


  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,217
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Rehab I hadn't seen!!
    Well didn't Val have a good idea here then :D
    (Lynn - you know what I meant, but only joking :wink: )
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,217
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi Jan

    Cris' eggs are lovely...really yum and the yolks are so deep a yellow :):) Much better than asda :wink:

    Glad yo had the xray dun - and that you kept your drawers on :wink:

    You didn't ask about the coxyx or knee coz u is a good girl :D:D


    Toni xx
  • angel1
    angel1 Bots Posts: 1,464
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    I wish you`d all shurrup about bloody eggs. On top of paying through the nose, I`ve just dropped two! Think I may go and visit Lynn`s Joe Egg fella, get some freebies.....Ange.
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,217
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    angel1 wrote:
    I wish you`d all shurrup about bloody eggs. On top of paying through the nose, I`ve just dropped two! Think I may go and visit Lynn`s Joe Egg fella, get some freebies.....Ange.

    Ok Ange
    but you have to do some 'little jobs' in exchange.....
  • angel1
    angel1 Bots Posts: 1,464
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    frogmorton wrote:
    angel1 wrote:
    I wish you`d all shurrup about bloody eggs. On top of paying through the nose, I`ve just dropped two! Think I may go and visit Lynn`s Joe Egg fella, get some freebies.....Ange.

    Ok Ange
    but you have to do some 'little jobs' in exchange.....

    S`Okay.......I will!!
  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,231
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi Everyone.
    Cris i'm glad the drip is working.
    i thought it funny when it was said he grows his own eggs.
    it's like when you go in the docs and the receptsionist says take a seat and i think if everyone took one there would be none left.
    a mug of tea and i think i will go after that.
    joan xx
    take care
    joan xx
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,217
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    One cuppa tea coming up Joan.....


    Very good that - no chairs left in the waiting room :wink:

    Toni x
  • annie_mial
    annie_mial Member Posts: 5,614
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Eggs, Eggs? Anybody want any blue and green ones? Local farm here has them.

    No snow here, but 'tis a wicked wind to be out and about in and I've had a very full day with Rheumy (very nice to me, no change in anything due to respiratory probs, but wants the Pred dose down much, much quicker than they do........hmmmm, been there before, only time will tell).
    Asthma clinic, at least two more weeks tied to the nebulizer, go back next week for another assessment or before if it doesn't go as hoped.........all about par for the course with me. Didn't realize before just how bad the original infection was, missed being kidnapped and incarcerated by a whisker.

    A large builders (it's sitting beside me as we speak) and a buttered bun (so is that) and a little shut-eye then 'cos I'm knackered.

    Hope you've all had better days, doesn't seem to be that much snow about yet, see you all later!

  • annebr
    annebr Member Posts: 730
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Jan, did they tell you anything at the xray? I also have probs with my coxys...

    We have had a blizzard up here this morning stopped this afternoon but it's freezing cold. Night to snuggle in.

    I am the same as Ange and pay through the nose for eggs, price of being a city girl.

    How is everyone?

    Rehab, can't believe I know someone as famous as you!!!

  • angel1
    angel1 Bots Posts: 1,464
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    rehab44 wrote:
    Just come back in after photo shoot outside my gaff with the rozzers. Part of a neighbourhood watch success with a reduction a in crime and a massive reduction in anti social behaviour
    Don't know about you but the cops in my local area are seen and they get things done. They also drink my coffee, fresh with cream, none of your instant for the boys in blue :D

    Anyway I am famous now, but you may still touch me.. in a friendly non-sexual way ok?


    OK, gizz yer autograph.......Ange
  • Wonkylegs
    Wonkylegs Member Posts: 3,504
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    HI All,

    time for a quick builders before I have to go out to doctors :(
    not cos I is ill, but cos I asked for 30/500 cocodamols on Wednesday and picked up the script this am & didn't read it properly. When I opened the bag from the chemist at 4 to take some they were 8/500s instead :cry::cry::cry: so had to ring and beg for another script for tonight as I only have 6 tablets left

    she was very nice .... trouble is if I ask for just one strength this happens but if I get both strengths at the same time the chemist goes into meltdown cos peeps can't be trusted to take only 8 in 245 hours it would seem. :roll: :roll:

    Trisher hope things went ok for you - littlelegs still on standby

    Ange, littlelegs says if you are in the habit of dropping (expensive) eggs then she is on her way ..... nothing she likes better than an egg ... with or without shell, and she is not bothered if you don't cook it first :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

    Oh and for a moment when I popped on here I thought you'd all been able to smell the fish I cooked last night :shock: :shock: :shock: I have had to febreeze the house today it was so bad, so well done TOni for getting rid of the stargazy pie stink :wink:

    see you all later
  • joyful164
    joyful164 Member Posts: 2,401
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Well done Rehab. My OH was neighbourhood watch co-ordinator for years. During the first year, we happened to look out of the bedroom window and saw some figures jumping over the fence of the shop downthe road. Rang police and they got there in time to catch them committing the crime.

    We haven't heard from Trisher. Let's hope they are keeping a good eye on her and she will get better.

    Annie -Sounds like you had a close call. Hope you will get better soon and stay wrapped up and warm. Bleak outside.

    Toni always did think there was something fishy going on.

    I've been out most of the morning so didn't notice but fish smells do not go away very quickly do they????

    I had my chiro session this morning and then off to have my hair done. After that I got home, sat in my chair and fell asleep for 3 hours.

    Obviously I had done too much as usual. I don't think I shall be going very far this weekend either.

    Fish and Chips ready o O good.

  • annie_mial
    annie_mial Member Posts: 5,614
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Evenin' all you lovely peeps...........went upstairs for a short nap and woke up 3.5 hours later, oops :!:

    Will have a builders and consider what to have to brain hurts, I was having a nightmare when I woke. Perhaps another builders would help, that first one was just the job.

  • valval
    valval Member Posts: 14,911
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    annie_mial wrote:
    Evenin' all you lovely peeps...........went upstairs for a short nap and woke up 3.5 hours later, oops :!:

    Will have a builders and consider what to have to brain hurts, I was having a nightmare when I woke. Perhaps another builders would help, that first one was just the job.


    poor you hope you doing better now hate it when you come out of a dream to quick like that
  • bertyboy
    bertyboy Member Posts: 1,860
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    just having a quick catch up and check how you all are x
    just going to open a box of thorntans if anybodys interested i liketo share

    its nice to know the cops are making there presence felt in some places x
    I know i am a lady ,all life is a journey xx MAY xx
  • Wonkylegs
    Wonkylegs Member Posts: 3,504
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    oh yes please bertyboy .... choccies ...... just what I need tonight :D
    ta muchly

    just popping in for a quick cuppa before I sit down with hubby to watch a DVD. He's had to go out into the frozen wastes to walk littlelegs and I needed to bribe him with the thought of A DVD and a chocolate pudding when he gets back :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

    not sure what I bribed littlelegs with though :?

    anyone else for chocolate pud? .......

    hugs left to warm under the blankets on the sofa - help yourselves :wink:

    might not ccall in again until tomorrow so hope you all sleep well
  • joyful164
    joyful164 Member Posts: 2,401
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Don't think I'd better bertieboy

    I've just downed two chocolate muffins, which i made the other day with lots of choc buttons in, choc icing and flaked choc on top.
    Delicious. I'd love another, but I think I have messed the diet up today.

    Think that calls for a builders and tucked up in front of the fire.

    How's everyone else doing? Oh I hate this cold.

  • annie_mial
    annie_mial Member Posts: 5,614
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Have a lovely evening, Wonky, batten down the hatches. It's supposed to be a bright but cold w/end, so will be nice to look out of the window from time to time!

  • trisher
    trisher Member Posts: 9,263
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Evening All

    I will have a large coffee and a sticky bun with a cherry on the top please how is you all???

    It is so cold outside. I'm going to sit near the fire.
  • skezier
    skezier Member Posts: 11,333
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi All,

    Wonky have a good night xx

    Berty please re the choc's, I could trade you some eggs but don't tell Ange :wink: How you doing today? x

    Hi Chris just a ((( ))) and xx

    Hi Annie,

    Hope your feeling a lot better? xx

    Hi Joy,

    It will soon be spring..... I hope x

    Jan just a hug and a hope your in less pain tonight? x

    Trish am I glad to see you. Hope it was ok today and would you like a bit of my blankie..... I have got Jan's as well but she hasn't noticed :wink: You want another coffee? xx

    Right a huge builders and a coffee for Trish and refills for everyone who wants one...... Off to the fire now if I snore please feel free to kick me..... x
  • valval
    valval Member Posts: 14,911
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    hi trisher good to have you with us did you find the key to the lock on the tin of cakes
  • annie_mial
    annie_mial Member Posts: 5,614
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi Jan, Joy, Cris, Trish - good to have you back home - and anyone else who's crept in while I wasn't looking.

    Have just had a hot jam toastie and a lovely cuppa. My head still isn't on quite right, I fell asleep and had a nightmare earlier, but I'm so glad I don't have to go anywhere else for a couple of days, it's freezing out there!

    I'm having a little trouble with my hands, so a bit slower tonight; but I feel ok in myself and nothing else dire happened today........just trot on as usual at the mo.

    Another builders and I'll go over to the fire and sneak a corner of Cris' blankie.

  • valval
    valval Member Posts: 14,911
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    annie_mial wrote:
    Hi Jan, Joy, Cris, Trish - good to have you back home - and anyone else who's crept in while I wasn't looking.

    Have just had a hot jam toastie and a lovely cuppa. My head still isn't on quite right, I fell asleep and had a nightmare earlier, but I'm so glad I don't have to go anywhere else for a couple of days, it's freezing out there!

    I'm having a little trouble with my hands, so a bit slower tonight; but I feel ok in myself and nothing else dire happened today........just trot on as usual at the mo.

    Another builders and I'll go over to the fire and sneak a corner of Cris' blankie.


    annie there is a blanket with your name on over the back of that chair there enjoy can not make out what colour it is though
  • trisher
    trisher Member Posts: 9,263
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi Val, Jan. Annie, Cris, Chris and anyone else I forgot.


    Thank you no they did not kidna inp me as I did not want to so I'm on bed rest. I had a sleep when I got back. It has confirmed it is Pleursey. I founf the key Val thank you.

    Hi All

    I hope you are all ok. Jan you not well? Joy you too.

    About the topic Eggs, Well hubby went out and came back with a load of the Cadbury's cream eggs, he know I like them so it was a treat. Hel also bout a ton of veg to make soup with so I can have the vitamins that I need as I don't feel like eating lots.

    Now I will have a coffee and another sticky bun with a cherry on the top. Also a large coffee.
  • trisher
    trisher Member Posts: 9,263
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00

    What have you been doing Val, how is your neck?
This discussion has been closed.