Val's Cafe



  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,300

    Hi Barbara, thanks so much, I know the feeling about visitors,lol, most of my parents’ friends are like that too. I’m planning to go for a rest in a few minutes. You have a nice morning / afternoon. Take care.

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,300

    Hi Toni, yes walking is def good for mental health, but I couldn’t do it today, may have sprained leg in sleep poss, will have painkillers soon and see what happens, thanks. Yes, all visitors gone, but returning next week I think. I like stevia yes, can be bit expensive sometimes I think though. What is cat grass? Have a nice afternoon Toni, save me some toast, lol. Take care.

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,300

    Hi Joan, thanks, ok bungalow in Wiltshire, I’ll try and remember that, my mind can be a like a sieve left over from Toni’s pancake- making, lol. Are your neighbours friendly? You enjoy the day too. Tc.

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,300

    Hi again Joan, thanks for the birthday wishes too. X

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,300

    Hi Kathleen, I’m rather cold today too, even though thermostat read 22.5 ?? Very odd indeed, I will indeed put the tea on , lol, strong for you , weak for me😄. Leg is feeling a bit odd today, prob just a sprain, but I’m resting now and drinking too much tea, but Toni and Joan must bring the biscuits, I’ll eat any biscuit, even mushroom- flavoured. Tc.

  • Mike1
    Mike1 Member Posts: 1,992

    Pardon me for interrupting but you can never have too much tea, I barely let my mug go dry before having another brew!

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,300

    Hi @Mike1 , you’ve got a point there, lol!

  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281

    Evening all

    Toni thankyou yes Mr B has seen me go through it and it was much better than I imagined I was terrified of going in..not a clue how long he will wait but won't have both done together ..thank goodness its not his back ..hope all is OK at yours how is Lucy's doing xx

    Mike I really hope you got a rest today..anything is better than nothing ..hope tonight us better xx

    Joan thankyou we get there don't we know that with the ops you have been through love ti all if you xx

    Reshmi walking clears the head but like you say we can't always do it ..we don't even have a footpath in our side of the rd so can't really just have a walk ..have a good weekend xx

    Kath thankyou and thankyou so much for the recipe for Kafir ..its very kind of you ..hope the nurse comes soon xx

    Love to all


  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,224

    How right is Mike! You can never have too much tea the interruption was quite appropriate. Even if you are asleep through the programmes you actually want to watch!! Typical when you hardly sleep at all. How's the neck?

    For Reshmi. Sleek made these obviously.

    Reshmi cat grass is just grass for cats! Ignore me being silly again. I hope your leg is easier today and it's not the arthritis flaring. Glad excess family are gone for the time being enjoy a quiet weekend while you can I am too no builders. Walking is the best thing ever if you can do it but sometimes you must just rest. How is your temperature if you feel cold when it's not?

    Barbara you did well after your hip ops I'm sure Mr B will be ok. I hope he is now on 'the list'? You are a right pair aren't you?! Not doing an Eamon Holmes then having both together.😁probably what rich people can do and to be fair it hasn't done him much good has it?

    Lucy was back at work yesterday and is in again today bless her she did ok! I am very proud of her. Ankle swelled up a bit but not too badly.

    Are the girls working their notice down in London then? They will miss their service users though I bet.

    Kitty kat thank you for the Roasted cauli-broc bowl with tahini hummus recipe it looks lovely and the kefir recipe i might just give it a go. Looks easy enough. As long as i don't poison her!!

    Sleeks letters are usually very good as long as she doesn't go over the top. She can do that if she gets too incensed I'm afraid....

    Now to wait for the DN. Sleek has dropped off some blood forms correctly filled in and will try to explain to Chris how it works while he is asleep bless him😉

    Enjoy your day 'off' the net I am enjoying my weekend off of builders. The garden is doing really well.

    Joan i hope the cafe was nice yesterday and you both enjoyed yourselves. I am doing ok but would you believe my right hip is kicking off at the moment. It will be ok soon I'm sure so not to worry. Has Sue got any new carers yet to replace those who are leaving? ((())) xxx

    Aha! It's Saturday so croissants and I found some vegan too for anyone who prefers?

  • Mike1
    Mike1 Member Posts: 1,992

    Morning Froggie, neck is rubbish so is kipping. Never mind, it's only for life!! Have a nice day y'all. 😊

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,237

    Good morning everyone

    Kath ((())) there must be other people at your Dr's surgery that have to have blood took I bet they are in a panic there. love to Chris ((()) and Anita ((())) and Val ((())) and Emily ((())) and your dad ((()))

    Barbara ((())) have a good day love to Mr B ((())) and your son ((())) and Niamh (((())) and your brother ((())) and his girlfriend ((()))

    Reshmi (((())) I hope it's quieter there now for you take care ((()))

    Toni ((())) have a good day all of you. do the gardener's work on the week end. Love to Paul ((())) and Charley ((())) and Annie ((())) and the carers (((())) and Lucy (((())) and Tia ((())) and Kari (((())) and P ((())) and your lovely neighbours ((()))

    Mike ((())) and Elliott ((())) have a good weekend

    love to Chris ((())) and Mig (((()))

    take care
    joan xx
  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583

    Morning, just a quickie as it’s my day off. Just rang dad, he’s much better now. He’s had his stitches out and his arm is recovering. I also have news from Emily. She has applied for another job at a different school. Not as a teacher, but as a family liaison officer and if she is successful, she will be involved with children who are being abused/neglected and will prepare case notes for them.

    Right, daughter number 2 is on messenger. TTFN. 🙏🏽

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,300

    Hi Barbara , thanks, how are you? You’re right, frustratingly enough, we can’t always walk, today was much better though, luckily, I think I must have slept in wrong position or something like that, I did an early morning walk today, so I was more energetic and refrained from buying crisps to try and alleviate a bad mood lol. That’s bad about no footpath, not safe at all. What happened to Mr B? Sorry lost track a bit again, Have a nice Saturday. Tc. X

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,300

    Hi Toni, thanks to you and sleek for the amazing biscuits, lol, I see about cat grass lol, ty but luckily leg is ok today, must’ve been sleep position or something like that. Yes a few quiet days for us thank goodness, though another invasion for me next week on Tuesday, I believe. Glad your builders have gone. Yes, true, important to know when to stop if exercise is hurting too much, I agree. It’s ok, my mum told me that our thermostat only tell temperature of the hall, not whole house, confusingly enough, lol, but thanks. I’ll go and feast on your virtual biscuits now, thanks again, lol, have a good Saturday. Xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,300

    Hi Joan, yes today is quiet, thank goodness, how about you? Walked early morning and leg is normal again now, so thats good. Are you an early morning person? I definitely am, my friend who moved away was opposite, lol, once she phoned me at 10 am and said “ I’ve never got up so early in my life before Reshmi, let’s talk later on next time”, lol, odd how we all have such different habits. Wonder how she used to get up for work? Mind you she drank a lot of coffee, hmm, not good for her…never mind. I hope you have a great day Joan. X

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,300

    Ok Kathleen, good idea of yours, being concise, lol, I tend to waffle on and on, enjoy chatting with daughter, have a good day off. Take care of yourself. X

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,300

    Hi again Toni, I just need to say that I really enjoyed your term “excess family “, it’s like excess fat, I’ve got rid of most of it, though obviously not in a homicidal way, lol, but some elements I just can’t seem to shift, I wrote some rhymes in my notebook on the subject, lol. I’ve never had anything published, by I like the act of writing my very haphazard and amateur rhymes and observations. bye for now. X

  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 14. Aug 2021, 18:17

    Evening all Niamh just gone home she went roller skating wuth dad it's so good ti have things open again

    Abd my old neighbour called in wuth her son he wanted to show me his exams results ..he has done really well

    Did I say the physio gave me new crutches with moulded handles I only use one but much more comfortable

    Toni our gd sent a photo of all the letters cards and gifts off the people they look after she was heartbroken to leave them 😭

    I'm so glad Lucy us enjoying her job both my sons worked there ..she's a good worker bless her xx

    Reshmi Mr B has to gave his hips replaced.. just old age he us 75 this year and never had an op..I hope today is a good one for you xx

    Joan thankyou for all the hugs 🫂 hope the little doggies are doing ok has well as you and Sue xx

    Kath I'm glad to hear dad us doing well ..I hope Emily gets the job xx

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,224
    edited 15. Aug 2021, 04:47


    Kitty thanks for the quick update about Dad so glad he is doing well now bless him. Fingers crossed for Emily and I hope you had a great chat with daughter number 2!

    Oh Mike😕that bloomin neck. At least 1st September is getting closer. Just got to survive until then somehow ((()))

    Reshmi yes excess family like excess baggage at the airport🤭naughty Toni. Oh dear back on Tuesday for how long? Very good to hear your leg is feeling a good bit better now and you were able to walk. I am also a morning person absolutely not a night owl!

    Sleek and I are very glad you enjoyed our biscuits - we enjoyed the tea you made. early grey mine decaffeinated too! Your friend who drank too much coffee well she needs to be careful it's not good for us.

    Barbara I am not at all surprised that the girls got so many cards from their old clients they will be missed very much. They worked all through the pandemic didn't they not a word of complaint just got on with it.

    Go Niamh back ice skating - she's good at it if I remember? life is picking up for children again 😊

    I am not at all surprised your old neighbour's son did well in his exams she is a very good Mum and will have instilled the right values in them unlike their Dad.

    You didn't mention the crutches no, but they sound great every little helps ((()))

    Morning Joan and Sue luckily the gardeners don't work at the weekends so we get a break then ☺️ P is struggling to have the energy to reply when you talk now, but likes to hear our voices so I suggested I read a book to her? She thinks it's a great idea and has chosen the No 1 ladies detective agency. I love those books 📚 ((())) to you both xxx

    Breakfast - oh it's Sunday so we can be naughty!

    Kettle on Reshmi?

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,237

    Good morning everyone

    Kath ((())) any news about the district nurse coming. I hope your daughter gets the job ((())) that's good your dad has had his stitches out ((())) love to Chris ((())) Anita ((())) and Val ((())) and Emily ((())) and your dad ((()))

    Barbara ((())) what colour are your crutches it's good they are better to walk with ((())) that's lovely. your granddaughter leaving her job to be nearer you ((())) that's good Mr B ((())) not having both hips done at once you would have a problem then. Love to Mr B ((())) your son ((())) and Niamh ((())) and your brother ((())) and his girlfriend ((()))

    Reshmi ((())) I hope you feel better today ((())) I get up at 6 00 to let the carers in at 6 45 for sue every day.

    we drink coffee I have two mugs a day as well as orange juice and water. Have a good day ((()))

    Toni ((())) sorry about the pain in your hip I hope it has eased of a bit now ((())) it's good you have a rest from the gardeners. Not many people want to be carers now. Nice P ((())) is enjoying you reading to her. Love to Paul ((())) and Charley ((())) and Annie ((())) and Lucy ((())) I bet she is pleased to be back at work now (((()))) and Tia ((())) and Kari ((())) and P ((())) and your lovely neighbours (((())))

    love to Chris ((())) and Carol ((())) and Mike ((())) and Elliott (((()))

    take care
    joan xx
  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,300

    Hi Barbara, sorry to hear about Mr B, I hope the op goes well. Thanks, it should be a quiet day today. Hope you have a good one too. Tc. X

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,300

    Hi Toni, excess baggage, that’s also a good one, don’t worry it’s not naughty to vent about family in this controlled manner, in fact quite necessary, I believe, lol. Actually I got it wrong, excess family is back next weekend, but usually they stay one a bit days a week ( at least) Tue to Wednesday. Not sure of details for next week actually, but they’re coming on Sunday, Thanks about leg, and biscuits, lol. Yes, too much coffee really bad I agree, but this friend doesn’t really like any form of criticism, normally I would’ve said, look, you don’t want to bring stomach ulcer or heart disease on yourself, but anyway, her problem I guess. She drinks coffee on empty stomach too, really stupid. I’m planning a quiet one , reading my book etc, doubtless there’ll be family drama, but it hasn’t started yet. Have a nice day. Tc.

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,300

    Hi Joan, thanks, I’m feeling ok today. I see, I get up quite early too, that’s not too bad, it’s a reasonable amount of coffee, but my friend has a lot of espressos every day, which is silly, I would write more, but a bit tired atm. May write more later. Tc. X

  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583

    Morning everyone, one minute it's dark the next it's really bright. Thank you all for being concerned about dad, he now has a young man come in the morning to help him out of bed, wash and help him get dressed, then get his breakfast, clearing up afterwards. Dad hasn't ventured outside yet, but I'm sure he will eventually. As long as he keeps using his walking frame.

    I am rather excited for Emily, she has worked so hard to get where she is. She used to want to do prison work, but I'm rather relieved she never did.

    ) had a good natter with Helen and found out that her dad passed away 2 years ago/ He had COPD and Cancer (no surprise) and he was in hospital with Covid, although he was clear of that when he died. I felt rather bad for thiking ill of him. Coloured by my experiences of being married to him. He had been a drug addict (Heroin, Cannabis etc) and it was very unpleasant. But in later life he turned to the Catholic church and was well thought of in the community, so good on him really.

    Joan, I've given up o the DN, if one turns up -,fine - if they don't, well it will get sorted out somehow.

    Barbara, oh I used to love roller skating, I'd skate anywhere, on this kind of skate. I bet Niamh has super dooper modern ones. 😀

    Antoinette, Lovely breakfast. I put both Ketchup and Worcesthire Sauce, very tasty, thank you. with a cup of Reshmi's tea,that has set me up for the week.

    The Best Vegan Green Bean Casserole

    You could make this healthier by using caramelized onions instead of fried--just cook them slowly until they begin to brown and then mix them with the bread crumbs. You could also omit the margarine.

     Prep Time15 minutes

     Cook Time30 minutes

     Total Time45 minutes


     AuthorSusan Voisin



    • 2 quarts water
    • 1 tablespoon table salt
    • 1 1/2 pounds fresh green beans trimmed and cut into bite-size pieces or 2 12-ounce packages frozen cut green beans


    • 10 ounces mushrooms (I used a combination of regular button mushrooms and shiitake)
    • 3 cloves garlic minced
    • generous pinch cayenne pepper (had to add it for the New Orleanians)
    • Salt to taste
    • Fresh pepper to taste
    • 2 tablespoons flour
    • 3/4 cup vegetable broth (I used Imagine's No-Chicken)
    • 1 tablespoon dry sherry (Alanna's brilliant addition)
    • 3/4 cup unsweetened soy creamer or plain unsweetened plant milk

    Topping (see alternate oil-free topping in Notes)

    • 1 1/2 slices whole grain bread
    • 1 tablespoon vegan margarine optional, but topping holds together better with it
    • 1/8 teaspoon salt
    • 1/16 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper
    • 1 3-ounce can French fried onions (see Notes for other options)


    • Beans: Bring the water to boil in a large pot. While it’s heating, cut up the beans. Add the salt and beans to the boiling water. Cover and cook for 6 minutes. Drain beans in a colander, and then spray for a minute with cold water to stop the cooking. Let them drain in the colander, shaking every now and then to get off all the water.
    • Sauce: Trim and discard the mushroom stems and chop the mushrooms into pieces. Spray a non-stick pan with canola oil and heat it. Add the mushrooms, garlic, cayenne, salt, and pepper. Cook until mushrooms are very soft and exude their juices. Whisk the flour into the vegetable broth and add to the mushrooms along with the sherry. Simmer, stirring, until mixture thickens. Add the soy creamer and simmer until thick, about 5 to 10 minutes. Adjust the seasonings and stir in the beans.
    • Topping: Put the bread, margarine, salt, and pepper into a food processor and pulse until crumbly. Pour into a bowl and add the onions. Stir to combine.
    • To assemble: Put the green beans into an oiled casserole dish and top with the onion mixture. Bake at 425 F for about 15 minutes. If you are not serving this right away, refrigerate the topping separately; bring to room temperature before sprinkling the topping on the casserole and baking for about 20 minutes or until hot throughout.

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281

    Afternoon all

    Toni you make a good full English..thankyou

    How lovely of you to read to P. Bet she drifts on and off so comforting for her having you there xx

    Yes the crutches are good ..easier in the hands..think u will need all your help to get Mr B to have his first hip done..maybe Aidan will help 🙏 think our gd us coming in the 25th xx

    Joan ny crutches are NHS grey are right they need to stop zero hours contracts they will get more carers..our gd loves it such a shame the wage wasn't good xx

    Reshmi thankyou I'm not looking forward to him not being able to drive..I did drive but gave up years ago ..thank goodness fir online shopping your family come next week ..get some rest before hand xx

    Kath thoes are the skates I had you I lived on them and had many accidents 😅

    Is this your x husband you are talking about sorry I must have missed it..but hiw good that he turned his life around xx

    Love to all

