Val's Cafe



  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,300

    Hi Kathleen, salad looks tasty, nice and colourful too. Thanks, I’ve only recently tried Assam recently myself, my mum likes Twinings Assam, so we sometimes have that. It’s a slightly sweet taste, I think it’s called a malty flavour or something like that, a different kind of taste anyway. Tc. X

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,300

    Hi @Mike1 , that’s good that you get to have a natter. Take care.

  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281

    Hello all rain and more rain

    Toni I like just a slice of toast in a morning thankyou ..yes can't wait to see both my neices they are taking test before they come

    How awful the migraines sound ..something I have never had..I will be OK has long as this other eye last to P xx

    Reshmi there are some nice low sugar things around bit don't the charge fir them

    Glad your mums blood's are over with ,hope the results are OK ..and your tummy us feeling a little better xx

    Joan that really made me laugh your nick names🤣I can just imagine you all at school..yes I can't wait to see both is the long lost one xx

    Mike nothing better than a good natter ..she sounds like such a lovely home wonder you treat her with cakes xx.

    Karh sorry your eyes are so bad like you say its scary..we keep plodding on though

    Thankyou for the lovely salad ..I always need ideas fir them mine are so boring xx

    Better go

    Love to all xxxxx

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,224
    edited 19. Aug 2021, 06:17

    Mike lovely a good natter does us all and (in your case) lowers the BP! Egg custard I used to love....i wonder if you can get vegan ones🤨No news about Elliott I suppose no news is good news🤞🤞🤞

    Reshmi I do indeed like Assam I like most teas to be fair but not the orange and mint one I tried yesterday.

    I'm glad Mum's bloods are done I hope she feels less tearful today bless her. And yours too? All done?

    I must try those macaroons if the are vegan😋😋😋

    Kitty I am so sorry😳😳Bob cat! What was I thinking!!! Its what comes of messaging on my phone.

    I reckon Bryn will be really proud of you crediting your recipe sources so professionally! Pepitas? The sweetest word for pumpkin seeds!!!! Sleek wants to be called pepita pusskin sometimes she said😺😺 it reminds her of her love Pepe longstockings....😻😻

    I think we need some IBD recipes as a few of us have delicate tums??? What do you think?

    P is in the hospice now being looked after😕 she wanted to go there.

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,224
    edited 19. Aug 2021, 06:13

    Joan it was a scary migraine as the visual aura stayed for 4 days then suddenly lifted! I was colour blind temporarily with it too. Now some sad news P went in the hospice yesterday bless her. Love to you and Sue ((())) xxx Flip Flap and Flop🤗🤗🤗

    Morning Barbara P is ok in the hospice now. Thanks.

    Oh nieces so much new family! What a wonderful thing to find. I bet you absolutely cannot wait.

    You must tell me how to find lost family I may have a secret half brother....or not as the case may be....half aunt has dementia but says so.

    I would clean for Mike with all those cakes and cuppas!!! I bet she actually enjoys cleaning there!

    A bit overcast this morning hope things pick up later.

    Right breakfast

    Sausage butties! Red brown sauce mustard etc all available and vegan bangers too😋😋😋

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,237

    Good morning everyone

    Kath ((())) one day you will get a phone call saying the nurse will be coming you never know. Thank you for your meals ((())) love to Chris ((())) Anita ((())) and Val ((())) and Emily ((())) and your Dad ((()))

    Reshmi ((())) that's good your pain has calmed down and your mum has had her blood test (((())) yes we like coconut have you tried marmite and slices of banana on bread lovely. Have a good day ((()))

    Barbara ((()))it can't be very good watching TV with your eye like that it must ache ((())) love to Mr B ((())) and your son ((())) and Niamh ((())) and your brother ((())) and his girlfriend ((()))

    Toni ((())) I hope all is well there ((())) love to Paul ((())) and Charley ((())) and Annie ((())) and the carers (((())) and Lucy ((()))Tia ((())) and Kari ((())) and P ((())) and your lovely neighbours (((()))

    Love to Chris ((())) and Carol (((()))

    take care
    joan xx
  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583
    edited 19. Aug 2021, 10:25

    Morning all,

    Guess what I've found for our Antoinette - VEGAN CUSTARD TARTS

    August 29, 2020 by Ania -  From the

    • makes: 10
    • prep: 30 min
    • cooking: 30 min


    • PASTRY125 g / 1 cup all purpose flour OR GF all purpose flour mix (I used Dove’s Farm)
    • 8 g / 1 tbsp icing sugar, fine sugar or maple syrup
    • 2 pinches of fine sea salt
    • ½ tsp xantham gum (for GF version only)
    • 50 g / ¼ cup mild coconut oil, cold and chopped up small

    CUSTARD FILLING (make a day ahead for best results)

    • 60 ml / ¼ cup maple syrup
    • 65 g / ½ cup raw cashews, soaked in boiling water for 30 minutes
    • 60 g / ¼ cup baked sweet potato* (steamed should work well too)
    • 60 ml / ¼ cup plant milk, I used almond
    • 15-30 ml / 1-2 tbsp lemon juice (I like 2 tbsp)
    • 1 tsp vanilla extract
    • freshly grated nutmeg (optional)


    1. PASTRYMix the flour, sugar, salt and xantham gum (if using a gluten-free flour mix instead of an all purpose wheat flour) in a large bowl or a food processor. If using maple syrup instead of sugar, mix it in with 30 ml / 2 tbsp of cold water and add it at the end.
    2. Add chopped coconut oil and cut it into the flour using a pastry cutter (or two knives) or pulse in a food processor until you obtain a sandy texture that clumps together when you grab a handful, with no large lumps of fat left. To check for large lumps, shake the bowl – it will bring large bits of oil to the surface.
    3. While you can do this step in a food processor, I strongly suggest you transfer the mixture to a large bowl at this point and do this manually as then you have a greater amount of control. Slowly and very gradually trickle in some ice cold water, incorporating it into the flour using a fork. Keep going until the dough is moist enough that it can be brought together by hand – clump a bit of mixture with your hand, if it sticks together (without being wet!) you’ve added enough water. I used 45 ml / 3 tbsp of water, but please go through the process I described above instead of just adding the amount I added as different flour brands have different absorbency levels.
    4. Empty your bowl (or a food processor bowl) onto a work surface and bring all the dough together using your hands, but do not knead (overworking the dough will make the pastry tough). Form the dough into a flattened disc, wrap it up in cling film and refrigerate for at least 45 minutes. Meanwhile, make the filling (see below).
    5. After the dough has had a chance to rest, divide it into 8 equal portions. Gently and slowly roll each portion of the dough out on a lightly floured surface. You may want to do it between two sheets of baking paper as it stops the dough sticking to the bench. When it comes to gluten-free dough, you may find it easier to simply mould it to the inside of the tart tins with your fingers.
    6. Preheat the oven to 180° C / 355° F (160° C / 320° F fan forced).
    7. Roll the dough out as thin as possible. Line the case with the dough making sure the dough fits into all the nooks and crannies snugly. Trim the excess with a sharp knife and then go over the edge and tidy it up with your finger tips. Proceed in the same manner with the remaining cases. Use the cutoffs from the first 8 cases to cover the remaining 2 so that you have 10 custard tart cases in total.
    8. Cut 10 squares of baking paper that are big enough to line the inside of the tart cases. Scrunch up each paper square with your hands to soften it and then line each tart case with it, fill up with baking beads (rice or dry beans). Place on a large baking tray and blind bake for 15 minutes.
    9. Take the tray out of the oven, remove the paper lining and the baking beads and bake for another 5 minutes.
    10. Fill each pre-baked case with the custard and return to the oven for another 10 minutes. Allow the custard to cool down completely before serving / eating.
    11. Dust with freshly grated nutmeg before serving, if you like.
    12. Store in an airtight container in the fridge for 2-3 days. You could also freeze them.

    CUSTARD FILLING (make a day ahead for best results)

    1. It’s best to make this custard a day ahead and allow it to thicken in the fridge overnight. Otherwise, you may want to add 2 tsp of tapioca to the blender to thicken the mixture.
    2. Place all the filling ingredients in a blender and blend until silky smooth. I used a Ninja blender here. If you are using an upright blender, you may need to double the ingredients if the blender struggles with this little mixture.

    Recipes for those with IBS from the IBS network


    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,300

    Hey Barbara, yes, they can be a bit pricey sometimes unfortunately. Thanks about my mum, she hasn’t got all her results yet, but her iron count is good again, so thats good. Tummy isn’t completely settled, may be methotrexate , I don’t know, but my blood test today should provide some answers hopefully. I’m quite tired today. Take care. Xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,300

    Hi Toni, fair enough about teas. Yes mum’s feeling better today ty, I had blood test at hospital at 11 am, so bit longer journey, still quite tired. Macaroons are vegan, I checked. Bye Tc. X

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,300

    Hi Joan, oh, glad about coconut, I like marmite and banana, but maybe I’d not eat them together myself, I can’t eat marmite unfortunately though, it upsets my skin, I went to hospital for blood test today and they have a really nice cafe, but my stomach is not fully ok yet, so I had to watch my dad eat lemon cake, lol. Quite tired now. Tc x

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,300

    Nice recipe Kathleen, how as your day? I had hospital blood test and then got really tired, I love custard tarts but pastry is often a problem for me.Tc. X

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,300

    Hi again Toni, just remembered the macaroons contain lucuma, which is meant to be a bit like avocado, but naturally sweet, so contributes to this food being low sugar, it’s generally not meant to cause allergies, though of course I can’t speak for everyone. Tc. X

  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281

    Evening all

    Will keep this short so tired but happy after having my visitors

    Toni P will certainly be looked after bless her ,the hospice can prescribe many more meds ..Will say a little prayer and love to you I know its so hard ..long lost brother wow xx

    Joan I am not to bad with one eye at the min thankyou to all of you xx

    Kath I had a read if the lazy cat kitchen..she is like me when I bake..I tend to eat the lot 😅xx

    Reshmi thoes meds are so strong bless ..I hope your tummy settles soon visitors have gone now so feet up xx

    Love to all


  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,224
    edited 20. Aug 2021, 05:59

    Morning everyone 🤗

    Barbara whar a wonderful day! Really wonderful all of you together your older brother and probably your mum will be looking down so very happy.

    Thank you P is doing better !! The hospice is doing wonders they have changed her meds and she may even 🤞 get home again! She texted yesterday so upbeat 🙂

    I am a lazy cat too🤭🤭🤭

    I cant believe Kath found some custard tarts vegan and IBS safe and Reshmi some macaroons!

    Lucky us!

    Kitty Kat thank you so much looks like serious prep there but anything worth having is worth the work! I am thrilled 😋😋😋

    Sleek reckons she knows the la!y cat who is......a cat!!!

    Hope all is well with you and the elusive DN appears soon.

    Reshmi imagine watching your Dad eat cake 😯 could be your mtx making you a bit icky is it a new medication for you? If so they may increase your folic acid. Is it worth making a note about how often it happens?

    Thank you for the info on the macaroons! Lacuma well I've learned something new.

    How is your Mum doing? If there is a problem with her bloods she will hear very soon I'm sure ((()))

    Joan the only time I liked marmite was when I was pregnant! Lucy likes it with melted cheese on pasta🤢 l heard from P yesterday from the hospice she is feeling a lot better! Enjoy your cafe trip you and Sue ((())) xxx

    Morning Mike I hope you are well today and Vixen too.i am sending strength down to Elliott ((())) I know no news is good news but it's a shame they don't update you.


  • Turbogran
    Turbogran Member Posts: 2,023

    Hi all wanderer returns

    it been manic in our house lately problems with laptops I pads. And people arranging things and then changing dates I have lost contact again with things I had started to resume again. Which is why I have not been on line a lot. And when I have been I it has only been to check emails etc. I am getting to the stage where I get up and say what will go wrong for us today.🤔😄 . Started off yesterday when putting the finishing touches to my little jumper I was knitting and went to sew the sleeves in only to find I had made a mistake and they wouldn’t fit the armhole without correcting the problem. So had to buy baby a little something extra and I will send the jumper when I’ve sorted the sleeves out it’s too big for her at the moment anyway. Llwe are off to Ramsgate later until Monday to see the family and meet our new baby great granddaughter Ava-Maye . Even that has been stricken with changes. We have both granddaughter’s wanting our time on Sunday and I have needed to make arrangements to see them both. As we want to spend some quality time with youngest granddaughter and partner and Ava on there own. Without eldest granddaughter and girls or else we will not get a look in where new babe. Trouble is I have had to be very diplomatic but very firm with the eldest GD as she tends to want to be in on everything frightened she will miss out on something.

    We have a new pastor being inducted into our church next Sunday the 28th and mr T has been sorting that out which has been a bit of a headache too with many changes. Still hopefully things will all calm down a bit after the bank holiday next weekend.

    I have really missed you all on here I feel as if I am new to the forum all over again. 😄😄.

    Well I have to go now as I need to get a couple of things put into our case and be ready to set off around midday. I promise to get some photos for you especially of Ava. Yes

    Miss Cookie is fine I got her a water fountain Toni and you were right she drinks more water now. She is in the cattery at the moment while we are away. Mr t will collect her on Tuesday.

    Love and Sparkles to you all ❤️❤️❤️🌈🌈🌈


    Stay positive always👍xx
  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,237

    Good morning everyone

    Kath ((())) the Doctor cannot be worried about your blood can he. They must have found the forms by now do you think. How are you feeling today. Love to Chris ((())) Anita (((())) and Val ((())) and Emily ((())) and your Dad ((()))

    Barbara ((())) that's nice your niece's have arrived ((())) how is Mr B's feeling now ((())) I hope your eye's don't ache too much ((())) love to your son ((())) and Niamh ((())) and your brother ((())) and his girlfriend ((()))

    Toni ((())) I'm sorry P ((()))) has gone to the hospice it is the right place she will have stronger medicines ((())) Sue's carer who came this morning is leaving because she has migraine's and they don't like her having the time off. Love to Paul ((())) and Charley ((())) and Annie ((())) and Lucy (((())) and Tia ((()))kari (((())) and P ((())) and your lovely neighbours ((()))

    Reshmi ((())) sorry you have felt so bad ((())) Good luck with the blood test. Good your mum feels better ((())) take care all.

    Love to Mike (((())) and Elliott (((()))

    Love to Chris ((())) and Carol ((()))

    take care
    joan xx
  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583

    Morning everyone, firstly here is Emily's latest blog.

    She is taking the boys to Kingsmill Hospital this evening for their first jabs -at last.

    Yesterday I had a letter from the Nottingham City Hospital. An appointment for a DEXA Scan - at last. I want to know if I have any further fractures in my spine, and how much I've shrunk. Last time I'd gone from 5 foot 2 down to 4 foot 8! The Amazing Disappearing Cat Woman, that's me. You may have noticed I've changed both my profile picture (named Kitty Kat) and my signature picture.

    Carol, how lovely to hear from you. Oh dear, so you made a booboo with the jumper sleeves. How annoying. Enjoy your visit with little Ava.

    Barbara, I'm so pleased you enjoyed your visitors. After all the months of not being able to see anyone, it must be really nice to get back to some semblance of NORMAL.

    Joan, you're right, I feel invincible and keep imagining blood tests are a waste of time. Of course they aren't. My only worry is, that my GP will want a bone profile blood test before my appointment. She can whistle because they usually take 6 weeks for results but my appointment is on the 20th. And anyway - would they discover any blood forms? 🙄

    Reshmi, oh don't talk to me about blood tests! Bane of my life. When I go for my DEXA I have to find my face mask to wear. Not looking forward to that, as I have breathing difficulties.

    Antoinette, OOOOH chuckie eggs on toast. My most favourite breakfast. I'm so glad you liked the vegan egg custards, but don't know if they are IBS friendly. It's difficult to suggest IBS suitable meals as some foods affect other people in a different way. I've found out I can't eat apples, nuts, soya, and I'm still experimenting. BTW did you know that raisins are good for bones, as are prunes? Osteoporosis sufferers are advised to eat 2-3 prunes a day! Prune juice is also good, I'll have to try some as I do like Prunes, but Chris doesn't. So what can I find today?

    I couldn't copy the contents, but I think this sounds tasty so I've posted the whole PDF. To open it you can download a free copy of Acrobat Reader or IceCream Reader (both free) but others are available. These are all from the IBS network website..

    Another recipe from IBS is

    I managed to get the photo out of here, but a lot of their recipes aren't even vegetarian let alone Vegan, such as

    But I expect you could use vegan sausages for this one.

    Thank you for giving me the opportunity to do some research. You know I enjoy it. 😃

    FODMAP stands for fermentable oligosaccharides, disaccharides, monosaccharides and polyols, which are short-chain carbohydrates (sugars) that the small intestine absorbs poorly. Some people experience digestive distress after eating them. Symptoms include: Cramping. Diarrhea.

    Too much information! 🤢

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,300

    Hi Barbara, thanks, you’re right about the meds. Glad you can rest now guests have gone. I’m taking it easy today too, trying not to eat rubbish really. Yesterday I got so tired. Take care. X

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,300

    Hi Toni, funny about my dad and cake, lol, been taking methotrexate for about two years I think, but it could be the problem, not sure. Ty for the advice, got GP appointment on Tuesday, so that’ll be of some help I hope, I have mentally noted the details of my stomach problem ty. Yw, I always check ingredients, as am somewhat allergy- prone. Mum’s blood results are good, thank goodness. Tc. X

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,300

    Hi Turbogran / Carol , welcome back! I wish my mum would be more strict with my sister, I have to tell my sis sometimes, “Look, at least let mum take her insulin and eat breakfast before you start your early morning one million questions regarding your second child “, ok I don’t quite phrase it quite like that, lol. My stomach is playing up a bit. Bit tired. Bye for now Carol, Tc. Reshmi.

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,300

    Thanks Joan, my mums better now. I’m quite tired. Tc. X

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,300

    Hi Kathleen, oh no, I’m not sure, but I think people with medical conditions that include breathing difficulties don’t have to wear masks? Might be worth checking on hospital website or something like that? I’m tired, so leaving it here. Tc, Reshmi. X

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,300

    Hi again Kathleen, forgot to mention the recipes look good, nothing wrong with being informed about diarrhoea, better than actually having it, I had stomach flu once , was quite scary, couldn’t keep food down for almost a week, no appetite whatsoever, forced myself to drink water, I really horrible way of losing weight. Ok, I’ve stopped waffling now. Tc. X

  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281

    Evening all

    Sorry this will he quite short really squiffy eyes

    Toni I am so pleased fir P ,the hospice worked wonders fir my dad ..and the made sure they kept on top of his meds ..and made sure my brother was so peaceful at the end ..we did gave such a good day rhankyou xx

    Joan thankyou si much for all the hugs and hiid wished I'm so sorry to hear one if Sue's carers has to finish xx

    Carol you will get your first hug with your new ggd I am jealous you enjoy xx

    Kath thankyou ... blimey you are shrinking 😔thankypu for the link to Emily's blog I will read it later xx

    Reshmi I hope today has been a better one for you and your mum xx

    Love to everyone


  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,224
    edited 21. Aug 2021, 05:59

    Morning everyone

    Joan that's not very good the carer can't help her migraines can she? P is doing so much better in the hospice they might let her home for a bit on Monday if she stays stable. Such good news. The meds they have given her have perked her right up. ((())) xxx

    Reshmi your poor tum! Kaths low fodmap ideas might help you too. If you've been on your mtx 2 years it sounds unlikely....

    Your sister needs to remember your Mum is a person too and not just there for her use! Isn't she coming soon?

    Kitty Kat I love your new avatar and signature! Purrfect as Sleek would say

    The cartoon masked pusskin too so sweet😽

    Thanks for all the food suggestions I really need to make the effort to try low fodmap at least it is quite compatible with vegan food.

    Your are indeed the mysterious shrinking Kitty Kat😮 just dont disappear entirely will you. The dexa scan apt is good we will all join you and Sleek will hold your paw.

    Going to read Emily's blog when I've posted this thank you 😻

    Carol how lovely to see you. I doubt you'll have time to read this but I hope you have a wonderful visit with all the family and see Ava-Maye on your own!

    What a nuisance about the sleeves on the jumper! You must have been so upset 😕 Still there is plenty of time if it's still too big.

    I don't know what is wrong. I know I am not coping as well with life as I did before covid and am sure I am not alone either.

    Glad you have a new Pastor soon. We still have no vicar so different ones visit.

    Mike not heard from you for a while but i know you don't speak unless you have something to say so i hope that means all is as well as possible with you ((()))

    Barbara! Those bloomin eyes! Must be just so frustrating for you. I hope today is a better day.

    P messaged again and if she stays stable might get home for a while on Monday. They are just amazing at the hospice and its where she has chosen to be so i know all will be safe and gentle when the time comes.

    I'll get us fed then look at Emily's blog too!

    For Aidan.