Val's Cafe
Hi to all
Raining here, t111055 t111055 that's as much as I know, it's dark out
Hi Barbara - Those autumnal evenings are fast approaching, even though we will all be melting from Friday onward, for a week or so :roll: :roll: m0150
I made the Ganache in a rushbut it looked nice enough
It is the canal in Skipton, well, through Skipton and beyond. Wonder which way your Brother and GF went, one way goes to Gargrave, the other to Kildwick.
Cream tea on the boat, very pleasant indeed. I lived not far from the canal at one end of Skipton, used to walk the towpath into town on 100's of occasions
So glad that his GF is so supportive, with his recent diagnosis. t4591 t4591
Ai we did get wet, the only time it decided to pour down was when we set foot from the car and walked a teeny way t111055 t111055 the rest of the day was lovely :roll: :roll:
I keep checking the router speeds and keeping a look out for Openreach vans :?
I am sure if they had put the fibre in to the banking, in front of you, they would have made good - :roll: :roll: I would be asking them again and again..........majority rule and all that
I think all chores are up to date now, glad we have caught up from the week end. B has tidied in the garden too, cutting the dead buddleia flowers off, leaving the good ones for the butterflies. We have had so many again today, dancing around, dozens of them t4591 t4591
Bird bath had a good clean, much to the sparrows delight, they gather about 4 ish and then it is bath timefive at a time more often than not.
The cat cuddling its toy is just TOO cute, I had to put it on, Kath needed some hugs, after her fall :?
You can get sun tubes, I think they are called. A bit like a Velux (in fact they supply and fit them) which gives light to any area, up to 30 feet from a small reflective dome and tube. m0150
Golden Wedding Anniversary on Friday, wonderful t4591 t69044 Shame you could not get away, but, maybe better after the bank holiday, less crowded and less hectic.
Hi Carol - hope you are all ok, 6 days now and counting downHow is the jacket coming along, for Kian?
Hi Toni Have you managed to get some rest, after another day of disruptions. Worth it though, skylights do make a big difference. What is next on the builders list of "things to do".............
Sleek was over at Siesta time, she said it was very duss tee at her house :shock: :shock: Mother was offering lots of support and told her of her first house in France, that was like a bomb site :shock: :shock: before the billderz had finished.
I hope you are not too ouchy Kath, leaving some extra (((()))) - feet up, I will put the kettle on and make a nice brew.
Time has caught up with me, in between all my pottering, so I will away and watch a little tennis. Not a big tournament, just the run up to the US Grand Slam from NY next week.
Podiatry for me this morning, collect my shipping order of pills while I am at the surgery. B and Dad can do the shopping while I am being trimmed. Then back to Dads, paperwork to sort. A break from T rooms and GC, until Friday.
Lots of love and sparkles to everyone t4591 t115006 t115006 Take care XXXX Aidan
Blueberry Baked BriocheXX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
Hello Kathleen Toni Aidan Barbara
. Kathleen I'm sorry you fell over it shakes you up now you have more aches and pain's (((((())))) was Chris sat on the settee did he help you up.((()))
. Toni it will be worth it when it's finished ((((()))) I hope it's not giving you too much pain (((((()))
. Aidan I'm sorry you have so many problems you learn to cope. with them in your way((((())) Good you are having a toe nail trim(((()))) love to Dad(((((())))
. Barbara have a lovely time on Friday why don't you ask on the radio and say I'm sure they would find somewhere nice for you good luck((((((((()))))
. take care all. love to Carol Mig(((((())))
. Joan xxtake care
joan xx0 -
Morning everyone
Today the wall gets knocked out ready for the bifolds…photos to follow!!
Joan I am doing ok thanks resting when I can an still going for my walks when possible too. I think you're right about asking the local radio they will help Barbara!
Aidan it's GOOD that it will be nice though in a week - the wedding!!! We'll just have to cope - it's in a good cause m0150
We had a teeny shower last night that was all and today looks promising. Thanks for the blueberry baked brioche yum and just soooo healthy!
I nearly had to have a sun pipe! they weren't sure there was room between the 'somethings' in the roof!! A neighbour has one
They have a prism which catches sunlight/daylight and reflects it in. Where you can't have a window
Sleek will be over again later and told me last night all about the house in France which helped. She now believes all will be well and our house back to 'her' house and back to normal. Bless her it's hard on her she just doesn't understand!
She was wondering around - phone in paw showing Tosca the rooms last night on skype.
Absolutely our cats are special (well all cats are) they chose to fly and are experts at litter and vole quidditch!!! Tosca can definitely read Sleek like a book - well all canNo poker for her
That chocolate ganache was FAB- U -LOUS!! looked like a sunflowerYou are so talented!
I shall nip to Kath's and trim all buses so she can nose as much as possible...unless the cats have dropped her a crystal ball off??
I hope all goes well at the podiatrist and the lads get the shopping ok. Dad's paperwork must be kept in order for sure and yes sadly we all do need a rest from treats :roll: sigh....
I LOVE the pusskin holding a cuddly!! She is adorable t4591 :animal_busy:
Oh Barbara how lovely for your bro to be in a new relationship! That will help him no endA canal is similar to a river I bet they did have a brilliant day
I know what you mean about rooms being dark. I posted a link to the sunpipes Aidan mentioned. A neighbour has one and they really work m0150
Your golden anniversary is very special Barbara I like Joan's idea of contacting local radio!
Right better get some work done....daren't put my towels out they will likely get brick dust on them :shock: :shock:
Love to all
Toni xx0 -
Toni, I love your kitchen window, very posh and a beautiful view outside. You could display all your crockery on that huge step ladder.
While scrolling up and down, I saw Aidan's Chocolate Ganache, wonderful, yes I'd love a cuppa Aidan and while your here you can have a nosy next door. My girls are taller than me too Toni. Their birth weights were Marie Claire 7lb 4oz, Helen and Emily were both 7lb 12oz. I was 7lb 2oz.
Joan, no Chris wasn't sitting on the settee but he couldn't help me up as his spine is crumbling. We are a pair, talk about the blind leading the blind. :roll:
Carol, when you've finished Kian's jacket let him wear it once, take a photo of him in it and then frame it and hang it on the wall for all to admire it. I used to love knitting matinee jackets but my patterns were so simple, I could make one in a day. Although I did knit Jonathan a lacy lemon one which was lined with a plain white undercoat (sounds like paint) I was very proud of it as the lacy layer was quite intricate.
Barbara, oooh Golden wedding, Congratulations 5o you both. Emily Alex and the boys are off to the Lake District on Friday they've booked a cottage for the week. I hope you manage a nice day out some time next week. t4591 .
Vegan Toad In the Hole with red onion gravy
2 tbsp olive oil
125g/4½oz strong white bread flour
1 tsp baking powder
¼ tsp sea salt
275ml/9½fl oz soya milk
4 frozen vegan sausages (do not thaw before using)
For the gravy
1 tbsp olive oil
1 red onion, thinly sliced
250ml/9fl oz vegetable stock, made with 1 vegan-friendly vegetable stock cube
1 tbsp tomato ketchup
1 tsp dark soy sauce
1 tsp yeast extract
1½ tsp cornflour
freshly ground black pepper
Preheat the oven to 220C/200C Fan/Gas 7. Pour the oil into a metal roasting tin, roughly 20cm/8in – a cake tin will do as long as it doesn’t have a loose base. Put in the oven and heat for 5 minutes.
Meanwhile, mix the flour, baking powder and salt in a mixing bowl. Add 200ml/7fl oz of the soya milk and whisk until smooth. Add the remaining milk and mix until thoroughly combined.
Carefully take the tin with the hot oil out of the oven; it will be extremely hot. Add the frozen sausages to the tin, spaced apart from each other, then return to the oven for 2 minutes.
Take the tin carefully out of the oven once more and pour over the batter. Return the tin to the oven and cook for 30 minutes, or until the batter is risen, golden brown and hot throughout. (The batter will be more doughy and heavier than a traditional toad-in-the-hole.)
While the toad-in-the-hole is cooking, make the onion gravy. Heat the oil in a saucepan and fry the onion for 10 minutes, or until softened and lightly browned, stirring regularly.
Pour the stock into the pan, add the ketchup, soy sauce and yeast extract. Bring to a gentle simmer and cook for 3 minutes, stirring occasionally. Mix the cornflour with a tablespoon of cold water in a small bowl until smooth.
Stir the cornflour into the pan with the onion and return to a simmer. Cook for 1–2 minutes more until the sauce is thickened, stirring. Season with lots of ground black pepper.
Serve the freshly cooked toad-in-the-hole with the hot onion gravy."Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein
0 -
Afternoon to all - a very wet night here and some short sharp showers this morning - even though the forecast says dry until 9pm :? :? :roll: :roll: Warming up though.
Hi Joan and Sue - hope you are ok, ankle not too painful for you.
All of us learn to adapt and have our coping plans, which sometimes go out of the window, :? :roll: but, on the whole, we do our best to get on with life.
My tootsies are all nice and trimmed and sorted and Dad says his sore toe feel a lot lot better, which is good.
(((()))) to you both and the lovely doggies too. t4591
So a wall will be out by now then Toni :shock: :shock: hence Mother shrieking when we came in. Sleek had been over and told her of the demolichyon peeples, who have blown the house up.
Mother did appease her. t4591 t4591 t115006 I think she cast a spell of relaxation on her, which is contagious, so don't worry if you all get it t115006
Of course we need fabulous weather, we will cope just fine m0150 m0150 m0150 Just checking the weather on the BBC. 19 degrees, so not too hot, sunshine and some little drops in the afternoon, which I am sure will vanish, by the time the 31st arrives
Yep, the blueberry all butter brioche, was super healthy :? :?and at least one of our five a week
They seem really good, the sun pipes, we have seen them put in on make over programmes, when space is limited. Glad you had your velux though, you can ventilate with them, which is good, whisking hot air out
Mother likes litter Quidditch and plays quite well, given her being a Lady of a certain age. Voles, no, she doesn't do voles, she leaves that to Miss Sleek, who can throw them very high indeed. :shock: :shock:
The ganache, thank you, I do try and leave the best cakes possible
I think Sleek is dropping off a crystal ball at Kaths later on today, so that she can see all, even round cornerst115006
My feet are all nice and comfy, well, I cannot feel them anyway, but they feel better, if that makes sense :shock: :? :?
Dad and B were just pulling up by the time I had finished. I was going to pick up my big prescription, but the queue was round the block and back again, so that can wait until Friday.
All paperwork sorted, rubbish circulars and advertising binned, I did a mini immaculisation of the coffee machine and water filter at Dads - he always says, I can do that later, sit down and do nothing - errrrrm, no, let me get on with cleaning, I am MORE than happy with hot water and a cloth.
We had coffee at Dads, which made a change.
The cuddling puskin is just so special t4591 t4591
No, don't put your towels out, they will be mucky when they come in..........
Hope Charley is having a great time in Bulgaria. Hi to everyone else too t4591
Hi Kath - glad you found the cake, it didn't take long to make :? :?
I would definitely have a nosy next door, if we still lived in Nottm we would be over in a shot. Cups of T on the way. How are your ouchies today, or are they best not mentioned t4591 t4591 some extra (((()))) - the big fat possums are coming over, to give extra massage therapy.
I have the same thing as Chris, crumbling away, lumbar facet joints :? :? :roll: :roll: not visible to others, but very much there. I should carry some x rays round with me, when people ask why I am using crutches :roll: :roll:
That will be lovely, the lakes in late summer, just a hint of Autumn in the air.............Hope Alex and the boys enjoy their time away.
Ta mi duck, toad in t'ole, vegan too, I will be snaffling some of that, please and thank you.
Hi Barbara - hope you are all ok, have you been out and about today.
Did you have some rain, or was it just around us. t111055 t111055 it was running down the little road at the front, like a stream, this morning.
Hi Carol - Wednesday, knit and natter today, I rememberedHoe is the jacket coming along. I am with Kath, one picture with Kian wearing it, then frame it
Hi to Mr T. Less than a week now, until your family visiting.
Well, I had better have another potter. I will pop back later on. In the meantime, take care, lots of love and sparkles t4591 t115006 t115006 XXXX Aidan
I hope there is enough sponge cake :shock: :shock: - we might need extra cream Toni !! Bill mixing away in the backgroundXX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
Hello all...Niamh is still here so I'm on my phone while they watch a film
We took her skating today and I took my ear plugs..they worked a treat..
Thankyou everyone for your good wishes..cant believe its 50 years..I was 19..
Aidan thankyou for the Blueberry Baked Brioche and all that sponge cake
..I had never heard of the sun tubes..they look and sound brilliant..thankyou
So your feet are all does feel nice..we did have a heavy downpour think it was around 4 o'clock.. so we have sun on the way.
Not to hot I hope..
We have a bird bath but for some reason the birds have deserted us,but I have noticed lots of squirrels ,the little thing keep darting across the rd..glad that dad is ok and you have been busy cleaning for him..any time you are free let me know..I could get cake in
Toni thankyou for the link to the sun tubes I had never heard of them..I am going to show oh tomorrow
Not long at all now till the wedding..I know we had lovely weather all those years praying that it's nice for yours..
Joan I think we will wait till the children go back to school till we go away..but what a good idea of yours to ring the radio..hope you are all ok..
Kath I hope Alex and family have a lovely time.
Poor Chris have such a bad disc are bulging so I feel for him...I hope you are not to sore from that fall xx
Right better ho my eyes are tired
Love to everyone
t4591 t115006 t69044
Barbara0 -
Hi to all
t111055 t111055 here, but quite warm. Here endeth the weather forecast
Hi Barbara - Lovely that Niamh is still staying with you. Hence you are using your phone and no doubt ouching your eyes in the process :? :?
You did right, taking your ear plugs to the skating rink - I can imagine it is an almighty racket without them.
Did you say your Golden Wedding is on Friday? I am sure you did. I will have to bake a special cake, without a doubt t4591 t4591
That giant sponge should keep us going until later today :shock: :shock:We will need a few gallons of custard to go with it, or a 100 weight of clotted cream for Toni
Definitely mention the sun tubes to Mr B, I am sure he will be interested. If you go onto YouTube and type in sunlight tubes, you will get loads of video's about them, including installationSomething to consider, to lighten a darker area m0150
We do have sunshine on the way, the papers are saying a heatwave to beat all records :roll: :roll: for one place in the south of England..........yes, it is going to be quite warm, but not 30 degrees and only for a few days. Not that the media make a mountain out of a molehill :roll: :roll:
We might need wafting for a couple of days :? :? The butterflies are still very busy in the garden, loving the white buddleia t115006
Apparently 9 million people will be taking the holiday break in the UK :shock: so very wise to wait until the kids are back at school 8) 8)
That is when the adults come out to play, in September
We do have squirrels, but they tend to stay in the woods, popping out to pinch birdies food. Yours will be taking their life in their paws, darting across the road :shock: :shock:
I will always pop round with a cloth. Best hide the ornaments though, I could easily send them flying :roll: :roll: Cake will be fine
Hi Toni - I bet you were in bed early ish, after all the works going on. There is only so many times you can clean up brick dust :shock: it gets everywhere. Plaster dust does the same, as I am sure you know.
Mother said Sleek had a hint of rouge about her, when she visited at siesta time :? :oops:
They caught up on SYTTD New York, so much bling t115006 t115006 Sleek was straight on to Catazon :roll:
What is the next plan of action for the builders? Apart from copious amounts of T required.
Hi Carol - hope you are all ok, it looks like it will be hot in London over the coming days m0150 m0150
Where are we on the countdown, 5 days, or is it 4 :? Is it safe to mention knitting :shock:
I think it is time for some sparkles
At home today, bit of time to ourselves, much needed. Sounds selfish, but it is not meant that way.
Time to potter a little. Lots of love to all t4591 t4591 t4591 Take care XXXXX Aidan
Blueberry Pancakes, with Maple SyrupXX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
Morning! Looks like another sunny day ahead here m0150
Parcels set to arrive today then Aidan?! Including maybe a special one for me - my jewels for the wedding day. I can wait to hold them next to my outfit. The bride has seen the pics already and LOVES themPossibly (in Sleek's opinion more importantly and she does have catazon prime) sparklies as seen on SYTTD!!
She did indeed look made up yesterday when she saw Mother brick dust :roll: orangey dandruff :roll: She intends to teach Tommy vole quidditch soon she reckons you should 'get em yung'
yes the wall suitably removed - very scary! I hoped they'd push it out but it was done far more carefully
Just helping myself to some blueberry pancakes thank you very much
Today the bifold doors go I and the large window to replace the 'old' patio doors which were now below ground level :roll:
Shall I post some pics in a bit of us all boarded up ready?
A neighbour had a sunpipe and we nearly had to' but luckily there was room for a velux as you said I can let the flies out and the air in!!
Towels dried in the drier..phew!
Nice to have a cuppa with Dad and know his paperwork is all straight and coffee machine and filters are cleanBless him. Good to have your feet 'sorted' especially if you can't feel them! anything could be going on :shock:
Thanks for the sponge I added jam and clotted cream to mine. B was whipping up a stormThat will last us hour maybe
Barbara 19!! t4591 and I thought Tia is too young at 24!! You two have had some tough times too haven't you, but look at you still together t4591
Earplugs what a great idea! Noise could set your balance off again an we don't want that do we? And Niamh can see you watching bless her.
You can only show your OH the sunpipes they aren't expensive, but I suppose they'll need fitting :? . They let in as much light as a velux window!
Kath your children were all really good weights then? Perfect almost they want them just over 7lb these days for an easy(ish!!) delivery.
Yes the window has made a huge difference I can now NOT switch the lights on to cook even on a sunny day
Aidan said Mother has sorted Sleek out with a crystal ball for you. She'll be over with it later so you can nosey next door!
I love toad in the hole! Auntie Bessie does a veg one not vegan so Kari will be thrilled thank you
Carol must be really getting close to going now...will you be back before the wedding?
I hope the tricky jacket is done now ((()))
Joan I hope all is well with you I will post some pics in a bit of the latest building works :shock:
Love to all
Toni xx0 -
Hello Toni Kathleen Aidan Barbara
. Toni I bet Tia is getting excited and nervous at the same time ((((())))) have a good day((((()))
Kathleen I'm both of you have pain((((()))) can't anything help((((()))
. Aidan it does feel better when your tootsies have been done ((((())) how is B and your Dad ((((()))) have a good day
. Barbara I meant to have a meal out on Friday have a good day(((((())))
. take care all love to Carol Mig((((((())))))
. Joan xxtake care
joan xx0 -
and from outside yo can see the velux in the roof and the church spire above. Garden looks a mess though -
I've teached the opimion that I must have had some invisible possible internal bruising after my fall the other day. Because all around my bottom, ribs, and thighs are feeling a lot more comfortable today. And I didn't have to do so much groaning as I got out of bed in the night.
Toni, it'll be nice when it's finished.I hope you get your jewels safely. Pics please. I too was 19 (and ever so slightly pregnant) :oops:. when I married my first husband. Chris and I married in 1981.
Barbara, Chris used to be a butcher and ofen had to unload the delivery van which meant carrying half a cow out to the shop on his back. :shock:
Aidan, that cuddling pusskin was adorable. The bushbabies and the
possums are sitting around me, rubbing all my aches away, I'm also surrounded by Jammie Dodger crumbs. :roll:
Vegan Berry muffins
160g hard coconut oil
3/4 cup (175ml) medjool date paste (make it here)
1 tsp ground vanilla beans
2 flax eggs (2 tbsp flaxseed meal + 5 tbsp warm water)
1 3/4 cups (231g) self-raising flour
2/3 cup (150ml) soy milk
1 cup (175g) mixed berries
Preheat oven to 170 degrees Celsius and prepare a cupcake tin with 12 medium cupcake wrappers.
In a medium sized bowl using electric beaters, beat coconut oil until smooth.
Add date paste and beat for 2 minutes or until well combined.
Add vanilla beans and flax eggs and mix until smooth.
Add flour and soy milk and fold into mixture.
Pour batter into prepared cupcake cases.
Bake for approximately 25 minutes or until the cupcakes are firm and well risen.
Ice if desired, and enjoy!"Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein
0 -
Afternoon to all
t111055 for most of the day, just started to dry up a bit now and it is very oomid :? :roll:
Toni, you must have our share of the sunshine, which is fine, your needs are greater, for doors, wedding, pictures etc etc
I know that some jewellery has arrived safe and sound and a certain Mother of the Bride, is a very happy bunnyt4591 t4591
So glad Tia likes them too and of course, Miss Sleek. Mind she doesn't have them away into her ickle house, there are secret places that we don't know about :shock: :shock: are there not? Sleekness Magpie Diddicat :animal_busy:
Sleek took Mother up to Pendle, Mother was wrapped up like pass the parcel, but Sleek only had her helmet on, she wanted to blow all the dust out of her fur.
Tommy will be very good at vole quidditch, Mother said he has the force within :shock: :shock: since when did Mother start talking like Yoda
Best to be careful when pushing walls out. :shock: :shock: Looking forward to seeing the doors in and the new window.
Good you had room for a velux and managed to get some chores done, ie drying and washing washing etc.
All Dads paperwork duly done and coffee machine given a matronly cleanse.
I have to keep slippers on (not in bed, obviously) but with neuropathy, I need me tootsies safely covered. :roll: :roll:
The giant sponge should last until today's cake is ready, which won't be long...........I see you had catering vats of jam and cream :shock: :shock:
Loving the pictures, don't worry about the garden, it is fine. One step at a time, you are as bad as me :roll: :roll:
Hi Joan and Sue - hope you are having nice weather. It has been a fairly wet day here, but very warm.
Feet are much better, all trimmed and checked overDad is ok, he was sat in his chair this morning when B went round with his tablets, with his legs wrapped up in two fleeces :shock: :shock: it wasn't cold.
We try and encourage him to move about more.
B is very busy with his jewellery making, thank you for the (((()))) right back to you both XX
Hi Kath, good to hear that you are feeling less sore and it was less ouchy getting out of bed t115006 t115006 there is always magic in the airt4591
Feeling comfortable is good.
You were married to Chris, the same year I qualified as a Reg Nurse, I was the youngest in the UK, as they let me start training a little while before my 18th Birthday
Sounds like Chris had some serious lifting and moving to do :shock: :shock: once more, similar, there were no real lifting aids when I was training, or recently qualified. It was back breaking, just like his job would have been. But, we did it, year in year out.
Glad you loved the puskin, the bush babies and the possums. Sorry about the crumbs, nu nu will be round shortly. Sleek is leaving a crystal ball, so you can spy, I mean, check how the neighbours are :? :? :oops: :oops:
Vegan Berry Muffins, ta mi duck, don't mind if I dot4591 t4591
I don't need to leave a cake now, so I will concentrate on Barbara's Anniversary cake
How are you and yours, speaking of our BarbaraHas Niamh gone home today? I bet you need to put your feet up and rest a while. Plus you can retrieve your laptop from its hiding place.
Did you manage to show Mr B, the light tunnels? I am sure you would both be impressed with them. m0150 m0150
Tomorrow your Brother sees the surgeon / consultant, re the operations possible? Cloak will be ready t4591 along with thoughts and prayers. t115006 t115006
Hi Carol - hope you are all ok. It must be getting to packing a suitcase time soona bit previous Aidan, a day or two's time.
A quiet day here, just some pottering and fussing. Nice not to have to catch up with things.
Time I was moving again. Leaving lots of love and sparkles to all t4591 t115006 t115006 Will pop back later XXXX AidanXX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
Evening all..
I wasn't going to say anything, but you have all been so kind,I thought it only right because you would be asking anyway..the hospital called my brother to go in today to talk to the consultant..Im afraid the cancer has spread and they have given him around a yearwe are trying to support him the best we can..
thankyou again all of you, will type more tomorrow
Aidan yes tomorrow is our 50th..and would love a cake xx
Kath poor Chris's back no wonder it is crumbling bless him..and I am glad to hear your are more comfortable xx
Joan I think we might just go out for a meal..xx
Toni your house is stunning ..I love the bi fold doors xx
Love and hugs to everyone
t4591 t4591 t4591Love
Barbara0 -
Hi to all
Barbara, I am so saddened by the news your Brother has received about his cancer diagnosis
Finding the right words is very difficult and I know you will all be so upset.
It is news that he, nor the family, ever wanted to hear. But, I feel that he will go forward and stay as strong as possible and carry on with life, just as he has been doing. You will all be there to care and support.
Abundant hugs and prayers t4591 t4591
Of course there is cake Barbara, with pleasure and Happy Golden Wedding Anniversary to you both t4591 t69044 t4591
Will you go out for lunch? Maybe to your favourite pub
Hi Toni - I hope all has gone to plan, with builders and door fitters, it all looks totally amazing, it will be just fabulous when everything is back in order :shock: :?
Sleek came to fetch Mother, to have a quick peek at the progress - very impressed is Lady Glitter Sparkles t115006 t115006
Hi Carol - hope you are all ok - we must be at 4 days and counting now..............:)
A quiet evening here, after a little siesta. We put the tennis on from the US, three games all in the first set, went into the kitchen for 5 mins, came back and they had a huge thunderstorm, the court was like a pool, everyone had vanished like a shot :shock: :shock: t111055 t111055 That was that, no tennis. :roll: :roll:
Off to the GC, we have not been this week, they will be missing us all. Some shopping, as ever, pills to collect from the surgery. We know how to have fun :?
Time to move, I am setting. Leaving lots of love and of course, some sparkles t4591 t4591 XXXX Aidan
Vegan, Grain Free Granola Breakfast BiscuitsXX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
Morning! another m0150 day.
Happy Anniversary to you and Mr B Barbara - what an achievement!
50 years is something to be very proud of well done!
Aidan has done you a cake I see and I expect (and hope) the album is out today
I am very very sad to hear the news about your brotherAll we can do is keep you all in our thoughts and prayers and hope that he responds well to treatment. I am so very glad he has a new GF it will help him no end :roll:
Sending these for you ((())) t69044
Aidan thanks for the breakfast cakes....lovely just what I need! Plasterers were here before 7am :shock: plastering around the skylighting.
Today I have a mad day ahead after this lot are settled I will be off to pick up Tia then us two are off to Brum on the train to meet Kari our Sis in Law and Kari's DIL (on a different train) for our posh lunch at the cat café!!! All for Kari's birthday (tomorrow is the actual day, but Birmingham on a Saturday? no!! :)She just thinks we are off for a vegan lunch out :animal_busy: she'll love it!
Sleek had a look at my sparklies and her eyes widened really BIG :shock: I saw the signs of magpie-Sleek so have deposited them safely away for the big day.
Mother Glitter Sparkles does indeed talk like Yoda at timesSleek was looking somewhat orange with brick dust but blow out up on Pendle soon sorted her out. She intends to bring Mother over again today while I am at the cat-café
Oooh! You got a pic of Kath in a wig on the crystal ball!!
Kath I am very leased t hear you are in less pain. Of course there must have been bruising inside when you think about it logically ((()))
My bro had one and one in my SIL's tum too when they got married, but who cares all babies are a blessing in my opinion, but 19!! Babies yourselves you and Barbara!!
Those vegan cakes were delectable. I gave some to the builders I hope you don't mind?
A quick hello to Joan and Sue I hope all is well?
Will post some pics of the doors in!
Toni xx0 -
My sparklies before I hid them from Sleek!!
The bifold doors with the skylight above0 -
Hello everyone it’s Friday again I hope everyone has the best weekend they can.
Joan is out with the dogs as usual then we are off for our meal
I want to thank everyone for helping Joan and making her so happy on here.
She is the best sister.
Lots of love to everyone
Suetake care
joan xx0 -
Morning Sue, Nice and sunny here and as it is shining through the window and straight onto me, PHEW! Where's me fan? m0150
Toni, those sparklies are gorgeous, now don't outshine the bride.You must have the poshest house in the village with those bifold doors, such a sun trap.
Barbara, first many congratulations on 50 years with Mr B.
But I am so sorry to hear your brother's news.. Be assured we will support you whatever, I don't know what else to say. t4591
Oh Aidan, what a beautiful cake for Barbara and Mr B. Thank you for the Grain Free Granola Breakfast Biscuits, I think I'll need nunu again.
Carol, hope the weather isn't too oomid for you. Florence has come to stay and band practice is at 3am every morning the little what nots! :roll:
Let's drink a toast to Barbara and Mr B with a glass (or 3) of vegan gin and ginger cocktail.
2 measures of pink gin (1 measure = 25ml / 0.8 US fl oz)Valentine's Gin
Ginger ale
4 – 6 frozen black or red cherries
2 - 3 tbsp lime juice
2 – 3 tbsp sugar
1. Prepare your glasses by dipping the rims in a little lime juice and then in sugar. Allow to dry before mixing the cocktail.
2. To each glass add two or three frozen cherries and a measure of pink gin. Top up with ginger ale to taste."Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein
0 -
Indeed, a toast, To Barbara and Mr B, on their 50th Wedding Anniversary - let me pour some sparkly drinkies
Hi to all - Glad you enjoyed the breakfast granola thingies Toni, keep us fed, with a low GI index too
Good grief, the plasterers were there before 7am, that is the middle of the night:shock: :shock: Mind you, earlier they start, the more they can get done..........and it needs to be finished........... t115006 t4591
Ah, I remember, it is Auntie Kari's Birthday tomorrow and you booked the Kitty cafe, how wonderful, I hope you all have the most fabulous time, with all the felines, who are cared for there and are up for adoption. What a great idea.
I am sure Kari will be super happy with her surprise treat t4591
Saturday in Brum city centre, errmm, no, not a chance :shock: :? very wise to go today.
Sleek was on the phone to Mother, telling her all about the sparkling jewellery............Naturally Mother said, "I know my dear" Daddy made themShe is such a Dowager Duchess at times
Great pic of them and the new doors are just fab u lous.......................
Best to keep them hidden away, Miss Magpie would soon have to borrow them :? :? :roll: :roll:
She did call for Mother and took her back to see the altar aychuns in her house.
Mother was wafting her wand and opening and closing the new doors - having great fun, with the builders wondering what on earth was happeningt115006 t115006
They had a slightly fishy latte in the garden. Mother re did the spell of protection, to keep land cats at bay.
Kath looks great in her wig, scarf etc, looking deep into the crystal ball
Hi Sue and Joan, I hope you both have a better experience with your lunch out today, we don't want you being forgotten or not able to have coffee :shock: :shock:
Of course Joan is the best Sister, I am sure the feelings are mutual. Bless, everyone tries their best to brighten the day, for someone else, it makes a lot of difference in life and costs nothing t4591 t4591
((((())))) to both and to the doggies too. Enjoy the warm / hot weather, over the week end. m0150 m0150
Hi Kath - you a bit warm mi duck, sat in't sun m0150 m0150 m0150
I have been round with the cordless nu nu, all spic and span again.
How are those ouchies, not too bad I trust. (((()))) I think I saw some of the Ring Tailed Lemurs on their way to yours, they love grapes and will be all over, making a big fuss t4591 t4591 sharing lots of cuddles.
Any signs, from the crystal ball, no more clues as to next door :? :? :?: :?: We wait with bated breath...................
It is very oomid here, the AC has been on since we came in about 1.30pm. It will be on for the next few days too, 27 degrees tomorrow
Gin and ginger, I will go for the ginger, no gin for me, but lots of toasting and eating of the big cake t4591 t4591 t69044 t69044
Hi Barbara - I hope you have both had a lovely Anniversary, nay, a 50th Golden Wedding no less.
Is the cake to your liking ? I am sure it will be
You will have a lot of mixed emotions today, I am sure, with the recent news from your younger Brother. We will always keep everyone in prayers and thoughts and candles are ever lit.
Did you get to the GC ?
Is Niamh coming over later, I bet she will have a card for Nan and Gdadt4591 t4591 Some hugs and XX too.
Hi Carol - hope you are all ok. Is the little jacket fir Kian, on the home straight, or finishedTell Mum it is priceless :shock:
Not long now, until your visit. m0150 t4591
We went to the GC, it was silly season for wasps, just dive bombing, for no reason at is not easy to "waft" about, when you have two crutches :? :? :roll: :roll: We thought they would all be outside, but no, the boss had the doors and windows open, so they were all over.
Poor Beth, was on the drinks bar, she said she had been attacked all morning :shock: :shock:
Of course they are after sugary foods and drinks, the perfect place, in a large bar bistro, full of cakes and ice cream :shock: :shock:
We had a nice lunch, B had a Beth special, I had cauliflower pot, with some chippies, Dad had Duck Spring rolls, he seems to love them at the moment. I did have a scone, as you do
They even put the AC on in the GC as it was getting super warm, with all the peeples.
Some shopping, collected my big carrier bags of pills :roll: :roll: and back home.
Pottering a bit, washing out on the airer. Butterflies by the dozen on the white buddleia, gorgeous to see them all, little earth angels.
Right. Time I was moving again. I am sure we have enough cake and fizzy drinks, to celebrate with Barbara and Mr B t4591 t4591
Love and Sparkles to all, will pop back later. XXXXXX Aidan
t4591 t115006 t115006XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
afternoon all thankyou you are all so lovely thankyou for the congratulation on our golden wedding..still cant believe we got here.we went to the GC no use going for a big meal I cant eat it .and for all your good wished for my brother..
Aidan what a lovely cake I knew you would come up with something enjoy the GC bet there profits have gone down with you not going the tennis was rained off..what a shame just has you were watching it..
My brother did think he was haing the op with all the pre-ops done then they received the rest of his scans from Wigan so it was a big shock to him they have offers chemo but said he will talk it over with Christies xx
Toni thankyou..must say the jewellery is stunning is it by one else could make anything so nice..I love it and your bi fold doors..
The pic of you all is lovely hope you have a brilliant day..sure you will somehow..xx
Sue you are both so lovely and how nice to say Joan is the best sister you could have..we all love both of
Kath we were both very young when we got married..and thankyou for the cocktails..very thoughtful of youxx
Niamh is on her way again with the pool is filling..
Love to everyone t4591 t115006 t4591
Just spotted you there Aidan and more drink to celebrate are right the wasp are going mad..they are horrible things..glad you enjoyed the GC..xxLove
Barbara0 -
Hi to all -
it is certainly getting warmer :? :? m0150 m0150 We might all be coming to join Niamh in the paddling pool Barbara.
You are more than welcome to the big congratulations on your Golden Wedding. It is an achievement, for sure. t4591 t4591 It seems the Garden Centre's were the order of the day
Glad you liked the cake, took me ages to ice it all properlyThe second champagne was non alcoholic
We did enjoy the GC, the food is always good, well, 99.99% of the time, which is pretty good. We think once a week is enough now, with one day at the T room, otherwise it really does get expensive, eating out every other day.
When we win the lottery (which we did the other night - £30 no less) I was over the moon.
The tennis was back on earlier and the next match is at 7pm USA time, so midnight here. It was sunny, but there are more big thunderstorms forecast t111055 t111055 :roll: :roll:
It would be such a terrible shock for your Brother and all the family. He does the right thing, to talk the option of chemo through with Christies / MacMillan. There are a lot of people who can offer a great deal of help, guidance and support, alongside the family and his GF. Continued thoughts and prayers are winging their way t4591 t4591 t115006
Fruits must be ready for picking, if the wasps are eating them and going dappy on sugar.
Hi Toni, all the photo's on FB are really good, the Kitty cafe looks amazing. I would have to adopt them all. The one who looks like Pepe, bless...............
Glad you all had a wonderful time, for Auntie Kari's Birthday t4591 t4591
Hope everyone got home safely and have had chance to put feet up and rest a while.
Sleek was over to see Mother, eat sweets and watch SYTTD Atlanta. Sleek is very pleased with her new openings to the sky and her garden t4591 t4591
Hi Carol - how is everyone, we must be on a short time frame now, until your mini break, to meet baby Kian and the family
Quiet here, waiting for it to STOP raining, so they can come out and play tennis. Why do they not cover their courts in the US, it is beyond me, they have to spend ages mopping and drying the court :roll: :roll:
Dad will be round for croissants and coffee, a quieter week end than last week, which will be welcome
Getting a bit warm now, so I will have a little potter about, before I start melting.
Love and sparkles to all t4591 t115006 t115006 Take care XXXX Aidan
Buttermilk Pancakes with Cherry SyrupXX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
Morning everyone One very tired Toni here :? Spent a lot of the day in Birmingham and then went to a soiree at a neighbour's and friend) last night. One or two Proseccos were taken :shock: :oops:
The cat café was such a lovely surprise for Kari!! :animal_busy: It's fabulous and really easy to get to in 'Grand Central' She said "Here"?!! she thought perhaps that we were just peeking in! You have to book there you see you can't just turn up. Online or by phone too.
It was ALL about the cats (The food was fab though and there was vegan)You are allowed to fuss them if they come to you, but not pick them upIt's their home - they were/are all strays and available for adoption (though not there and then although our Sis In Law had emptied out her handbag specially!!).The whole place was perfect for them (Sleek said they had been howmlis pusskins)with ladders and bridges high up and cat flaps behind chairs so they can 'escape' if they want to.
Some pics? one little visitor who popped her head up to see if there was any foodt4591
I will post more on another post.
Thanks Aidan for the pancakes I love cherries!!
You are quite right we should really only eat out once or twice a week...sighWell done winning the lottery
Today the actual floor covering will be going down here right through to the kitchen and we should start to be much cleaner I hope. Sleek had a good sniff (a really good sniff) of the doors and they passed :shock:
She told me Mother said her Daddy made my sparklies - no offense taken at all at the Dowager Duchess catittude!! You are likely to see her later. Hopefully she won't spook the builders!!!
Thank you so much for the cake for Kari!! She was so touched bless her t4591
Kath that vegan gin was totally yum and looks so pretty too thank you.
Thank you we are posh with our new doors I hope it will turn the wasted space into something we will actually use :roll: as well as make the whole house accessible.
Sue we all love Joan too she is a great forum member here t4591
Well Barbara wasn't that a lovely Golden Wedding day? Of course we would all want to congratulate you both. You were babies!! Your GC is ideal for lunch out and a break must be booked for when the kids go back to school. We will be doing the same once this wedding is over :roll:
Your bro is wise to take advice; Christies is excellent of course but who knows how well he will respond to the chemo? We are all here for you ((())) t69044
Love to Carol who is probably on serious countdown know. I am hoping the jacket got finished and is up to your standard?
Love to everyone
Toni xxx0 -
Kari and me!
Me 'playing' the old Joanna in the Bullring
I think I might need to practise my smile for the wedding :?0 -
small furry visitors
The ragdoll up near two cat flaps -there were actually two of them probably siblings0 -
Hello Kathleen Aidan Barbara Toni
. Kathleen have a good weekend how are your ouchies after your fall(((((())))
. Aidan yes the months go quick pick up tablet time again((((())) love to your Dad ((((())) and B(((((()))))
. Barbara sorry to hear about your brother(((((()))) Have a good weekend both of you(((((())))). Thinking of you((((())))
Toni thank you for the photo's you and Kari look a like it must be nice having her so close now((((((()))) Kari((((((())))
. take care all love to Carol Mig(((((())))
. Joan xxtake care
joan xx0
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