Val's Cafe



  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,222

    Hi @Mike1 Mike

    My first marriage was dreadful too and so happy to escape that and like you would have preferred my cats (I had 3 then!) to being with him any day.

    Luckily I did better 2nd time around.

    To be honest even more so now with your/our health as it is we are far better on our own than in a bad relationship. Doesn't bear thinking about🙄

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,235

    Good morning everyone

    Kath ((())) I'm pleased Toni found your poems for you a lot of memories there. Love to Chris ((())) Anita ((())) Val ((())) and your Dad ((()))

    Carol ((())) it's hard dealing with the lockdown and not being able to see family. Love to Mr T ((())) and all the family. ((()))

    Mike how is your thumb ((()))

    Barbara ((())) that's nice a new mattress (())) love to Mr B ((())) and your Son ((())) and Niamh (((())) and your brother ((())) and his girlfriend (((())) yes thank you lexi and pepper are alright.

    Toni ((())) it makes you wonder how the shops will survive doesn't it. Love to Paul ((())) Charley ((())) and her girlfriend ((())) and the carers ((())) Lucy ((())) Tia ((())) and Kari ((())) P ((()))

    Bill ((())) Chris ((())) Mig ((()))

    take care
    joan xx
  • Turbogran
    Turbogran Member Posts: 2,023

    Morning All

    Thank you Toni I am so grateful for this group as it gives me a place to give vent to my feelings without being judged. I am feeling slightly more upbeat this morning. Mind you that will probably change by this evening again. I agree mr t is probably struggling with lockdown as we all are, but he has this horrible habit of behaving as if everything is worse for him, and doesn’t show any thought for how I might feel. To be honest my patience is wearing very very thin with him at the moment.

    As far as the Covid is concerned at this moment during this second lockdown only I have one cousins son and GS partner getting over it. Cousins other son isolating no symptoms, sister isolating no symptoms, GGS Ashley isolating. Just before this lockdown also GGD Graycie isolating she is now back at. Nursery. Hopefully you can see Lucy at Christmastime. That’s the one good thing that we have in our favour at Christmas all being well and everyone being well we can at least have our youngest Daughter here for Christmas as she is in our social bubble being that she lives on her own. Had a good chat on a video call with eldest daughter yesterday and she is ok just had a very down mood due to customers at work. Also had a video chat with my sister and she is ok and as of yesterday no symptoms. She has to isolate till 25th November. Which is 9 days as per Nhs .

    Joan you are right it is hard to cope with lockdown but it’s not good when the person you live with in this case mr t won’t talk about his feelings and worries so it is impossible to help each other through it.

    hope you and Sue and Doggies pepper and Lexi are all ok.

    hope to get to post later again

    love ❤️❤️❤️ And Sparkles 🌈🌈🌈to you all

    Stay positive always👍xx
  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583

    Daily Poem (another of mine. Squirrelled away on my cloud drive, where I've put the ones Toni kindly found me).


    Should I reveal my secrets?

    Should I write them down?

    Would it make a difference?

    Will I smile, or frown?

    "Don't look for the answers,

    look for the questions first".

    Is this the only way

    I can quench my endless thirst?

    Maybe I'm not listening

    to the voices as they yell.

    Echoes of the future - 

    listen to that bell!

    Chiming out my fortune

    it rings so loud, and how - 

    what is this change of feeling?

    Hear it tolling now!

    Brynmor. thank you for the link.

    Carol, I feel for you, some days I can't do or say the right thing. I bite my tongue rather a lot.

    Toni. I remember you showing Bill those poems, I'm so glad he still has them. I put them straight onto my cloud drives. I have Google of course, then Dropbox, my Amazon drive and Microsoft One Drive and BT drive. So I shouldn't lose them really. I type them up in my word processor (Yeah Write) which is the program I lost, but I downloaded it again.

    Hugs to all who are suffering through lock down

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281

    Evening all hope you don't mind if I keep this short

    Carol what a rotten time you are having .Mr T needs to talk more rather than bitting your head off..mind you its also effecting mr B and myself ..I am sure many are going through it.🙄hopefully it will soon be overwith xx

    Mike its nice to have animals for company they ask only for cuddles and food..😁 and don't forget we are always here.. xx

    Toni thank you for the pancakes.. yes they loved the mattress ..there was so old and uncomfortable.. they said they haven't slept so well ...😊your SILs birthday its nice that you keep in touch....xx

    Joan hope you are all warm and cosy.. xx

    Brynmore to the rescue..thank you xx

    Kath what a lovely poem for our Toni..and the last one is so good thankyou..😁glad we gave the others back xx

    Sorry I'm straight to the point but really struggling

    Love yo all xxxxx

  • Turbogran
    Turbogran Member Posts: 2,023
    edited 17. Nov 2020, 22:05

    Evening all

    Is it time to go to bed yet didn’t sleep at all well last night. Things are still a bit tense after last nights barney. But I have hardly spoken to mr t today and I think he knows he has not been the best of persons lately. And tonight television volume has been better. Cookie is getting a lot more adventurous now and is now wandering around the house more. Every morning when I get up I pick up her food dish Which is in the living room to feed her and she follows me to the kitchen, she disappeared a little while ago went out in the kitchen to find her on the window sill. Mr t has just gone out to the kitchen to find her on top of the fridge freezer. Certainly getting used to us now it’s taken 2 weeks she will still run and hide sometimes but on the whole she is getting better. We were told that she was the same when she first arrived at the rescue centre. At the moment her microchip is still with the rescue but that’s because they give you 4 weeks to decide weather the adoption is a success and then it is up to us to request the transfer of the chip to us. So we We have 2 weeks to go.

    Cath I know what you mean I bite my tongue a lot of the time I think what’s worse is when you do get annoyed and say what you feel. They never apologise for their behaviour. But expect you to.

    Barbara yes I do hope so as I don’t know how much more I can take to be honest.

    all the little people are ok at the moment. Lillie has to have a supplement everyday she has never ever liked this she now is mostly on tablets And not a drink , but she still has to have One in drink form The photo shows her making up herself.

    Oops one of me with Cookie how did that one get there

    its now time to go need to take some washing out of the dryer.

    So it’s love ❤️❤️❤️ And Sparkles 🌈🌈🌈 to you all.

    Stay positive always👍xx
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,222

    Morning everyone

    Carol I am so pleased to find you in a better place than you were. I hope you are right and Mr T has got the message that he was being unfair and you are all suffering. The TV was quieter? That is good to 'hear' (sorry not joking really) I bet the neighbours are pleased too! The café is a safe place to let off some steam good for us all to come to moan/rant whatever and not feel judged. Over 50 years married you can forgive him the odd rough period. ((()))

    LOVE the news about Cookie she is settling in very well. It will take time of course for her to believe she can stay with you forever she's had a tough time bless her. I see she has found the place they most like to be - when you are trying to work on your lap until she sits on your laptop!!!

    I bet you can't wait for the 2 weeks to pass🙂

    WEll done Lillie coping with the yucky drink and making it up herself too 🙂 I am very pleased to hear all the extended family are OK mostly it's just an isolating thing, but you do seem to have suffered more than most families.

    Hi Joan I think you might well be right about the shops and a lot will not survive this virus sadly. A lot are doing what they can online to keep going which is good. Love to you all ((()))

    Barbara straight to the point is fine when you are struggling. Your apt with the specialist can't come soon enough for me the sooner the better ((()))

    Good to hear the girls love their new mattress and haven't ever had such a good night's sleep. In their job they need it!

    I know I have a brilliant poem of my own don't I?😁 My head my get too big to get out of the door!

    Making porridge with whole grain for your eyes today ((()))

    Kath well done saving everything in 'the cloud' safely. That was awful for a minute there wasn't it? Really distressing.

    Your poem was read out at Aidan's funeral it was lovely so sad i bawled my way through it. That was a day I won't ever forget. Don't know how I did it. Poor Bill😓

    Still all is well now and all your poems safe.

    Wow that poem is deep Kath I really like it. Should definitely be published that one! love the bells too except they do make me think of 'the bell'

    Now today I am having a video call this morning and this afternoon Tia is going to look at the charity shop outside so i can nip down to say hello to her outside 🙂 I bought her a

    one of P's creations so she can collect it.

    Now breakfast porridge with whole wheat good for us all, but especially for Barbara's eyes.

  • Mike1
    Mike1 Member Posts: 1,992

    dachshund - Mike how is your thumb ((()))

    Getting there thanks, still a bot numb where I cut it open and very sensitive at the very top of my thumb, plus the trauma has made my OA in the thumb worse - more painful and loss of movement.

    barbara12 - Mike its nice to have animals for company they ask only for cuddles and food..😁 and don't forget we are always here.. xx


  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,235

    Good morning everyone

    we have no heating he came to fix it yesterday he could not do it so he's coming back today.

    Kath (((())) how is your tummy now love to Chris ((())) Anita ((())) and Val ((())) and your Dad ((()))

    Toni ((())) how are you and you pains doing love to Paul ((())) Charley ((())) and her girlfriend ((())) and the carers ((())) Lucy (((())) Tia ((())) Kari ((())) and P((()))

    Carol ((())) yes the virus is very frustrating we all want it to go people just don't know what to say. Lillie is good taking her medicine (((())) love to Mr T ((())) and the rest of the family.

    Mike ((())) animals are good company they don't ask for much and they are always happy to see you it does not matter what you look like

    Barbara (((())) you are good coming on here with your eyes being bad you take care love to Mr B ((())) and your son ((())) and Niamh ((())) and your brother ((())) and his girlfriend ((()))

    love. to Bill ((())) Chris ((())) Mig ((()))

    take care
    joan xx
  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583

    Daily Poem (I have all my cloud drives open and have searched through them. I found this one. I don't think I've ever posted it before. )

    Girl In The Chapel

    Her short cropped hair

    and pock-marked skin;

    was it plague?

    Was the rough, coarse shift

    her only dress?

    And why the Lady Chapel?

    So many questions I need to ask

    as she turns the pages of the holy book.

    But all I say is:

    "How can I help you?"

    She points towards the altar candles -

    then slowly disappears.

    Joan, oh no - your flipping heating - I do hope he sorts it properly this time. GRRRR!

    Carol, aww just look at Cookie sitting on mummy's lap. She looks so happy with you. And Lillie mixxing her dreaded supplement. She is a brave and clever girl.

    Barbara, as long as you are safe and well, we don't mind how short or long your messages are. I try to keep mine as short as I can because sitting at my laptop is agony on my back.

    Toni, thank you again, I hope today's poem doesn't scare you too much. I copied the real story from one of the local history books about our local church. Well it's supposed to be true, bur I made a poem about it.

    Mike, I hope your thumb gets better soon.

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281

    Hello all hardly any daylight today..

    Mike you are welcome we all need someone to talk to x

    Carol I love little Lillie face..bless get making the drink..

    Hopefully Mr T us learning..but like I say we have been married 50 years now and still argue...but I'm always right.. 😅hope today us a better one..Cookie loves you xx

    Joan no heating again i am fuming they had better fix it soon.. you are both a priority..🙄 love to all of you

    Toni I bet you bawled all the way through Kaths poem at the funeral..very hard indeed

    Thankyou for the nice warming porridge and of course the update from our lovely Linda xx

    Kath what a strange but good poem..I can imagine how your back hurts while at your laptop..there us no confusion way really..😔xx

    Love to everyone xxxx

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,222
    edited 19. Nov 2020, 07:38

    Morning everyone!

    Good morning @Mike1 good to see you. Sounds as if you've damaged some nerves on that poor thumb 🙄😫

    Joan I cannot believe you have no heating again! As Barbara says you should be priority so they better get it fixed today 🤬 I am doing ok thanks - back is still cross and sitting has been tough for a couple of weeks now, but like you I keep on going! love to you all ((()))

    Kath I liked the poem very much. Really well constructed and yes a little spooky, but not too much so. The poor lady I hope she really isn't haunting the chapel.

    I am also having trouble sitting at the moment. I have a new wedge cushion which I am trying and also heat up a wheat-bag when I post and post while morning meds are working generally, but it's tough ((())) for you.

    Barbara of course you are right when you argue! Absolutely! 😁😁 as am I😉 50 years married you and Carol are amazing. He is naughty though not telling you why he is going to the Drs properly🙄

    I certainly did bawl through Kath's poem it was all so dreadfully sad. I wanted us all there, but was proud to do it for the 'team'😓

    Legs is doing so well isn't she? After feeling she wasn't recovering well. Lucy hadn't moved her shoulder for about 2 years Legs years and years! Her muscles will need a lot more practice to work well.

    Today l am meeting a friend for a walk all being well as we are allowed to won't be much of one, but she's from Stoke and nearby for a funeral so we thought we'd take the chance.

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,235

    Good morning everyone

    we are still waiting he's coming back late morning with another part to try thank you all for caring about us we are a priority

    Kath ((())) I hope all your family are alright with the virus ((())) love to Chris ((())) Anita ((())) Val ((())) and your Dad ((()))

    Barbara ((())) 50 years that's a long time you must know one another inside and out. Love to Mr B ((())) and your son ((())) and Niamh ((())) and your brother ((())) he's doing so well and his girlfriend ((()))

    Toni ((())) sorry your meeting a friend at a sad time enjoy your chat ((())) love to Paul ((())) Charley ((())) and her girlfriend (((())) and the carers ((())) Tia ((())) Lucy ((()) Kari (((())) P ((()) I hope she's not in too much pain it makes you uncomfortable.

    love to Bill ((())) Chris ((())) Carol (((())) Mig ((())) Mike ((()))

    take care
    joan xx
  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583

    Daily Poem (A poem by Caro Kocel)

    Gardening, an accidental slip, poor posture or too many hours at the computer; the reasons for a bad back are many. Reminded we’re not invincible, it’s hard to be 100% human on bad back days. Why not consider a standing-upside-down desk to vary your work posture during those many on-screen hours?

    Bad back, bad back

    every move — pain’s worse than a hefty smack

    Can’t lean forwards

    only bad back backwards

    Can’t stand up from sitting down,

    bad back sits me right

    bad back down

    Can’t sit down

    only bad back upwards

    not bad back sideways

    or anyways

    for bad backs

    affect all ways

    on bad



    I defy any of us getting in this position. 😕

    Joan, I hope he's been and sorted you by now. It's almost 1pm!

    Toni, I don't believe the story behind the poem, but I'm happy you enjoyed it, and you've left egg and mushrooms thank you. I hope you enjoyed your walk with your friend

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281

    Evening all..a sunny but cold day..better than rain..

    Joan I hope the man came and fixed your boiler..a new Boiler I think or else..its very cold tonight.. love to all of you xx

    Toni your back must be bad..not like you to say anything ..I know ice is not good but it helps if its inflamed...x

    Hope you enjoyed the walk its nice all wrapped up in this weather..yes Mr B is a one off..but better not go into it..😅 xx

    Kath your poor back has well x..I hope it eases up sometime soon..have you tried the lumber belts..its what I wear sometimes..

    The poem sums it all up..xx

    Love to everyone xxxxx

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,235

    Good morning everyone

    We are having a new boiler he taking the old one out now.

    Kath ((())) I'm sorry you have a bad back they say lying on the floor helps it but I would like to see them do it.

    Love Chris ((())) Anita ((())) Val ((())) and your Dad ((()))

    Barbara ((())) I was given a lumber belt I could not pull it around me tight enough so I gave it back to them. Did it help you. love to Mr B ((())) and your son ((())) and Niamh ((()))) and your brother ((()))) and is girlfriend ((()))

    Toni ((()) I'm sorry your back is so bad ((()))) we need some hot days don't we. Love to Paul ((()))) Charley ((())) and her girlfriend ((())) and the carers ((())) Lucy (((())) Tia ((())) Kari ((())) and P (((())) and your nice neighbours ((()))

    love to Bill ((())) Chris ((())) Mig (((())) Carol ((())) Mike ((()))

    take care
    joan xx
  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281

    Evening all

    Ooh hope our Toni is OK.. xxnot like you to go missing but if you need a break..😻hope that back has eased a little xx

    Joan great a new boiler is what was needed.. my OH and son were saying it long ago..I am really pleased for you..hopefully it is up and running now and you are all snug

    Yes the belt did help my back ..but I know what you mean trying to get them tight enough xx

    Hope Kath is OK and everyone else


  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,222

    Where's my post?!

    Thanks Barbara for letting me know I did post (thought I did anyway) this morning!

    Sorry if anyone apart from Barbara was worried I am fine!

    Will try harder tomorrow


  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,222

    Hi Joan thank you I did have a good walk. I went through the drive through Costa got us both a coffee and then off we went. Nice and steady and talked and talked! It was so worth the effort. P is doing ok she's on MST now slow release morphine which is helping a LOT. thank you for asking. Love to you and Sue and the carers ((()))

    Kath great back poem! Yep that's us right enough. Saw an advert for a nee between knee cushion on telly last night - not cheap, but am thinking of trying one....?

    Absolutely I am on my lap top right now in that position😂 Only problem is it makes my nose run😁

    Glad you enjoyed the breakfast yesterday your two favourite breakfast foods in one!

    Barbara don't you be worrying about me I am ok as ever. Just trying to sit less, but maybe more often.

    He might be a one-off, but Mr B is your one off!!


  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,222

    That was yesterday's post it was still there.🙄 I hadn't pressed that 'post comment' button😳 Silly me.

    Now today. Another boring day in paradise i suspect and must keep Paul's spirits up. He really struggles when it's lockdown. He has been working nights all week in Bournemouth so looking forward to a rest, but desperately wants to 'do something'🤔 and i have no idea what to suggest😕

    The cart did really well yesterday over £100! I think we should do the £1000 I was after. Wet and windier today though so will be harder and of course yesterday was cakes and we also had fresh flower bunches.

    and P taught me how to make a holly wreath yesterday! verbally by description as we can't be anywhere near each other at the moment. I did ok according to her and oddly enough the hardest part was the little red bows I had to tie to brighten it up! It actually looked pretty respectable too! If It's not sold when i do outside I will take a photo...

    Joan FINALLY!!!!!!!!!!!!! a new boiler what you've needed all along🙄👍️ won't it be wonderful and warm? I never got a lumbar belt you know though my ex MIL lent me hers and I think it helped a bit that was probably 30 years ago! Some warm weather would be amazing yes🌝 Love to you and Sue ((()))

    Barbara thank you for checking i was ok yesterday I was, but a bit confused obviously 😋sorry to worry you. My back hasn't been so bad just not sitting for too long that seems to help a good bit. Reserving judgement on the wedge cushion yet....

    Will you see Niamh over the weekend I hope so even if it is outside bless her?

    Now where is Kath? Did she say she was going to take the odd break from the internet. I suspect it might be her back too ((())) for Kath.🌈 Oh young Sleek is off there now....

    I heard from Chris this week. Would you believe it if I said she has ditched her surgical boot already and the hospital frame and is back on her own walker?! The physio has been and is really impressed with her progress.

    I hope Carol is doing ok and Cookie is settling in even better by now bless her. Supporting the whole family and Mr T no doubt ((()))🌈

    breakfast - Aidan's of course:

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,235

    Good morning everyone

    we have the new boiler working but the place is so cold it's not warming us yet thank you for thinking about us ((()))

    Barbara (((()))) how are you feeling now we won't forget this year will we. love to Mr B (((())) and your son ((())) and Niamh ((())) and your brother ((()) and his girlfriend (((()))

    Toni ((())) is your back feeling any better. Thank you for letting us know how Chris was (((()))) love to Paul (((())) Charley ((())) and her girlfriend ((())) and the carers (((())) Lucy ((()))Tia (((())) Kari (((()))) and P (((())))

    Love to Kath (((())) Chris (((())) Anita ((())) and Val (((())) and your Dad ((()))

    love to Bill ((())) Carol (((())) Mig (((()))) Mike ((())))

    take care
    joan xx
  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583

    Daily Poem (To help Joan feel warmer - I hope)

    The Woman Who Turned Down a Date with a Cherry Farmer



    Of course I regret it. I mean there I was under umbrellas of fruit

    so red they had to be borne of Summer, and no other season. 

    Flip-flops and fishhooks. Ice cubes made of lemonade and sprigs 

    of mint to slip in blue glasses of tea. I was dusty, my ponytail

    all askew and the tips of my fingers ran, of course, red

    from the fruitwounds of cherries I plunked into my bucket

    and still—he must have seen some small bit of loveliness

    in walking his orchard with me. He pointed out which trees

    were sweetest, which ones bore double seeds—puffing out

    the flesh and oh the surprise on your tongue with two tiny stones

    (a twin spit), making a small gun of your mouth. Did I mention

    my favorite color is red? His jeans were worn and twisty

    around the tops of his boot; his hands thick but careful, 

    nimble enough to pull fruit from his trees without tearing

    the thin skin; the cherry dust and fingerprints on his eyeglasses. 

    I just know when he stuffed his hands in his pockets, said

    Okay. Couldn't hurt to try? and shuffled back to his roadside stand

    to arrange his jelly jars and stacks of buckets, I had made

    a terrible mistake. I just know my summer would've been

    full of pies, tartlets, turnovers—so much jubilee.  

    Joan, think of eating cherries in the summer. That might hopefully feel a bit warmer.

    Toni, I hope young Sleek will be safe on her broom. We are supposed to get a named storm soon. I'm shivering already. Of course we were worried about you.

    Barbara, I'm pleased the belt helped you.

    Well done to Chris (Cat lady)

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281

    Evening all

    Joan i hope you are a little warmer takes a while to warm a place when the heating has been are right we will never forget 2020..hope 2921 is a much better year..ooh to be free to do whatever.. love to all of you xx

    Toni sitting is hard on backs..its the crushing thing..there are lots if back exercises on line.. but just be gentle..any stretches will help especially before you get out of bed while still warm

    How nice of P to show you how to make the garland..I bet she is enjoying that bless her..glad she has the mst

    Chris really has done well ..give her my love x

    poor Paul you don't think that people that are working are effected by the lock down but I can really understand how he must feel... Ooh thankyou for the croissants xx

    Kath I like cherry's.. the poem was very strange though ..I think you should get writing some more..I think the back belt helps because they are tight and it makes your back feel stable..xx

    Right thats me xxxxxxx

  • Turbogran
    Turbogran Member Posts: 2,023
    edited 21. Nov 2020, 21:14

    Evening all

    all I can say is damn damn damn I have just done a nice newsy post and hit the wrong button on the iPad and wiped the whole post out. I am so annoyed I am leaving it till tomorrow. However I will post a couple of pictures to show you how Cookie is settling.

    Kath Cookie says thank yoou auntie Kath for calling me gorgeous girl I likes that.

    Cookies favourite place spends most of her day there even falls asleep 💤 There

    another of our crazy Rubie

    the boxes were what Lillie’s special foods were delivered in. She is obviously having fun.

    will post a longer post tomorrow when I have stopped being annoyed with myself..

    Love ❤️❤️❤️ And Sparkles 🌈🌈🌈 to you all

    Stay positive always👍xx