Val's Cafe



  • applerose
    applerose Member Posts: 3,621

    Morning. Thank you so much for my medal. I will treasure it. Sorry I couldn't be there for your mri Chris. Those naughty gigglers. I'm sure they helped a great deal though. I love broccoli but sometimes overcook it. I'll try the recipe with the tamari and chilli. Toni, glad the girls will soon have their keys.

    I've got most of my garden ready for winter. I've removed some of the grass and thrown down some wild flower seeds. Fingers crossed they come up next year. Some of my potted plants are now in the ground. My pumpkins are still the size of sprouts. Don't think my granddaughter will be very impressed come Halloween.

  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281

    Afternoon all

    Joan it has gone along cooler..I don't mind that when I'm in bed..but want it warm in the day..enjoy your ride out...wish we had a park or even a to all of you xx

    Christine I had to laugh ...maybe the mini pumpkins will taste good...Nice to have your garden sorted..I need a good environmental kind weedkiller xx

    Toni aww bless the little pussykins they know when they are loved..think they wanted to try your lovely car out..Still can't get over the gorgeous colour..

    Thankyou yes Saturdays croissants..Aiden will be helping himself...:)xx

    Kath has your order been delivered or is it due today.. it had better come..

    I love the lullaby.. it nearly sent me to sleep ..its doesn't take much these days hahaha..thankyou for another good recipe..can't you tell I have forgotten the name already.....xx

    Today I am ordering a buffet for our gds birthday on Tuesday..they arrive tomorrow night.fungers crossed....

    Love to everyone



  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583

    Daily Poem (They keep sending me poems about death, so I'm back to searching for them myself.)


    Corrado Govoni

    Translated from the Italian by Paula Bohince

    The invisible insect, all green,

    is alive, incredibly, running happily,

    his angelic big toe shimmering

    on white paper while I write,

    and I don’t touch him, for fear he’ll break,

    and I can’t see how he’s made, or if he has eyes:

    they’d be like needle points.

    (Could he be a gigantic magician in disguise?)

    And to think that he eats

    to serve his weakness.

    Who knows what good things he eats!

    Who knows the world as he sees it!

    Perhaps small is beautiful,

    the way a pea is.

    Christine, congratulations.

    I've got to sort some files out to put on Len. Talking of Len, I rang dad this morning, he's well. The Friday Club was open yesterday - WITH 18 MEMBERS! All wearing masks and face shields.

    TaTa for now.

    Vegan cheeseburger pie an chips.

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,222
    edited 20. Sep 2020, 06:52

    Dreadful scenes in Greece where that Hurricane hit. Poor people lucky thought that many more didn't die I suppose.

    Yes Please Kath! Pie and chips just what any self respecting person (vegan or otherwise) needs! Look fabulously naughty!😁

    Great poem - Kari would like it she loves insects draws and paints them loads.

    I am very pleased to hear both Lens are doing ok laptop-Len is working hard and causing no trouble and Dad Len no doubt quite the reverse😉 Really good he could go to his club. 👍️

    Christine we have been working on tidying the garden too over the last few weeks ready for winter the weeds had gone mad again🙄shame about the pumpkins. You need to come here our village is known for them. You can tell your GD they are 'fairy 'ones????

    I really hope your wildflower seeds do well fingers crossed they should.

    How are your blisters doing? I hope you've recovered from your run!

    Hi Barbara I hope your bro is doing ok? and the adorable Niamh? How is she? Have you seen her this weekend?

    Are you all ready for the girls to arrive? I bet you can't wait i see a buffet has been ordered that will be a lovely surprise for them🙂

    Yes cats do know when they are loved. Tia and her husband are back now so I don't have to rush off over there. But I do have to make some dips for Pauls bro and sis who are coming over for lunch. OUTSIDE in the garden the sun is due and the wind should have dropped I hope.

    Have you tried greengardener? I use them for all my gardening products never tried weedkiller though presume they do one.

    Joan I replied to you, but I think it's on the last page in case you don't see it.

    Love to Chris I hope you are still on the mend and not overdoing it. Love also to Carol hope you enjoy today's service. (()) xxx

    Breakfast anyone?

    Full-English/Welsh/Scottish or Cornish.... vegan option available!

    Couldn't fit the fried bread on the plates but it's there honest!

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,235

    Good morning everyone

    Toni that's a lovely photo thank you ((())) are they Tia's cats ((())) it won't be long now for Charley ((()) and her girlfriend to get the keys good. Love to Paul ((())) and Lucy ((())) Kari ((())) Pom ((())).

    love to Kath ((())) Chris ((())) Anita ((()))Val ((())) and your dad ((()))

    Barbara ((())) and Mr B ((())) your son ((())) and your brother ((())) and his girlfriend (((()))

    Love to Bill ((())) Chris ((())) Carol ((())) Mig ((())

    take care
    joan xx
  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,235

    just to let you know our neighbour Died this morning

    I meant to write it on the other post but I pressed it to quick .

    take care
    joan xx
  • applerose
    applerose Member Posts: 3,621

    Just saw a picture of a pink car. Love it. Is it me Toni? Fairy pumpkins? What a great idea. My feet are much better, thanks. I feel a lot fitter now so hopefully will keep up with the exercise but maybe not quite so much.

    Kath, thank you. I do like a pie. That one sounds good.

    Barbara, I've got my fingers crossed that your b buffet turns up. I'm sure it will and you'll all have a lovely day.

    Joan, so sorry to hear about your neighbour.

    I haven't used weed killer for a lot of years. Most weeds are welcome unless they threaten other plants. It's been amazing what lovely flowers some of them have, although often small. I've allowed things like carrots to flower and found a tree growing which even gardeners world don't know what it is.

    Not sure if that worked but this is bird's foot trefoil, one of my favourites. It's a fairly big patch now.

  • applerose
    applerose Member Posts: 3,621

    Forgot to mention. My brother had his second hip replacement yesterday using a robot. He went in to theatre at 8.30am, was back on the ward at 10.30am and walked unaided out of the hospital at 4pm. Have any of you heard of that? I'm totally amazed.

  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583
    edited 20. Sep 2020, 13:23

    Daily Poem

    Equinox By Fady Joudah

    A gift economy stuffs its pockets

    with stones that hold their shape like water.

    We’re more water than blood,

    and more than water. A sea isn’t a river,

    just ask the rain.

    We’re other worms

    for other silk roads,

    a theory unified,

    a dream of nucleotides.

    Silk Worms eating Mulberry leaves.

    Christine, that is amazing. Your brother must be so pleased. 😊

    Joan, I'm so sorry to hear the sad news of your neighbour's death. She won't be suffering any more. 😥

    Toni, that breakfast is HUGE. All I have is two Belvita breakfast biscuits and a cup of coffee or orange juice. More insects for Kari to draw.

    I wonder if we will be advised to shield again? 😕

    Not a Vegan meal today, but I'm sure our resident Vegan will be able to make adaptations and Sleek can eat the left over fish Toni won't use. 😘.

    Easy Fish Pie

    SERVES: 3


    1 pack fish pie mix (or the same amount of white fish, salmon etc, about 250-300g (8.8-10oz))

    300ml (10.6fl.oz) semi skimmed milk

    15g (0.5oz) plain flour

    1tsp English mustard (optional)

    250g (8.8oz) mashed potato (make your own or use frozen)

    150g (5.3oz) frozen sweetcorn (or use peas if you prefer)

    100g (3.5oz) chopped frozen spinach

    3 spring onions, roughly chopped

    30g (1.1oz) light grated cheddar

    Recipe Summary:

    Fish pie is one of those classic home-cooked dishes that are great to feed a hungry family. However, it’s a dish with a few too many processes to it when struggling with arthritis: poaching the fish, making a proper white sauce and mashing potato are all things to do only when feeling really well. This recipe cuts out all those steps so you can eat fish pie even when flaring! Bake the fish in a one-step, low-fat white sauce and use frozen mash to keep things quick and easy. Also use a variety of frozen veg to lighten up the filling and help pack in your 5-a-day


    Start by making the white sauce. Put the flour in a cold saucepan and add a little of the milk to make a paste, gradually add the rest of the milk, stirring as you go until you have added it all (I sometimes use my hand blender to do this to save on stirring). Next, put the cold milk and flour mix on a low heat and bring slowly to a simmer, stirring gently until the sauce thickens enough to cover the back of the spoon or is a similar consistency to single cream.

    Remove the sauce from the heat and add in the frozen spinach, peas and slice spring onions. Season to taste with black pepper, salt and mustard, if using.

    Place the fish pieces in a medium sized oven proof dish and then pour the sauce and vegetable mixture over them. Spread things about to make sure the fish and vegetables are evenly distributed. Spoon the mash potato on top and use a fork to smooth it out. Top the pie with the grated cheese and bake for 25-30minutes or until bubbling and golden on top

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281

    Evening all a lovely sunny day

    Yes Toni waiting impatiently for our gd and fiance to arrive.. our eldest son her dad picks them up from Manchester at 8.30..the buffet us for her birthday on Tuesday.. 23 she us

    Hope you got to make the dips and you all enjoyed...I am so full after that mega breakfast...

    My brother is plodding on thankyou for asking ..he has another scan next week..xx

    Joan I am so sorry to hear about your neighbour.. must both be sad..I bet Aidan is showing her around heaven..xx

    Christine I have not used weedkiller for many years but I seeded a mini meadow. And the weeds took over..but like you say some weeds have nice flowers...I like the tree you have found...xx

    Kath I am glad dad us able to get out and makes such a difference..

    Have you got Ken sorted now..I love that bit..thankyou for the poems especially the snail one....pie and chips and then fish pie you spoil us thankyou...xx

    Right must move

    Love to everyone


  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,222

    Oooooh! I'm cross. I just let my 'Len's battery run low and he shut down before I posted so that's my post gone FOREVER !!!!!!!!!!!! 😫😫😫Not that I'm being dramatic or anything😁

    Will have to call back because I have to rescue Paul from the garage (MOT) in a bit and must get dressed.

    Joan I am so sad for you and everyone who cared about your neighbour. May she rest in peace now God bless her.🙏🌈

    The cats were indeed Tia's pusskins Oreo and Jessie.

    Breakfast was ready before I lost my post so here it is:

    Hot buttered toast. jam, marmalade, honey (c/o our café bees) available!

    Will call back

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,235

    Good morning everyone

    . Christine ((())) yes you can get some pretty wild flowers. how are your eyes. Good your brother did well.

    Kath ((())) hat's good your Dad ((())) could go to his club. How are you feeling love to Chris (((())) Anita ((())) Val ((()))

    Barbara ((())) I'm sure your granddaughter will love the meal . Love to Mr B ((())) and your son ((())) and brother good luck for the scan ((())) and his girlfriend ((()))

    Toni ((())) yes I'm sure Aidan would show our neighbour around up there. Love to Paul ((())) Charley ((())) and her girlfriend ((())) Tia ((())) Lucy ((())) Kari ((())) Pom ((()))

    love to Bill ((())) Carol ((()))Mig ((()))

    take care
    joan xx
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,222

    Barbara if you get in with your GD with you I hope you are having a great time and enjoy that treat on Tuesday - hey will love it the girls 🙂

    I hope your bro's scans are as good as possible ((()))

    I managed to make all the dips and salsa etc, but gosh I seperated into bowls for each couple ( me and Paul, SIL and her hub, BIL and his wife) to keep us all safe. The amount of washing up after they had gone!!!!!!!!!!!!😣

    Christine I also 'grow' some weeds for their flowers so long as you don't let them get out of hand eh? I think the trefoil is so pretty and well done little tree self-seeding. Whatever it turns out to be!

    Weedkiller is so bad for wildlife isn't it? Best avoided.

    Go your bro! Go the robot too!I bet he recovers far quicker at home if he has support there. Think about it - sleep when you want it....tablets when you need them not when drugs rounds happen your own telly. Yes much better.

    Kath that poem was clever - used a few brain cells reading it, but good and I love the little silk works bless them so industrious. Krai will love them. I had to pop a bee outside this morning.

    I ate belvitas when Lucy was in the hospital as I could eat them on the quiet even on days when she was nil by mouth for an intrathecal/bone marrow aspiration.

    The fish pie recipe looks good - I can adapt, Sleek says 'Arnty Kath sez yu haf to by th fish four me mummy enywai' So i will!

    I Hope our Chris is still improving and that Carol is ok too🤔

    Coffee machine is fired up

    Love to everyone

  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281

    Afternoon all from a very relived happy Barbara..

    GD and fiance safely here and buffet on its way tomorrow for her birthday ...:):) thanks to my neice for helping.. I used to love making there party food but can only do so much these days

    Toni yummy toast and coffee thankyou..glad your dips went down well..fingers still crossed for the girls house xx

    Joan thankyou its all sorted..its a year since we saw our I want to to be right...I do panic..think its my to all of you xx

    Love to everyone hope you have this sun



  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583

    Daily Poem (I don't know if the middle bit is part of the poem or not?)


    Landscape through which runs a river

                                                           both sides lined with trees

    slightly therefore flowing green,

                                                           the bells strung between

    follow in slight distance

                                               reflected on the panes of an orangery.

    Landscape of evening

                                               shadowing the park

    Landscape of ventriloquist

                                               in nearby pavilion,

    the land itself a voice

    of silence coming through a white sheet thrown over a chair—

    Landscape of a sheet of sun made of bees.

    Varda often focused on people often unheard—vagabonds, gleaners, cleaners, shopkeepers, villagers, with landscape framing—even enabling—character. Her last full-length film, Visages Villages, with the face of the entire French countryside moving smoothly behind, the one thing that binds all these otherwise disparate faces and places.


                                               Landscape opening

    just like the faces

                                               going pale in the pouring light

    of ripe wheat

                                               blanchisserie of all is summer

    looking back in defiance

                                               at the camera.

    Landscape as history

                                               looking back too quickly,

    as history

                                               working at right angles to memory

    Landscape of history

                                               as the shade of an oak over a stream

    oddly resembling

                                               a folded paper boat.

    BornArlette Varda

    30 May 1928 IxellesBrussels, Belgium

    Died29 March 2019 (aged 90) Paris, France

    Occupation Director, screenwriter, editor, actor, producer, installation artist, photographer

    Years active1951–2019

    Notable work

    Barbara, I'm so pleased your family arrived safely. Enoy your buffet.

    Toni, I've scoffed all the buttered toast and drunk all the coffee. It was LUVVERLEY thanks.

    Joan, yes dad does enjoy meeting his chums, but he always finds something to moan about. Hahahaha that's his age. Bless.

     Baked stuffed cabbage parcels with tomato and chilli

    Serves 4

    Packed with veg to help you soar past your 5-a-day.


    For the cabbage parcels

    • 1 large red cabbage
    • Spray oil
    • 1 red onion, diced
    • 1 clove garlic, pureed
    • 1 tbsp tomato puree
    • 200 g soya mince
    • 1 tbsp chopped fresh flat leaf parsley

    For the sauce

    • 2 tbsp vegetable oil
    • 1 red onion, peeled and diced
    • 2 cloves garlic, peeled and chopped
    • 2 red chilli, thinly diced
    • 2 red peppers, diced
    • 1 carrot, peeled and diced
    • 1 tin chopped tomatoes
    • 1 tbsp chopped fresh basil
    • 4 baked sweet potatoes or brown rice, to serve


    For the cabbage rolls

    1. Peel off the outer leaves from the cabbage and blanche in boiling water to soften them up. Chill in cold water, drain and set aside.
    2. In a saucepan, heat some spray oil, add the onion and cook until soft and coloured. Add the garlic and tomato puree and cook for a further 1 minute. Add the soya mince and chopped parsley and combine thoroughly.
    3. Stuff the cabbage leaves with the soya mix, folding the leaves over to form parcels and put into an ovenproof dish join side down.

    For the sauce

    1. In another saucepan, heat 2 tbsp vegetable oil over a medium heat, add the onion and cook until soft. Add the garlic and chilli and cook for 1 minute. Add the red pepper and carrot and cook for 2 minutes. Add the chopped tomatoes and bring to a simmer. Cook for 5 minutes. Add the basil and check the seasoning.
    2. Pour over the cabbage leaves and bake in the oven on a medium heat for 20 minutes.
    3. Serve with baked sweet potatoes or brown rice.

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,222

    Morning Joan I hear today is going to be lovely again enjoy your walk with the dogs and make the most of it🙂Please send my love to Sue ((()))

    Barbara it will all be just perfect. I'm sure all the girls want is to be with you and for your GD 'home' where everything is familiar. I bet you wanted that kitchen floor done though🙄

    Happy birthday to your GD today

    I'm sure it will all go perfectly thanks to the buffet and help from your lovely niece😍

    Kath great poem and how clever Agnes Varda to write the poem and set it out the way she did it was like each line was behind/in front of another so almost visual too!

    Thanks for the stuffed cabbage leaves I rather link I will like them I like stuffed vine leaves so surely i will? All the ingredients sound lovely. I wish i dared go to a supermarket, but I have almost everything except a savoy cabbage....order coming Thursday.

    Some older people love a good moan if it makes Dad happy!!

    I Must get in touch with Chris (catlady) today.

    I hope all is well with Carol and all the family as well as Christine (applerose) and Mig.


    bacon butties enough for your GD and her fiancée Barbara too.

    Vegan/veggie option available!

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,235

    Good morning everyone

    Kath ((())) are your new pain killers working well. Love to Chris ((())) Anita ((())) Val ((())) and your Dad ((()))

    Barbara ((())) Happy birthday to your granddaughter today ((())) love to Mr B ((())) and your son ((())) and your brother ((())) and his girlfriend ((()))

    Toni ((())) Charley ((()) and her girlfriend ((())) must be on tender hooks waiting for Thursday good luck to them. Love to Paul ((())) Lucy (((())) Tia ((())) Kari ((())) and Pom ((()))

    love to Bill ((())) Chris ((())) Carol ((())) Mig ((()))

    take care
    joan xx
  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583

    Daily Poem (another I found because the ones they sent were all about death - again)

    This Is Not a Small Voice

    Sonia Sanchez - 1934-

    This is not a small voice

    you hear              this is a large

    voice coming out of these cities.

    This is the voice of LaTanya.

    Kadesha. Shaniqua. This

    is the voice of Antoine.

    Darryl. Shaquille.

    Running over waters

    navigating the hallways

    of our schools spilling out

    on the corners of our cities and

    no epitaphs spill out of their river mouths.

    This is not a small love

    you hear              this is a large

    love, a passion for kissing learning

    on its face.

    This is a love that crowns the feet with hands

    that nourishes, conceives, feels the water sails

    mends the children,

    folds them inside our history where they

    toast more than the flesh

    where they suck the bones of the alphabet

    and spit out closed vowels.

    This is a love colored with iron and lace.

    This is a love initialed Black Genius.

    This is not a small voice

    you hear.

    Sonia Sanchez received the 2018 Wallace Stevens Award, given annually to recognize outstanding and proven mastery in the art of poetry.

    Toni, the last poem wasn't written by Agnes Varda, it was written about her. I don't know who wrote it. I think the visuality of it symbolizes her film making career. Thank you for helping me out with my question. Did you get the flowers? Bacon butties - don't mind if I do. Pass the brown sauce please. 🤪

    Joan, my new pain killers are the same as my old ones, just a different brand.

    Vegetable-stuffed Mushrooms

    SERVES: 2


    2 large Portobello mushrooms

    2 tsp Extra Virgin Olive Oil

    1/2 onion, chopped in cubes

    1 small courgette, chopped

    1 tomato, chopped

    1 clove garlic

    1/4 tsp oregano

    1/4 tsp thyme

    1/4 tsp black pepper

    50g (1.7oz) mozzarella cheese


    Preheat the oven to 190º C (gas mark 5).

    Cut off the stems of the Portobello mushrooms using a sharp knife. With a spoon, carefully scrape out the ribbing and create a bowl in the under-side of the mushrooms. Dice all innards and set aside.

    In a non-stick frying pan, heat the olive oil. Add the onion until it starts to sweat (2-3 min). Add the courgette and reserved mushroom innards and cook until just soft (3-5 min).

    Add the chopped tomatoes and spices. Sauté for an additional 3 minutes to combine the flavors. Remove from heat.

    Place mushroom caps, upside-down on a greased, foil-lined baking sheet. Gently fill the caps with the warm veggie mixture.

    Bake in the oven for 25-30 minutes. Top with a sprinkling of cheese and bake the mushrooms for another 10-12 mins until the cheese turn golden.

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281

    Evening all..I am very tired but happy

    We had a lovely day with lots of photos just a shame our granddaughters sisters and mum could be here..but they are in lockdown ..buffet was lovely and we added to it..

    Toni thankyou for the birthday cake.. I showed it to our GD..its her fuances birthday on the 28th so it was a joint one..niamh came has well :).xx

    Joan thankyou..hope you are all OK...our gd was saying they are carers and have to buy there own to all of you xx

    Karh thankyou it all went really well... 2 more very clever poems...they must have a good brain ...xx

    Right I'm off to bed..sleep well everyone


  • Turbogran
    Turbogran Member Posts: 2,023

    Evening All

    the wanderer has returned, yes we are fine still getting on one another’s nerves😀😀. I think I told you about my doctors appointment 2 weeks back now about my hearing and that she said I have a lot of wax in my right ear. Well I used The drops advised by the pharmacist to no success. The leaflet did say that it is not unusual for the drops to Cause the wax to swell up and it can affect the hearing temporarily well after about 7/8 days this happened . So on the 9th day I went back to pharmacist who said I need it syringed and told me not to use the drops any more. so went back to drs surgery and have now got an appointment on 2nd of October for syringing hoping this works because I am fed up with trying to hear with just one ear and the other hearing very little and feeling Like it has cotton wool in. Got to start putting olive oil drops In it on Friday to soften it again for syringing. Also got we have our flu jabs on Saturday. Mr t is driving me mad keeps getting annoyed because I ask him to repeat something but as I have said before he has a very quite voice. At the moment ask him to speak up a bit and he Shouts then tells me he can’t speak any louder it hurts his throat. 🤣😂. He forgets I have been doing the repeating everything thing I say to him 2or three times for about 3/ 4 years now, because he don’t wear his hearing aids. 🤔🤔. funny thing is I was with youngest daughter on Saturday having a coffee out and I only had to ask her to repeat something once.. 🤔

    Toni yes church was ok this week except couldn’t hear much managed to do a responsive reading with Mr T but that was because I was watching him and every time he stopped Speaking he gave me a slight nod so that I knew to read my next bit. Think that was because I told him he had to or I wouldn’t do it with him.

    Our family are all well here thanks I hope you all and your families are going along ok. In London we have a couple of Extra restrictions put on us From Thursday with the virus r rate going up again. I just hope I get my ear syringing Appointment. before Any lockdowns occur.

    I will try to get on a little more frequently I think it’s because I’m busy in the mornings, I pop out for coffee in the afternoon, then when the sun is not so hot we sit in the garden then I have dinner to cook and eat. So then time seems to have gone.

    Love and sparkles to you all


    Stay positive always👍xx
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,222

    Hi Joan the girls are really nervous in case it goes wrong - they have to leave their rental by the 4th!! Raining here little Sleek will sulk inside all day! Poor dogs having to go out for the loo.((()))

    Barbara is having a wonderful family time just in time too before it all gets stopped again. Not sure l understand the latest rules myself though 🙄

    I bet it's wonderful having the girls there and of course! TWO birthdays! Bless them. Of course they must share the cake and have a joint celebration.

    I heard from Chris (Catlady)she is doing ok, but needs to be transferred at some point to Oxford something to do with her stomach. She's mostly just bored bless her now. She send her love to us all.

    Kath I have flowers for helping you?.......hang on I'll open another page....

    So I do!! Thank you 😘 Did you manage to stop the email notifications? Happy to help. They annoyed me too at first.

    I LOVE stuffed mushrooms and may give those a go using breadcrumbs to brown off the top instead of the mozarella.

    Aha thanks for explaining the visuality of the poem I get it now and it was about her not by her! Today's offering (yesterdays really) is lovely too I think i like short lines like that goes well with my small brain😁

    Carol! The wanderer does indeed return! So glad to see you. I do hope your ears get sorted on the 4th you need it done now. Honestly how rude of Mr T given he won't wear his hearing aids.....and how interesting that you can hear your daughter easily enough😏Say no more

    Well done managing to do the responsive reading with Mr T given your hearing ATM. At least he helped you with that.

    Good to hear all the family are doing ok all is well with my lot. Paul is in Glasgow today so will pop in to see Lucy. I sent some shopping up for her. Charley gets the keys to the house 🤞on Tursday.

    I do not blame you getting out safely for coffees while we can who knows what other restrictions might be put in place soon.

    Stay safe everyone

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,235

    Good morning everyone

    Kath ((())) I thought you had stronger patches. How is Anita ((())) I hope it's going well. Love to Val ((())) and your Dad ((())) and Chris ((()))

    Barbara (((())) Good luck with your brother's scan ((())) love to his girlfriend ((())) and Mr B ((())) and your son ((()))

    Carol you are busy ((())) you don't get bored you have not got the time. Love to Mr T ((()))

    Love to Toni (()) Paul ((())) Charley ((())) and her girlfriend ((())) Lucy ((()))Tia ((())) Kari ((())) Pom ((()))

    Love to Bill ((())) Chris ((())) Mig ((()))

    take care
    joan xx
  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583

    Daily Poem

    The Wild Flower’s Song

    By: William Blake

    As I wander’d the forest,

    The green leaves among,

    I heard a wild flower

    Singing a song.

    I slept in the Earth

    In the silent night,

    I murmur’d my fears

    And I felt delight.

    In the morning I went

    As rosy as morn,

    To seek for new joy;

    But O! met with scorn.

    About William Blake

    William Blake was an English painter, poet and printmaker. Largely unrecognised during his lifetime, Blake is now considered a seminal figure in the history of the poetry and visual arts of the Romantic Age. Wikipedia



    Joan, Anita is doing well thanks. She's back at work and back to normal.

    Toi, yes I did stop the emails thank you. When they arrive on my iPad, it wakes me up if I'm having a nap, and I can't turn the sound off. I've unsubscribed from the poem a day emails. All the ones they sent were awful. I can find better ones myself. I'm enjoying the toasted teacakes thank you. I do hope the girls are successful with their house. 💕

    Carol, I had my ears syringed very successfully a year or two ago. I hope yours works as well.

    Barbara, I'm very pleased you had a pleasant time with your family.

    Vegan bread and butter pudding


    • 2 tbsp raisins (or dried cranberries)
    • 2-3 tbsp brandy or marsala wine
    • 185 g / 1¼ cup cashew nuts, soaked overnight*
    • 300 ml / 1¼ cup soy milk (or other thin plant based milk)
    • 1 tsp vanilla essence
    • 60 ml / 4 tbsp maple syrup, adjust to taste
    • ¾ tsp cinnamon, plus more for sprinkling
    • ½ tsp ground ginger
    • ¼ tsp ground nutmeg
    • 1/8 tsp ground cloves
    • 1 tbsp cornflour / corn starch
    • 8 slices quality sourdough**
    • 2 tbsp vegan butter or coconut oil
    • 2 tbsp diced candied orange peel
    • 1 tbsp pomegranate seeds
    • 1 tbsp orange marmalade (optional) OR coconut / date sugar


    1. Soak the raisins in brandy and set aside.
    2. Place the soaked and rinsed cashews (discard the soaking water) in a blender. Add half of the soy milk, put the lid on but leave the opening on the top. Start blending the cashews while trickling the remaining soy milk through. You should end up with a thick liquid resembling cream.
    3. Add vanilla essence, maple syrup and all the spices for a gingerbread flavoured custard. Finally add cornflour (cornstarch) while the blender is running to prevent lumps from forming.
    4. Grease a baking dish with vegan butter or coconut oil and preheat the oven to 180° C / 355° F (or 160° C / 320° F fan forced).
    5. Cut the bread slices in half and ‘butter’ them on both sides with vegan butter or coconut oil.
    6. Pour a bit of custard at the bottom of the dish, followed by a few raisins and some candied orange. Arrange the buttered bread slices snugly so that their cut sides stand half immersed in custard (fill the empty spaces with small pieces of bread). Sprinkle some more raisins and orange peel over the top. Top the bread slices with more custard, filling all the empty spaces. Set aside for 30 minutes to allow the bread to soak up the custard.
    7. Dilute the marmalade with a teaspoon of hot water to create a glaze. Brush parts of the bread that stick out of the custard with this glaze, sprinkle with some extra cinnamon, leftover candied orange pieces and coconut (or date) sugar if you don’t want to use a marmalade glaze.
    8. Bake for 25-30 minutes until the custard thickens and the bread colours nicely. Decorate with leftover raisins, orange peel and pomegranate arils for a touch of festive colour.

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281

    Evening all..

    Had a very lazy day today after yesterday

    Carol I hope you can get your ear shringed..this is Mr Bs problem but will he keep up with the oil will he ek..I'm afraid its me that gets ratty with him..glad all your family are doing OK xx

    Toni thankyou for the was has good as my special one from our cafe..

    Yes it was a lovely day yesterday ..the girls have gone to see mum today at a distance..they are in lockdown ...

    I keep thinking if Chris..I hope she can be sorted very soon..its a shame she has to go to Oxford but I am sure they will look after her..not long now for the girls getting the key....xx

    Joan thankyou my brother is doing OK for now..saying they said he had 6 months ..that was over a year and half is getting cold now at night so our heating is going to all if you xx

    Kath I like William blakes paintings and the poem is so nice ..and thankyou it was a lovely day yesterday.. well every day they are here...hahaha

    Bread and butter pudding is one of my favorite but never thought of putting pimigranit seeds in or nuts..might just try that..thankyou xx

  • Turbogran
    Turbogran Member Posts: 2,023

    Evening all

    Been a wet day here today Not heavy rain but rain on and off. It’s not cold though getting a lot cooler than it has been.

    Toni my appointment for syringing is the 2nd not the 4th but yes I too hope they get syringed And hearing is restored it is not much fun as it is at the moment. And with the rising cases of the virus who knows when the audiology appointment will happen. I think mr t knew he had better do what I asked as it would have shown him up as well As myself it it had worked. And Of course it was something he wanted me to do. I bet Lucy will enjoy seeing Paul and of course the shopping. hopefully all goes well with getting the keys.

    Yes I am making the most of my coffee chill outs while I still can today we had a dinner out in our local Wetherspoons as usual. Some people need to start listening to the advice given and doing it, instead of thinking they know better than the scientists and doctors.

    Joan I know I am busy but believe me I still get bored. I am one of those people that also likes human conversation which i get very little of in my house. Mr T is not a conversationalist unfortunately unless we have visitors Hope you and Sue are ok (((((()))))) to you both.

    Kath Good that Anita is doing well. I love bread and butter pudding I don’t make it though as mr T is not keen. Loving the poem. I do hope the syringing will works and that is all that is needed, however if I still need audiology and need hearing aids so be it. But hopefully the syringing dose the trick.

    Barbara I know what you mean with mr b I have a start these new drops on Friday. I get annoyed with mr T when he moans cos I don’t hear him. When I’ve been repeating everything I say to him for sometime now because he doesn’t wear his hearing aids.

    Yesterday our Lillie had one of her test she has got to have to do with the heart palpitations she keeps having. now awaiting results. also got this photo yesterday the other 2 having fun jumping in the puddles with their wellies on. 😀😀little monkies.

    Love and sparkles to you all


    Stay positive always👍xx