Val's Cafe



  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281

    Evening all

    Toni the omelette was lovely and fluffy thankyou..

    Tomatoes are like banaas full of potassium..and i love them both..never mind there are worse things

    I can understand Lucy being scared if having a fit while driving..hopefully in the future..shes a strong young lady 🙂so you have past your apprentiship ..Well done you xx

    Joan at least i know I need to be more carful..we have bags if salt ready for the to all of you xx

    Kath I will read more if the story tomorrow..I am in edge with really are a good writer ..glad all your stuff arrived frim amazon xx

    Love to everyone


  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,223

    Mike I expect the Pride of Britain must be already decided for this year and will be COVID heros maybe? Like Colonel Tom AKA Captain Tom.

    Joan yes Lucy is sensible she's growing up nicely now. Only problem with moving back here is not being able to finish her course, but we can see if there is somewhere to do it down here


     Driving can wait if ever. I think the carers would be silly not to have the vaccine of they get offered it anyway. At Charley's place she can be sacked if she refuses the weekly COVID tests. ((())) to you and Sue

    Kath - the story is getting good! Thank goodness Keith and Kathy have some support now I feel a lot let scared than I did oddly enough. Looking back I love the innocent seeming car accident..... barmy? Barmy is good😉 Only one got published that's shame. You must try again and definitely post that one for us.

    Aha! What did Holly think or are they saving their treats for Christmas day? P is starting to suffer now with pain so I will be making some wreaths with another lady from the village today. Just a couple the shop closes on Saturday. Another lady an Avon lady brought us aload of Avon down to sell.

    I had no idea that tomatoes were full of potassium! I love them too. So when you eat out you will have to be extra careful Barbara🙄I knew bananas had lost of potassium.

    Lucy is being wise to be fair. I think I would rather she gets a partner who can drive sensibly and look after her. She will be pleased if I get my next car as Paul wants me to - a fiat 500 electric. She always wanted a fiat 500.

    I am also loving Kath's story!

    How is Niamh and how is your bro doing? Look at him! Another Christmas approaching and no-one thought he'd even see last year!

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,236

    Good morning everyone

    Kath ((())) I hope your roof is fixed now or soon. Love to Chris ((())) Anita ((())) Val ((())) and your Dad ((()))

    Barbara ((())) I hope everyone is alright love to Mr B ((())) your son ((())) Niamh ((())) your brother ((())) and his girlfriend ((()))

    Toni((())) I hope all is well there ((())) love to Paul ((())) Charley (((())) and her fiancée ((())) and the carers ((())) Lucy ((())) Tia ((())) Kari ((()))) and P ((()))

    Mike ((())) Chris ((())) Mig (((())) Bill ((()))

    take care
    joan xx
  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583

    Toni, I can't post any more of that horrible story. I read it through myself last night (first time in ages) and it terrified me. It's gone. deleted. in the bin! If my stories even scare moi, well you would hate it. When in my teens I developed a penchant for Hammer Horror films and books written by horror write Dennis Wheatley. Stories such as 'The Devil Rides Out', 'To the Devil - A Daughter'. All about devil worship and demons. A lot of the ideas in 'DREAM THIEF' were copied from those stories. Giant spiders, ghostly apparitions blah, blah, blah! Sadly I can't remove it from here. 😟😲

    Holly simply said thank you.

    I met little Alfie yesterday as Rebecca and Dale had just arrived home with him when I peeked outside before locking up. I said 'he's very quiet, we never hear him cry'. Dale said 'you want to be in the same room with him'.

    Joan, no the roof hasn't been fixed yet. But Chris managed to go out the back to cut back some bushes under the back window that were so big, they blocked out the light in the living room.

    Barbara, echoing Toni's thought about your brother, how is his g/f?

    Oh, there's just time for my famous Christmas poem HO HO HO!

    The Disgruntled Fairy

    Well - here I am,

    look at me;

    the fairy on top of the Christmas tree.

    Dress all torn,

    wings all tattered -

    and a magic wand that's bent and battered.

    My rosy cheeks are a little bit faded

    and my smile is looking decidedly jaded.

    I wish that Christmas was over and done

    as these pine needles stick in my bum,

    but I'll just sit tight,

    even though

    I suffer from serious vertigo!

    For two whole weeks I'm perched up here

    then it's back in the box for another year,

    squashed between a bauble and a bell

    no wonder I end up looking like hell.

    I suppose one day they'll throw me out

    with the left over turkey and brussel sprouts

    'til then they gaze at me from afar -

    but I wish they'd swap me for a bloomin' star!

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281

    Afternoon all

    Kath the poem really made me laugh...the poor fairy 🤣🤣

    So Alfie is keeping them awake.. bless but times passes so quickly he will soon be smiling away at them

    Good on Chris cutting the shrub..I keep looking at our garden and thinking all the plants and shrubs are looking a mess now ..😒 sound a bit like me, I love horror..I remember queuing at the cinema to watch Dracular..🤭thanks fir asking my brother is struggling to eat..its scary after watching my eldest brother go through it..his go is a treasure.. xx

    Joan thankyou for all the hugs. They really do help..I will certainly have the jab when its offered..but did have to read up on to all of you (((((())))))xx

    Toni Lucy really has spread her wings.. I bet you feel really proud of her..hopefully she will be able to move nearer sometime soon

    Just said to Kath my brother is struggling badly now..I think we will send a Christmas dinner round for his gf..its so hard on her watching him like this

    I hope P doesn't suffer to much its all you can ask really... will pray for her xx

    We have been kept in teur 3 I feel so sorry for the pubs and restaurants..

    Right better move

    Love to everyone xxxxx

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,223

    World is a-spinning badly today so not staying on long....

    Barbara I am sorry bro is struggling and think a meal for his GF would be lovely.🙂P was rushed to hospital yesterday, but home now to return for a CT this morning so fingers crossed.

    We are still in tier 3 our numbesr are rising again from last week when they were going down beautifully .

    Kath PM me the story! I can cope i need to know the ending😕 Love the Fairy poem of course it's now a Christmas tradition!😉

    How lovely to meet Alfie! Lucky you. God bless them :)

    Joan all is well here hope also with you and your heating ? I sit fixed yet? ((())) xxx

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,236

    Good morning everyone

    Kath ((())) sorry about your roof are you classed as a priority because of what you have wrong. Love to Chris ((())) Anita (((())) Val ((())) and your Dad ((()))

    Barbara ((())) sorry about your brother ((())) love to his girlfriend ((())) the gas man came yesterday he came to do something in the loft but her stayed 3 hours flushing the rads we have a little heat from all of them at times he has got to come back. love to your son ((())) and Niamh ((())) 'm glad you have friendly neighbours.

    Ton ((())) I'm sorry you have virtigo ((())) sorry about P (((())) all the best for the scan ((())) love to Paul ((())) Charley ((()) and her fiancée (((())) and the .carers (((())) Lucy ((())) Tia (((())) Kari ((()))

    Love to Bill ((()) Chris ((())) Mig ((())) Mike (((()))

    take care
    joan xx
  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583

    Toni, can't do that. I've deleted it. But all ends well. I'm giving up writing, except perhaps the occasional poem. I hope your world stops spinning.

    Joan, no we aren't a priority so will just have to wait until they get round to us.

    Barbara, Does your brother have his meal liquidized? My DIL works in a pub/restaurant, front of house. She's on furlough at the moment.

    Love to P, Elliott, mig, Carol, Chris, Christine, Bill, and of course Sue.

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281

    Evening all

    Oh Toni I am sorry the vertigo is back,if it carrys on tell your GP..there is something else they gave me but just cant think of it..hope you feel better very soon xx

    Poor P but so glad she us now home bless her 🌈🌈🌈 xxx

    Joan at least you are getting there with your heating..maybe the gas man could move in..he might gas well love to all if you and thankyou xxx

    Kath my brother has just started to liquidise food ,but even struggling with that...

    Dont you dare give up writing are a brilliant writer.. much better than some I have had a read of..xx

    Better go chippy tea tonight I will just have a fish

    Love to all


  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,223

    Hi Joan. Your heating must be the talk of the office those poor plumbers/heating engineers and you too!🙄P has been in hospital with anew pain seems after CT scan to be an infection so she's home now on ABs🙂 Love to you and Sue ((()))

    Kath it's GONE?! Ok I'll accept it has gone😫. No writing...maybe...for now? Creative people can't really just shut it down you know 🤔

    Your poor DIL this is all so tough. A longer 'real' lockdown is what we all need(ed). Ah the benefits of hindsight. Let's just hope the vaccine helps ASAP.

    The world is a little more settled today thank you. Kath have you ever - lung question - had your 02 sats looked at overnight? I am concerned about mine....

    Barbara liquidising food does only help part of the issue. Would he consider a PEG? They really do help some people. Did you big bro have one I have a vague memory...🤔P has had a tough week been in hospital but home again now on ABs.

    Our charity fundraiser finishes today. We will get a final total then. All I can say it it's more that the 1,000 I was hoping for.

    Oddly enough the world is more settled today. Think maybe I slept on the 'bad side' the night before. Maybe.

    Are you seeing Niamh this weekend I hope so that girl lights up her surroundings 😍

    Today we are going out for a Costa or Starbucks drive through. Sadly no Nero's drive through here 😕

    We are also still in tier 3, but happy enough with that.

    Carol I hope your week has been ok? and that Cookie is enjoying her home and all legally yours now FOREVER🙂🐱

    Love to Chris and Christine and of course Mig

    Mike I hope the family are doing ok especially Elliott I know he has another chemo session before Christmas❤️

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,236

    Good morning everyone

    Kath ((())) you are a good you know a lot of medical things to help people with problems we would miss you. Love to Chris ((())) Anita ((())) Val ((()) and your Dad ((()))

    Barbara ((())) I'm sorry your brother (((())) as a problem I hope something helps him ((())) love to your son ((())) and Niamh ((())) and your brother's girlfriend ((())) and Mr B ((()))

    Toni ((())) I hope you feel a bit better today to enjoy your drive thru ((())) love to Paul ((())) Charley (((())) and her fiancée (((())) and the carers ((())) Lucy ((())) Tia (((())) Kari ((())) and P ((())) she is a strong lady all the best to her. I hope you get a good amount of money.

    Love to Bill ((())) Chris ((())) Carol (((()))Mig (((())) Mike ((()))

    take care
    joan xx
  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583

    New, nicer short story. I hope you'll love it. Think Alfie. 😘

    Knowledge Is Good

    Knowledge is good. The shadows have returned, they come and go but I'm not afraid. I know they will not harm me and knowledge is good.

    I have a vague memory of a bright warm place where I felt safe, but I was pushed out of it. The memory becomes more dim as time passes. But how much time has passed? I have no knowledge of this - and knowledge is good.

    One shadow always tends to my needs, makes me feel safe, makes me feel warm, takes away the strange, uncomfortable sensations that sometimes befall me. These are always accompanied by a loud noise that seems to surround me. It stops when the shadow lifts me and makes me feel good again.

    Light turns to dark and back to light. Sometimes the memories of the bright place come back - but are soon forgotten. Knowledge is good. I know how to make the shadow come and knowledge is good. I know how to make the loud noise come, which makes the shadow come and knowledge is good.

    Sometimes my limbs are free and I don't feel safe. I can feel them move and I don't feel safe, I feel as though I am falling - just like when I was pushed out of the bright place and into the noise and white light that hurt me. I know how to stop the white light and knowledge is good.

    The shadows are becoming less shadowy. The one that takes care of me is very clear now. It has a round shape on top with two dark circles next to each other and a circle below them. Sounds come from this circle, pleasant sounds that make me feel good. They make me go to a warm, safe place. I know this place is called "sleep" and knowledge is good.

    I have more knowledge now, but there is still more to come and the shape that cares for me will bring me that knowledge. I know now that she is my mother - and knowledge is good.

    The End

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583

    Barbara, OK mum, LOLOL. I have 5 'happy' stories one of which I posted earlier this year, about an escaped rabbit. Today's one was a bit experimental but at least there's no horror. I'm so sorry to hear your brother is struggling. It must be awful for you, especially with memories of your late brother. We cafe dwellers are here for you, 💖

    Joan, you are so sweet, gentle and loving. I rang dad this morning. He is very well and the Friday Club still bring him a food parcel on Tuesday and Friday, sandwiches and cake. He's rather spoiled really, but at 90 he deserves it. He has nurses go round twice a week, to change his catheter and to clean and dress his arm which he hurt when he went to sit down and missed his seat. He scraped some skin on his arm, and as he has very thin delicate skin (as you would imagine at his age).

    Toni, I have a Pulse Oximeter (available from Amazon) which measures my oxygen levels by putting it on my fingertip. A nrse or doctor can check it for you. All you need is a battery.

    this will tell you more's%20healthy%2C%20the,additional%20oxygen%20or%20other%20treatment.

     A normal ABG oxygen level for healthy lungs falls between 80 and 100 millimeters of mercury (mm Hg). If a pulse ox measured your blood oxygen level (SpO2), a normal reading is typically between 95 and 100 percent. I hope this helps.

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281

    Evening all

    Toni thankyou for the croissants always makes me think of Aiden ..

    I'm so glad that P is being looked after..bless her

    A drive through coffee..we have one nearby bu hubby will not go through drive through for anything ..proper stick in the mud

    Yes Niamh slept last night..telling us how many sleeps till Christmas. 😁

    My eldest brother dud gave a puck line but sadly nothing worked..the stomach feeding line even failed...😪

    You be carful and go back if it keeps recurring ..they did a brain scan in me....not that I have one xx

    Joan you are so kind thankyou again..are you treating the doggies for Christmas.. they are such good company bless xx

    Kath I will read your story tomorrow.. I am turning into my mother.. 😅your dad does deserves to be looked after at 90 years old..has he had word about his covid jab..hope he does soon xx

    What about London teir our gd won't be able to visit us they were trying to come fir a couple if days next week..but better safe..

    Love to everyone xxxxxc

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,223
    We raised: £3644.46!!!!

    for the hospice in 5 weeks🙂🙂🙂

    Better safe Yes Barbara. I don't fancy a brain scan to be fair as you say it might come back negative for a brain!!!

    I'm so sorry the girls can't visit 😓Carol must be beside herself too😕Lucy can't come either because it's only one day and no overnight stays. Nicola Sturgeon doesn't want anyone travelling outside Scotland. My lovely neighbour was crying yesterday her youngest was coming up from London to stay now he can't. I was dropping off the last of the money (husband is our banker) from the charity shop when they found out. I was just in the doorway and the phone went she burst into tears. I messaged them later he said she had recovered now.

    Don't let your bro worry about a PEG they can be great my friend's husband had one and it really helped (he had head and neck cancer).

    At least Niamh is allowed being safely in your bubble and all exited for Christmas day. Thank God for children that's all I can say.

    Kath I LOVED that! How adorable and so very very clever. Yes Alfie will be starting to know his shadow and see her a bit now🙂

    You know it's a shame our skin gets so fragile as we get older I don't think they can solve that one can they?😔 I also agree your dear Dad deserves to be treated at his age nurses and food all good 😉 I am sure those contacts help Anita out too slightly less for her to worry about. I bet she will enjoy this Christmas

    Thanks for the information I will get me one of those I think it's a good idea to know what's going on. Might save a trip to the surgery one day. Might have to face the surgery on my nose one day though 😯

    Joan did you see what we raised?! How amazing is that? It has been hard work though and I am relieved it's over just hope P does ok now there is less to keep her busy. She got her daughter to leave me the most WONDERFUL gift on my doorstep. If I can I will take a photo by my tree so you can see how huge it is.

    Love and ((())) to you and Sue xxx

    Hope Mike is ok and the family especially Elliott.

    Love to Carol too. please be extra careful in London now ((()))

    Love of course to Chris, Christine and Mig

    Cut us down to two eggs this week as we are about to all be eating FAR too much!!!!

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,236

    Good morning everyone

    Kath ((())) your Dad ((())) deserves to be looked after at his age yes skin gets thin I should have a new ankle but my skin is thin. Love to Chris ((())) Anita (((())))) Val ((()))

    Barbara ((())) I had a body x-ray when I had the cyst on my pelvis. I hope they can find something to help your brother ((()) Love to your son ((())) and Niamh ((())) and your brothers girlfriend ((())) pepper will be 7 on the 28'th he will have a chew I read there will be no more virus injections until March they have run out.

    Toni (((())) I'm so sorry Lucy ((())) cannot come over but it's for the best. I hope you feel better today ((())) love to Paul ((())) Charley (()) and her fiancée ((()) and the carers ((())) Tia ((()) Kari (((())) P (((())) yes that was a good lot of money raised 😊😊

    . Love to Bill (())) Chris ((())) Carol ((())) Mig ((())) Mike ((()))

    take care
    joan xx
  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281

    Evening all..

    A quiet day here today it was pouring down so we didn't move..just some Christmas cleaning..🤣sounds like we only clean at Christmas🤭

    Joan so Pepper is 8 on the 28th bless she has a good home there.. and a new chew..for her Birthday..its so nice to have both doggies bet they are good company for each other ..thankyou for you good thoughts and hugs..((((()))) xx

    Toni what a breakfast that was..thankyou but just 2 eggs...🤣

    Your poor neighbour, its so upsetting ..I really hope its not for long and things improve very soon.. and then Lucy can visit without worrying and our GD...🙂

    You have me intrigued..what is this very large present.. I can't wait to see a photo..P really loves you.. I know when you moved there you both became really good friends.. xx

    My brothers consultant talked about a stent but doesn't want to go there..I do wonder why..has it gone to far..I will tell him to ask about the pic line..

    Gosh you have done well to collect so much for the hospice..every penny is needed now....they will be pleased..xx

    I hope Kath us OK and Carol Mike and anyone else that usually pops in

    Love to everyone



  • Mike1
    Mike1 Member Posts: 1,992

    Congrats on raising that much for your Hospice Frogmorton, well done.

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,223
    edited 21. Dec 2020, 06:23

    Thank you @Mike1 like Elliott I am a top fundraiser. When Lucy recovered from her leukaemia we raised 6.5k for the Teenage Cancer Trust and Clic Sargent too. As Barbara said it's hard to imagine the gaps there are in funding for such essential services.

    Barbara the PEG would really help it would prevent the choking straight off just like that. I'm not too sure I'd be queueing up for one, but needs must. P might be able to have a stent too though they did say it had gone to far I think maybe🤔

    Must ask Paul to move my present so i can take you a pic!

    I should have been having my hair cut today, but my poor hairdresser has come into contact with someone who has tested positive🙄

    It's fabulous all that money P wants to gift aid but isn't sure if she can being terminally ill😕that would take it up to 4.5k

    We will be ok waiting until next year for the best Christmas ever, it's not us who matter it's those who are ill ((()))

    Joan did you say Peppa will be 7! Where has that time gone?😮 my Gt niece will be two on 28th! I agree it is for the best that we don't mix. Tia and her husband will come and wave and Charley and her fiancée too and we have each other so not complaining really. I will do my best to see my lovely neighbours too to wave to.((())) xxx

    I hope Carol is ok with this tier 4 must be devastating mustn't it?

    Lots of love to her

    Kathleen! Where are you??? I did you two eggs yesterday did you eat them and not have time to post? I hope so! Sending love to you two too.

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,236

    Good morning everyone

    Barbara ((())) I'm sorry you cannot see your grand daughter ((())) it's for the best everyone has had enough of this virus now do you agree. Love to Mr B ((())) and your son ((())) and Niamh ((())) and your brave brother ((())) and his girlfriend ((()))

    Toni ((())) has your migraine gone for good I hope. Sorry you will not be able to see Lucy ((())) let's hope next year will see the end of the virus. Love to Paul ((())) Charley ((())) and her fiancée ((())) and the carers (((())) and Tia (((())) Kari ((())) and P ((())) I'm sorry. P is so bad ((())) love to your neighbours ((()))

    love to Bill ((())) Chris ((())) Mike (((())) Carol ((())) Kath ((()))

    . Take care everyone I thinking of you ((()))

    take care
    joan xx
  • Turbogran
    Turbogran Member Posts: 2,023

    Good morning all

    Well what a week here we are now in tier 4 with just days to go to Christmas, this Virus is now getting to a lot of people. I suppose we are lucky in a way as our youngest daughter who is in our support bubble can still be with us and not on her own. Both mr t and myself are ok just a bit peeved about the tier level restrictions but then we are not the only ones. And we can go out for a walk to exercise and like the first lockdown all essential shops are still Open. Just can’t see it improving anytime soon either if some people don’t mend there ways. It’s amazing how people on social media are saying it’s all Londoners fault because as soon as Boris put london into tier 4 he also upped the tiers in other areas. If all people in all areas behaved maybe we wouldn’t be in this mess now.

    For those who wished Lillie well in her baton twirling competition considering it was her first big national competition she did well she did 3 routines solo, 2 baton and poise and in poise she was placed 6th in her ability and age group.I have some pictures for you.

    ready to perform her solo

    Ready for her 2 baton routine

    And ready for her poise routine

    And this is the ending of her poise routine I wish I could do this

    i am so proud of this young lady believe me.

    I am really getting fed up with mr Ts on and off moods but I will put up with it as I know everything is getting to us both at the moment .

    Cookie is getting more and more vocal especially when sh wants to be fed. Still a little bit timid but she doesn’t run and hide anymore. She loveS to be stroked but is not really a lap cat.

    I can’t think of anything else at the moment so I will finish I will try to get back in tomorrow.

    Love and sparkles to you all ❤️❤️❤️🌈🌈🌈

    Hope you all have a lovely Christmas whatever your situation is at the moment. 🎄🎄🎄🎄🎄🎄🎄🎄

    Stay positive always👍xx
  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583

    Sorry I didn't get in on Sunday, we were busy with Amazon. A medicine box for me, and a pouch for my tablets, and two packs of reading glasses for Chris.

    Two separate deliveries, one at half past 2. One at 7 o' clock.

    Toni, you sounded just like mum. "Kathleen! where are you?" I managed to get the eggs mummy, honest.

    Huge hugs and love to you all.

    Time for a very special poem, I'm sure you'll agree. I can only post it thanks to Toni.

    How I wish I could write a poem for you
    our dear friend Aidan,
    to tell of the sorrow and pain with which
    our hearts are laden.
    You nursed us,
    you fed us,
    you made us laugh.
    Your love always welcomed all
    here in Val’s cafe.
    Yes, I wish I could write a poem for you
    our beloved friend Aidan.
    We‘ll miss you each day
    you are gone away
    and will always remember
    our dear friend Aidan

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,223

    Oh Kath that's made me well-up again sniff

    But it's a lovely poem - Aidan would have loved it. so much.

    Glad you got all your deliveries I have NONE due today not sure about tomorrow🤔 luckily they just stick them in the porch anyway.

    Yes I was being Mother checking where you were for your eggs!!😁

    Joan yes we'll see Lucy next year maybe even for good 🤞I am much better now thank you only took one tablet so far today. Yes we've all had ENOUGH of COVID it can disappear! ((())) for you and Sue xxx

    Carol i am sure this new strain is all over the place and in other countries too if only they checkd for it. Our checks are very thorough you see.

    Look at your Lillie! Wow I am so impressed get her! 6th! I knew she'd be placed bless her and well not many can do that final move can they?😮👏

    Yes we must count our blessings mustn't we at least you have your daughter as bubbles (I miss our 'Bubbles') are still allowed. We don't think you are all infectious at all!

    I wish Mr T understood that you feel just as cheesed off with it all as him🙄

    Cookie will look after you bless her chatty little self ((()))

    See you in a bit Barbara!

  • Turbogran
    Turbogran Member Posts: 2,023

    Evening all well I said we were. To have our youngest daughter for Christmas she has just rung to say she will not be able to come as she has found out that a a member of her staff at school has tested positive For Covid who she was last in contract with on Friday. So she is now isolation over Christmas. She has no symptoms herself. To say we are both Devastated is an understatement. I now have a turkey crown fo 3/4 people that needs to be cooked that needs to be cooked on Christmas Eve as I do not have Enough room in my freezer and I have a piece of beef for Boxing Day. Which will also need to be cooked as that will not go in the freezer So me and mr t will still have our Christmas dinner of sorts. Daughter will be in isolation until the 28th. We have said now if everything is ok we are having a joint Christmas and new year celebration over the new year. We have all had a few tears as daughter told us On a video call. although I know mr t won’t admit to the tears Men who’d have em.

    well that’s all for now love and sparkles to you all ❤️❤️🌈🌈

    Stay positive always👍xx
  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281

    Evening all..

    Carol our eldest GD is stuck in London...we were looking forward to seeing her..and now your youngest can't get to you.

    Gosh we will appreciate things even more when it clears..ooh Lillie is so lovely and many congratulations to her..bless she looks so proud in her outfit....I hope Mr T is in a better mood over Christmas.

    It is such hard times..xx

    Joan I do agree we have all had enough you say its for the best we all stay safe....xx

    Toni a hot bacon barm..or whatever you call them ..thankyou...I'm not sure when my brother next sees his consultant..but the lovely Mc Millan nurse visited he could unload...

    Like you say next Christmas will be the best ever..yes a photo please..I need to know what it is 😁

    It really will..xx

    Kath what a nice poem fir our Aiden..its still hard to think he us not going to post.

    Glad you received your parcels..I'm amazed at how well delivery's are ..we have got everything now xx

    Saying I have got everything its Mr Bs birthday Christmas eve..its a bit late now but don't have a clue this year 🤔

    Love to everyone

