. Aidan how are all your problems getting on no worse I hope (((((((())))) Dad ((((((()))))
. Barbara we was told everyone has to have a smart meter by next year the SSE we are with they came and fitted it they could not do the gas the meters to far away. thinking of you tomorrow((((()))))
. take care love to Toni Carol Mig((((((()))))
. Joan xx. Hello Toni I just saw you (((())))take care
joan xx0 -
Can't do much as my Virus checker is taking an age to update, then when it does I'll need a restart which will knock everything out of kilter and take ages to sort out. :roll:
I am very disappointed today, as I was hoping there would be some new photos on the Estate Agents website -there aren't. Or perhaps someone would come and put To Let signs up - they haven't!!!!!
Vegan White Bean and Kale Pot pie
1 ½ cups (200 grams) flour -
¾ teaspoon salt divided -
2 tablespoons vodka optional -
2 tablespoons water (or 4 if not using vodka) -
½ cup (8 tablespoons) solid coconut oil -
1 tablespoon oil for frying -
1 onion minced -
2 cloves of garlic minced -
2 carrots peeled and diced -
2 stalks of celery diced -
2 cups (500 grams) white beans (I used canned beans and I reserved the aquafaba to add to the filling) -
¾ cup (175 ml) vegetable stock plus a few splashes more if not using the aquafaba -
2 bay leaves -
1 ½ teaspoons dried rosemary or thyme or sage -
2 packed cups (about 100 grams) chopped kale -
Freshly ground black pepper to taste -
Combine the flour and ¼ teaspoon of the salt in a bowl and put it in the fridge to chill. Combine the vodka and water in a cup and put it in the fridge to chill. If your coconut oil is not solid at room temperature, also put it in the fridge to solidify.
Heat a medium pot over medium heat and add the oil and onion. Fry until soft then add the garlic and fry until fragrant. Add the celery and carrots and continue frying until soft.
In the meantime, puree 1 cup (250 grams) of the white beans with ½ cup (120 ml) of the vegetable stock in a small food processor until creamy. Set aside.
Once the veggies are soft, add the bay and your herb of choice and fry a few more minutes until fragrant. Add the pureed beans, remaining ¼ cup (60 ml) vegetable stock, the reserved aquafaba (if you’re not using aquafaba, add about ¼ cup (60 ml) more of veggie stock) and the kale. Bring to a simmer, cover the pot and reduce the heat to medium-low. Simmer for about 5 minutes until the kale has wilted. Remove from the heat, season with the remaining ½ teaspoon of salt and lots of freshly ground black pepper. If you find that the liquid has reduced too much, add a splash of stock.
This recipe yield 4 cups (1 litre) of filling. Divide the filling between your baking dishes depending on what size they are (2 larger dishes or 4 ramekins, etc.) and set aside to cool.
Preheat the oven to 200°C (400°F).
Take your flour from the fridge and use a pastry cutter or a fork to cut the coconut oil into the flour a couple tablespoons of oil at a time. You should end up with a course sand-like texture with no large chunks of coconut oil. Get your vodka water from the fridge and sprinkle a tablespoon over the flour. Gently mix to combine before adding a second tablespoon. Continue like this until the dough sticks together and you can press it into a ball (you might not need all the liquid or you might need a little more).
Turn the dough ball out onto a floured counter and roll it out with a rolling pin until it’s large enough to cut out enough tops for your pot pies. If you kitchen is warmer than 24°C, you’ll want to work very quickly as the coconut oil will start to melt (or go and do it outside if it’s winter, lol!).
Cut out the tops (it’s up to you if you want them larger than your dishes to overhang a bit like mine or fit right on top of the filling), transfer them onto your filled baking dishes, cut a few slits to allow steam to escape and pop them in the oven.
Bake for about 20 minutes or until golden brown on top. Allow them to cool for a couple minutes before serving."Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein
0 -
Afternoon to all
Sunny and quite windy here. Butterflies have all come out of the woods, taking advantage of the sun. t115006
Hi Toni - It certainly will be a family week end. Aunt is the one who used to make the endless cakes, but no longer, she is too poorly, her Ca returned and is in her pelvis.
Yes, both funerals were just as perfect as they could have been. The occasion itself is overwhelming and you just want everything to go well. t4591 Just like Paul's Mum's.
Not had pumpkin pancakes either, but, if they are like pumpkin pie, then they will be gorgeous.
Mother said she was bizzy with spells, a very big dustbin for all the building detritus. Best park away away, if Mother is flinging spells about, there could be items flying past. :shock: :shock:
I think Sleek had three cups of cattiene latte, no wonder she was spinning around :? :? :roll: :roll:
Looking forward to the pics of the level floorsMother said it was "kwite a syte" :shock: :shock:
As much meringue as you like, it never stops reappearingwhat a find.
I am sure the cloak will have been very useful in supporting Mr B and Barbara's Brother - I know Barbara will be worrying, which is quite normal............ t4591 t4591
Hi Joan and Sue - Hope you are both ok, with not too much pain from your ankle (((())))
I guess most things do get worse over time, but, we have to get on and do what we can (((())))
Glad the smart meter is fitted, not sure how they would do them on the park here......I won't worry about it though. Our gas and electric is so cheap. Gas bill for last month was £10 :shock:
Hi Kath, no to let board and no more pictures? We are all disappointed, just as you are :roll: :roll:
Hope the laptop doesn't mess about for too long. What virus checker do you have on?
Ta for the Bean and Kale Pot Pie - delicious. With Vodka in it, if desiredNice with some roasted tatties
Hi Barbara - hope your Bro and Mr B have found out all they need to know at the hospital. I can imagine you have been on pins. t115006 t115006
Sending ((())) to all. t4591 t4591
Hi Carol - hope you are all ok. Gradually counting down
Hi to everyone else, in and about.
Have had a pottering day, sorting and fussing, as you do. Time I was moving again.
Love and Sparkles to all - t4591 t115006 will pop back later XXXX Aidan
Carrot Cake CheesecakeXX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
Sorry I am late..but I'm in bed on my phone
My brother was at hospital for just over 4 hours.. the mac millan nurse said it would be around an B waited in the waiting room..and could hardly walk when he came in..jist of it they have to operate in 2 places..they did all preops while he was there..and has to go back next week for more bloods..but they hadn't got all the scans from wigan :roll: he was to tired to tell me I left it till tomorrow
Thankyou so much for the cloak duties candles and prayers..
Will catch up tomorrow
Love to everyone
Barbara0 -
Hi to all
Hi Barbara - I bet your Brother and Mr B are shattered, after 4 hours at the hospital :shock:
Not surprised Mr B could hardly walk, after all that time in the waiting room. They are not exactly designed for maximum comfort :? :?
Operating in two places, would that be oesophagus and lymph node? Me being nosy nurse again :? apologies.
The pre ops are done, that is one thing out of the way. Something we never heard of, well, it didn't exist, all pre ops were done, on admission for surgery or other procedures. It saves time now I guess.
Shame they did not have the results from the scans in Wigan :roll: :roll:
All this "linking hospitals and health centres" doesn't quite work :? :?
I am sure your Brother was super tired, so another chat, at another time.
You are more than welcome to the prayers, thoughts, candles and cloak duties t4591 t4591
Will Niamh be coming today, for a sleep over?
Hi toni - how is the flooring coming along? Getting there?
Sleek thinks the house is falling down and had to eat extra sweets when she came over to see Mother at siesta time :? :roll:
Mother said her house is not falling down, it is having alter-aychuns to the floorz :shock:
Hi Carol - hope you are all ok - will it be lunch with Mr T today and some time in your fav coffee bar.
Hoe is the knitted jacket coming along?
Is the laptop behaving itself now :? :? best have some sparkles, just in case
Hi to everyone else, in and about.
Quiet evening here.
Off to the GC this morning. Vets, for more sweets. Some shopping, that will be enough. I think it is going to be very wet t111055 t111055 Yes, another weather warning, for rain and thunderstorms :? :roll:
Lots of love and sparkles to all t4591 t115006 t115006 Take care XXXX Aidan
Ultimate Melting Mozzarella ToastiesXX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
Right this is the progress in the I don't know what it is room....
First of all the floor was lower than the rest of the house making it inaccessible to some and not easy for others (including me!)
and the 1990's tile was a bit pub conservatory!
Down went some plastic
then some polystyrene 2 layers -
then harder surface ready for our own flooring. It was now the same height as the kitchen!
But the radiators and door would be now below ground so
preparation have started on a new door to the back garden (with the view) this will be bifolds??
and the kitchen is sealed off
remember 'changing rooms'???!!0 -
We love mozzarella Aidan ta v muchly
It's still raining here :roll:
Sleek does indeed think these men are quite quite mad!!! I just make the tea super-strong! Tosca is being a calming influence and Sleek 'needed' extra sweets here too due to the trauma :shock:
The 'dustbin' is now full so another is coming. The skip people only had a small one in!!! I am parking away away! - it's school hols so plenty of space on the lane
Aw the cake making Auntie! So sorry she'd not up to making them any longer, but I expect she enjoys being reminded just how wonderful they were!
I love carrot cake and cheesecake so loved the carrot cheesecake! ta
Kath ta for the pot pie delectable it was! t4591
No news at all :? they are cutting it a bit fine :shock: we shall see eh tie will tell....
Barbara 4 hours?! wow they are thorough or was it mostly waiting? Mind you we get that at Lucy's clinic toopatience taught early on!
Men! Two ops is all they heard. Bless them it was a long day I think Aidan is right it will hopefully be those nodes and also the part of his oesophagus affected. I hope MR B is feeling better today?
((())) for you t69044
Joan I am pleased the smart meter is in. It will be good no more readings from now on
I think you're right we are all supposed to have them very soon might be 2020 :shock:
Love to everyone
Toni xxx0 -
Hello Kathleen Aidan Barbara Toni
. Kathleen yes it must be very disappointing for you I hope you don't have snoopers looking around hoping to find things((((((()))))
. Aidan that's good 10 pound. How is your Dad's toe((((())))
I hope the rain has stopped now(((((()))))
. Barbara it must be very worrying for you I hope you don't have to wait too long for the results for your brother(((((((())))
. Toni how long will it take to finish your home. The smart meter is only for the electric the gas meter needs a alteration to be fitted to the meter everyone's is the same.((((((()))
. we are of to the pub for a change meeting our friend we never stop laughing
. take care all. love to Carol Mig ((((((()))))
. Joan xxtake care
joan xx0 -
Still no change next door! :roll:
Toni, I'm with Sleek on this one, "Those mans are BONKERS"
Aidan, I use Avast virus checker and it's usually very good, but sometimes it plays up a bit. I'm enjoying the Ultimate Melting Mozzarella Toasties . Ta muchly.
Barbara, sending huge hugs for Mr B and your brother.
Love to Carol, Joan and Sue. Not raining here yet, but the sky is BLACK.
Vegan African Stew
6 cups (2 1/2 pints / 1 1/2 litres) vegetable stock
3 cloves garlic, crushed
2 onions, chopped
2 1/4 cup (1 lb / 450g) sweet potato, peeled and diced
1 x 400g tin chick peas
7/8 cup (6 oz / 170g) millet
Approximately 1 tbsp soya sauce
1/2 cup (4 oz / 115g) peanut butter
2 cups (3 oz / 85g) chopped kale
Juice of 1 lemon
Heat a large saucepan and add 1-2 tbsp of vegetable stock. Add garlic and onion and saute until soft.
Add the rest of the stock, sweet potatoes, chick peas, millet and a drop or two of soy sauce. Simmer for 20 minutes.
Remove some of the stew liquid from the saucepan, blend with peanut butter and return to the saucepan.
Add the kale and cook for 5 min. Season to taste with lemon juice and soya sauce, adding a little at a time."Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein
0 -
No new pictures, no to let board, but website now says LET AGREED :?
"Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein
0 -
Maybe that's why then Kath? No need to update the site if someone has already taken the house. No chance for us to be nosey either though
That vegan African stew looks fabulous I think Kari may be rather partial to it too thank you
Yes Sleek is not happy at all about the 'goingz on' It's all too much for my small cat who is in hiding downstairs with Lucy.
Joan I hope you have a lovely meal out and laugh and laugh and laugh. So good for usThey reckon they will finish before the wedding :shock:
Hoping Barbara is doing ok today such a stressful time ((()))0 -
t111055 t111055 t111055 t111055 and some more t111055
We might need to put Auntie Kari on alert :? :?
Glad you enjoyed the mozzarella toasties Toni.
Oh yes, Auntie likes cakes still, but just doesn't have the oomph to stand and make them, so goes to Mark's and why not eh. She grumbles when I call her Auntie, with a smile on her face
Actually she is not my Aunt, but, her husbands first Wife, was my Cousin. So, the two daughters, are my second Cousins. Quite where Auntie and Uncle came from, I don't know, but it has stuck, for umpteen years and is not changingHope that all made sense :shock: :shock: :?
Wise to park away away, with all the "goings on" in the room that was not a particular room............. :shock:
No wonder Sleek needs extra sweets and has gone into hiding in Lucy's room :shock: :shock: Mother said, "see, I told you so", having been over to comfort Miss Sleekness.
They had a chat and Mother gave much reassurance that the men will build the house again, after they have knocked it down.
The builders have certainly done a major amount of work already and I am sure :? that everything will be finished, before the wedding.t4591
It was quite a step down / up, from the kitchen, more than you realise I bet.
Floor up, radiators and walls down, frames in................glad it is sealed off, apart from taking many many cups of strong builders tea, extra choccy treats will give them all a sugar rush and speed up their laboursI remember my Mum would always have a tray of goodies, for the gardener, who did the lawns for them. Eat more kitkats
I do remember changing rooms and also DIY SOS, the BIG Build - do we need Nick Knowles and Lawrence :shock: :shock:
Hi Joan and Sue - hope you have had a lovely lunch out, with lots of laughs with your friend. Laughter is a good tonic and burns a lot of calories too
Thank you ((())) Dad's toe is improving, he said it felt a lot better today. Another check up on Monday at the podiatrist in our little hospital.
hope you ankle is not causing too much pain (((())))
Hi Kath, so, it is now LET, no pictures, as Toni said, it might have been agreed a while back............
You will have to keep eyes and ears peeled, so see who is in and out..........we need a web cam set up
We want someone very very nice indeed, to move next door. t115006 t115006 t4591
Avast is a good anti virus programme to have on your pc / laptop / even smartphones.
Glad you loved the toasties
The vegan stew looks absolutely delightful, ta mi duck. It's chuckin it darn ere, wet as owt. :shock: t111055 t111055
We managed to stay pretty dry really, given the amount of rain today. GC was very nice, our Beth's are now called a "stack" and are held together with one of those skewer thingsDad did very well with his mini breakfast, which are not so mini really.
I had to have some chocolate orange cake, because it was there.........
Hi Barbara - hope you are all ok. Have you spoken to your Brother today?
(((()))) for everyone and I hope Mr B is not in as much pain with his walking. t4591 t4591
Hi Carol - trust you have had a nice day and everyone is ok, with no computer playing up or internet being iffy...........blame it on the weather if it is............ t111055 t111055
Time I was pottering a bit. Pills due. Let me go find some cake - yes, triple layer chocolate cake with a sparkle on every slice
Everyone take care, lots love and sparkles, t4591 t115006 will call back later XXXX AidanXX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
Evening all well nearly...its not stopped raining all day and very dark
hope there are not floods anywhere..
Thankyou everyone for all the hugs and good wished for my brother not much more to tell they dont have all the results from Wigan :roll: they think they can operate..(think) so this will be better news they didnt get that far with my eldest fingers crossed and positive thinking..
Aidan thankyou for thinking of us its very kind of you all (())
and thankyou for the Ultimate Melting Mozzarella Toastiesit was so good
I think he said the op would be his esophagus that needs taking away and stomach to attached it to..does that make I said they couldnt operate on my eldest brother so its better news..
Glad you got to the GC and had Beths special..we haven't moved today..and is it this weekend you have family over..ones from France has well..thats should ne nice..and I have just had a slice of the cheese cake..thankyou..
Toni thankyou for the good wishes (())
bet you thought it wouldnt be a big job ..never mid it will be soon straight and looking lovely..must say they have put plenty of insulation in so should be nice and warm in winter
Joan and Sue you enjoy the pub or if you have already been hope you did its so good to have a laugh...and thankyou.xx
Kath hope your spell check is working ok mine does and I still get the words wrongso the house next door is let..who maybe like Toni said they haven't updated the site....and thankyou its very kind of you to send the hugs..xx
Right Niamh is here again..bless there will be no pool again..
Love to everyone
t4591 t115006 t4591Love
Barbara0 -
Hi to all
I think it has stopped raining, finally :shock:
Auntie Kari can stand easy with the Ark..........others might need it more than us :? :? t111055
It has been very dark and gloomy all day Barbara, so much rain. We were soaked, just coming in from the car, after shopping. Dripping I was :roll: :roll: t111055
All the love and hugs and thoughts, prayers and candles, are always asked, for everyone. t4591 t115006
Absolutely, we will go for positive thinking for your Brother. Sometimes, things are not known, until later stages, as with your older Brother. t4591
Planning for an operation to remove the affected area of his oesophagus. They then join the upper part of the stomach to replace the area that has been removed.
You are welcome to the yummy breakfast - I think everyone enjoyed that one
That's ok, not moving, I am sure you both needed a rest and Mr B to get over the sitting in the waiting room for a long long time.
We did enjoy our Beth's Specials, they were extra good.
We are going to visit my "Aunt" and Uncle and my two Cousins, One Cousin who lives in France, we have seen a fair few times, but it is so long since I saw her Sister, 25 years and more...............
Sunday, Bs Brother and SIL are coming over, so we will meet them at the GC and have lunch, with Dad too.
All in all a busy ish week end.
Hope you are having a lovely time with Niamh, bacon butties at the ready............
Hi Toni - I won't mention renovations / alterations................ :? :? Sleek might here me and she is still in mild shock :shock: :shock:
Mother popped over at siesta time, had a nosy around and approved of progress (Sleek didn't know she was there, it was a secret visit - sshhhh). I do believe she cast a spell, but, what that spell was, I have no idea. Her wand was fizzing when she came back :shock: :shock: I was told "do not touch" :? :?
I hope everyone is ok, in the midst of unmentionable "works". t4591
Hi Carol - how are you and yours, ok I trust. Baby Kian and Mum doing well.
Is the jacket progressing, without "glitches". t4591
Hi to everyone else, in and about.
Quiet evening here, tennis is on, starts late here, with it being State side.
Might not get on until late evening, I imagine we will be pooped by the time we arrive home at T time. Apologies in advance if I don't get to bake a cake.
I bet Kath will find something sweet, to go with her savoury dish of the day................
Time I was pottering a little. Creaky bones need a move around.
Love and sparkles to all XXXX Aidan
Streuseled Honey-Butter Breakfast MuffinsXX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0
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