Val's Cafe
Hi Everyone, I’m feeling slightly better now managed to relocate to downstairs which is warmer even though they are some problems there which cannot be mentioned in a public voice controlling session, lol. I remember what I was going to say to you, Kathleen I love butternut squash one of my favourite veggies, good choice. That made me laugh Kathleen, Reading the tourist destination indeed, lol, when I worked for an unnamed college, in admin, I had a supervisor once who was French but in the end she resigned and went back to France to live in Paris, but she would sometimes come on holiday to guess where yes Reading!! (Paris must be so boring museums art culture, Reading’s got Oscar W, I think that’s about it, lol. Very strange place to visit just for fun, if she’d had family here, like little LA, course that would be different oh well if it made her happy, She wasn’t a great supervisor though, she was one of the lackeys, like at me and the rest of the team at some point, but then she got this promotion and as I say she was a supervisor , not a manager or a reference -writer for that matter, she would tell me off a very weird things like using correct punctuation (?), no comments there, but the actual manager of the whole team was quite a reasonable guy thankfully so I didn’t really feel insecure in my job while I was there, there were other problems definitely but the boss was a good one. Ok bye for now xx
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I'm just popping in very briefly (Oh, OK I'll have a cuppa😉) to say thank you to Joan for her kind comment on a thread on LWA.
Yes, two years is a long time but we have seen him almost every evening on WhatsApp and, being infinitely more techie than his Mum (Who isn't?) he fixes a camera up each week so that we can watch our grandson playing baseball live. Even so, a proper hug will be wonderful.
Joan, I hope you and Sue are keeping as well as possible and thanks again.
Cup now drained so best wishes to all of you. I'm off😁
If at first you don't succeed, then skydiving definitely isn't for you.
Steven Wright1 -
Evening all
And hello SW irs lovely to hear from you sorry i don't get in LWA but my eye are not good xx
Toni Mr B was airing my knickers in the window 😲that's men for you..I agree about corrie it's dragging out story line now unlike the old ones xx
Mike they have a little cat next door to ys she has hardly grown but eats for England..people think she's a kitten ..7 she is xx
Reshmi I think a lot if wgat your dad ys going through must be frustration not being able to do what he did years ago ..just like Mr B..yes you try the wheat cushions but make sure on the sizes some or quite small xx
Kath I have not long ago tried butternut squash in a soup very goid it was to ..thankyou xx
Love to all
Barbara1 -
This is on the waters nearby were we feed the swans called the lovely it looks
Barbara0 -
Oh gosh Barbara that is just beautiful 😮 I really love it some people have such talent and imagination don't they?
Mr B!!!! Our pants are private! they don't go in windows😳bless him. I think I might snigger over that all day now.
I think it must be COVID affecting the story-lines maybe in Coronation Street?
Nice to see you @stickywicket I see you out and about on the main forum from time to time.
Look after yourself 😊
Morning Reshmi glad you relocated to a warmer spot yesterday, but it does mean you can't always say what you want to!
Your friend is definitely daft not to put the heating on. I know it costs, but it has to be a priority surely heating, food and a roof over your head🙄
The ex supervisor (who got ideas above her station when she got that promotion!) must have had some happy memories to come to England let alone Reading! Imagine that over all Paris and the rest of France have to offer! Bless her. Good job your main boss was decent. Of course Lord A has every right to think he's on holiday, an hour's journey will be half a day to him, and then he sees you all - his family😍
This morning it's drizzling! Not icy so didn't waste Paul's time with the towel on my windscreen.
Your Dad. Hmmm sounds as though he is feeling his age and might well even be struggling with his memory a bit. People can often get a bit nasty when they are fearing for their future and men particularly can be very proud when it comes to their mental health. You and your Mum are right just to keep an eye on him in an unobtrusive way.
leaving the gas on and doors open are worrying signs I hope if you need to that your Mum will be able to persuade him to see the Dr. ((())) for you. The kind dad who cared when you had that stomach ulcer is there still.
Mike that is incredible I have seen Vixen in pics she is a slim puss! She must burn it off on her adventures outside. Did her food arrive from purina in time?😯 If not you'll have to cook another chop for her! I am a bit worried Lucy's puss hasn't poo'd for 2 days. Might be ringing the vet soon.....
Morning Kitty. How are you today?
I hadn't heard of Wearth but I have now thanks to you and love it! It's all vegan and eco friendly what a great site. I might get some presents from there for people for Christmas. Some really good sustainable stuff there too. Thank you!
Lucy said that Roy has transferred his assets to Nina so they are preparing i am worried. It could be the making of her you know. BUT what will WE do😪 I missed that happening must have been out of the room or replying to a text or something....
Now can I veganise that squash centrepiece....I think I can with a mixture of nutritional yeast maybe instead of the blue cheese🤔
Morning Joan how are you and Sue today? I hope all is well with you both and the carers too? Gosh l really don't want Roy to die as Kath says he is Nina's only family bless her. What are we like?! It's only telly!!! ((())) xxx
Well better get something done
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Vixen's food arrived in the nick of time yesterday thankfully. I gave her half a packet first thing to make it stretch until the delivery arrived and the look on her face was one of disgust 😾, she was further not impressed when Sue turned up to do her Tuesday thing BUT, once again, as soon as the vacuum was put away she came in had a couple of chews and then demanded a whole packet of food as I am sure that she saw the delivery arrive! I have to put a shopping order in today so will get her a treat or two! Have a nice one.
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Good morning everyone
Kath (())) yes I know hospital transport they pick you up an hour before your appointment you have to go around picking others up the same on the way back you are longer in the bus than at your appointment. l have my dentist appointment tomorrow morning. how is your pain today ((())) love to Chris ((())) and Anita ((())) and Val ((())) and Emily ((())) and your dad ((()))
Barbara ((())) have a good day all of you ((()))
Toni ((())) have a good day and your big family ((()))
Reshmi ((()))worry makes things worse you sort out what to do in your mind but it makes things worse ((())) have a good day (((()))
Mike ((())) and vixen and Carol ((()))
take care
joan xx1 -
Good morning folk and special guest Sricky. My it's cold this morning! What you on about woman it's almost winter.
Joan, thank you for asking, my back is killing me!
Barbara, the Flash looks beautiful.
Antoinette, I knew you'd love Wearth, Emily will enjoy spending her vouchers. I also gave Holly and Co a George gift card. She bought some winter clothes with it. Here is a photo of Elayna, Holly and La Vayah wearing those. I think Esmae was at her Zumba class.
She bought Vay over yesterday and she was wearing her new dressing gown. It is so soft. Vay starts school next year and will have one to one because of her Autism. But she waved at me and said BYE. She loves to walk on my chippings which make a lovely crunching sound. Look at their big smiles.
Vegan pumpkin pie
Subscribe to olive magazine and receive 1 year for just £29.99 - the perfect Christmas gift
1 Hour Serves 6-8Easy
Ready-made pastry and a tin of pumpkin purée make this plant-based pie very easy to whip up. It's a sweet, spiced treat that's perfect for autumn
By Adam Bush from Olive magazine
Published: August 10, 2021 at 4:56
- vegan sweet shortcrust pastry 320g
- flour for dusting
- pumpkin puree 425g tin
- maple syrup 75ml
- soft light brown sugar 75g
- vanilla bean paste ½ tsp
- nutmeg ¼, finely grated
- ground cinnamon ½ tsp
- coconut milk ½ x 400ml tin
- cornflour 1½ tbsp
- icing sugar for dusting
- STEP 1
- Roll out the pastry on a lightly floured worksurface to around ½cm thick and use it to line a 23cm fluted tart tin. Prick the base with a fork, line with a piece of baking paper and fill with baking beans. Chill for 30 minutes.
- STEP 2
- Heat the oven to 190C/fan 170C/gas 5. Bake the chilled pastry for 15 minutes until the edges are beginning to brown, then remove the beans and paper and bake for another 10 minutes until the base is lightly golden.
- STEP 3
- Turn the oven down to 180C/fan 160C/gas 4. Tip the remaining ingredients into a bowl and whisk together with a pinch of salt. Pour into the pastry case and bake for 35 minutes until fully set, with a very slight wobble in the centre. Remove from the oven and leave to cool completely, then dust with icing sugar and cut into slices.
"Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein
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Hi Barbara nice to hear from you how are you ? yeah my dad may have quite a few frustrations it’s true he’s always been a very difficult person though, but I admit things are complicated hopefully it’s just forgetfulness but my mum and I are monitoring as I say and my dad does listen to my mum about his health when things get drastic so that’s good for me to know.have a Nice afternoon. Tc.xx
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Hi Toni how are you you’re right there price, lol. Yes, It is quite strange about my friend and heating, lol, I know she’s a very clever person and does a good job but common-sense on practical matters I don’t think she’s got much to be honest , I’ve noticed that about a lot of really clever people actually like my sister to a certain extent, when she gets ready to go out somewhere socially, I know I don’t go out socially so much these days, but mainly talking about the past, it will take ages for her to get ready and then after spending two hours or whatever doing her hair, she’ll say “oh yes I need to put lipstick on and then I’ll do this and then I’ll do that” and we’re always late, lol and it’s just a really big ordeal just waiting for her, lol another example is she asked my mum to babysit and my mum said she couldn’t because she had a hospital appointment and then my sister rang again and again so is it still okay about Friday‘s hospital appointment, but when it comes to her work she is super organised and 100 % in charge of everything yeah weird people these mega - intellectuals, lol, but I agree with you heating is a basic need, daft indeed, haha.yes I think you’re right there about the ex supervisor she must’ve had some some nostalgic feelings about about Reading. My own common-sense is telling me that I should stop this message now because I’ve had one of those nasty neck twinges that seems to happen in the cold room okay bye for now everybody bye Kathleen and Joan too, take care hopefully I’ll be able to write more later on today or failing that tomorrow. Xx
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Icy again this morning so not a nice start to the day for Lucy and me.
Gosh Mike that was very 11th hour you must have been quite worried😯 Weirdly my puss alos liked felix as good as it looks chicken and in emergencies our local Tesco (the tiny one) had individual sachets. Vixen knows what to do about that horrible vacuum cleaner - avoid it!! She does indeed deserve a treat when you do your online shop. We were at the vet last night Lucy's cat (indoor) hadn't poo'd for nearly 3 days😣sorted with a cat enema
Morning Joan I really don't like hospital transport at all luckily l have Paul, but my ex MIL had a volunteer for years for her dialysis. It worked very well until the driver got cancer and it was back to hospital transport🙄
We will all be with you under the cloak for the dentist today I expect 'no fillings' Love to you and Sue ((())) xxx
Morning Kitty the girls look lovely in their new clothes. Those new dressing gowns are just so soft aren't they? Lucy has one and I love stroking it. Vay will be at school soon bless her. I think it will do her a lot of good and it will give Holly a good break which I should think she needs by now. Their smiles are positively beaming!
I have to admit I could have spent an hour on that wearth site! I will get something for Kari from there and my friend who is just catching up on being eco friendly. A voucher is actually an excellent idea.👍️My plan for the last couple of years has been to only get people what they will use so it doesn't end up in the landfill.
Vegan pumpkin pie! I might just have to give that a go as they are in season just now. Thank you very much indeed!
Morning Reshmi. It does not follow that intelligent people have common sense does it?! Your friend and sister are perfect examples! It's like they must have so much going on in their heads that normal stuff doesn't stay in there! I hate being late it is a pet hate of mine mind I hate it if someone turns up early too that's almost as bad🙄 Talking of brainy people any news on your sister's job?
How is your neck today? You really need a wheatie for when you are in the cold room yes you do! Make sure you get one with cotton cover not a nylon one or they 'sweat'. I hope the neck is much better but be careful ((()))
I have my annoying friend coming over today we are supposed to be going for lunch with another friend, but she always arrives early and wants me to go in her car even though I have already said I need my own as I might need to leave before them to fetch Lucy from work.🙄other people eh?
Well better get on need to tidy some more today.
Love to you Barbara when you pop in hope all is well today I replied to yesterday's post above somewhere. xxx
vegan option too! red sauce, brown sauce, mayo and mustard all available!
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Morning Froggie. Unfortunately my village shop does not sell individual sachets so in the past I have had to buy a whole box and just take out the chicken ones for Vixen, luckily my Home Help has two cats so she has the rest of the box. As for giving Vixen an enema ...... eeeeeeeeeeeeeew! 😖
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Hi Toni how are you today? I I think you’re definitely right about the really brainy people no room for normal stuff on the brain, lol! It’s like when my sister cooks something she’ll ask my mum for the recipe, but instead of writing it down on making a note of it she just listens that one time and then ends up asking her 500 times I would’ve memorised it by then so would “normal’ people, lol, I suppose she’s busy is thinking about matters legal and so on and so forth very very unusual, lol. Yes I agree with you I don’t like being late at all. My sister has got a second interview thanks for asking, so that seems like a very good sign. My neck is okay at the moment thanks I’ve done my physio and I’m trying to avoid the cold room if at all possible. I’m definitely thinking about the Wheatie, but the only problem the eczema on my the neck is quite bad and I know that heat aggravates it but I have to look into it properly maybe I’ll get one for my back or something like that thanks for the advice. Other people, they can indeed be Annoying haha. Ok this voice controlling session has become v public, so I’m stopping for now. Will try to write later. Bye Tc.xx
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Hi Barbara Kathleen and Joan, how are you all doing today? V cold here about -1 degrees. Xx
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Hi Toni actually I’m back again people have disappeared so I’ve got a bit of freedom to Express myself, I thought I’d give you an LA story, he said to his mummy “can I hit baby R please?”, she replied “no that’s very naughty you can’t kick your little brother he gets hurt”, so then LA replied,, “but I don’t hit anyone else’s brother ,Ricky’s, Jane’s, he’s my brother and I’m allowed to hit him!😡. I’ve got a feeling you may have been consoled with yet another cupcake🧁, oh dear… ok I’m going for now bye. Xx
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Good morning everyone
Kath (((()))) sorry about your back I hope the pain does not last too long ((())) I leave my pants on the radiator over night. Love to Chris ((())) and Anita ((())) and Val ((())) and Emily ((())) and your Dad ((())) lovely photo of Holly and girls ((()))
Toni ((())) not nice when it's icy ((())) Steve is in the jungle tonight. everything alright at the dentist thank you for coming it was quiet there ((())) how is your back (((())) love to Paul ((())) and Charley ((())) and Annie ((())) and the carers ((())) and Lucy ((())) and Tia (())) and Kari ((())) and your lovely neighbours ((()))
Reshmi ((())) have a good day how is your pain ((()))
Mike ((())) love to vixen
love to Carol ((()))
take care
joan xx1 -
Evening all..the earth ball on the flash is a massive inflatable..they have deflated it because we have high winds on the way
Toni I think you should put your foot down with your annoying friend . Says je that would have give in 😅
Hope all is well with everyone xx
Joan love abd hugs to you and Sue xx
Kath dud u read your back was painful..hope it eases soon ..what a good pic of Holly and the girls ..gosh they have grown xx
Reshmi my mum yse to say the best business brains weren't very intelligent..
La is trying his luck...😲maybe he know he will get a cupcake xx
Love to Mike and Vixen how is she enjoying her present xx
Love to all
Barbara1 -
Oh Mike don't worry the vet did the enema not me😁I would be scared I'd hurt her. Winnie is a good weight now she was too skinny when she came here the vet said she was like a Tom cat!! She is very offended by this and is planning her revenge😾 Yes I used to give away a load of sachets when mine only ate chicken Just glad the delivery came in time for you/Vixen.
Oh gosh well Reshmi that says it all your sister is too brainy to retain a recipe in her head it is full of legalese no room for herbs and spices. I am so pleased she has been called for a second interview I am sure she'll get the job.😊
Lord A would like to kick or hit his brother🤭 I bet his friends at school kick or hit their's that's probably where he has heard about it. Hopefully their brothers are not still babies😁 Bless him we know he will love him in time when he gets more interesting.
Ah yes your eczema is also on the back of your neck. No way can you use a wheatie until that settles down. Mine cannot bear heat. Maybe just keep a scarf of some sort on it you do have to be in the cold room. Good it was pretty good yesterday and hope today is the same.
Other people are just so difficult at times.
Barbara I was a bit naughty.....we have a gate now at the front of the house which is usually open, but when my friend was due I made sure i was 'just opening' it so she thinks it's usually shut😳 I hate confrontation and also hate upsetting people.
That earth ball is just phenomenal I love it and want one of my own! Yes it is nasty out wet and windy. I am worried already as on Sunday I have to fetch Penelope from Bedfordshire and I don't like driving distance in iffy weather. She has been having her seats treated and valetted as well as repainted inside. Being vegan I wouldn't buy leather, but if it's already there you must treat it with respect and look after it. I will post a pic when she's all smart (as Aidan would say).
It's Friday so have you got Niamh coming over for the weekend? I do hope so she just lifts all your spirits🤗
No Kitty....hmmmm Let's hope all is well🤨 and you just had a day off. When is your Dexa scan? The cloak is all aired ready after our trip to the dentist yesterday with Joan. ((())) for your poor back I hope the Pol-tiss helped which Sleek brought over?
Joan that is excellent news no fillings👍️. Yes it was quiet at your dentist's ours is the same odd isn't it? It's because they have to leave the rooms empty for a certain amount of time with covid between patients I think. Yes Steve was in the jungle (Castle!) with Ian Beale off Eastenders a good pair they could be. Love to you and Sue ((())) xxx
Not really the appropriate time of year, but I do love them.....
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I posted on your fb page Antoinette, nothing to worry about. I’m having a couple of days off as I don’t feel too good, coughing, sneezing, and so tired, I’ll see how I feel on Saturday. 😞🙏🏽
"Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein
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Good morning everyone
Kath ((())) I'm sorry you don't feel very well ((())) love to Chris ((())) and Anita ((())) and Val ((())) and Emily ((())) and your Dad ((()))
Barbara ((())) yes we have bad weather coming you take care ((())) love to Mr B and your son ((())) and Niamh ((())) and your brother ((())) and his girlfriend ((())) and your niece ((())) and her fiancé ((()))
Toni ((())) I'm glad Winnie feels better now ((())) I thinking about the 2 of December it will be hard for you ((())) have a good journey on Sunday ((())) love to Paul ((())) and Charley ((())) and Annie ((())) and the carers ((())) and Lucy ((())) and Tia ((())) and Kari (((()))) and your lovely neighbours ((()))
love to Carol ((())) and Mike ((())) and vixen
take care
joan xx0 -
Thanks Kitty I do hope you feel a bit better very soon. Sleek is coming over again later. Not flying this time it must be through your gate because there is a no fly order in place as Aidan would say.
Joan I am already starting to struggle and dreading Thursday. There will be a service here at Church, but then the committal at the cemetery. I am going to drive my pink car which we bought extra early so P could have a ride in it which she did manage. Her daughter wants me to. Thank you for thinking of me ((())) xxxx
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Hi ladies and Mike, sorry for the late sign in hope you’re all doing okay today - Barbara Kathleen Joan and Toni. Hi Joan, I’m not too bad today thanks pain is better today I went for a walk which helped yesterday I tried to go for a walk but it was cold and I made a “wrong coat decision”, so I just did a tiny walk, walk today was longer so I’m very pleased about that , got cold and wet but manageably so, I think what I might have to try for the really cold days is wearing a really thick jumper underneath my new coat , the new coat is great but not really for freezing or below freezing I have a reserve coat so all is not lost, lol, it’s really heavy and it makes my back ache more I’ve worked out anyway at least I’ve got coat options in my wardrobe now as it were, lol.sorry almost finished on the coat topic, lol, another prob though with my old coat is that one of the zip sometimes gets really stuck and I had to resort to cutting myself out of it once just a tiny cut, it’s not really very good if I have to start usual mutilating my own coat to survive as it were, haha. Thanks Toni about my sister “head full of legalese”, that’s a great way of putting it, lol. Yes I think you’re right about law day you may well have heard it at nursery. He does get on well with his brother at times though, for example my sister sent me a really cute video of him saying to his baby brother” do you want to take a break with me? I’ll show you how”, and then baby are seems to reply positively in his own baby language while making his way to mummy’s lap, not very easy to properly describe in words really, but very cute indeed, both brothers looked extremely happy maybe for about five minutes, lol. I’ve got eczema on the side of my neck and that’s the problem but even scarves irritate it unfortunately but I have got some high collared exercise tops which I wear outside might start wearing them inside the house when I need to that’s a good idea protecting the neck thanks Toni. I’m starting to get a bit tired now so so I’ll try and be a bit brief for the rest of this message, Paul can indeed to be really difficult. Hot crossed buns , v delicious I agree. My sister used to work in Paris sometimes and then should bring home these Macarons, very expensive and very tasty but was real cream and so maybe it’s a good job that she’s not working abroad anymore, good for my waistline anyway, lol. Barbara that’s a good thing your mum said I agree completely with like my dad he had a job complex role really but he was a company director among other things, but he’ll forget his indigestion medicines and so on and so forth and he’s been doing that for a long time even when he was a young man anyway I better go now hope you’re having a nice day everyone take care. Bye. Xx
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Morning everyone!
Well that was hairy😮 blizzard conditions out there but I got Lucy to work would have been easier in daylight dipped headlights only. If it doesn't settle down though I will book her a taxi back Paul is down south so not much help today sadly.
Poor Sleek nose out of the cat-flap retreated back inside!
Mike I hope you don't have this I don't think Vixen will be too happy at ALL😕
Kitty Sleek has been to see you already through the gate she's not one to stay in even if it is thick snow and blowing a gale. Naughty storm Arwen. I have a friend called Eirwen so i am blaming her! hah! Sleek has brought some 'fresh' pol-tiss-ez for you I hope they have helped a little ((()))
Joan did you get out yesterday to your cafe? I don't blame you if you didn't it wasn't nice and so far today is worse. Paul says not to worry it's a storm and will ease off later. Easy for him to say he isn't scared driving in snow! Love to you both ((())) xxx
A snowman pic please Barbara if Niamh is with you and the snow is too>
Reshmi yes that is a lovely lovely description of Lord A and baby R's interaction he definitely loves his little brother really and clearly Baby R adores him!
I have similar coat issues!!! Some aren't long enough when it's really chilly I like my thighs covered too. One has a hood which flops over my face and obscures my vision and another probably the warmest has no hood at all. Having said that I probably prefer a wooly hat unless it's actually raining - or snowing like today🙄
As for cutting yourself out of your coat! Yesterday Lucy's shoe lace broke in her work boots. I had to replace it with shorter laces which we couldn't do a bow with. So we had to tie them in a double knot and cut her out when she got home!
Managed to get some boot laces while she was at work so all sorted now.
I think the higher necked sports tops will have to be your way forward for now to keep your neck warm that and doing your best to avoid the cold room.
It is indeed a very good job that your sister no longer gets cream filled macarons😮 even if they were lovely 🍰
Right it's Saturday so I will sort out Aidan's breakfast also from France:
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Mike I hope you don't have this I don't think Vixen will be too happy at ALL😕
Morning all. Well, we do have the storm but not as bad as the East of the UK, we have the high winds and driving rain and also some hail this morning. You are quite right, Vixen does not like it. She was pacing around the bungalow yesterday evening and could not settle; she spent the night on my bed snuggled up against my legs which I could not move. This morning she has eaten well as usual and after staring out the kitchen window for a while watching things being blown in the back garden she has gone back to bed. I think she did dart out to do her business but I have a litter tray by the back door just in case, she has never used it but it is there if needed. Batten down the hatches and have a good one!
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Good morning everyone
Toni (((()))) yes I will be thinking about you on Thursday what time is it ((())) I'm sure P and Aidan will be looking down on you ((())) we went to town yesterday it was cold we have an opticians next Friday. Have a good weekend love to Paul ((())) and Charley ((())) and Annie ((())) and the carers ((())) and Lucy ((())) and Tia ((())) and Kari ((())) and your lovely neighbours ((())) I had Sue's purse in my pocket the zip caught so it had to be cut.
Reshmi ((())) I hope you have a good weekend it's snowing here I have a big coat it has fleece on the inside and around the neck it does not have a hood but I have a hat I got from wilko I think it's a child's but it fits me it has fleece inside and it does up with velcro around my chin. Love to everyone
Kath ((())) thinking about you ((()))love to Chris ((())) and Anita ((())) and Val ((())) and Emily ((())) and your Dad ((()))
Barbara ((())) have a good weekend and Mr B ((())) and your son ((())) and Niamh ((())) and your brother ((())) and his girlfriend ((())) and your niece ((())) and her fiancé ((()))
Mike and vixen ((())) have a good weekend
Carol have. a good weekend ((()))
take care
joan xx1
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