Val's Cafe
Good evening everyone. Went for my covid test this morning. Only took a couple of minutes but I balked when she did my throat and I'm sure she was checking my brain when she did my nose. 😂 A nurse phoned at teatime to say it was negative and to confirm my op will go ahead on Wednesday morning. Just hope I don't sleep in. I'll only be there for around 4 hours. Op lasts an hour and a half.
Had an email from the job centre. They are phoning me the day after to make sure I'm doing all I can to find a job. I only told them last week that I'd be laid up afterwards for a few weeks.
I saw a great big plate of breakfast. Is there any left? I hardly eat any meat now. I've given up eggs and haven't had cows milk for a few years. Just changed to fairy free cheese. Instead I eat much more veg.
I hope you are all as well as you can be. Love to all. X
Christine0 -
Oh Kath 🙄lost post too much effort to try again - I get it. We all do it.((()))
I hope at least that all is well with you and Chris no more bad legs etc.....
I woke up in the night felt quite sick, but luckily it went off after an hour in the bathroom waiting just in case🤢
Barbara the girls are settled in already! Paul has to help with one or two really heavy bits before the 4th when the tenancy is up in their old place. I am so exited for them too - in fact I welled up when I went the day they got the keys 😓
I love your smilies so glad you can do them on your phone now - I bet you feel more like 'yourself' with them!
Good on Niamh 'earning' her money. We opened an account for ours when they were 12 I think and then paid their pocket money in. They only had cashpoint cards, but it was a good start.
Joan that's good that Lexi doesn't pull on the lead. Does Peppa? I hope everyone is Sue and the carers?
Well done Christine that's the important test done and dusted you do not have COVID and how quickly does the result come through hospitals eh?
Charley has one every week at the nursing home she says in has to kae you gag then you've done it and the nose swab makes your eyes run😣
How long will you be in for on wednesday or is it day surgery?
I didn't eat meat for almost 35 years now I don't eat eggs and dairy either. Look at Kath's recipes they are very often vegan so will suit you very well.
I heard from Chris/AKA Catlady yesterday. She is hoping to be home this week sometime! Isn't that fabulous?🙂
Love to Carol and mig
0 -
Just realised Christine you said you will only be in for 4 hours tomorrow😳
Best of luck we'll all we will you under the Cloak never fear ((()))
0 -
Daily Poem
Dance Russe
by William Carlos Williams
If I when my wife is sleeping
and the baby and Kathleen
are sleeping
and the sun is a flame-white disc
in silken mists
above shining trees,—
if I in my north room
dance naked, grotesquely
before my mirror
waving my shirt round my head
and singing softly to myself:
“I am lonely, lonely.
I was born to be lonely,
I am best so!”
If I admire my arms, my face,
my shoulders, flanks, buttocks
against the yellow drawn shades,—
Who shall say I am not
the happy genius of my household?
Hello, lets see if I can lose this post. I wouldn't be surprised, we had a power cut in the night and another one just after 1pm this afternoon!!
I'm glad the girls are already settled in Toni. Thanks for the omelet.
Christine, I hope your nose has recovered from bring probed. And all the best for tomorrow.
I hope all are well and that Chris gets home soon.
Vegan 'sausage' rolls
- 500g cup mushrooms
- 1 tablespoon extra virgin olive oil
- 1 brown onion, finely chopped
- 2 garlic cloves, crushed
- 1 tablespoon fresh thyme leaves
- 400g can lentils, drained, rinsed
- 1 tablespoon brown flaxseeds
- 1/2 cup Massel beefstyle liquid stock
- 2 teaspoons dijon mustard
- 1 cup panko breadcrumbs
- 2 sheets frozen puff pastry, partially thawed
- 2 tablespoons almond milk
- 2 tablespoons pepita and sunflower seed mix, roughly chopped
- Canola oil spray
- Tomato sauce, to serve
- Step 1
- Place mushrooms in a food processor. Process until finely chopped. Heat oil in a large frying pan over medium high heat. Add onion. Cook for 5 minutes or until softened. Add mushroom. Cook for 5 minutes or until softened. Add garlic and thyme. Cook for 1 minute or until fragrant. Add lentils, flaxseeds and stock. Bring to the boil. Reduce heat to low. Simmer for 5 minutes or until almost all the stock has evaporated. Transfer to a heatproof bowl. Add mustard and breadcrumbs. Season with salt and pepper. Stir to combine. Set aside for 30 minutes to cool.
How to prepare onions
- How to chop and slice onions
- Step 2
- Preheat oven to 200C/180C fan-forced. Line 2 large baking trays with baking paper.
- Step 3
- Cut 1 pastry sheet in half to make 2 rectangles. Place ¼ of the mushroom mixture along 1 long edge of each rectangle. Roll up to enclose filling. Repeat with remaining pastry and mushroom mixture. Cut each roll into 4 pieces. Place, seam-side down, on prepared trays. Brush rolls with milk. Sprinkle with seed mixture. Spray with canola oil. Season well with salt and pepper.
- Step 4
- Bake rolls for 25 to 30 minutes or until pastry is golden and puffed. Set aside for 5 minutes to cool slightly. Serve rolls with tomato sauce.
"Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein
0 -
Evening all
My flooring is down..😁
But what a painful day i have had..everything including knees ..hands..and my back.. just wish I could take wondering if its down to these kidneys.. oh and we had our flu jabs this morning..
Anyhow least it was a nice sunny day
Christine I dread having the covid test I always gag if anything uses swabs near my throat..glad you are negative and can have you op..we will all be under the cloak with goodies if needed.. xx
Joan I hope all is OK with you all. have you had any relief with the injection in your to all if you..
Toni I bet the girls can't quite believe they are in there own wonder you welled up..good job they have Paul to help ..oh nearly forgot thankyou fir the fluffy omelette ...I'm so glad to hear Chris will be home soon thankyou..xx
Kath I love the baby photo...😁the poem was another strange one..or like I say is it my brain that doesn't process things properly..
Vegan sausage rolls I do like the greggs ones wonder if its the same recipe..xx
Love to everyone
Barbara0 -
Morning everyone!
Oh Barbara! I am so sorry you have had a rough day. Did Sleek bring the bush-babies? and put some of Aidan's sparkles in your slippers and under your pillow? 🌈🌈 Maybe you just did a bit too much with having the girls visiting? ((())) If it doesn't settle you will have to ring the GP you know in case it is the kidneys🙄
I'm so glad your flooring is finally down - at least you have something nice to look at now.🙂
I have a greggs sausage roll in my fridge waiting for me. I love them too. I think Kath's recipe is far superior though just looking at the ingredients.
Paul is helping with the last of the heavy stuff today for the girls and yesterday Charley cleaned at their old rental so they should get their deposit back ok.
Kath what a funny poem it really made me smile - imagine!!!😁Now l might sing when I am on my own....😂 thank you. and well done for not losing your post.
Why the power cuts I wonder🤔
It is getting trickier to get shopping slots again😕, but I have the next two weeks in place for now. I shop for my lovely neighbours too - not P now her daughter does theirs.
Today is not going to be as nice as yesterday already had rain and a rainbow 🌈 with it! Will try to post a photo if it works.
Our Christine (Applerose) will be having her eye operation today so the cloak will collect us all as and when. We can bring some of Kath's vegan sausage rolls! and hopefully our other Chris (Catlady) will indeed be home very soon.
Where was Joan? Gosh i hope everything is ok. Not at all like Joan to be missing is it? ((()))🤞
Love to Carol and mig
0 -
This was first light this morning so hope it is visible...
It looked fabulous in real life🙄
0 -
Good morning everyone
I was here yesterday but the sign came up saying you have not got permission so it would not send it.
Kath ((())) sorry you are having power cuts. Love to Chris ((())) Anita ((())) Val .((())) and your Dad ((()))
Christine good luck with the op ((()))
Barbara ((())) I'm sorry you have so much pain perhaps you've done to much ((())) love to Mr B ((())) and your son ((())) and your brother ((()))and his girlfriend ((()))
Toni ((())) how are you no pepper does not pull sue has him thank you we wish it was all over like everyone else the carers are well. love to Paul ((())) Charley ((())) and her girlfriend ((())) Lucy ((())) Tia ((())) Kari ((())) and Pom ((())) thank you for Chris's message ((()))
love to Bill ((())) Chris ((())) Mig ((())) Carol ((()))
take care
joan xx0 -
Daily Poem
Egg And Chips
Poem by Ruth Walters
The chips sat under a blob of tomato sauce, forming a smile.
The tomato sauce formed a nose
and the two fried eggs, formed the eyes.
The ham beneath them blushed with embarrassment,
didn't like the face they formed,
soon to be devoured by a wee, small child.
Tears fell that day as Samuel told his mother,
"I can't eat the funny face, " he wimped,
"it's still alive".
How's that for craftiness? Poem and good food in one. I don't think we need a recipe for that do we.
Joan, those power cuts drove us mad. So did the workmen fitting our neighbour's new kitchen in. I don't think the two were connected. 🙄
Toni, it's chucking it down here. Pain from head to toe but I don't want Sleek and the bush babies to get wet, so keep them warm and dry. 🐈️
Christine, I hope all is going well with your operation. ❣️
Barbara, I hope you will post photos of your new floor. 💝
Carol how are you and your lovely family. 😘
"Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein
0 -
Afternoon everyone
and another few days have gone by that I have not posted it’s been a hard month my sister and I really hate September. Our Mum would have been 99 at the start of this month, and today it s 24 years since she passed. And this year it has seemed worse maybe it’s what is happening with the corona virus I don’t know. My sister and I often say can we go Straight from August to October each year. .
Here is a photo of mum we didn’t always see eye to eye with one another. But it still doesn’t mean I loved her any less. Also today our Lillie along with her mummy have had to come to the Evelina childrens hospital in London for the results of her tests.
On her way to London on the train with Mummy whilst Nanny
(My daughter)looks after her sisters
Sorry I have really lost touch with my groups and forums this month but tomorrow is October the 1st. yes I did say October can you believe it. 9 months of this year gone already.
Kath other than what I have posted above We are all doing ok. My exercises from the physio are going ok and I do think my balance has got very slightly better most days. So I suppose that’s something to be thankful for.
Mr T and myself had our flu jabs on Saturday after standing in long queue then when actually getting into the surgery and being directed into the car park which is quite large and joining another queue to have the jab. Mr t went slightly earlier than me and he rang to say that the queue was long this was 2mins to 8 am, they opened at 8am. I arrived on the queue myself at 8 30 am And left at 9.30 am straight after having it. But well at least that it’s done now. And as usual with me no after effects other than an aching arm later in the day which is normal for me
sorry this is all i can manage Today.
love and sparkles to you all.
Stay positive always👍xx1 -
Hi all you may get a blank post from me as I tried to edit it after posting and got the message it will be posted when it has been checked or something.
Hi @Turbogran - apparently your post somehow got marked as Spam! I've released it and it should be back in the forum now 😊 - Shell, Mod
Stay positive always👍xx0 -
Evening all
booked a call from our drs hopefully a call in the next 2 days..last night I had the shivers..something I first got when I got this kidney infection..
Toni yes I have my floor to look at..😆little things eh..
The eggs on toast were just perfect..thankyou...
Good on Charlie giving there last place a good clean..then they have no excuse but to give them there deposit back..xx
Joan your a love. Always giving out hugs and they are greatly appreciated.. my brother is waiting for more scan results..I had better ring him later xx
Kath I love the poem.. like you say 2 in one..could I have beans with my egg and chips please..yes will post a pic of my flooring ..not yo everyone's taste...😅xx
Christine i hope all has gone to plan today.. and you are now home and relaxing xx
And Chris is home and recovering xx
Love to everyone
Barbara1 -
Thank you Shell oh the wonders of technology 😀 I can now see the post after checking just now.
Stay positive always👍xx0 -
Good morning everyone
Kath ((())) I hope you don't have anymore problems. Love to Chris (())) Anita ((())) and Val ((())) and your Dad ((()))
Carol ((()) I hope you get good results for Lillie's test. Love to Mr T ((()))
Barbara ((())) I think the cold weather has a lot to do with the pain we have. Love to Mr B ((())) and your son ((())) and your brother ((())) and his girlfriend ((()))
Toni (((())) I hope all is well with you. love to Paul ((())) Charley ((())) and her girlfriend ((())) Lucy ((())) Tia ((())) Kari ((())) Pom ((()))
Christine ((())) I hope your op went well.
love to Bill((()))Chris (((())) Mig ((()))
take care
joan xx0 -
Barbara ((())) sorry I hope the doctor rings you today ((())) I hope your brother gets good scan results ((()))
take care
joan xx0 -
Hi Everyone late in today I had my click and collect Tesco order really early and then of course have to unpack and wipe it over with anti-bac wipes before distributing to neighbours🙄
Joan I am glad to hear the dogs are so well trained and therefore well behaved 🐕️ and that everyone is well carers too that is so good 🤗 I wonder how Christine (applerose) got on yesterday🤔 ((()))
Kath LOVED the poem I was like that would never eat anything with a face hence my diet now I suppose, but the poem was fab as was the food. I had the chips vegan ham and tommy sauce ta!
Sleek brought some bush babies to you in her motorcycle (they were in the car snug and warm) she had her mackintosh and sou'wester on so was purrfectly dry
She won't ever let her 'payshentz' down especially her Aunty kath.🌈🌈
Can't remember why, but our road is being closed from 12th for 10 days🙄
Carol I think that's very odd about your post - you really must stop posting spam😂
Well done having your flu jab....I must sort mine out ASAP really my pharmacist has run out and will ring me. No queueing there. An hour isn't too bad though and all safe now.
I hope Lillie's results were all good from the hospital. I bet she loved having a bit of time on her own with her Mum. Lucy used to love outpatients when she was little for her then absence epilepsy. She looks really sweet in the photo. I bet it feels odd your own daughter being a Nanny!!
Sounds as though your physio exercise have really helped I am pleased :)
Your Mum looks as though she wouldn't stand any nonsense! Bless you it is tough to lose your Mum at any age ((()))
Barbara I do hope you are not going to have another kidney infection😯 Sleek has been to you and Kath she is worried and running all obs by Darcey who it seems knows a bit about peeplz helth. Who would have known😮
I also hope your bro's scan results are as good as possible ((()))
and the flooring will be LOVELY I know it will 🙂
Love to everyone
0 -
Morning. Just a quick one to say the op went well. Got no sight in that eye but it will come back over the next few days. Just sitting with my feet up, listening to the tv and waiting for the job centre to ring to check what I'm doing to get a job, even though they know I'm laid up.😳
Hope all are as well as possible. X
Christine0 -
daily poem
Cat Riding through a Field of Rice on a Bicycle
Shh, hums the rice, swaying with the wind,
Whoosh, sings the breeze, warm and mild.
Cling-cling-cling, the silver bell sings along
While the bicycle runs along the road.
A basket in the front.
What’s inside?
The air is sweet with cherry scent,
The boy is careful at the bend.
He knows the road, his eyes on basket –
Where something small sits in this racket.
First time out,
In the basket.
And now and then a nose pops up,
Sniffs just above the basket, plump.
A cherry blossom petal landed in the punnet?
It grew paws, tail, and purrs when you stroke it?
Has whiskers too,
As white as snow.
The orange head looks left and right;
It rains, the rice smells fruity
Yet no rain drips on the small crown
The boy holds an umbrella.
And on and on
Their bicycle they ride.
The boy hums with a smile, calming the warm bundle
And every now and then he strokes the silky nuzzle.
And quite so often, it is said,
They ride their bicycle to town and back home again.
Where they cook,
The two of them.
On autumn days, fragrant and cool,
They ride to pick up mushrooms.
And when the first snow hugs the ground
They ride it still, is rumored –
The boy, a silver bicycle
And… cat.
What keeps them cycling, rain or shine?
Or during snow or weather fine?
Is it the never-ending field, the road that stretches infinite?
Or is it that they love how wind through hair and fur articulates?
And how and air smells sweet and fragrant
Just for the two of them, Jun and Haku.
This poem was inspired by “How I trained my cats”, a video by Japanese vlogger and YouTube-er JunsKitchen – enjoy!
Christine, I'm so happy your operation went well and that your sight will soon return. 🤗
Toni, I chose this poem specially for Sleek. I can just imagine her hanging on the wall in her ickle house. Bless her. ⛪️
Joan, have you and Sue arranged your flu jabs yet?
Carol, I'm so pleased you are well. We miss you in the cafe. 💓
Barbara, of course you may have beans with your egg and chips. I hope your telephone call with yor GP goes well. ☎️
Scrambled Tofu with Fresh Tomatoes & Basil
Serves: 2-4
Add to favourites
Who needs eggs when there is this delicious scrambled tofu recipe? This is one of Viva!'s favourite quick meals - we like it for breakfast, lunch or supper! It can easily be extended with a big mixed salad, baked potato, fried mushrooms or whatever you fancy really - it's a lovely simple vegan recipe that is both nutrient-dense as well as fresh, fabulous and quick. For a gluten-free option, use GF flour and GF toasted bread.
- 1 tbsp olive oil
- ½ onion
- 1 garlic clove
- 1 tbsp plain white flour (use GF if desired)
- 120ml/½ cup unsweetened plant milk eg soya or almond
- 1 block plain firm tofu (200- 250g) crumbled - eg Cauldron
- ½ tsp dried mixed herbs
- ½ tsp turmeric
- 2-3 medium vine tomatoes, finely chopped
- 2 tsp Dijon mustard (or 1 tsp English)
- Salt and freshly ground black pepper - for a more 'eggy' taste, use Himalayan black salt. It's actually pink in colour but most importantly, it has a similarly sulphurous smell and taste to eggs
- 6 basil leaves chopped with scissors
- Optional: 2 handfuls of spinach leaves (add at stage 3 below), handful of nutritional yeast flakes, super sprouts, sunflower seeds, avocado
Chopping board and knife; medium saucepan, bowl for crumbling tofu; measuring spoons; cooking spoon; scissors; measuring jug
1.Fry the onion and garlic on a low heat until soft.
2.Stir in the flour, followed by the soya milk. Stir in well to get rid of lumps and cook in for a minute or two.
3. Add the tofu, tomatoes, herbs, turmeric and mustard and stir for 5 minutes. Add the yeast flakes now if using.
4. Serve with fresh basil leaves, with brown sauce or soya sauce on the side and salt and pepper to taste. It's also really nice with added fresh spinach leaves and toasted seeds!
"Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein
0 -
Evening all..its been a really nice day thank goodness
Gp rang and bloods form picked up.. so I have to ring fir an appointment.. at least something is happening.
Joan you are right the cold weather makes things worse.. how is your hand now i hooe you get some relief xx
Carol sorry I must have posted the same time has you yesterday..
Little Lillie is gorgeous ..and I really hope her results are good bless her..what a palaver you had with your flue jab..but glad its all done with now..xx
Toni you are a busy bee...and so good helping people with there shopping..I don't like having to clean everything down.. but best to be safe....ooh pancakes love them thankyou ..nothing to tell with my brother couldn't get hold if him.xx
Christine I am so pleased your op is done and nice it will be for you to see better.. I pray they get a cure for keep your feet up fir a while xx
Kath that's a funny poem...I can just see him trying to train chance...😅
Yes bloods being sorted thank goodness..
Scrambled odd wonder if it taste like eggs..maybe Toni will know..xx
.Right I'm off
Love to everyone xxxx
Barbara0 -
My flooring ignore the mess..I'm not sure about it looks a bit busy..😅
Barbara1 -
It is lovely Barbara! Very on trend you know. Like they used to have in the halls of period houses. I love it. Would have struggled to get Paul to agree sadly :(
Glad the bloods forms are collected now to get your appointment - get on that phone lass!🌈 Sleek reckons she could have done them for you😮
The smashed up tofu gives you the texture and colour of scrambled eggs. I add a little bit of BLACK salt which does add that sulphuric taste to it!
Hope you locate that brother of yours soon.
Christine I am so glad you are home and to hear from you! Well done. When will they do the other eye? I suppose once you have recovered from this one?
Ignore the dole lady. Well no perhaps that's best not, but keep telling her you are out of action ATM 🙄
Kath I loved the pusskin poem - Miss Sleek has added it to her wall inside her ickle house bless her and the photo too she reckons it's one of her cousins! She always read over my shoulder as you know and was up on her back pasw clapping when she saw it! Then the printer goes - half a dozen copies before she's happy. Then it's her tool box...then bang bang bang! All done now though. She will be over later to thank you in person ((()))
Scrambled tofu! Thank you so much I really fancy some. Before this pandemic Starbucks used to do a great breakfast wrap with scrambled smoked tofu. Aidan found it for me.😓
How are you Joan? I'm going to sort out my flu jab today Barbara reminded me - what about you and Sue? The sooner the better this year I think.
Love to Chris and Carol and mig😘
Felt a bit chilly so went for porridge today
1 -
Good morning everyone
Kath ((())) I hope you have a good day today. We have rain all weekend. love to Chris (((())) Anita ((())) Val ((())) and your Dad ((()))
Christine ((())) was your op for cataract's. You work when you are ready.
Barbara ((())) your floor looks lovely better than plain flooring. Did the Dr phone about if you had a water infection. love to Mr B ((())) and your son ((())) and your brother ((())) and his girlfriend ((()))
Toni ((())) our flu injection is booked for next Friday. Love to Paul ((())) Charley ((())) and her girlfriend ((())) Lucy ((())) Tia ((())) Kari ((())) Pom ((()))
love to Bill ((())) Carol ((())) Chris ((())) Mig ((()))
have a good weekend everyone
take care
joan xx0 -
Daily Poem (for Barbara and Christine)
Eyes And Tears (Fragments)
By: Andrew Marvell
How wisely Nature did decree,
With the same Eyes to weep and see!
That, having view’d the object vain,
They might be ready to complain.
Yet happy they whom Grief doth bless,
That weep the more, and see the less:
And, to preserve their Sight more true,
Bath still their Eyes in their own Dew.
Thus let your Streams o’reflow your Springs,
Till Eyes and Tears be the same things:
And each the other’s difference bears;
These weeping Eyes, those seeing Tears.
About Andrew Marvell
Andrew Marvell was an English metaphysical poet and politician who sat in the House of Commons at various times between 1659 and 1678. As a metaphysical poet, he is associated with John Donne and George Herbert.
Toni, I'm so pleased Sleek likes the poem. I thought the picture looked familiar - I'm sure it's Topsy Twinkletoes, Sleek's second cousin once removed (I know the whole family you know). How are the girls getting on in their new home? Thank you for the porridge. I had golden syrup in mine.
Barbara, what a gorgeous floor, it's stunning. I agree with Toni, definitely a stately home type floor. Most likely marble. Naughty brother keeping his lips buttoned. 😲 I firmly believe in God's promise to cure all sickness. (And he will wipe out every tear from their eyes, and death will be no more, neither will mourning nor outcry nor pain be anymore. The former things have passed away.” Revelation 21 verse 4)
Joan, I hope you are OK. ❤️
Polenta Tart
120g quick cook polenta
400ml vegetable stock
1 medium egg
1 tablespoon olive oil
100g light cream cheese
75g feta cheese
100g fine asparagus
30g petit pois or peas
1/2 courgette finely slice
3 spring onions
Spray oil
Recipe Summary
Polenta makes a lovely alternative to a pastry base in this tart recipe. There is no difficult rolling or blind-baking required and using polenta also makes the tart a lot lower in calories and fat than a standard pastry base.
I like to vary the topping depending on what is in season and how much chopping my arthritis feels like doing! Mushroom, thyme and mozzarella are nice in the autumn or you could try pesto, halved cherry tomatoes, peppers and goat cheese in the summer.
Put the vegetable stock in a saucepan and bring up to a low simmer. Pour in the rapid cook polenta, stirring continuously. Keep stirring the polenta until it has become very thick (about 3-5 minutes). Take the pan off the heat and allow to cool for 5 minutes before stirring in the egg and olive oil.
Spoon the polenta mixture into a greased tart or flan dish and spread out evenly using a spatula.
Set the polenta base to one side to cool for at least 10-15 minutes. This will make it easier to top.
Dollop the cream cheese on top of the base and spread out roughly. Arrange the courgette, asparagus, spring onions and peas on top; then crumble the feta over the whole tart. Spritz the finished tart with a little spray oil and then bake for 20 minutes at 180C/375F.
Allow the tart to cool to room temperature before serving.
Vegan cheese alternative is available.
"Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein
0 -
Morning all..proper cold here..
Toni thanks for the info on tofu..gosh the smoked one sounds nice..Will look it up
Now I was watching a program on burials last you do 😅It was about cheap one and how undertakers have ripped people off for years ...and what comes Tarn Moor..and how you pay for a plot and have a tree planted.. so lovely..I am totally in disagreement with paying out for my funeral would rather the kids have it..
Anyhow back to you..lovely warming porridge thankyou..Next week my bloods there is nothing earlier but thats OK.. 😊
I have been thinking of P hope her pain is controlled xx
Joan thankyou floor sends me a bit dizzy but will get used to it 😅bloods next week but my water was to all of you xxx
Kath what a nice I will look up Andrew Marvell poems..thankyou the flooring is a bit statley...😅I feel queezy when I go in...but like I said to Joan will get used..xx
Love to everyone
Barbara0 -
Just a quickie as off out in a little while, not nice weather wet and windy but I must get out while we are able. Also I have a drs Appointment at 3 .15 to have ears syringed, not really looking forward to it as never Had it done before. But hopefully I will be able to hear better after. 🤞. Mr T is driving me round the twist getting annoyed because I don’t hear him. Funny thing is I was talking to youngest daughter yesterday at her house and could hear her ok. 🤔 I wonder why that is. I must go now will be back later to up date You on the drs appt.
Love and sparkles
Stay positive always👍xx0
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