Self Diagnoses

SouthEastDetecting Member Posts: 10
edited 4. Apr 2020, 23:32 in Living with arthritis
Afternoon all hope everyone is as well as they can be and staying safe.
I have posted before and thanks so much to all the reply’s I got they were very helpful.
Now my doctor diagnosed osteoarthritis from an X-ray of my lower spine and pelvis a few months back. But from what I’ve read it’s hard to diagnose which type of arthritis it is from just an X-ray. I have been referred to the MSK team at hospital near me where I was hoping to find out more, type, the extent ect.
But that initial assessment was supposed to be on the 16th which has now obviously been cancelled. My worry is (aside from the fact that it’s definitely getting worst day by day) what if it’s one of the autoimmune types? I’ve noticed a scale like rash just below calf on left leg and also dryer skin on my elbows. I’m not really a rashy person previously so this has me wondering if it’s Psoriatic arthritis or maybe Rheumatoid??

Now I’m a train driver and so am still working and worried if I catch Coronavirus what if I’m actually autoimmune and this could be deadly for me?
Can’t get a doctors appointment for love nor money.
I’m Male 34 and believe this has all stemmed from a serious bout of campylobacter I had in 2017.

Any advice would be massively appreciated thanks.



  • Brynmor
    Brynmor Member Posts: 1,755

    Hi Phil

    Sorry to hear that your appointment with the MSK team has been cancelled. Sadly, none of us here have medical qualifications and so will be unable to give a sound diagnosis based on your description.

    However, there is quite a lot of information available that you might check in preparation for when you do eventually get an appointment.

    Here are our pages on Psoriatic Arthritis and Rheumatoid Arthritis. Both contain information on symptoms, diagnosis and living with the disease.

    As a train driver still working, I hope you have all the protection needed. Stay safe and stay well.

    Best wishes


  • phoenixoxo
    phoenixoxo Member Posts: 625

    Hi Phil,

    I don't think we've 'met' yet. I'm Phee. Yes, I'm doing my best to stay safe, thanks.

    I'm also sorry that your appointment was cancelled, and that you're unable to get a doctor's appointment at the moment. I think that all I can add to Brynmor's response is to really push to speak with a doc. I had a telephone appointment this evening, so it can be done. And in the meantime, I hope you're able to keep safe at work. Do you have all the kit you need?

    Best wishes,


    PsA (psoriatic arthritis) and other things since 1990. Happy to help when I can :-)
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,190

    Hi Phil

    I can totally see why you are worried given your job and this virus.

    I agree with the others you should ask for a telephone apt with your GP for now and you could ask about the susceptibility to germs of the autoimmune types of arthritis maybe?

    Such worrying times aren't they?

    Please do let us know how you are doing

  • Megyackee1
    Megyackee1 Member Posts: 11

    Psoriatic arthritis is connected with having pssoriosis I have psoriatic arthritis it is a disease of the tendons. I hope you manage to sort out your condition.

  • Airwave!
    Airwave! Member Posts: 2,479

    A diagnosis may help your anxiety but we live on without them, I waited many years for one and in the end they told me what I already knew, bit of an anticlimax really.

    Weather has a big part to play with OA, look up, ‘cloudy with a chance of pain’, a research project that many took part in. and of course our emotions tend to follow our medical conditions, yes you may be feeling worse in the winter but your condition may not necessarily have worsened? Anxiety does not help us.

    Use the information here to help until your appointments come through.

    its a grin, honest.

  • JoeB
    JoeB Bots Posts: 83
    edited 14. Apr 2020, 12:04

    The X-Rays should include a brief report (often no more than a sentence at most) by a Radiologist. You might want to enquire regarding what the radiologist reported (verbatim) and make a note of it.

    You may also want to ask your GP that, on the basis of your age, history and the location of the problems, if they have considered the possibility of Ankylosing Spondylitis. Early changes on X-Ray can be subtle or non-specific.

    Ankylosing Spondylitis is an auto-immune condition and has been known to be triggered by gut infections.

    There can also be what physicians refer to as "cutaneous manifestations" ( issues).

    Given the difficulty of obtaining a GP appointment you could ask a pharmacist to take a look at your skin - there are several options they could prescribe including steroid based creams if indicated.

    A couple of links below that may be of interest.

    NHS Choices page -

    NASS -

    I hope this is of interest.


  • Thanks so much everyone, sorry I haven’t replied in a while. I’ve been trying to get on and not think about it as I’m stuck in limbo with the lockdown at the moment. But today has been particularly painful hence why I’ve logged in. I really do appreciate all your replies thanks so much. Has anyone here tried cbd cream? My mother in law is sending me some in the post. Hoping it will help!

    I’ll keep you updated.
    Stay safe

  • Airwave!
    Airwave! Member Posts: 2,479

    Be careful about reaching out for non medical interventions, if they worked a doctor would prescribe it. You may get a feeling of well being from it as you would a placebo, then it will be positive, at least in the short term. I bet it doesn’t come cheap.

    Do you really know the the cream comes from a recognised source that has invested in testing and recommendations from a national medical council? If not, why not.

  • Kaxpa24
    Kaxpa24 Member Posts: 1
    Hi there, I've just joined today.
    I was diagnosed 7 years ago after decades of pain. One of the difficulties I had was no show of psoriasis. It turned out that I have a very strong genetic link as my sister has psoriasis. Do you have a genetic link? If so mention it to your doctor it might help.
    Good luck in getting a diagnosis and stay safe and a big THANK YOU for the work you are doing.
  • Aj_x
    Aj_x Member Posts: 206

    Hi Kaxpa24,

    Welcome to the forum and thank you for you valid input.

    Feel free to have a look around the other forums and if you need any help or advice you can contact the helpline on 0800 5200 520

    or the Versus arthritis website

    Stay Safe


  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,190

    @SouthEastDetecting I am sorry things are extra tricky ATM and thank you for your thankyous!

    I hope the cream helps a bit who knows? Who knows why some things help some people and other things don't? We are all different i suppose. Do let us know how you get on. As Airwave said it can be a 'placebo' effect so you'd need to give it time to be sure.

    I hope you are staying well and as safe as possible at the moment.

    Quick hello to @Kaxpa24 and welcome form me lovely to meet you 🙂

    FULLTIMER Member Posts: 9

    Hello there I'm new on here and recently diagnosed with Erosive Arthritis (whatever that might be) anyway as I understand it if you have one of the various forms of arthritis caused by the autoimmune system it's because it is over reacting so unless you are on meds to reduce this then I would say you have no more to worry about regards being more susceptible than anyone else, incidentally I also believe mine all started up after a bout of campylobactor