Val's Cafe
@dachshund , thanks, you enjoy the day too
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Hello all stated off dull but quite hot now
Toni thankyou for the croissants A7dan would love you keeping his routine 🙂
My eyes are just hard work full stop I can't see face out of one but can see the rest if the body how odd us that..I am counting on the other to last 🙂
How brilliant is the flower lego u have never seen them ..Kari will thrilled 😊
Joan I will rest my eyes thankyou ..are you all OK you never say much xx
Reshmi I feel fir your mum ..I would mind so much if there was a cure MD but hopefully soon
You have a good weekend xx
Love to all
Barbara0 -
Morning everyone. Hoping maybe for some rain today 🤞
Joan yes Lucy did pass out in Primark and luckily the much maligned Stafford hospital recognised straight away that she was ill and their test revealed 'cancer of the blood' the next day. They whipped us both off to the QE in Birmingham and the rest is history🙄
Barbara is right you don't say much about how you and Sue are doing. How are you both? ((())) xxx
Reshmi your poor friend is she ok (ish I know you never get over such a thing 100%) now? I suppose you have to be thankful it wasn't something far worse like alcohol or drugs that she got obsessed with?
How is your Mum today? Yes feeding the BIL is compulsory especially if he likes his food. That dish sounds lovely I would eat that!
And what about yourself? are you doing ok? I am still hoping for rain and a day off watering the plants with paul not here it's falling on me.
Barbara that is so upsetting not being able to see faces through one eye😔 really unfair that it's not yet actually treatable. The phone must help with typing having predictive text unless it changes words that don't need changing! Keep that other eye going! Lots of orange peppers!
You are so right Kari really will be thrilled 60 years on she will have her own lego set! I expect i will have to help her. Her ankle keeps swelling in the heat so she will have an excuse to sit down feet up!
Have you still got Niamh or is she back with her Mum now?
Our weather was like yours - ended up a bit warmer than I expected again. Today surely we will have rain😧
Mike I hope all is well with you? They have just named Stafford in the top 10 happiest places to live . It is indeed very happy here, but they added loads of things to do and we don't want your emmets😁
My Paul is up on Stornoway working and yesterday when he finished he went on the beach (temp up to about 18/19 now) and got burnt🙄He was hoping to get home, but unfortunately the ferries are all full until his booked one (tomorrow) due to holiday-makers.
Hope Vixen is ok? My pusskin is making the most of the builders not being here for the weekend bless her she is much happier.
Kitty Kat did you enjoy your day off? I hope so and that your batteries are recharged for the week ahead. Sleek was over for a while I expect you saw her to share some cockles with you. She says they are better than whelks????
Love to Carol and Chris.
Sunday breakfast
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Morning Froggie! The breakfast photo looks great, regrettably I had breakfast in a can this morning, couldn't face cereal - too much chewing 😊 I was looking forward to some thunder and lightening down here to clear the muggy weather but it passed us by, no rain either. Vixen is fine thanks, she was very cuddly yesterday and kept climbing on my chest to lie down which she has not done for absolutely ages. She had breakfast at 3am this morning and has just polished off another packet before going out again. Shopping will be arriving later so I will have the regular "I wonder what is missing this time", deep joy! Luckily I get Vixen's food direct from Purina each month so she will be OK, mind you I have joked before that a packet of her food is just right for a sandwich so who knows I may have to try it one day! Swamped with emmets down here, the majority of whom are not wearing their masks or distancing so probably just as well I am virtually housebound!! Have a good day.
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Good morning everyone
Barbara ((())) It must be difficult doing things when you can't see very well what a bout the TV. Have a good day ((())) love to your son (()) and Niamh ((())) and your brother ((())) and his girlfriend ((()))
Reshmi ((())) I'm sorry about your foot ((())) love to your mum ((())) have a good day ((()))
Toni ((())) when we were little we had Mercano I'm not sure if it's spelt right. We haven't had much rain yet.
Love to Paul ((())) and Charley ((())) and Annie ((())) and the carers ((())) and Lucy ((())) and Tia ((())) and Kari ((())) and P ((())) and your lovely neighbours ((())) your neighbour is good walking with the poles
Mike ((())) have a good day and Vixen ((()))
Love to Kath (((())) Chris ((())) Carol ((())) and Mig (((())
take care
joan xx1 -
Hi @barbara12 , ty about my mum, that’s ok, you’re dad had detached retina once, he refused to see optician for v long time, then mum forced him and he had to go to A & E…quite a character.Have a nice Sunday. Tc.
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Hi @frogmorton , ty about my friend, not sure she gets v unwell w bipolar sometimes and is hospitalised a lot, so lost touch unfortunately. No drugs etc, but is a smoker. Mum seems ok so far today ty, she went out yest to babysit the babies at sister’s house, so happy atm, I don’t know how long it’ll last. Ty about the dish. Yes Bil likes eating , since getting married he’s eating more and more though…oh well, his choice. I’m not too bad ty. Got a slight cold, but ok in general ty. Oh no, hope you get rain soon. Tc.
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Ty @dachshund , that’s v kind. I’d better go now before I have to start fighting in the Battle for Bathroom Access, lol, do u share your house with many people? Tc xx
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Well, I survived my day off. Rang dad, he went to his Friday Club. I'm pleased he's managing to get out pushing his wheelchair. It means he has some company now and then. Anita looks after him pretty well though. But I forgot to ask him about his appointment - but he didn't mention it either! He'd been doing a little garden tidying.
Mike, I'm sure eating one of Vixen's sachets wouldn't harm you. After all they use humans to test them before marketing them. I used to feed our cat with Whiskas, and when I opened the can, it always smelled delicious. I was often tempted to try a spoonful, especially the lamb.
Joan, do you mean Meccano? it was metal and had to be screwed together. It's still going, but not as popular as it used to be. I bet you had some fun with it.
Antoinette, thank you for breakfast. I'll have to remember Sleek prefers cockles 😏. I hope Paul managed to catch his ferry home.
Reshmi, although we had five children living at home at one time, we had two toilets. One up and one down. As for the shower, they used to be so much in a hurry, it didn't take too long really.
Barbara, it must be awful for you when your eyes play up. Mine are bad enough but not to be able to see faces - scary.
Summer Fruit Salad With Ice Cream And Nuts
- 1 large banana
- 2 medium sized mangoes
- 4 to 5 small to medium chickoo (sapota)
- 10 to 12 strawberries
- 1 dragon fruit - optional
- 2 to 3 tablespoons chopped nuts like cashews, almonds & pistachios
- vanilla ice cream as required
- a few chopped nuts for garnish
- some slices of strawberries for garnish
- Rinse, peel and chop the fruits. Take the chopped mixed fruits in a bowl.
- Mix them with a spoon.
- Add 2 to 3 tablespoons chopped nuts like cashews, almonds and pistachios.
- Mix the chopped nuts with the mix fruits.
- Add the fruit salad mixture in bowls or ice cream cups.
- Place two to three scoops of vanilla ice cream on top of the fruit salad.
- Garnish with a few slices of strawberries or any fruit or berries. Also sprinkle some chopped nuts from top.
- Serve summer fruit salad straight away.
"Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein
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Afternoon all still very warm and no rain
Toni breakfast fir for a street 😅
Has long as thus one eye keeps going I can managed with my phone laptop is no use really ..even with large text..
Niamh has gone home its her 9th birthday on the 4th and she wants more lego..
When us Jari 60 sorry if you have akeady Paul is sunning himself ..hope he's not to burned xx
Joan I can still see out one eye thank goodness but not has goid has I used to..I hope you are all doing ok xx
Mike Vixen sounds so lovely ..I can only imagine the crowds after being in lockdown ..but no mask is silly xx
Kath good fir dad doing some gardening ..he's made if good stuff...bless him
Now I have never though of putting nuts on fruit and ice cream..thankyou xx
Love to all
Barbara1 -
Hi @kathleenT , I see, that bathroom etc wasn’t too bad then, we’ve got one downstairs toilet and one upstairs bathroom w shower, bath etc, the problem is tempers flare in the morning and there are various other problems too, but I won’t write a thesis, lol, so I try and use bathroom asap. 5 kids, that must have been a big challenge, but I suppose one of the many plus sides was that no one ever got lonely! Have I got it right? Do they live nearby? It was just my sis and I growing up, I’m 6 years older, so she feels quite inhibited and still doesn’t really talk to me much, nvm. Nice recipe, if quite wicked, lol. On the subject of pastimes, does , anyone like to read? Whether it’s audiobooks, or whatever method? I love to read, even though I do read a lot less than before, I’m reading a book called “Melmoth” by Sarah Perry atm, a book about a mythical female figure clad in black who is haunting some characters in modern day Prague, I’m not describing it well, but it’s really good, ok I’m off to eat a fictional fatty pudding, lol. Tc.
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Hi @barbara12 , sorry it’s still warm, that must be v difficult indeed w the eye problems, do you have a tablet? I can enlarge text on my iPad most of the time, I don’t know where my laptop is, I barely use it these days, I suspect my dad may have stolen it, lol. Hope you get some rain soon. Tc, Reshmi,
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Morning 🙂
Barbara it is still stifling here too I think the houses have heated up! Temps got to over 25 yesterday sunshine intermittently and no rain at all🙄
Niamh 9!!!! OMG I remember her being born!!! Lego will be wonderful for her I know it occupies her so well. There are some amazing sets there aren't there? Will you see her on her birthday? I hope so.
Did I tell you my bro had a kidney biopsy last Tuesday? Said it was very uncomfortable apparently something in his bloods but an ultrasound came back clear???
If the one eye behaves for as long as possible.
Mike those emmets are really really naughty not wearing masks whatever the 'rules' are common sense and respect for each other should prevail😠
Cuddly Vixen? that's lovely bless her. No don't try the food I once ate some of daisy's cat treats by mistake. I was eating wotsits (and reading) and she was eating her treats trust me the packets are similar! Nearly took a tooth out!
Weather hasn't broken here either it's so hot
I take it there is no news about Elliott? I am still sending strength down for him ((()))
Was all shopping present and correct?
Joan Kath has got a picture of meccano! We had that at school believe it or not it is good again for the brain. My neighbour finds the poles better than his stick for keeping him more upright. It was his birthday the other day 77. ((())) for you and Sue xxx
Reshmi let's hope your friend is ok she must suffer badly with bipolar to need to be hospitalised bless her. Patience required in your house in the morning unless you do as you do and get up super-early to avoid hassle in the bathroom.
I bet your Mum loved babysitting bless her. Now BIL is eating more because he already has a wife and doesn't need to look good anymore! A lot of people do that I think😁
Your book sounds good. I mostly read thrillers or other people's recommendations.
Kath yes Sleek prefers cockles though whelks are alright in a smoothie apparently🤢
That fresh fruit salad is wonderful and exactly what we need in this heat thank you. I had two bowls with vegan ice cream.
Yes how does Dad manage his house on his own? Does he have help? I hope Aniat isn't doing it?He still does a bit in the garden?! So impressive at his age.
Poor Paul didn't manage to get an earlier ferry home so stuck on Stornoway for another day sadly. He was bored so bored not even a garage open nor a shop so not even a paper to read!
He will have caught his booked ferry this morning and be home by about 7pm bless him. I think he might be so relieved!!! Thank you for asking.
Right love to Chris and Carol and time for some breakfast
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Good morning everyone
Kath ((())) did you have a good day. Yes that's it thank you Meccano it belonged to our cousin we was born in his mother's house he was 10 years older than us. Love to Chris ((())) and Anita ((())) and Val ((())) and Emily ((())) and your Dad ((()))
Reshmi ((())) I hope you have a good day today. There is just my twin sister sue and our dogs here in the bungalow.
Barbara ((())) yes I remember when Niamh was born that's gone quick ((())) have a good day. Love to Mr B ((())) and your son ((())) and Niamh ((())) and your brother ((())) and his girlfriend ((()))
Toni ((())) we had a drop of rain yesterday and it is cooler. Paul travels a good distance in his work he is good ((())) love to Charley ((())) and Annie ((())) and the carers ((())) and Lucy ((())) and Tia ((())) and Kari ((())) and P ((())) and your lovely neighbours ((())) your neighbour is good trying the poles when he has difficulty walking ((()))
Mike ((()) I tried dog biscuits once they were hard love to Elliott ((())) and vixen.
love to Chris ((())) and Carol ((())) and Mig ((()))
take care
joan xx1 -
Morning peeps. Most shopping arrived, 1 item missing and 1 substituted which is the best it has been for a while. At least the delivery drivers now leave the boxes and collect the previous week's empty ones which allows me more time to put things away. No news about Elliott, my Baby Sister went over a couple of weeks ago and saw him for a couple of minutes as she did not feel welcome, apparently they went to LegoLand the following day as someone had given them a family ticket, neither of us have heard anything since then. Will take Froggie's advice about the cat food!! have a good day all.
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Oh I am so bored with telly right now. BBC has the Olympics, news is all about Covid. We watch Coronation Street recordings, and at weekend it just has to be Midsomer. I also enjoy a program on Sky Arts called Discovering a famous film star. This weekend was Jeff Bridges followed by Sean Connery.
Joan, I used to crunch the black dog biscuits which contained charcoal - no wonder all me teeth are broken. Mind you, as I suffered from severe lack of Calcium, my teeth were always like little crumbly pegs.
Mike, I hope Elliott enjoyed Legoland, but I don't suppose you will ever find out!
Reshmi, my two eldest daughters used to play well together but their younger brother always had to be either the husband who was at work all day, or the dog who wasn't allowed to join in. One day my middle daughter was trying to build a den out of my old clothes horse and some blankets. It kept collapsing on her, so I suggested she asked her brother to help her. She said "No mum, he's more of an injury than a help" so I said "Don't you mean a hindrance?" She said "No, he injures you" My older son used to help his little brother build Lego houses. They shared a huge crate full of the stuff.
Barbara, yes dad does his best. But I wish he'd sell up and get a bungalow. He should have done it after mum died, but he wants to leave it to us. Which means Anita will have to end up sorting it out, because I don't want it.
Toni, I'm afraid Anita does most of dad's housework. She's keeping her eye on his china. 😄.
Easy Vegan Watermelon Pizza
This easy vegan watermelon pizza recipe is refreshing, sweet and absolutely delicious. It is the perfect simple and nutritious summer dessert and it is entirely plant-based, dairy-free, gluten-free, grain-free and refined sugar-free. Everyone loves this vibrant and festive treat!
- 1 batch of homemade coconut whipped cream
- 1 seedless watermelon, chilled
- 2 cups fresh berries (strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, blackberries), chilled in advance, washed and dried
- Make the coconut whipped cream. You can make in advance and store in your refrigerator until it is ready to use. If it hardens too much in the refrigerator then use hand mixers to beat again before spreading onto the watermelon.
- Slice a watermelon crosswise and cut round pieces about one inch thick. These watermelon rounds are the “pizza.” I usually can get 4-6 good rounds from a medium sized watermelon. I serve any remaining watermelon separately.
- Cut each watermelon round into 6 triangle slices and top each slice with coconut whipped cream and fresh berries. Enjoy immediately.
"Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein
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Hi everyone Im I’m taking Barbara‘s advice and communicating in a shorter at otherwise I’ll be here forever, lol. I hope my friend is ok too, but when in hospital obviously she can’t phone people etc, so not sure what happened, ty for your concern tho. Ty, I try to be patient, but prob is I’m not a hothead, whereas my parents at times …well u can guess the rest, lol. Yes she loves to babysit, lol. I understand about bil, but I think he’s endangering his health, anyway I keep quiet about it, as my advice to him not welcome. Sorry to hear about your brother, hope he gets the right treatment. Ty re: book. Ty dachshund , that’s nice, it must be nice to have twin sister. You have a nice day too. My sis and babies coming tomorrow, so I’m just praying I don’t fall on toys on floor and hurt my knee, “families, that loving octopus from whose loving tentacles you never really escape “, that’s a quote, but not sure who said it, heard it on radio 4 once. Hi Kathleen , that’s interesting about your family, my baby nephew also loves Lego, he sometimes gets up and plays with in the middle of the night. Ok I’ve waffled on a lot, I’d better get on for now. Tc ladies, bye.
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Evening all Another lovely day
Reshmi I do have a tablet bit can't hold it for long and my laptop is not quite near enough to my eyes ..but thankyou ..x
Love the quote about octopus it's so true xx
Toni thankyou fir the pancakes..🙂
Yes Niamhs 9 on the 4th I always remind her she was born looking down at the floor and she spotted the lights so stretched her neck to look up 😅poor Paul will be so glad to be home in his own bed xx
Mike thankyou for the update on Elliott are a good uncle...such a shame they leave you out if the loop xx
Kath how brilliant does the melon look I am definitely going to give that a go
We have started ti downsize to hopefully save our family going through all of our rubbish ..hopefully you dad will xx
Joan the time has flown since Niamh was was a privilege to ge at her Birth ..hope you are all OK ((())) xx
Love to all
Barbara1 -
Well we are due rain today at 10am and for once I actually think it will happen!
Reshmi here is your quote:
"The family - that dear octopus from whose tentacles we never quite escape, nor, in our inmost hearts, ever quite wish to" It's by Dodie Smith
It's lovely isn't it?
You get yourself sat safe before the children arrive and make sure you don't need to get up an dtrip on any of the toys! Try to enjoy just watching them without the risks if you can? Your Mum will be happy at least - Mums love Grandchildren so much there is some sort of special bond there.
I wonder will it just be your sister or will BIL be there too? He is definitely risking his health eating too much, but there's not a lot anyone can do to help him is there? He has to see it for himself.
Morning Mike. Any rain for you yet? Hoping for some at (bang on!) 10 am 🤞Only 1 missing item and 1 subs is really good! Nice the driver and you have a system with the boxes. Did you get cake/biscuits for you and your Home Help to share today?
It's good your baby sister called to see Elliott at least she tried. Shame she felt less than welcome though 😕I don't suppose she'll try again in a hurry.
Please do take my advice and leave off the cat food 😁🤢
Morning Joan. I saw my lovely neighbours yesterday. they are 'cat sitting' at their house for their son and family. The cat is called Panther and is lovely and fluffy and black. She came straight over to me for a stroke. The nurse is letting her get out of bed for 2 hours a day so she was going to see P in her two hours. ((())) for you and Sue xxx
Morning my Kitty Kat. Your dad should indeed have been practical, but perhaps the house has too many memories for him. Will you really not want anything? I mean the house would be impractical for you for definite, but there must be something you would value. Anita is after the china😂I should think it might be more Emily's taste!!
Poor Anita doing his housework🙄
The Olympics has rather taken over BBC1 hasn't it? but really it is good to watch better than football for me. Hvaing said that in the evening i just want some decent drama.
Brothers! Mine was a nightmare too and gosh there is nothing more painful to tread on than a piece of lego! Definitely injured!!!
Love the idea of the melon pizza! Lucy's favourite is watermelon too.
Niamh is a beaky one then and was from day one Barbara!!! 😂I would tell her that every chance you get too if i was you. Wonderful to have been there to witness her birth ((()))
Kari has a machine which prints things and she made me some figaro stickers I will take you a pic and post it
Look closely if your eyes will let you, at the numberplate.
I agree Mike is a very caring Great Uncle. The family are silly to miss the chance to let the children know him more than they do.
Good girl decluttering it will help the family no end. I am going to too.
Love to Chris and Carol
Roll on some rain - not as much as London though and gosh it had better not have affected Carol 😮
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Hi Barbara , that’s a shame about tablet etc, I know what you mean about gripping the tablet ( I’ve got some osteoarthritis in my fingers), sometimes I put tablet on a stand on top of some books, so it’s eye level, only prob is can hurt back a bit, but poss sort trying for small periods of time? Ty about quote, u have a lovely day too. X
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Thanks @frogmorton , that’s great that you found the quote, ty, yes, it’s a lovely citation indeed. Ty about your advice etc, I suppose I do worry too much in general, but the whole situation at home is v v complicated, I won’t go into details now, but busy, no bil not coming, just sis etc, true about bil, but sad too, my cousin had a heart attack in his forties because he ate so much fatty red meat daily, his mum just said “healthy appetite “ and cooked some more, he still hasn’t changed much, he’s lucky to still be alive, anyway, trying to walk before octopus reaches out its loving tentacles. Bye everyone, including Mike of course, Tc. Xx
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Good morning everyone
Kath ((())) Our mum when she was little used to eat coal. I used to drink vinegar. No a house would be too big for you it's what you get used to I think your memories are with you and not the house they go with you it can be upsetting to stay. Have a good day love to Chris ((())) Anita ((()) and Val ((())) and Emily ((())) and your Dad ((())
Reshmi ((())) have a good time tomorrow don't they know you have a problem with your knee ((()))
Barbara ((())) how long have you lived in your house. Love to Mr B ((())) and your son ((())) and Niamh ((())) and your brother (((())) and his girlfriend ((()))
Toni ((())) your neighbour is good going for a little walk ((())) love to Paul ((()) and Charley ((())) and Annie ((())) and the carers ((())) and Lucy ((())) and Tia ((())) and Kari ((())) and P ((())) and your lovely neighbours ((()))
love to Chris ((())) Carol ((())) and Mig ((())) and Mike ((())) and Elliott ((()))
take care
joan xx1 -
Well our roof has been well and truly tested. We had a real humdinger of a downpour this morning. Chris was certain it was still raining in, but he heard rain flooding out of the guttering. It was like a waterfall. And it pounded on the doors and windows!
Toni, loving the stickers of Penelope with her special 'Toni' number plate.
Joan, coal used to be a common craving for pregnant women, but I've never heard of a non pregnant woman eating it.
Barbara, you can get something to rest your iPad/tablet on. This one is from Amazon.
The Best Veggie Burger (Better Than Store-bought)
- PREP 40mins
- COOK 40mins
- TOTAL 1hr 20mins
There’s no getting around the fact that vegetable burgers take more time than regular hamburgers, but they are well worth it (trust us). Nothing is difficult about the process, so stick with us. You can do this! Once you make the burger mixture, you can keep it in the fridge for 24 hours. Or you can form the patties, cook them and freeze up to three months (this is what we do).
Makes 8 (3 1/4 ounce) veggie burgers
8 ounces (225 grams) mushrooms
1 medium carrot
1 1/2 cups (85 grams) broccoli florets
1/4 medium onion
2 medium garlic cloves
2 tablespoons (30 grams) oil such as olive oil, avocado oil or grape seed, plus more for cooking
1 teaspoon smoked paprika
1 teaspoon chili powder
3/4 teaspoon fine sea salt
1/4 teaspoon fresh ground black pepper
1 (15-ounce) can black beans, drained and rinsed
1/3 cup (35 grams) walnut halves (about 14 halves)
2 cups packed (85 grams) spinach leaves
Handful tender fresh herbs like chives, parsley or cilantro (optional)
1/2 cup (35 grams) panko breadcrumbs or use homemade breadcrumbs
2 large eggs
1 tablespoon (15 grams) tomato paste
3/4 cup (115 grams) cooked brown rice
Bread rolls, lettuce, tomato, cheese and favorite burger sauces
Heat the oven to 400 degrees F. Line two rimmed baking sheets with foil, parchment paper or silicon baking mats.
Using a damp paper towel, brush all dirt from mushrooms. Cut away and discard any hard stems. Roughly chop the mushrooms, carrot, broccoli and onion into 1/2-inch chunks. Toss vegetables into the bowl of a food processor. Add the garlic, olive oil, smoked paprika, chili powder, salt and pepper. Close the lid and pulse 10 to 20 times until coarsely ground.
Spread the ground vegetables onto one of the lined baking sheets. Pat them down with a spatula until a very thin layer of vegetables covers the majority of the baking sheet. Roast the vegetables for 15 minutes. (If the veggies around the outer edges start to turn dark brown, stir and press them back down into a thin layer).
Meanwhile, spread the drained black beans onto the second baking sheet in one layer. When the vegetables have roasted for 15 minutes, stir them and press into a thin layer once more. Transfer both baking sheets (vegetables and the black beans) to the oven. Roast until the beans begin to split and look dry and the vegetables look drier and toasted, about 15 minutes. Let everything cool.
While the beans and vegetables roast, rinse the food processor bowl and pat dry.
Place the walnuts, spinach and fresh herbs in it. Pulse until they are about the size of breadcrumbs.
Add cooled beans and pulse 5 to 10 times until the beans look crumbly with large crumbs.
Add the roasted vegetables, panko breadcrumbs, eggs and the tomato paste. Pulse until everything is just combined. You want to keep some texture, don’t pulse until a smooth mixture.
Scrape the mixture into a bowl and fold in the rice.
Refrigerate the veggie burger mix up to 24 hours. Or make patties, cook them and freeze wrapped in foil up to 3 months.
When you are ready to make the burgers, divide into 8 equal portions (about 3 1/4 ounces or 90 grams each). Form each portion into a 1/2-inch thick patty.
Heat a skillet over medium-low heat, add oil, and then place patties in one layer. (We use about 1 tablespoon of oil to cook 4 burgers). Cook until heated through, firm and browned on both sides, about 4 to 6 minutes on each side. If any bits fall from the sides as you flip, press them back into the sides of the patty. Be careful when flipping so they stay together.
For an outdoor grill, we recommend placing a cast iron pan or griddle over a low fire to cook the burgers.
To reheat frozen cooked burgers: Bake in a 350 degree F oven until heated through, 15 to 20 minutes. Or reheat in a skillet over medium-low heat until heated through, 5 to 10 minutes on each side. We do not recommend microwaving the patties (they steam and become floppy).
- One (15-ounce) can of beans has approximately 1 1/2 cups of cooked beans (here’s our recipe for home cooked black beans).
- Other beans work for this recipe. Try cannellini beans, kidney beans and chickpeas.
- Cooking brown rice: We love the texture and flavor of brown rice, but you can use white rice in its place. To cook brown rice, forget the package directions and cook it like you would pasta. Fill a large pot with lightly salted water, add the brown rice then let it cook, uncovered, at a simmer for 30 minutes. Drain the rice then add back to the pot off of the heat with a lid covering it so that it steams for an additional 10 minutes. This method is from Saveur and it really does make perfect brown rice.
- Vegan / egg-free veggie burgers: If you don’t eat eggs, you can leave the eggs out and use flax eggs as a substitute. Whisk 2 tablespoons flaxseed meal with 6 tablespoons water. Set the mixture aside for 5 to 10 minutes, and then use in the recipe to replace the eggs.
- The nutrition facts provided below are estimates. We have used the USDA database to calculate approximate values.
If you make this recipe, snap a photo and hashtag it #inspiredtaste — We love to see your creations on Instagram and Facebook! Find us: @inspiredtaste
NUTRITION PER SERVING: Serving Size 1 burger patty (no bread/cheese/toppings) / Calories 188 / Protein 8.3g / Carbohydrate 22.7g / Dietary Fiber 5.4g / Total Sugars 2.8g / Total Fat 8g / Saturated Fat 1.3g / Cholesterol 46.5mg / Sodium 321.2mg
"Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein
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Afeetinoon all a proper downpour earlier
Good news Mr B has an acessment on the 11th and I have xrays on the 12th ..I have had to mither Mr b to ring them
Toni how clever are the stickers and yes I can see your name 😄so us that what they call I baby born facing diwn a beaker 😂 xx
Bosh sorry I have forgotten how ti spell your name ..yes you be carful when the family visits ...hope your day goes well xx
Joan 46 years we gave lived here..😲were foes the time to all of you xx
Kath I have a stand but have my phone around 4 inches frim my eyes ..and still letters all go into one but I plod on..thanks fir the recipe I am going to ask our son to make them xx
Love to all
Barbara0 -
Morning all. No rain down here yet although luckily the heat has waned a little which is more than welcome. With regard to the hand problems mentioned above I can't hold a phone properly and encourage people to call me on my mobile rather than my landline as the speaker phone is louder on that; if either phone rings I put it onto speaker and rest it on my shoulder whilst nattering. Home Help's visit was most welcome yesterday, no buns or cake available at the village shop on Monday (well, nothing I liked the look of anyway) so she settled for a Crunchie and a brew.
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