Hello to everyone! I'm new to the forum and also new to arthritis. I was a self-employed builder and retired three years ago when I was 70. Up until that time I had had no problems with my knees, or any other joints. At seventy I was still climbing ladders and walking on roofs. A couple of years ago I started getting pains…
I’ve just been told yesterday I have arthritis in my back by the doctor. I’ve been on naproxen for 12 months for when my back goes into a spasm. I’ve learnt over the last 12 maths what triggers it, and still it surprises me with a out of the blue spasm. My god childbirth was a breeze compared to these spasms. It’s early…
Hallo all, this is my first post, I joined in hope of learning more on how to live with chronic pain, distraction works usually but not during night.
Good afternoon to all of you! I have been reading posts on this forum for a while and I found a lot of them very helpful. Others I found encouraging and even very funny. I have ankylosing spondylitis since age 18, psoriasis and hemorrhagic rectolitis. Right now I am waiting an appointment for some skin cancer surgery.…
Hi - I was diagnosed 2 1/2 years ago but have ignored the medical diagnosis and messed about with meds. I had a massive flare last week and now have to take this seriously - just wondered if any other peeps around my age are also wondering what on earth is happening to them and would like to chat and share info.... thanks…
Hello all, My name is Louise, married mama of three beautiful children age 16/9/6 i have sero- negative arthritis, fibromyalgia, ptsd, non epileptic attack disorder and a type 2 diabetic. So not much wrong with me :lol: I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia 7 years ago yet had suffered pain from a young age and was put down to…
Hi everyone, glad I've found this forum. I'm looking for info regarding OA. I'm 49 waiting on THR of my left hip. It all started 4 years ago noticing pain in thighs/hips. Was very active and thought I was just over doing it. X-rays at that time didn't show much. Pain continued to get worse, had MRI of my spine which showed…
Hi, It's Karen again. I'm wondering if anybody can help with this. I have OA in my hip so struggle to put socks, tights and shoes on. I currently use a Soxon for my socks but it doesn't work so well with tights because it's not quite long enough. Does anybody use a different type of aid for tights? I'm getting a little…
Hello I have just been diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis and am quite worried as so far been given an injection immediately and told to get a flu jab and pneumonia injection before starting medication which will be methotrexate and hydroxychlorine also eye test. I also had to have a chest xray. I already suffer from and…
Hi, My name is Karen and I reckon I have had osteoarthritis in hip joints for over 10 years. Have been treating it with painkillers and steroid injections - 3 in total. I am only 43 years old and have been regularly advised by doctor that I am too young for a hip replacement. Have recently been following a healthy eating…
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