Val's Cafe



  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,226

    oh Mike you might just have hit the nail on the head there!!! 😉 shan't say a word!! How is your diorama getting on? I bet you've made some progress since I last asked.

    Kitty I hope Asda order was all present and correct 🤞 Sleek said she helped unpack and all the fishy stuff was there.

    You also wore an eye patch. Is it yours that Sleek has pinched?! Oooh arr me hearties! Yes indeed!

    She tried to order a parrot off cat bay yesterday too!

    Anita must be ok if she isn't mentioning her cancer. She had an easier run than you and I pray it stays that way.

    Love the photo your Mum looks nice! I can see a bit of you in her too 💗

    Joan thank you for asking our arms are getting better already we have been well this time. How about you how are your arms? I wouldn't have fancied both at the sane time.😯 Did you get out yesterday it was raining here. We were watching heartbeat and it started to rain on too! We said blimey that rain is realistic! Honestly it was exactly the same second!! ((())) xxx

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,226

    Reshmi do not worry about typos we all make them.🙄

    I love swedish glace ice cream it's a great treat to have a small amount of. Paul does too it's just like a posh ice cream 8snt it. Only evervtrued vanilla yet though.

    LLF sounds to have OCD if she has to clean at certain times for a certain amount of time. Not nice as you say it takes all sorts. Yes go for the lunch when it comes round I would.

    Imagine falling asleep with one sock on you must have needed it and that foot was probably very hot when you woke up!!! You are tired now too rest when your body tells you to ((()))

    Glad your bloods are done and hope the results are good🤞

    Lord A stories are great making us all smile🤗 bless him.

    Barbara we love it here. Weather was in and off but we enjoyed it anyway. Home later always like to be home too.

    Pickering is just gorgeous I even got some Christmas gifts as everyone seemed to be wearing masks up here! How good is that?

    I very much hope Mr B gets a date for his hip after the 29th. He's getting desperate bless him. He knows how you felt now.

    Take care I hope you have Niamh and have a good weekend.

    Saturn so Aidan's breakfast

  • Mike1
    Mike1 Member Posts: 1,992

    oh Mike you might just have hit the nail on the head there!!! 😉 shan't say a word!! How is your diorama getting on? I bet you've made some progress since I last asked.

    😁 The diorama is progressing, a dozen more knights added but my hands have been too bad to do much this past week, to be honest I have not had much inclination either! My village has its Remembrance "parade" this morning, we do not have a War Memorial so everyone has been asked to meet outside the pub for a 20 minute event. I don't go if it based in the church so this time will toddle up on my mobility scooter. I will not be dressing up though and my medals are in a frame on my lounge wall along with another frame containing my Grand Father's and that is where they will be staying, I may put my beret in my pocket in case anyone else is wearing their's. Anyway, a touch of excitement to break up the day for a change!!

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,239

    Good morning everyone

    Kath ((())) that's a lovely photo of your mum she looks a kind lady ((())) sorry you have had all those operations on your eyes was one for cataracts the optician keeps saying to me i should have it done but I can see alright not blurred at all. Love to Chris (((())) Anita ((())) and Val ((())) and Emily ((())) and your Dad ((()))

    Barbara ((())) thank you yes my jabs went well just a bit sore in bed the first night. I hope Mr B does not have to wait too long for his op ((())) love to your son ((())) and Niamh ((())) and your brother ((())) and his girlfriend ((())) and your niece ((())) and her fiancé ((()))

    Reshmi ((())) have a good weekend all of you take care

    Mike ((())) have a good weekend and vixen I bet she keeps you busy ((()))

    Toni ((())) I hope you had a good time in Pickering ((())) love to Paul ((())) Charley ((())) and Annie (((())) and the carers ((())) and Lucy ((())) and Tia ((())) and Kari ((())) and your lovely neighbours ((()))

    Love to Carol ((()))

    take care
    joan xx
  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583

    Morning friends, Just rang dad and put the world to rights. He's doing quite well, but won't go outside since his fall. He does miss his pals at the Friday Club. He mentioned the D word this morning. Which didn't please me. We were talking about shaving and he wasn't sure whether to us disposables or have a new electric but didn't think it was worth it considering he might be dead soon! 😯

    Rashmi, thank you for the comment about mum. My sister Anita did look a lot like her when she was alive. I look more like dad. Thankfully he has a good head of hair.

    Joan, I had seven operations on my left eye in two years, every one failed!

    Barbara, how are your eyes today?

    Mike, one of my neighbous (only in his 50s) is ex Army. He looks super in his uniform.

    Antoinette, so today is Saturn is it? Oh well as you said, we all make typos sometimes. So that's why there was a tiny paw print in our fish pie! I'm glad she left my Prawns alone.

    Sweet potato chilli

     50 Minutes Serves 4Easy

    This recipe for sweet potato and quinoa chilli makes a great veggie alternative to the traditional chilli. It's under 500 calories and is packed with flavour, so you won't even miss the meat - perfect for a midweek meal

    By Janine Ratcliffe

    Published: August 24, 2015 at 8:50 am in Olive magazine.


    • onion 1 large, finely chopped
    • garlic 2 cloves, crushed
    • olive oil
    • mild chilli powder 1 tbsp 
    • ground cumin 1 tsp
    • sweet potatoes about 750g, peeled and cubed
    • quinoa 100g, soaked in cold water for 10 minutes, and drained 
    • chopped tomatoes 400g tin
    • vegetable stock 600ml
    • black beans 400g tin, rinsed and drained
    • coriander a small bunch, to serve
    • soured cream or yogurt to serve (optional)


    • STEP 1
    • Cook the onion and garlic in 1 tbsp olive oil until soft. Add the chilli powder and cumin, cook for a minute then add the sweet potato, quinoa, tomatoes and stock. Simmer for 10 minutes then add the beans and simmer for another 20-30 minutes until the sweet potato and quinoa are tender and the sauce has thickened. Scatter over the coriander and serve in bowls with a dollop of soured cream or yogurt if you like.

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,310

    Hi everyone I’m not feeling hundred percent today due to women’s stuff, or whatever the polite term for it is, lol, I have read all your messages and whether LLF has OCD it’s very hard for me to know but distant is polite is my attitude now so that’s good and I’m not talking much anymore on any other subject even LA, because I can’t quite cope with it today just really looking forward to nighttime and hopefully getting some decent and uninterrupted sleep have a good one guys take care, xx

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,226
    edited 14. Nov 2021, 07:14

    Aww Reshmi I do hope you feel much better today sending you ((())) Women's issues yes we understand. No need to worry about us when you feel so rough, but thank you for letting us know you are ok. That's the main thing I hope you slept like 'Log' on that bed advert on telly. I think he's cute!

    Today is another day let's hope a good one💝

    Mike 12 more that's quite impressive I'm sorry your hands are playing up at the moment ((())). We have our remembrance parade today too. We have a memorial bench with poppies and a beautiful sculpture of a soldier looking down over his rifle. Please do take your beret. Those of us present very much want to pay tribute to those who fought for us having those who did actually present makes it very powerful.

    Oh dear me Kitty did my autocorrect (was on my phone being in the motorhome) put saturn😆 That's a great one isn't it?!!! It's a bit easier on my laptop as it tends to highlight my spelling mistakes/typos!

    A small pawprint in your fish pie 😬that will be my small cat for definite. Bless her heart. They would be clean paws though she is quite fastidious honestly.

    Dad being a tad negative there bless him! A new razor (electric) is a great idea to make his life easier. Glad you managed to chivvy him out of it and have a putting the world to rights conversation instead 👍️ I bet he is missing his Friday club. Would he not go in a wheelchair or taxi just so he goes? Is he too proud?

    That chilli looks yum and less than 500 calories per portion too!

    Morning Joan arms back to normal now I hope? Mine is all better as is Paul's and Lucy's. We had a lovely short break at Pickering and home now. Motorhome is on the drive ready for me to clean it out thoroughly and fo Paul to 'winterise' it so nothing freezes. Then it can go back to the barn over winter maybe next week. Love to you and Sue ((())) xxx

    Morning Barbara how are you doing today? I expect Niamh is with you and eating her bacon butties and looking forward to her Sunday lunch too 😊

    Have you eldest son and his friend from Ireland got their sense of taste and smell back yet?

    Today I am cleaning out the motorhome and going to the Memorial service for the wars here in the village. I very much hope my lovely neighbours will get out for it. Not cleaning the motorhome rather the memorial service!🤭

    Sunday too so let's have our treat:

  • Mike1
    Mike1 Member Posts: 1,992

    Morning all. There were about 40 of us gathered in the middle of the road outside the pub for our village's Remembrance yesterday, luckily there was a road closure in place!! Some of us could not understand why it was on Saturday instead of today but it was explained that the Vicar looks after 3 churches and he is elsewhere today. There was a bugler from the Army Cadets there who did a good job and my eyes started to water when the words were said. It was surprising how moving such a cobbled together event was. I once made it to the Memorial Arboretum a few years ago where I was just one amongst 10,000+ Veterans which was quite overwhelming and it had a lot of us knackered old gits blubbing. Anyway, have a good one people.

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,239

    Good morning everyone

    Kath ((())) your Dad is lovely ((())) he misses his friends he's done so well. Sorry you went through all those op's but then you think each one will work ((())) have a good day love to Chris ((())) Anita ((())) Val ((())) and Emily ((())) and your Dad ((()))

    Toni ((())) yes thank you my arms are back to normal now. I hope it stays dry for your service ((())) love to Paul ((())) and Charley ((())) and Annie ((())) and the carers ((())) and Lucy ((())) and Tia ((())) and Kari ((())) and your lovely neighbours ((())))

    Reshmi yes I remember that pain ((())) take care and your family

    Mike ((())) that you for your help in the war ((())) love to vixen

    Love to Barbara ((())) and Mr B ((())) and your son ((())) and Niamh (((()))) and your brother ((())) and his girlfriend ((())) and your niece ((())) and her fiancé ((()))

    Love to Carol ((()))

    take care
    joan xx
  • Mike1
    Mike1 Member Posts: 1,992

    Mike ((())) that you for your help in the war ((())) love to vixen.

    Thanks but I am only 63 so didn't serve in WWII, I was in NI and the Falklands.

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,310

    Hi Joan how are you and Sue? thanks for sympathising about the pain, hi Kathleen Barbara Toni, Lord A said today that he is sharing everything with baby R because Santa only gives gifts to sharers but he’s not sharing mummy “because she is not his she’s mine oh dear”. My sleep wasn’t too bad thanks for asking Toni, but my aches and pains are magnified as they are for a lot of appointment at this time most, I suppose, Some nosy neighbours who are friends of my parents are coming today for tea, they’re not direct neighbours but live in a road nearby, To be honest I really hate them in a lot of ways because the wife did a bit of NHS queue jumping when the first Covid vaccines came out she somehow managed to bully the receptionist so that someone with a serious disease for example who deserve to get it early could not because of her. Okay I feel I should stop for now everyone take care bye. Xx

  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281

    Evening all

    Mike you must have seen so much in Northern Irland and the Falklands..I just wish our solders were better looked after must feel very proud ti wear your beret..we went to ours today its so emotional so understand how you must feel xx

    Toni I think you might have missed the good weather then ..glad you made yo get some there any news on The lovely Ps funeral ..that will indeed be a sad day 😞 🌈🌈

    They have got there sense if smell back, just goes to show how good the covid jab us our sons friend us waiting for open heart surgery ..he lost weight but is fine now xx

    Kath I am the same thinking about D lately..must ve my age I even make sure I have clean pj's and slippers just in case I'm carted off to hospital 😮..what am I like 😏xx

    Reshmi hope you are feeling better after your womens probs ..fancy your neighbour queue jumping ..that's not nice xx

    Joan thankyou again ... I bet you had a sore arm did they di both in one arm ..Mine was sire wuth the booster xx

    Love to all


  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,310

    Hi Barbara I’m just starting to feel a bit better thanks, sorry to hear about your sons friend hope you gets the surgery soon. I agree with you completely, to be honest I really hate that neighbour who did the queue jump, my mum has known her for a long time and I suppose she has helped her sometimes in the past, but why would anyone do something like that? completely immoral and their son is a doctor as well, one of the sons, he is a cancer specialist I don’t know if they’ve even told him, really makes me sick, anyway my mum says she’s changed for the better , I really hope so, so I kept as low a profile as possible, lol. That son of theirs is quite a character as well, not immoral, but just pretty weird, he’d always been pretty chubby but when he got married for the second time to another doctor incidentally she really strictly controlled his diet as if he were a child, lol so on the rare occasion that she went out socialising with her female friends, or whatever, he really hit the ice cream 🍦hard, oh dear. My cousin who had the heart attack and stent was also quite overweight but I think he’s learnt his lesson there, as it were, so that’s good it is quite strange though because he used to be a soldier when he was in India so I don’t know what went wrong there with diet and exercise, but at least he’s making amends I hope you have a nice evening Barbara and everyone else bye for now take care. Xx

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,226
    edited 15. Nov 2021, 07:00

    Good Morning everyone😊

    Mike it is emotional it's that bugle (ours was on a tape player I think) it gets me every time. But we can spare a few measly moments thought and a tear once a year for those who have fought and died for us. I bet it was emotional for you it must have been ((())) I hope you wore your beret. NI and the Falklands were happening as l grew up so not for one minute less important than either of the WWs. We had an excellent turn out due to the vicar only doing a service every other week here and it being 'our' turn.

    Joan I am very pleased your arm is all recovered now you are as safe as possible. Has Sue got a good bunch of carers at the moment? She lost one nice one didn't she because she wouldn't have the vaccine. The weather was ok for our Armistice day commemorations thank you. I am worried about our Queen though. No way she would miss it for anything bless her. ((())) for you and Sue xxx

    Reshmi I might have already said but when I had my back op the consultant said most women report increases in pain at that time of the month so you're right you are not alone, but still ((())) anyway.

    I cannot believe someone could jump the queue like that that is just so selfish! Hopefully no harm came to anyone who should have been ahead of her. I can quite understand why you don't really want to be in their company, but have no doubt you were polite and civil.

    Did the lady's son lose weight then when he married that Dr? She was doing the right thing controlling his weight else he would die sooner. Very childish behaviour hitting the ice cream like mad when he was on his own🤭

    How is your cousin doing now? Yes I am sure he will watch his weight from now on to prevent further incidents.

    Oh dear me Lord A is not sharing his Mummy😮 I kind of understand that, but am sure he will adjust over time. Luckily for me Charley adored Lucy when she was born and couldn't do enough for her.

    Good Morning Barbara how are you this morning 'bag packed' practically really! What are you like? I think you would likely get a bit of notice, bu there is no harm in any of us making sure our affairs are in order is there? Maybe tidying out our knickers drawers (pants Mike) and ditching the holey ones😁

    I do have a date for the funeral it should be on the 2nd of December all being well I think 12 noon. Not looking forward to that at all.

    Gosh I hadn't realised your son's friend was on the list for heart surgery! He did very very well then indeed you are right the vaccine is clearly doing something. I am pretty sure he wouldn't have done so well if he had caught it at the beginning of the outbreak!

    My arm was sore too, but for less time this time which was good!

    Kitty Kat did you have your day off yesterday? I expect you did and if so I hope it was restful.

    Sleek still had her eye patch on even though she is fine now🙄

    She's going to celebrate international 'Talk like a pirate day' next year, she said, on19th September maybe we should all join in😉

    I am clearing out the motorhome (All week I think it will be) I hope she will brave coming in and maye like it. I would LOVE it if she came with us on our trips it would be the best thing ever!

    Are you and Chris vaccinated yet?

    Hi to Carol if you pop by I hope you had a fabulous cruise.

  • Mike1
    Mike1 Member Posts: 1,992
    edited 15. Nov 2021, 07:24

    Thanks for making me feel old Froggie! Sometimes I think that the Falklands War was yesterday not 1982 and I often dream of still serving. I can blub at the drop of a hat now, anything can set me off, it could be a happy ending at the end of a film; seeing someone so obviously in love with their partner on the TV and all sorts of things. I think it is by-product of depression and also the realisation that my hopes for my life did not work out. It will get worse in a few weeks as I abhor xmas; my marriage ended just before xmas when I found out she was playing away; after that I split with a long-term girlfriend just before xmas; and I only ever wanted to be married with a couple of kids and have not had any which is also to the fore at xmas time as it is such a family orientated time of year. Ah well ,at least I have my Vixen and a powered wheelchair! On the subject of Vixen her xmas present arrived the other day, a cat tree similar to this one:

    I was determined to save it until the day but I gave in on Saturday and put it together for her. She went straight into the house at the bottom, turned round and came out and needless to say she has not been near it since!!

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,239

    Good morning everyone

    Barbara ((())) no body knows when their time is up don't worry ((())) love to Mr B ((())) and your son ((())) and Niamh (()) and your brother ((())) and his girlfriend ((())) and your niece ((())) and her fiancé ((()))

    Toni ((())) yes I was thinking of P's funeral ((())) so hard for you all ((())) love to Paul ((())) and Charley ((())) and Annie ((())) and the carers ((())) and Lucy ((())) and Tia ((())) and Kari ((())) and your lovely neighbours ((()))

    Mike ((())) I have always felt different to everyone because I was born with c palsy and one leg shorter than the other I have never had a boyfriend I always loved animals I'm happy has I am now.

    I'm grateful for what you did ((())) love to vixen

    Reshmi ((())) have a good day how is your pain ((()))

    love to Carol ((()))

    take care
    joan xx
  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583

    Good morning everyone, it took me ages to log on today.

    Barbara I have had my hospital bag packed for six years, ever since I was in and out of prison hospital every year for 2 weeks because of Pseudomonas!

    Joan, you are right, nobody knows when their time is up. Dad has been ready since mum died, but he's still hanging on.

    Mike, the tree house is probably the wrong colour. Cats are very fussy you know.

    Antoinette, yes my day off was lovely thank you. It ian't my patch that Sleek has, mine was pink. I'll have to bu=rush up on my Pirate-eze. Pieces of 8, down with the dead men in Davey's Locker. Hmm! I have a long time to wait don't I.

    Reshmi, is ice cream good for us?

    Spring vegetable rolls with kale pesto

    30 Minutes Makes 12 RollsEasy

    Bite into these bright spring rolls stuffed with asparagus, mangetout, lettuce and an abundance of herbs. A great roll-it-yourself midweek dinner idea

    By Hetty Mckinnon fro, Olive Magazine


    • asparagus spears 12, woody ends trimmed
    • mangetout 85g, trimmed
    • mung bean vermicelli or rice vermicelli 100g, soaked in water for at least 15 minutes
    • toasted sesame oil a drizzle
    • rice paper spring roll wrappers 12 x 20cm
    • romaine lettuce 12 leaves
    • avocado 1, cut into thin wedges
    • mint a handful of leaves
    • coriander a handful of leaves
    • basil or Vietnamese mint a handful of leaves


    • kale 100g, leaves only
    • basil 12g
    • garlic 2 cloves, roughly chopped
    • sunflower or pumpkin seeds 45g, toasted
    • white miso paste 1 tbsp
    • extra-virgin olive oil 185ml
    • lemon ½, zested and juiced


    • STEP 1
    • For the pesto, bring a pan of well-salted water to the boil. Blanch the kale for 30-60 seconds, or until just wilted and bright green. Remove from the water with tongs (keep the water for the other veg), drain and rinse under cold water. Drain again, then squeeze out any excess water. Roughly chop the kale and put in a food processor or blender. Add the basil, garlic and seeds, and whizz to a paste. Add the miso, then slowly drizzle in the olive oil, lemon juice and 2 tbsp water, blending until combined. Stir in the lemon zest and season, then set aside.
    • STEP 2
    • If your asparagus spears are long, snap in half so they are about 10cm in length. Bring the pan of water back to the boil, and cook the asparagus and mangetout for 1 minute until they are bright green. Remove from the water with tongs (again keeping the water for the vermicelli) and drain, before immediately refreshing under cold running water until completely cold. Add the vermicelli to the water and cook for 1-2 minutes or until transparent. Drain and rinse under cold water. Drizzle a little sesame oil over the vermicelli and season, then set aside.
    • STEP 3
    • To assemble the rolls, take a deep plate that is slightly larger than the wrappers and pour in some lukewarm water. Working with one wrapper at a time, dunk into the water and allow to soften for 30-60 seconds – don’t let it get too soft or it will break when rolling. When softened, lay it out flat on a chopping board and assemble your filling. Starting at the edge of the rice paper closest to you (leaving enough room to begin the rolling process), layer a piece of lettuce, followed by a small handful of vermicelli, asparagus, mangetout, avocado and herbs. To roll, pull the edge closest to you over the filling – pull it tight to keep everything in place. Fold over once, then fold in the sides and continue to roll until you have a tightly bound roll. Continue with the remaining wrappers and filling.
    • STEP 4
    • To serve, cut the rolls in half and serve with the miso-kale pesto for dipping.

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,310

    hi T, how are you today? The doctor did lose weight yes but I don’t think it’s a permanent solution being 100% dependent on someone else in this respect, of course that’s just my opinion. Yes you mentioned F issues point sorry temp forgot. I know, I’m not even writing full words today but it will have to do, I was indeed polite by low profile I meant I barely showed my face, I like doing that. I think the cousin is not doing too badly thanks but I haven’t spoken to him personally. That’s nice about your kids. Lord A isnt doing too badly thanks, he’s just three so he says a lot of things without understanding them and so on and so forth 😄. Im keeping it short today because my leg is hurting, I may emerge from the quagmire later in the day I’ll see how it goes take care.

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,310

    Hi Barbara Kathleen and Joan Hope you are okay and are having a nice day ? I need to take some rest bye for now. Xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,310

    Hi Joan I’m not too bad thanks, pain is not too bad I did manage a walk today and then really felt shattered afterwards (but it was really great that At least I could do a walk), did indulge in a sugary cold drink from the shop but I don’t always and I avoid fizzy drinks completely unless I’m really feeling horrendous and I have a bit of Lucozade but that doesn’t happen most of the time. How are You and Sue doing today? Mum was meant to have a phone appointment with the kidney doctor but that didn’t happen because they sent a wrongly worded letter or something like that, very frustrating for my poor mum, apparently the letter should have said that the doc will call or email if there is something wrong but if everything is okay, d will not not respond, so there was all that tension in the house today which never helps anyone’s mind but never mind at least that’s over now. Is Christmas a good time for you and Sue? do you usually see any relatives at this time? Bye for now Joan take care. Xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,310

    Hi Kathleen how are you ? well I meant about ice cream of the soya variety is that it’s partially good high sugar low-fat don’t worry I’m not become on cancer specialist doctor and stuffing my face on it in fact it’s gone in the bin yesterday threw it out ceremonially hope you’re well take care.

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,310
    edited 15. Nov 2021, 17:42

    Hi again Kathleen just wanted to say yeah a lot of food is a bit like a yes - no situation healthwise, for some of us, it’s a bit like kale, it’s good on one side nutritional benefits etc, but certain green veggies upset my stomach in a very expletive way so no no I don’t want another gastric ulcer but yes everyone is different and I’ll keep on consuming my cabbage, spinach and Broccoli. Trying new things is great but in the case of myself and food I don’t do that very often but yes I know not everyone has my constraints and I will stop this verbal diarrhoea now.

  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281

    Evening all

    One of our neighbours died this morning next door but one ...he had a stroke on Saturday and didn't recover just like our Aidan 😪

    Toni you are in my wavelength with the knicker drawer..but I must go through them again some are very old 🤭

    P will be laid to rest on the 2nd bless her will be an hard draining day ..xx

    Joan you are right we never know and need to make the best of each day to all of you xx

    Mike I'm so sorry you didn't have a family ..Vixen is very lucky to have you ..I love her early present .xx

    Kath poor you with that hospital must have been sick if coming and going bless ..thankyou for the recipe nice and healthy xx

    Reshmi Lord A like you say he us so young .children go through so many stages in there life ..I hope you got that rest today nothing nicer than a walk and then a rest xx

    Love ti all


  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,226
    edited 16. Nov 2021, 06:42

    Morning Mike Nope you are not old you can't be - I am sot so far behind you! 🙀

    You know what Christmas can be a really tough time for lots of people, but we are all expected to be having an amazing time aren't we? That's just awful you finding out about your wife's infidelity just before Christmas (what a horrible person) and splitting with a long-term GF too at the same time of year - remember neither of those happenings are your fault you have been very unlucky. Associations will come back every year. I struggle with new year as Lucy was ill over Christmas and finally passed out new years shopping *shakes head to forget memory*

    Anyway their loss is Vixen's gain she deserves a cat Dad like you. You are as bad as me getting stuff for her early and giving it to her. Have you tried putting her new tree (WOW!!!!!!) by a window? Charley's cat and Lucy's like to climb up to look out it being higher than the windowsill. So far i have only the cat treats and stockings ready. I have 5 Grandkits!

    Hope Sue is well today and you have a good natter 😊

    Morning Barbara your eyes ok-ish?

    I am so sorry to hear about your neighbour that's just awful such a shock for everyone. Maybe a blessing if he would never have fully recovered. Bill said Aidan would not have wanted to live if he wasn't 'Aidan'.😕

    Yes not looking forward to 2nd December at all, but it has to be done and got through. Her daughter seems to be doing ok at the moment keeping busy planning.

    Shall we ditch our old knickers and maybe ask for some for Christmas to replace them?🤔 a fresh start for 2022 embarrassment free drawers in our drawers!

    Joan good advice there no-one knows when their time is up so best just getting on with it aren't we? enjoy life while we can. Not easy to get funeral's quickly these days is it? still it's booked now. How are you doing? How is your pain? ((())) xxx

    Kitty a hospital bag when you have a condition which might require admissions at short notice is an excellent idea. 'We' me and Lu had one packed for about 4 years for her with one thing and another. Do you remember when my car was broken into and some idiot emptied the bag up the road? Our chundies for anyone to see😯. the police got the culprits though!

    Your patch was pink oh MUCH nicer. Oh dear Sleek is on catazon....

    She says she and you can practise your 'Pirate-eze' between now and next September!

    You could be right maybe Vixen was also after pink?🤨

    Those veggie spring rolls look amazing I'll have two each please for myself and Kari.

    Now you know ice cream is very good for us. In small quantities....😋

    Morning Reshmi how are you today? Is your leg any better at all? Well done managing a walk.

    Yes Lord A is young yet. Charley was 2 years 9 months (to the day) when Lucy was born, but for some reason she was very motherly. She once put Lucy into her car seat (out of the moses basket) while I was having a wee. When I came down she was sort of in it sideways! Bless her. Lord A will adjust when Baby R becomes more interesting.

    Good to hear cousin is doing ok. I remember he cared enough when your dad was seriously ill so a good man.

    The chap on the 'enforced diet' is also selectively dependant and needs to self-manage else he will always go back to his bad habits I think don't you?

    I see your poor mum was all anticipating a phone consultation from the kidney Dr and it was never going to happen that must have been very frustrating and as you say stressful in the house.🙄

    Well I had better get on I need my shower and hair-wash

    I miss this 😒

  • Mike1
    Mike1 Member Posts: 1,992

    You are as bad as me getting stuff for her early and giving it to her. Have you tried putting her new tree (WOW!!!!!!) by a window? Charley's cat and Lucy's like to climb up to look out it being higher than the windowsill. So far i have only the cat treats and stockings ready.

    Good idea Froggie but I do not have any room in front of my windows to put her latest acquisition and I don't have enough space in my little bungalow to have a move around to make room for it under the window. I expect it will be passed on next year if she takes no more interest in it. As for cat treats and stockings, don't tell her but I have not bothered with them as she is so fussy, she will get a tin of red salmon on the day though - bones and skin removed obviously!! 😁