Val's Cafe



  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,300

    Hi Toni , Barbara, Turbogran , Joan and Kathleen, fresh burst of energy thanks to energy drink, I know, really bad for me, but I ration them strictly, would have collapsed without it, so I’m going to natter a bit on here, as I’m not sure what fresh …fill in your own expletive…situation will present itself tomorrow morning. Ok, Toni, great choice of breakfast there, love porridge and brown sugar, I usually slice some some banana into it too. I also put a bit of jam in , once in a while. Did you teach yourself how to ice? It looks so professional, I’ve never been good at visual art, I like writing, but just do it in a private haphazard manner these days. Joan fish and chips is also one of my fave meals, though had a big weight prob etc for long time, due to mental health meds etc, so couldn’t really touch them for years, still not really a perfect weight, but have lost most of 3 and a half stone. Ok, I can hear family returning again, so au revoir. Tc. X.

  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281

    Evening all very warm today so we had a trip to the gc but couldn't sit and have a coffee ..they are still in queue mode

    Toni my eldest gd and fiancé are on there way up north to us can't quite believe it 😁😁 hope your garden is coming along xx

    Reshmi we had a good day thankyou well I say day 2 hours 😅sorry its another not so good day for you ..junk food is OK now and then ..talking of junk food I feel alot better since I started having kafir yogurt abd my fruit took a while but feeling the benefit xx

    Joan you are more than welcome ..and I'm glad you both gad such a good day xx

    Kath I love watching Nadiya Hussain cooking on the TV..she is so down to earth..thankyou for the recipe xx

    Mike how is your neck or is that a silly question ..hope you get that xray soon xx

    Love to all xxxx

  • Mike1
    Mike1 Member Posts: 1,992

    Mike how is your neck or is that a silly question ..hope you get that xray soon 

    Diabolical thanks! X-ray on 1st September. Have a massage booked this morning in the next village which I hope may help a bit, provided I can get there on my mobility scooter, it is only a couple of miles but it means going down the main road and I can't say that I am looking forward to it due to the number of holiday makers down here.

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,224

    Mike you be careful it's the school holidays. I really hope the massage eases things a bit ((())) Let us know how it goes.

    Custard slices yesterday? Lovely! I bet Sue enjoyed hers. Vixen is making sure you are safe still - no-one can come in without her knowing!

    Morning Joan. It sounds as though you and Sue had a lovely meal out yesterday! I am so pleased l love mushy peas😋 Lucy is back at work on Friday her ankle still swells but the consultant said it will for 8/9 months! ((())) xxx

    Kitty Kat it must be the chair you can't get comfy in🤔oh dear that's Chris cross with you. I love Mike's term 'the screws' it's just so prefect! Sleek will be over later and chase up the DN if there is still no sign. She is using her scooter ATM.

    She said yes please to the sardine latte🤢

    I love porridge and luckily so does Lucy so i think she is back on her overnight oats.

    Now Never fear Toni is here! that dish can be veganised so easily! Tofu will sort it no problem leave it with me😍

    Reshmi ladies troubles as well as PsA🙄bless you ((())). When I had my back op the consultant said us women feel more pain when it's that time. Perfect excuse for extra cake anyway!!!! Do our lovely cake pics make you want to eat it in real life? Like the adverts do telly do me?

    Baby invasion!! Help!😧You love them really I know. Sister invasion? Maybe slightly less?!😁

    Sadly i couldn't ice a cake to save my life I just copied Aidan our beloved cafe dweller. He used to temp us all the time with sweet treats. Might have been part of his downfall I suppose as he loved them too much in real life. 58 is too young to have lost him.

    I'm sure the odd energy drink won't do you too much harm just the odd one😉

    Barbara of course you had a good day! The girls are moving HOME!!!! Have they got jobs lined up ready? Mind they won't have any trouble they have plenty of experience.

    WONDERFUL news!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    The garden is really taking shape now the pergola is up and the decking is going down! It's so exciting.

    a load of top soil has arrived to fill the beds with too😁

    Shame the GC was to busy - school hols I'm afraid🙄

    Right what shall we have today?

  • Mike1
    Mike1 Member Posts: 1,992

    News of Elliott at last, Baby Sister had a call from my niece who asked her to go shopping for her but sis couldn't as she was isolating after being pinged! (She is testing every day and is clear thankfully) It transpires that my Niece and 4 of her kids all have Covid apart from Elliott which we are extremely surprised about given that his antibodies must be through the floor. Anyway, they were moaning about how rotten they were feeling when Elliott (who is still having difficulties with his speech and movements) turned around and said "It can't be as bad as chemo, get on with it!" Absolutely brilliant!!

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,237

    Good morning everyone

    Kath ((())) I hope the district nurse comes today. How is your dad ((())) love to Chris ((())) Anita ((())) and Val ((())) and Emily ((())) and your Dad ((()))

    Barbara ((())) I hope you have a good day ((())) love to Mr B ((())) and your son ((())) and Niamh ((())) and your brother ((())) and his girlfriend ((()))

    Toni (((())) have the builders started work again now we have sun. Love to Paul ((())) Charley ((())) and Annie ((())) and the carers ((())) and Lucy (((())) Tia ((())) and Mari ((())) and P ((())) and your lovely neighbours ((()))

    Reshmi ((())) I hope you have a good day you have a big family so it must be very busy there take care

    Mike you enjoy your chat with your cleaner ((()))

    Love to Chris ((())) and Carol ((()))

    take care
    joan xx
  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583

    Mike, I think Elliott is a gem "GO ELLIOTT" I hope he could hear that. 😉

    On a more personal note, still no DN! So I rang to see if they were coming today or tomorrow (I booked the appointment on 4th August) The woman on the phone was horrified that nobody had been, so she has left a message for one of them to ring me. Chris asked what am I going to do if nobody rings. I said "nothing". Eventually my GP will ring to have a go at me for not having the blood test. I shall put it firmly on the DN's shoulders. If she insists I need the test (MTX damages your liver) I shall say well you sort it then love, because I've done all I can!


    Joan, thank you for caring. I wish you were my nurse, I'm sure you and Sleek together would do a good job. 💖

    Barbara, I tried Kefir once, it was lovely. Good for your bones too (note to Toni, bear that in mind for Lucy) Yes Nadyia is fantastic, did you know she suffers from anxiety? you'd never believe it.

    Reshmi, other peoples children can be so tiring when you're not feeling well. Sending (((hugs))).

    Antoinette, Pancakes yum, thank you. I hope Sleek enjoyed her latte, I put a warm throw over me whwn I had my chair nap, much better. It must be the cold sends my muscles around my hips and spine into spasms.

    Grilled Salmon With Tomatoes, Spinach, and Capers

    found on the website

    • 4 fish, salmon fillet
    • 6-ounce, skin on
    • pepper, black ground
    • to taste
    • 1 tablespoon oil, olive, extra-virgin
    • 1 medium onion(s)
    • chopped
    • 2 clove(s) garlic
    • minced
    • 1 pounds tomato(es), plum
    • chopped
    • 3 ounce(s) spinach, baby
    • 1 tablespoon capers
    • rinsed and drained
    • 1 lemon
    • 4 wedges

    Salmon is a natural source of vitamin D, making it a great choice to include in an osteoporosis prevention diet. While spinach has some calcium, it also contains oxalates, which bind with calcium and make it difficult for the body to absorb the nutrient. But spinach redeems itself by providing a broad variety of vitamins and minerals.

    Season the salmon, broil it, and top it with lightly cooked onion, tomatoes, spinach, and capers for a dish to please taste buds and provide a variety of health benefits.

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,300

    Hi Barbara, thanks, glad the kefir yoghurt is working for you, guests are leaving 4 pm, unless they change their mind, so I’m living for then lol, not feeling too bad atm ty, but did resort to sugar again, had a nap too, I just hope the hothead manages a bit of self control today. My mum has toothache, bless her, so is feeling understandably miserable, but she’s seen dentist and has extractions booked, so that’s good. Hope you enjoy seeing gd , Tc. X

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,300

    Hi Toni, thanks, yes, seeng cakes don’t help, lol, but of course the cake -representations are everywhere really, so it’s not the end of the world. Yeah I love the babies of course, but my back does indeed need a rest, let’s just put it that way, I won’t go in a full- on rant, lol, and sisters are complex creatures, best admired from a distance, like those beautiful Bengal tigresses at the zoo, lol. Have you ever made diabetic cakes? I did once, no icing, lot of fruit etc, really tasty actually. I see about Aidan, v sad, did he have diabetes? (if you don’t mind me asking, that is.). Nice about garden. Take care. X

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,300

    Thanks Joan, yes, v busy , but today is D(eparture) Day , as it were, lol, so 4.01 pm today, I may be able to relax. Hope you get a chance to rest your eyes. Tc

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,300

    Hi Kathleen, that must be extremely frustrating about DN, , hope things get sorted out soon, ty so much for the hugs, one of the babies has started a “hug auntie’s bad knee like it’s a tree in the rainforest “ game, I really hope that affectionate yet potentially painful game goes out of fashion soon, that’s why I’m hiding upstairs. Ok need to get off this demonic iPad before fingers hurt. Tc, Reshmi.

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,300

    Hi again Kathleen, sorry, just one more thing, great salmon recipe. X

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,300

    Hi Toni, Barbara etc that was one terrible day I just had, sis got in a big rage, mum’s in toothache rage etc, I’m in a fair bit of pain from walking up and down stairs avoiding people, Toni I need a one off pancake delivery please lol, have a nice night all. X

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,224

    Morning the sun is out!

    Yes Joan you are right the builders were hard at it yesterday the decking is doing down now looking good 😊 How are you and Sue doing you hardly ever say? ((()))xxx

    Reshmi Aidan had diabetes (and loved cake!) he had had a heart attack many years ago and also had COPD as well as his osteoarthritis. I have never made diabetic cake I would struggle as artificial sweeteners give me belly ache and the two bob bits!

    I have to agree in some respects other people's children are adorable for very short periods of time😁 I am lucky my sister is sweet-natured and very kind. She wasn't when we were kids though!!!

    I hope you are not so bad today?

    Mike I am so pleased to hear how Elliott is doing! Hehehe! Go him!!!👌 I remember when one of Lucy's 'friends' was moaning about her hair when Lucy had none (at 16 - could it be worse for a girl?). People can be very very stupid.

    I very much hope he stays well and does not catch their germs ((()))

    Kitty something has gone wrong with communication at the DN office for sure. Sleek is so unimpressed muttering about it. I kind of agree with you about it being their problem if the GP gets cross. He/she won't refuse your MTX because of the test will they - mine would? Well she sort of would but would give it with a test like TODAY!

    Sleek added a second throw to make sure you didn't get a chill in your bones if you drop off. She says it could be that but to be on the safe side popped in some sparkles to make sure you were comfy.🌈

    The salmon looks lovely not for me, but still lovely and good for you. Lucy will try the kefir for sure, but how is it for your cholesterol? Fingers crossed the reduction in meds will sort it out anyway we'll know next moth.

    I hope Barbara is doing ok? I expect it's just those darn eyes ((()))

    Love also to Chris and Carol both ready for their hols I should think😊


  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,237

    Good morning everyone

    Kath ((()) that's their fault they forgot you you are not to blame if things are wrong ((())) Good luck you might hear to day. Love to Chris ((())) Anita ((())) and Val ((())) and Emily ((())) and your Dad ((()))

    Barbara ((())) is it your appointment today ((())) Good luck sorry about your niece moving away ((())) and you could not have your coffee out ((())) love to Mr B ((()))) and his results and your son ((())) and Niamh ((())) and your brother ((())) and his girlfriend ((()))

    Reshmi ((())) I hope you have a good day today yes we like salmon slices with swede and mash. Take care

    Mike ((())) I hope the massage helps you might have tension from the ride there and back love to Elliott ((())

    Toni ((())) that's good you nearly have the garden how you want it. People don't think Lucy must have felt embarrassed going to school with out her hair Lucy has gone further in life than they have ((()))love to Paul ((())) Charley ((())) and Annie ((())) and the carers (((())) and Tia ((())) and Kari ((())) and P ((())) and your lovely neighbours ((()))

    Love to Chris ((())) and Carol ((()))

    take care
    joan xx
  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,300

    Hi Toni , how are you? That’s v sad about Aidan, I understand, but you don’t have to put sweetener in diabetic cakes, i once made one with sultanas and banana, v small amount of brown sugar, tasted great. Nice about your sister. I’m quite tired, but did walk, so that’s good. Bye for now. Take care.

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,300

    Hi Joan , how are you today? Oh that’s good, salmon and mash, I like that too, there’s something especially comforting about mashed potato too, I find. Do you live in Wiltshire? Sorry I lose track. Have a nice afternoon. X

  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583

    Well I've heard it all now, don't know whether tp laugh or cry! My surgery just rang. The DN hasn't been because the surgery can't find the blood forms for MTX. It's just a normal blood form but they have to write the tests for MTX on it! For goodness sake, even a cat would know that - wouldn't you Sleek. 💖

    Toni, New research shows that kefir (which contains bacteria also known as microbes), similar to yogurt, may improve health by lowering cholesterol levels. from So it would definitely be good for Lucy. However, most research is done on traditional Kefir and not commercially made Kefir. Check that link for more information.

    I'm going to say TTFN, because my laptop is playing up. Love to you all.

    Sleek writing a letter of complaint to Kitty Kat's medical team.

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,300

    Hi Kathleen, sorry for your problems with blood test, I sometimes have problems about blood test forms, but no so much with the arthritis forms, they post me those straight from hospital. Does that acronym stand for methotrexate? Hope things get sorted out soon. I’ve got a birthday coming up soon, bit wary of saying exact dob on internet, but it’s the wrong side of 40, lol, that’ll be another family fiasco, may need to prescribe myself some long term general anaesthesia, lol. Bye bye for now.

  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281

    Afternoon all

    Bad news yesterday Mr B has to have both hips replaced ..he went white..he doesn't believe me he can't drive fir 6 to 8 weeks..🙄

    My appointment today went well xrats and then back to assessment..Amy how my knee is buggered..but not had painful so I'm good

    Mike massages do help alot with necks ..I really hope you can get there are right to many people without mask..Elliot is an inspiration xx

    Joan yes my appointment went well thankyou at least I know what it is now hope all is well at yours xx

    Reshmi I don't like visitor's that say well I must go and then sit down again 😅you take care and get some rest if you can xx

    Toni thankyou I can't wait for our gd and Fiancé to come and live near by..they both have lots of interviews set up .brilliant new about your garden how nice ti see it take shape send me pic when you can.xx

    Kath I use to have the kafir drink but went onto the yogurt and add fruit and sometime honey...yes I watched the programme on Nadia the poor girl I felt for her xx

    Love to all


  • Mike1
    Mike1 Member Posts: 1,992

    The mangle the day before yesterday was great, the masseuse was very instinctive which was what I was after and she really found the hurty bits I didn't even know were hurting! I had hoped that I would have nodded off for the afternoon when I got home but that didn't happen, neither did I get extra sleep that night. Yesterday I was in agony though and last night only had 2 hours kip despite taking extra morphine before bed. Hopefully today will be better.

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,224

    Oh Mike has it made it worse? Or better? I hope you slept a little better last night i know you don't sleep much anyway but every hour helps doesn't it? The 'Mangle'!! Love it!😁

    Reshmi well done walking even when you feel rough it does help especially your mental health. Well for me anyway. Babies all gone? Sister gone? I would make a diabetic cake with raisins and sultanas or bananas yes! Just can't do sweeteners unfortunately. Have you tried stevia?

    Oh Barbara! Both hips. The poor man he will be in shock even though he has seen you go through it. Back to online shopping for you for a while. I know you have your boy to help (boy?!!!) but he is working full-time an dhas Niamh too as much as possible. ((())) for poor Mr B Will he have both at the same time?

    And for you - it's your knee? Will it need surgery too? You will have to take it in turns won't you?🙄😕

    I bet your GD wants to rush down now her Grandad needs his hips done. They will get a job just like that👌9me clicking my fingers!)

    Joan yes people - kids can be truly vile. Poor lucy having to go to school with a wig and hat on😓 Upsetting memories. Still look at her now! Back at work today after her ankle. 😊 Are you and Sue going out for your usual Friday jaunt or was your birthday 'do' enough for one week? ((())) xxx

    That was indeed a picture of Sleek writing a complaint Kitty! She is livid! PUCE!!! She has also filled in a bloods form reckons anyone with half a brain cell could do it🙄

    Lucy said she will try the kefir if you think it will help. She does really need to do something. I mean she's got a way to go before she is menopausal who knows what her bones will be like after that?!

    Hope the laptop is better today?

    I will post pics of the garden soon it's so exciting!!

    scrambled eggs and mushrooms on toast! Some cat grass for garnish - Sleek's idea not mine🤭

  • Mike1
    Mike1 Member Posts: 1,992

    Oh Mike has it made it worse? Or better? I hope you slept a little better last night i know you don't sleep much anyway but every hour helps doesn't it? The 'Mangle'!! Love it!😁

    Only 2 hours kip last night, I have been trying to get another 40 winks this morning but to no avail. No doubt I will nod off when there is something I want to watch on the TV dreckly! I have to record stuff I really want to see just in case I fall asleep when it is on!!

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,237

    Good morning everyone

    Kath ((())) at last they told you it's not your fault how long have you got to wait now. Love to Chris ((())) Anita ((())) and Val ((())) and Emily ((())) and your dad ((()))

    Reshmi ((())) have a good birthday when it comes. Yes we live in Wiltshire it's quiet here there is only 11 bungalows and everyone is middle aged no children. Take care have a good day.

    Barbara ((()))I'm sorry you have more problems at last Mr B ((())) knows what is pain is how long has he got to wait to have it done. and your knee I'm sorry ((())) love to your son (((())) and Niamh ((())) and your brother ((())) and his girlfriend ((()))

    Toni ((())) Lucy (())) will enjoy being back at work now ((())) how are you with your pains ((())) yes we are going to the cafe today. Love to Paul ((())) Charley ((()) and Annie ((())) and the carers ((())) and Lucy ((())) and Tia ((())) and Kari ((())) and P ((())) and your lovely neighbours ((()))

    Mike ((())) I hope your pain has eased now ((())) love to Elliott ((()))

    love to Chris ((())) Carol ((()))

    take care
    joan xx
  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583
    edited 23. Aug 2021, 11:19

    A lovely sunny morning, but I just can't get warm in spite of the sun and Sleek's extra blankie. Ithink I need a good strong brew to warm me up (hint😄 hint Reshmi ) Just in case the doc and the DNs decide to have a chat and get the blood forms sorted (Chris reckons they are looking for a special blood form just for MTX!) I have downloaded a blood record chart PDF so if I ever get my results, I can put them in. FAT CHANCE!!!

    Joan, how long do I have to wait? You probably know more than I or the nurses do 🙄

    Mike, I could do with a mangle myself, but I think I might end up with more fractures in my spine.

    Toni, I am including instructions on how to make your own kefir for Lucy if you prefer. It's from the BBC GOOD FOOD website.

    Thank Sleek for the suggestion of cat grass! BTW, she writes a very good letter of complaint.

    Barbara, I hope Mr B isn't having too much of a panic. 😮

    Todays recipe is also from the BBC Good Food website.,400 There was an error displaying this embed.

    Roasted cauli-broc bowl with tahini hummus

    By Chelsie Collins

    • Prep:10 mins
    • Cook:30 mins
    • Easy
    • Serves 2

    A simple quinoa bowl you can put together in 10 minutes and enjoy al-desko. It's vegan, healthy and gluten-free

    • Gluten-free
    • Healthy
    • Vegan



    • STEP 1
    • The night before, heat oven to 200C/180C fan/gas 6. Put the cauliflower and broccoli in a large roasting tin with the oil and a sprinkle of flaky sea salt. Roast for 25-30 mins until browned and cooked. Leave to cool completely.
    • STEP 2
    • Build each bowl by putting half the quinoa in each. Lay the slices of beetroot on top, followed by the spinach, cauliflower, broccoli and walnuts. Combine the tahini, hummus, lemon juice and 1 tbsp water in a small pot. Before eating, coat in the dressing. Serve with the lemon wedges.


    Recipe from Good Food magazine, September 2016.

    Hi Kath,

    I just took out the ad promoting a number of issues for a reduced amount - if anyone follows the link they will see it then - thinking of looking into Kefir myself - Yx

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein