Val's Cafe



  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583

    Antoinette, No my dear my school knickers were maroon and had a pocket to put my hankie in? They don't seem to put pockets in them now - where will I put my hankie? I'll have a look at Yvonne's post (not for somewhere to put my snot rag though - how crude)

    Joan, I had a good natter with dad on the phone. His false teeth are loose and keep slipping out! 😁

    Reshmi. I believe, as everyone knows. But only one of my daughters also is a believer, none of my other children do.

    Barbara, I'm sure your britches aren't as tatty as mine.


    Beetroot tarte tatin

    1 Hour 30 Minutes + Chilling Serves 4Easy

    Celebrate the earthy purple veg in this vegan Christmas centrepiece — we've used beetroot tops to create a zingy salsa verde to drizzle over the puff pastry tart

    By Adam Bush from Olive Magazine


    • ready-made puff pastry 500g block
    • beetroots 500g, peeled and cut into wedges
    • olive oil 2 tbsp
    • soft light brown sugar 75g
    • cider vinegar 75ml
    • cumin seeds 2 tsp
    • Marmite 1 tsp
    • plant milk (such as soy or oat milk) 2 tsp


    • beetroot tops or flat-leaf parsley 100g
    • garlic 1 clove
    • red wine vinegar 3 tbsp
    • capers 1 tbsp
    • Dijon mustard 2 tsp
    • extra-virgin olive oil 50ml


    • STEP 1
    • Heat the oven to 200C/fan 180C/gas 6. Roll the block of pastry out to the thickness of a £1 coin and cut to a circle roughly the size of a 28cm ovenproof non-stick frying pan. Chill.
    • STEP 2
    • Tip the beetroot wedges into the frying pan, season well and drizzle with the oil. Cover tightly with foil and roast for 20 minutes. Tip in the sugar, vinegar and cumin seeds, toss well, and roast for another 25 minutes, uncovered, until the beets are tender and sauce reduced slightly. Arrange the beetroot wedges in a nice pattern and cool slightly.
    • STEP 3
    • Remove the pastry from the fridge and lay over the frying pan, tucking it in around the edges. Use a small knife to poke holes all over the pastry to help release any steam.
    • STEP 4
    • Mix together the Marmite and plant milk, and brush all over the pastry. Bake for 30-35 minutes or until deeply golden and burnished. Leave to cool for 5 minutes then carefully use a plate to flip the tart out of the pan.
    • STEP 5
    • Meanwhile, make the salsa verde. Tip the beetroot tops, garlic and vinegar into a high-powered blender and whizz until smooth. Add the capers, mustard, oil and plenty of seasoning, and briefly whizz again.
    • STEP 6
    • Cut the tarte tatin into wedges and serve with the salsa verde for spooning over.

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,309

    Hi Toni sorry bit busy with various stuff today plus neck pain ouch I don’t think they’re coming today because they’re having a rest I mean LA et cetera of course , hi Kathleen that’s interesting about your children that only one believes, yes Toni trying to get a GP appointment is such an ordeal I agree, not an easy thing to psych yourself up for, hi Joan I actually have psoriatic but yes very different to osteo that’s true hope you and S are okay today ? I know I haven’t really answered anyone properly at all, but I need to have a shower now before my dad goes on a one - man - rampage, lol. Tc xx

  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281

    Afternoon all

    Toni I'm the same with doctors but find the form online easier ..till they ring that is then I shake..mind you our docs have stopped ring and tell us to ring the out of hours 🙄

    Thankyou fir the Saturday croissants our Aidan will be pleased ...

    Yes my drawers in the tree like parachutes they are xx

    Joan we have been married 52 years I was 19 and didn't know any better 😅...I remver when I was pregnant wuth my first son I was 22 and the doctor said do your parents know about this...😳must have look young to all if you xx

    Kath holes 7n knickers are good ..fresh air 🤣thankyou for the recipe xx

    Reshmi I do believe in God he has been a big help sometimes...your mum soynd like a strong lady with everything she has to put up with..think some has passed to you xx

    Mike hope you and Vixen are OK.. my late dad was in the army in ww2..and everything was spick and span especially our shoes xx

    Love to all


  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,226

    Morning Joan How are you today? It has gone a bit colder but so far no snow thank goodness. I also have my vest on already it's far too cold not to isn't it? What day do you have the dentist? My appointment is in January I think that was the soonest I could get. I'm sure you will come out smiling 'no fillings today'🙂Love to you and Sue ((())) xxx

    Morning Kitty your britches were maroon? Well that's an unusual colour. Yes no pocket for your hankie, (my Dad used to call them my 'fall-outs' because I would drop them all over the place!), you just have to put it up your sleeve or if you are a gross person (which you are not!) you can actually use your sleeve🤢

    At my original primary we had navy blue britches. Did you see Barbara said holey britches let the fresh air in😂

    I have a feeling Mike is the only person here whose chundies are in order🤫

    Dad's false teeth are loose maybe me needs a new set, but I bet he'd say no it's a waste of money wouldn't he?

    I think there are lots of ways to make Christmas easier. Pre-chopped veg being number one and I like Mike's idea of a ready made (posh) christmas dinner. I am pretty sure you don't actually celebrate Christmas being JW, but anything labour saving would support Yvonne.

    I'm all over the Beetroot tarte tatin indeedy do I am it looks seriously yum!

    Morning Reshmi how are you doing today?Has your neck settled down at all? and your stomach? I hope you managed your shower before your Dad's rampage🙄

    This week I will properly try to get an appointment I promise I will also have a look and see whether l can book one online because Barbara says it's less stressful. Other than that I will ring in the afternoon every day until I get one. I must also make an appointment for Charley and Annie with the seamstress again now they have their shoes.

    No visit from excess family this weekend that's a shame l think a certain little boy with miss his favourite Auntie and Grandparents 😕

    I am trying to decide whether l have the energy to wash my hair this morning I am taking Lucy to the hairdresser and don't want to look terrible myself, but really can't be bothered. I know it's a Sunday, but he had to cancel her the other day due to his dog being ill.

    Hi Barbara I knew it was your britches in the tree and yes weren't they made out of parachute material so aidan used to say😁 Holes are good for ventilation, but a bit draughty too!

    Did you tell the Dr that you had been married 3 years when you were pregnant at 22? Bless you you must have looked very young!

    I am going to try online booking Dr's appt if not l will try Reshmi's suggestion of ringing in the afternoon. I am on edge the night before one of those calls is due, (or back in the day when a Drs appt was face to face), shaking yes. Why though? Some people go every day and love it!! I hate it.

    Has Niamh been this weekend?

    Today is Sunday breakfast I hope Aidan does pop by and see us in the café if he can God bless him.

    Just for Mike it's a full Cornish breakfast:

    fried bread available and extra eggs as required...

  • Mike1
    Mike1 Member Posts: 1,992

    Just for Mike it's a full Cornish breakfast:

    fried bread available and extra eggs as required...

    Thanks, I managed my Sunday fry up but it was only hogs pudding, hash browns and an egg minus most of the white! Vixen didn't want her usual food this morning so I gave her a can of tuna, she sniffed it and promptly jumped down off the work top and went out!

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,239

    Good morning everyone

    Kath ((())) that must be uncomfortable for your dad ((())) I have a black pair of pants love to all

    Barbara (())) that’s a long time you know one another well love to everyone ((()))

    Toni ((())) my appointment is Thursday but if there’s snow I can’t go. I hope you get an appointment

    love to everyone

    Reshmi ((())) have a good day

    sorry this is quick we have to go to get back in time to have dinner before the carers come

    take care
    joan xx
  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583

    Morning friends.

    Barbara, silk knickers, even if they were parachute silk, were a real luxury.

    Reshmi, did you have your shower, or did dad get there first?

    Antoinette, when I was at Munkeydella red and yelled (maroon and gold) ALL our uniform (even gym knicks) were maroon. We also had a very smart pair of maroon shorts (culottes) for outdoor sports like hockey and netball.

    Vegan chili con carne recipe,a_exif,w_150,h_150,c_fill/v1609740904/t6wx0naen9yrdik6xbxs.jpg There was an error displaying this embed.

    A vegan chili con carne by Yuliya Mihaylova

    Chili con carne is one of the easiest meat dishes that anyone can veganize. The biggest difference in this recipe with the original is of course, the meat. You could use the ready-made vegan mince, like Beyond, but in today's recipe I am using soy mince (also known as soy bits or soy granules).

    Difficulty: Easy

    Prep Time: 10 minutes

    Total time: 40 minutes 



    2 yellow onions

    1 celery stem

    3 cloves of garlic

    3 tbsp of olive oil

    130 grams of dry soy mince

    1 can of chopped tomatoes with juice + 1 tbsp of sugar

    1 can of cooked red beans

    1 can of sweet corn

    1 tbsp of chili paste

    1 tbsp of tomato puree

    1 tbsp of yellow mustard

    1 tbsp of smoked paprika

    salt, pepper, chili flakes to taste


    1 small bowl of rice

    2 small bowls of cold water

    Salt and pepper to taste


    Fresh parsley

    Plant based yogurt 


    For the chilli

    Prepare the vegan mince according to the pack’s instructions. If you’re using soy mince like I did, soak it in hot water for 15-20 minutes, then drain before use.

    Cut the onions into half-moons and dice the celery stems and garlic. Put a large pan on the stove on medium heat, drizzle some olive oil and when it is heated add the onions, celery and garlic. Saute them for a couple of minutes, and if they start to brown too quickly, add a splash of red wine or water, until they soften and get transparent.

    Add in the prepared soy mince and cook for 5-10 minutes. 

    Next, add in the smoked paprika, some salt and pepper to taste. This is to season the mince. 

    Next, add the chili, tomato paste and the mustard. Allow to cook for 2 minutes.

    Pour the whole can of chopped tomatoes with the liquid, add the sugar and some more salt, pepper and chili flakes to taste. Let it simmer for 10 minutes. 

    When it is almost ready, you can add the cans of beans and sweet corn (as they are already cooked, we add them at the end, so they do not get overcooked). 

    For the rice

    Measure the rice in a small bowl and then rinse it through running cold water in a sifter a couple of times, until the white starchy water stops coming out of the rice. 

    Heat a medium sized pan on low heat, put a tbsp of olive oil in and add the rice. 

    Add salt and pepper and measure two bowls (the same ones you used for the rice) with cold water and add them to the rice in your pan. 

    Stir it through, cover with a lid and leave it to cook, without stirring it anymore. Keep an eye on it and when you do not see any water in the pan, you can check one rice grain for readiness. 

    Once done, remove it from the heat and set aside.


    When everything is ready, prepare a couple of deep plates or small bowls, add some of the rice on one side of the bowl and fill the other with the chili. 

    Decorate with fresh parsley and a dollop of plant-based yogurt to kill some of the heat. 


    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,309

    Hi Barbara how are you? thanks for your nice message and thanks for saying that I have some of my mum’s strength . That’s nice that you have a faith. That’s funny that the doctor thought that you were underage when you’re pregnant, lol. My mum‘s mother-in-law told her that she was too old to have kids when she was only 23! Oh dear. I hope you’re having a nice (although quite cold) day, take care. Xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,309

    Hi Toni how are you? Yes my neck has settled thanks, I had a twinge of collarbone and neck pain in the morning I think that’s because I was in in a cold room but I just needed to stay in that room temporarily so I could concentrate on counting my medicines I dropped some yesterday because I was so tired luckily it’s all sorted out now because the pharmacist seem to have given me some extra pills, it’s so annoying isn’t it when we have tiny tablets to deal with? Also my hands get slippery from putting on the psoriasis creams, but basically I was hot and tired and it’s sorted out now, thank goodness. I also have to take these really tiny tablets for my mental health and the whole thing just gets really fiddly but it’s all done now, so that’s the main thing. Yes I Managed to the shower on time thanks K, lol, how are you? Toni I hope You manage to get the GPs appointment. My rheumo appointment has actually been postponed now so it’s on the 14th of December not next week. That’s sweet about “favourite auntie” 😄. LA actually doesn’t get on too well with my brother-in-law sister, lol, i’ve mean they’ve never met , but in the video etc, he calls her “booa” and at one stage he would say, “push booa, bite booa, kick booa “, oh dear , then he would put his little plastic chocolate pudding spoon on top of the phone attempt to push booa, lol. Yes, hair - washing can be a pain that’s why mine is fairly short these days. Okay Toni bye for now, take care. Yes I did manage to get to shower on time, thank goodness, how are you?

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,309

    Hi Joan thanks how are you and Sue doing? I hope you both have a nice day take care. Xx.

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,226

    Hello everyone Lucy is back at work so I am back getting up earlier too 🙄There was so much ice this morning, but Paul had put a towel on my windscreen for me and what a difference it made! fabulous 



    Morning Mike well done doing a cooked breakfast nothin like them is there? I have decided when Paul retires we will have them sometimes maybe like brunch time.

    My Puss is now eating tinned (cat) tuna all the time I'm so pleased to stop using those plastic sachets. I bet Vixen came back in later and ate the lot!😻

    Morning Reshmi I am glad you neck has settled for now let's hope for a very long long time. Leaning forward does not help does it? Not great that Rheumatology has been delayed, but such is life it happens a lot doesn't it? I am lucky to get an appointment annually, but don't mind as all is pretty stable and nothing much changes.

    Oh dear me poor Booa I wonder what she did to deserve getting pushed bitten or kicked😮Of course you are Lord A's favourite Auntie that goes almost without saying.

    It is hard having so many pills and when some of them are teeny tiny and our hands are sore. Lucy has the most l think in this house, but I usually put them in a dosette for her so she can see whether she's taken them and how many she has missed in the month. She hates the creams she hates anything slimey even if it is the only thing that helps.

    Well done beating your dad to the shower and keeping your hair short. I have the hairdresser on Wednesday so should look respectable soon.

    I need to go for a walk today I hope it thaws soon so I can.

    Morning Kitty I like the maroon colour uniform you had at Monkeydella that explains the maroon coloured britches, but if you've had them since school it is time they went in the bin!!😁

    Are you watching Coronation street at the moment? I am finding the Kelly storyline a bit tedious.

    Loving the chilli recipe thank you very much. I actually have some beyond mince in my freezer and some chilli plants in my Greenhouse so might have a go. I won't put too much chilli in as Paul is a bit delicate and Lucy's tolerance to spice was spoiled by the chemo for some reason.🤔

    Morning Joan how are you both doing? Let's hope the weather is ok by Thursday and you get to your appointment without too much trouble. Are you both going? Lucy had her hair done yesterday and had it dyed brown! So it's very much darker than her natural colour. Very odd but she looks nice. Love to you and Sue ((())) xxx

    A quick wave to Barbara who will probably try to get on today eyes permitting. I hope your weekend was ok and that Niamh came to cheer you all up. Not too long for Mr B's appointment now about his hip ((()))

    so cold it has to be porridge!

  • Mike1
    Mike1 Member Posts: 1,992

    My Puss is now eating tinned (cat) tuna all the time I'm so pleased to stop using those plastic sachets. I bet Vixen came back in later and ate the lot!😻

    Yep! I left it for her all day and she still would not touch it although she polished off another 3 packets of her usual food HOWEVER making a brew this morning I noticed that she ate all the tuna over night. Have a good day.

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,239

    Good morning everyone

    Kath ((())) school days were good days we had no worries then did we no tablets. Have a good day. Love to Anita ((())) and Val ((())) and Emily ((())) and your Dad ((()))

    Toni ((())) yes I'm fed up with Kelly in Coronation street. Simon Gregson (Steve in corrie ) is in I'm a celebrity at 9 00

    Sue has been to the dentist l had a text message to say I had to go up the hospital for my blood test results on December 24 I'm going to ask for a phone call instead. Love to Paul (()) and Charley ((())) and Annie ((())) and the carers ((())) and Lucy ((())) and Tia ((())) and Kari ((())) and your lovely neighbours ((()))

    Reshmi ((())) have a good day and take care

    Barbara ((())) have a good day I remember when your pants were all in your window love to everyone

    Mike cats know what they like they don't need to talk they let us know((()))

    love to Carol ((()))

    take care
    joan xx
  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583

    Good morning friends.

    Joan, I wasn't fond of school (Mundella) all the pupils younger than me were a lot taller than me (I have always been a shortie) and they were bullies, so I'm afraid Ihad to get a bit mouthy with them! 🤪

    They sent me another DEXA scan appointment (at last) So I've booked transport and had a conversation with them. Get this, I'm not supposed to arrive until 5 minutes before the appointment is due. Bearing in mind they cancelled my last appointment because the ambulance was late picking me up, I booked them for an hour before the appointment as I don't want this one to be cancelled through no fault of my own! Oh the joys!!!!!

    Reshmi, it won't be long before my rheumy appointment is due. She's going to give me a right telling off for cancelling my last one!

    Antoinette, I don't think I would fit in my Monketdella britches now. Nor those lovely culottes. Yes we are watching Coronation Street, but it's grtting boring and now they are suggesting that Roy might leave!?! NOOOOOOOOOO.

    I don't do any hot spices, my Sjogren's dry mouth causes too uch pain! But I think that porridge looks delis - yum yum. I'm all over it.

    Vegan eggnog

    10 Minutes Serves 4-6Easy

    This is an easy all-in-one method for eggnog that’s perfect for parties. We've used almond milk and coconut cream to make it vegan!

    By Hannah Guinness From Olive Magazine


    • almond milk 700ml
    • coconut cream 200ml
    • ground nutmeg, cinnamon and cloves a small pinch of each, plus extra cinnamon to serve
    • cashew nuts 50g
    • pitted dates 50g
    • bourbon, rum or amaretto a couple of glugs, (optional)
    • vegan whipped cream to serve
    • cinnamon sticks to serve


    • STEP 1
    • Tip the almond milk, coconut cream, spices, cashew nuts, dates and alcohol (if using) into a blender and blitz until completely smooth and creamy.
    • STEP 2
    • Pour the eggnog into mugs or tumblers, then top with vegan whipped cream, dust with cinnamon and garnish with a cinnamon stick to serve.

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,309

    Hi Toni, how are you ?my neck has settled for now thanks, just did the neck physio which is quite a refreshing exercise for me but like I said back has to be in reasonable state to do it nothing simple is it? Yes There are a lot of delays my mum still hasn’t had her cataract operation yet. I see about Lucy I have actually started using pillboxes but the problem was that time I was so tired and so hot that I knocked whole thing over, nvm I know to be careful now. That’ll be nice to have your hair cut / styled. I’m pretty tired now I may try and write more later bye for now enjoy your Porridge and take care. Xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,309

    Hi Joan how are you and Sue today? I hope both you have a nice day. Hi Toni, ice on the car that’s scary it’s good that Paul helped you out , I wish my dad will help my mum out sometimes, but that’s not his personality, his personality is more like 😡, there was a time when he was quite kind, but that kindness it’s hardly these days to be honest, oh well. Hi Kathleen how are you today ? I see oh dear why did you have to cancel the last one? I hope it goes well. I don’t, btw the eggnog looks really good. I must admit I went to Costa today didn’t sit down just got a quick takeaway, I was very tempted by the hot Choc but today somehow managed to resist, lol, did have the orange Choc muffin though, non- choc muffins had run out, oh dear oh dear, oh well at least choc consumption is not a daily consumption of me unlike with the good old spoilt bill. Something funny happened, the little baby (baby R) I was in his daddy’s lap and took one of his salt and vinegar crisps and stuff that in his mouth and ate it, oh dear, he is definitely too young for salt and vinegar snacks must’ve been hungry though, lol. He wasn’t very well again he was sick again and then also had a cough I think he’s more or less now though, he May have a very slight cough still though I’m not quite sure. Sister had an interview need for a really good job , some kind of legal director position is another firm and she’s got a second interview coming up soon so I think that’s why they all needed a rest with the stress and the little baby being ill and so on and so forth.Regarding LA, I saw him yesterday on video call, he said the baby R can be my little brother when we’re on holiday, to him “ holiday “, means Reading, lol. Hi Barbara Hope you’re well today? Hope it’s not too cold where you are ? Here It was fairly bad this morning but it more bearable now outside I think take care. Xx

  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281

    Hello all

    Toni this morning was our first frost...gosh it takes you by surprise..a towel is a good idea anything to not have to scrap ice off first thing...especially mums taxi..yes you make that appointment..I know its so easy to say ...I'm another that hates going ..they know the time wasters..thankyou fir the porridge very welcome xx

    Joan it's still make ne laugh all my undies in the window 🤣thank goodness the window cleaners wasn't due..hope you enjoy dinner out xx

    Reshmi fancy the baby sneaking a crisp...😅anything in front if them they want ..have you tried the microwavable wheat cushion for your neck makes the exercises easier xx

    Kath yes can you imagine silk bloomers ooh the luxury...the eggnog took me back not had it fir years ..hope you get that scan xx

    Love to all


  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,309

    Hi, Nice to hear from you Barbara, yeah that was funny about The crisp, I think you’re right about babies, lol, oh that sounds interesting microwaveable wheat cushion, okay Ill def have a look for that thanks Barbara. Hope you’re having a nice evening, take care. Xx.

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,226

    Morning everyone 😊

    No frost!!! None at all the towel wasn't necessary this morning.

    3 sachets and a tin of tuna Mike your Vixen can pack it away. Mine has two small tins and some dry food.

    Morning Joan I would absolutely not want to go for blood results on 24th December! Surely they will do it on the phone?🤞 Sue's dental check up is done already that's good. Steve will be good on I'm a Celebrity. Love to you both ((())) xxx

    Barbara undies in the window indeed. Was it dark in the house?😉It was a very good job the window cleaner didn't come that day😳imagine - you'd have cringed every time he came after that!

    I suppose you are right the staff do know who the time-wasters are at the Drs. I read yesterday how many people use the ambulance service too much. Some people call them out like several times a week! You'd think they could do something, but i suppose this call might actually be an emergency.

    Silk bloomers imagine that! I'm happy enough with my marks drawers.

    Kitty Kat how are you today me lovely? I am sorry you had a tough time at school being a diddy person. I am pretty diddy too, but not as diddy as you. Nope I doubt any of us could get in our old school uniforms these days could we?

    I have saved yesterday's chilli recipe to my lap-top. Will give it a go over the weekend. Now the egg-nog! Mmmmmm....very very tempting indeed. Last year Kari made some vegan bailey's that was nice too.

    Glad you enjoyed the porridge nothing as cosy as porridge is there?

    Glad the dexa scan is booked that is important. If you get there too early you will just have to be bored and pretend you aren't there. Better than missing it again like last time.

    Coronation street is a bit boring ATM wonder whether Joan agrees. It used to be the highlight of my week.... Roy leaving? what?😮Nope that is a step too far😡

    Reshmi I wonder why your dad has got more angry with age. That is a shame I wonder if he feels alright himself 🤨I am glad you have some good memories though when he was nicer and happier.

    Aha your house is when Lord A is on his holidays bless his heart he must be happy at yours🤗 You have to love that boy😍 I am glad baby R is allowed to share Mummy and be his brother when he comes to you at least. I think you'll be right there babies aren't really allowed to eat salt and vinegar crisps🤭 Glad he is on the mend though at least.

    Barbara is right l have several wheatbags when Lucy was due her surgeries we had 7 between us! they do loosen up the muscles and ease pain more than you'd expect. Way better than hot water bottles as they mould to the shape of your body.

    Good luck to your sister I hope she gets the job you must be proud of her.

    As for the small chocolate cake - why not? You rarely have chocolate as I say a 'little' (that is for your BIL) of what you like does you good😋

    Right what shall we have this morning?

    Indian rice pudding!

  • Mike1
    Mike1 Member Posts: 1,992

    3 sachets and a tin of tuna Mike your Vixen can pack it away. Mine has two small tins and some dry food.

    Vixen has dried food too not to mention titbits in between.!!! I put a pork chop in the oven last night and no sooner than I had got it out of the fridge than she jumped up expecting some so I had to cut the end of it off and cut it up for her. I am amazed that she is still so small after the amount she scoffs, she is 6 now but still only 3Kg. As she only eats Felix Chicken as good as it looks I get 6 boxes of 20 packets direct from Purina every month, luckily they have regular offers so this is the cheapest I can get it by far. It was supposed to have arrived yesterday but didn't so it had better come today as she is down to her last packet.

    Have a good day all.

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,239

    Good morning everyone

    Kath ((())) Good luck with the Dexa scan at least you will be there some don't even go to the appointments. Have a good day all of you. Love to Chris ((())) and Anita ((())) and Val ((())) and Emily ((())) and your dad ((()))

    Barbara ((())) how is your neighbour does she still call you names. Love to Mr B ((())) and your son ((())) and Niamh ((())) and your brother ((())) and his girlfriend ((())) and your niece ((())) and her fiancé ((()))

    Toni ((())) yes wheat bags are good. I read Roy is killed I don't know how true that is. Have a good day all of you.

    my pants are from Bhs I have some black ones

    Love to Paul ((())) and Charley ((())) and Annie ((())) and the carers ((())) and Lucy ((())) and Tia ((())) and Kari ((())) and your lovely neighbours ((()))

    Reshmi ((())) have a good day don't worry love to your mum ((()))

    Mike ((())) animals let you know when they are hungry it's a good job they can't speak they would be bossing us about love to vixen ((()))

    Love to Carol ((()))

    take care
    joan xx
  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583

    Joan, ooh, black pants from M&S - how posh. Well I'll do my best to get to the DEXA! It depends on the patient transport.

    Mike, Vixen has good taste like most pusskins.

    Reshmi, so Lord A goes to Reading for his holidays - well, why not!

    Barbara, glad you enjoyed the egg nog.

    Antoinette, Have you heard of the onlone shop WEARTH? Everthing they sell is vegan and environmrntally friendly.. I've just sent Emily and ecertificate (git card) because she likes using non plastic and is ver envirommenyally friendly. even their pacaging is eco. Barbara says Roy dies! 😧 what will Nina do?

    Stuffed butternut squash with blue cheese and leeks

    2 Hours Serves 4Easy

    This filled roasted squash makes a showstopping meat-free centrepiece — the combination of nutty grains, sweet leeks and blue cheese works wonderfully alongside all the festive trimmings

    By Adam Bush from Olive Madazine.


    • butternut squash 1 large, halved lengthways and seeds removed
    • unsalted butter 75g
    • leeks 2, finely chopped
    • garlic 2 cloves, finely chopped
    • soft white breadcrumbs 50g
    • mixed grain pouch 250g
    • blue cheese (such as stilton or danish blue) 75g, crumbled
    • flat-leaf parsley a small bunch, finely chopped
    • lemon ½, juiced


    • STEP 1
    • Heat the oven to 190C/fan 170C/gas 5. Scoop out some flesh from the neck of the butternut squash, ensuring you leave a shell about 2cm thick. Finely chop the scooped-out squash and put in a frying pan with the butter, leeks and a pinch of salt. Cook gently for 15 minutes until the leeks are really soft, then add the garlic and cook for another minute. Stir in the breadcrumbs and grains, tossing until heated through. Season lightly then stir through the cheese, parsley and lemon juice.
    • STEP 2
    • Season the squash shell and spoon enough of the stuffing into the cavity to fill it. Put any leftover stuffing into a pan to reheat and serve later. Carefully put the two halves of the squash back together and tie with string at intervals to secure it. Put into a roasting tray and use scrunched up foil on either side to stop it rolling over. Drizzle well with the remaining olive oil, season again and roast for 1 hour 30 minutes-1 hour 45 minutes or until the squash is tender but still holding its shape.
    • STEP 3
    • Put onto a board and carve, serving with the remaining warmed stuffing and all the usual trimmings and gravy.

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,309

    Hi Toni how are you ? I’ve done my neck physio and I’m prepared to waffle a lot on the Internet, lol. No frost good for you , you beat me there I saw frost on the grass this morning so I couldn’t go out when I wanted to thought it was sensible to wait a bit , but when did go out was okay-ish but damp air along with the cold so to be honest I didn’t venture far this morning , just was outside for a maybe 10 minutes, this kind of weather reminds friend of mine who once asked me if she should put the heating on because she had a bad cold, it was approx last November, so I politely said that it probably would be a good idea that it wouldn’t be good if she made herself ill for no reason, lol. She’s a very Intelligent person, it’s a bit odd I think someone must’ve told her not to waste money even though to be honest she is pretty rich and she may have taken this to extremes, don’t freeze that’s my only policy 🥶, lol. It is a bit odd about my dad that’s true thanks before he was kind but he didn’t express it all the time I do remember though when I had my stomach ulcer which was a long time ago now maybe 10 years or something like that, he was extremely kind to me and I know he can still care in certain ways and certain times , but other times it’s like he takes a genuine pleasure in upsetting people greatly , I am a bit worried about his memory tbh, he’s not doing certain things like switching the gas off or closing the front door, I spoke to my mum about it she said we should just try to keep checking things and monitoring the situation and if it’s really bad gets really bad persuade him to go to the GP but the thing is I think it’s probably not not something like dementia, at least not moment, because he remembers everything to do with the Bengali cultural society which is his main hobby and interest, he gets obsessed for certain things and then neglects other things but anyway like my mum said we’re just going to have to be vigilant and sensible and hope for the best the problem is really hates going to the doctor, but at the end of the day I think my mum will be able to persuade him, but he won’t listen to me I’m pretty sure of that to be honest, lol. Thanks about LA, baby R and my sister. Written a bit more here but I’ve put the portable heater on and I’m trying not to fall asleep 💤. Bye for now. Xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,309
    edited 23. Nov 2021, 11:36

    Hi Joan thanks for your message hope you and Sue are okay today? I’m a Bit of a worrier by nature, lol, but I will indeed try to worry less that’s good advice thanks. It horribly Cold today isn’t it ? I’ve switched on the heater but it’s got too stuffy I’m not sure what to do really but anyway, but it’s better than freezing, it hurts our joints so much, doesn’t it? Have a nice day take care stay warm. Xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,309

    Hi Kathleen how are you? Yes Reading the great tourist destination culturally and aesthetically pleasing perhaps not, lol, but yes, as long as LA is happy haha. I was going to write something else here but I am practically asleep so bye for now Kathleen take care. Xx