Val's Cafe
Good morning everyone
Kath ((())) you have been through a lot you are a winner getting through them all ((())) yes you do feel like your in prison in hospital. Love to Chris ((()) and Anita ((())) and Val ((())) and Emily ((())) and your Dad ((()))
Barbara ((())) I'm sorry about your neighbour at least he did not suffer but it's a shock for the rest of the family ((()))
Have a good day don't worry love to Mr B ((())) your son ((())) and Niamh ((())) and your brother ((())) and his girlfriend ((())) and your niece ((())) and her fiancé ((()))
Toni ((())) yes I remember when that happened to your car and one of Lucy's bags was open the things were down the road you could laugh at it now but not then ((())) love to Paul ((())) and Charley ((())) and Annie ((()) and the carers ((())) and Lucy ((())) and Tia ((())) and Kari ((())) and your lovely neighbours ((()))
Reshmi ((())) sorry about your mum ((())) I hope she gets a phone call to day. There is only the two of us but we have friend's that come. When my legs ache I sit in my recliner that is where I am now. Have a good day all of you ((()))
Love to Carol (((())) and Mike and vixen (((())))
take care
joan xx1 -
Hi Toni Kathleen Barbara Joan I’m sorry really not having a good day don’t get enough rest thanks to my glorious family again, Who don’t seem to realise that when I sleep after a walk or when I’m tired from the arthritis in the daytime an nap isn’t a luxury it’s a necessity but they make as noise as possible anyway I won’t go into the whole diatribe now. As for LLF , I sent an honest message in a polite and civil away, what she makes of it I’m beyond caring now really, I Hate it when my dad tries to analyse my moods like I’m a lab rat or something, I am trying to end the grumpy bit of this message now I know that you guys also have a lot of problems I’m trying to suppress the grumpy wish me luck 😔. Thanks I did get some rest but it was nowhere near enough so I’m surprised I’m trying to suppress my grumpy side today, lol. Hon Toni my leg is not too bad thanks I think it was just one of those wrong position things it wasn’t “ the bad leg”, as I call it , so it’s not such a worry, “my bad leg isn’t really that bad anymore but can be if I’m not careful with posture etc, but I can still feel the arthritis on the foot of the bad leg, Doc wrote in his letter that it’s gone from that foot, but I still feel the stiffness and pain at certain times I’d say suppressed, not fully gone by any means, but it’s it’s very much minimal compare to what it used to be thank goodness. That’s sweet about C being motherly, aww. Thanks about my cousin.Yes I agree about the doctor on the diet, I have a feeling I wrote this before on here a long time ago, but what was really funny was that when I went to my sisters wedding ,this doctor person was there as well, I was sitting on the sofa near the loos because I had a bit of a stomach problem that day so I was just sitting there quietly listening to music on my phone or whatever, and he turned up and started chatting to me but I noticed he was eating a massive bowl of ice cream and I thought “ why is he eating his dessert right next to the toilets? maybe his stomach is really upset”, but eventually I found out his wife was as I say tracking every dietary move he made, so he thought this was the safest option lol, when he was a kid his mum used to hide chocolate bars from him as well, on the top of the larder cupboard or something like that, never the best option. That looks like a nice breakfast you have a nice day Toni take care.
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Hi Joan how are you today? Thanks about my mum, she hasn’t got a phone call as far as I’ve heard so I think everything is okay thank goodness. That sounds nice about the friends that visit, I see, the recliner sounds like a good idea maybe I’ll look into getting one of those, if i’m feeling really bad I sometimes half - lie on the sofa but it’s got feathers everywhere from the cushions and that really upsets my eczema yuck 🤢. So I Try not to do that unless I’m really desperate. Do you have a feather allergy? Christmas is a lonely time for a lot of people I don’t really like it to be honest, but then again, in this semi - lockdown situation it’s not going too different to the other days, apart from visit from excess family, hmm, I’m trying not to think of that, hopefully there won’t be an excess family extended sleepover, but nothings impossible, lol. Tc, xx
sorry just forgot to mention how is Sue? take care.xx.
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They are funny aren't they cats Mike?! They sometimes to only like things fleetingly and you can spend an arm and a leg on them when a cardboard box will do! Bless them. No don't move the house round it still might not work. If she doesn't like it some other cat probably will. If it's salmon she likes - why not?! Mine will all eat treats and I usually put a little toy inside their stockings. I have a lot of stockings now with all these Grandkits.😊
Last year they all had flippy fish I think it was last year only two of all of them are still liking them🙄
How was Sue yesterday?
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Hi Joan How are you and Sue today? I thought you might remember the bag incident. Funny now but as you say I was so upset at the time. Life was hard enough 🙄Sometimes my legs go numb (it's my back really and the recliner doesn't even work I need to lie on the floor (not easy to get back up) or go to bed so I tend to go to bed early then. I am glad you recliner eases your leg that good.☺️ Busy helping yesterday the village did soup and cheese and bread for the village. Sold some of P's cards and altogether made £180 for Church funds. ((())) xxx
Reshmi your family will never really understand the intense exhaustion you get with the inflammatory Arthritides they just can't. You Mum might if she can remember the early post birth days with you and your sister. That is the only other time I have really struggled to keep my eyes open. Doing you walks is essential and if you need arest after then that is essential too. ((()))
Feathers affect my sister's asthma - not so much me luckily. Lucy is having an eczema flare at the moment bless her she was sure her cat had fleas but no it is eczema. I am glad to hear the achy leg wasn't the 'bad' one so you aren't to worried. That would be awful if it kicked off again. No you didn't tell me about the Dr chap eating a huge bowl of ice cream out of sight of his wife😃So his Mum used to control his eating now his wife does. Clearly he has selective dependance!
Where was my Kitty Kat yesterday? I saw P's daughter talked a bit about funeral plans. Luckily our drive is done now so some guests can park here. She wants the Church decorated woodland theme. Sounds an immense undertaking but we shall see eh?
Sleek say you are ok and I mustn't worry. She intends to add-min-is- ta your cOVID vaccines 3 and 4 she says so watch oot!
I tried to get my Tesco Christmas slot yesterday was in the queue for hours then when I finally got in none left🙄
Love to Barbara I hope your eyes aren't too bad ((())) chees on toast for you for breakfast lo sodium:
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Morning Froggie. Sue was as chatty as ever yesterday thanks, mince pie with clotted cream was offered but she settled for a bar of choccie. Vixen legged it when the vacuum started then settled back on the bed when it finished. Have a good day.
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Hi Barbara Kathleen Joan Hope you’re all doing okay today? Hi Toni, Yes you’re right it’s hard for them to understand some things that they’re not suffering from, but my mum did apologise afterwards she made the The noise accidentally, she does understand fatigue because when she was ill before transplant she was so exhausted all the time, but my dad is well he’s always been a difficult kind of character. Also yesterday one of my eccentric uncles phoned and he was so difficult, oh my goodness , he wanted my dads mobile number which he has already, I have a bit of a stomach problem now which started yesterday, I just had some squash and I was so tired I just wanted to sit down but he made me go upstairs to double check the number with my mum even though I was sure it was right, it’s best not to ask, lol, he is probably the most eccentric person I know and he gets certain obsessions, some of them are bordering on pathological, let’s just leave it there so that, lol. Sorry to hear About L’s eczema flareup, hope her skin calms down soon. I see about Feathers. Thanks about the leg. Yes you’re def right there selective dependence, lol, also I don’t think that his mums attitude to this helpful at all though, she used to say things like “chocolate bars are good for my other son because he is slim and he is physically active so I’ll buy loads for him and not let the other son have any”, but of course chocolate bars are never really “good” for anybody they taste nice and they give people a bit of happiness in the short term , but of course that happiness comes at a price and people need to be sensible , that’s such a stupid attitude, I think I’m sure his younger brother wouldn’t have minded cutting down on the chocolate bars to support his own older brother, this is the same lady did the NHS queue jumping, by the way, she’s always favoured the younger son, I don’t like it when people take that kind of attitude. That Looks like a nice breakfast Toni. By the way Lord A sometimes scratches himself to support Auntie! Aww, bless him what an innocent little character. Hi Joan, how’s has Sue today? Tc. Xx
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Good morning everyone
Toni ((())) I would once you have had the big C you are always worried it could come back. Lucy has done so well ((())) I'm sorry about your sore back ((())) yes it is easy to get to the floor it's the getting up again. that was nice you could sell some of P's cards. Love to Paul ((())) and Charley ((())) and Annie ((())) and the carers ((())) and Tia ((())) and Kari ((())) and your lovely neighbours ((()))
Barbara (((())) have a good day and Mr B ((()))
Kath ((())) have a good day love to Chris ((()))
Reshmi ((())) sorry about your leg have you had an operation on it ((()))
Mike ((())) and vixen
Carol ((()))
take care
joan xx1 -
Good morning friends, sorry I'm confused, is it really ednesday already? I get lost in time because every day is identical - boring 😎 (Kitty incognito).
I don't know wether it's me, but I've read these posts before! Socrack on to todays recipe. 😄
Caribbean black bean curry
25 Minutes Serves 2Easy
Bring together the right combination of spices, condiments and herbs to transform humble black beans into a punchy Caribbean-style curry, ready in under half an hour
Recipe extracted from Doctor’s Kitchen 3-2-1 by Dr Rupy Aujla (£16.99, Harper Thorsons)
Try this flavoursome Caribbean black bean curry, then check out our Caribbean chicken stew, Caribbean fish curry, Jamaican curry pork and more Caribbean-inspired recipes.
- coconut oil 2 tbsp
- onion 1 small, finely chopped
- ginger 20g, grated
- garlic 2 cloves, grated
- dried or fresh thyme leaves 1 tsp
- bay leaf 1
- cinnamon stick 1 small
- coriander seeds 1 tsp
- ground allspice ¼ tsp, or 3 allspice berries
- scotch bonnet chilli 1 (optional)
- soy sauce 1 tbsp
- maple syrup, honey or brown sugar 1 tbsp
- black beans 400g tin, drained and rinsed
- chopped tomatoes 400g tin
- roasted red peppers from a jar 160g, roughly chopped
- lime 1, juiced
- coriander leaves 15g, chopped
- STEP 1
- Melt the coconut oil in a frying pan over a low-medium heat, and gently fry the onion, ginger and garlic for 2-3 minutes or until softened. Add the thyme, bay leaf, spices (including the chilli, if using), soy sauce and maple syrup, honey or sugar, and cook for a further minute.
- STEP 2
- Add the beans, tomatoes and peppers, and simmer for 10 minutes until slightly reduced and sticky. Season to taste and serve with a good squeeze of lime juice and the coriander leaves.
"Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein
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Hi Joan nice to hear from you, thanks, no I didn’t have an operation on my leg, my left leg used to be really bad and I had to walk with a stick but eventually it got better with the meds, The left foot still hurts a little bit at Times and I have to be careful with the position of this leg, but generally it’s a big improvement thanks, I remember a long time ago I had an appointment with the surgeon so that he could assess what needed doing if anything, I know he wasn’t a rheumatology specialist but he was really quite flippant and he said that this was the case for rheumatology they’d sort it out with meds most likely and that I don’t need a knee op now but I might need one when I’m in my 60s and I’ll be in so much pain but there be no alternative and then he seem to laugh with glee! For a start that wasn’t true not in my case (at least not in as much as anyone can see the future), but secondly and more importantly, I was obviously in a lot of pain at the time and I really didn’t need a doctor laughing in my face in an arrogant manner, really not good, but I know the time very lucky in in having sort of fairly minimal arthritis at the moment and, of course if it changes in the future, it changes and I’ll just have to deal with it, but it is hard isn’t it when certain doctors just become quite arrogant I know good reason ? Hmm, very weird. Did you and S have a nice day? Xx
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Evening all I did read all your post but in stages si i tend to forget some things
Toni it's si true Christmas can be miserable fir si many people ..just one day has they say but a long one..mthe woodland theme fir Ps funeral will be so fitting ..bless her
Our neighbour was in his 70s and they had only been together 4 years
Yes new knickers all mine ate nothing black so might go Christmasy xx
Joan thankyou ..and I shouldn't worry it doesn't help does it to all of you xx
Mike we bought a little bell that you fill with treats for one if the cats next door it loves knocking it around ti get them out xx
Reshmi I hope you mum gets that call soon, has she had a kidney transplant sorry I do miss something wuth these take care xx
Kath it's true every day seems the same..thankyou for the black bean curry recipe..sounds very good xx
Love to all
Barbara1 -
Hope everyone is as well as can be.
Good to see you Kitty! Missed you the other day😕
Did you get your days mixed up? Well that is odd today is Thursday Sleek will be along later to remind you she says. Isn't she rude?!!
I ordered Paul's Christmas present yesterday a new fitbit - he'd better look after this one! Must get a screen protector before I give it to him.
I love carribean food it's the spices they use I think and vegan too ta very muchly I will do breakfast with mushrooms in for you to reciprocate🙂 Or dippy eggs maybe...
Mike thank you yesterday was ok the two previous were far too busy! Sue likes chocolate with her cuppa then I would have had the mince pie! I get a vegan spray cream - a bit sweet but worth it! Hoovers are scary for pusskins glad Vixen returned to the bed once it was deemed 'safe'😻
Morning Joan Totally getting down isn't so bad it's the getting back up! Nightmare🙄 Totally having cancer or caring for someone with it changes you for life I think. How are you both doing? Love to you and Sue ((())) xxx
Reshmi That is just mean! Giving one boy chocolate and depriving the other! That must have affected the deprived one's self esteem negatively. Then being 'overweight' can become a self-fulfilling prophecy surely? He will have felt less valued. Yes it would have to be the queue jumper🙄 Chocolate is fine as you say and nice in moderation!
You Mum of course! She will have been exhausted before the transplant! I nearly forgot them so she can imagine how wiped out you can feel. I don't suppose Dad appreciated her fatigue then either chances are he won't understand. You know what to do though just pace yourself and don't overdo it. This will be in spite of eccentric Uncles who expect you to go upstairs and check things which you already know - just to double-check of course! patience is a tough virtue!
Lucy's eczema flare is settling I think - she just doesn't like creams, but it's the only way isn't it? How adorable is Lord A doing 'sympathy scratching' to support his beloved Auntie💓 You have to love that boy.
I reckon that Dr you were telling Joan about was an orthopaedic surgeon an unempathetic one at that! He is right of course our medication helps with our joints for now and Rheumatology is the way forward for us, but what an unpleasant man!
Morning Barbara I am the same if I post on my phone. You can't remember it all. On the lap top it's easier I can scroll back and remind myself.
Is it a bell or ball with treats in it? I have been thinking about one of those bells which they ding then you give them a treat, but think it might be dinging all day!
What a shame about your neighbour that they only had 4 years together 😔
Christmassy knickers? Why not as long as they are respectable. Need to ditch some of my nighties too and PJs😳
Right i think dippy eggs:
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Good morning everyone
Kath ((())) one day is just like the one before and you forget what the date is. How is your Dad ((())) love to Chris ((())) and Anita ((())) and Val ((())) and Emily (())
Barbara ((())) sorry about your neighbour that must have been a shock for the lady (((())) love to Mr B ((())) and your son ((())) and Niamh ((())) and your brother ((())) and his girlfriend ((())) and your niece ((())) and her fiancé ((()))
Toni ((())) two of Sue's carers that left came to see us we had a good chat they have got better working hours not to like 7 00 till 11 00 like they do now with sue and others. How is your back now ((())) love to Paul ((())) and Charley ((())) and Annie ((())) and the carers ((()))) and Lucy ((())) and Tia and Kari ((())) and your lovely neighbours ((()))
Reshmi ((())) that was rude of the Doctor to laugh at you did you say to the receptionist. love to your mum ((())) take care.
love to Carol ((())) and Mike ((())) and vixen
take care
joan xx1 -
You’ve got me sorting through my unmentionables now, large red flannel ones. Loving those boiled eggs and soldiers.
"Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein
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Hi everyone sorry are having a bit of a tiring day, better than yesterday , but still not feeling great but it’s really women’s stuff is the problem today , but I did manage a walk and a sleep this morning which was definite improvement from yesterday for me. Hi Barbara Toni Kathleen Joan. Lord A is indeed adorable he scratched his tummy through his fleece with such a serious face, aww. Not really re - reading messages right this second so I’m working on memory so sorry if I’ve got things slightly wrong, it was not intentional. I agree, the queue jumper had very bad way of bringing up kids. Hi B , thanks, my mum had to transplant a long time ago but she was really ill for about 20 years before transplant and now she’s not too bad thanks but she is really strong meds and diabetes is one of the side-effects of a meds basically, she is a very strong lady but I know that she struggles at some points, no call , but that’s good, means everything is ok, thanks for asking.The rude doctor was a hospital doctor , no I didn’t even complain but, it wasn’t good to be treated like that, thanks for sympathising. Joan how you and Sue today? My stomach has just about settled now but I’m hoping it remains more or less settled , it’s just one of those annoying things how’s your stomach these days Toni? okay that’s it I’m leaving now I hope you all have a nice afternoon take care. Xx
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Evening all
Toni I meant to ask have you heard anything about your appointment for your stomach, hope its behaving for you
I can't use my laptop its ti far away from my eyes even with glasses xx
Joan it is sad for my neighbour she us 75 and they had both lost partners lovely if Sue's carers to come and see you .they must think a lot of you Xx
Kath I have been sorting mine out today..I'm embarrassed 😳 xx
Reshmi glad your mum has been reasonably OK since her transplant. Something I worry about with my kidneys not working properly . Lord A is si funny bless him they live nearby xx
Love to all
Barbara0 -
Morning all ☺️
Joan how lovely is that the old carers coming to see you both. Goes to show how nice you are that they bothered I'm glad they are sorted work-wise and happy. Back not so bad thanks like you I just get on with it. I hope you get out today the weather is still mild. Love and ((())) to you and Sue xxxx
Kitty yes get those britches sorted my girl. Red flannel indeed 😁 have you had them since school?
no thongs though please make sure they are respectable. This is in case of a medical emergency remember 🤭
I hope you had your dippy eggs yesterday?
Barbara I thought your laptop was out now so annoying and 😤frustrating. You have to rely on your memory when it's on your phone I know.
I have yet to make my face to face appointment with the Dr😳I'm just not keen....I have tried quite a few times, but can't get through on the phone. Then life gets busy again and you know what it's like.
Let's hope it doesn't get to the transplant stage for you yo do very very well with diet alone don't you?
I bet your britches aren't like Kath's! If i remember you favour bloomers form that time when they blew into the tree and Pepe and Sleek had to rescue them
Such a shame about your neighbours but lovely that they had each other even for a short time.
Mike being ex military I do not expect your underwear drawers to need the attention ours do🤭Seriously i hope you and Vixen are both doing ok.
Hi Reshmi Well done managing your walk I had a long walk yesterday too! With the boys (men really) and their foster babies. Not a fast one, but we have a great laugh as we go along. We saw a herd of deer which was lovely.
It is tricky to reply on your phone as you can't scroll back to see what people have said can you? Not to worry none if us is perfect. Lord A is so sweet - one day he will laugh at all your funny memories about him I bet you just want to squeeze him.
20 years your poor mum suffered?! wow that is a long time bless her. She might be on ciclosporin? anti rejection meds which we can have for our arthritis along with other stuff, but it's worth it. I'm so pleased she is doing well now though.
I am ashamed to say I am still just putting up with my stomach I haven't been able to get through to the Dr when I've tried (not enough times to be fair). Same as normal for me probably similar to you and Kath too no doubt.
I suppose I had better get on the workmen are back today to finish the porch long story why it's still on-going....our fault really we were undecided about something.
Breakfast today mushrooms on toast:
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Good morning everyone
I did write but I was not login
Kath ((())) I said I have a black pair of pants mine are from Bhs I leave them on the radiator over night so they are warm to put on I hope your pain is not to bad ((())) love to everyone
Barbara ((())) how long have you been married (((())) have a good weekend sorry about your eyes love to everyone ((()))
Toni (((())) I hope you can soon get an appointment or chat to the Doctor are DD and Sticky still on the forum I tried to find them have a good weekend love to everyone ((()))
Reshmi sorry your mum had to go through that ((()) take care have a good weekend
Mike ((())) have a good weekend and vixen
love Carol ((()))
take care
joan xx1 -
hi Barbara I understand yes she’s not too bad now thanks, LA doesn’t live that far away, we’re in Reading, my sisters family are in Maidenhead so it’s perhaps just under an hour’s drive, approximately. Hope you’re having a good day today ? take care xx
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Hi Toni , how’s are you? Glad you had a good walk and saw deer as well. Thanks I actually usually use my tablet to look at messages but it is a lot of scrolling that’s true, not good when my neck isn’ feeling too brilliant, lol. You’re right about LA, lol. Yes She suffered for a long time, that’s true, but tbh it wasn’t unusual for people who have her condition, but she is well now and that’s the main thing (I really thank God for that.). I’m not sure if she has that particular medicine I’ll try and remember to ask, thanks. I Know what you mean about phoning the GP it is a massive hassle isn’t it? I usually try ringing them later on in the day maybe about 3:30 or 4:30 I find that it’s easier to get through that time, at least at my doctors surgery. Sorry to hear your stomach still not good, nor is mine to be honest but is a bit better than some of the days, in my case the current stomachache may be due to the women’s issues I’m hoping that’s what it is anyway 😒. I hope the Building work goes okay nice breakfast bye for now take care Toni.
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Hi Joan thanks about my mum how are you and Sue today? Not too bad thanks but I’m have to take the good old or perhaps a bad old methotrexate in about an hour’s Time max, nvm. Not Had a great deal of appetite for food recently , methotrexate does make me feel less hungry I believe, but today and yesterday not quite normal, I’m a person who likes her food generally speaking, lol and at least my hunger is normal at certain times, but yesterday I really had to force myself to eat supper, very weird , I’m seeing the rheumatology nurse next week Wednesday at the hospital so I might mention that to her then , okay hope you and Sue having a nice afternoon take care bye for now. Xx
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Mike being ex military I do not expect your underwear drawers to need the attention ours do🤭Seriously i hope you and Vixen are both doing ok.
Morning Froggie, you will be pleased to know that my shreddies are fine thank you. 😁
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😂😂😂 Glad to hear they are in good order young man!
Joan @stickywicket is absolutely still around as often as she has time and still offering her unique brand of common sense and humour. DD isn't posting no. Sticky has posted on this thread:
Shame you weren't logged in and your post failed to send. I've done that in the past usually it logs me in automatically. Love to you and Sue ((())) xxx
Where is my Kitty? Hmmmmph😯 Have you got any ideas for Yvonne's Christmas tips thread Kitty? I think it's a great idea.
Sleek is getting ready to come over she has some flowers for you - for in the house not outside. She is coming in her motorbike and side-car with Lucy's Winnie in the side-car Winnie is very sweet and will probably want lots of fuss and attention.
Did you have your chat to your Dad yesterday? If so I hope he was ok. I visited Kari took some shopping over and she had some for me too😋
Hope you found my photo of yours and Barbara's britches..... Sleek reckoned a pair of yours fell on her off the line once and it took her 15 minutes to escape from under them....
Reshmi I would say the same about my stomach it has been worse yes so not complaining too much. Hope yours isn't too bad today ((())) You are right we have to thank God for what we can do now to help people, (like your Mum), our own Barbara has kidney failure and my brother too so at some point they may need transplants hopefully never or a long way off🤞
I don't like seeing the Dr and even picking up the phone to make an appointment stresses me out to be honest and it is such a hassle when you've psyched yourself up not to get through! I will try late afternoons like you suggested I have usually tried 11/12 so it's worth a try.
the porch was finished in good time and they fixed a couple of loose flagstones too in the garden so all good 😊 Only one job left to do but it requires machinery to lift something heavy. That will be a couple of weeks yet.
Are excess family coming at all over the weekend now Baby R is better? I bet you have missed them.
Barbara I hope your eyes aren't too bad today. I hope that you saw your britches/bloomers photo above?? Happy memories eh? It was you wasn't it with them stuck in the tree. Did you even get them back or did Sleek and Pepe use them as parachutes?
Must get on I am still in my nightie!
It's Saturday so has to be croissants:
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Hi Barbara how are you ? sorry I temporarily forgot that you yourself have kidney disease, i’m not an expert on it I just really know what happened to my mum but don’t give up because to be honest I’d almost given up but my mum is so well now and no one knows when people get transplants etc, I suppose in God’s hands if u Believe in God , sorry not preaching or being offensive) but I’ve believe you’ll be okay in the end 😄. Will try to write more later. Xx
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Good morning everyone
Toni ((())) I hope you have no pain now I mean new pain ((())) it must be lovely going for a walk and seeing horses and deer. I have my thermal vest on it's too cold to go far its getting colder next week with sow they say. I don't like going to the dentist that is next week I come out smiling its only a check up. Thank you finding Sticky post ((()))
Love to Paul ((())) and Charley ((())) and Annie ((())) and the carers ((())) and Lucy ((())) and Tia ((())) and Kari ((())) and your lovely neighbours (((())) and P she's having a good sleep now (((()))
Reshmi ((())) I'm sorry you have Rheumatoid Arthritis I have osteoarthritis so different take care have a good weekend.
Love to Kath and family have a good weekend ((()))
Barbara ((())) love to you and your family have a good weekend ((()))
Carol (((())) Mike and vixen ((()))
take care
joan xx1
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