Val's Cafe
Evening all..very cold here we ventured out for a short walk..well ride in the car and walk..
Toni thankyou for the potatoes rosties..think they were..🙂
How nice to take P dogs fir a walk ..its great when they don't pull..I would love one but picking up after it is out of the question 🙄..
My brother and gf have a chocolate lab and a very naughty ferral cat..he's lovely but won't let strangers near him..
All the food we buy at Christmas..I found 4 selections boxes in my cupboard.. its habit in case we had visitors with children.. Wonder if Paul wants one 🤭 xx
Joan you are so kind thankyou ..but we are all suffering in some way or another..I am so pleased they are fitting new rads..and it will be ok ,my son is still working on heating because it's essential work to all of you xx
Carol cookie has it made..😁bless and really good photos of her
And the one if Mr T is brilliant he does look proud of his sign..good thinking of your daughter ..not easy what to buy good to get your new piece for your hearing aid so quickly..especially with what's going on xx
Kath thankyou so much for going to the trouble of finding the food list and the book..I will pass it kind of makes a big difference when you can call on then for help xx
I don't know one person that has had this vaccine and we have a few people over 80 in our rd..just hope they speed it up
Love to everyone
Barbara0 -
Morning everyone
Joan thank you my back is not too bad at the moment so long as I keep walking regularly as bets I can. Taking down the Christmas decs doesn't help though🙄 How are you doing how is your pain ATM? Is your heating fixed? ((())) xxx
Kath I hope one of the vaccines can be guaranteed safe for you if not you can continue to shield I suppose in time there will be far less danger out there.
I used to make Lucy a peach smoothie with double cream. and tinned peaches whizzed up in syrup. That whacked the calories in!
Holly is an angel she really is keeping you supplied and safe too that is so kind of her. Poor Esmé she will miss her friends, but just after Christmas is an ideal time to keep them off they have all their new stuff to keep them occupied.
Barbara see Lucy's peach smoothie 'recipe' above. You can add other stuff to it too like strawberries for a change.
My Ex SIL has had her vaccination she works for the hospice. Two villagers in their 90s too that's about it though.
I had a feeling your SIL (we can called your bro's GF that) would have some pets to keep her company. Does the cat come in? They are good to look after him/her.
P's dog is no trouble, but you are right picking up is the trickiest bit. For P too as her liver hurts when she bends down.
Best wishes to Elliott and family and Mike.
Love also to Carol Cookie and Mr T
Chris and Christine.
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Good morning everyone
. I heard on the news yesterday that we had this virus in 2012 and 2014 and that's how they could do the vaccine so quick it could have been a bad case of the flu.
Kath ((())) it's a good job you have Holly (((())) love to Chris ((())) Anita ((())) Val ((())) and your Dad ((()))
Barbara ((())) our friend breed 's chocolate labs lovely dogs but strong. Love to Mr B (((())) and your son ((())) and Niamh ((())) and your brother ((())) and his girlfriend (((())))
Toni (((())) have you still got snow t keeps trying here. Love to Paul ((()) Charley ((())) and Annie ((())) and the carers (((())) Lucy ((()) Tia ((())) Kari ((())) and P (((()))
love to Bill ((())) Carol ((())) Chris ((())) Mig (((())) Mike ((()))
take care
joan xx1 -
Well it started off dull, but it's brighter now but oh so ccccold. I don't have any news for you, so I'll just wish you all well and say TTFN. Keep warm and keep safe.
"Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein
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Evening all
It's our eldest sons birthday today 58..I thought I was really old when that age..😅
Toni thankyou for the crumpets.. lashings of butter..
I will pass that smoothie on to my brother or make it and send it round.. thankyou..he has said he is tired so that might help
I'm happy to hear of people having there vaccinations..I just hope ours is not to far away..think we are 4th on the list over 70s .
Joan it make you wonder if the virus was here sooner than they said ...I think you and Sue will be in our group over 70s.or ealier because you have extra health problems.hopefully not long🤞🤞 to all of you xx
Kath no news is good news they say..has long as we know you are ok..xx
Love to everyone
Barbara0 -
Morning everyone 😊
Very cold out today. wehavee aman coming to fix Paul's recliner which is no longer reclining🙄
Joan it tried again here yesterday little flakes for several hours but luckily not enough to settle. We are pretty well ok here now thank goodness. I hope it's not too slippery for you to take the dogs out🤔((()))
Kath Tesco are coming later and a man to fix Paul's recliner so that is my excitement for the day😁Oh yes I had a good chat to P yesterday on the phone. About 40 minutes! chatterboxes🤐 the cancer is ok, but she cut her thumb opening a can.
I hope you and Chris are well that's the important thing.
Barbara I hope you bro feels less tired when he has more food in him - it should give him energy. If he is more of a savoury man he could add nutritional yeast or chia seeds to his food. Aidan swore by chia seeds they are really tiny so should pass down easy enough in soups and the like.
You were nowt, but a bairn when you had your eldest! Oddly enough you never forget their births do you especially on their birthdays.
I don't know how long we will wait for the vaccine now they have changed it a bit. Paul will be over 60 soon (february) but i have some extra needs so we'll see. I hope we are all pretty soon in here the sooner the better.
As Barbara says no news is good news Mike I hope all is well. I saw you were on the forum yesterday helping people.
Love of course to Carol Mr T and Miss Cookie.
Chris and Christine. Mig too
(lo salt available for Barbara )
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Good morning everyone
Kath ((())) I hope you have a good day and Chris (((())) love to Anita ((())) and Val (((())) and your Dad ((()))
Barbara ((())) I hope your son ((())) has a good day. Love to Mr B ((())) and your son ((())) and your brother ((())) and his girlfriend (((())) and Niamh (((()))) how are your neighbours that had the virus ((()))
Toni (((())) I hope Paul's ((())) recliner is fixed I'm in mine now. It's clap for heroes to night. Love to Charley ((())) and Annie (((())) and the carers ((())) Lucy ((())) Tia ((()))Kari ((())) and P ((())) sorry about her thumb pain full ((())) love to your lovely neighbours (((()))
love to Bill ((())) Chris (((())) Carol (((())) Mig (((()))) Mike (((()))
take care
joan xx1 -
I'm hoping dad will soon get his jab, seeing as how the doctors in his area should have them by now. Although the hospitals have been doing them for a couple of weeks now.
Toni, very good news that P is keeping well, apart from cutting her thumb. Did she get a Tetanus jab afterwards? I hope Paul's recliner is fixed quickly and that your Tesco arrives on time. Ours is tomorrow.
Joan, clap for heroes could include everyone and anyone. Who would you count as a hero?
Barbara, you do feel old as your children get older. Is your brother still eating something?
"Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein
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Evenung all
Still ti slippery for us to venture out..yesterday we drove to the park..for a little walk..but had to go back on ourselves.. the paths were awful..
Toni thankyou for breakfast.. cheese on toast or welsh rarebit who cares it was good
How nice to have a long chat with will take her mind off things..hope the cut will heal well that us all she needs..
Paul needs that recliner working especially being over 60..😅I remember it well..they gave my brother some sort of vitamin juice to come home with, but they have stopped them on prescription because they are so expensive 🙄 xx
Joan did you get snow and how do your scooter manage in it..I hope the renew thies radiators very soon..we have one neighbour that has been in hospital for 2 months now..but I think they are doing ok love to all of you xx
Kath hope your order arrives and thankyou my brother is doing really well touch wood.. my head xx
Love to all xxxxx
Barbara0 -
Morning everyone 🙂 we have more snow. Who else has the stuff?
I didn't do clap for heroes Joan I am ashamed to say the snow was coming down too heavily. P said her thumb was ok in the morning when she checked under the dressing thank you for asking. Paul's recliner was soon fixed so he is happy again! We love our recliners. Love to you and Sue ((())) xxx
Kath that picture was just so pretty made me feel better about all this snow.🙂
Tesco were bang on time, but didn't have Sleeks food😮 don't tell her one of the girls will have to fetch me some. She has 7+ now being 11 but 'no suitable substitution'???? surely there was something? Hope yours is on time and complete.
P didn't get a tetanus she said she'd had one a year or so back. She said it was ok when she redressed it.
I don't understand why your dad hasn't had his vaccine yet. Maybe they are doing it by GP practise or something like that?
Barbara your poor neighbour 2 months in hospital with Covid? Proves in 'real life' how dangerous it is. We really are doing the right thing being so cautious.😯
Yes being 60 next month Paul needs his recliner.😁 I need mine in my 50s so I can go to sleep in it!!!
That's awful your bro not getting the drinks on prescription! Boots sell 'ensure' milkshake build up drink powder. He can buy it online in quite big tubs. If he gets a couple of flavours and full fat milk that should help too or they can make their own:
I went out to deliver our village magazine (my share and P's share) yesterday met one of the lads who is fostering a wee baby boy😍 it was so slippery! I had to be really careful.
I still have about 4 to deliver, but might see if the snow thaws first🤞
Today should be quieter i need to do some ironing . I bet Aidan will be helping me.
It was cheese on toast glad you enjoyed it.
Plenty more where they came from so get chomping!
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Good morning everyone
Kath ((())) my Heroes are the Doctors Ambulance's and the nurse's and all the volunteer's who have helped with this virus. Love to Chris ((())) Anita ((())) and Val ((())) and your Dad ((()))
Barbara ((())) you go care full on the ice ((())) love to Mr B ((())) and your son ((())) and Niamh (((())) and your brother ((())) and his girlfriend ((()))
Toni ((())) that's good Paul ((())) has is recliner (())) go care full on the ice ((())) when you are out doing your good deeds.((())) love to Charley ((())) and Annie ((())) and the carers ((())) Lucy ((())) Tia ((())) Kari ((())) and P (((())) that's good her thumb has healed ((()))
love to Bill (((())) Carol (((())) Chris (((())) Mig (((())) Mike ((())))
take care
joan xx1 -
Not too much snow here, we have a huge power station nearby and we are in a valley and surrounded by rivers and canals. It all adds up. We usually end up with slush. 🙄
Dad might have had his jab now, or I'll ring him tomorrow at least been invited to have one. All the GP surgeries round him are doing them. Anita will take him to wherever he needs to go. I'll ring him tomorrow and find out.
I hope everybody are well and warm I had a bit of a mardy the other day, shows that things are getting to me! 😫
Another pretty picture for Toni - well all of you actually.
"Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein
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Oh Kath Aidan would have loved that picture! I do too of course.
Been thawing out the bird bath daily and thinking the big bird watch must be soon surely?
You had a mardy? really? I am shocked, but this is getting to us all a bit now sadly 😕 Oddly enough I feel ok for now.
Went for my walk with P and her dog she has slowed down to my speed now so we were good together and it's legal! A chance for a natter and for me to see how she really is doing.
I hope your Dad has been called for or had his vaccine by now. How is Anita doing now? Is she fully recovered?
Joan that is a lovely list of heroes there we must add our carers. I saw P today went for a walk with her she is doing well, but is definitely thinner than she was. I promise i am careful out there I hope you are too. Paul is a happy bunny now he can recline! ((())) xxx
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Evening all
No more snow here thank goodness so hopefully the footpaths will clear
Toni thankyou fir the do look after us
how nice to have a walk with P..Nice and slow.. that's what I am ..a bit to slow..
Paul's recliner is fixed...good ..we had a recliner suite and got rid of it because we struggled to move the settee fir cleaning wish I had it back
Thankyou for the info..on the drinks my other brother had the ensure.. these ones were fruit something...very vague he is xx
Joan you are right all the NHS staff are heroes..and deserve much more in the wages..abd so do the carers .. Xx
Kath what a lovely picture..a perfect retreat from everything are certainly not a is extra hard at the min.. you hang in there and rant away to us..xx
I hope Elliott us getting on OK xx
Better go Love to everyone
Barbara0 -
Barbara said "I hope Elliott us getting on OK xx"
Regrettably he has reacted badly to his last round of chemo and was rushed into Treliske Hospital on Wednesday and is currently in ICU, he rallied a bit on Thursday and we are hoping that he will continue to improve. Thanks for everyone's concern and good wishes.
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No drive for us today sadly we need to stay in our area, just drop Kari's shopping off as that is legal. Pick up Sleek's food (send Paul in!) as Tesco didn't have it and said they had no suitable subs
Will try to get a drive through Costa coffee or starbucks for my weekly treat though.
Oh no😕 Poor Elliott and all of you his family Mike. You must be so worried. All of my thoughts are with him
I made that specially for him.
Yes Barbara they do do fruit flavours some savoury dried packet soups and obviously the milkshakes. He speaks the truth. There was on very muscly lad in with Lucy who loved them especially the fruity ones. Lucy didn't like them at all and preferred my homemade ones.
If it was down to me I'd have a recliner that stood you up as well. Lazy aren't I? but sometimes it would be lovely....maybe you can just get a chair each if you keep your eye on ebay. Shouldn't have suggested that i know you and ebay!!😁
Nice to walk along with P and have a natter. She gets out of breath now too although hers isn't her lungs so we are about right. Sounds as though you might also be the same speed as us!
I didn't get Kari's shopping to her yesterday didn't want to drive in this weather, but Paul will take me over today. I just knock the door. Put her shopping on the step get back in the van while she take sit in then we can wave 🙂
I hope all is well with Carol, Mr T and Miss Cookie.
Chris and Christine and Mig and Toady and Crinkly.
At least it hasn't snowed overnight.
It's Saturday so today we go French!
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"If it was down to me I'd have a recliner that stood you up as well."
I have a riser-recliner and it is well worth it as it makes standing up so much easier, mind you mine was given to me on permanent loan through Cornwall Council's Adult Social Care Department as when their OT came to do an assessment of my bungalow she did not think that the one I already had was good enough. The loan one is serviced every year free gratis too. When I had the loan one I gave my old one away to a chap in his 90s in the bungalow opposite.
Thanks for your kind support about Elliott and for making up the sign, it is greatly appreciated. He is 9 in 10 days and I hope he is home by then.
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Good morning everyone
Kath ((())) I hope your Dad has had his injection or soon will. How long have you got to wait for it. Yes lovely photo. Love to Anita (((())) and Val ((())) an Chris ((()))
Barbara ((())) I think I would walk slower than you I walk with a Zimmer frame. Love to Mr B ((())) I'm sorry your brother is having problem's swallowing ((())) love to his girlfriend ((())) love to your son ((())) and Niamh ((()))
The man came and measured the radiators to know the size to bring.
Mike ((())) sorry Elliott was rushed into hospital I hope he's feeling a bit better now ((()))
Toni ((())) I hope you can have a Costa today ((())) sorry P ((())) is so good walking she's trying to keep her mind of the horrible cancer ((())) Toni you can have my recliner it stands you up. Love to Paul ((())) Charley (((())) and Annie ((())) and the carers ((())) Tia ((())) Lucy ((())) and Kari ((())))
love to Bill (((())) Chris (((())) Carol ((())) Mig ((()))
take care
joan xx1 -
I rang dad, still no jab or letter, and no nes about his cataract op either. But that's not surprising really.
Mike, I hope Elliott rallies soon. Cancer is a horror at the best of times, but with children 😰.
Big Garden Birdwatch
Join us 29 - 31 January
At least it's sunny today/
"Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein
1 -
Evening all
Oh Mike I really hope Elliott will recover very soon and get home for his 9th Birthday bless him.xx.I have seen the chairs that nearly stand you up.. they do look good..and it was kind to donate yours to the gentleman xx
Joan hopefully the will arrive with your rads soon while it's so cold.. I think Toni you and me could all go for a walk ..can you imagine trying to beat one another..think toni would win xx
Toni so there are fruit juice types if drinks..think I found the name yesterday on Google but I have forgotten it again
All these rules..we have no choice but to drive for a walk..but it's not far ..its so hard but like you say we have to keep safe..hopefully they will speed up these vaccines..xx
Karh isn't it awful to see children with mum had it and always said the poor young children in the next ward..I just wish they would all come together and find a cure like they have with this vaccine..hope your dad hears about his soon xx
Most of our snow has gone now just some slippery pavements left ..keep safe everyone
Barbara1 -
Just remembered the name of the drinks my brother had at Christies fortisip..apparently they have to buy them now..🙄
Barbara0 -
Today could be even more boring! I have no shopping to deliver so might not see anyone except for Paul. Still I am enjoying listening to my audiobook and doing my jigsaw. It's starting to come together.
Barbara I think it's wrong they have to buy them. Lucy had fortisip in a milkshake powder I bet that's cheaper and ensure too 'ensure plus juice' just in case it's cheaper🤔
and you can get the powder in soup too if your bro prefers savoury.
I suppose he will get more choice if he buys them himself.
Oddly enough the kids in Lucy's wad hated seeing the elderly with cancer they felt sorry for them. See even at the worst of times we can have empathy for our fellow human beings.😪
If you have no choice, but to drive for a walk that is perfectly legal. Not sure it's ok to drive for a coffee, but surely those poor shops need us to? Oh i wish I understood what to do.
Mike it was a pleasure to make Elliott a sign I will make one for his 9th birthday when he should be safely home. I bet he will be home well before then 🤞
It sounds as though a stand you up recliner really does help and very good of you to pass your old one on the the chap. I bet it really helps him.
Thanks Kath we need the snow to thaw in time for the big bird watch. I have been having to poor a kettle of boiling water in the bird bath every day here!
Why on earth hasn't your Dad been called yet?! Surely he is in one of the real priority groups🙄One of the (4) Drs in the village has his pfizer one today.
We did get some ☀ yesterday too. Not a lot, but some which does lift your spirits doesn't it?
Nothing on telly last night Paul won't watch casualty and there was nothing else.
Joan the radiator size has been are we getting somewhere ow? I hope so. Thank you for your kind offer! Does your chair help you? Mike swears by his. Love to you, Sue and the dogs. ((())) xxx
At least we can have a lovely cooked breakfast now
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They said the world was closed today
So I went to have a look,
I found it with the shutters down
And the phone was off the hook.
So I stood there for a little while
But no one was around,
Then silence came and startled me
With the most alarming sound.
I asked him where the others were,
And why the streets were bare,
He whispered ‘Life had ran away
While death was playing there’
‘Oh no’ I said ‘It can’t be true
For life is not afraid’
‘But no one ever goes’ he said
‘Where death has ever played.’
I understood and walked away
As Hope was standing there
With Courage in her afterglow
And the sunlight in her hair.
She said ‘Go home to those you love
This is no place to be,
For if we walk these streets today
Then no one shall be free’.
She threw her light to lead the way
And showed me where to go,
The very road that life had gone
Where the future flowers grow.
Then death showed me another way
But I didn’t want to look,
So I stumbled home in time for tea
And I read another book.
It was called The World is Closed Today
And the streets we shouldn’t roam,
The first line said ‘Just please be safe’
And the ending - ‘Stay at Home’
Author unknown (but thanks)
Copy and paste.
As much as possible.
Stay safe xx
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Good morning everyone
Kath ((())) I'm sorry your Dad ((()))) has not heard a bout his vaccine yet ((())) love to Chris ((())) Anita ((())) and Val (((())))
Barbara ((())) that's good the snow is going there (((())) we haven't got any. Love to Mr B ((())) and your son ((())) and Niamh ((())) your brother ((())) and his girlfriend ((())))
Toni (((()))) sitting in my recliner helps stop my legs aching. Love to Paul (((())) Charley ((())) and Annie ((())) and the carers ((())) Lucy ((())) Tia ((())) Kari ((())) and P (((())) and your lovely neighbours ((()))
Love to Bill ((())) Chris ((())) Carol ((())) Mig ((())) Mike ((()))
take care
joan xx1 -
Toni, what a very moving poem it was written by Peter D Hehir I wish I could write like that.
And as Aidan would say "I'm all over that breakfast mi duck," even the beans. 😍
Joan, it makes me so cross - Val's mum had a cataract op a while back and a Covid vaccine as well!! I'm pleased for her that she had it, but dad is waiting for the same so what is going on?
Barbara, I see that the Queen and Prince Philip have had one of the vaccines too.
A woodland scene today, How Aidan would enjoy walking here.
Tenderstem® broccoli green eggs
Give your breakfast or brunch a Mexican-inspired makeover with this Tenderstem® broccoli green eggs recipe. Ready to eat in under half an hour, this is the perfect dish for a dose of punchy flavour to start the day.
Dietary requirements
Gluten free Vegetarian
For the sauce:
- 200g Tenderstem® broccoli, roughly chopped
- 1 large green pepper, deseeded and roughly chopped
- Zest and juice of 2 limes
- 4 tbsp extra virgin olive oil
- 200g plain yoghurt (swap for dairy free if you like or use coconut milk for a thinner sauce), plus a few extra spoonfuls to serve
- 50g coriander, leaves and stalks chopped (save a few leaves to garnish)
- 1 large garlic clove
- 80g pumpkin seeds
- 1 green chilli, chopped, deseeded (optional)
- Salt and pepper
For the eggs:
- 60g butter
- ½ -1 tsp sweet smoked paprika
- 12 eggs
- 3 avocados, sliced and tossed in lime juice (optional)
- ½ small red or white onion, or 3 spring onions, thinly sliced (optional)
- Chopped chilli or chilli flakes, to serve
You’ll also need:
- 1 large or 2 medium frying pans
- 1 or 2 large shallow serving bowls
Yum yum.
"Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein
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