Val's Cafe



  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,219
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00

    This will have to be quick I'm picking Lucy u from work in a mo...

    Oooh lovely lemon biccie for breakie thanks Aidan :D I hope Dad is well when he comes over and the toe is improving :roll:

    I love the butterfly pic our earth angels :)

    It seems that the technician (!) who did our car had left!! maybe?? due to his EARS :? they were definitely shifting about in their trousers - did she go itching powder too :shock: :shock:

    The ladies there seemed happier something to do with the calendars?? The cleaner was definitely on our side!!

    WE had heavy showers several times yesterday with hot sunshine in between. Sleek did use the gate as instructed by Hermione. She had a go on her broomstick in the house and at yours checking for cobwebs up high for us both! SYTTD helped a bit, but you know what she's like she needs to be OUT :wink:

    It was indeed cake day on the cart, but I can't see Joan and Sue's cake :? is it me or the pic?? Can anyone else see it??

    Tomorrow is set to be better I hear.

    Carol just good to see you are ok and baby boy is here t4591 I heard powers cuts everywhere and so I'm not surprised ((()))

    Barbara had a mad day I can see the day before. No worries so long as you are all alright. Any news on your bro's treatment plan yet?

    Morning to Joan and Sue another year older and you still don't look it!

    Love to all

    Toni xxx
  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,233
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hello Kathleen Toni Aidan Barbara Carol
    . Kathleen how are you and your husband feeling any better(((((((())))))
    . Toni thank for the birthday wishes we bought each other the same jumper without knowing weeks apart.((((((()))))
    . Aidan thank you for the cake very modish we are going to the pub next Friday((((()))). Love to your Dad((((((())))
    . Barbara I hope you have a good weekend how are your eyes.((((((()))))
    Carol have a good weekend how many boys are there((((())))
    . take care all have a good weekend. love to Mig((((((()))))
    . Joan xx
    take care
    joan xx
  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Just in case Joan and Sue's Birthday Cake, has vanished - I have just baked and iced this one

    I am definitely getting better with the icing :):lol::lol:

    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Lemon Biccies - Toni, budge up and don't scoff the lot. c095.gif
    Tell er Aidan. :roll: It chucked it down last night, but no problems with the electrics even though there were some about 3 miles down the road. OOO, just noticed the Soft Oatmeal Cookies With Lemon Vanilla Glaze ave yer used up all the lemon essence mi duck? I'm not complaiing. And that cake is too beautiful to eat with all those Pansies on it. :D and I've just found Joan and Sue's cake that Toni couldn't find. :lol:

    Joan and Sue, I hope you're having a good weekend, 21 again. t4591

    Carol, I hope your email problem is sorted. We really NEED to meet Kian now, what did you think of Spider Rock's album?

    Barbara, I hope you and Mr B are as well as can be and not having power cuts.

    Hot Cross Tea Loaf

    200ml milk
    1 teaspoon caster sugar
    7g sachet dry active yeast
    400g strong (baker's) flour
    2 teaspoons ground cinnamon
    1/2 teaspoon ground nutmeg
    50g light muscovado sugar
    175g mixed dried fruit
    50g unsalted butter, melted, cooled
    1 egg, lightly beaten
    Butter, to serve
    2 tablespoons plain flour
    2 tablespoons caster sugar

    1. Heat the milk in a saucepan over medium heat until lukewarm. Combine the caster sugar, yeast and 100g flour with the warm milk in a bowl, stirring until smooth. Cover with a clean tea towel and leave in a warm place for 25 minutes or until bubbles form on the surface.
    2. Grease an 18cm springform cake pan.
    3. In a large bowl, sift together the cinnamon, nutmeg, remaining flour and 1 teaspoon salt. Stir in the muscovado sugar and dried fruit, then add the yeast mixture, cooled melted butter and egg. Bring mixture together with your hands, gently kneading for 2-3 minutes until combined. Transfer to an electric mixer with a dough hook attached, or knead by hand on a floured work surface, for 5-6 minutes or until you have a smooth dough. Shape the dough into a round and place in the cake pan. Cover with a clean tea towel and leave to rise in a warm place for 1 hour 30 minutes. The dough should rise to just above the rim of the pan.
    4. Preheat the oven to 200°C.
    5. For the cross decoration, combine the plain flour with 2 tablespoons of cold water in a bowl, mixing until you have a smooth paste. Transfer the mixture to a piping bag fitted with a small plain nozzle (or place mixture in a snap-lock bag, pushing into a corner, then snip off corner) and pipe a cross on top of the bun.
    6. Place the pan in the oven and bake for 30-35 minutes until golden and cooked through. Cool slightly in the pan before turning out onto a wire rack.
    7. Meanwhile, to make a glaze, place the 2 tablespoons caster sugar in a saucepan with 2 tablespoons water and simmer for 1 minute or until the sugar dissolves. Brush the glaze over the bun, then serve warm with butter.
    8. Any leftover tea bread can be served toasted the next day.

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi to all t111055 t111055 t111055 it is a TAD wet, much cooler and pleasant, hoorah I cried :D:D

    I bet Lucy will be in the land of nod Toni, after her night shift. Is she still loving it at the care home?

    The lemon bibbies were a bit moreish I must say. I had two - or was it three :? :?

    Dad walked round, enjoyed his lunch and watched the golf we had recorded from last night. He has gone home now to watch football or fall asleep. He only mentioned his toe once. Monday he is having it redressed at our little hospital.
    B took him back home, Dad said, no, it is only spitting.........erm, no Dad it is raining stair rods :shock: :shock: :shock: t111055

    All the earth angels are in the woods, taking shelter from the stormy winds and super heavy showers.

    Oh, the technician has left the garage :o yep it will be a case of Spock ears, courtesy of Mother. Yes again, to the itching powders, all mechanics were sprinkled with the itches :shock: :lol::lol:

    if the cleaner was on side, then you are usually pretty sure there was an over charge. They know all that goes on, it is their job, to know everything :)

    Definitely not a safe day for flying outside. I know Miss Sleek likes to be up and off - scared me out of my slippers, up on her broom, dusting the extractor in the en suite :shock: :shock:


    They will be using the gates again today, on their visits, not quite sure who is where at Siesta time :? :?

    I hope you can see the second cake I made for Joan and Sue :) Took me a little while, very fiddly :D:D

    Hi Joan and Sue, oh bless, you bought the same jumper for each other, without knowing. You certainly are two peas in a pod. t4591 t4591
    You are welcome to the cake / cakes. Glad you enjoyed them. So lunch out is next week - very good.

    Thank you for the (((()))) for us all. The same for you as well (((()))) Dad was ok and enjoyed his croissants for lunch, with two coffee's :)

    Hi Kath - Goodness, you were moving there girl, :shock: :shock: were you on skates !!! Catching the lemon biccies on your way through :lol::lol::lol:

    I'll tell er mi duck, don't worry :lol::lol:

    It has chucked it down on and off all day today. Not nice for the food festival in town, but it won't put people off, we are used to lots of rain when it comes.

    Lemon, did you want some lemon essence? There is some in cupboard in the cafe pantry. Big pot of it :)

    So you found the cake for Sue and Joan and the other cake for Sue and Joan and ran off with all the cookies :shock: :lol::lol::lol::lol:

    I know it is a fancy cake, but we have to eat it, it is the law. :? :?

    Ta for the Hot Cross Bun Loaf, looks very nice, with loads of butter, for extra calcium.

    Hope you and Chris are as ok as possible, with minimal disturbances from next door. t4591 t4591 t115006 t115006 Some butterfly sparkles, we like them t4591


    Hi Barbara - hope you are all ok and that you slept well and have had a slightly less fraught day t4591 t4591 Sending extra (((()))) to you all. Help yourself to all the goodies, we seem to have enough to start a cake shop at the moment :shock: :lol::lol:

    I bet you are glad it is a bit cooler, if I could skip, I would do, even have the tumble dryer going and I am not melting :D:D:D Bit wet and wild, but we need the rain and boy are we getting it :!: :!:

    Hi Carol - Hi to you both, hope you have not had any power cuts and your laptop is doing what it should be doing, emails too. Looking forward to seeing pic of baby Kian t4591 t4591 Mum and he are doing well I trust.............

    Time I was doing some more pottering. Drying nearly finished.

    I will pop back later. In the meantime, lots of love and sparkles to all t4591 t115006 Take care XXXX Aidan

    Would another cake, be verging on greed :? :? what about mini cakes :)

    Vegan Dark Chocolate Mocha Mini Cakes - They are only teeny tiny :D

    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi all on my phone while Niamh watches a film..with daddy..and she skated on her new skates..
    Toni I thought Tia was Lucy.. gosh they look alike..I used to use bare minerals,try it before the wedding to make sure its started to irritate my eye lids..
    So Paul got 300 off the repairs..good on him
    Kath thanks for all the recipes.. wont even try and remember them..
    Carol hope you get your email sorted soon they are a pain ..
    Joan and bought the same jumpers bless..and had doting to eat out..both my mum dad and brother died with cancer..but I am so glad treatment has moved on..
    Aidan..I love the orange toast and the cakes for Joan and Sue..and lemon cookies I think..
    It's very strange weather..I feel for the children being on holidays..there have been so many floods..
    Glad you got a parking space at the tea have reminded me I will have to renew my badge
    It us much cooler thank goodness..but I do like seeing the sun
    My bother dosent have another endoscopy..he has his wires crossed ..its the surgeon at Salford hospital he sees next week..Thursday I think to talk about what they will we will see
    Right better go
    Love to everyone
    t4591 t115006 t4591
  • Turbogran
    Turbogran Member Posts: 2,023
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Evening all

    Quite a windy day but not actually cold been a good day today except that Mr T managed to put one of my tops in the dryer that I had told him not to put in there, his excuse I thought it was a skirt. :? :roll: :roll: I give up.

    on a brighter note here are some long awaited piccies for you

    1st the little man himself

    2nd our 6 great grandchildren all together

    from left to right we have Ashley, Faye, Lillie, Graycie, Rubie and Kian on Lillie's lap.

    and lastly the eldest GD meeting youngest GS for the first time
    e-mails seem to be ok now.

    Tomorrow our gorgeous little Rubie is 1year old don't know where that year went.

    Aidan Yes my emails are with sky/yahoo and I did wonder weather the account had been hacked but after 55 minuets on the phone last night being guided through even more tests it seems to be ok today. I think the guy I spoke to last night knew more than the others as he did lots more tests that he others didn't. We didn't have a power cut as such it was just the sky box which needed rebooting we have to do this occasionally but after reboot it is now ok. the weather may have been partly to blame as it was a very heavy downpour count done for my visit to the family is 2 weeks 2 days.

    Joan There are 6 great GGC 2 boys. and 4 girls aged 7,3 two 2 year olds a 1 year old and lastly a 3 day old.

    Barbara E mails are now sorted at least on my I pad and mobile just got to sort out my laptop.

    Kath Florence tells the Spid choir are getting very good at sing-ging now and Rosie is super proud of them all. yes Spid rock album indeed oh my we have some talented pets don't we singing spids and Flying pusskins.

    It is a good job we can only post 3 pictures at a time or you would be inundated with piccies from me there have been lots taken of Kian in the last 3 days. so if you would like I will gradually post some more.

    Time for a potter
    Love and Sparkles to you all t4591 t4591 t115006 t115006

    PS sorry it I have forgotten anyone but time has caught up with me and it is now time for bed :animal_busy:
    Stay positive always👍xx
  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi to all - The wild weather seems to have calmed down now. It has been pouring for most of the day and blowing a gale. t111055 t111055 t111055
    It has been lovely, not melting and being able to breathe.

    More rain for the rest of the week - we might need to call on Auntie Kari to bring the Ark out of the shed, just to forewarn her Toni, ta muchly.

    Hi Barbara - laptop hidden and on your phone. I hope Niamh enjoyed the film with Daddy. Out on her new skates, I bet she loves them. Is there an indoor rink near to you?

    Don't try and remember all the cakes and treats. We seem to have had a glut of goodies over the past couple of days. With Joan and Sue's Birthday, which meant extra cakes, (naturally).

    It has been a BIT blustery, with trees uprooted, floods on rail lines and roads, plus power cuts. Did you see the ferry coming into Dover, from France - :mrgreen::mrgreen: it was like a see saw - don't mention it to Toni - I was nearly poorly, just looking at it. :? :? :roll: :roll:

    Don't forget to renew your Blue Badge :)

    So your Brother is going to Salford to see the Consultant re a treatment plan / review / results.............not too long to wait to see the Dr. Waiting is always the worst thing. Some extra (((())))

    Any joy with Mr T having another appointment?

    Hi Carol - I saw that some trees had been blown down in London and there had been some power cuts, causing chaos on the rail network for a while.

    So, your tops look like skirts :shock: - ah, we need to train Mr T a little more. Did it come out small enough to fit a Cindy Doll :shock: :shock: :roll: :roll: I hope not..............Men, again........... :roll: :roll:

    Thank you for the pictures, they are wonderful, he is a little love t4591 t4591
    Kian did not look too happy, being in the group picture :o:o

    And he is asleep in the last picture, bless. :animal_busy: t4591

    A year since Rubie was born, goodness me, I remember the countdown like it was yesterday. It must be a sign that we are getting a little older :? :? :roll: :roll:

    I guessed your emails would have been with Sky / Yahoo. I think just about everyone is sorted out now. The man I spoke to said he had been helping people for several weeks. They called it something different to hacking, I cannot remember what is was, bit it seems one and the same thing to me.

    Glad you are sorted though. Our Sky router has a mind of its own, just decides to go offline, for no reason. I wish they would come and finish the connections off, to the new box on the park, then things would be more stable I am sure.

    2 weeks and 1 day, until you go visit all the peeples :)

    Of course we would like, you post as many pictures of Kian as you can :D:D I bet there are loads to choose from :)

    Sleek nipped through the gate, at siesta time. Mother was pleased to see her and they went through some spells, new ones, that they both have to read out at the same time :shock: :? t115006


    Mother had it tucked away in her rooms, behind the cushions.

    Was Lucy working again last night Toni?

    Well, it is going up for 1am, so I should have another potter. At home today, housekeeping will be in, doing the beds, wishy washy in the kitchen........general fussing.

    Big Hi to everyone else, in and about. Take care. Lots of love and


    XXXX Aidan

    Baked Portobello Mushrooms - make room for Kath, there will be no stopping her :shock: :lol:

    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,219
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Morning - the sun is out! I spotted our poor cart had gone a cropper yesterday afternoon :(

    It was soon righted and popped round by the vestry door where it is much more sheltered. When Paul is up we'll have a go at re-sighting it where it should be :wink:

    Kari has been unfolding and dusting the ark off already Aidan - did you know it was foldable? When Kari makes something she does it GOOD!

    Ok I will just have one or two mushrooms for Kath's sake I know she loves her mushies bles her.

    Sleek was full of the spell book apparently they got loads done. Tosca told her she has a good brain with plenty of spayc left. :shock:

    We are 'at home' too here busily working away ready for the floor to be raised and new doors to go on the 'room'. Dinning/conservatory no idea what to call it :wink: At least after Sleek's dustig we none of us have any cobwebs - for now :roll:

    Bless Dad watching golf at yours then football at home and Zzzzzing! His toes must bee heeling of he's only mentioned it'll know tomorrow anyway.

    The cleaner was on our side 100% bless her. Spock ears causing the technician to leave and oh yes they were itching right enough. Sleek phoned Tosca up to tell her - the shrieks of laughter could be heard by Silver I bet! Darcey had been to yours I popped to see Auntie Kari (hence I saw the Ark being unfolded) and she was shattered!. Not sure what they got up to.

    I could indeed see the 2nd cake - still can't see the 1st. The 2nd was so lovely I had one or two large slices pinkies OUT :wink:

    Carol look at him!!! He is adorable - how innocent and sweet is he?! Nothing like a new baby. I think Rubie doesn't look happy about the baby in fact she looks rather worried in the GGchildren pic! Happy Birthday to Rubie!! a122.gif

    I bet you cannot wait to see all those gorgeous small people. It won't be long now. How is Mum getting on?

    I can only post 2 pics at a time for some reason, but used to be able to post 3 :?

    Oh dear Mr T has been shrinking things :roll:

    Hi Barbara Niamh is there so is she watching a film on TV or on the laptop? WE need a pic of her on her skates I think!

    I had my makeup done on the bare minerals counter in Debenhams so all good so far keep your fingers crossed for me!

    I am glad your bro is seeing the consultant in Salford next week - you feel much better once you have your treatment plan sorted. ((())) for you

    Kath I don't mind sharing one or two lemon biccies with you honestly and I've saved you loads of mushrooms :D

    I'm glad you could see the original cake for Joan and Sue I still can't :( hang on! THERE IT IS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! wow that's amazing!

    That Tea loaf looks yum ta very muchly.

    Joan it's that twin thing going on isn't it? Are you the same size too in clothes?

    Love to everyone

    Toni xx
  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,233
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hello Kathleen Aidan Barbara Carol Toni
    . Kathleen have you seen anyone next door yet (((((())))
    . Aidan that's good your Dad's toe is healing((((())))) how are you and B doing((((((())))))
    . Barbara all the best to your brother when he goes to the hospital((((())))). How are you feeling(((((())))) love to Niamh ((((())))
    . Carol lovely photos all those grandchildren will keep you busy((((())))
    Toni non we are not the same size in clothes sue is bigger size. Sorry about the cart(((((()))))
    . take care. love to Mig (((((()))))
    . Joan xxx
    take care
    joan xx
  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Joan, the owners of next door haven't put up any To Let sign yet, but on the website it says it should be available by the 15th (which is on Friday) so there won't be anyone moving in until after then. I'll post it here as soon as someone does move in. :)

    Toni, Oh my goodness, such a shame after all the work that went into making the cart. The wind has done quite a bit of damage. So Kari's ark folds up. You'd never have guessed. :o And now you can see the magic disappearing cake, SORTED :!: I was only joking about the lemon biccies, honest. I'd even share my last Rolo with you. :lol:

    Aidan, Baked Portobello Mushrooms, yummy, Toni saved me loads. :D Thank you. I saw the photo of your smashing mum on FB, oh you are so much like her. t4591

    Carol, If we'd like some more? You bet we'd like some more. Kian is a real charmer and was well worth the wait. All six make a delighful picture all together, although Kian was complaining on Lillie's lap. I'm glad you got your emails back working now. The band are looking for new songs for another recording. Toni has allowed them to use hers.

    Barbara, I'm glad you like the recipes I find, but it's not a competition to remember the names - even I can't remember them, but my memory is rubbish anyway. :lol:

    Asparagus and pea risotto

    3 tablespoons olive oil, divided
    1 cup chopped yellow onion (about 1 small yellow onion, chopped)
    2 cloves garlic, pressed or minced
    5 cups (40 ounces) vegetable broth, divided (if your broth comes in 32-ounce containers, feel free to avoid opening another container by substituting 1 cup water for 1 cup broth in step 3)
    1 ½ cups brown arborio/short-grain brown rice
    1 big bunch of fresh asparagus spears (about 1 pound)
    1 ½ cups fresh English peas (about 8 ounces)
    1 cup freshly grated Parmesan cheese
    ½ cup dry white wine, optional
    3 tablespoons unsalted butter, diced
    1 teaspoon sea salt, more to taste
    Freshly ground black pepper, to taste
    Pinch red pepper flakes, to taste
    Zest and juice of ½ lemon, preferably organic (about ¼ teaspoon zest and 1 tablespoon juice)
    Handful chopped fresh parsley, for garnish

    Make sure your oven rack is in the middle position and place another rack in the lower third of the oven. Preheat oven to 375 degrees.
    Heat 2 tablespoons olive oil in a medium Dutch oven over medium heat until shimmering. Add onion and a pinch of salt. Cook, stirring occasionally, until softened and turning translucent, about 5 minutes. Add the minced garlic and cook until the garlic is fragrant, 1 to 2 minutes.
    Add 4 cups broth (or 3 cups broth and 1 cup water), cover, and bring to a boil over medium-high heat. Remove from heat and stir in the rice. Cover the pot and bake for 55 minutes.
    Meanwhile, prepare the asparagus by snapping off the tough ends and discarding them, then slicing the spears diagonally into 1 ½-inch long pieces. On a large, rimmed baking sheet, toss the asparagus with 1 tablespoon olive oil and a sprinkle of salt and pepper. Set aside for now.
    Once the risotto has been in the oven for 55 minutes, transfer the asparagus to the lower rack of the oven. Carefully remove the pot from the oven and take off the lid. Quickly dump the peas inside, cover the pot again and return it to the oven for another 10 minutes. (This will give the peas time to steam.)
    Remove the pot from the oven, but leave the asparagus in for another 5 to 10 minutes, until tender and roasted to your liking. Remove the lid and pour in the remaining cup of broth, the Parmesan, wine, butter, salt, a generous amount of pepper, a pinch of red pepper flakes and the zest and juice of half your lemon.
    Using a big spoon, stir vigorously for 2 to 3 minutes, until the rice is thick and creamy. Stir in the roasted asparagus. Season to taste with salt and pepper, divide into bowls and top with a generous sprinkling of chopped fresh parsley.

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Oooops, the cake stand was very much up skittled by the stormy weather. t111055 I am sure it is all neatly back in place and duly supported now Toni, thanks to your good self and Paul's kind help :D:D

    I wondered who was in the background, then remembered it was the scarecrow sack race :roll: :roll: :lol::lol:

    Sorry, brain not functioning today - long story - we were at neighbours, after frantic knocking at 3am :shock: :shock: :shock: So, forgive me if my post is shorter than normal. :animal_busy:

    Won't go in depth, Police, Ambulance.......M is ok, it wasn't a heart attack, so that was a huge relief. We left at 4 when ambulance came, M was much calmer then and things had sorted.
    No need for admission to hospital.

    And breathe....................

    Thank Kari for being so organised with the folding Ark.

    I only had one mushroom, I know Kath has a penchant for them :)

    Of course Miss Sleek has lots of brayn roomz, for spell storage. Apparently the book of spells, vanished, after a few hours, they had to memorise it all :shock: :shock:
    Not sure how well Mother will do (unless she has read them all before ) She fell to sleep half way through. :animal_busy:

    I think that, plus the spell of itching in the troosers spell, that had them in fits, totally hill hairy us :lol::lol::lol:

    Sleek said there is levitation going on at her house - Mother was most impressed that the ground was coming up :shock: :shock: :lol:

    Off to the podiatry in the morning, see how Dads toe is progressing. B goes in, while I sit in the empty waiting atrium.

    Wonder why you cannot see the first cake, for Joan and Sue. One of those "glitches" that exist in the ether of the WWW. :roll: :roll: Oh, I see you can view it after all, YIPPEE :)

    I can still post three pics / moving images etc. See, no rhyme nor reason :? :?

    Baby Kian is gorgeous t4591 t4591 t115006 t115006

    Hi Joan and Sue - hope you have had a nice week end. It is certainly cooler, which makes a change after the humid days and nights, they were draining.

    As you will see, we were up till 4am, so we are tired today, cannot wait for siesta's.

    Hi Kath, sharing a rolo, :shock: oh my, well, I guess I would do, if I was pushed to the limit :lol::lol: Of course I would.

    GLad you enjoyed the mushrooms, we made sure you had plenty, we know ya luv em.

    The pic from yesterday, was Bill's Mum. But, I do look a lot like her, that is very true :) t4591 My Mum's pic was on the 3rd but I look much more like my Dad :shock: confused, me too :lol:

    Thank you for your lovely comments, one and all.

    What was that song........"I don't like spid--s and snakes" we could add that to their repertoire :D

    Asparagus and Pea risotto, perfect, cannot wait to try it. Ta mi duck

    Still waiting for further house details from next door. They must go on soon, if they can rent from the 15th - only 4 days time.

    Hi Barbara - did Niamh enjoy her breakfast and an extra lie in this morning :)
    hope you are having a bit more of a restful day, says me :roll: :roll: going from one event to another :? :? :?

    Hi Carol - how has your Sunday been? Weather is a good deal cooler today.

    Managed to get all the washing and drying done, housekeeping was in and beds done in a flash :shock: :shock: Pressing done, so far, we are up to date and ready to drop. :animal_busy: :animal_busy:

    Time I did a bit more pottering, then a sit down, cup of T, biscuit then nap.

    Leaving lots of love and sparkles to all t4591 t115006 Take care XXXX Aidan

    Let me go get the cakes
    All done :D:D

    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Evening all
    Aidan sorry I missed the lovely butterfly pic yesterday and the chocolate dare I ..but managed to get a mushroom this morning ..thankyou and thankyou for the hugs..poor you being up at that time I hope all is must have been such a shock
    We do have an indoor skating rink..but boy is the music loud ..I was off balance when we came out last will leave it to daddy
    So its podiatry tomorrow..then will it be the t- rooms..
    Mr B is doing nothing at the min ..I have my appointment tomorrow morning do we shall see..
    Carol the children are love to see them all together..all those little faces.. :D and Rubie is nearly one you say were does the time go
    Joan I am fine thankyou..I will make an appointment to see the optician ..I am suppose to go regular in between my eye clinic..hope you Sue and the doggies are doing ok ..its gone a bit cooler so hope you are all warm xxxx
    Kath my memory is zilch anyway.. :lol: so next door is not up for let yet..still got my fingers crossed you get someone nice..and thankyou for the pea risotto...just had a read back :lol:
    Toni no not the cart..hope its all mended now we didnt get the high winds the builders are coming,.,it will be nice whatever you call it.. :D yes you are right once my brother has a treatment plan he will get there
    Right better go I am having an early night..
    Love to everyone
    t4591 t115006 t4591
  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi to all - nice and cool this evening, room to breathe and a much needed siesta earlier.

    Hi Barbara - there will always be cake hun, as we know, they don't go stale in our cafe, so there is some in the cake tins, as required :) A butterfly pic, as you missed the last one :)


    Butterflies, a pleasant breeze and wisteria - joy t4591

    You are welcome to the hugs, as ever, they are abundant, for us all t4591 t115006
    Well, we have been woken up at various times of the night, for one thing or another. It does jangle your nerves, :shock: :? but, when you are needed, you have to do what you can and remain super calm.

    Things seem to be ok. M came round to apologise, no need to be sorry.

    Oh I cannot be doing with super loud music, it makes me feel ill, a bit like yourself. :mrgreen: Wise to leave the skating rink to Daddy.

    Dads appointment is at our local hospital, so we will go to the GC, just down the road half a mile :)

    Let's hope you can drop big hints at the Drs, to ask them to call Mr B in. Hope you appt is ok too, the cloak will whisk us all up and off, to be with you t4591 Sleek will want to bring her medical e kwipp ment with her :? :roll: :lol: Will be thinking of your Brother at his appointment on Thursday. He sounds quite a positive, get on with things person t115006

    Any news on next door, how is your friend and the children ? I keep meaning to ask............

    Hi Toni, Sleek said the ground had not risen yet, when she came over to see Mother. I think Mother was explaining about floors and different levels, reminding her of the moving staircase at Hogwarts. :? :?

    I think our duo are heading up to Pendle today, given the fact that it will not be pouring with rain. There is mist, so the Nymphs will be grateful for some more supplies. t115006 t115006
    Mother thinks that the seasons have started to change, :? so she has her faux fur wrap at the ready.

    Hi Carol - hope you are all ok and your laptop, internet and emails are all behaving. Looking forward to some more lovely picture of baby Kian.
    Two weeks and counting, till your family visit :)

    Big HI to everyone else, in and about. Time I was pottering a little more.

    Leaving lots of love and sparkles to all XXXX Aidan


    Blueberry Quick Bread With Vanilla Sauce

    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,219
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Morning everyone!

    Glad you had a good siesta earlier Aidan the air is much fresher isn't it? I hope Mandy is ok that's the main thing, but sometimes it's hard to be 'needed'.

    I love the butterfly pic really pretty :) Thanks for our healthy quick bread yummy! Best butter on it of course.

    The pusskins are back from the early morning flight up to Pendle. Mother needed to be wrapped up well according to Sleek as there was a real nip in the air. Plenty of mist collected and taken to the nymphs who rewarded them with a freshly brewed fishy latte :shock:

    Sleek says Mother had read the spell book before so it was only ree vish un for her and yes the itchy spell was totally hill hairy **** :lol::lol:

    Don't worry I got my cake alright!!! and the cart was totally fine - well made you see :D and at least it happened AFTER we won BKV t4591 Those scarecrows still make ME jump too and made some of them :lol:

    Good luck at podiatry and enjoy the GC a Beth special I can see it in your tea leaves!!

    That strawberry cake :shock: Oh delectable it was thank YOU!

    there's an indoor rink here too and the girls used to love it. The music can upset my balance too!

    The cloak is aired and ready to go rustling it is..... It is also offering to take you (just you) to your bro's appointment on Thursday is you so wish?

    You'll be glad to know the cart survived it's fall and only needed righting and once the winds had passed re-siting. Sleek and Mother may have had something to do with it's survival :?

    I was also in bed for 9.40pm last night.

    Kath don't worry the cart was so well-made it is totally intact!! Although I suspect Sleek and Tosca may have helped really with a quick spell to avert disaster :?

    Thank you for saying you'd share your last rolo! I love them! and I will save you extra mushrooms t4591

    Asparagus and pea risotto lovely ta very muchly.

    We will just have to be patient and see what happens next door.

    Joan never fear the cart is upright and totally intact. We just had to tidy up the 'stock' a bit.

    Good job you and Sue aren't the same size so you know whose jumper is whose!!

    Love to everyone

    Toni xx
  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,233
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hello Kathleen Aidan Barbara Toni
    . Kathleen I hope when your neighbours move they are friendly ((((((((())))))
    . Aidan I hope your Dad's foot is not too sore((((((())))))
    have a good day((((())))
    . Barbara have a good day with not too much pain(((((())))
    . Toni how is Lucy no more bad days I hope((((((())))
    . I went to the Doctor I had a pain in my ankle he sent me for a ex-Ray I went back to see him he said you have chronic Arthritis in it so he made me an appointment to see the specialist on the2 Oct he said they might not be able to do anything it will get worse
    they did say about a new ankle before we will have to see. Sorry to go on.
    . Take care all love to Mig(((((())))
    . Joan xx
    take care
    joan xx
  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Joan, you are amazing, nothing seems to phase you and now there's the possibility of a new ankle. I'd be screaming the place down, but you brave lady, you're so calm and take things in your stride. t115006 t115006

    Toni, I think it's positively froid r045.gif
    I'm glad the cart is upright again. I watched the Britain In Bloom program again, today it was Lytham. I looked out for Aidan and Bill, but didn't see them. The Market Square with the windmill looked fantastic.

    Aidan, What a beautiful butterfly picture. I do hope Mandy is OK after last night. Thank you for the Blueberry Quick Bread With Vanilla Sauce .

    Hope all are reasonably well.

    Pasta with creamy mushroom sauce

    1 cup (140g / 5 oz) onions, diced
    1 1/4 cups (140g / 5 oz) mushrooms, diced
    1 1/4 cups (240g / 8.5 oz) tomatoes, diced
    10 sage leaves, chopped
    1/2 cup (120ml) soy milk
    black pepper
    2 tbsp (30g) vegan cream
    1 cup (200g / 7 oz) pasta, uncooked
    To begin with, place a non-stick pan onto a medium heat, and tip in the onions, the mushrooms, the tomatoes, the sage, the milk and the black pepper, stir, and cook the ingredients for about 3 minutes.
    To complete the sauce, add in the vegan cream, stir it in, and add salt to taste. If you see that the sauce is getting dry, add in some extra milk or water as needed.
    Cook the pasta as instructed on the packet, and as soon as it is ready, drain it, add it into the pan with the sauce, and stir the ingredients together to obtain the final dish.

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Afternoon to all :) Sunny spells, but a nice breeze and pleasant temperatures - for the next 10 days at least :D Happy Dancing :D

    We did not take any rocking, for yesterdays siesta Toni, we were wiped out.
    Yes, M is ok and calm once more. It is hard, being needed, you are quite right.

    I loved the buterfly, wisteria pic, lovely, one of those pics you want to walk into................... t4591
    Best butter? Totally, lots of it, we need our calcium and vit D :):)

    It was an early trip up to Pendle, Mother had me wide awake at 6am :shock: :shock: just got back and shrieking her head off :o:o :roll: :roll:
    I knew there was a nip in the air, the heating had clicked on, for the first time since late Spring. :shock: It must have gone down to below 18 indoors. Rads were only tepid, so no melting.

    There was a whiff of fish :mrgreen: apparently the latte was brude on the hobb in a perk ulaytor :mrgreen::mrgreen:

    Sleek was reciting the spells to Mother and passed with flying colours, in fact Tosca had to tell her to STOP - :shock: :shock: :lol::lol:

    They love the itchy spell and say it is very effective in all areas :shock: :shock: :lol::lol: :oops: :oops:

    Of course the cart was well made and glad you got your cake :) Sleek and Mother did cast a spell of "gentle tumbling" when the winds blew strong. t115006 t111055

    I had to look umpteen times at the picture, thinking all those people, looking at the upskittled cart :lol::lol: At least I am not alone and yes I would jump out of my skin if I was there :lol::lol:

    Podiatrist was very nice, not seen her before, she had a vascular nurse there, so they did the doppler on dads foot, that was ok. Apparently the sore has reduced in size. New dressing put on and he can have a shower, with a shower boot on...................Of course, Matron has one of those he can borrow, save getting another one on prescription. When I had an infection in my toe, I had to wear one. It is all sanitised of course :)
    Dad has to be supervised, as in, be in the house, while he has a shower, in case he is unsteady in the boot.

    Off to the GC, we arrived in good time, had our fav table. Coffee, lovely. Bill had a Beth special, Dad had prawn sandwiches, I had cauliflower pot, with salad and some fries - then choccy orange cake..well, they had a new cake in, so, rude not to eat some.

    Sleek said that the kayp was russlyng - ready for Barbara, as required. t4591

    Hi Joan and Sue - you are the last person on earth, to go on about anything at all. (((())))
    Your poor ankle, I hope they can do something, maybe offer depot medrone injections, to ease the pain, if they cannot offer surgery. That's what they do with me, jab me :roll: :roll:
    We will come with you, under the cloak, for your appointment - promise to be quiet t4591 t4591

    Dads toe is slowly improving, which is good. Heading in the right direction :)

    You are quite right Kath, you n I would be shrieking house darn mi duck, :shock: :shock: :roll: :roll: whereas Joan just goes with the flow............

    It was chilly this morning, compared to the heat and humid hot weather we have waded through. B said we have turned a corner, as in Autumn is on the breeze :? :? :roll: t111055 It will not be long before we need some of those leaves and winds emoticons :)

    Where we not there, in Lytham, drat. It is a lovely place, we must take Hildegard there when we get her :)

    Everyone is ok, neighbours wise, so far, touch wood and all that, thank you for asking ((()))

    Any noises, peeples, gardeners etc, next door? We wait with bated breath -

    Hope you are both as ok as possible, some rather large Bush Babies are coming over, to give soothing massages, don't worry, they won't sit on you :lol::lol:


    Ta mi duck for the pasta and creamy mushroom sauce - perfect, with some crusty cobs :) t4591 t4591

    HI barbara - I hope you went on ok at the Drs this morning. We tried to be quiet and we didn't take any food, so no crumbs. Did you have any joy with Mr B's appointment................. t4591 t4591
    Is it feet up time and rest a bit now, after all the excitement with Niamh and her new skates etc. ((((())))

    Hi Carol - hope you are both ok and we must be coming up to less than two weeks, come midnight :) until you go visit Kian and all your little and bigger peeples t4591

    Love to Mig and to everyone else in and about. t4591

    We were home not long after lunch, shopping done in good time. Mothers tray is immaculised, to litter throwing will be a must, at siesta time. Fresh sweets, so Miss Slimkins will be over asap :lol::lol:

    Well, time I was having another potter about. Dryer is nearly finished. Nice to get the washing out of the way :)

    Love and Sparkles to all. Will pop back later t4591 t115006 t4591 XXXX Aidan

    Cinnamon rolls with vanilla sauce

    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi to all - the Heavens have just opened again t111055 t111055 with yet another weather warning :roll: :roll: this time for rain, well, you don't say !! Do they have to warn you of every possible weather forecast, just in case you take them to court :shock: :roll: :roll: :roll: for getting wet :lol::lol:

    I hope everyone is as ok as possible t4591 t4591

    A quiet evening here, watching the tennis from Cincinnati, in the background. B is busy with his jewellery, I am pottering around, as you do. Mother is :animal_busy:

    I won't dally, I will potter some more.

    Sleek wanted to add the sparkles tonight t115006 She has her eye on a new bracelet Toni - just a heads up, it is Cartier, no less :shock: :shock:


    Mother said it is BIT expensive :? :? :shock: :shock:

    At home today, no great plans afoot. A quiet day will not go amiss.

    Love to all t4591 t4591 Take care XXXX Aidan

    Some Simple Pastries for Breakfast

    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,233
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hello Kathleen Aidan
    . Kathleen you have been through a lot in your life I know you are a brave lady(((((()))))
    . Aidan you have a lot of problems to cope with as well((((((())) how is Mandy(((((()))) Dad((((()))) that's good his toe is healing well(((((()))) B (((())))
    . take care everyone love to Barbara Toni Carol Mig (((((())))
    . Joan xx
    take care
    joan xx
  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Thinking of you all, on this sad and difficult day Toni, Paul, Lucy, Tia, Charley and all the family t4591 t4591 t4591 t4591 t4591
    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    I too am sending big ((((hugs)))) to Toni, Paul and family. d050.gif

    Joan, I'm blushing now. :oops: :) You are so kind and thoughtful to us all. XXXX

    Holly has just come back from the Co-op after picking up our bits ad taking the kiddies to the local park while it's sunny and warm. She has 2, Esme, who is at Infant School and a little boy who travels in a pushchair. She also helps her grandma who has Alzheimer's, so she is a caring peoples of the kind we like.

    Aidan, I think next door has been completed, but still no photos yet. Nobody has been round for a couple of days, so all as been quiet. The Bush Babies were very welcome as they are superb at giving a massage. Thank you for sending them, and thank you for the pastries and Cinnamon rolls with vanilla sauce .

    Hope Barbara and her brother are OK. I think Carol will be baby cuddling and/or knitting. d045.gif

    Vegan Ravioli with pumkin and Ricotta

    300 g / 10.5 oz 00 flour
    1/3 tsp turmeric
    ½ cup + 2 tbsp / 150 ml reduced aquafaba, (see NOTES)

    2 cups roasted pumpkin cubes (I used butternut pumpkin), 2 lb / 900 g raw
    2 tbsp olive oil, plus more for serving
    2 garlic cloves, finely chopped
    1 tbsp lemon juice / apple cider vinegar, more to taste
    chilli flakes, to taste
    salt & pepper
    ½ portion vegan ricotta cheese

    2 garlic cloves, sliced thinly
    1 lemon, zest
    chilli flakes
    In a mixing bowl, combine flour and turmeric. Add aquafaba and mix it into the flour. The dough will need a bit of water to come together (we used 2 tbsp / 30 ml), but be careful not to add too much as this will give you a dough that is too wet. Knead the dough for at least 5 mins and then set aside for 60 minutes under a damp kitchen towel so that the dough doesn’t dry up.
    Heat up 2 tbsp olive oil in a pan. Saute chopped garlic until soft and fragrant. Chop cooled pumpkin finely or blitz it in a food processor and add it to the garlic. Mix the garlic in well, season the mixture with salt & pepper, lemon juice and chilli to taste. There is no need to cook the filling as the pumpkin has already been roasted, so just make sure the mixture is well seasoned and set aside.
    Once the dough has had a chance to rest, take a portion of the dough (1/3 for example) and roll it out with a rolling pin on a lightly floured surface. Roll it out as thin as you can (2-3 mm), the thinner the dough the tastier the ravioli. You can obviously use a pasta machine to roll out your dough if you have one.
    Use a 5 cm / 2″ cookie cutter or an upside down glass to cut out circles of the dough. Place about a teaspoon of filling (I used ½ tsp pumpkin filling and ½ tsp of my vegan ricotta) on half of the cut out circles. Place another circle on top and drape it around the filling, taking care not to trap any air pockets inside. Seal the two circles of dough with your fingers. If you want them to look like mine, go around each raviolo and crimp the sealed edges with the end of a fork. Put the finished dumplings on a lightly floured surface and cover them with a kitchen towel while making the rest so that they don’t dry out. Continue in the same way until you have used up all the dough and / or all the filling.
    Bring a medium pot of water to boil. Once the water boils, place 5-6 ravioli (it’s important not to overcrowd the pot) in the boiling water and cook, on a rolling boil, for about 5 minutes. After the time is up, fish cooked ravioli out with a slotted spoon, shaking excess water off gently, and place them on a plate. Cook all the remaining ravioli in this way.
    To serve, sauté 2 cloves of garlic in a bit of olive oil. Baste the ravioli in the garlic oil gently. Serve with a sprinkling of salt, lemon zest and some more chilli if you wish.

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi once more, to all :)

    The weather warning must have been for a nice, bright and breezy day :roll: :roll: :roll: I know some parts of the country are going to be hit with bucket loads of rain and thunderstorms - Midlands area :? :?
    Might have to hang on to your hat Kath /Toni / Joan / Sue t111055

    Hi Joan and Sue - Thank you for the (((()))) - we do our best and seem to look after everyone around us, apart from ourselves and Dad :shock:
    Mandy seemed a lot better, she popped round yesterday and was doing well.
    Dad is ok, he would be lost without us. B went round this morning, so that Dad could have a shower, wearing the protective shower boot, to keep his toe dry.
    He cannot use it, without someone there to put the booty on and make sure he is safe.

    Hope you are both ok and your ankle is not too painful. (((())))

    Hi Kath, I agree, Joan and Sue are so kind and care so much about everyone here. I think they are national treasures of the highest order t4591 t4591

    Holly is certainly a very caring person, we like them, we need more and more of them in our world.
    Gathering the bits of shopping that you need and then going to the park, as well as looking after her Nan, who has alzheimers, bless her.

    It has been a lovely day so far, nice temperature, pleasant breeze.

    All quiet for the last couple of days, which I am sure you will both be enjoying greatly. t4591 There is a lot to be said for peace and calm.
    You are very welcome, I hope the Bush Babies didn't sit on you, they were quite portly, but very cute and cuddly. A bit like misen duck :shock: :lol::lol:

    I am sure Carol will be at her knit and natter group - or is that tomorrow..........oh dear, what are we like at forgetting everything. :roll: :roll:

    Thank you for the Ravioli, sounds and looks amazing. I will partake in a dish of that, ta mi duck.

    Hi Barbara - hope you are all ok. How was your visit to the Drs yesterday? Do we need to kidnap Mr B and pop him into the Drs consulting rooms :shock: :shock: :lol:

    Less than two weeks now Carol, time is flying by, as we know it does.
    Hope that you are both ok and baby Kian and Mum are all well. t4591 t4591

    Hi Toni, today will have been a difficult time, but I am sure a very fitting and personal tribute to a life well lived, for Paul's Mum. t4591

    Sleek was speaking to Tosca this morning, about life and its many events. They had a nice quiet chat t115006 t115006 t115006

    Leaving lots of (((()))) for you all t4591

    Time I was pottering - all washing up to date, immaculising and de dustification :)

    Let me go find the cakes I made earlier :wink::lol:

    Love and Sparkles to all t4591 t115006 Will pop back later XXXX Aidan

    Rose and Lemon Fondant Fancies

    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Afternoon all so sorry I am late for Toni Paul and family..but I am thinking about you all and sending my love.. t4591 t4591
    Kath I like the recipe for creamy mushroom sauce..I am going to give that a go..and thankyou for the good wishes for my brother its very kind..must say Holly sounds lovely..its not easy what she does..and with 2 children
    Joan I am so sorry you are in pain with your the others have said you never ever grumble about anything..I hope at least they can help your pain.. t4591
    Toni I must say the scarecrows would frighten me in the dark..I thought the one on the pic was real.. :shock: love to all of you today..the cloak will be very welcome on Thursday ..xx
    Aidan thankyou and I love the butterfly beautiful.and the amazing the blueberry bread was delicious and the pastries for breakfast a nice treat..
    the food at the GC sounds amazing much better than ours..sandwiches are good and thats that..
    It was nice of M to apologize..but like you say you are there when needed.. t4591
    we had the downpour..I dont think there is any more left up there.. :o
    Right better go we have our middle GD here..
    Love to everyone
    m0150 t4591 t115006
    oh just spotted you there Aidan and the fancy fondants...thankyou :lol:
  • Turbogran
    Turbogran Member Posts: 2,023
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Evening all
    I know I have not been around a lot over the last few days I have been having problems with the little jacket for Kian. the sleeves kept going wrong I kept having to unpick them. but today I have finally manage to complete one whole sleeve. most of it whilst sitting in my favourite coffee place. hopefully the other sleeve and the little collar will go as well. infact I have managed more in one day than in all of last week. Aidan it is knit and natter tomorrow but I cannot do the jacket tomorrow as I need to concentrate on this pattern. sorry something has happened to laptop and it is not responding properly :? so will have post in two posts. look out for part 2. :lol:
    Stay positive always👍xx