Psoriatic arthritis

Hi All .

I was diagnosed with psoriasis at 19 mainly affecting my feet which lead to psoriatic arthritis at 23 just before the pandemic affecting 16 joints between the pair of my feet witch caused me significant pain walking was almost unbearable, I didn't have any support so I continued to work. I already had already a toxic relationship with alcohol and due to the nature of my profession I began self medicating with alcohol and painkillers a lot more and become alcohol dependent.

I had the opportunity to take a break from work and get right I Have now turned 28 and have been sober for the most part of three years by the first year I lost 30kg. In college I had studied sports science /Nutrition ect so was no stranger to the gym, I started by fasting and drastically noticed in the difference in the inflammation and noticing what foods set of a flair up of psoriasis which was mainly sugar. I had also searched the web and come across some natural remedies such as using ginger as a past and applying it to the area which would cause quite the burning sensation however the inflammation of the arthritis would initially start to decrease instantly .

with all this and a combination of hot and cold therapy on top of massages the pain hadn't changed however it was more bearable it gave me the confidence to get back into work and to start mixed martial arts and kickboxing which i have been doing continues for the last 2 years.

This wasn't easy but I was determined and at the start I felt as if i had to prove something to myself and needed to make up for the alcohol dependence. Now i know i cant do this forever so at the same time i started to learn programming to switch careers so in the future i could continue to work.

During these two years I worked some and then took time to study which in turn would give me a bit of a break. I am now in a position to actively look for a software job which is great however I am now about to have my first child so I am also working full time.

The cold is something i cant get away from especially in the winter and this year has been the worst, I have not attended any classes nor been able to focus on the software job hunt and work is hell however my toes seem to have more mobility then ever but are far more sensitive and im experiencing fatigue all the time .

I am still waiting for medical advice due to moving area and long waiting lists so i guess im looking for some advise from people with experience in itself.

besides the pain I've felt like i have improved the function in my toes but since finding out im going to be a father i don't know if im being silly and i should slow down a bit?


  • Naomi33
    Naomi33 Moderator Posts: 508

    Good morning @Harry1996 and welcome to the online community.

    Sorry to hear your concerns about psoriasis of the feet and your future career.

    Have to say you have achieved and done so well so far with adapting and changing your life style.

    I would persist with your GP or Consultant for more help, take photographs and diarize pain and flare ups as evidence. I did and it really help me get seen and listened to !!

    The following links maybe of interest…..

    I am sure others will connect with you soon.

    Best wishes @Naomi33

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