Val's Cafe



  • Mike1
    Mike1 Member Posts: 1,992

    Thanks Barbara, have not heard anything about Elliott since I manged to see him for half an hour last Tuesday, all I know is that he is due to travel to Bristol for more chemo on the 28th, but this photo was posted on facebook (which I do not do) yesterday which I presume was taken on xmas morning.

    Left to right: Imogen, Amelie, Elliott, Arlo, Otto.

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,223

    Morning everyone🙂

    When I walked out of Church yesterday they all clapped me! Not because of my less than frequent visits, but because of the fundraiser for the Hospice! I was so humbled really that made my day😳 Well obviously that and seeing Charley and Annie. They were here maybe as much as an hour and a half. We kept moving rooms and had all the windows open. Antibacced like a mad woman to protect us all as much as possibe.

    Joan Sue has got a point I was desperate for something new and ordered a new blouse which came and is so static! I wouldn't have bought it in real life. Solved this issue with some hair spray - my mum's tip. Love to you both ((())) xxx

    Kath what an interesting article. I have to agree with much of it - no way would God have expected us to spend a day eating drinking too much and giving each other wasteful gifts! Paul's SIL is a Witness and we believe in respecting other's religious beliefs wholeheartedly in this family.

    Do you watch 'Call the Midwife'? My favourite programme at this time of year. Always makes me happy and makes me bawl.

    Toady what a lovely lovely surprise we would be so very happy to see you regularly. Yes the new forum threw us all for a bit, but you do soon get used to it.

    It has indeed been a tough year for us all, but i hope you and yours have kept free of the dreaded COVID and managed to enjoy yesterday's festivities however you did.

    Barbara yes Charley and Annie got here and Tia and Mikey dropped off pressies earlier in the day. Lucy video-called for a natter too so i 'saw' them all. I hope today is lovely for you with Niamh there. Children. That's what it's about.

    Nice and easy prepared veg. My hands are still sore from peeling even though i did it over two days🙄

    Church was lovely although no hymns allowed, but still nice to be 'near' everyone in the village. Pom wasn't up to getting cold and sitting on a hard pew so stayed at home i gave her apologies.

    Mike what a wonderful wonderful sight to see all the children under the tree looking adorable. I know from experience that their parents feared they would never have another Christmas altogether, but look at them all. Best of luck to Elliott for 28th. My pusskin for the first time in 11 years has developed a taste for TURKEY! A big help as like many I have a bit too much this year!

    Carol I hope you had a peaceful Christmas and Mr T enjoyed himself too. I am sure you also had lots of video-calls yesterday with them all. In fact i expect you spent all your time in the kitchen or on a call!

    I am expecting to see some more photos soon?!

    I hope Chris was ok recovered from this years' hospital stay now and her daughter managed to video-call being in tier 4. ((())) xxx

    Take care my friends

    mushroom frittata

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,236

    Good morning everyone

    . Kath (((())) Chris ((())) Anita and your Dad ((())) I hope next year is a good year for all of you.

    Toady ((())) it's nice to see you yes it has changed a bit. We are still plodding a long. All the best to you and your family.

    love to Barbara ((())) and family ((())) Toni ((())) and family ((())) Carol ((())) and family (((())) Mike ((())) and family ((()))) Mig ((())) and family ((())) Chris ((())) and family ((())) Christine ((())) and family ((())) Bill (((())) and Mandy ((()))

    take care
    joan xx
  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281

    Evebung all

    Niamh as not long gone tired but happy 😁

    Mike I will be thinking of Elliott on the 28th I think you said.. and wishing him well..its so lovely to see him with all the children are they all his brothers and sisters..xx

    Joan I think clothes shopping is so hard online..they always seem to be a let down..did the doggies enjoy there chews..especially pepper on her Birthday xx

    Toni how nice to have the villagers clap for you.. and totally deserved ...😁

    So a good day was had by all..and Lucy face timing was the icing on the cake

    I agree with you about religion, my oldest friend was a witness and her dad was an we used to talk about things a lot and she would buy our boys presents but wouldn't except a shame we can't get back to the real meaning..but that's life today ..xx

    Love to Kath and anyone else xx

    Right think I will go to bed early Night everyone sleep well xxxxx

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,223

    Morning Joan it's all over now life is back to the new normal. My lovely neighbours gave the carers the day off! They managed the day on their own bless them and had goose for their Christmas dinner.

    P had a good day her daughter cooked and P helped. I got her a pewter key-ring with a spaniel on it like her doggie.

    Love to you and Sue and your two Dachs. ((()))

    Barbara it sounds as though your Christmas has been a good one too. I am still counting my blessings. We are all here and all well that is all that matters isn't it?

    I bet Niamh loved her presents?🙂 The innocence of children.

    Shopping for clothes on-line is so hit and miss. I bet they rely on us just keeping stuff we don't really like🙄

    I hope today we are all getting back to some sort of normal? We have spent a lot of time watching 'the Crown' on Netflix. Really enjoying it. Just got up to the Maggie Thatcher and Lady Diana years.

    Kath I hope you and Chris are ok. Have you struggled to find much decent to watch on TV too? Yesterday I left the room and went and did my puzzle so Paul could watch a football match. He's been so bored. Mind he does like 'The Crown' Oh and he loves Coronation Street!

    Not sure where young Sleek has got to - hopefully she is indoors as it's lashing down outside and I want to go for my walk 😕

    Love to Carol and Chris, Christine and Toady, Mike and Mig

    Hope I didn't forget anyone🤔

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,236

    Good morning everyone

    Barbara ((())) that's nice you saw Niamh ((())) I bet she enjoyed her self. Did Mr B ((())) have a good birthday.

    love to your son ((())) and your brother ((())) and his girlfriend ((()))

    Toni ((())) that was nice everyone clapping you when you left church it was all appreciated the work you put into it ((())) it was lovely seeing Lucy ((())) has well love to Charley ((())) and Annie (((())) and the carers ((())) Tia (((())) Kari ((())) and P (((()))

    I wonder what next year will bring will be like

    love to Bill ((()))) Carol ((()))Kath ((())) Chris ((())) Mig ((())) Mike ((())) Toady ((()))

    take care
    joan xx
  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583

    Reunion (a short story, hope you enjoy it.)

    For the umpteenth time that afternoon, Briony looked at the clock. Only another half an hour and Robert will be here. It had been twenty years since she last saw him and she was anxious to make a good impression. She checked the table again, freshly cut sandwiches and cakes she had baked that morning lay temptingly on her best china plates. Briony covered everything over with a clean cloth. The fruit salad was chilling nicely in the 'fridge along with the whipped cream, they would be the ideal finish to the tea she had so carefully prepared for the two of them. All she had to do when Robert arrived was take the cover off the food and switch the kettle on to make a pot of tea.

        "What if he prefers coffee?" she thought and immediately took the coffee maker out of the cupboard. She didn't use it very often, but there were some filter papers somewhere. She rummaged frantically through the kitchen drawers until much the her relief she found them. When she was satisfied that everything was as perfect as it could be, she went and sat down.

    Her flat was very small but she enjoyed keeping it spotless. As she had no family, and few friends, she spent her time creatively. The flat was adorned with all kinds of things she had knitted, crocheted or embroidered. The result was cosy and welcoming. She picked up the small photograph album that was on the top of a nearby coffee table. It was full of photographs of Robert that she had kept. She gazed down at the wispy blond hair and blue eyes. Her mind drifted back to the first time she had seen him.

    Briony had been almost sixteen and it had been love at first sight. He was the most beautiful person she had ever seen and she never tired of just looking at him and stroking the soft skin on his face. Everything had been wonderful at first but Briony was so young, she just wasn't ready for the total commitment that Robert demanded.

    As the weeks went by, he had become more demanding of her time and energy. She saw less and less of her friends. They would invite her to go out with them: ice skating, dancing, ten pin bowling. She was very tempted but there was always Robert. They did go out together occasionally, but to Briony it didn't seem the same somehow. She gradually lost touch with all of her friends and saw only Robert, thought only of Robert, lived only for Robert. Then the day came when Briony realized she could no longer cope.

    It wasn't that she didn't love him, she did. That was what made it so hard. When she finally told him it was with tears in her eyes.

        "I can't give you everything you need." She had told him "I love you so much but it somehow isn't enough." Robert hadn't understood her, he just stared back at her and she had to look away from him. Briony hoped that one day he would understand and forgive. Some time later she heard that he had settled down with a woman who was twice her age called Rose, and that was all she ever knew.

    In the weeks and months that followed Briony gradually came to terms with parting from Robert. She built a new life for herself and found a job that she enjoyed. But somewhere in the background there was always a dull ache. Even now, twenty years later she was aware of it. She had kept these photos as a memento but she had hardly ever dared to look at them because of the pain they caused. Then a month ago the letter had arrived. When she opened it and found out it was from Robert, she was a little worried about reading it but she put her worries to one side as her curiosity was too much for her.

    Robert wondered if she would meet him. As she didn't have anyone to discuss it with she decided it would be a good idea to write back and send her telephone number. Robert called her the following week. He explained that he understood her reasons for leaving him all those years ago.

        "Do you forgive me Robert?" she asked anxiously.

        "There's nothing to forgive" he told her "you did what you thought was best."

        "What made you decide to contact me?"

        "I've had a good life with Rose but I often thought about you. I would have contacted you sooner but I didn't want to hurt Rose. When she died two months ago I decided to go ahead. I hoped that you wouldn't mind." He sounded anxious.

        "I'm glad you did" she reassured him. "We have a lot to catch up on." So here she was a week later waiting for him to arrive. Suddenly, a knock at the door startled her. After having one last look at herself in the mirror she went to open the door. Robert stood smiling down at her and Briony couldn't help but wonder if he felt as nervous as she did.

        "Come in Robert" she said "I'll just go and put the kettle on. Would you like tea or coffee?"

        "Tea will be just fine thanks." Robert followed her through. When she removed the cover from the table his eyes opened wider. "You have gone to a lot of trouble haven't you."

        "Not really, it's nice to have an excuse to set the table properly for once." He noticed the tell tale rattle of the cups and saucers as her hands shook nervously when she moved them and gave her a searching look. She took a deep breath and smiled at him.

        "As you can see I'm a bit nervous." Robert took her hands in his.

        "That's understandable under the circumstances. I'm a bit nervous myself, after all it's not every day that you meet your real mum for the first time in twenty years."

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583

    I hope you all had an enjoyable day. We had a quiet day, and watched a few old films. At one time of day Chris would have jumped at the chance to watch a football match but now he'd rather fall asleep. After last night listening to the wind howling and the rain pounding down, he'd like to be asleep now. But we have a Tesco delivery around 12 o'clock.

    Toni, you absolutely deserve that applause. You did wonderfully well with your fund raising. Well done. We also enjoy Coronation Street, I loved the part where David and Shona reaffirmed their marriage vows. I wonder who attacked Adam?

    Barbara, your son cooked your dinner, lovely. I'm glad Niamh enjoyed herself.

    Joan, I think we all hope for a better year next year. I'm pleased that you, Sue and the dogs all enjoyed your day too. I was absolutely exhausted when Emily rang last night, I could hardly speak.

    Take care everyone, stay safe and stay warm.

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281

    Evening all

    Toni a runny egg sarnie..thankyou I added my brown sauce..

    The TV has been awful nanny mcfee home alone and all the jurassic.. think I would have like to have seen the old Christmas specials..only fools and so on..

    Glad to hear P had a good day with her daughter and your others neighbours how kind if them to give there carers a day off..not easy..xx

    Joan hope you are all doing ok..maybe the gas man will come back soon ..very soon I hope love to all of you xx

    Kath I will read your short story tomorrow and look forward to it

    Hope your shopping arrived intact...gosh the winds were awful ..we have a friend in Wales and it recorded 85 miles an hour..😯 xx

    Yes Thanks everyone Niamh had a good day and made a robot with daddy..but its not walking yet..🤔

    Love to everyone


  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,223

    Young Sleek is a bit miffed....lots of snow outside, but she managed a quick wee before it got too bad. Now she will sulk inside pretty well until it thaws. Except for sneaking through gates to visit friends. Mrs D, Rosie and probably Arnty Kath.

    Joan I think we'll be being vaccinated most of the year, but by Christmas we should all be done and safe hopefully🤞 It was lovely being clapped. The hospice now has half of what it needs to stay open. Not thanks to us it needed a MILLION! Love to you and Sue and your carers too ((())) xxx

    Kath Loved the story. A perfect café length! For a bit there I thought he was a 'first love' In a way he probably was. Lovely ending 🙂

    Paul and I drove out yesterday to look at the wedding venue from the outside (both in tier 3 so I think that's allowed and we didn't get out). It's a fair way but still in the county and quite different from Tia's choice. I cannot wait! If i can I would like to go over in the Figaro she wants to arrive in a vintage camper so Penelope would fit right in!

    I think it was Simon who bopped Adam or even Daniel . His face when Adam said he knew who it wasn't was not pleased looking.....🤔

    Barbara a robot?! I hope you got a photo and it will soon be walking. Sleek says Pepe's wand will make it walk if that's what she has to do! Glad Niamh had a good day.

    The winds were bad lots to sort out yesterday and we are well inland🙄

    There's loads I would have preferred to watch. Imagine only two things I enjoyed Corrie and Midwife? That is bad! We are up to the Falklands on 'The Crown' for some reason i feel maybe Mike was there. Thanks Charley for signing us in when you were here earlier this year. Now I can watch Netflix🙂

    If you come in Mike all the best thoughts are with Elliott today for his chemo ((()))

    Tesco order needs finalising today.... need simple food now!

    like eggy bread!

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,223

    Where is Barbara's post? It's on my phone café but I can't see it here😧

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,236

    Good morning everyone

    Kath ((())) I'm glad both of you had a good day I hope the cold has not given you more pain. ((())) love to Chris ((())) Anita ((())) Val ((())) and your Dad ((()))

    Barbara (((())) how are your eyes doing love to Mr B ((())) and your son ((())) and Niamh ((())) and your Brother ((()) and his girlfriend ((()))

    Toni ((())) I don't know about the injection we will find out when the time comes I expect. love to Paul ((())) Charley ((())) Annie ((())) and the carers ((())) Lucy ((())) Tia ((())) Kari ((())) and P (((())))

    love to Bill ((())) Carol ((())) Chris ((()))) Mig ((())) Mike (((())))

    take care
    joan xx
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,223

    Good morning! I hope everyone is ok. I bet feeling a bit too lethargic to post at the moment. To be fair if It wasn't for the café I'm not sure I'd go online ATM either 🙄

    Well some of the snow cleared. At least Paul reckons the roads weren't too bad by the end of the day, but I am a bit worried about fetching my Tesco Click and collect....we shall have to see. Charley's car is being repaired so i am using penelope and I haven't been anywhere in snow in her.😮Paul will be at work, but will probably come back to help if I don't feel safe he is only at 'the unit' today so local.

    Well Kath we are no closer to finding out who hit Adam, but I am getting worried about how few times I have seen Daniel with the baby😯I agree with you I desperately want Shona and David to work out they are a lovely couple.

    Barbara I hope your eyes aren't too bad. I can't see one of your posts on here, but I can on my phone? Very odd eh? Hope all is well with everyone at home.

    Carol have things got back to 'normal' for you now too? Not too much to do in tier 4. Did you have a Church service I'm sure that is still allowed. I expect you have lots of new photos to show us all.

    Mike I hope Elliott's chemo went ok yesterday. Is it the one day or will he still be in?

    Chris. How are you doing? I wonder how your Christmas day went. Have you 'met' any of your new neighbours to pass the time of day with yet?

    Joan there is an injection calculator which gives you and idea when you will have your vaccine. Not a very close time limit like March to May and it's based on your health, whether you have shielded in the past and your age of course. If I can find it again I'll post it up.

    Love to you and Sue the doggies and the carers ((())) xxx

    In view of the weather I have gone for a nice warming bowl of porridge.

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,236

    Good morning everyone

    Toni ((()) I will be thinking of you going to get your click and collect ((())) we have had a bit of snow this morning. Thank you I have heard of the calculator. love to Paul ((())) Charley ((())) Annie ((())) Lucy ((())) Tia ((())) Kari ((())) P (((()))

    Barbara ((())) and Mr B (((()))

    Kath ((())) Chris ((())) Anita ((())) Val ((())) and your Dad ((()))

    Carol ((())) and Mr T ((())) and family ((()))

    Mike ((())) and family ((()))

    Bill (((())) Chris ((())) Mig ((()))

    take care
    joan xx
  • Mike1
    Mike1 Member Posts: 1,992

    Mike I hope Elliott's chemo went ok yesterday. Is it the one day or will he still be in?

    He will not be home from Bristol until Thursday or Friday as they need to keep an eye on him and check his bloods before the 4 hour journey home again.

  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 29. Dec 2020, 10:26

    Morning all sorry about yesyerdY but my brother is really struggling and we couldn't get through to anyone yesterday.. except 111..but he wouldn't go to hospital because he is at Christie today..

    Toni another wedding venue wow how exciting and you turning up in the Figgaro would-be perfect..😁..hopefully when we are all vaccinated the wedding can go hubby's great niece planned hers for this year 🙄..little sleek staying inside.. dont blame her one bit and you be carful xx

    Mike I suppose it's best they keep an eye on Elliot..hope its all gone well for the young man ..he is so brave xx

    Joan you never forget anyone with all your hugs and love..thankyiu again..dud you gave snow..our little jack Russel Susie.. used to love it and she was white ssofas to all of you xx

    Better go love to everyone he careful if you go out


  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,223

    Ah Mike@Mike1 I see - due to the distance they like to make sure Elliott isn't neutropenic before he goes home. Very sensible. We are only 20 miles from the hospital which treated Lucy so when she got neutropenic we could take her back for treatment. He is clearly getting the best treatment there and care ((())) to you all.

    Joan it has started snowing AGAIN! I am scared of vehicles in snow so Paul is kindly fetching the shopping without me bless him. It will be ready for him being click and collect. I just hope he stays safe. Snow on top of ice isn't good and he says there are cars all over the place abandoned. You two stay safe ((())) xxx

    Barbara I do hope everything is ok with your brother Christies will be the right place to get sorted as best they can ((())) for you. Try not to worry too much.

    I know another wedding and a year to vaccinate us all first. Charley and Annie want to lose some weight too bless them so they look as good as possible. I can't wait - this is really good news.

    Take care and let us know how things are.

  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583

    Toni, our snow is gradually being washed away. Esme and Eliane had a play out for a short while but no sign of Holly yet. I'm not surprised in this rain. I love David and Shona, Jack P Shepherd is hilarious. I'm beginning to think it was either Simon or Sarah who smashed Adam over the head. Poor Peter gets the blame for everything and now he might be dying. 😥

    Barbara, I'm sorry your brother is struggling. Cancer is such a devastating disease. Even the strongest of us can suffer.

    Vegan Traditional Pork Pie

    Written by Miriam Published on February 21, 2013 in Other

    The traditional English pork pie is said to have originated from Melton Mowbray in Leicestershire. This wonderful vegan version offers all the flavour of the original, without the cruelty or the cholesterol !

    Note/Tip : If you have extra filling make them into patties or ‘pork’ balls and fry until golden


    1 large white onion, very finely chopped and set aside

    2 cloves garlic, finely chopped

    2 cups vegan mince (I used Linda MacCartney’s mince)

    6 vegan sausages (if frozen, pre-thaw for 40 minutes or so) – I use Linda McCartney’s

    2 Tbsp fresh sage leaves, finely chopped

    2 Tbsp fresh thyme leaves (leaves only)

    ¼ tsp ground allspice

    ¼ tsp fresh grated nutmeg

    ½ tsp sea salt

    ½ tsp freshly ground black pepper (optional)

    ½ cup fagioli borlotti beans

    1 Tbsp fresh flat leaf parsley, finely chopped

    2 slices brown or white bread

    1 cup firm silken tofu

    salt to taste

    ¾ tsp vegetable granules, or stock powder

    red/pink food colouring – I used beetroot powder

    450g (1 lb) shortcrust pastry (I use Jus-Rol) – if frozen, thaw in advance

    2 Tbsp vegan milk

    1 Tbsp cornstarch powder

    ¼ tsp vegetable stock powder

    100 ml water


    1. Process the onion & garlic in your food processor, and transfer to a large mixing bowl. Process your bread, and add to the onion.
    2. Do the same with the sausages, add to the mix, together with the veggie mince.
    3. Process your tofu until smooth, and also add to the mix.
    4. Add in your herbs and all the remaining ingredients, and, with clean hands, mash the mix, before forming it into a large ball, and setting aside in a bowl.
    5. You will need a clean wide-bottomed jam jar for the pastry.
    6. Reserve a third of the pastry for the pie lid. Then roll out the remaining pastry on a floured surface into a circular shape, approx. 20cm diameter, and 3-4mm thick.
    7. Turn the floured jar upside down, and place your pastry circle over the base of the jar, moulding it down around it, to form the base and sides of the pie case – the sides should be around 6 to 7cm long. Place the pastry and jar in the fridge to set for 10 minutes or so.
    8. Remove pastry from fridge, and gently prise the pastry off the jar.
    9. Then roll your filling into a ball, and pack it loosely into the pie case, almost to the top.
    10. Roll out the remainder of the pastry to make a circular disc for the pie lid.

    1. Place the lid over the filling, and trim any excess pastry from the edges. Then, using your fingers, press the edges together tightly to seal.
    2. Make a steam hole in the top of the lid, which you will pour the ‘jelly’ through, once the pie is baked.
    3. Next, wrap double-thickness grease-proof/parchment paper twice around the pie. Secure it, by tying string around the pie at three points – top, middle and bottom – so that the pie retains its shape whilst baking.
    4. Brush a little vegan milk on the lid, and cook on a greased baking sheet in a preheated 400ºF (200ºC) oven for about 30 minutes, and for a further 30 minutes at 300ºF (150ºC), until the pie is nice and golden.

    1. Remove from oven, and allow to cool.
    2. Meanwhile make your ‘jelly’ by mixing 2 Tbsp cornstarch powder with 100ml vegetable stock, and gently bringing to the boil until it begins to thicken. Then immediately pour it through the steam hole on top of the pie case, or else remove the lid, and pour around the edges of the filling.
    3. Refrigerate overnight, before serving the following day.

    All recipes and content © Miriam Sorrell 2010

    These are free recipes for your pleasure – all we ask in return is that you take a few moments to leave us a constructive comment !

    suitable for vegans, vegetarians and meat-eaters alike

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,223

    Morning everyone!

    We still have snow but no new snow expected today 🤞

    Tia's husband warned me that there is a lorry jack-knifed on the main road at the top of the lane. Paul will need to go the other way to work🙄 just hope the driver is ok. Not surprising in that snow and ice really.

    I'm glad the girls got out in the snow Kath it's great for kids - scary for us lot though😣 We thought we saw the phantom Adam-basher in a grey fleece which Simon had on earlier, but might be wrong. It's usually someone you don't suspect.

    I used to like Gary it's a shame they've made him into a baddie😕 Sometimes I say to Paul why can't they just leave couples alone and give them some peace.

    Yes 'David' is a brilliant character, but rude to call his Mum Gail instead of Mum methinks😁

    Thanks for the vegan pork pie recipe it looks really yummy doesn't it? Very professional.

    Joan I've replied to you above 😊don't think I forgot you I wouldn't ((())) xxx

    Now what shall we eat this morning...? Some lo-salt cheese on toast or Welsh rarebit for Barbara?

    and a cup of builder's

  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583

    Morning my forever friends. It snowed a little in th night but it's bright and sunny at the moment, and absolutely freezing. I am sp fed up with trying to see everything through a net curtain. I clean my glasses and things look worse than before. And the sore gritty feeling is awful We have another Tesco delivery tomorrow, but less stuff in it.

    Toni, I think Adam is going by the smell of whiskey, but Peter isn't the only one who drinks whiskey. I used to like Gary too, but Mikey North really enjoys living on the dark side as Gary. And he is so good at it.

    Sausage Stovies

    4 large potatoes

    1 large onion

    6 large sausages (for vegans try Linda McCartneys vegetarian sausages)

    1 tsp sage

    1 tsp thyme

    1 or 2 beef stock cubes like oxo to taste (or vegan alternative)

    salt and pepper (generous)


    Peel and slice the potatoes and peel and chop the onions. Dice the

    sausages. In a baking dish put a layer of potatoes, a layer of

    onions and a layer of sausage. Season to taste and sprinkle over

    half the herbs.

    Continue the layers until you have used up all the ingredients,

    ending with a layer of potatoes. Sprinkle on the rest of the herbs.

    Dissolve the stock cubes in 1/2 pint (300ml) of hot water and pour

    into the baking dish. (I thickened it a little before pouring) Bake in a medium oven, gas mark 4, 350F, 180C for 40 Minutes.

    Serve with green vegetables

    In Marguerite Patten’s “Victory Cookbook” there is always one pudding recipe that is an absolute ‘go-to’ when one needs comforting and one has spare eggs.

    All becomes good in the world when you take that first spoonful of sugary topped, eggy, bready, sultana sprinkled, nutmeggy deliciousness, especially if served with a little hot custard.

    It’s so moreish that one simply finds it’s addictive charm and charisma extremely hard to fathom, due to it’s rather plain and dumpy exterior and the fact the main ingredient is stale bread. But as we all know, in real life, sometimes the less bling the more zing!

    The cost to make this, about £1.50 (not including custard) which isn’t bad seeing it will feed 4-6!

    Bread and Butter Pudding (from the Victory CookBook)

    During VE Day country celebrations in 1945, the farmers wife may have decided to make a REAL Bread and Butter pudding using shell eggs which would have been a bit of an extravagance.

    • 4 large slices of bread
    • 2 oz butter
    • 3 oz sultanas
    • 3 eggs
    • 2 oz sugar
    • 1 pint milk

    For the topping:

    sprinkling of sugar

    a little grated or ground nutmeg

    (to veganize use a 1/4 cup of soft tofu, blended, per egg, use a nut or soy milk and dairy free margarine)

    1. Method
    2. Spread the top of the bread with the softened butter and then cut each slice of bread into 4 neat squares and place buttered side up into a 2 pint (1.2 litre) pie dish.
    3. Sprinkle the sultanas on top. Beat the eggs with the sugar. Warm the milk, pour over the beaten eggs and sugar and pour over the bread and butter. Leave to stand for 20-30 minutes until the bread is swollen.
    4. Preheat the oven to 150C (300F) Gas Mark 2. Sprinkle a dessertspoon of sugar over the top with the nutmeg and then bake for an hour until just firm. If you’d like a crisp top turn the heat up to 180C (350F) Gas Mark 4 for the last 10 minutes.

    Serves 4-6

    Victory Cookbook: Nostalgic Food and Facts from 1940 – 1954

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281

    Afternoon all

    Christie kept my baby brother in..they were going to try a stent this morning his GF was beside herself that he hadn't got his phone charger ..anyhow he rang to say he had borrowed one and they were really looking after him.. that was the last we heard..

    Toni thankyou ..

    im glad you are not driving in this weather ..good on Paul for picking up the shopping ..hope he keeps safe..

    Was it Welsh rarebit we had for breakfast.. mi brains gone ....but it was tasty whatever

    Kath thankyou..

    Some brilliant recipes there the pie looks so good and I have heard of stovies but never had bread and butter pud I love..I used to have a collection of old cookery books but they have dwindled now..

    Do you watch the old corries in the afternoon I am addicted xx

    Have I missed Joan hope all is well...and you have enough shopping in while the weather us bad xx

    Right better go waiting for a phonecall

    Love to everyone


  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,223

    Kath Gary used to b a sweetie didn't he? Such a shame, but if the actor enjoys playing a baddie....Someone else who drank whiskey?🤔hmmmm...I thought we'd find out Christmas day too🙄 Still wouldn't put it past Simon though.

    Have you tried Xailyn (night gel) for your poor eyes? When were they last tested you know (I'm sure) that dry eyes can scratch the lenses.

    Thank you for the stovies. Oddly enough I made sausage casserole for myself (vegan) when I made Paul turkey casserole with the leftovers! Looks yum I think we would both like that. For now he is back on his diet on 4th Jan.

    Barbara I am so glad your bro is in and has a charger. people used to borrow mine and Lucy's all the time when we were in. I am samsung she is iphone. I hope he will be home today and you wilhaveve some news which is good for us. I bet his GF is upset to be without him too. Do they have any pets to keep her company?

    It was Welsh rarebit with lo salt cheese just for you😋

    Joan - I couldn't find your post I hope you are both ok sending love and slightly anxious ((())) XXX

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,236

    Good morning everyone

    My post did not get on yesterday it came up with you have not got permission to do this so I will try today.

    Kath ((())) years ago people did not think about their weight then it was what they could manage with the money they had. Love to Chris ((())) Anita ((())) Val ((())) and your Dad ((()))

    Barbara ((())) that 's good your Brother is having the help he needs ((())) love to his girlfriend (((())) love to Mr B ((())) Niamh ((())) and your son ((()))

    Toni ((())) you take care if you have to drive today ((())) love to Paul (((())) Charley ((())) Annie (((())) and the carers (((()))) Lucy ((()) Tia ((())) Kari ((())) and P (((())). one of the carers bought us a small bunch of flowers the other carer told on her so the lady got told off not nice.

    love to Bill (((())) Carol ((())) Chris (((())) Mig ((())) Mike ((()))

    I read this morning Sally from Coronation street has got an M B E in the new year honours Good for her

    take care
    joan xx
  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583
    edited 31. Dec 2020, 10:40

    Morning, what a mixed bag of messages.

    Barbara, It must be scary for you remembering your older brother and now your younger one is in a similar situation. But things have changed enormously in the intervening time. I'll pray for him and the family. His GF must be in bits.

    Joan, I'm so pleased to hear that Sally Dynevor has been awarded an MBE. Another cancer survivor, both in Corrie and real life. She's a lovely family lady in real life too. I don't worry about my weight, but it is painful on me old bones carting it about. 🙄

    Toni, I use Hylo Night Gel at night and Viz Cellose drops in the daytime.

    You are right about dry eyes scratching but the drops are supposed to prevent that. My sight is getting worse in my right eye because of the cataracts, I'm already blind in my left eye.

    I hope you all manage to have a a happy new year. According to the BBC, France is to mobilize 100,000 armed police to break up new year parties and are to have an 8pm curfew.

    My older son Richard has arranged an exciting trip for tonight, her is his ticket.

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • Turbogran
    Turbogran Member Posts: 2,023

    Evening all

    just a quick post to wish you all a Happy and better new year in 2021 . And to say we are all ok here as I have realise I have not posted since Christmas Eve. We had a quite but good Christmas with just the 2 of us. And tomorrow we will have our belated Christmas Day with youngest daughter but on New Years day instead . She is with us now until the 2nd January. Using our support bubble facility. So I will not be posting tomorrow. But I will update you more about Christmas when I next post. But I will leave you with a couple of pictures received on Facebook over the last couple of days. Of our GGDs first our Lillie growing up so quickly.

    Do not ask me what Rubie has on her head the cheeky madam.

    And lastly the best photo I have managed to get of Cookie who is not friends with Mr t at the moment cos he had to take her to get her booster jabs this morning.

    Love and sparkles to you all ❤️❤️❤️❤️🌈🌈🌈🌈

    Stay positive always👍xx