Val's Cafe
Is there a Cornish word for porridge Mike?
Tis "yos kergh". "Kergh" being Cornish for "oats".
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Good morning everyone
The gas man is coming again this morning.
Kath ((())) have you got any snow have a good weekend love to Chris ((())) Anita ((())) and Val ((())) and your Dad ((()))
Mike ((())) that was a relief for everyone I'm sure.
Barbara ((())) I hope you have a good weekend love to Mr B (((()))) and your Son (((())) and Niamh ((()) and your Brother ((())) and his girlfriend ((()))
Toni (((())) that must have been very embarrassing seeing your pants along the road and worrying he saw the bags in the car and had one thought. Love to Paul (((())) Charley ((())) and her girlfriend ((())) and the carers ((())) Lucy ((())) Tia ((())) and P ((()))
love to Bill ((())) Chris ((())) Carol ((())) Mig ((()))
take care
joan xx1 -
Evening all
where has the week gone have been trying to get mr t Christmas present but really don’t know what to get him. I usually ask him if there is anything he wants or needs and him will mention as couple of thing , and I will choose from that. This he just shrugs his shoulders and says i don’t know 🤷♂️. And I need to get some small things to put on our Christmas tree to open Christmas evening, a tradition started in mr t family and we continued it when we got married.
Cookie is really coming out of her shell she is now fully ours she had her vaccinations yesterday. It has been 4 days a apart from jumping upon the window cill near the tree a couple of times and being told get down the tree has survived. 🎄🎄she has hearing like a hawk you sake a dreamiest packet and she is there very quickly she loves her dreamies.
yesterday our eldest put together a family face book page for my side of the family and invited family members to cheer everyone up due to not seeing each other. It is brilliant a lot of good memories and pictures have been put on there. Spent all yesterday evening and part of today reading posts.
I sorted out some very old pictures and posted on there. I will post some one here if you would like. I will even post some on of me when small
in fact here is one of them of me
Now you can all have a 😆
This photo is our youngest granddaughter I called her the choc chip Cookie Monster you will see why
Kath I am loving your stories.
I hope you are all as well as can be
Joan sorry about your radiators are wrong again
must go as I was looking for something in our bedroom earlier then went out and left the floor my side of the bed in a total mess.
love and Sparkles to you all
Stay positive always👍xx0 -
I got it Mike Yos Kergh! Porridge 🥣 How is your Gt Nephew doing? Ok I hope and maybe coming home today?
Joan Yes it was very embarrassing my drawers down the street!! You're right the little thieves thought a bag would have money in it. Luckily there was no medication in it or money. Did the gas man succeed this time? I really hope so. Love to you both ((()))
We have decided to get Lucy down for that apt on 14th even if it is a telephone consultation in the end. A bit scary going into such a big hospital in the centre of brum.
Kath I am suspicious of one character already.....I hope the children can do something to steer him off course. Could be a double bluff though and he could be on 'our side'!🤔
Good to hear Holly is fine and yes hang on to their pressies she will be so touched come Christmas. Especially this year I think little things will mean a lot.
Carol I am very pleased to hear Cookie is now a permanent member of the family bless her ❤ all vaccinated and in her furrever home as Aidan would have said. He will be so pleased I know up there looking down.
So far I have got paul a new shirt, some allsorts and an MG Midget wall plaque. He wants some car mats for his midget, but as yet hasn't told me the details😯men eh? If Mr T isn't diabetic some chocolate/sweets? a cat mug like his new baby? cat socks? Silly bits for the tree anyway. Nice tradition that. I think I've told you my Mum and Dad used to open their pressies to each other Christmas eve after 12 then rewrap them for us to see!
I love the pic of you such a sweet little girl and yes I can see why you called the 'baby' the chocolate monster😂
Do post more we always love photos 🙂
I do hope all is well with Barbara and the bloods seemed to go ok I didn't see any problems - Sleek was pleased enough with herself.....maybe just worn out with it all and Niamh being there too ((()))
Love to Chris and Christine and mig too ((()))
Aidan's Saturday breakfast:
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I got it Mike Yos Kergh! Porridge 🥣 How is your Gt Nephew doing? Ok I hope and maybe coming home today?
Morning Froggie. I have not heard anything about Elliott since Thursday regrettably, so far as I know he is still in ICU at Treliske Hospital in Truro. His Mum, Samantha (my niece), disseminates information via facebook as most youngsters do these days and as I do no social media (other than this if that counts) I have to rely on my baby sister who picks up info when she can and passes it on to me which is frustrating for both of us and just increases anxiety levels. As Sammie has 4 other kids to look after and has a lot on her plate with hubby being with Elliott and no work due to the pandemic I don't add to things by texting or phoning her asking how things are going. She knows that I am here if needed and fully supportive but having no transport and having to use a ruddy wheelchair there is nothing I can do physically anyway. My baby sister and I work on the basis that no news is good news!
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Good morning everyone
the gas man did not come he had a migraine they will ring Monday afternoon.
Carol ((())) it's nice to see old photo's love to Mr T ((())) and your family ((()))
Toni ((())) how is Lucy doing ((())) love to Paul ((())) Charley ((())) and her girlfriend ((())) and the carers ((())) Tia ((())) and Kari ((())) and P (((()))
Mike have a good weekend ((()))
Love to Barbara ((())) Kath ((()) and family ((())) Bill ((())) Chris ((())) Mig ((()))
take care
joan xx1 -
Evening all..i posted yesterday to saw my bloods were all done.. and I had a read of kath story but my post has strange 🤔
Mike I hope all is well with your nephew..its so hard for any family to go through xx
Carol I usually do the same with Mr B a few ideas and I pick one but he doesn't have a clue ..not good us you I always want presents under the tree
Cookie sounds like a good girl bless..yes they always hear you opening the dreamies😅.. the photos are stunning and what a brilliant idea..xx
Joan you are having no luck with these gas men..I am OK here we have 2 hubby and son ..I do hope you are both nice and warm xx
Toni thankyou for the croissants I look forward to Saturday like Aiden did ...
At least you have a couple of present for Paul..I find men so hard to buy for..guess what Mr B like allsorts ...😁our gd always buys them him..
Hopefully Lucy will get to the hospital in brum..must say I have felt very safe in ours..they take your temp tell you to clean your hands and not half the people in ..they clean the seating between patients.. but take your own I telling you what you already know...tell me to shut up..😅xx
Kath I have not had a read of all the story yet but loving the secret door and key.. yes watch out for those roundheads xx
We have our tree up thanks to Niamh xx
Love to everyone
Barbara1 -
Our tree
Barbara0 -
Didn't sleep well so up far too early today🙄just gave up in the end.
Mike I was hoping Elliott would be home, but at least he is in the right place and his Dad is with him. I understand completely what it's like when you are living the nightmare getting the news out to other people isn't easy or priority. Nor should it be with other children to care for as well. I am so please he has his Dad with him. I do hope you hear something good soon ((()))
Joan no surely not! Your heating probably gave the engineer the migraine! Only joking, but it has been a really difficult job hasn't it? But last night was cold I hope you were both warm enough?🤨I am wondering whether Lucy has just had enough of being up in Scotland so far away from us. We shall see.
Barbara Niamh did the tree? Well she did a great job. I love your 'parcels' if I remember rightly they light up? I bet she really enjoyed doing that job. She is growing up to be a very useful young lady - just like all your GDs have been.
We shall see about the actual hospital it's had a lot of COVID and I mean a lot of it. If we go yes I will remember wipes good tip.
Apologies to Mike, but I also find men tricky to buy for - I could easily come up with something for any woman at all. Allsorts are very popular aren't they? I also have some for my neighbours - he loves them too and is never without.
My old yorkie used to hear if I opened a Foxes classic bar (for me!) back in those days we didn't know chocolate was bad for dogs did we?🤔
Today i think I will be making more wreaths with P. Will see if I have any photos.
It's sunday so we can have our full English/Cornish/Scottish and maybe Welsh?!
You can have anything here veggie option available....
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Young Sleek supervising the hospice fundraiser in my drive
and some of the wreaths we've been making
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Good morning everyone
Barbara ((())) that's a good tree and a surprise for everyone. love to Mr B ((())) and your son ((())) and Niamh (((()))) and. your brother ((())) and his girlfriend ((()))
Toni ((())) yes it would be nice for you to have Lucy ((())) back home with you would she have to isolate. You have been busy with the stall and the wreaths they are all good. Love to Charley ((())) and her girlfriend ((())) and her girlfriend (((())) Tia ((())) kari ((())) and P ((()))
love to Bill ((())) Chris Carol ((())) and family ((())) Kath ((())) and family ((())) Mig ((()))
take care
joan xx0 -
Afternoon all I think i might have sussed why post go missing ,sometime when you press post comment it doesn't always work and has to be done I will check my post have gone on in future before leaving the forum
Toni I am in the mood for a full English breakfast..but will share it with Mr B
Gosh what a decision whether you and Lucy go to hospital ...not easy for you both xx
How lovely are these wreaths.. and real ones at that P has trained you well ..bless her ..miss sleek is doing a good job there.. she will tice people in with her lovely face..not daft is she..😻😻...xx
If you see swear words its my phone everytime I type post 🙄🙄
Joan the gas man must have given you and Sue headaches..honestly he had better sort it or we will get the bus out and come down..with mask on of course to all of you xx
Love to kath ..hope things are sorted at home xx
Love to all xxxxxx
Barbara0 -
Phoenix Cottage
Chapter 8 (part 1)
The Spy
"Tomorrow you and Clement will return to Cadogan House." Simon began "you will wait there until Benjamin and my father come to collect you again."
"What about you?" Amy asked remembering that tomorrow was the night of the fire and Simon's disappearance.
"I am joining an army of loyalists," he said quietly. "We are going to try and rescue His Majesty. Our aim is to smuggle him; out of the country to France. If we can gather enough support we will return to England and restore the King to his rightful place on the throne."
"Father and I will stay here until we receive word that the King is safely in France" Benjamin continued. "Then father will travel to your home with you and I will join Simon in France."
"What if the roundheads know of your plans?" Amy felt she must say something about the gardener.
"They must never find out," Benjamin said. Amy went and stood behind Lenny's chair. She looked at Simon.
"You were discussing these plans with your father this morning weren't you?"
"How did you know?" Simon looked surprised.
"I heard you and what is more, I wasn't the only one." They were all looking at her now.
"Who? And how could they have heard us?"
"Lenny, remember the gardener on the terrace?" Lenny nodded. "While you were talking to him Benjamin I stood where he had been working and I could hear every word, even though I couldn't be seen from inside. When the gardener saw us coming, he looked very anxious and I wondered why - maybe he's a spy."
"Where is Thomas now?" Simon was pacing up and down the room.
"He said he felt ill so I dismissed him at noon. " Benjamin stood up and joined Amy. "If he is one of Porter's spies he has had ample time to tell him of our plans."
"Well he won't suspect that we know he heard us so he will probably turn up in the morning as usual." Simon stopped pacing and turned to Benjamin. "We have to question him first thing Benjamin."
Lenny was almost asleep as they went upstairs to bed and was asleep in seconds. Amy couldn't sleep as all kinds of thoughts were whirling around her head. Was Simon going to desert them tomorrow night? What would happen to her and Lenny when the fire started? If the key that had brought them here, would it help them return to their own time? So many questions and she couldn't answer any of them. Eventually she must have fallen into a fitful sleep for she was wakened by a shout. Outside it was light and she heard the sounds of clattering hooves on the cobbles outside. Amy jumped out of bed and rushed over to the window, which looked out over the front of the house.
Simon and Benjamin had mounted their horses. A little way in the distance she could see another horse galloping away. Simon and Benjamin set off at speed to follow it. Amy hurriedly dressed and ran downstairs as quickly as she could. Mary had just come back inside the house.
"What has happened Mary?"
"Oh Miss Abigail you wouldn't believe it. Thomas the gardener has just tried to kill Master Benjamin. Luckily Master Simon arrived in time to stop him. They're chasing him now miss." She burst into tears and Amy went to comfort her. "My Thaddeus got hurt too," she said between sobs. "He was in the stables when Thomas rushed in and tried to stop him from stealing the horse, but in the fight he cracked his head on the wall." Amy raced out to the stables. Thaddeus was sitting up in the straw; blood trickled down his face from a gash in his head.
To be continued......
"Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein
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Phoenix Cottage Chapter 8 (Part 2)
"How do you feel Thaddeus?"
"I'll be alright Miss Abigail. Mary has gone to fetch some ointment."
"But you must see a doctor."
"No miss, it looks a lot worse than it really is. I'm just that mad that I couldn't stop Thomas."
"What did he do to Benjamin?"
"He had his hands around his throat and was fair squeezing the life out of him miss. Master Simon pulled him off and Thomas whirled round and knocked him down. I was just about to run over and help when Thomas came towards me. He didn't see me at first. I couldn't stop him though, he was too strong for me." Mary brought the ointment in and began to bathe Thaddeus' head. Amy went to look for Lenny.
He was still asleep in his room. Amy shook him.
"Lenny wake up!" He began to rouse. "Come on Lenny, wake up quickly." Lenny sat up and rubbed his eyes.
"Where's the fire?" He yawned.
"That's not funny Lenny."
"Sorry Amy, didn't think. I'm awake now."
"How can you sleep through all the noise?"
"What noise? I can't hear any noise."
"I know you can't now, you slept through it all." Amy told him all that had happened. As she was talking they heard the sound of horses approaching slowly. Simon and Benjamin were returning with a third horse limping behind them with something slung over its back. Amy realized it was a man's body. They disappeared around the corner that led to the stables.
When Lenny was dressed, he and Amy went downstairs. The drawing room door was open and they could hear Sir Richard speaking to someone.
"Porter mustn't find out about this yet. It will put him on his guard."
"What shall we do about the body sir?" It was Thaddeus.
"Take it to the chapel and lay it out. Did he have any family?"
"No sir, his parents are both dead and he never married."
"Then we will bury him somewhere on the estate." Amy was debating whether or not to into the drawing room when Simon and Benjamin entered the house. Simon had a large bruise on his right cheek and Benjamin had marks around his throat. His shirt was torn too. Simon saw her.
"You were right about Thomas." He waved a sheet of paper." "Where is father?"
"In the drawing room with Thaddeus." They all went in. The old man looked relieved to see them both.
"At least you're safe for now, how did he die?"
"His horse couldn't manage the fence, it stopped sharp and Thomas flew off. He must have broken his neck when he landed." Benjamin said.
"We found this on him" Simon added handing the piece of paper to Sir Richard.
"It's from Porter!" He read it out to them. "'Your information is very useful to us' it says. 'Make sure you are not in the vicinity of Cadogan Hall on Thursday, we will be paying a surprise visit on that evening.' We must send notice to our friends of what has happened, their lives will be in danger." Sir Richard advised.
"I will send Samuel and Thaddeus with a message immediately. I only hope it will reach everyone on time." Simon stood looking out of the window deep in thought.
"What about tomorrow night?" Benjamin asked. "If Porter is sending his troops here father, Abigail and clement must leave immediately." Simon turned to face them.
"Porter is only interested in stopping our plan to save the King." He began. "Therefore he is only interested in me. Here is what I think we should do. Abigail and Clement should leave for Cadogan House as planned, but you and father should go with them instead of staying here. I will wait until it gets dark. Porter intends to surprise us so he won't arrive until after dark. As soon as I think the time is right I will leave. Porter will think I'm going to join the others to rescue the King and follow me."
"You can't go alone Simon" Benjamin insisted. "Let me come with you, we may be able to confuse them enough to get back here. Then we can all leave for Yorkshire until it is safe to leave for France."
"No! They know I am going alone. If you are there Porter will suspect we know that he has found out our plans. He may send some of his men after me; I can soon escape from them. I will be able to ensure that the others have received my message to delay the plan. Porter may send the rest of his men here to the Hall. When he finds it empty he will have to give up. You will then have time to escape."
After much discussion, Benjamin and Sir Richard agreed it would be better to stick to Simon's plan. No one felt much like eating the late breakfast that Mary had prepared. Thaddeus was dispatched to Cadogan House to inform Sarah and Samuel of the day's events. He and Samuel then set off on their mission.
Amy and Lenny went to their rooms to gather the few things they had at the Hall, the rest was already at Cadogan House. Although of course it all belonged to Abigail and Clement. Amy was glad of the chance to talk to Lenny.
"Remember when we first arrived here we thought there was a reason for it?"
"You mean I thought there was a reason for it." He reminded her.
"Whatever! Anyway, I think I know what that reason is."
"So do I, I think we're here to protect Simon's reputation. Somehow we have to change things so that in 1999 we don't think he's an evil traitor."
"I don't know how we're going to do it" Amy sighed "and I don't know how we're going to get back to our own time yet either. Perhaps we should try using the key again." Lenny shook his head sadly.
"We can't do that, I don't have it any more."
To Be Continued......
"Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein
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Phoenix Cottage
Chapter 9
The Truth At Last
"What do you mean? You had it when we first arrived."
"I know, I remember putting it in my pocket when we left the house but when we went back inside and found everything different, it wasn't there any more." Amy thought for a moment then had an idea.
"I know where the key is" she said, "it's back at Phoenix Cottage - or should I say Cadogan House."
"How do you know?"
"Think about it Lenny, the key you found in 1999 is the same key being used now. The same key can't exist twice in the same time. As soon as we arrived the key you had must have disappeared because it already existed in this time."
"It's all a bit confusing, what exactly does it all mean?"
"It means we're stuck here - for now anyway. There must be some way back though."
"I wish I knew how" Lenny sighed. Amy finished putting Abigail's things in the small trunk that Thaddeus had brought up to her room before he left. Lenny didn't have any packing to do as he had hardly used any of Clement's clothes.
"I wonder where the real Abigail and Clement are?" Amy said absently.
"They must be somewhere because we know they are killed in the fire. Maybe we have become merged in with them somehow."
"You mean we have taken over their bodies and their minds are drifting around in space somewhere? That's a bit far fetched isn't it Lenny?"
"I don't know. I don't understand any of what's happened - maybe we could be whisked back to our own time at any moment leaving the real Abigail and Clement to die in the fire."
"What a horrible thought."
"Would you rather stay here and be burned to death yourself?"
"Of course not. I just wish I could make sense of it all." Amy sat on the top of the trunk looking dejectedly at the floor.
"You said yourself that we can't change history." He pointed out. "As far as we're concerned Abigail, Clement and all the others died three hundred years before we were born."
He hardly had time to finish the sentence when Mary came in.
"It's time to go," she said. "The stable lads will be up for your trunk in a few moments." They followed her down to where Simon and Benjamin were waiting in the hall.
"Father is already in the carriage" Benjamin said "time for us to join him." He led them outside and Simon followed them. He turned to Amy.
"Mary will travel in the coach with you, Benjamin will ride behind on his horse." The two stable lads carried the trunk and fastened it firmly on the back of the coach. Amy looked up into Simon's face wondering whether she would ever see him again.
"You will be careful won't you?"
"My dear sweet Abigail" he smiled down at her and took her hand in his. "I have every reason to be very, very careful." As the carriage set off Amy felt tears begin to form in her eyes. She now firmly believed Simon wasn't going to desert his family. Something terrible must happen to him. Something no one ever finds out about. They passed the chapel where Thomas' body lay and thought about its restoration in 1999 and an idea came into her head. "Lenny, do you know whether Benjamin has his journal with him?"
"Of course he does, he never goes anywhere without it. What an odd thing to ask."
"I have an idea, I'll explain later." By now they had arrived at Cadogan House. The stable lads followed on foot and unloaded the trunk from the back of the carriage. When they had carried it into the house Benjamin paid them and sent them home to the village.
"We won't need them for a few days" he explained.
It was strange for Amy and Lenny to be in their own home, but not with their family. The evening meal was very quiet, everyone deep in their own thoughts. Sir Richard remembered the days when he was able to fight alongside his King. Benjamin looked forward to joining Simon in France. Amy thought through her idea while Lenny wondered what she was planning. Later, Benjamin helped his father to his room. Amy and Lenny stayed in the sitting room.
"Now you can tell me why you wanted to know if Benjamin had his journal with him." Lenny said.
"Do you think Simon is a coward?" Lenny thought for a moment then shook his head. "Do you believe that he deserted his family and left them to die?" Again Lenny shook his head. "No, neither do I. Remember what Mr Porter told us about his ancestor James Porter, how he took great pleasure in the Cadogan's downfall. We know he arranged for the fire, what if he killed Simon and spread the rumour that he had deserted his family."
"Now that I could believe, we've never met Porter but from what Benjamin has told me he would sink to any level to discredit the Cadogan family. But what about the painting?"
"That could easily have been altered. After all, why would someone keep a portrait of their enemy, unless it made them look inhuman?"
"So what's your plan?"
"We have to set the record straight for the Cadogan's ancestors in 1999." Just as she was about to outline her idea, Benjamin came in with a serious expression on his usually happy face.
"I hope Thaddeus and Samuel reach their destination in time."
"What will happen if they don't?" Amy asked as Benjamin sat beside her.
"Simon's plans will still go ahead but Porter could send his army to meet them. Now the element of surprise has been lost we won't be able to free the King. At the very least our small army will be captured - Simon included."
"And the worst?" She hardly dare ask. Benjamin didn't answer; he just patted her hand and stared ahead.
To be continued....
"Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein
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What a weekend! Sorry I didn't post yesterday. We had a Tesco order on Friday. Friday evening the heavy rain caused the roof to leak so I had to call the housing association (er are still waiting for them). We had an Asda delivery on Saturday. So I'm praying for no rain until the roof has been fixed. Thank goodness we didn't have snow.
Love and hugs to you all. By the way Toni, which character do/did you suspect?
Amy/Abigail crying over Smon Cadogan.
"Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein
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Oh dear me Kath! I hope you don't get any more rain. At least today is Monday so the housing assoc should come out. 🤞
Hope they are better than Joan's🙄
Two orders that is a lot of supplies like me you are hedging your bets we must eat. I am doing Tesco and Ocado whichever I can get. I want one for after Christmas and so far can't find any.
I suspected the gardener, but am thinking about someone else just now🤔I am loving your book so far it's got so much going on you are very clever.
Joan I am not sure whether Lucy will have to isolate. The house is plenty big enough to keep away from each other at least 2m. I thought maybe we should all wear masks? I hope your gas man reappears today ((()))
Barbara I think ; know what you did. It's less clear on your phone isn't it when the post is sent. Just check it's there before you click off the site.
Young Sleek is shop-keeper not many customers will see her though probably only if I am out with her.
We'll decide what to do about the hospital soon enough this week I expect. It seems risky...
Glad you enjoyed the breakfast yesterday
I have news!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Charley proposed to her GF last night and oddly enough her GF also had a ring and had been planning to ask my permission this week. For a Christmas proposal!
Do I have another wedding to plan?!
Love to Mike
and mig
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Good morning everyone
Kath ((())) I hope your roof is fixed to day. Love to Chris ((())) Anita (((())) Val ((())) and. Your Dad ((()))
Barbara ((())) how are your eyes. I hope your blood test comes back alright. Love to Mr B ((())) and your son (((()))) and Niamh ((())) and your brother (((()))) and his girlfriend ((()))
Toni ((())) I bet the wreaths are sold quick. A wedding that is something good to look forward to. Love to Charley ((())) and her girlfriend ((())) and the carers ((())) and Paul ((())) Lucy ((())) Tia ((())) Kari ((())) and P ((()))
Love to Bill ((())) Chris (((())) Mig ((()))Carol (((())) Mike ((()))
take care
joan xx0 -
Phoenix Cottage
Chapter 10 (part 1)
Simon's Death
Amy tried to remember her History lessons at school. It had been a long time since she had studied the English Civil War and it had always been her worst subject anyway. If she was in her own time she would only have to pick up an encyclopaedia or switch on her PC to find out what she wanted to know. She automatically looked over to where the bookshelf stood in her own time. There was just a table there now she must concentrate harder. King Charles I was executed, but when? It was no good, she couldn't remember. Amy looked around the room again. It was strange to think that a few days ago she was sitting in this same room watching the TV with her parents. She hadn't realised how much she missed them and now she didn't even know whether she would see them again. She felt the tears again and a little sob escaped her.
"Oh dear" Benjamin was still patting her hand "I'm so sorry Abigail, I know you are worried about Simon." He put his arm around her. She tried to smile at him. Was she crying for Simon, or her own family? Perhaps she was crying for all of them. "There's something I must tell you" Benjamin continued. "About Simon, just a moment." He left the room and returned a short while later carrying his journal. "As you know I don't normally let anyone see this - although Clement has, and I think that under the circumstances you should to." He turned to one of the recent entries. Amy read:
"Great excitement, Cousins Abigail and Clement arrive in a few days. I am greatly looking forward to meeting them again but Simon has his reservations. In one year he is to marry Abigail and he is anxious about meeting her. She was such a child last time and he doesn't know if he can love her - or her him." Benjamin then turned to the day of their arrival. "What a wonderful day. Our cousins are a delight, Amy has become more beautiful and Simon is quite taken by her. She has grown up so much since her last visit and Simon is delighted with her." The entry for the next day continued. "I believe my brother has fallen in love with Abigail. He speaks of nothing else and his eyes follow her wherever she goes. Of course she doesn't know of their intended marriage yet, but I think it will be a happy one. Amy blushed as she read.
"Before we left Cadogan Hall Simon asked me to take special care of you, he said you mean more to him than life itself." Amy caught Lenny's eye as Benjamin spoke and blushed again. The real Abigail and Clement would probably take all this in their stride, people married young in their day but Amy felt embarrassed and she knew Lenny thought it was all a bit soppy.
"I think I'll go up to my room for a while," she said quietly. Everyone left Amy alone, although the time went slowly she was glad of the time to formulate her plans to clear Simon's name.
To be continued
"Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein
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Phoenix Cottage (Part 2)
Lenny sat with his elbows on his knees and his chin in his hands; he didn't know what to do. Amy had been upstairs for hours. Benjamin had said it would be best to leave her for a while, but what about him? He wanted to know what Amy's plan was.
"She's probably forgotten all about that now," he said to himself. He decided to go for a walk but when he went into the hall Mary was taking a tray up the stairs. "Is that for my sister?"
"Yes, I thought I would see if she is feeling like eating." Lenny followed her up. He thought it was probably unlikely that Amy was hungry and although it was only an hour since he had last eaten, he was starving again. Besides, it would be a good excuse to ask her what she intended to do. Mary tapped on the door and went in. Amy looked pale and had obviously been crying, but she looked quite calm. "I thought you might like this" Mary put the tray on the bedside dresser. Amy was just about to refuse when she noticed Lenny looking hopefully at the tray.
"Thank you Mary," she said. Lenny wandered over to the tray and tried not to look too hungry. Amy smiled in spite of herself. After Mary had left Amy said "Actually Lenny I'm not really hungry at all, I only took the food to please Mary. You wouldn't mind eating it for me would you?" Lenny didn't need asking twice and tucked in.
"Now you can tell me your plan," he said with his mouth full.
"I thought if we could manage to get Benjamin's journal and put it in the chapel, it would be there for Mr Porter and his volunteers to discover in 1999 when the chapel is restored."
"How would that clear Simon's name?"
"Most of the entries mention Simon in some way, we could add details of what really happens and set the record straight."
"I don't know how we're going to get the journal away from Benjamin, he guards it with his life."
"He trusts you Lenny, I'm sure you could find some way of taking it. After all by this time tomorrow Benjamin will be dead." Lenny turned away for a moment. He had become close to Benjamin in the short time they had been there and although he longed to return home, he couldn't bear to think of not seeing his new friend again.
"Well if we have to add an entry, I'd better do it. After all I've already written in it so people discovering it are more likely to believe an entry in my handwriting." Amy had to agree with him. "The only question is, when to do it." Lenny had eaten almost everything on the tray and was just about to go to his own room when they heard a commotion outside. It was too dark to see much outside the window but they could make out shadowy figures moving about. They went downstairs to find out what was happening. Voices came from the kitchen and Benjamin appeared in the doorway.
"What is it Benjamin?"
"Thaddeus and Samuel have retuned." Benjamin told them. "They have passed Simon's message on. They are all heading this way and when they arrive, Simon will travel with them to France without the King. I will join them when you and Father have left for Yorkshire."
"When will that be?"
"At dawn on Friday. Simon will have left by then and he and the others will be on their way to the coast. If Porter and his men follow them it will be safe for us to set off."
"What if Porter doesn't follow them?" Lenny asked.
"We think he will" Benjamin assured him. "As Simon said, Porter is only interested in making sure that the King isn't rescued, he's not interested in us. Hopeful when Porter discovers we have fled to France, he will tell Cromwell, who might then decide to leave the King where he is. We can then devise a new plan in safety and return at a later date to carry it out."
To Be continued....
"Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein
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Phoenix Cottage (chapter 10 part 3)
They continued talking until late. When Amy was sure everyone had settled down for the night she crept out of the house. She glanced over to Cadogan Hall in the distance. It was a familiar scene to her as there had been very few changes over the centuries. She headed for the hall, although she had no idea why as it was quite a distance by foot, especially in the dark. Fortunately it was a clear night and the moon was bright, but there was always the risk of being seen by any Roundhead soldiers who might be around. Amy was only too aware that Cadogan Hall would be the focus of attention that night.
About half a mile from the hall she stopped and listened. A horse was approaching at rapid speed. She slipped quickly behind some trees. As the horse drew closer, she could hear more horses in the distance. She peeped around the tree cautiously. The first horse was now level with where she was hiding and she could see it was Simon. Porter and his men were chasing him. Suddenly, Simon's horse stumbled and fell. Amy watched with horror as the soldiers soon caught up with Simon as he struggled to get up from beneath the injured animal. Amy remained hidden; she knew she would be no good to Simon if the soldiers saw her.
As Simon Stood up, Amy saw his sword. James Porter dismounted and stood opposite him. She was too far away to hear what they were saying, but whatever it was the other soldiers began to laugh loudly. At first Amy wondered if all that Mr Porter had told them about Simon was true, as he seemed to be laughing with them. Could it be that he really was a traitor after all? Then Simon stopped laughing and drew his sword. Then James Porter drew his sword. It became deadly quiet as the two men faced each other.
The moonlight made the blades sparkle and Amy was mesmerized by their flashes as they clashed together. Simon was a far better swordsman than Porter and it wasn't long before Amy heard a shout. Porter clutched his arm and staggered backwards, dropping his sword. A large red stain appeared on his shirt where Simon had sliced through the flesh. It was as if the soldiers went mad in that moment. They leaped on Simon and Amy could no longer see him. One soldier turned to the injured hors and deftly slit its throat. The animal quivered for a moment then lay still. Amy felt sick; she knew that when the men had finished Simon would be dead. Another soldier was binding Porters arm as he shouted a command. He and his men mounted their horses and rode off. All Amy could see was a crumpled heap on the ground.
Lenny suddenly woke up. He didn't know what had woken him but he went to look out of the window. He could see the garden clearly in the bright moonlight. He tiptoed to Amy's room and tapped on the door. When she didn't answer, he thought she must be asleep and entered the room.
"Amy" he whispered. Lenny went over to the bed and found she wasn't there. He went to the window again, this time he looked beyond the garden and could just make out a figure in the distance. It looked like Amy. "Oh no" he groaned, "what is she up to now?" He went back to his own room and quickly dressed. How he wished he could slip on a pair of jeans and a tee shirt instead of fiddling with all these buttons and bows. As he passed Benjamin's room, the door opened. Benjamin was also fully dressed.
"Where are you going Clement? I thought you would be asleep by now. Was it you I heard moving around a little while ago?"
"Something woke me too, when I went to my sister's room she had gone."
"Gone! Where?"
"I think she's heading towards Cadogan Hall." Lenny told him.
"We must follow her at once" Benjamin said, "she may be in great danger. Porter and his men must surely be heading that way - or already there."
Lenny automatically headed for the stables. "We can't use the horses, they would be heard for miles around on a night like this." They walked quietly along the road and as they neared the hall they heard the sounds of men shouting. Benjamin pulled Lenny away from the path. "It will be safer to stay among the trees," he whispered. "I just hope that Abigail is safe." Lenny crept along behind him. The noise stopped and they heard the clattering of hooves. As they got further away Benjamin heaved a sigh of relief. "I think it's safe for now but we'll stay in the trees just in case."
"Were they Porter's men?"
"Probably." They continued through the trees, then Benjamin stopped. "What's that?"
"I can't hear anything," Lenny whispered.
"It sounds like someone crying."
"I can hear it now, it sounds like Am- I mean Abigail." Throwing caution to the wind they rushed to where the sound was coming from. Amy was kneeling on the ground holding something in her lap. As they drew closer they could make out what it was.
"Simon!" Benjamin gasped. He knelt down beside Amy while Lenny stood back a little. "Is he dead?" Amy nodded stroking Simon's hair, tears splashed onto his blood-splattered face. A dark stain spread over his doublet where a sword had pierced his heart. Benjamin put his arms around her shoulders and she leaned against him.
"It was Porter's men" she sobbed, "he didn't stand a chance."
"We must hurry back to Cadogan House to send Thaddeus and Samuel to collect his body."
"We can't just leave him" Amy protested, "I'll wait until they get here." Benjamin shook his head.
"It isn't safe, Porter might return." Amy looked over at Simon's horse.
"His horse fell, that's how they caught up with him. Why did they kill it?" Benjamin followed her gaze to where the animal lay with one leg twisted awkwardly.
"She looks as though her leg was badly broken, killing her was a kindness. I don't hold with the Roundhead's politics or religion, but they do look after their animals." Amy got up reluctantly.
"Can't we at least hide his body among the bushes?" She pleaded. Benjamin agreed and between them they carried Simon from the road.
"We'll have to leave the horse where it is though" he said.
To be continued....
"Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein
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Phoenix Cottage
Chapter 11
Setting The Record Straight.
Captain James Porter sat at his desk, a self-satisfied smile on his face. He always knew that Simon Cadogan was going to cause trouble, just like his father Sir Richard, both staunch Royalists through and through. The old man was no longer a danger; virtually crippled he was unable to lead an army against anyone. The younger son would never be a threat, always hiding in his brother's shadow. Well there was no-one's shadow to shelter in now, Simon Cadogan lay dead in the road with only his horse's body for company. He had dispatched a couple of men with a cart to bring the body back. He would personally burn it. Porter reached out for his quill and winced. His arm was still painful where Cadogan's sword had sliced through it. He would soon recover though. He began to sign the papers in front of him.
The door burst open; He looked up angrily at the red-faced man who had intruded his privacy.
"I thought I told you I didn't want to be disturbed!" He barked.
"My apologies sir, but it is urgent." The sergeant saluted.
"It had better be." Porter moved the papers to one side.
"It's Cadogan's body."
"What about it?"
"It's gone sir."
"Gone! What do you mean gone?" He spluttered.
"The horse is still there, but the body of Simon Cadogan has disappeared." James Porter's face went white.
"You did make sure he was dead didn't you?"
"He was dead alright sir, it was my own sword that dealt the fatal blow."
"Then someone has removed the body. It's only a few hours since we killed him damn it. How was he found so quickly?"
"Do you think someone could have been watching sir, seen him die and move the body? Another member of the family perhaps, or a servant?"
"If that's true then something had better be done to keep the family quiet!"
"I don't understand sir, I thought it was only the elder son you wanted dead."
"You fool, do you want everyone to know it took fifteen of my best soldiers to kill one Royalist? My intention was to stop the whole lot of them from rescuing the King. Cadogan must have known we had discovered their plan and somehow got word to the others. Although how the hell he found out I don't know. Hs anyone found out where Thomas Masterson has disappeared to yet?"
"No-one has seen or heard anything of him sir."
"Well don't just stand there, get the men ready. I want the rest of the Cadogan's silenced - permanently." James Porter continued signing papers as the sergeant marched smartly away.
Amy left the room where Simon's body lay. She must get Benjamin's journal somehow, tonight was the night of the fire so time was short. Benjamin had already written an account of Simon's murder, so there was now written proof that Porter had killed him. Not only that, but it was obvious from the journal that Simon wasn't a traitor or a coward. Amy crept into Lenny's room; he sat on his bed still fully dressed.
"Do you know where Benjamin put his journal?" She asked.
"It's downstairs, I saw him put it in the sitting room."
"Good, we'll wait another half hour then we'll get it. We must hurry though as the soldiers could come at any time." As they sat waiting Lenny's head drooped, then Amy's. She woke with a start and automatically looked at her wrist before remembering she wasn't wearing her watch. Lenny stirred by her side, he sat up and whispered.
"What time is it?"
"I don't know but I think everyone is asleep." They quietly left the room and tiptoed downstairs.
The living room curtains hadn't been drawn and a shaft of moonlight shone through the window onto the large clock face. It was fifteen minutes past midnight. They had slept for longer than they realised. The journal was where Lenny had last seen it. He carried it to the window where the light was enough to read what Benjamin had written. Amy looked over his shoulder and nodded.
"It looks alright to me."
As they set off for the chapel, they kept to the trees keeping close together. The heavy door creaked as they opened it. Amy glanced nervously at the far end of the chapel where Thomas' body lay.
"Where shall we hide it?" Lenny asked.
"It has to be somewhere it won't get damaged by falling rubble."
"What if someone finds it before 1999?"
"Don't be silly, the chapel is damaged so badly that no-one can get in here until then." Amy reminded him.
"Of course, I'd forgotten. The fallen tower blocks the door but the altar end is untouched. Perhaps we should hide it there." Amy nodded, aware that they had to work quickly. They placed the journal beneath the base of a large gold cross close to Thomas Masterson's body. Amy shuddered and remembered the night he had died. It was because of him that Simon was also dead and soon the rest of the family would be too. She noticed the window out of the corner of her eye. It seemed unusually bright outside.
"Let's get out of here Lenny" she shivered again.
"What's that glow in the sky over there?" Lenny pointed in the direction of Phoenix Cottage. As they stood listening they heard horses approaching.
"Get in among the trees quickly" Amy pushed Lenny from the road. As they watched from behind the tree a group of Royalists galloped around the curve. Then Porter's army arrived from the opposite direction. Amy and Lenny ran through the trees towards Phoenix Cottage, the sounds of a battle behind them. As they reached the house they realised what the glow in the sky had been. Phoenix Cottage was engulfed in flames. A loud explosion made them whirl round just in time to see the chapel tower crumble.
To be continued......
"Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein
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Still haven't heard anything from Tomlinsons, the company that work for our housing association. Grrr thank goodness is isn't raining.
Toni, it looks as though you were right about the gardener. Goodness me, who do you suspect now? Ah well only one more chapter to go. I was very tempted to post it today, but I'll make you wait until tomorrow. Our Asda order didn't have any food in it, mainly incontinence pads. OTC meds, toilet rolls. a pack of 16 Andrex. And some batteries. We would like to try some sourdough bread soon.
Thank you Joan, you are so thoughtful.
Hugs to all.
"Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein
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Evening all
Kath so sorry I can't get through your story yet i am going very slowly.. so will not look at the end when you out it on..🤫🤫
I am hoping the housing association come very soon ..they always like to get there rent on time..xx
Joan thankyou not had my bloods back yet..fingers crossed..hope you are all doing OK and nice and warm love to all of you xx
Toni..thankyou for breakfast.was it scrambled egg..anyhow it was good 😅
Oh a proposal and they were both going to do it..bless ..maybe a spring wedding..😁..
At least they have there own house.. our gd says they won't get married till they can afford an house..they have no chance in London ..hopefully they will move up north xx
I was talking to our new neighbours today and the dog they have was brought home from Mexico.. it was a street dog and they fell in love with it..🥰
Love to everyone
Barbara0 -
My Great Nephew, Elliott (8) will be on This Morning on ITV at 10:20 today about carrying on his collecting for children in our County Hospital despite having had a brain tumour removed and having cancer.
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