Val's Cafe
Morning everyone 🙂 Time to start our Christmas cards?
Look at Rubie I reckon she keeps them all smiling during lockdown bless her Carol. She's like Sleek straight in an empty I suspect Cookie might be the same. Yes Sleek says Cookie would like a box please.
Looks to me like Cookie is definitely a Mummy's girl - don't tell Mr T will you🤫
I know what it's like losing your post all too well and think it's much easier to lose them on an IPAD than anywhere else.🙄
Loved the poem Kath it was a story of love missed methinks and rather sweet. I did fruit picking in my youth sadly not in France. Ruined a pair of jeans with the dye too🙄
Sleek is super careful on her broom remember she did her advanced test and anyway they get immobilised when the weather is too bad...she hates that😕 Do you have a gate in your house for her or is it in the garden? Carol will need one for Cookie when she's settled in.
I am usually ok honestly sorry for worrying anyone. Hope you are too and Chris?
Barbara thank you l still do my physio exercises from back in the day and a lot of them are indeed stretches which really help. As you say sitting does something to your back after a while. I won't give in though until I have no choice.
Yes P is anxious to pass her skills on so that we can continue to do what she does after she has gone. She plans to give the money we raise to the hospice but gift aid it so they get 25% more! She says the tax man will have a hard time catching up with her after she's gone😮
Miss Sleek is sat here with me says it's cold outside🙄 poor you Joan and Sue. The house will take some warming back up, but once it has 🤞it should actually STAY warm now! Thank you I am doing ok - just keeping moving as best I can I hope you aren't in too much pain just now? ((()))
Today I would like to do NOTHING! hehehe! Going to watch the crown on netflix if Paul will agree. Sleek wants to watch it...
Veggie/vegan option available...
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Good morning everyone
Kath (((()))) does your back feel better now what about your irritable bowel. Love to Chris (((())) Anita ((())) Val ((())) and your Dad ((()))
Barbara (((())) yes there is still a few radiators to get working one is Sue's bedroom. how are you feeling love to Mr B ((())) and your son ((())) and Niamh ((())) and your brother ((())) and his girlfriend ((()))
Carol (((())) sorry you lost your post the photo's are lovely thank you love to Mr T ((()))) and family (((())))
Toni how is your back ((())) love to Paul (((())) Charley ((())) and her girlfriend (((()))) and the carers (((()))) Lucy ((())) Tia ((())) Kari ((())) P ((())))
love to Bill ((())) Chris ((()))) Mig (((())))
take care
joan xx0 -
Evening all..I think..Aidan said evening was after 6..feels like it
Carol cookie is really at home in the back of your chair..she must feel safe..
Lillie made me laugh with the boxes..I bet her imagination runs riot ..😅xx
Joan the radiators will want bleeding now ..air in the system, but sometimes leaving it on high clears it..hope it does..some hugs for you Sue and the doggies..((((()))) xx
Toni our eldest son is hooked on the crown from the first series..he keeps on at ne to watch it..Will do soon 😁
Thankyou for breakfast don't need any lunch or tea now..for all week come to that..🤣P is so right never mind the tax man let the hospital have every penny xx
Did I tell you someone used our debit card lin Birmingham on taxis..we don't use it at all but think someone scanned it in hubby's pocket while queuing at the bank ..😲
We got the money back but they said they were just trying it out then take a lot more right better go
Love to everyone xxxxx
Barbara0 -
Evening all
Toni Oh yes Rubie is sure a little comedienne told GD just give her boxes at Christmas cheapest present ever 😀.
It’s ok mr T said to me the other day she’s a one person cat. Mind you she goes to him more now especially if the treat packet is in his hand.😂😂 in the morning when I get up the first thing I have to do is feed her. or she will keep going backwards and forwards from me to her dish until I do When I pick the dish up she follows me to the kitchen.
Joan thank you for your comments on the photos. Hope all your radiators soon work you both need them. Hope they get sorted out soon hope you and Sue are doing ok sending you some Hugs ((((()))).
Barbara It is Rubie in the boxes the youngest of the girls. She is a funny little thing with the things she dose 🤔. Cookie loves the back of my chair I don’t mind until she waves her tail around And hits me on the head 😀😀🙄.
Glad you got the money back from the bank I have my bank card in between 2 special card size guards, which stops any one doing that whilst it is in my bag.
our Eldest rang 2 nights ago to say she has to isolate according to the NHS track and trace app as she has been near someone who tested positive for Covid. She should of had a home test sent to her today so she will do that and send it back and see what happens in the meantime she must isolate. The test was asked for by her workplace. Hopefully it comes back negative ir it dose she will be able go back to work. My sister has three days left of her isolating both are ok at the moment no symptoms. So it’s fingers crossed for both.
Mr T is suffering with his back at the moment so is being a bit more of a moody person. He is struggling with lockdown I know although of course he won’t admit it. but I think we are both struggling this time I know I am but I am determined not to let it get at me too much For the sake of my sanity . I have said to mr t that stress dose make the pain worse. But well men don’t believe that do they.🤫🤫I never said that did I. Mind you I have got very annoyed a couple times and had a shout at Him, but then just let it go.
I am sitting here with my shadow sitting on the back of the chair she likes to survey from a height. She is a right madam. Our Madam Cookie.
GD had a call from Lillie’s teacher the other day think it was a video one the teacher was so amazed at how much Lillie knew about her diet and how open she was about it. She also Lillie there at the time picture below. Her face is a picture. Trying to decide if she was pleased or a bit embarrassed.
Well that’s all for now.
Love and Sparkles to you all ❤️❤️❤️🌈🌈🌈
Stay positive always👍xx0 -
I think Lillie is pleased Carol, but also embarrassed bless her. What a lot is going on! I hope your daughter's test comes back negative - all being well it should.🤞and your sister has two days left until she can breathe out so glad neither have any symptoms.
Cookie has chosen her Mum and it's you Carol. Up high is good they can see more up there can't they? If Mr T had been the one to feed her and maybe a little quieter(?!) she might well have chosen him. Yes feeding our cats is number one priority in the morning like it or not😁 Sleek is peeping over my shoulder and nodding her head.😺and treats will make them friends with 'almost' anyone!
Maybe Mr T will have a warm wheatbag behind his back when he sits down? It helps me quite a bit. No you haven't been living with arthritis for years so you have no idea what's best🙄 men eh?!
Barbara yes after 6 is evening, (Aidan!), but it's so dark ATM that after 5 feels like evening 🙄and so
P is just so calm about what is happening to her isn't she? The hospice appeal is definitely keeping her going bless her and yes knickers to the tax man!!
I haven't been to Brum it wasn't me!! how naughty is that?! So lucky they didn't succeed in buying anything bigger than an uber😮
Yes the Crown watch it then we can talk about it on here. I wonder whether anyone else is watching it in the café 🤔
Joan I think my back is easing off a little thank you I am making sure I walk every day carefully so keep it as loose as possible. Barbara is right the man needs to come back and bleed your radiators for you now then you should be roasty-toasty! Love to you and Sue ((()))
No Kath I hope all is well with you kath and your back is easing a bit too. When is that flu jab? I know it's soon. Sleek is coming over later and it's icy so keep an eye out her landing can be a bit iffy when it's icy.🤔
I'm feeling rather cold so we shall have something warming for breakfast....has to be porridge don't you think?
choice of toppings ☺️
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Good morning everyone
. Because we have a new boiler they wired it different so it has to be changed thank you for thinking of us. We don't watch the crown.
Barbara ((())) I'm sorry that happened to Mr B ((())) card that's good you got the money back. Love to your son ((((()))) and Niamh ((())) and your brother ((())) and his girlfriend ((()))
Carol (((())) yes children like box's to play with Lillie is a clever little lady ((())) love to Mr T ((())) cookie found a good home people to love her ((()))
Toni ((())) p ((())) is good she has it all worked out. That's good your back is easing a bit ((())) love to Paul ((())) Charley ((())) and her girlfriend ((())) Lucy (((()))) Tia ((()))
love to Kath (((())) I hope all is well love to Chris (((()))Anita (((())) Val ((())) and your Dad (((())))
love to Bill (((())) Chris ((())) Mig ((()))
take care
joan xx0 -
Daily Poem
A Frosty Morning
by Enid Blyton
When the sun hangs low in the eastern sky,
Caught in the trees that shiver and shy,
Red as the robin that flits nearby,
Sing hey, for a frosty morning!
When the lane is a-glitter beneath our feet,
Powered with crystal, delicate, sweet,
And the quiet pond is a silver sheet,
Sing hey, for a frosty morning!
Come out, come out, while the sky is red,
Over the crunching fields to tread,
Ere the frost in the kindling sun lies dead,
Sing, hey for a frosty morning!
Brrr, it was cold this morning. I went to put something in the bin. The lid was stuck fast with ice, and I couldn't open it. So Chris did it for me. He put a bit of card under both bin lids, to prevent them sticking down tomorrow.
I have a telephone appointment with my rheumy tomorrow morning at 8am. Dreading it!
Keep cosy everyone, especially Joan and Sue.
"Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein
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Afternoon all
Kath i love the poem ..used to love feeling the crunchy leaves under my feet..I say used to..😅hope the talk from your rhumy goes OK ..xx
Joan thank you.. and I hope the boiler warms every room very soon.. ooh I'm a poet 😅love to all of you xx
Toni thank you for the porridge love it with berry's so many toppings
P is a very brave lady..somewhere inside of us all there is that person when needed..
There are many obsessed with the crown..but I think I might sit to much if I start watching it 🤭xx
Carol right i am there it was Rubie. gosh my memory is awful..but I know there little faces..😁 Lillies face is a picture bless..and how good that she know all about the diet she is will help her understand..x
Cookie has you sussed xx
My washer has broke..that time of the year again 🙄
Love to everyone xxx
Barbara0 -
Morning Joan - just out of interest do the dogs like boxes? Cats love them like small children do I just wondered? All is well here hope the same for you love to Sue and you of course and good wishes to the carers ((()))
Kath it was Ffffffffreezing yesterday wasn't it? Well done Chris solving the frozen bin lid issue - good lad👍️Sleek said she could have used Tosca's warming spell if you had asked. The cloak is gathering us up - i need to get dressed ASAP) so we can be with you for your telephone consultation this morning. Sleek is going to go to the Rheumatologist's office and sit with her/him she says.
Kari and me used to love Enid Blyton books when we were little though now I suspect they are very dated. Too much smacking and probably offensive language🤔 The poem though about frost is spot on!
This hot water bottle should help a bit.
Oh dear me Barbara the washing machine🙄 and Charley has two if you were nearer you could have had one😁 Yes here comes winter!
My fitbit reminds me to move every hour so I can binge watch the Crown, but not without getting up! You could just move between episodes maybe? My back would probably also shout after a bit!
There is indeed someone like P inside each of us when needed. We had a lovely, (if chilly as it had to be outside), chat yesterday afternoon for an hour or so.
Right send me a load of washing over the machine is empty!
Love to Carol and Chris and Christine
plenty of tommy or brown sauce if needed!
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Saw the photo and went to make an egg banjo (military name for an egg sandwich) for myself but my bread was mouldy so settled for a brew and 4 custard creams instead! Anyway, you should not be putting tommy or brown sauce on an egg banjo, it has to be mayonnaise!
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Good morning everyone
We have heating everywhere thank you
Kath ((())) I hope you are feeling a bit better. Love to Chris ((())) Anita (((())) Val ((())) and your Dad ((()))
Barbara sorry about your washing machine ((())) love to Mr B (((())) your son ((())) and Niamh ((())) and your brother ((())) and his girlfriend ((()))
Toni ((())) I bet P (((())) enjoys the chats it takes her mind of her worries. Love to Paul ((())) Charley ((())) her girlfriend ((())) and the carers ((()))) Lucy (((())) Tia ((())) and Kari ((()))
Mike ((())) I put egg and cheese and milk and a little margarine in a dish in the microwave until it sets its lovely.
. Love to Bill ((())) Chris ((())) Mig ((()))Carol (((()))
take care
joan xx0 -
I am very pleased to hear you have heating in every room now @dachshund 🙂👍️
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Story - The Kitten (I began this years ago and never finished it. I wonder what happens next, any ideas)?
"Spending the day in bed with Glandular Fever wasn't the best way to celebrate your 13th birthday. Tom looked glumly out of his bedroom window at the bright sun shining down on the village schoolyard across the lane from his house. Trust him to get ill during the summer holidays. Normally he'd be playing football with his cousins in Wales but this virus had knocked him for six and all his friends had gone away so there wasn't even anyone to invite round for tea. Not that he felt much like company anyway. Admittedly he was feeling a little better today, that's why he'd asked his mum if he could move to the chair by the window.
'Of course love,' she'd said. 'I'll open it wide, the fresh air will do you good.'
As he glanced at the familiar scene below, a movement caught his eye. Someone was in the playground. A small girl was skipping towards the bars. She stopped to look around, then took hold of one of the bars and pushed herself up and over and dangled upside down by her knees. Her pigtails hung low, sweeping the floor as she swung backwards and forwards.
Tom watched fascinated as she slid gracefully down and started to run round and round the playground. Then suddenly she stopped and crouched down. What was she doing now? She appeared to pick something up as she lifted her hand and held it close to her face as though examing something. If only he felt well enough to go out and see what she was up to.
She wasn't a village girl, or he'd recognize her. He became more and more curious as he watched her. She seemed engrossed in her surroundings and totally unaware that she was being watched. Tom guessed that she was about 8 years old. He couldn't remember doing it, but he must have fallen asleep while he watched. When he woke, an hour had passed and the girl had gone.
'Maybe I dreamt it,' he told himself.
The next day........"
Carol, I think this is one of your beauties, they are all so pretty.
Ellen, yes it is good news for Joan. We want her to keep warm too.
Joan WHOO HOO a lovely warm house at last- I hope it stays that way.
Mike, mouldy bread yuk. My gran used to crumble mouldy bread with equally mouldy cheese and pearl barley. Then granddad used it for ground bait when he went fishing.
Toni, my rheumy is going to arrange some blood tests (one of them a fasting one) and a clinic appointment to have a proper look at me. What did Sleek have to say?
Barbara, I hope you get your washer fixed soon.
"Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein
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Afternoon all
Mike it has to he brown sauce for me..but our granddaughter is a mayo girl..what a shame your bread was mouldy..🙄xx
Kath I love the are very clever.. I tell Niamh one about cats that i make up has I go along.. think she bored with it though..could I use yours please glad your bloods are booked in..xx
Joan are you all warm now...I am hoping so..I bet the doggies keep you warm when settled on your to all if you xx
Toini I am on my way with my washing always seems to be around Christmas that things break or is that just us..
I had brown sauce on my egg sarnie..thankyou..😁 ir will be good for P to have a good chat..bless Joan says it will take her mind off things..xx🌈🌈
hubby still mauling with the washer..and there's me wanting a new one 😅😅
Love to everyone
Barbara0 -
Aha Mike! I love mayonnaise in almost anything I will put mayo out in future. So annoying about the bread. I freeze mine now and take it out as and when we need it. I like that name though 'egg banjo' 🙂
Joan I am so very pleased you finally have a warm and cosy home in every single room! Horrah only taken about 4 years!!! Yes I think P likes a good chat her daughter is back now so they can be inside the house - much better. Love to you all ((()))
Kath - we have a story now? Lovely! next installment today I hope? Not only our poet laureate but a celebrated author now too😉
Sleek plans to help herself to some blood too she wants to test it herself. She thinks absolutely it's time 'sumwun sore Aunty Kaff' She thinks this 'Hooman vyrus is a propa new sunce Tosca wud have been cros'
Your Gran was very wise using the bread and cheese with pearl barley - waste not want not I say! Mind you people were less wasteful then.
Barbara the washing is done ready for you and dry
No it's not just you! always in the bad weather for us too and Christmas is the worst Charley had her MOT on 14th Dec 🙄
Maybe Mr B will fail to fix the washer...?
I think Kath will be more than happy for you to tell Niamh the new cat story🐱
Glad you enjoyed your egg butty or egg banjo as Mike calls them! He has mayo! You have brown I used to just like the egg 🙂
P's daughter is back now from visiting her husband!
Right love to Carol (Mr T and Cookie) as well as Chris and Christine.
I used to LOVE eggy bread! What's the most number of slices you could eat? I got up to about 7 I think....😁
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Frogmorton wrote: "Aha Mike! I love mayonnaise in almost anything I will put mayo out in future. So annoying about the bread. I freeze mine now and take it out as and when we need it. I like that name though 'egg banjo' 🙂"
Good idea about freezing bread, I don't have enough room in my freezer for a whole loaf but will split one into a few slices and squeeze it in. After the disappointment about mouldy bread yesterday I forgot to go to the village shop for a replacement so will miss out again this morning 🙁
Even more disappointment coming up on xmas day, not only can I not get a delivery that week so nothing fresh to scoff but my baby sister announced that she will not be coming over in the morning as usual. She works in ASDA and has been told that she has to work on xmas eve and boxing day so, as she suffers with OA and has asthma, she will be too knackered to come over plus due to the relaxation of restrictions regarding families getting together and the removal of the restriction on travel she is scared that there will be an influx of people down here who could bring the virus with them as they did in the summer thereby making the risk of catching it higher for her, as is the risk of passing it on. Thankfully I have my cat for a bit of festive cheer! Mind you she will probably go out for the day!!
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Following my mini-rant above, just to put things into perspective my Great Nephew has made the paper again:
He has his own faceache page as well:
He is having chemo in Bristol next week and again on xmas week and he is not expected to come home until xmas eve so his parents have decided to delay xmas for them and his four siblings until the week after as Elliott will, obviously, not be up to it. He is still trying to learn to speak, walk etc since his operation. The hospital that he collects presents for has appointed a press officer for him apparently and he will be on Good Morning Britain and another morning show next month. I will be sending their pressies over in the post.
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Good morning everyone
. Sue has not got any heating in her bed room she is put to bed about 7 'pm and then she has her iPad to look at.
Kath (((())) how did your talk go with the rhumi lady good I hope good story. Love to Chris (((())) Anita (()) Val (((())) and your Dad ((())))
Barbara (((()))) will you have a new washer for Christmas. Love to Mr B ((())) and your Son ((())) and Niamh ((())) and your brother ((())) and his girlfriend ((()))
Mike ((())) your cat will keep you busy I'm sure.
Toni (((())) how is your back today (((()))) love to Paul ((())) Charley ((())) and her girlfriend ((())) and the carers Lucy ((())) Tia((())) Kari ((())) and P (((())) that's nice her daughter's back ((()))
Ellen thank you ((()))
love to Bill ((())) Chris ((())) Mig (((()))Carol (((())))
take care
joan xx0 -
Story part 2
The next day he had to wait quite a while before his mum moved him over to the window, but it was raining anyway, so he wasn’t expecting to see the girl again. When he looked out, he was amazed to see a tiny blob struggling up the Beech tree across from his house. He soon realized the blob was wearing a giant anorak which inside hid the girl from yesterday. He watched fascinated as she struggled upwards, then suddenly she slipped and to his horror she was left hanging by the hood of the anorak.
“MUM” he yelled, Mum quick." No reply, and he realized his mum had gone into town - he had no choice, he quickly pulled his jeans and jersey over his pyjamas. He had to hurry......
I was hoping one of you might have finished it for me. Oh well, let's hope you enjoy it. 😘
Chris, welcome back, we've missed you.
One of the practice nurses is coming over tomorrow to give Chris and I our flu jabs. Sleek would be very welcome.
"Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein
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Evening all
Mike these times are so hard ..but hopefully when thing ease it will be a breath of fresh air for all of us..we will all be here over Christmas to talk to..I have hubby but talk to myself most of the time..🤫 ..we don't have any pets now but next doors cats come in for a warm..
Your Nephew is such an inspiration bless him..I will go and have a look at his fb page xx
Joan poor Sue will be cold..I hope you have spare new washer he fixed it..🙄 love to all of you xx
Toni eggy bread i love it but can only managed 2..I get a small brown loaf for myself and freeze it new washer it is fixed.. maybe if I kick it...😅xx
Chris its really lovely to hear from you.. and so glad to hear you are settling into your new flat near more amenities..what a lovely daughter you have xx
Kath I am copy and pasting your story..thankyou ..don't ask me to finish it I will ruin it..😅xx
Right my eyes have had it love to all xxxxx
Barbara1 -
Hi Mike Good to see you again.
Your poor little sis having to work over Christmas so much 😕and having to miss out on visiting her bro because of it bless her. She obviously doesn't want to risk bringing any potential germs to you. I get that. Vixen will be there and enjoy her salmon.
I got my Tesco order last week at 6am. Lggd in and just waited all of a sudden there were some for Christmas week. If you were nearer I'd put some things in for you - I do for my neighbours. Yes freeze some bread it's horrible when you fancy a slice of toast.
Some people in the café have 'parsley box' meals have you heard of them.
Your Gt nephew is a lad to be very very proud of and you should absolutely blow his trumpet and your own for being his uncle!
Joan has Sue not got a rad in her room? Or is that one still not working? I wouldn't be happy in bed for 7 in the cold.😕Love to you both ((()))
Kath thank you for chapter 2 of the story. I am enjoying it very much! I hope he gets there in time to help the girl....sure he will.
Sleek has started up her motorbike it's icy so she was worried.
and is going to come over later with her Santa hat one to 'supervise' the nurse! She is bringing Rosie with her!
@CatLady1 Chris it's lovely to see you back - I hope you feel well enough to pop in more often now. You are lucky to have such a good daughter - like P is in our village. I have 3 girls so if needs be hope one of them will come up trumps like yours!
I'm so glad you are nearer to civilisation now! As soon as we are allowed out I bet you'll want to give it a go! Be careful though the slippery weather is coming🙄
I hope you enjoyed yesterday's online chat.
Morning Barbara you are right won't we appreciate it when it's safe to go out again? 🙂I for one will have the vaccine if I can to enable a quality of life and feel safe again.
Sorry to hear the washer got fixed darn it what a disappointment😫 never mind maybe a well-placed kicke might do it?😁
Only two slices of eggy bread? I think I would only manage that these days. I used to be able to eat more luckily my appetite has diminished now.
Right today's breakko.....hmmm🤔
what do you call them in Cornwall Mike?
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Good morning everyone
Hello Chris ((())) it's lovely to see you back and you have a new flat good you take care. Enjoy your chat.
Kath ((())) are your deliveries coming right now. Love to Chris ((())) Anita ((())) Val ((())) and your Dad ((()))
Barbara ((())) that's good your washing machine has decided it will work. Love to Mr B ((())) your son ((())) and Niamh ((())) and your brother ((())) and his girlfriend ((()))
Toni (((())) has Lucy had her appointment I'm sorry you can't be with her ((())) love to Paul ((())) Charley ((())) and her girlfriend ((())) and the carers ((())) Tia ((()))) Kari ((())) and P ((()))
love to Bill ((())) Mike ((())) Mig ((())) Carol ((()))
take care
joan xx0 -
Hi Frogmorton,
crumpets are also known as krampoth down here but is rarely used. I have tried Parsley box meals and found them horrible, I was also concerned about the recommended heating times as they seemed way out compared with normal ready meals. I ordered a week's supply to try, had a few mouthfuls out of a few then binned the whole lot. I have also had Wiltshire Farm Foods in the past but got bored with them after a few months. I must admit the older I get (62) the less enjoyment I get from food, I rarely "fancy" anything and if I do fancy a takeaway it is not easy to get one delivered to my village, I had a Chinese a few months ago and it was a £15 minimum order and £5 delivery; £15's worth of food is rather a lot for one person so a lot of that got binned as well as I am a bit fussy about re-heating food. Never mind, I may get 2 Birds Eye chicken dinners for xmas and pig out, at least Vixen will help me with the chicken. 😸
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Story Part 2
Although he felt extremely tired, he moved as quickly as he could to reach the tree. Eventually he got there, but had no strength to climb. Suddenly he heard a car coming along the road. So with every ounce of strength he could muster, he threw himself into the road. The car screeched to a halt.
“Tom, what on earth....”
His mother stood over him, so he pointed at the tree. His mum looked up “Oh goodness” she screamed and fled over to the tree. Desperately she grabbed the girl, who was gasping for breath. As Tom watched anxiously, his mum managed to pull the girl down. She lay on the ground sobbing and struggling for breath. “Ththank you” she managed to say. Tom managed to sit up to see if everything was all right. His mum helped them both across to the house. As they both recovered slowly, she rang the doctor, then turned to the girl. “what’s your name?” she asked.
“the girl looked up at her and answered “They call me Kitten”...
Barbara, I 'm getting a bit fed up myself now, I'll probably ruin it myself. Writing is such hard work.
Joan, my deliveries are coming regularly now. We have deliveries booked until the New Year, so that could change.
Toni, I hope you are enjoying the story more than I am. You will know now that Kitten is a girl. Thank you for the pikelets. Sleek was thrilled, the nurse allowed her to give me my injecshun.
"Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein
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Evening all
Toni we do like crumpets..but Niamh thinks they are awful...😅 but yet love cabbage and kale..but not peas...🤔
We are in tier 3 and after a big drop in the virus around us..I feel for all the businesses that were saying a few prayers..
I had my new washer all planned out..and did all my homework.. 🙄 love to P and all of you xx
Mike I like a couple if the parsley box but some leave an after taste..what a shame you couldn't get a shopping slot.. im afraid we are the same ..I am sure Vixen will love her Birds eye dinner xx
Joan is Sue's room still certainly should he now...🤨love to all of you xx
Kath why don't you get the dragon software and speak your words. You could then write a children's book..xx
I have to have my kidney bloods redone on Monday..then my eyes on the second.. would love to have you all under the cloak
Love to all xxxxx
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