Val's Cafe



  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,236

    Good morning everyone

    . We had the rads flushed out this morning and all the rads are working now.

    Kath ((())) I hope you have a good day today love to Chris (((())) Anita ((())) Val ((((())) and your Dad ((()))

    Barbara (((())) I hope your eyes are not too bad today love to Mr B((())) and your son ((())) and Niamh ((())) and your brother ((())) and his girlfriend ((())))

    Toni ((())) how is your back feeling a bit better I hope love to Paul ((())) Charley (((())) and her girlfriend (((())) and the carers ((()))) Lucy (((())) Tia (((())) Kari (((()))) and P (((())) she's doing well her friends are taking her mind off her pain ((()))

    love to Bill (((())) Chris (((())) Mig ((())) Mike (((())))

    take care
    joan xx
  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281

    Morning all..sorry about yesterday

    No blood's I was there 5 mins early..couldn't hubby dropped me at the door and went off..had to wait fir the upstairs waited to be checked in..only to be told you are 3 mins late so she can't do you..due to covid she has 2 mins slots ..🥵 have to do it all again next Friday.. eyes tomorrow

    I did read all your post but won't answere all I'm afraid

    Mike I feel for you being out in the sticks..I find what you said about taxis interesting ..I hadn't heard of this.. my hubby still drives but for how long I don't know x

    Joan I'm so glad the rad is now working..about time xx

    Carol cookie is loving it there bless..nearly a month that has gone so quickly..I am glad we only have one gd to buy for the others are older and will have money xx

    Toni what a palaver blood's were..sorry you all had a short visit and there was our Kath snoring bless ..

    Thankyou fir the low salt cheese love my cheese in toast xx

    Kath I am saving your story so will go back and have a read..tell you write some children's books xx

    Thats me for now love to all xxxxx

  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583

    Phoenix Cottage

    Chapter 4 (part 1)

    The Key

    Amy ran straight up to her room and stood in front of her mirror holding the dress up to her. She was about to try it on when she heard her mother call her. She carefully draped the dress over the back of her chair.

    "Coming mum!" She called, after taking a quick look at the shoes she ran downstairs. Lenny was already sat at the table, still looking very disgruntled. His appetite hadn't been diminished though; he was tucking into a large helping of Shepherd's Pie and muttering under his breath about lace collars, stockings and bows. Amy told her parents all about her costume. "I'll try them on this afternoon and show you."

    "Oh sorry love we won't have time." Mrs Martin said "it's the village fete this afternoon, we're helping out." Mr Martin looked up in surprise.

    "Is that today? I thought it was next week." His wife looked at him in exasperation. 

    "No Phil it's today and you're doing the Tombola, remember."

    "How could I forget" he muttered "I was intending to cut the grass this afternoon, it's got really bad." He said hopefully. 

    "Then Lenny will have to do that and join us later." Mrs Martin gave him a black look.

    "Can I use the hover?"

    "No Lenny, not without someone here to watch you. You'll have to use the old push along." Lenny sighed, he didn't mind cutting the grass as long as he could use the hover mower but his mother wouldn't let him use it by without supervision. 

    After Amy and their parents had left for the fete, Lenny went to fetch the old lawn mower from the old stables they used as storage. As he looked around him he couldn't help thinking how much junk had accumulated in just six months. The stables were divided into four stalls and at first glance the place looked a mess, as each section was an untidy heap. A closer look showed some organization as the items in each section were related. One was full of fishing equipment: nets, rods, reels and boxes of various old lead weights. Another was full of old car parts. Goodness knows what his father was going to do with that lot. The last two stalls contained gardening equipment: plant pots, bags of compost and hand trowels and forks in the first one. A rotavator, lawnmowers and other large equipment were kept in the second. Lenny went to this section and looked at the hover mower, should he?

    "No, I'll get found out. Dad wouldn't be very pleased and mum would probably go up the wall. They wouldn't let me use it ever again." He sighed and took the push along down from its hook on the wall. As he did so, he noticed that a few of the bricks were loose. He put the lawnmower down and took a closer look at the bricks.

    There were five altogether, three in a row, two directly below and one more under those. It was like a kind of upside down triangle. First he took the one at the bottom out of its position, it came out quite easily. He put his hand inside and felt around. No little nooks or crannies where something could be hidden, so he replaced it. The two bricks above weren't so easy. He waggled them a little until one slid out. After a little more waggling, the second one came out as well. Again he felt around inside. Nothing down the sides but the brick at the back felt different. He would have to remove the top three bricks to get at it properly and see what it was. The middle one was stuck fast to the brick above it, so Lenny fetched a sturdy looking hand trowel and began to scrape at the mortar between the two bricks. It was quite crumbly and it didn't take long for him to loosen it. He pulled it out and the bricks on either side fell out too. Now he could reach the brick at the back. He realized why it felt different; it wasn't a brick at all but a wooden box. It looked very old. Carefully lifting it from its hiding place, Lenny lifted the lid, inside was a very large old-fashioned key. He put it in his pocket and put the box back. When the bricks had been replaced, they looked even looser than before. 

    Lenny looked at his watch; he had wasted twenty minutes and still had to cut the grass. Flowerbeds, a large vegetable patch and an even larger orchard took up most of the garden, so there wasn't that much grass to cut. It would only take him about half an hour to finish the job and put the lawn mower away again.

    To be continued....

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583
    edited 1. Dec 2020, 12:43

    Phoenix Cottage Chapter 4 (part 2)

    Lenny looked at his watch; he had wasted twenty minutes and still had to cut the grass. Flowerbeds, a large vegetable patch and an even larger orchard took up most of the garden, so there wasn't that much grass to cut. It would only take him about half an hour to finish the job and put the lawn mower away again.

    At half past two Lenny was locking his bicycle to the railings outside the village hall. He patted his pocket to make sure the key was safe and went in to look for his family.

    He found Amy first; she was on the white elephant stall. Should he tell her about the key now? He decided to wait until later. Lenny knew his mother was in charge of refreshments and all his hard work had made him hungry so he made his way over where she was serving a queue of people. He picked up a plate and filled it with sandwiches, some biscuits and a cake.

    "Lenny, I hope you're going to pay for all that" his mother stood with her hands on her hips and her head tilted to one side.

    "I forgot to bring my money," he told her "I was too busy mowing the lawn."

    "Well, I suppose you've earned it, I'll pay this time. Have a glass of orange too." His mother handed him a drink "when you've finished you can take your father a cup of tea, he's outside on the Tombola stall." She added. Lenny soon polished of his snack and collected the tea for his father. He carefully carried outside and found the tombola stall on the grass by the side of the hall, with some other stalls. He gave his father the tea and went to have a look around.

    There was a magnetic fishing game and a bran tub. These were for babies, so Lenny moved on to the darts stall. The aim was to throw the darts at playing cards to reach a total of 21. The prize was a goldfish. Lenny watched as Mr Porter tried his hand. The first dart hit the seven of hearts; the second went into the nine of clubs. Mr Porter saw Lenny watching him and winked.

    "I'm going for the five of diamonds now" he took careful aim. The dart went straight into the card next to the one he had been aiming for. It was the ten of spades. Mr Porter shrugged his shoulders. "Let's see if you can do better Lenny." He handed a twenty pence piece to the stallholder.

    "Thanks" Lenny took the three darts and looked at the cards. He took careful aim and threw the first one - it went into the gap between two cards. Mr Porter shook his head.

    "Bad luck sonny" the stallholder grinned. Lenny pursed his lips and concentrated harder. The next card went into the ten of clubs. 

    "Try for the ace of spades Lenny" Mr Porter said encouragingly. "An ace is worth eleven so that would make 21." Lenny found the ace and aimed a third time. The dart sailed right into the middle of the card.

    "Well done Lenny" Mr Porter clapped his hands "you can choose a goldfish now." Lenny already had three goldfish at home, but there was room for one more so he chose one with little black markings. He carried it in its little plastic bag to show his mother.

    "That's nice dear" she said "I'd take it straight home and put it in your tank if I was you, those plastic bags can't be very comfortable you know." Lenny carefully wheeled his bicycle home, balancing the goldfish on the handlebars and holding it steady with one hand.

    He let himself into the house and tipped the goldfish into his tank with the others. After watching it swim around for a while, he remembered the key. He felt his pocket - yes, it was still there. He took it out and looked at it.

    To be continued...

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583

    How do all, I hope you are all keeping warm, especially Joan and Sue now they've had their rads bled. It's so cold, and now I've had my head shaved I can notice it more. Good job I have lots of warm hats.

    Toni, I'm piling my plate with slices of cheese on toast, many thanks. I'm so pleased you are enjoying 'Phoenix Cottage' Things get really exciting in chapter 5. 😏

    Barbara, how annoying, missing your slot for a blood test. It seems we need a slot for everything nowadays.I'm very happy for you to save my story to read to Niamh. I hope your eyes will cope.

    Joan, Anita rang our local radio station on Sunday, she sent a dedication for dad on his 90th. It's his favourite station, BBC Radio Nottingham. She included Ben, Emily and Alex in New York. He had loads of messages on Face Book which Anita showed him.

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,223

    Hi Joan thank you I am coping ok with my back how are you doing? So pleased to hear Sue has heating in her room now 🙂((())) xxx

    Sleek is ready to go on her broomstick toady she thinks she has bloods to do...Kath

    for us the cloak of invisibility is ready too.....

    Kath wow! Your dad got a request on the radio at 90 - go him and Anita for doing it 😁

    Aha......a new goldfish for Lenny, but the intrigue deepens....a hidden box and a key....

    its it chapter 5 next??

    Sleek has a lot of keys some of her own and some she inherited from Tosca.

    Barbara - what a nightmare! So unfair if you struggle for a space on Friday just get Mr B to drop you at the door and he can park up after. Sleek didn't mind she did some observations on other innocent patients!

    I know Kath was snoring abit but she can't help it. Hoping it's her bloods today - the cloak is shimmering and Sleek is alll ready.

    I want to start my tree today if I can.....have you thought about yours?

    Just been up the café our Christmas decorations down. Can everyone help please?

    food first...

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,236

    Good morning everyone

    After the man left 3 of the rads stopped working (both bedrooms and the passage ) he could not come back we will see today I think the rads need a proper clean out.

    Kath ((())) that was nice Anita ((())) going on the radio. Love to Val ((())) and Chris ((())) and your Dad ((()))

    Barbara (((())) I'm so sorry they could nor see you at the hospital ((())) thank you for the e card ((())) love to Mr B ((())) and your son ((())) and Niamh ((())) and your brother ((())) and his girlfriend ((()))

    Toni ((())) that's good your back has calmed down love to Paul (())) Charley ((())) and her girlfriend ((())) and the carers ((())) Tia ((())) Kari ((())) and P ((()))

    love to Bill ((())) Chris ((())) Mig ((())) Mike ((()))

    take care
    joan xx
  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583
    edited 2. Dec 2020, 13:18

    Phoenix Cottage

    Chapter 5 (part 1)

    Through the Door

    Lenny was still examining the key when he heard the door. He quickly put it back into his pocket.

    "What are you looking so guilty about?" Amy stood in the doorway.

    "Nothing" he answered, "what are you doing home, I thought you were on the white elephant stall."

    "I sold everything, so mum said I could come home and try my costume on. She wants to see us both dressed up when she gets back in half and hour." Lenny groaned, remembering the stockings.

    "I'm going to look a right idiot" he sighed.

    "Well if you do you can rest assured that everyone else will too."

    "Some consolation, I still wish I could be a roundhead." Fifteen minutes later Amy went to see if Lenny needed any help. He was sitting on his bed tying the bows on his shoes. Amy grinned as he looked down at his legs and feet in disgust.

    "You look great Lenny, mum and dad will be back in about ten minutes, when they've seen you, you can take them off again." Lenny looked at himself in the mirror.

    "I hope I get Chicken Pox or something, then I won't be able to take part."

    "You've already had Chicken Pox, come on let's go down." 

    As they were about to leave the room, Lenny remembered the key. He went back and took it out of his pocket.

    "Look what I've found" he held it out to show Amy.

    "Where did you find it?"

    "In the old stables." As they walked down stairs, he told her about the loose bricks and the wooden box.

    "Show Me," she demanded.

    "First of all I want to try something" he said, "remember how you found out that the key to the front door had gone missing?" Amy nodded "what if this is the missing key."

    "It certainly looks old enough, there's only one way to find out." She took it from him and carefully put it in the keyhole. "Well it fits." She turned it, but it wouldn't budge.

    "The door is locked isn't it?" Lenny pushed her out of the way and tried to open the door, but it was firmly locked. Amy frowned and tried to turn the key again. "Just a minute, remember the door was put on upside down, perhaps the key will turn the other way." He turned it in the opposite direction and they heard it click as the lock opened.

    "Let's walk down the road and meet mum and dad," Amy suggested. Lenny was too engrossed in the key; he slipped it back into the pocket of his breeches. He followed Amy down the drive. When they reached the gate Amy turned and looked back "Something isn't quite right." Lenny followed her gaze back to the house.

    "What do you mean?"

    "I'm not sure, but I don't like this at all" she rubbed her arms. "It's turned very chilly all of the sudden, let's go back in." As they neared the house she stopped and stared at a clump of Daffodils. "That's strange," she said.

    "I thought all the Daffs died off months ago" Lenny said.

    "They should have, you don't get Daffodils in July - and even if it were the right time of year, this is where mum's favourite Peonies should be." Puzzled they went back into the house. Amy closed the door, and then turned round. Lenny was staring in disbelief. Everything in the hall had changed. Instead of carpet down the stairs and through the hall, the floor was dark wood blocks. There was no telephone or electric lights, large oil paintings hung from picture rails. At that moment a woman came down the stairs. She was wearing a dark dress in very old-fashioned style. Amy felt Lenny move closer and clutch her hand.

    To Be Continued.......

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583
    edited 2. Dec 2020, 13:13

    Phoenix Cottage (chapter 5 part 2)

    "Is it a ghost?" He whispered.

    "Ah there you are my dears" the woman smiled at them. "I see you are all ready, the carriage will arrive from Cadogan Hall soon." They both stood staring at the woman. Who was she and where had she come from? Amy felt herself tremble and she clutched Lenny's hand tighter.

    "I don't understand," she said.

    "Oh my poor dears, you're still tired from the long journey down from Yorkshire. Your uncle is sending the carriage to take you up to the Hall. You are to dine there tonight with him and your cousins. Samuel did tell you when you arrived but you must have been so weary, you didn't take it all in." A clatter of horses hooves and the rattle of wheels could be heard outside. A large man with a ruddy complexion came through the door behind them. 

    "That's the carriage Sarah, are the young 'uns ready?"

    "Aye, help them out Samuel, they are ready for a good meal I'm sure." Lenny and Amy still had no idea what was happening, but they had no choice but to follow the man called Samuel.

    "Young ladies first, here Miss Abigail" he put his big hands around Amy's waist and lifted her right up into the carriage. "There's a blanket to put round you miss," he pointed to the seat next to where Amy was sitting. She gratefully put it around her shoulders. Samuel lifted Lenny into the seat opposite and showed him his blanket. Lenny pulled it over his lap and let it drape over his legs. "That's right Master Clement, you keep yourself warm." The carriage door slammed shut and the carriage clattered away. Amy could see Sarah and Samuel watching and waving as they disappeared into the distance.

    "What's happening Amy?" 

    "It seems as though we've travelled back in time Lenny, but I don't know how."

    "Did you hear what those two called us?" Amy nodded.

    "Abigail and Clement, the two cousins whose portraits we saw at the Hall this morning."

    "You mean the ones who were killed in the fire all those years ago. Can you remember what year it was?"

    "Sixteen forty seven. I don't know how - or why, but that's where we are now, in 1647."

    "I don't care how or why" Lenny said quietly. "I just want to know how we can get back to 1999." They both shivered beneath their blankets. "I'm scared Amy." Amy looked out of the carriage window as they drew closer to Cadogan Hall.

    "So am I Lenny."

    When the carriage arrived, two servants were waiting to show them inside. They were dressed like Sarah and Samuel but were younger. The woman gave a little curtsey and said:

    "Welcome my young sir and miss. The family are waiting your arrival." As they were led up the steps to the doorway, a young man emerged and stood smiling down at them. As they came closer, Amy recognized him as Benjamin Cadogan. His likeness to the portrait she had seen was striking and she couldn't help but feel sorry that this happy looking young man would soon die.

    "Good evening cousins" he held both his arms out in a welcoming gesture. "My father and brother are in the drawing room, we have been looking forward with great anticipation to seeing you again."

    Amy urged Lenny on and they followed Benjamin into the house and to a door, which she knew led to the drawing room, where Mr Porter had shown them the portraits. He held the door open. 

    "Here are our cousins at last" Amy walked slowly into the room. Lenny stood in the doorway behind her. Simon Cadogan stood with his back to them looking out of the window. His blond curls were shorter than Benjamin's flowing locks. As he turned round, Amy flinched, expecting to see the cruel face in the portrait. Instead she found herself looking into friendly blue eyes. His smile was as welcoming as Benjamin's, and the scars on his cheeks were so small they were hardly noticeable. Still smiling, Simon walked over to Amy and took her hand in his.

    "Cousin Abby" his voice was soft and low "how nice to see you." He raised her hand to his lips and kissed it, his eyes never left her face for a second. "You don't mind if I call you Abby do you?" Amy shook her head; she was too confused to say anything. The strange events since she and Lenny had turned the old key in the cottage door were making her head ache. To add to her confusion, Simon Cadogan seemed very charming and was more handsome that she had expected. She must keep reminding herself of the events on the night of the fire, although she couldn't believe this was the same man who let his family burn to death, thinking only of his own safety. She felt the room spin as Simon's smiling face swam before her. A dark shadow seemed to form around the edges of her vision, and then it completely engulfed her.

    Lenny rushed forward as Amy crumpled, but Simon caught her in his arms. Lenny watched as he laid her gently on the couch. Benjamin went to the door and called:

    "Mary bring some water quickly."

    "Don't crowd the girl," Sir Richard said in his gruff voice. "Give her some air, poor thing must be overcome by the long journey." Mary came in with some water. Lenny felt useless as he watched her carefully bathe Amy's face. As Amy gradually came to her senses, she realized where she was. She looked around at the concerned faces.

    "I'm so sorry" she began.

    "We should be apologizing to you my dear." Sir Richard barked in a friendly way. "Expecting you to rush straight over here for dinner after such an arduous journey."

    "Yes, we should have let you have a night's rest first" Benjamin added.

    Simon still had his arm around Amy, supporting her. She was struck by his kindness, which didn't fit in with what she knew of him.

    "Do you feel well enough to walk to the dining room Abby?" She turned and looked directly into his eyes and nodded weakly. Benjamin led the way chattering happily about his cousin's visit and the surprise that was waiting for them after dinner. His father leaned heavily on his stick and Simon continued to support Amy in case she felt faint. Lenny followed behind. 

    To be continued.....

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583

    Toni, I hope Sleek wasn't too upset when she got home, my blood test is NEXT WEEK and not this week. 🙄 The old brain cell went AWOL again!! Yes it's chapter 5 today, I do hope you are enjoying it. Don't you think they are rushing the Covid vaccine a bit? It will be good if it works and saves lives. I think if they offer me one some time next year, I'd rather wait until I know it's definitely safe. BTW, thank you for the key picture - perfect. Thank you also for the egg sandwich.

    Joan, your radiators are a nuisance. I think you should have had new ones, but I expect that would have cost more. Our family are always on the radio, mum and dad had a dedication read out for their 60th wedding anniversary. I once gave an interview about local history on BBC Radio Derby.

    Barbara, I'm sorry I snored at your appointment.

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281

    Evening all

    Saw the retina specialist today yo see if the MD had turned to wet.. it hasn't but at least that could have been treated with eye injections nothing can be done he showed me the xrays from the nack of my eyes ..all really jagged lines that should be smooth.

    Kath you really are a good writer make sure its all saved..what about getting it published on kindle..xx

    Joan you are welcome yours today to all if you xx

    Toni thankyou fir the egg sarnie..I needed that after my eye test..

    And its nice to see all the decs out of the fir someone yo put them up..I am waiting fir Niamh on Friday.. got my elfs up and some lights on the fireplace.. xx

    Better go its took ages to write this love to all xxxxxx

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,223

    My tree is up Elves out too Barbara and 'the carrots' from Aldi too🙂

    I hope that Niamh will be your happy helper on Friday I am certain she will be. Will you have your singing decoration up? Didn't that used to frighten her when she was little?🤔

    Sleek was very very interested in your eyes....she's had a really good look and was also hoping you could have injections in them😮 Made up for her disappointment over bloods so far this week. You missed yours and Kath gave us the wrong date!! She insists on washing her uniform between outings too🙄

    It's Friday tomorrow! 2 things....your bloods and Niamh!

    Kath it was the right key then? Sleek said it would apparently that one has magical powers - fits any door so long as it's very very old....

    She was very disappointed about the bloods, but happy enough to come again next week. Barbara's eyes made up for it well-enough😮😮😫

    I will take the vaccine and let you know if I start to get hairs on the back of my hands. They reckon about 75% of us will have it which is great. I could go out again.

    Wow the story is getting exciting! Sleek is reading over my shoulder and loving it too. She says "Arnty Kaff is very cleva". I have to agree with her! It's brilliant I knew it was a time travelling book - my favourite kind ATM. Thank you so much.

    Oh my Joan the saga of your radiators/heating just goes on and on. It's so unfair Aidan will be turning in his grave for definite😠 I was helping P again yesterday afternoon had a chat with her daughter who says P just gets exhausted at night.

    @Mike1 how is you Gt Nephew Elliott doing? If I remember rightly he will be in Bristol this week having his chemo? You missed your banjo yesterday!

    Love to Carol and family

    To Chris too I hope you are still getting stronger

    Christine and mig

  • Mike1
    Mike1 Member Posts: 1,992

    @Mike1 how is you Gt Nephew Elliott doing? If I remember rightly he will be in Bristol this week having his chemo?

    Morning petal. He had chemo in Bristol last week and there was a disagreement between two Doctors on Thursday as one said that he had a kidney problem and had to stay in and the other said he could go home. Anyway the latter won so Chris, his Dad, went into the car park to get his car ready for the trip home only to find that some thieving bas$&3ds had jacked up his car and hacked his catalytic converter off - in the Hospital car park and in broad daylight. He called the AA and luckily the chap that attended had a mate in Halfords who he phoned, they had a spare part so he got towed there and had it fixed. Anyway, Elliott came home and had a reasonable weekend until yesterday when he was rushed into Treliske Hospital in Truro with Cold Sepsis which can be fatal and could be a result of the suspected kidney problem last week; he had a blood transfusion last evening which he apparently responded to reasonably well. Basically we are all keeping our fingers crossed for the lad. He is supposed to have another round of chemo in Bristol on xmas week with him coming home on xmas eve but that is looking dubious at the moment.

  • Mike1
    Mike1 Member Posts: 1,992

    Just had an update, the infection has increased as the antibiotics are not working so they have doubled the dose. Needless to say we are all in a bit of a state and can only keep our fingers crossed.

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,236

    Good morning everyone

    . Kath ((())) have you got snow some places are having it today. Love to Chris ((())) Anita ((())) and Val ((())) and your Dad ((()))

    Barbara ((())) that must have been good that you could see behind your eye. Love to Mr B ((())) Niamh (((()))) your son ((()))) and your brother ((())) and his girlfriend ((()))

    Toni ((())) thank you for saying about P (((())) love to her and her daughter (((()))) Paul ((())) Charley ((())) and her girlfriend (((())) and the carers (((()))) Lucy ((())) Tia (((())) Kari ((()))

    Mike (((())) have a good day.

    love to Bill (((())) Chris Mig ((())) Carol (((())))

    take care
    joan xx
  • Ellen
    Ellen Moderator Posts: 1,917


    The very best of luck to your Great Nephew from the moderating Team. We will all be rooting for him


  • Mike1
    Mike1 Member Posts: 1,992

    I have just had a text from my baby sister who is at work, news from Treliske now is that Elliott does NOT have cold sepsis, just an infection. They hope he will be home sometime next week. I really wish that medics would keep their mouths shut until they know something for definite. I know that my sister has been in floods of tears at work when she finds out about the boy, she suffers enough with anxiety and depression without adding to it. Grrrrrrrrrrrrrr!

  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583
    edited 3. Dec 2020, 12:34

    Phoenix Cottage

    Chapter 6

    The Real Simon

    Lenny and Amy didn't know what to expect when they reached the dining room. Lenny was starving, but he thought his favourite meal of beefburgers chips and beans was probably out of the question.

    "I'm afraid it's only a simple meal tonight" Simon was saying "Since the King was taken into captivity we loyalists have to tread carefully. We are therefore dependent on what the estate provides." Lenny's eyes opened wide as he stared at the table in disbelief. If this were a simple meal he wondered what a feast would be. Three large silver salvers took pride of place along the middle of the table. The one in the centre held a large roast pig surrounded by different vegetables. The other two had smaller joints of meat on them. There were also various dishes of jelly and other sweetmeats. An enormous chandelier hung over the table making everything sparkle. 

    Benjamin and Simon helped their father into his chair at the head of the table. Simon then showed Amy to the chair on Sir Richard's right and sat next to her. "Here is where you will sit Clement" Benjamin beckoned Lenny to the seat on Sir Richard's left, while he sat opposite Simon and next to Lenny. As they ate Amy listened to the conversation between Sir Richard and his sons. The main topic was the King, his capture and the war. Lenny concentrated on the food, not knowing where to begin he watched the others and followed their example. The conversation bored him but it seemed strange to hear the events of the Civil War discussed by those who experienced them first hand. Apart from satisfying his own hunger, his main concern was getting back to his own time. He hadn't told Amy yet, but since their arrival he couldn't find the key. While he was wondering where it could have disappeared to, Benjamin said:

    "Enough of this gloomy talk of war. We have guests, we should entertain them and not fill them with fear of what might happen."

    "You are right Benjamin" Sir Richard agreed. "Show them their surprise. Simon help me to my room as we have important matters to discuss." He turned to Amy and Lenny "I trust you will sleep well." Simon stood up and helped his father from his chair.

    "When Benjamin has done Mary will show you to your room for the night. I will see you both in the morning." He smiled at Amy as he assisted Sir Richard from the room. She watched as they went up the large staircase and thought of what Mr Porter had told them of Simon. Now she had met him she couldn't believe any of it - and yet the fire really happened and Simon did disappear. Lenny came up to her and had obviously been thinking the same.

    "I can't believe that's really Simon Cadogan, not after what we heard about him." He whispered. Amy was about to answer when Benjamin came up behind them.

    "Your surprise is in the drawing room" he led them in. "Good, Thaddeus has done as I asked." They hadn't noticed much about the room earlier; they had been too confused at finding themselves in a different time. Looking around, Amy could see that it was almost exactly the same as it had been in 1999. "On your last visit two years ago you admired my paintings Abigail" Amy smiled uneasily and hoped Benjamin wasn't going to ask her anything about that visit. "I drew several sketches of you both and used them as a basis for these portraits." The paintings Mr Porter had shown them hung from the wall in the same position as she remembered them. She hadn't noticed it before, but Abigail and Clement looked very like herself and Lenny.

    "It seems like only this morning since we were here last, doesn't it Amy."

    "Yes, but a lot has happened since then" she glared at Lenny, how could he crack jokes at a time like this. She looked at the painting of Simon. It was nothing like the one she had seen in 1999, it looked just like the real Simon. Yes, that was it. This was the real Simon, the one she learned about from Mr Porter wasn't. What had happened in the intervening centuries to give him such a terrible reputation - and who painted that awful portrait of him? She complemented Benjamin on his skill. Lenny tried to stifle a yawn but failed. 

    "I am so sorry" Benjamin said "You must be very tired, I will call Mary to show you to your rooms" he pulled a cord by the door and a few moments later Mary entered. "My cousins are very tired Mary, will you please show them to their rooms." They followed her up the stairs.

    "I hope you don't mind Miss Abigail but we've put you in the same rooms as before. As you know there is a connecting door so if Master Clement feels afraid, he can come into your room."

    "But why should I feel afraid?" Amy dug her elbow sharply into Lenny's ribs too late to shut him up. 

    "But Master Clement, you were always afraid the Roundheads would come for you in the night." Mary looked surprised. Lenny opened his mouth to speak but Amy scowled at him.

    "Now my brother is a little older, he tries to put a brave face on things. We are very grateful for your thoughtfulness Mary." 

    "Of course, he is quite the young man now, he'll make a good King's soldier before long."

    After she had left Amy sat on Lenny's bed.

    "What do we do now?" he asked.

    "We try and get some sleep I suppose."

    "But how do we get back home?"

    "We are home remember, just three hundred or so years before our time."

    "Do you think we could have been brought here for a reason" he yawned.

    "What reason?" They were both silent for a few minutes, Amy was thinking about Simon and the reputation he would have in the future. Lenny was falling asleep.

    "That's it," she said. The only reply she got was a light snore. "I'll tell you in the morning." She pulled the covers over him, then saw the huge nightshirt over the bottom of the bed and smiled to herself. "Just as well you're asleep Lenny, you'd never wear that." 

    To be continued.....

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,223

    Thank goodness for that Mike that was such an upsetting thing to read. Bless that boy and all his family (((()))) to you from me.

    They would have all been beside themselves horrendous news which turned out to be fine..all that worry.

    Your sister should be ok now and hopefully the next lot of chemo can go ahead as planned.

    Take care and breathe out now

  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281

    Afternoon all

    First of all Mike your poor nephew and family..God forbid that they came out to the car jacked up on top of makes my blood boil..but so happy to hear he is coming home bless him..xx🙂

    Yes Niamh and bloids in Friday..I think my brain does not connect anymore..I thought the dr was ringing me tomorrow the 4th..its the 14th..😒

    Was that an omelette I spied thankyou ..nice and fluffy..hope P is managing her pain..I keep thinking about her ..and are the girls all setting in there new home xx

    Kath I read your story in bits..but am getting through it..not like me to read much so it must be good xx

    Joan its strange to see behind the eye.. but he had to explain it all look like something from the moon...😅love to all of you x

    Love to everyone..


  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,223

    For anyone interested in Legs' journey

    Barbara do you remember my car getting broken into on my own drive at my old house when Lucy was having her leukaemia treatment? My undies were strewn down the have an emergency hospital bag which had spares of everything for me and Lucy. The police were LIVID so angry I hope they were equally proactive for Elliott's Mum and Dad.

    Absolute vile people who would do such a thing when you are already going through the worst ever time 😕

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,223

    Morning everyone 🙂

    I hope @Mike1 you will have an update on Elliott soon. Sending very best wishes and support to them all and obviously to you. ((()))

    Sleek is ready again to do bloods this time for Barbara any of us ready to join her for pocket duties is very welcome the cloak will be ready.

    She wants to peep at Niamh too in 'real life'. I hope you have a lovely visit with her while she has her contact with her Daddy.

    It was virtual choir practice last night on zoom so I am feeling extra tired today.

    Thanks Kath for chapter 6 it's getting so good! I am very worried about the key though🤔 let's hope there's a reason for it being missing.....

    This is just so good🙂

    Now how are you and Chris and Dad, Anita & Val? Haven't heard much about Holly lately either and the girls.

    Joan I helped P yesterday with her Christmas wreaths to sell in the Hospice fundraiser she wants me to learn so I can make them next year when she isn't here😓. They make serious money they really do so many people want them for graves this time of year and other for their doors. How are you and Sue? The carers and is the heating behaving?🙄((()))

    What shall we have for breakfast? I think we'll go for porridge so Barbara doesn't faint when she has her blood test.

    Is there a Cornish word for porridge Mike?

  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583

    Toni, there is a reason for everything in this story.

    Phoenix Cottage

    Chapter 7 (part 1)

    Benjamin's Journal

    Amy woke to hear tapping on the door. For a few moments she didn't remember where she was. Then it all came back to her.

    "Come in" she sat up rubbing her eyes.

    "Good morning Miss Abigail" Mary carried a tray of breakfast "I trust you slept well?"

    "Thank you Mary" Amy's heart sank when she saw what was on the tray; she usually had cereals and orange juice. She couldn't help think that people from the 17th century at far too much. Perhaps Lenny would eat some of it. Mary laid a woollen dress and matching bonnet across the bottom of the bed.

    "You'll be much warmer in this. I'll be back to clear the tray away when you've finished." Amy thanked her again as she left and then jumped out of bed. She opened the connecting door to Lenny's room.

    "Lenny where -? " Lenny wasn't there and his bed had been made. Amy returned to her own room and looked out onto the hallway. Mary was just disappearing down the stairs.


    "What is it Miss?" Mary turned back.

    "Where is my brother?"

    "Master Clement has already eaten. He is with Master Benjamin now." Amy breathed a sigh of relief and went back inside. She ate as much of the breakfast as she could manage, then dressed and went downstairs. As she reached the bottom she heard voices from the dining room. As she was about to enter, Benjamin emerged from the drawing room followed by Lenny.

    "There you are Abigail, how did you sleep?"

    "Very well thank you Benjamin" she smiled.

    "I have just been showing Clement my journal" he continued "I was too tired to make an entry last night so I allowed Clement the privilege of watching me. Usually no one is allowed to see what's in it.

    "Do you write in it every day?" She herself had kept a diary since she was ten years old.

    "Every day since I was fourteen." He assured her.

    "What made you begin at fourteen?"

    "That was when Simon was injured."

    "What happened to him?" Lenny joined in.

    "We came upon a hut in the forest." Benjamin thought for a moment before continuing. "We thought a witch lived there. A cat so crazed with hunger attacked Simon and dug its claws into his face. It dug them in so deep it took a long time for the wounds to heal. Simon had a fever for days afterwards and we almost lost him. Now of course you can hardly see the scars."

    To be continued......

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583

    Phoenix Cottage

    Chapter 7 (part 2)

    "Was there really a witch?" Benjamin turned to him with a serious look.

    "No" he looked away. "We were both young and let our imagination run away with us. "Amy wondered what had really happened. It was obvious that Benjamin was making light of the matter.

    "So since then you have kept your journal?" He nodded sadly.

    "Although lately the entries have all been sorrowful, especially since the King surrendered to Cromwell."

    "Don't you worry that Cromwell's troops might come and capture you? Wouldn't it be safer if you left Cadogan Hall?" Amy knew she couldn't warn Benjamin of the coming events, but she felt she must try and do something to prevent to terrible events that would soon overtake them. They found themselves on the terrace by the drawing room windows. The early April sun had been shining full on the windows and someone had opened one of them. Amy could hear voices from inside, it sounded like Simon and his father. A short stocky man was standing near the window. Amy thought he must be a gardener as he was trimming back the ivy that crept up the outside of the terrace wall. As soon as he saw Benjamin and the others approaching he stopped what he was doing and walked hurriedly to the steps that led down to the lawns.

    "Thomas!" Benjamin called out suddenly "wait one moment." The gardener turned to face them with an anxious expression. Benjamin ran down the steps to him. Amy noticed the man's face relax as Benjamin spoke to him.

    "I wonder what he was worried about?" By now she and Lenny had come level with the window. Sir Richard sat in the big armchair just by it, Simon stood with his back to them. Amy now stood where the gardener had been and she could hear Simon's voice clearly.

    "We will all arrive separately," he was saying. "If Porter gets to know of our plans we may be ambushed. Single travelers will arouse less suspicion than a large group. The Roundheads must never suspect we are forming an army."

    "Don't underestimate James Porter" Sir Richard interrupted. "He has spies everywhere. If he gets even a sniff of any plan to rescue the King, there is no telling what he might do."

    Amy jumped as she felt a hand on her shoulder. It was Benjamin.

    "I've asked Thomas to put some Hyacinths in your room Abigail, I remember you saying they were your favourite flower when you were here last." A shiver ran down Amy's spine, she had more in common with Abigail than she thought.

    "Thank you Benjamin that's very thoughtful of you." They spent the rest of the day looking around the estate and Amy didn't see Simon again until that evening. She admired the Hyacinths Benjamin had arranged to be put in her room and was putting on the blue dress she had arrived in. Hoping to have some time alone with Lenny to discuss the conversation they had heard on the terrace, she was about to go to his room, when there was a knock on her door. When she opened it she caught her breath. It was Simon.

    "I've come to apologize Abby."

    "What for?" She closed the door behind her; Simon took her hand and led her downstairs.

    "I have neglected you badly today but I have many plans to prepare, so I will make up for it tonight at dinner." Amy glanced up at him and although his blue eyes twinkled as usual, his smile was more serious. She thought about the conversation she had overheard and wondered if she should say anything, but decided against it until she had spoken to Lenny.

    Dinner passed more easily than the one the night before, she had begun to feel quite comfortable at Cadogan Hall. She looked over at Lenny; he seemed to have settled to and was in deep conversation with Benjamin. Simon was very attentive and Amy noticed Sir Richard watching them both with a knowing smile. Dinner was over all too soon.

    "Time to make an entry in my journal Clement, would you like to come with me?" Lenny nodded.

    "May I write something in it?" 

    "I think so cousin, maybe you will begin to keep a journal when you return home." As they left the room Simon turned to Amy.

    "Please excuse me while I help father up to his room. I won't be long, there's something I want to talk to you about."

    Amy sat with her chin in her hand, deep in thought. She went over the events of the past two days. How had they come to be here? Was the key that Lenny had found a key to the past? More importantly of all, how would they ever get back again? She still hadn't had time to tell Lenny that she thought she knew the reason why there were there. She took a deep breath and went to open the door. Simon was coming down the stairs, he smiled as he took her arm and led her to the drawing room. Benjamin was just putting his journal away and Lenny looked sleepy again.

    "Maybe Clement should go straight to bed" Benjamin suggested "We could tell Abigail our plans and she could explain them to Clement in the morning."

    "I'm not sleepy" Lenny insisted. They looked at him doubtfully.

    "Well maybe you can stay up a little longer" Amy said. Lenny settled back into the armchair and prepared to listen. 

    To be continued....

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583

    Toni, getting good innit, and I know hat happens but shhh, roundhead spies are ear wigging. Holly is fine, I'm still hanging on to their prezzies, she doesn't know about them yet.

    Joan, I hope your hearing is behaving itself. We haven't had snow here yet. but in Newark, which is about 49 miles away, they did have snow.

    Hugs to all, keep warm and safe.

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein