


  • chris7
    chris7 Bots Posts: 2,696
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Goodness me :shock:

    It has been quiet on the forum tonight. Don't know whether to be worried in case you are all shattered and in pain or glad that you have other things to do. Do hope it's the latter.

    I tend to forget it is Sunday and a day for family and resting up for the week ahead. So do hope you are all coping?
    Cris not sure what is happening for you tomorrow but hope all goes well if you are at the hospital. xx Dipstick is currently worming his way under the duvet :!:

    Annie hope you have REMEMBERED YOUR BLOOD FORMS for doc. tomorrow. Hope all goes well.

    Trish hope you are resting for a while, I know you were about earlier. Hope you have a better night love.

    I've milked Marigold so we have fresh for tomorrow and tidied up so just help yourselves if you call in peeps. Kettle in on incase Wonky Cris, Debs of Lynn call in later.
    Will grab a brew myself and a some of Cris's Hevva cake I think, it might be cold out there tomorrow.

    Take care all
    Chris :wink:
  • valval
    valval Member Posts: 14,911
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    glad u did cow i could not do it no matter how hard . and had forgotten blood forms good job she was not relying on me lol
  • skezier
    skezier Member Posts: 11,333
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi Val,

    I'll go shopping if you like x

    Hi Chris,

    Wont know till I get there...... haven't been mid-lined s they might not have me..... I might get set for one down the big hospital and well last time they did that i waited 5 hrs just for someone to put a canular in...... Kinda hoping they will just stab me a few times and basically lie to the sister when she asks was I done in 3....... :wink: I don't want it but I do need it so fingers crossed I guess.

    he does the duvet thing but he doesn't do the head sleeping thing so would you like a couple f them? Blighter is not opposed to sleeping so you can't breath and Monst ends up stealing the pillow...... Well the are on their way up :lol:

    How was work, you may have said but my eyes are tired now and one seems to be going through range of colour.... hey if they does me and it is circulation they might shut up and remember they have but one actual purpose eh? ((( ))) xx

    Hi Trish,

    I got your pocket and they said they deserve the other one today :wink: xx
  • chris7
    chris7 Bots Posts: 2,696
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi Val

    Glad you got some books, sorry you overdid things though. Hope you can get a decent sleep in, before work tomorrow. I'll get you a nice cup of Earl Grey and try and remember cherries tomorrow.
    Goodness knows what Trish is like with all these cherry cakes. Must be putting some weight on at least :lol::lol:

    Chris :wink:
  • chris7
    chris7 Bots Posts: 2,696
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Sorry Cris

    Missed you there. Try not too stay up too late worrying eh! I really do hope they can help tomorrow. Fingers toes and everything crossed for you. xx
    Work was fine love, back to normal after the Christmas chaos.
    Yes my cats were head sleepers so I'm used to that one, though it was the waking me early for FOOD I wasn't so happy with :lol:
    Mind Ricky used to put a paw ever so gently on my closed eyes to wake me the little love.
    Hope Debs is doing ok with the no smoking, we don't do ourselves any favours eh! :oops: Just have to make sure I am well away from Trish's oxygen :shock:
    love and hugs
    Chris :wink:
  • skezier
    skezier Member Posts: 11,333
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi Chris,

    you and me both :wink:

    Mine don't keep their claws in and Blights especially gets cross if I move my head so I get the occasional scratch on the face..... Velc's is like Ricky but the horrible 2some..... well most just uses her weight!

    I nearly got some farrings today..... You have much prettier packets than when they were done down here :wink: Oh got you some humbugs to make up for some I 'may' have acquired recently :wink:

    Going to take a builders outside now if you would care t join me :wink: xx
  • chris7
    chris7 Bots Posts: 2,696
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Do you think we dare? c015.gif

    Oops! Trish may never speak to me again!! :cry:
    Joy refused to adopt me when I told her I smoked, I've never recovered from the shame. Poor love has asthma I think so understandable. Maybe Deb can give us some motivation I hope :lol:
    My cats once decided to have their mad half hour when I was in bed one morning and one of them ran full pelt claws out across me chest, ouch I still have the scar. Fortunately I didn't spill me tea :lol::lol:
    Chris :wink:
  • skezier
    skezier Member Posts: 11,333
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi Chris,

    I had a cat long ago, a lovely lady but as wild as I have ever met. She sprang at me a few times but the first time (I was more careful after that) she really did put some scratches on me cus she did an impersonation of a crawler from Aliens and got the scars to prove it...... on my nose and neck..... She used to sleep on the bed after that with her best mate who wasn't much less wild...... It strike my heart cold to wake and find my self almost nose to nose with Hateful (yes I did call her that, and she lived up to it!) She tamed in the ed and was really sweet...... but only with me :wink:

    Do you think Debs cold let us have some resolve? I'm going for the weight loss first...... any excuse eh?! xx
  • Wonkylegs
    Wonkylegs Member Posts: 3,504
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    angel1 wrote:
    Full English, and a big builders for me today. Having been practically housebound for so long, I`ve gone mad over the last few days. Driven far too much, and kicked my shoulders off big time. Will I ever learn?

    Oh Ange I know that feeling so well!!! Sorry you know that feeling too ... and I do hope it improves soon. At least the white stuff is no more :wink:

    It has been great to get out and about doing what I want to do rather than just what I have to do ...... but driving doesn't help the shoulders does it? And today I went driving AND walking when my hips were already hurting :roll: :roll: :roll: so feeling it now.

    hope you get some sleep tonight & feel better tomorrow
  • Wonkylegs
    Wonkylegs Member Posts: 3,504
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Evening all (oops just seen it is officially Monday :shock: where did SUnday go :? :lol::lol:

    Hope you are all well and warmer than you were last week. It has been a lovely day here today ... a tropical 7 degrees this lunchtime :shock: :D:D so we took littlelegs for a walk in her favourite squirrel-chasing place. One happy dog!!

    Cris - I really hope that you get your drip tomorrow, and that they don't make you suffer too much. Littlelegs is fine thanks, and sends you wags, slurps and licks for tomorrow. She says to tell those eyes of yours to behave too!!!

    Anyone for a hot chocolate before I go to bed?
  • skezier
    skezier Member Posts: 11,333
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Thanks Wonky,

    You take care of her cus he will be bored this week........ and have full access to the pc for emailing purposes..... Unless I don't get done :wink: This one I actually need :roll: :lol::lol: Slurps and ((( ))) Cris xx
  • trisher
    trisher Member Posts: 9,263
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00


    Yes, I'm up as usual, yet I don't sleep later during the day. My elbows have move 4 inches that's as far at the moment, still it is an improvement. :)

    I hope you are all ok, going to read for a bit.

    Trish xxx
  • annie_mial
    annie_mial Member Posts: 5,614
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Thank you for the reminder, Trish, I have just put it in my bag with my Metho book.

    I've crept in for a builders while no one was about. Don't think I've got anything catching, but better to be on the safe side.

    I could drink the river dry, but I don't want anything to eat just now.

    Cris, I hope they get you done and dusted today. I have been thinking about you in the night - remember that we are all with you. I so hope it helps the eyes for you too.

    Another builders and I will get back to bed for a couple of hours.

  • trisher
    trisher Member Posts: 9,263
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi Annie

    Cannot sleep, so I thought I would have a ovaltine and a sticky bun with a cherry on the top, :D

    AAwweee We are getting low on them.

    Annie, you have caught a bad infection and really need the AB's you have not got mucch imunity system that is why you have caught it.

    Go back to bed for a while if you can.

    love Trish xxx

    ps. If you cannot go out call the doctor you need the AB'S xx
  • skezier
    skezier Member Posts: 11,333
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi Jan, Trish and Annie,

    Well I shall sort of hope they do it...... I can't bring my self to really hope :wink::lol::lol::lol: Will let you know when I escape :D You all take care and Annie remember what it is I have forgotten to remind you :oops: :wink: Cris xxxx

    Morning Del,

    You want another builders? Hope you can get your results ok x
  • valval
    valval Member Posts: 14,911
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    good morning all hope blue monday not affecting u . do not feel to bad myself so far pots soaking, washing drying so taking five for myself lol and chaching up with u all
  • valval
    valval Member Posts: 14,911
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    delboy wrote:
    Got my appointment for 10:30. When visiting my GP I tend to use one of the senior GP's and when I tried to make an appointment with her this morning as she is the one who has been dealing with my blood pressure and arranged the monitor I was told I could have an appointment with her at 10:10 which I accepted. She then said your doctor is ****** and I explianed the other was dealing with this particular matter, so she booked me in with the other at 10:30.

    I didn't say anything as I didn't feel like a shouting match this morning but I will make my feelings known when I see the senior partner later.

    The receptionists are utterly useless and have upset my wife recently when she was ringing up to ask about some results of blodd tests for ITP, the only answer she could get was 'There's nothing on screen'

    some of them need training and do feel these days there is no training on customer service and they need it sorry u had this i have to make app well in advance because she is a great doc who gives u plenty of time
  • angel1
    angel1 Bots Posts: 1,464
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hiya everyone,

    Trish, try to get some sleep during the day. Glad your elbows are moving in the right direction.

    Annie, Feel better soon, and good luck today.

    Cris, I`m thinking of you, and hoping for some good results for you.

    Jan, send the little "madam" to me. I`m very good with awkward little - and big - buggers!! Had lots of practice.

    Now, a bacon buttie, and a builders.......Ange.
  • annie_mial
    annie_mial Member Posts: 5,614
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi all you lovely peeps, I am just back from the doctor's surgery. There was no-one available to see me this morning so I am going back this afternoon to see what AB's I can have and to discuss what I am supposed to do about the MTX.
    Thanks to all you - I remembered to put my blood form in my bag at 5am this morning (didn't sleep all that well).

    I am feeling a bit better - not quite so floppy - today but the throat is as bad as ever and I think it's going down to my chest - what fun!

    I have bought in a box of jam doughnuts from the local bakers, they make the best ones I have ever tasted...........I have left them in the kitchen.

    I will have some soup for my lunch, a bit early but I do feel hungry now and it will be easy to swallow..........have we got any mushroom? Oooooh, yes!

    Hope you are all having good days, has anyone heard if Cris has actually gone in for the drip yet? I've been thinking about her all night.

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,212
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    You BOTH been to the docs
    you seen each other??
    I have just had a text from cris to say they got the drip in FINALLY and she is ok.
    Hopefully she will get on tonight when she has done the sheeps(!)
    She should be ok, those of you who have been around when she has this drip will know, she might start to feel poorly later on as the days progress.

    Good news is they didn't have to send her to Treliske!
    Toni xx
  • minky67
    minky67 Member Posts: 2,328
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi all, sorry ive not been in for a bit.
    Cris i hope things have gone well for you today, been thinking of you.

    Chris, im doing ok on the champix tablets, ive had 1 **** this morning & now got no craving whats so ever. Im not even due my give up dat til next week between day 8 & 14 is the goal & im on day 6. OH cutting down slowly, we find it harder at night or having a drink. Even tea was making me crave for a **** but not now.

    Trisher, i hope your elbows are getting better.

    Ive had to relent & go to GPs this morning as this knee isnt getting any better. Ive torn the ligaments in the back & front of my knee when i fell. so ive got to rest it as much as possible, he said it could take 2 to 3 months or maybe more for it to heal. :shock: He also told me on no account to go out in the snow & ice as another fall could be seriously bad. So thats me told :wink: My knees on fire,ive got pins & needles in there & the stabbing pains going right through my kneecap :roll: Ive got a support bandage on it too.
    luv debs ( who always seem to be in the wars lately) :wink:
  • Wonkylegs
    Wonkylegs Member Posts: 3,504
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    HI guys and gals,

    had an interesting morning ....... first the milkman left me the wrong milk :x :x :x :x :x :x at least we had some for breakfast, but I can't understand why he brought the wrong stuff - I had to ring them up and they are going to talk to the dairy about it :roll: :roll: :roll: I'm not paying for what I didn't get though - I was half a pint short :x

    second 'fun' was walking littlelegs & popped into the vets to weigh her ..... OMG she has lost even MORE weight :shock: :shock: so I have rung the nutritional helpline (for the food we give her) who were really great. Since then I have managed to find a pet shop which sells the additional food that we need, and they have ordered it for us. Hubby has to fetch it on Friday - but they were so good they found us some trial packs and gave us those for free :D:D:D:D good job the pet shop is across from where hubby works - he popped over in his precious lunch time (only gets 30 mins) so littlelegs is going to really enjoy her tea tonight :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

    big pan of pea & ham soup on herefor those of you who are a bit chilly - have popped it on a low light so it's ready whenever you are - there is a cold wind blowing here on the east coast :roll:
  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,228
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi everyone.
    i hope you are all warm and well.
    i have a lovely doc i have only had her 2 months
    as my doc retiered.
    i phoned this morning and i've got an app to day
    i hope cris is okay she go's though it i feel sorry for her.
    a mug of tea please.
    joan xx
    take care
    joan xx
  • joyful164
    joyful164 Member Posts: 2,401
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hello Skezier, Trish, Cris, Chris, Annie, Joan, anyone, everyone Hi.
    So sorry I have been AWOL. Bath bun and a coffee please. I'll get it.
    It has been such a busy day or so, although I must admit, I was in my studio yesterday having a chill out and doing my painting. bril.

    OH is now taking DiL to Leics Royal Infirm every Wednesday now.
    So I changed my Wed Painting session to a Tues painting session and, guess what? Hospital has rung telling me to go in for my colonoscopy? endoscopy?( forgotten which it is now) this Tues, so I won't get there again. As far as DiL is concerned, no better really. Rotherham Hospital are going to carry on with the treatment in the hope that she will improve. On the other hand, she has 30% damage to her liver now, her spleen is swollen and she now has an ulcer just below her wind pipe. Naturally, any food she tries to eat just comes back again. She just wants to give up, she has had enough.

    You live in Rushden Ibelieve. How would you like to give you hand to painting and come to The Shed with me one afternoon Tues or Wed. All day painting 23rd. All full now, but maybe another month. afternoon whenever.

    Hope you are feeling OK. Has your cold developed?

    I went for my Chiropractitioner session this morning and I have to admit it, I am feeling the benefits The tingling burning numbness sensations in my left hand are all on one finger now and not all 4. My neck feels looser and not so painful. Muscles hurt and I expect to have some referedpain for awhile but I can handle that with ice bags. At least I can tell my Rheumy that I have given it a go.

    I do hope we do not get this snow that they forecast for Wednesday. Last couple of days have been distinctly longer and lighter. We shall be able to have the table and chairs outside soon.

    I am beginning to get to that time of day when I just want to sleep. exhausted.
  • annie_mial
    annie_mial Member Posts: 5,614
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi everyone, Chris, Cris (when you manage to get on here), Joan, Jan, Joy, Trish, Del..............
    I have just got back from the doctor's I saw a dear little doctor, still wet behind the ears, but hey, he was polite, thorough and didn't ask me any disconcerting questions. His conclusions? I have an ear infection, a throat infection and will soon have a chest infection and I have to go back on Thursday to see if it has arrived. I've got AB's but only the tack-hammer variety. I have a feeling that this lot will need a sledgehammer before they go away!
    I am sweating buckets and have been all day, which at least saves on the heating, wish I knew what to do about it. Am I the only person in the country who sits here of an evening without heating and with the window open when the temp outside is -ridiculous?

    I think I had better have a sandwich, something soft. I'd eat more soup, but that will be hot and my specs are sliding down my nose as it is.
    What shall I put in the sarnie?

This discussion has been closed.