Val's Cafe



  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,310

    Hi Toni how are you? I’m sorry to hear that the difficult day of Thursday, P’s funeral ,is coming up, I can’t imagine what you are going through, I myself have got some bad news today maybe not 100% bad but will have to see, basically baby R has tested positive for Covid , well slightly positive the thing is my sister did the test , so they’re not hundred percent sure , so they’re going to take him for the PCR test as soon as possible, I believe that babies have quite high immunity of course the main danger is that if the other family members get infected with Covid, hopefully the PCR will come back negative things are a bit unclear at the moment but obviously it’s a very stressful time and my mum is crying downstairs I’m hiding up here it’s not so easy, after The test is done at least I know where we stand as it were. Tbh I Enjoy going on here regardless of what mood I’m in because it’s just a nice bit of light-hearted chat that I was quite frankly don’t get from other people anymore LLF as my mum said she has been through a lot so even though I’m not chatting with at the moment café meal in about three weeks time or something like that if it happens will be nice because another mutual friend of ours is going too an elderly gentleman called Roger who is a very gentle kind of personality not remotely dragon-ish so it’s always nice to catch up with him. I’m glad I’m not the only person with co-tissues, lol! The scatty friend of mine hasn’t even got round to buying a winter coat, she’s still wearing that summer one! No heating and no proper coat, it pays not to let your brain grow too large maybe, waistlines and brains both need to be regulated it seems, lol. Oh dear, it seems our coats and boots are conspiring against us Toni, by the way the voice control missed called you “gangster Toni”, I like that, maybe you carry a pair of scissors if you everywhere you go to catch yourself or to coats and boots I’m gangster - like sticky situations? Or maybe I’ve been watching too much rubbish on Netflix, i’m saying that NF is def the culprit, haha. Yes you’re right, The macarons are very unhealthy cream - filled and small, but yes at the end of the day evil and addictive, as are croissants but I won’t pass judgement this once, lol. Bye for now Take care xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,310

    Hi Barbara and Kathleen Hope you’re well today and that you’re keeping warm, Tc. Xx

    I Think you’re right Barbara LA May just have been trying to get a cupcake lol.xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,310

    Hi Joan, Oh dear, snow is predicted here but I haven’t seen it, but I haven’t looked out of the window for a bit lol, glad you’re keeping warm. Tc xx.

  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583
    edited 27. Nov 2021, 12:37

    Well I've popped in for a minute, but I won'tstop as we both feel dreadful. Due in part to THE COLD! Aso due to the fact that Asda didn'arrive unti; 3pm instead of 11am - 1pm. Most of Long Eaton is closed to traffic because of gas repair works, which is causing all sorts of problems for drivers - even the buses can't always get through! I'm almost glad we're housebound.

    Reshmi, we had a snow shower this morning.

    Antoinette, Sleek slid silently through the gate yesterday. We only realised she'd been when we saw tne huge parcel of goodies (cough mixture, vapour rub and a lovely note to her sister Kitty) Very welcome.Oh, and a posy of wild Violets. Heaven only knows where she got them from in November.

    My gran used to buy me a small bottle of Dwvon Violets. I dp miss her. S was even more diddy rhan me. Mum was 5ft 2ins here so gran must be 4ft 8in like me. She too had RA and Osteoporosis. the chap is my uncle Alan.

    gran (sitting) granddad, mum and aunty Glenys. Glenys is the only one still alive.

    Any way. I stopped longer than I intended. Love to Joan, Sue, Barbara, Carol and Mike.

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281

    Afternoon all what a night

    Toni we don't have snow thank goodness bit there is a shop front down in town the brickwork the lot

    I can imagine how bad driving in the dark and this awful weather be extra carful ..and good thinking with the gate 😁 niamh us on her way ...xx

    Reshmi I have just ordered a winter coat I gave my last one to my granddaughter ..that's 2 she had had but she walks to work 45 mins

    Glad you got downstairs but I understand what you bedroom is my sanctuary xx

    Joan I will he carful ..I'm staying put in this weather ..Mr B goes ti the hospital on Monday I'm praying they do his preop to all of you

    Kath there are some rotten chesty colds around ..and I know you already suffer wuth your chest (((())))I hope you both feel better soon

    You lovely are so precious aren't they xx

    Love to Mike and everyone else x xxx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,310

    Hi Kathleen how are you? Oh dear snow shower, lovely photos. Xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,310

    Hi Barbara

    that was nice of you to give your coats to your granddaughter, she’s been through two already , what’s she doing with them, lol? My scatty friend also used to walk about the same amount of time to work and back now since the semi lockdown she’s not really doing so much walking and has put on A lot of weight, she still doing the Pilates though which is keeping her sciatica under control so good for her. Xx

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,226

    Mike Vixen knows what to do alright! That litter will be used only if she is ill or if you trap her in after surgery or something if she's like mine.....who also slept on our bed the night before too. Not surprised it was very noisy. 'just icy' here this morning, but Paul is driving so not worried.

    Joan isn't it annoying when you have to cut things out of clothing? 🙄The service will be at 12 noon we need the weather to warm up as I do think there will be loads there. Some of us will be outside. You are right Aidan and P will be there too. Take care of yourselves and keep warm ((())) xxx

    OH no Reshmi! You must be so worried about Baby R and the rest of them? Are they pretty well healthy though? They will all need testing surely? Where could he have got it from does he go to a nursery at all? Your poor Mum will be frantic I will have everything crossed for you all ((())) 🤞

    I have to agree - coming in here is a nice chance to chat to people who aren't family nothing stressful☺️

    The meal sounds as though it will be a good one if Roger is there he sounds as though he is nice. I have friend issues too with one of mine being a bit nosey and pushy as you know peers through my windows if I don't answer the door quickly enough. Coat issues too🙄 definitely! I love it we need to keep our brains and waists in check 😂😂not above a certain size else there will be complications!!!

    I once knew of someone who had a police record for carrying an offensive weapon so we had better leave our scissors safely at home I reckon😉

    Blame Netflix for sure!

    Just eat the pastries/cakes in here they are all calorie-free!

    Kitty I love the photos! A very small family like mine. I was the tallest apart from my brother at 5'2.5" They all look so lovely🤗 only Auntie Glenys left. we have a Glenys at choir. She is a scrawtchy soprano😫ouch!

    Naughty Asda ruining your rest time. MInd you it sounds as though it wasn't their fault to be fair on them if most of Long Eaton is closed. Sleek isn't worried about traffic as you know she has her ways of getting to you.

    She ordered the flowers from inter-pawer. Normally she would fetch them herself, but we had a no fly zone here. I will attach a pic of the inside of the kitchen window if I can find it.

    The no fly zone is still in place as the wind hasn't entirely died down. She has been over and done your obs (both of you) and left you supplies after tucking you both back in under your blankeys.🌈🌈🌈

    Morning to you Barbara - I do NOT understand why we had snow and no-one else did☹️ Yes sleek is sticking to the gates for the foreseeable.

    Naimh is there!! Yipee! Have a lovely time bacon butties at the ready.😋

    Sleek is going to the hospital with Mr B on Monday, but we can all go under the cloak if it helps? We want to get his pre-op done if at all possible. He can't go on much longer bless him.

    That's it you have a new coat. The girls need to be warm while they have to walk to work bless them it is just soooooo chilly out there.☃️

    breakfast today has to be:

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,226

    Thsts outside Kari's

    My kitchen window

    Church opposite ours.

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,226
    edited 28. Nov 2021, 06:48

    sorry this was outside Kari's! Cannock Chase was completely closed

  • Mike1
    Mike1 Member Posts: 1,992

    The storm petered out here by mid morning yesterday thankfully. I forgot to say that one of Vixen's little things yesterday was to sit on the back door mat looking out the cat flap, the flap is clear and Sue the Home Help keeps it clean so Vixen can see OK 😺

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,239

    Good morning everyone

    Kath (((())) I'm sorry you and Chris ((())) feel so bad I hope it soon clears up. It's good you have not got the leak in the roof any more. You have some lovely memories from those photo's. Love to Anita ((())) and Val ((())) and ((())) and Emily ((())) and your Dad ((()))

    Reshmi ((())) I'm so sorry that must be a worry for all of you I hope he's clear ((())) take care thinking about you ((()))

    Barbara ((())) Good luck to Mr B ((())) on Monday I hope the pre med is done ((())) love to your son ((())) and Niamh ((())) your brother ((())) and his girlfriend ((())) and your niece ((())) and her fiancé ((()))

    Toni ((())) I will be there for you on Thursday 12 00 is that your church in the picture. Our bit of snow has gone. Love to Paul (((())) Charley ((())) and Annie ((())) and the carers ((())) and Lucy ((())) Tia ((())) and Kari ((())) and your lovely neighbours ((()))

    like ((())) and vixen you take care

    Love to Carol ((())) and family

    take care
    joan xx
  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583

    My goodness Antoinette, you did get it bad! I actually omitted to say that although Glenys is the only one left on that photo. Alan on the other photo is also still alive, as is Ernest (Glenys’ twin) Ernest and his wife Gill have 6 children and 2 foster sons. Glenys also has 6 children. So with my 5 and the 5 over in Oz, and Alan’s daughter, plus Ben (Anita’s) we are quite a large family really. Gran and granddad had 6 children, but Tony succumbed to pneumonia aged 1. I have hundreds of cousins, I’ll try to name them all for you. Gordon’s brood are Avril, Paul, Julie, Lee (died) and Steve. Glenys’ family are Perry, Amanda, Sally, Keith, Duncan and Douglas. Ernie’s kids are Phillip, Sindy, Patrick, Yana, Zoe, Issac (died) and Zackia. And they have all produced offspring. Perhaps I exaggerated when I said hundreds, but that’s just the Gregory’s. I won’t mention all the Tomlins.

    Genealogy of ma famille over (thank goodness) I’m still sneezing everywhere, but feeling much better thanks to Sleek.

    Joan, it certainly is a good think our roof was fixed. With all the wind, we could have lost the rest!

    Love to all. XXXXXXX

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,310

    hi Toni what a terrible morning I am having., baby R my sister and Bill are all well thank you the PCR tests were negative goodness, but I got really scared so did my mum but the thing is my mum was initially happy of course about the test results but now she’s in a horrific mood again I have no idea why that’s the problem with my mum she is such a hot head anyway never mind I guess. baby R does go to nursery yes so he could’ve got it from there that’s true. Thanks about the meal, that’s very nosey indeed. That’s funny yes they would indeed be complications can’t say I have a perfect stomach myself but it pales in comparison to bill’s, lol 😄. Yes, I’ll scissors at home, lol. Yes Netflix is to blame for many things indeed, lol, LA likes watching Peppa Pig on Netflix, couple of days ago he was in a massive tantrum and the only thing that Contin down was my mum telling him a story on video call, She made up a lovely store called “when Peppa Pig comes to Reading”, so the mere mention Reading tranquillising effect now,, pity we can’t get it on prescription 💊. Calorie- free cakes, sounds good to me. Oh no that snow looks terrible, lovely view of the church though ,you keep warm and take care. Xx

    hi Joan thanks about baby R, luckily the whole of my sisters family have got negative results from PCR so they’re all okay thank you so much thinking of me and baby R et cetera.I hope that you and Sue are keeping warm and take care both of you bye for now. Xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,310

    hi Barbara how are you today ? is there snow where you are ? baby R was ill but luckily he doesn’t have Covid same with the rest of my sisters family so I’m extremely grateful for that. Hope you have a nice day take care keep warm bye.xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,310

    hi Kathleen, I’m glad you’re feeling much better due to sleek take care bye for now

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,226

    Morning everyone!

    Yesterday got worse! You won't believe it, but Paul and I were supposed to be fetching my little pink car back from the upholsterer after dropping Lucy at work (8am a late shift for her) it was very very icy and the van door wouldn't open so we all piled into the Juke (warmer anyway, but not so good at road holding) and so did an elderly sheepdog!

    Ended up taking Lucy on my own while Paul did the rounds of the farmers and farm-hands so the old girl could go home.

    When I got back we decided to leave the trip for the car as more snow was forecast (and came🙄) and those tiny wheels would be treacherous😕

    Mike My puss also does that looking out of the cat flap! I supposed it's their own little private window😸Sue is right to keep it clean they make it hairy and mucky otherwise. The storm did stop here too, but we got extra snow anyway and this morning it is frozen solid. Due a thaw today thank goodness.

    Kitty how many? HOW MANY???? ber-limey! If each of those has 2 kids the family will be huge!😲 I am glad two of the oldest generation are still going strong. Isn't it sad how many children used to die before they reached adulthood not so very long ago.

    We are a small family my Dad has been gone 20 years mum 14 we have been orphaned a long time too long really. They had the three of us. Bro had, 3 Kari one and me two (plus my step of course). The rest of the family would be in Hungary and France. I have very few photographs.

    Sleek is of course very pleased to see you and Chris on the mend. She reckoned you were worse, but Chris made more fuss is that right?

    Joan I am so glad your snow has gone it really isn't the best stuff to have around is it🙄We have ice on top of the snow ATM, but it is due to thaw later. Yes that is our Church isn't it beautiful? we live right opposite here so lucky. Thank you that is where we will be holding the ceremony for P on Thursday at 12 you will all be very welcome ((())) xxx

    Reshmi that is such a relief! I was thinking about the baby all day yesterday he is so tiny to have had COVID-19 luckily the PCRs were all negative👍️ Maybe your Mum was in a mood due to the shock of it all and the fear she would have had for all of you. Hopefully she will be more settled today.

    They hadn't been to that wonderful well-known holiday destination, Reading, for a while though had they? Otherwise she herself would have been at risk, along with you and probably your dad too😮

    How lovely Peppa pig came to Reading not only a great holiday destination, but a tranquiliser too🤗 I used to make up stories for mine too when they were little. I just love kids when they are little and believe it all why can't they stay so sweet? My brother could do great Pingu impersonations and once rang Charley up and chatted to her on the phone. She loved it!

    The Church is very very pretty we are so lucky to live in such a pretty village thank you.

    Barbara how are you all today? Did you have a good weekend was Niamh on form? Is Grandad up to cooking the bacon butties still?

    Today is the day he goes to outpatients. The cloak is ready for anyone who wants to go along of course. All aired and COVID proofed we will be in a safe bubble inside and the heating is on a bed ready for Kath if needs be.

    I think I ought to get some clothes on and have a shower not in that order though🤭

    Now it is very very cold here so i think we'll have ready brek:

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,239

    Good morning everyone

    Kath ((())) it's nice to have a big family there is always some one there when you need them. I had double pneumonia when I was born. How do you feel today ((())) love to Chris ((())) and Anita ((())) and Val ((())) and Emily ((())) and your Dad ((()))

    Reshmi (((())) I'm glad title one has not got the virus ((())) love to everyone ((()))

    Toni ((())) you did have a day of it yesterday that was kind of Paul to take the dog back home ((())) that would be a good way to wash your clothes. Love to Paul ((())) and Charley ((())) and Annie ((())) and the carers ((())) and Lucy ((())) and Tia ((())) and Kari ((())) and your lovely neighbours ((()))

    Barbara ((())) Good luck to Mr B ((())) for his appointment ((())) have a good day all of you (((())))

    Mike ((())) how are things with you and vixen ((()))

    Love to Carol ((()))

    take care
    joan xx
  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583

    Joan, it’s been a bad day, I’ve had to cancel my DEXA scan because of an appointment elsewhere - I sometimes despair. It’s alright having a large family, but I never see them. I feel so despondent with my life, it’s only my dear friends on here that stop me from giving up. 😥 I’ve had Pneumonia five times altogether. It would have been better if I’d have died!

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281

    Afternoon all

    Thankyou for your good wishes for Mr B I felt so sorry for him ..he hates hospitals and needles ut goes way back to losing his mum and dad when he was 17.

    Toni we got a smitering of snow..but not much at all..gosh it was bad were you are 😲

    like Joan says we will be with you at Ps funeral 🌈🌈 abd si will Aidan xx

    Your car will be even more lovely wgen you get her back ..or is she be very careful .Xx

    Reshmi I am glad to here the test for baby family were negative..I am one that disent really trust the test but we have nothing else..our gds coats have been over a few years ..she was in London and when she came back for a few days I used to give her mine now she here still the same 😅hope you have a decent day xx

    Kath you do have a large family ..but like you say they are not always to be seen ..that's family's for you ,sorry you had to cancel your scan but don't you get bogged diwn with things sometimes take care xx

    Joan we didn't gave much snow at all am I glad with Mr B giving to drive 45 mins to hospital today ...hope you are all OK xx

    Love yo all


  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,310

    Hi Toni how are you today? Thanks so much indeed about the baby and the rest of my sisters family having negative PCR results it is indeed an extreme relief and my mom‘s bad mood lasted quite awhile like you said they may well be for the reasons you mentioned, A better mood now thank goodness. I made some low sugar chocolate brownies today okay I did use a packet but it was still an enjoyable thing for me today didn’t taste too bad actually it had wheat in the mix that was fortified with vitamins and sucralose was the sweetener my mum is a bit susceptible to sweeteners they can upset her stomach but not all sweetness do this they seem to be quite a good quality one and her stomach is okay so far fingers crossed🤞. Mummy even frozen some of the brownies for little LA bless him, Even my dad to light that we liked them so much yet the bits that fell on the floor and in the dirty laundry basket, I think it’s a case of “don’t do this at home”, as they used say on the TV, lol I didn’t actually check all the ingredients but it could well be a vegan one, problem is they said to add egg, but I’m sure you combined it with other things, I’m not really an expert in baking, that’s your departments 😄. I bought it from a company called the skinny food company online, The exact name of it anyway. Yes that you’re right I haven’t been to Reading for awhile yet and it’s a good job really specially as my mum is the most vulnerable, did go to Maidenhead yesterday though because he was dropping off some food and also he wanted to meet my bills uncle who came to visit from India not really sure that this is a safe time to travel, he didn’t do anything illegal but I wouldn’t have done it myself anyway, that’s over now so that’s good. Yes it’s great fun to tell kids stories very sweet about your brother, I used to told my sister lots of stories to when we were young. How’s the snow today? I managed to get out for a walk thank goodness very late in the day about 12:30 pm approximately, there was snow on one side so had to walk the long way round which is probably good for me and though exhausting but feel so much better for the fresh air, my mum really likes putting the heating up bless her so without that fresh air really and of course a bit of movement I really feel horrendous all day long, as does my skin. I have a bit of a strange question for you if you don’t mind but where do you buy ready Brek from please? I used to have it when I was a kid sometimes but I just can’t find it anywhere online these days apart from one of those pretty expensive sites that supplies foods for ex - pats. I couldn’t find it at Tesco and anyway I just would be interested as I’m trying to track it down here in the south-east thank you. So my grandfather did see LA and poor innocent little baby or yesterday so you couldn’t play with LA that much because of the visitor, But Poor little law day got very upset when my dad went home I’d given law day some stickers on an advent calendar card little Santa stickers et cetera and he put one sticker on my dad‘s winter hat and said that he was going on holiday today right now and he put all his own winter gear on hat new scarf et cetera and got in a little bit of a tantrum when his grandfather left to bless him then I believe he was consulted with his there create panacea the cupcake which maybe turn into a brownie in a few days oh my goodness wish I could have that amount of Choc fixes 🍫🍫, but as you and I said Toni, we need to preserve the size of our brains and waistlines is quite religiously indeed, haha. Yeah the brownie mix was quite a good thing actually it was more like a chocolate flavoured bread if that makes any sense, high fibre but not as rich and stodgy and evil as a normal brownie.

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,310

    Hi Joan how are you and Sue today? double pneumonia oh my goodness that must’ve been terrifying your family. Thanks about baby R etc, yes massive relief that they are well my poor mum got so upset, understandably of course, she didn’t sleep all night, obviously I was upset too but I haven’t I haven’t really had a lot of contact with baby R compared to my mum, the main thing is that they’re all okay how is the snow today where are you are ? has it blocked the roads? it’s not too bad here thanks take care.xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,310

    Kathleen I’m so sorry to hear that you’re having a bad time my mum was very ill when she was a child too, I’m trying to remember what it was now possibly TB or typhoid, whatever it was gave her a heart murmur too, you take care of yourself, love Reshmi. Xx.

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,310

    Hi Barbara how are you ? I hope that Mr B‘s appointment at the hospital went ok, i’ve got some jabs coming up need to check I think Thursday is Covid at nhs drop-in centre in town centre and then 11th is flu jab at the pharmacy not heard anything from the GPs about the flu jab which is a bit weird but I’ll get it done at the pharmacy unless I hear from them before so that’s okay. Thanks about baby R , what actually happened is my sister did the home test lateral flow I think it’s called lateral flow and there was a very slight pink colour which supposedly indicated Covid but this was wrong because then in the PCR test it turned out he definitely doesn’t have Covid so yes home tests are a problem really I don’t think they’re very good at all. I see you about the coats, lol,I found a good solution for my coat dilemma like I was saying to Tony I’ve got a good coat but it’s not quite as warm as my heavy coat the problem with the heavy cold as it’s so heavy it hurts my back still working at, so what I did today is I put a lot of layers under my Lighter coats, including a very thick jumper I’ve got from next which is pretty heavy but still a lot less less heavier than the old coat and I felt absolutely fine, so that was good , don’t forget the thermal vest of course. I hope you manage to get your new coat soon important to keep nice and warm on these nasty winter days. My day’s been okay thanks, I managed to go for a walk when I didn’t think I’ll be able to, because weather is very slowly improving here. Tc xx

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,226

    The snow is thawing! It's raining here.

    Those poor people without electricity eh? I feel really lucky.

    Morning Joan no way could we see a dog out in that dreadful weather even if we do have cats. Poor old girls she is. She's a sheep dog and probably used to be a working one when she was younger. Her owner said she is getting a bit of dementia so i suspect she thought she should be at work. Love to you and Sue I bet you're glad your heating works properly now! ((())) xxx

    Hi Mike I have my shopping order coming this morning only one thing missing I believe 🤞 What goodies will you and Sue be having today? Better warm up your vocal chords!😉

    Oh my poor dear Kitty! That is just typical that two appointments clash like that😡like the number 11 bus that is grrr. Have you braved remaking it? I wondered why the cloak had 'stood down'.

    I had pneumonia as a wee one and the respiratory nurse reckons that is when the damage started in my lungs. 5 times though! and it really really takes some getting over that it is a wonder you are still here, but I for one am so very very glad you are. You think of us all, read all our posts and try to help each of us in spite of your own health issues. 🌈🌈🌈The café poet laureate too.

    I didn't see this post yesterday but Sleek did I hope you felt her paws around you all night? She is (as am I) very concerned about how down you seem and are here for you. You do have my phone number if you ever want an ear Huge ((())) and love.

    Barbara how did he get on? Did he get a date or have his pre-op? Gosh I hope so. Bless him I used to faint with needles, but have somehow got over that. Blood tests are worse because they go on a while and make me go sort of woozy!😳

    Of course you'd pass your coats on to your GD she is out in all weathers! Has she started driving lessons yet or has her fiancée?

    We didn't brave fetching Penelope back from Bedfordshire due to the snow she has such tiny wheels.... she will look lovely though I know!

    The snow WAS bad! Luckily it is being rained away as I type😊

    Good morning Reshmi. I get my flu jab done at the pharmacy it is just too slow waiting for the Drs ad we need the protection ASAP don't we? Good luck with all your vaccines. We can come along for support if you want us there 🙂

    I have an egg replacer for baking so I could make your brownies! Wahay! I will look at the site and see if it's vegan. I loev chocolate cake and can be like your Mum with sweeteners so if they don't upset here there's hope for me too! I must preserve my waistline and my brain. Not that the brain needs too much watching😁

    Oh poor poor Lord A wanting to come to Reading for his holidays with his Grandad😯 poor little soul my heart goes out to him😕 I bet your Dad was upset too although it is lovely to know he loves you all so much isn't it? How honoured was your Dad getting a sticker on his hat?! Hopefully maybe they will visit soon. Thank goodness the cupcake consoled him.

    Now I can get Ready brek from Tesco online! That is very odd indeed that you can't🤨 I wonder whether it was just out of stock or not so popular in Berkshire? The other place I used to buy it, (when you went into shops!), was the co-op.

    Yes I managed a walk yesterday with P's daughter although my car got stuck in the snow and we nearly lost one of her dogs who is a tiny king Charles. The mixture of golden bracken and white snow was perfect camouflage! Well done managing your long walk I bet you felt better for it. I always do too even if our heating is set just right.

    Better get on I suppose it's still miserable out there so we need something warm🤔