Val's Cafe
Good morning everyone
Kath ((())) I can see you in your Dad ((()) I hope is appointment goes well. I hope you had a good weekend love to Chris ((())) love to Anita ((())) and Val ((())) and Emily ((())) and your Dad ((()))
Reshma lovely name ((())) yes we have lived by the woods there is a path up the middle we go on we don't go up there in the winter it gets too muddy. Have a lovely day (((()))
Barbara ((())) sorry the heat makes your legs worse ((())) love to Mr B ((()))and your son ((())) and Niamh ((())) and your brother ((())) and his girlfriend (((()))
Toni ((())) yes Penelope will be safe there. I thing about lovely P ((())) I wish they could find a cure for it and not spend money on things we don't need like going up to space. Love to Paul ((())) and Charley ((())) and Annie ((())) and the carers ((())) Lucy ((())) and Tia ((())) and Kari ((())) and P ((())) and your lovely neighbours ((()))
love to Chris ((())) and Carol ((())) and Mig (((())) and Mike ((())) and Elliott ((()))
take care
joan xx1 -
Morning on this smiley morning, although it's FAR too hot and scorchy for moi. Aidan would have hated it. How is dear Bill? Nicely settled in his new home. I hope he has good neighbours. The poetry book is coming on, only 4 more poems - I'm finding it difficult to find suitable ones.
Good morning little miss silky hair. My younger sister had hardly any hair when she was born and the little bit she had was pure white. My hair as a baby was copper coloured, but it had turned dark brown by the time I'd started school. Baby brother also had fair hair. As for food, ask Toni, she knows I love mushrooms, cockles and whelks (not all together). 😁
Barbara, we have noisy neighbours, especially Holly and her kids. She lets them play outside until 10pm - even on a school night! But an inflatable disco - I'd never heard of that before. 🤩
Antoinette (luv that name, it's so ladylike) And isn't Penelope looking gorgeous. Thank you for the fried egg on toast. I'm sure dad wouldn't remember the paint story. He just used to hide behind the Nottingham Evening post. He never bothers with it now, he just listens to BBC Radio Nottingham. Now I'll go and look for summat nice to eat.
Deep Mushroom Pie
Posted on November 2, 2011
This pie is so comforting it’s almost Dickensian, but it’s not stodgy at all. If you think of it as mushroom paté in a flaky crust, it’s actually quite elegant. It’s fun to make, doesn’t take too long, and is special enough to be a vegetarian holiday meal. I use a hot water crust on the bottom, and a paté brisée crust on the top, but you could use one or the other for both. I like to put a layer of chard or spinach, sauteed, finely chopped, because I think it adds a nice contrast of flavor and texture, but you can go full-mushroom if you like.
1 batch of Hot water pastry
1/2 batch of paté brisée
10 oz mushrooms
1 large shallot – very very finely minced
1 clove garlic – very very finely minced
2 T olive oil
1/2 t. thyme
1/2 t. sage
1 t. rosemary
pinch nutmeg
1/3 cup white wine
1 cup coarsely chopped mixed nuts (or walnuts & pecans only)
1 cup bread crumbs
2 eggs
1-2 cups sharp cheddar
salt and plenty of pepper
1-2 cups chard sauteed, chopped finely
1. Butter and flour a 4 cup baking dish with tall straight sides. Line with hot water pastry
2. mince the mushrooms very finely. I use a processor for this. You don’t want them to be puréed, though. You still want them to have some texture.
3. In a large frying pan over medium heat, warm the olive oil. Add the shallot, garlic, sage, rosemary and thyme. When the garlic and shallot start to brown, add the mushrooms. They’ll get all juicy, and then they dry out. Once they dry out, add the wine. Then let them dry out again. They might start to get a little brown and stick to the pan. This is good! Scrape them off the bottom and stir them right in.
4. put the mushrooms in a bowl, add the breadcrumbs, cheese and chopped nuts, and nutmeg. (I toast the nuts in a frying pan before I chop them!) Add salt and plenty of pepper.
5. In a small bowl beat the two eggs. Pour all about about 1 T into the mushroom mixture and stir it up well.
6. Press the mushrooms into the pastry-lined dish. I like to put a layer of chard between two layers of mushrooms.
7. Roll out pastry for the top, and place it on top of the pie. Roll up the edges, and mark them with the tines of a fork so they’re well-sealed and look pretty. You can leave a rather high border. Brush with the remaining T. of egg.
8. Bake in a preheated 425 degree oven until golden and crispy on top.
9. Run a knife around the edges to make sure it’s not stuck anywhere, and then turn it out onto a plate, and then flip it over onto another so it’s right-side-up. Be gentle! You don’t want to crush it! I like to eat it with mashed potatoes, for the ultimate come-in-out-of-the-cold comfort.
Serve with creamy mash and parsley liquor.
"Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein
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hi @barbara12 , thanks about my name, you did indeed get it right (some people have called me (bacon) Rasher in the past, which wasn’t appreciated, lol). So sorry about your joint pain, humidity and cold seem to be bad for me. My legs and back were quite achy this morning actually, but hot shower more or less sorted it out, though it doesn’t always. Have a nice afternoon. Take care.
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Hi @frogmorton , thanks about my hair, that’s good about the walking, nice that the roads are flat, here it’s hilly, but luckily I don’t need to walk on the steep hills, though I used to pre- arthritis. Is bad in the snow though, could use some snow now lol, just a ten min blizzard perhaps, haha. Mess of builders, that must be very irritating. The remark about your dad worrying regarding your mum’s attractiveness/ weight etc v funny. Ok, I’m running out of steam now, just wanted to say , nice car! Is name inspired by Penelope Pitstop cartoon? Tc.
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Evening all..the disco has gone 😁
Kath the inflatable disc was about 20 ft tall ..gosh knows how hot it was in there it was fun at first watching them all arrive..just the volume
Sorry what appointment di you have I read things then forget..thanktou fir the pie u could eat that now xx
Toni I'm shocked no one called the police ..but its over with now till next time 🙄 like I say its a good Job we like them 😅
Only a couple if them were related apparently the other 30 something weren't ..very scary..its nice that it's flat near you for long walks..nothing nicer but not in this heat and Penelope is nice and long now for your garden to be finished 😑...xx
Joan how does the heat effect you and Sue its strange but I'm a little better in winter ..xx
Mike cats are so clever ...good on her fir keeping cool I hope you are managing to xx
Rashmi did you use oil on your silky hair ..I know my Indian neighbour used to and on the children's xx
Sorry eyes are going
Love to all
Barbara1 -
Morning not a cloud in the sky !
another sunny day in paradise.....
Joan my car looks great on P's drive and it's an excuse to pop in just see her and check she's ok. She is stupidly weak and tired, but says she's not in pain. I have to agree all money needs to be spent on cancer (COVID of course too) but medicine. P has carers now just for an hour 2 till 3pm ,but they are connected to the Hospice so all good for the future. ((())) xxx PS spoke to Bill by message
Reshmi are you ok was yesterday a rough day for you? I hope you are ok today. I love walking but not as far these days I have walking poles - have you tried them. Like the 'proper' walkers use! My husband has gone to Stornoway for work he is actually lucky - it's 17 degrees there! Shall we all go and join him?
You are 100% right about penelope's name! But i didn't name her myself her previous owner did!
Mike you had better have the biccies ready for today's visitor? I wonder whether she'll have any key lime pie. perhaps not....too much of a good thing eh? How is your baby sister doing?
Kath 10pm is very late for littleys to be out playing isn't it? especially on school nights. Still I bet they go straight off to sleep.🙄
Bill is doing really well. He has decorated the new place already and sent me a pic of his 'little' wisteria? It's grown a LOT like me, he and Aidan loved France. He hasn't ruled out going back you know. they only came back to England because their parents needed them.
My Dad loved the garden and fishing and his amateur radio so Mum had space! Your Dad is wise to just listen to the radio. My lovely neighbours do that too radio 4.
You always love your Mushrooms don't you and of course your sea food and a good dippy egg!
So we need just a few more poems? Hmmmm🤔 Sleek reckons she can write one (To hellp Arnty Kaff owt), but I have my doubts.....
Barbara they were lucky the police weren't called I think. I would have loved to have a go on the adult bouncy castle too, but not with anyone else especially if there weren't the middle of a global pandemic!
Your eyes rough yesterday? I am so sorry ((())) I hope today is better.
I often have flares this time of year, but not abroad? why is that? But the Arthritis doesn't really like me getting cold much either..damp cold I think.
I think the garden will be another month at least estimate end August beginning of September 🙄 STOP moaning Toni!!!
Love of course to Carol and Chris
For Kaff from Antoinette 😉
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Mike you had better have the biccies ready for today's visitor? I wonder whether she'll have any key lime pie. perhaps not....too much of a good thing eh? How is your baby sister doing?
Carrot cake today but we will miss a bit of chat time as I have the chiropodist this morning. Normally on days like this she will blitz the bungalow and be ready for a brew when I get back. Baby sister stressed by the changes and the resultant issues in the supermarket where she works. She is taking me to the toe doctor this morning so we'll have a chat in the car, my 6 weekly outing!!
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Good morning everyone
Kath ((())) how are all your pain's in this weather it wears you down it's too hot for me. love to Chris ((())) Anita ((())) and Val ((())) and Emily ((())) and your Dad ((()))
Barbara ((())) we had noisy people above us before we moved here they played music till 1 o'clock each night we stuck it for 3 years and then we moved to here it's quiet now. Sorry about your eyes ((())) love to Mr B ((())) your son ((())) and Niamh ((())) and your brother ((())) and his girlfriend ((()))
Reshmi ((())) Arthritis changes your life but if I didn't have it I wouldn't have met so many nice people I'm so grateful for this forum we can all help one another and have a laugh.
Toni ((())) sorry about P ((())) but it's good she's not in pain ((())) how is Lucy's ((())) ankle getting on now she's not using the boot ((())) love to Paul ((())) and Charley ((())) and Annie ((())) and the carers ((())) and Lucy ((())) and Tia ((())) and Kari ((())) and P ((())) and your lovely neighbours ((()))
Mike ((())) it's good having your feet done. Love to Elliott ((()))
Love to Chris ((())) and Carol ((())) and Mig ((()))
take care
joan xx1 -
Just popped in to say hello, but I don't really feel like it today. I hate the heat and I'm prostrate. Yes Joan, my RA and it's accompanying conditions thrive in heat and cold, but I think heat is worse because it exhausts me, as I'm sure it does you. So I'll say cheerio, but leave you with a picture of a lovely bowl of ice cream.
"Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein
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Hi @dachshund , thanks very much, it’s actually “Reshmi” , but that’s ok, I know it’s an unusual name, lol, it sounds like a lovely place to live. I hope you have a nice day too. Take care.
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Hi @kathleenT , I’m not too bad thanks, how are you? That’s nice about your daughter’s hair. My sis had quite thick hair, but it was thin as a child, until once she cut her own hair, it was v short and spikey, she called it the “pineapple cut”, she was only 3 or 4! She also had a school play the next day, lol. The poetry book sounds good. So Toni is one of the food experts, that’s good to know. Nice looking pie, btw, I love mushrooms, good source of iron of course too. Take care.
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Hi @barbara12 , really good that the disco has gone, no, I don’t actually use oil, though it is indeed a tradition with a lot of Indian women, my aunt, who lives in India definitely uses oil. My mum unfortunately has lost a lot of hair, possibly due to her kidney meds, but she wears a hair piece when she goes out, bless her, she felt insecure about her hair loss for along time,so I’m glad she’s find comforting way of dealing with it, she’s a very “feminine” sort of lady, so I’m glad she’s pleased, I’ve been known to go our w my hair looking like a bin bag, lol. Hope you managed to rest your eyes a bit. Take care.
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Hi @frogmorton , thanks, I was feeling quite rotten early morning , but the hot shower helped a lot with pain and then it wasn’t too bad thanks, apart from the heat of course, thanks. No not tried the walking poles, sounds good though, I used one walking stick / crutch when my leg was really bad, but now thankfully I can walk without it (but the tendon in my foot hurts sometimes). Yes, maybe we all should relocate to Stornaway, lol. What is your husband’s job? Take care.
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Thanks @dachshund / Joan , you know I was just thinking the same thing, how of course no one wishes for arthritis, but it’s so nice to have this communication with all of you on this site, I’m going now, getting tired, but have a nice afternoon and take good care, Reshmi.
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Evening all phew that's all I will say 😅
Toni just to put you right it wasn't a bouncy thingy but a stage with a inflatable disco light music the lot 😅
I am si glad P has got help from the hospice..gosh she sounds like a one off bless her..the time will soon pass till September then the planning and planting can begin 😀xx
Bosh It's so nice to know that your mum is happy with her hairpiece.. not easy when lady's lose there hair..she has a good daughter watching out for her xx
Joan it must have been awful having loud music played all the time ,I am glad you got your lovely bungalow deserve it xx
Mike I hope your feet feel better, I agree with your sister its scary out there at the moment xx
Kath oh your a life saver bring in all the ice lollies ..have you tried the real fruit ones I am hooked especially the melon and pineapple xx
Love to all
Barbara1 -
Joan Lucy is doing so well but yo know what she is like! Wears the boot only when the ankle swells (probably heat or doing too much! P is ok not in too much pain at all just very very weak and sleepy. So not too bad I think she did everything that she wanted to do so she can rest now. ((())) xxx
My poor Kath you take it steady. I have sent you a PM. I hope today is better if not don't worry too much because Friday the weather will break and we should be able to breathe again!
Thanks for the ice los plenty vegan to choose from so I had 3!
Mike I hope all went well at the chiropodist and you had a good chat with your baby sister. She will be scared, but the good news here is that everyone tells me all the shops still have their signs up and pretty well everyone is masked as usual. Probably still only the ones who never wore them anyway - you know the ones who are 'exempt'! It was the same in the garage when I filled Penelope up.
I bet the bungalow was fair sparkling when you got back. Your Home help will have enjoyed her well-earned carrot cake😉
Reshmi how are you today? Is it the tendon at the back of your ankle which is sore? Able bods use walking poles too so you can use them even now if you want to but if you do get the ones with the spring in them. Makes them less hard on your hands.
It's terrible for a woman to lose their hair it just doesn't feel feminine. Lucy was just 16 when she got cancer and that was the first thing she said when they said she had to have chemotherapy. "My hair! it's my prom" I am glad you Mum has found a solution 🙂
Both of my girls were proper baldies as was Tia my step. Charley was blonde but Lucy was white blonde. Tia was super-curly. I think I was as bald as a coot and thin hair like your sister😁
Barbara it was a what?! a stage?! Whatever next? I will say this once then let the subject lie, but really that party is no way to endear yourself to the community is it?🙄
P is indeed a one-off and this village will be lost without her. She was the main main woman for organising us all. I will take some over as will one or two others, but it just will not be the same 😔
I had a good chat with my ex SIL who works for hospice at home. She said it's not imminent so I can breathe out for a bit. P has visitors today so I will leave her be just send a message.
Have you tried 'little moons'???
I am hooked on them!
Love to Chris and Carol.
Thought this might suit us best in this heat😧
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Mike I hope all went well at the chiropodist and you had a good chat with your baby sister. She will be scared, but the good news here is that everyone tells me all the shops still have their signs up and pretty well everyone is masked as usual. Probably still only the ones who never wore them anyway - you know the ones who are 'exempt'! It was the same in the garage when I filled Penelope up.
I bet the bungalow was fair sparkling when you got back. Your Home help will have enjoyed her well-earned carrot cake
Well, the news from the supermarket where my sister works is that the abuse that staff have suffered is increasing as the tourists descend in vast numbers. More and more people are going into the shop, refusing to wear masks despite the signage and being really rude to the staff who are. My sister is exempt mask wearing as she has asthma on top of everything else but wears a face shield as a minimal form of protection (she also wears a cervical collar and knee brace at work) and some shoppers are having a go at her. She said that she hopes that the track and trace system will "ping" her so she can get a few days off!!
My village shop has taken the signs down about masks but when I went up on Monday for some milk the owner was wearing a mask, as she said she cannot afford to have the shop shut, she said that us locals were continuing to wear masks but second home owners/tourists were not. When I was there a chap came out before I went in without a mask and whilst I was in there a workman came in without a mask on. I think that the owners are considering putting the signs back up.
The trip to the chiropodist went well, we had a good natter and my baby sister did a bit of shopping whilst waiting for me so I ended up with a saffron cake and a small melon! When I got home there was no sign of the home help and I was getting a bit concerned as she was half an hour late but by the time I put my slippers on and made a brew she appeared. Knowing that I would not be home till after 11 she decided to come a bit later so no nattering was missed out on!! 😊
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Good morning everyone
Kath ((())) I hope you have a good day ((())) love to Chris ((())) Anita (((())) and Emily ((())) and your Dad ((())) Barbara ((())) it it quiet there now have your neighbours said sorry for the music. Love to Mr B ((())) and your son ((())) and Niamh ((())) and your brother (((())) and his girlfriend ((()))
Reshmi ((())) I'm sorry if I spell your name wrong ((())) there was a lady who lived next door years ago she wore a wig she hung it on the line when She'd washed it. Have a good day ((()))
Toni ((())) yes Lucy ((())) is a determined Young lady and a brave one as well ((())) I'm glad P has got people how help her and she has her friends to keep her mind busy ((())). love to Paul ((())) Charley ((())) and Annie ((())) and the carers ((())) and Lucy ((())) and Tia ((())) and Kari ((())) and P ((()) and your lovely neighbours. ((((()))
Mike ((()) that's good your feet feel better now love to Elliott ((()))
love to Chris ((())) and Carol ((())) and Mig ((()))
take care
joan xx1 -
I think it's a couple of degrees cooler today, but I'll be very happy when it drops a little more. I spoke to Holy yesterday, she's OK but has dumped her boyfriend. His ex is behaving badly so he had to go. The girls have a new huge paddling pool and half the kids on the estate were in it until 9pm last night. Boy can those kids make a racket.
Joan, I hope you, Sue and the doggies are keeping cool and drinking plenty of water.
Reshmi, I loved it when I went bald due to Chemotherapy and I've never let my hair grow again since. I'm not actually bald now, it has grown a tiny bit. Here I am having chemo and totally bald.
I'm so glad your mum feels better with her hair piece.
Barbara, I thought you would enjoy the ices. I've never had any made with real fruit, but I bet they are very refreshing.
Toni, I got your PM, Stalker is in the book. I'm quite proud of it really and have submitted it to Obooko too. I'm pleased you had 3 ices. There's more in the café freezer, I'll keep it stocked up during the heatwave. I'm relieved that P isn't suffering at all bless her. Thank you for the salad, very refreshing.
Crispy vegan noodle salad
20m prep 05m cook 4 servings
This quick and easy Asian salad is loaded with crispy fried noodles, teriyaki tofu and lots of vegies, and is topped with a creamy Sriracha mayo dressing.
- 100g snow peas
- 2 tsp vegetable oil
- 200g Japanese teriyaki tofu
- 150g (2 cups) finely shredded red cabbage
- 1 yellow capsicum, deseeded, cut into thin strips
- 2 small carrots, cut into thin strips
- 1 Lebanese cucumber, thinly sliced
- 125g cherry tomatoes, halved
- 40g (1/2 cup) Chang’s Original Fried Noodles
- 15g (1/4 cup) fried shallots
- 80ml (1/3 cup) vegan mayonnaise
- 1 1/2 tbsp fresh lime juice
- 1 tsp sesame oil
- 1/2 tsp Sriracha chilli sauce, or to taste
- Select all ingredients
- Prepare a bowl of iced water. Place the snow peas in a heatproof bowl. Pour boiling water over the snow peas. Set aside for 30 seconds to blanch. Drain and plunge immediately into the iced water. Drain and pat dry with paper towel. Trim the ends and cut lengthways into thin strips.
- Heat the oil in a large frying pan over medium heat. Cook the tofu for 2 minutes each side or until golden brown. Transfer to a plate. Set aside to cool slightly. Slice.
- To make the dressing, whisk all the ingredients in a small bowl.
- Combine the cabbage, capsicum, carrot, cucumber, tomato and most of the noodles on a large platter or shallow bowl. Top with the tofu and drizzle with half the dressing. Sprinkle with the shallots and remaining noodles, and serve with the remaining dressing on the side.
You can also use Thai or Chinese flavoured marinated tofu, if you like
"Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein
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Thanks @barbara12 , that’s very kind of you, I like I’ve lollies too, I like them so much I’m afraid to keep them in the freezer lol, too much temptation for me. I hope you’re having a nice day too. Take care
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Hi @frogmorton , I’m not too bad ty, managed a walk today early morning, so that made me feel a lot better. My mum was in a terrible mood yesterday, poss she wasn’t feeling too well, so it was good to get of the house for a bit basically. I’ll have a think about the poles, sounds interesting, thanks.That must’ve been really traumatic for your daughter. I started to lose hair when treated for bipolar, but then thankfully they changed meds. Ty about my mum. Bald as a coot, I remember that funny expression, at school my best friend got obsessed with it for some reason and called everyone a coot, she was v witty, but I didn’t really get the “joke”, at least not when she’d said it a million times, lol. Ok thanks Toni bye for now.
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Hi @dachshund , don’t worry about the spelling, that’s ok, that’s v funny that she dried it on the line lol, must’ve looked v strange. I think it’s slightly cooler today, is it the same where you are! Can’t wait till it cools down properly. Have a nice afternoon. Take care.
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Hi @kathleenT , how are you doing today? Thanks for the picture of you, you’ve been through so much, it’s really admirable. I know what you mean about hair, mine is fairly short atm too. Whenever I go to the hairdresser, they say, “My goodness, it’s so stubborn and thick, how am I supposed to style this?” Lol.” I hate it when i gets too long and my neck really starts itching, that’s a horrible feeling. Nice recipe. Have a good afternoon Kathleen. Tc, Reshmi.
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Evening all it registered 46 in our garden 😒so I'm sat hear with 2 fans going..niamh came abd went in the pool for a while they have finished now till September
Toni I do feel fir you ..I know how close you are to P ..glad she has had time to do what she wanted and passed so much on xx
Yes we will let the party drop now 😅I do still like them xx
Joan hope you are managing to keep cool..we normally want you to be warm bless xx
Mike your poor sister having to take abuse like that and just doing her job ..they are cowards 😤..glad you got your natter in xx
Reshmi.. life throws all sorts at us..I think the walking poles Toni has would be good for you .. I might have gone through 4 ice lollies today but they are fruit ones 😅xx
Kath you look so young without hair I rember our Val being the same it took 10 years off her ..oh you must try the fruit stacks they are called 🙂so there a book on the way keep ys informed xx
Love to all
Barbara1 -
Evening all
Oh my I am so out of touch with all that has gone on with you all on here I feel like I am just starting again new. I have just been so tired lately with one thing and another the time every day has just flown away never to be seen again. I really must get myself together and more organised like my normal self who also seems to have flown away with the time of day, so if you find my normal me can you send me home please 🤣🤣🤣 yes I know I’m crazy 😜 😜😜. Carol be sensible On second thoughts 🤔forget the sensible bit. 😂😂.
Our new arrival Ava-Maye is absolutely beautiful so far in the last three days I have had video calls from GD and Ava-maybe she looks very much like her daddy. And I can now allow you pictures of her. So here we go
First picture received on Saturday morning first thing.
And these today when mum and dad announced her birth on Fb.
Now so looking forward to going down for a few days in August to see the family. And all our gorgeous little peoples. And the not so little people.
My eczema is slowly improving along with the urticaria thank goodness. However I am now getting more pain with the arthritis. However I am happy with myself that since I re registered with Slimming world on their online system I have had three home weekly weigh ins and Have manage to loose 9.5lbs. 7.5lbs the first week and 1lb each the last 2 weeks. It has been so hot here the last week. We have been sleeping on top of the bed covers to be able to sleep. Has the weather been hot where you are.
I managed to get this photo of miss Cookie on her cooling pad today.
Not much else to tell you I really must catch up on what’s going on in our little cafe.
I will leave you with
love and sparkles to you all
Stay positive always👍xx0
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