Friends in NI?

Hi there, Just a post to see if there are any Northern Ireland based people on here! I'm based towards Larne.

31 but with the personality and hobbies of an 87 year old woman 🤣 love plants, dogs and reading. Wanting to go back to the gym but terrified of busting myself more lol.

Currently awaiting a formal diagnosis, but have been told I have inflammatory arthritis of some type. Bloods taken and I'm scheduled for injections and draining (🤮) at the end of March.

Already over the whole situation but I know it's going to be long term so as great as my partner/family/friends are. It would be good to connect with those who understand chronic pain!


  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,241

    Is this of any help @Ajagpd ?

    I'm bang in the middle of England myself and far too old to have interests in common with you anyway. Although i do have a cat, read and gardening.

    Best of luck

    Toni x

  • Gee
    Gee Member Posts: 0


    Im not too far from you! In a similar situation but I have been diagnosed with Fibromyalgia in my 30s feeling 90 😂 My gp recommended this site as great resource so I’ve just joined and no idea where to start!

    Also love dogs and reading… I like plants but unfortunately I have 1 spider plant that I have successfully kept alive and everything else I touch dies so I am under strict orders to not waste my money buying anymore lol

    need to get my pain levels under control so I can do some proper exercise, had a great chat with my GP today (consultant in Antrim was useless) had a wee cry and now I’m making plans to sort my **** out!