Val's Cafe
Good morning everyone
Crinkly ((())) I'm sorry if I upset you we will all be glad when this virus has gone ((())))
Kath ((())) I'm sorry you have wind a hot drink can help it go ((())) love to Chris (()) Anita (((())) and your Dad ((()))
Barbara ((())) how are your pains not to bad I hope ((())) I still have no heating in my bedroom there is some one coming. Love to Mr B ((())) and your son ((())) and Niamh ((())) and your brother ((())) and his girlfriend ((()))
There are so many people going about will no masks on do you remember when we were little wearing gas masks.
Toni ((())) sleek his well looked after she was pleased to get home I bet.(((())) love to Paul ((())) Charley (((())) and Annie ((())) and the carers ((())) Lucy ((())) Tia ((())) Kari ((())) and P (()))
love to Bill ((())) Carol ((())) Mig ((())) Chris ((())))
take care
joan xx0 -
Toni, tomato sauce with scrambled eggs - sacrilege! I do like it on chips though. Chris is recording The Bay. I haven't a clue what it's about. I loved Mondays Corrie episodes. FAYE. what have you been and gone and done? Gary will go ballistic. But it was nice to see Ray carted off by the police, and I loved what Yasmeen said to him. And Debbie can just shut up. Kath it's just a program. 😜 Holly has gone to the Co-op then she's booking a taxi to take her gran for her jab. She has Alzheimer's and Holly is her carer - so surely she should have one too.
Barbara, I too think people will get a false sense of security. The number of folk on TV who leave the vaccine centres with huge smiles on their face as though all their troubles are over. Let's hope they're right. Even Gloria Honeyford said can we now look forward to a holiday this summer. I'll stick to doing things virtually. We might as well look forward to visiting Mars.
Love and hugs to Joan, Sue, Mike, mig, Carol.
Today we're off to Bunny. Bunny is a small village situated in South Nottinghamshire, England. The village has been a place of settlement for many centuries, possibly as far back as Roman times. Today, the village includes an impressive 23 Listed Buildings or structures. Almost all of the village of 635 inhabitants is included within its boundary.
"Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein
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Evening all
I just hope the flood alerts for some are not has bad has feared that's all they need in top of everything ..
Happy Birthday for Tomorrow Elliot..I do hope he is a little better xx🎂🍰🥤
Toni you are doing just the right thing getting your house just right before Paul retires..we didn't.. and regret it now.. mind you it was 1976..and this house was a complete we are still doing would you believe 🤔
Thankyou for the omelette, could i have brown sauce please .by the way.I did get on yesterday..but forgot to mention miss so glad all is well..nails and all..and covid injection 😅 xx
Joan I remember gas mask but born in 1950 I just missed having to wear them..blimey they must have been hot..unlike that blinking heating of yours..😡love to all of you xx
Kath I heard Gloria this morning ..crackers..even after the second jab we have to wait weeks.. but at least its some light at the end of the I have never heard of pretty it looks thankyou xx
Love to everyone
Barbara1 -
Joan you have really got a point! Gas masks! I mean what are these paper things compared to that? I bet there were no exemptions in those days🙄Sleek is well looked after and loved (Just like your two) and yes she was so happy to be back with me in the car that she didn't yowl at all on the way home! ((())) xxx You and Sue.
Mike I was a day early....maybe better than a day late? I hope Elliott has a great day at home with his family. No news is good news that's for sure.
Kath Bunny was lovely and reminded me of our village it's so pretty. I bet it enters Best Kept Village which we expect won't be happening this year again. We will plant our flowers this year anyway.
You know I think Faye did the right thing and of course Gary will support her once he is over the fear. Maybe Adam will not press charges when he knows it was a mistake. Maybe even defend Faye? Yasmeen is getting strong isn't she? She stood up for Asha too the other day. I know - it's just telly!!!😁
Holly really is a lovely person taking her Nan for her vaccine as well as being a single Mum to two and fostering her younger sister Sadly i think it's probably only 'professional' carers who are getting the vaccine now-ish😕
What ever would Aidan have made of all this?
Hi Barbara we are flat here so it's best to only go out of the village one way ATM or you go through a huge flood and a tractor could easily be coming the other way as it's single track. Still ☔ here, but nowhere near as bad as those in Yorkshire bless them.
Oh yes Sleek is all vaccinated😁. To be fair i think she felt a bit rough, but it's lovely to have her on your lap again and her not be stuck to you!!! Her poor nails. Never happened before that she needed her nails done, but i suppose she is getting older now she's 11.
I will wait awhile before venturing far. Just dropping off prescriptions these days, Kari's shopping and a ride with Paul to pick up a coffee if I am lucky at the weekend.
I'll get Carol to fetch me a vegan egg Mcmuffin they are doing them in London as a trial 😋
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Good morning everyone
Kath ((())) when we have scrambled egg or omelette I always add cheese an then tomato sauce. Love to Chris ((()) Anita ((())) Val ((())) and your Dad ((()))
Barbara ((())) I don't think some people believe there is a virus you see so many going around with no masks on.
Love to Mr B ((())) and your son ((())) and Niamh ((())) and your brother ((())) and his girlfriend ((()))
Toni ((())) I remember holding a gas mask when I was little. I bet sleek likes it now her claws are cut. Love to Paul ((())) Charley ((())) Annie ((())) and the carers ((())) Lucy ((())) Tia ((())) Kari ((())) and P ((()))
love to Bill ((())) Chris ((())) Mig ((())) Mike ((())) and Elliott (((())
take care
joan xx1 -
I was inspired by the photo of the bacon bap so I ditched the Weetabix this morning and had a sausage bap instead, with tommy sauce obviously. The only trouble is I had intended to have sausages for dinner tonight but instead of that I have 4 cold ones in the fridge which I may have to munch for lunch 😋
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OOOh Toni, Bacon. I will definitely have a bit of red sauce and some brown sauce on that. I think Aidan would have opened his own Covid hospital with top notch nursing and a huge supply of PPA and boxes and boxes of vaccine. We would be so proud of him.
Mike, good for you - although I'd have had both. 😲
Joan, my parents hated their gasmasks, bit obviously had to carry one everywhere. Weren't they scary.
you are absolutely correct, many people don't believe there is a virus. 😕
Barbara, some people just don't get it do they!
A Derbyshire village today, this is the one next to ours. Breaston was mentioned in the Domesday book as belonging to Henry de Ferrers[3] and being worth four shillings.[4]
Originally an agricultural village, Breaston has continued to grow for centuries until it has reached its current size, separated from neighbouring Long Eaton only by the M1 motorway.
Breaston today is mainly residential. There is a church (St Michael), a primary school, a Methodist chapel, three pubs (three of them still named as they were in 1846 - The Bulls Head, Chequers Inn and The Navigation Inn); a medical centre and a comprehensive range of shops, including a Co-op, located in the centre of the village around the church and the village green. The green (known as Duffield Close) is said to be one of the largest in the country and an annual May Day Fete is held there.
Breaston Village Green
St Michael's church
"Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein
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Evenung all
We have snow now and its coming down fast ..on top of the floods some people will really be suffering
Toni thankyou for the bacon bap..not had bacon for ages
You be careful if you gi out we don't want any accidents..poor little sleek will be glad to be back with mum ..
I to think how Aiden would have coped wuth all rides outs to the tea rooms..🙄 xx
Joan I thought we were on the best side in September..just hope things will get better soon love to all of you Xx
Mike I don't have an appetite till I see Tonis breakfast.. 😁you take care
Kath another place I have never been to Beeston.. how pretty thankyou
Sorry this us shortish but my eyes are not good
Love to all
Barbara1 -
Morning Everyone.
I hope you don't all have snow like us here? I know Barbara does, but at least Niamh will love it anyway 😊
Oh dear I have been a bad influence on Mike who had a bacon butty for breakfast his dinner for what did you have for dinner Mike? I hope not weetabix?😁
Joan those masks looked scary, but everyone wore them it was life or death. Really the same as now except you can see/smell this danger. Sleek was very happy to be home and I think happier she isn't getting stuck to our clothes or her scratch post now. ((())) for you and Sue.
Hi Barbara I hope the snow isn't too bad and that you do not have to go out at all. When it thaws it will be even wetter😕
Glad you enjoyed your bacon bap.
I was just telling Joan Sleek is much happier now she isn't getting stuck to us by her nails. She hates the vets she gets so scared her little paws sweat.
Aidan would have missed his rides out during this pandemic, but he'd have been chatting to Mandy and probably reassuring us lot and giving us advice I reckon.
Take care with those eyes.
Have you been able to have a take away meal recently?
Kath Breaston pronounced Bress ton or breeess ton? Looks so pretty and just right it has a shop unlike us and pubs although i expect they are closed. I enjoyed the walk along the path and through the Church yard thank you😘
Red and brown sauce on your bacon butty?! Wow!
Ah yes i could definitely imagine Aidan providing gold standard care in his own hospital. I think he'd be like Dr John Campbell on youtube analysing all the data and telling us what's going on.
Thanks for that pic of the gas masks even the baby had one on!
Well time to get on I suppose and get dressed
breakfast burrito 🌯 sausage and egg....veg option available of course
Love to friends who didn't post yesterday and any new ones!
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Good morning everyone
Kath ((())) have you got snow it would be difficult for you to walk to the bin then love to Chris ((())) Anita ((())) Val ((())) and your Dad ((()))
Mike ((())) take care if you have snow love to Elliott ((()))
Barbara ((())) a doctor said yesterday nobody will be forgotten they will all have the injection. Love to Mr B ((())) and your son ((())) and Niamh ((())) and your brother ((())) and his girlfriend ((())) go careful in the snow ((()))
Toni ((())) I'm sorry you have snow again ((())) sleek does not like getting her feet wet love to Paul ((())) Charley ((())) and Annie ((())) and the carers ((())) Lucy ((())) Tia ((())) Kari ((()) and P ((()))
love to Bill ((())) Chris ((())) Carol (()))Mig ((()))
take care
joan xx0 -
Oh dear I have been a bad influence on Mike who had a bacon butty for breakfast his dinner for what did you have for dinner Mike? I hope not weetabix?😁
I had a microwave lasagne for dinner!
Mike ((())) take care if you have snow love to Elliott ((()))
No snow and although we had rain yesterday the storm passed me by! Luckily where I live is a mile or so from Marazion which is slap-bang in the middle of Mount's Bay, as a result the bay catches the gulf stream and our local weather never matches the weather forecast.
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Joan Sleek hates getting wet paws! She really does try to stay in if it's wet, but she knows she needs to go out for a wee in the end bless her. Good to hear your Dr say no-one will be forgotten for the vaccine 🙂
Mike that's good to hear lasagne is always good and there's nothing wrong with convenience foods it does make life a lot easier.
Tesco order for me tomorrow a big one for me, my sister and my neighbours who can't get out all are shielding. It's a click and collect so I feel safe enough.
Shall we have some scones?
and tea I think
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Ecen8ng all
Ooh breakfast and afternoon tea..thankyou Toni
Yes I agree Aidan would be helping us all through this ..he really would
Alk our snow had nearly gone when we got up this morning the way it was coming down last night..I thought we might have a few feet of it ..I think Niamh would be fuming this morning 😅xx
Joan they will get back to us all...light at the end if the to all of you .xx
Mike how lucky that the storm passed you by...we had quite a few floods but not half has bad as some poor least our house is safe..xx
My repeat kidneys bloods again tomorrow ..I must drink lots of water before I go..
Love to everyone keep safe
Barbara0 -
Hi Everyone
Chilly morning so far and I have my click and collect tesco order at 7 am! We'll see how that goes eh brrrr.
Best of luck this morning for your bloods Barbara it really helps if you are well-hydrated the veins are juicier
Our snow went by the afternoon sadly, but Niamh could have come in the morning there was still plenty. To be fair though it really isn't great for us lot is it snow?
The rains should be pretty well over by now thank goodness.
I heard via facebook that our Kath had her vaccine and expect that's why she hasn't been on. Kath I hope you are ok and will come in to let us know how you are ((()))
Joan don't think I forgot you my reply is above the afternoon tea.
Hope Carol is ok and the Chrises too. Mig Toady and Crinkly.
Right off to get ready to brave the cold!
Porridge I need porridge to keep me warm!
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For those who haven't yet heard, Surgery rang me yesterday morning, and one of the doctors came round in the afternoon to jab us both. Chris has a painful arm but I'm OK.
Joan, absolutely so thank goodness we had no snow.
Toni, Breeest on is lovely. Barbara, Beeest on is a small town in Nottingham where my dad lives. I hope he's had his jab too.
Buxton Derbys.
Plenty of snow here, and so much to do, so enjoy the website.
Opera House
The Crescent
Tourists have been coming to Buxton since the 14th Century so it’s not surprising that it is one of the most popular tourist destinations in the Peak District today. Within an hour’s drive of Manchester, Sheffield, Derby and Stoke, its famous Georgian and Victorian architecture provides an impressive backdrop to a rich and vibrant range of art, music, theatre and festivals.
"Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein
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Good morning everyone
Mike ((())) that's good you missed the bad weather love to Elliott ((()))
Barbara ((())) that's good Kath has had her injection perhaps her Dad has as well. I think in corrie Kevin's sister will. Split on Ray. Did you know fay is Brook Vincent's cousin real cousin . go steady it's slippy here love to Mr B ((())) your Son ((())) and Niamh ((())) and your brother ((())) and his girlfriend ((()))
Toni ((())) I hope everyone is alright there now the weather has calmed down. Love to Paul ((())) Charley ((())) and Annie ((())) and the carers ((())) and Lucy ((()) Tia ((()) Kari ((())) and P ((()))
Love to Bill ((())) Chris ((())) Carol ((())) Mig ((()))
take care
joan xx1 -
Evening all
Toni I had porridge this morning so had 2 bowls..thankyou..
Blood took 3 goes but she get them..spiders veins i have..and I really was well hydrated with ...
Hope you got all your responses order..Niamh facetimed earlier..I miss you she said..then after 5 mins said I need to go now, my friend will be on her game.they play and chat on the Xboxes 😅xx
Kath what a nice place your dad lives..Buxton we have visited a few times..and filled our water bottles..its so nice there..thankyou for the photos.. Hope you are both feeling OK apart from Chris's sore arm ..I get that with the flu one...xx
Joan I didn't know that Fay is Brooks cousin..did you see today they are stopping filming for a week due to covid to all of you..xx
Got a letter for another eye appointment on the 27th..its the glaucoma clinic for my goodish eye...
Love to everyone
Barbara0 -
Evening all
sorry again I have been awol on here I have spent a lot of time on the phone sorting out various things and then lots of video calls from family. Thing is because it cold here I have been getting up later when the heating has been on for a bit. I must organise myself better. We now have our Covid vaccination date 1st dose and believe it or not it’s on my birthday a week tomorrow, what a birthday present. Mr t now got his phone back yesterday although thought it still had a problem but ok 👌🏽 now hope it stays like it. There is a bit of a funny story about that but I won’t bother you with that except to say men 😉😉. My sister had a bone scan today to see if she has RA as well as fibromyalgia if it is something else she now has to wait for results. We have a problem with our cooker it is a double oven and the grill is in the top oven. The lob of the top oven jammed last week and in trying to force it to move as the gas was on something must have snapped because now it is not working properly and also the same knob operates the grill. I do have the cooker on a contract with British Gas but I don’t think it will classes as an emergency because I can still use the bottom oven and the hob. Cookie now has a new trick when she sitting behind me and she wants something ie treats or being stroked she either nudges my head with her nose of taps me on the head with her paws. She is certainly well settled down now. She is also very vocal especially when she wants her food. 🤣🤣 mmm a vegan egg McMuffin sounds interesting. Toni
i was talking to Kath on her creakies group and she said said they had had their Covid jabs. mr t and me have ours booked for tomorrow week the 30th. Which also happens to be my birthday. So a nice birthday present for me.
had a video call from eldest GD and the girls when I answered it all I could see was our Rubie mum was there too but out of sight I said hello Rubie and this little voice says hello nanny up until today she has refused to answer me, so it was a bit of a surprise. Then I spoke to the other 2. It’s ridiculous really that Graycie and Rubie can go to nursery 3 days a week because nurseries are still open but Lillie has to do online learning.
well it’s time to do a little potter and do the jobs I do before I go to bed.
so I will say bye for now
Love and Sparkles to you all
Stay positive always👍xx0 -
Morning everyone!
Super thick ice out there😮
Barbara I am actually glad i wanted to play with her friend! At least she's not too upset at not seeing you all bless her! You'd hate her to be too sad. Soon be ok to have her again? Next weekend maybe?
Glad you enjoyed your porridge. Aidan's breakfast today.
Well done getting your bloods done. Shame your veins are a nightmare at least when it comes the vaccine is intramuscular 🙂
Kath thank you so much for the reassurance about the vaccine and I am so very very pleased that you and Chris are all done🙂👍️
I hope Dad has had his by now, but if not that it will be very very soon ((()))
I love Buxton. Especially the crescent it reminds me of Bath. Paul and me love going it loved now? Probably but one day eh?
We were really panicking last night watching Coronation st we though Abbie might not be ok. That ray must be caught now😠
Carol Rubie said hello! That's great isn't it? Bless her.
Good news that Mr T's phone is working now let's hope this is it now for good.
Not good about the cooker but as you said you do have the other oven for now and yes they won't come out ATM from B Gas unless you have no cooker/heating at all. Charley's boiler went off and wouldn't come back on they were coming out when suddenly it came on just before the engineer arrived. So he couldn't come in!
Cookie is clever ! Miss Sleek taps the floor for a treat or my hand with a treat inside it 🙂
Well I think it's a great birthday present possibly the best ever your vaccines! Brilliant news.
Hi Joan faye is Brooke Vincent's cousin? Well an acting family then! No snow today, but thick ice. I went for a walk with P yesterday and her dog which was lovely we both kept 2m apart and wore our face coverings just to be extra safe. Hope you and Sue are both well ((())) xxx
Love to anyone else who happens to pop in for a cuppa
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Good morning everyone
Kath ((())) that's good you and Chris ((())) have had your virus jab. I hope your Dad's won't be long ((())) love to Anita ((())) and Val ((()))
Barbara ((())) Niamh ((()) misses you but she has her friend that's good. Love to Mr B ((()) your son ((()) and your brother ((())) and his girlfriend ((()))
Carol ((()) Good luck to Mr T. ((())) for his phone. That's good your vaccine is booked sorry it's on your birthday.
Toni ((())) see it's read only tomorrow here. Love to Paul ((())) that's good you and P ((())) enjoyed your walk. Love to Charley ((())) and Annie ((())) and the carers ((())) Lucy ((((())) Tia ((())) Kari ((())) and your lovely neighbours ((()))
love to Bill Chris ((()))Mig ((())) Mike ((()))
take care
joan xx1 -
Afternoon all
Plenty of snow here . So no walk today..
Carol..I hope your cooker gets sorted very soon..isn't it good ti be able to keep in touch with the little makes such a difference
Oh so you have a date for your vaccination and on your Birthday ....we haven't heard anything yet.. but things are happening around here so soon I hope xx.
Joan thankyou for letting be know its read only tomorrow..I hadn't a clue ..hope you are all managing to keep warm..yes I'm glad Nuamh gas contact with her friends I really am love to all if you xx
Toni.thankyou fir the croissants ..Saturday again were dies time go
Yes I'm so pleased Nianh can play games with her friends on line anything to take her mind off things
I think she will have her sledge out today though..😁glad you could have a walk with P..xx
Love to everyone xxxxx
Barbara0 -
READ ONLY between 11 and 12 Only.
Plenty of snow for us too Barbara and apparently more due today oh well. If it's too bad paul will take P's dog for a walk so she doesn't slip - she has osteoporosis too and one slip could be a disaster.
I hope Niamh got her sledge out and had some fun bless her and made a snowman too. You garden looks so pretty.
My lovely neighbours have booked their vaccine for a week on Friday. All good it's really happening. They are a different surgery to me though so not ours yet.
It's sunday again😯 I have to agree where do the days go?
No Kath I hope you are ok Kath and it's not your vaccine causing trouble?
Any news about your roof repair yet?
and Dad's vaccine?
I had to pour boiling water into the bird bath it was solid
Morning Joan I hope you pop in because we can it's only read only for an hour. Not like our old updates used to take all day!
I had a chat to P on the phone yesterday due to the snow, but it thawed enough for her to take her dog out for a walk. He is very good and walks beautifully for her/us.
Will do a cooked breakfast for anyone who happens by
Just a small one!
Love to everyone who pops in might be quiet today
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Good morning Barbara and Toni and anyone else who pops in
. Barbara ((())) we have snow not very deep. I hope you and everyone there is alright. Good you have had your blood tested good luck for your eye test when it comes love to Mr B ((())) your son ((())) and Niamh ((())) and your brother ((())) and his girlfriend ((()))
Toni (((())) be careful when you walk. That's good your neighbours ((())) have their vaccine booked. Love to Paul ((())) Charley ((())) and Annie ((())) and the carers ((())) Lucy ((())) Tia (((())) Kari ((())) and P ((()))
love to Bill ((())) Chris ((())) Carol ((())) Mig ((())) Mike ((())) Kath ((())) I hope you are feeling better after the virus injection and Chris ((())) love to Anita ((())) and Val ((())) and your Dad ((()))
take care
joan xx1 -
Well. it's after let's see what happens.
I tried to post yesterday but was too tired so gave up. Might manage a short post today.
Toni, roof possibly in 2 weeks. Dad's jab will be on Monday, Anita has had hers. Icy outside, but no snow as yet. I'm helping myself to sausage, bacon eggs and mushrooms. Smashing with a strong mug of builders. 🍮.
Joan, have you and Joan have your jabs booked?
Barbara, you need a Robin in our lovely snowy garden.
Now for a slightly warmer garden.
Click the link below to hear the Blackbird
"Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein
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Hello more snow but plenty still left
Joan thankyou..have to wait for blood results..I am getting good service considering what's going on..
Do you get your food orders delivered ..I hope so what would we do without it to all of you xx
Toni a Sunday mega breakfast for sharing..lovey thankyou
I like the snow in the garden it does make it look tidy.. my late mum used to say the same..all gardens look the same in the snow 😅
Glad to hear P got out for a walk ..and how nice of Paul offering to take her doggie
We have a couple we know in the 70s had the vaccine but we haven't heard anything yet...xx
Kath what lovely pics..I can't wait for spring ..and the blackbird singing away...we have a couple here I give them blueberries that have gone soft ..they love them..hope you are feeling a little better xx
Love to everyone
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