Val's Cafe
Hi Again Toni, P‘s funeral was such a moving and lovely event (well, in as much as these things can be course). Ive done the neck physio now but to be honest I sort of did it quite gingerly because pain is still going but I remembered the trick a friend of mine told me I put a pillow underneath my aching back managed to get some rest so that was good. Scarily bad in the morning though managed to procure some ready Brek but that’s another story, lol, it was really just feeling so completely exhausted I end up spilling sugar everywhere but things could have been worse, felt very relieved and proud that I have the energy to eat make and eat breakfast hands and brush my teeth then went straight back to bed which is very unlike me and really haven’t feeling been feeling great all day I had a fever to but not feeling too bad now thanks for asking, so in the nights I felt really cold like I did when my arthritis was its worst point for me I’ve got quite scared but my lovely mum reassured me and then she read the side-effects leaflet and and basically my symptoms were normal, and is also felt cold for a long time but the feeling warm now which is good. It’s about liking the macaron analogy Toni, lol , my stomachs always had that relationship with cream though unlike with a lot of other people I know, yes even if I so much as look at a cream cake I know the suffering it would entail so I very much steer clear these days, lol. Okay I’ll leave it for now starting to get a bit achy again have a nice night Toni also Joan and Kathleen bye for now take care. Xx
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Morning everyone!
No snow, no ice so today we will rescue my little pink car who has been having her insides cleaned properly ☺️
Joan I have sent a PM to you with the photo of P you will see from it how lovely she was. I know my poor neighbour she was so upset typical the one day she needed the nurse to be on time! I would have jolly well got up and gone to the funeral but she always does as she's told.
That's awful about the underpass you must be so upset. Is it open at the moment? You will have to make the effort to get out once in a while in that adapted vehicle at least😕 ((())) xxx
Barbara that is scary about your boy - how is he actually feeling in himself? I take it he can ring you, but visiting will be restricted. Has your GD been able to go I would want to hear from her whether she thinks he's on the mend. Do they suspect this long-covid syndrome?
I am thrilled to hear about Mr B's pre-op! I will send Sleek to make certain he passes all his tests and things will be ready when they can operate. No delays. Will he be at Wrightington? I do hope so because they were so good to you and Lucy too.
Mike l do hope everything is ok with you and Vixen I know you don't like to post when you don't have much to say.....
Reshmi you poor thing! I know the side effects after the vaccine can be tough for some I feel lucky I was more or less ok. Paul was very ill on the AZ this time just exhausted on pfizer. All of mine have been pfizer so it was ok for me. I hope you feel better today sending ((())) and some🌈 Well done at least getting some reday brek before going back off to bed. Best place for you when you feel so poorly.
I doubt if your physio was important when you felt so rough and am glad the pillow trick helped a little towards some comfort.
Your poor poor Mum! Imagine that and her not saying anything. She must have been hiding it well bless her. Well the 11th can't come soon enough. Will your Dad run her over and wait for her?
Sadly like you my days of eating cream are over my belly does not approve at all. We know what to steer well clear of don't we?😔
I hope Lord A is doing ok now and they manage a good weekend. Dare they come over this weekend? Perhaps not methinks.
Morning dear Kitty how are you doing today? I hope not tooooo bad🤞 I am getting very thin now as no food posted by you yesterday 😉hehe! Seriously l may well be the thinnest girl in the entire Midlands (including the East!). Family joke Charley once said that when she had the two-bob-bits as a child and I said best not to eat....
Maybe that needs to go in my wedding speech?? hah!
Did Sleek's erm rubber ring help at all? No I didn't think it would but she reckoned it would bless her. I saw Charley's kitten Loki yesterday he is adorable being neutered in two weeks bless his little heart. Needs doing though before he gets whiffy.
Well I really ought to get dressed now ready to fetch my car!!!!!!!!!! I cannae wait to see her it's been weeks now.
love to everyone
Sausage and mushroom frittata
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Mike l do hope everything is ok with you and Vixen I know you don't like to post when you don't have much to say.....
We are both tickety-boo thanks apart from feeling a bit bored and lonely for the past few days. Couldn't even be bothered to put a shopping order in but I will get round to it dreckly. Have a good one.
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Good morning everyone
Toni (((())) thank you for P's photo she looked a very caring lady (((())) you must have some lovely memories ((())) yes we go out every day but using the subway we could go further. Love to Paul ((())) and Charley (((())) and Annie (((())) and the carers (((())) and Lucy ((())) and Tia ((())) and Kari ((())) and your lovely neighbours (((())) enjoy your coffee ((()))
Barbara (((())) that's good Mr B as his pre op (((())) is it still 6 weeks after it you have the op ((())) sorry about your son (((())) love to your son ((())) and Niamh ((())) had your brother ((())) and his girlfriend (((())) and your niece (((())) and her fiancé (((()))
Reshmi (((())) have a good day at least that's over take care love to your mum (((()))
Kath (((())) have a good day thinking of you (((()))
Mike ((())) I hope all is well with you and vixen (((()))
Carol (((()))
take care
joan xx1 -
Good morning all, Asda came yesterday, a little late but not as bad as last week when the gas people practically closed the whole town down qith repair works. Emily has an interview for a new job, and Alex already has a new job. They are moving up in the world of caring and education. I'll let you know how things go.
Antoinette, thanks for your essage and beautiful picture.
Thank you Barbara, Reshmi and Joan for sympathy about my sacrum.
"Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein
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Hi again Toni! Feeling a bit more like a human being again now thank you, side-effects are still there but not as bad at all had a very good sleep and last night which definitely helped, also had a bit of Lucozade, which I don’t do all the time all the time and that of course helped in its own way. I just had to do some relocating so got distracted again. It’s good that you had the pfizer each time. Sorry about Paul. That’s true about the physio but I didn’t do it properly really and I didn’t hurt myself. It was very sad about my mum the thing is with her is that she is so tough she just doesn’t say anything you know Toni, the vast majority of the time and if I knew what was wrong at least I could try to support her emotionally but as you say Operation is almost there and thank goodness for that. Yes my dad will give her a lift parking situation is quite dreadful in the hospital so he might just have to have a to give a lift and then go and park somewhere else that’s one thing he’ is, doing grumpily but like you said at least he’s doing it 😄. Yes, Cream it’s terrible for us I agree. You’re Right unfortunately they can’t come over this weekend though do I think there was a plan at some point, because doc said to my mum has to be very careful not to catch infections et cetera before the Op so that’s good in a way no of course everyone loves being family grandchildren et cetera but it is a risk and kids of course are potentially very strong carriers of Covid. LA is feeling better thanks but he got in a big tantrum this morning because baby R took a kind of revenge he managed to climb onto his brothers table drink most of his water from his sippy cup and eat some of LA’s toast my goodness all day cried for half an hour apparently oh dear all he wanted was a nice piece of Jammy toast in the morning that’s not too much to ask is it? 🍞lol. And then he cried hours later when his mummy just mentioned the toast incident , he was on the verge of a full-blown tantrum again my goodness it’s difficult being in Aristocrat cracked these days isn’t it? The babies’ dad was looking after them for two hours because my sister had to go and get her phone sorted out she’s been having a lot of problems with it, she had to buy a new one, the only thing really all he managed to do was make one piece of toast and shoot a silly video of the kids instead of making LA another piece of toast and avoiding the tantrum and then when my sister returned after that very necessary trip outside he said he was so tired and stressed he needed to lie down, thats typical bill for you. Nice looking omelette Toni okay I’ll go for now hope you’re having a nice afternoon and take care
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Hi Joan how are you and Sue today? You’re right at least it’s over I still have side-effects but not so bad today thank goodness. Thanks about my mum. Have a nice afternoon take care. Xx
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Hi Kathleen how are you? you know that’s a bit of a coincidence you were saying about Works on the roads, there’s a lot of roadworks here as well I’m not sure why. You’re welcome hope you have a nice day take care. Xx
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Evening all
Our son has just been discharged after 4..5 days I have list count ..the treatment he is on is for pneumonia..
Toni P has such a lovely face bless her ..hope you are sleeping a little better
glad you can get Penelope home all nice and new inside
No visitors allowed at the hospural we had ti drop clothes and things at reception ..its strange times..yes it Wrightington fir Mr B we are si luck to have that hospital xx
Mike glad you and Vixen are doing ok ..hope he's playing with that scratch post xx
Joan I think you are right uo to 6 weeks after preop fingers crossed ..its good you are able to get out most days but really sorry about the underpass xx
Reshmi hope all is well with you all, talking about parking at hospitals ours are the same ..its really hard work xx
Kath new jobs for the girls they are looking forward ..hope your blood results are OK xx
Love to all
Barbara1 -
Morning everyone.
Now Mike get that order in a bit quicker than dreckly! I know you Cornish and your 'dreckly'! You need food this side of Christmas! NO need to feel lonely when you have us lot and your sweet Vixen. I posted a kitten yesterday maybe a little like Voxen as a baby? ((())) xxx
Kitty I am glad your order is at least here and pretty well on time too. I must get another done so my lovely neighbours can get their's done too. I wish he'd get a date for his hip op it's so necessary.
Reshmi is right it's like every road in the country has work going on! We fetched Penelope back from the upholsterer yesterday and went down on the M1 - nightmare and that was a weekend!
Oh i am so pleased for Emily and Alex they both deserve to go far they are such hard workers. Any updates yet on their allotment?
Barbara I am so pleased to hear your boy is home. What damage did COVID do to his lungs I wonder to make hi susceptible to pneumonia? That will take some getting over bless him.
My nephew's wife had appendicitis during the first lockdown they let him go every few days with clean nighties etc but never visit she was in 4 weeks it is so so so upsetting, but your boy is home now.
I have slept better since the funeral thank you - Aidan can stand down! P had a lovely face didn't she and saw the good in everyone God bless her.
You are so lucky to be so close to Wrightington and we are lucky we can travel up there too!😊
Morning Reshmi Good to hear that yesterday your vaccine symptoms were easing off hopefully today all gone fingers 🤞 Is that the national lottery sign I just posted there🤨
Lord A probably is still feeling a bit rough to get so stressed about his jammie toast! Bless him it's tough being a big brother so much responsibility and patience required 😕Baby R is already showing his character though I think he will be the funny one in the family you know up to mischief and tricks!
If your Mum had said about her eyes you would have been able to help her out more reading things for her and describing things, but luckily it is soon. Yes Dad might not take her graciously but at least he will take her and it will soon be done. Are they doing one eye at a time? Oh and will he let you travel with them or will you be at home waiting for news.
Definitely best that excess family did not visit I think children are called super-spreaders bless them and your Mum needs to be free from infection for the hospital.
Joan that is a shame that you could have gone further with the underpass I don't blame Sue for worrying you can't run in a scooter can you? P was just can see it in her face can't you?
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Morning Froggie et al. I surprised myself and did put in an on-line order yesterday and I have just had a text saying that 2 items are missing so I will wait and see what they are. I think the loneliness bit is just due to the build up to xmas on the TV, it isn't my favourite time of the year anyway. The photo of the cat yesterday is not far off, here is one of her at 4/5 weeks before she came to me:
I sprayed her new scratching post thingy with pheromone spray but she still is not using it!
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Good morning everyone
Kath are you feeling a bit better now ((())) I hope Emily gets her new job (((()))) that's good Alex has her new job ((())) love to Chris ((())) and Anita ((())) and Val Emily ((())) and your Dad ((()))
Barbara ((())) that's good your son has left hospital (((()))) love to Mr B ((())) and you son ((())) and Niamh ((())) and your brother ((())) and his girlfriend (((())) and your niece ((())) and her fiancé ((()))
Toni ((())) I bet it was good getting Penelope back but not a very good ride because of the traffic ((())) love to Paul ((())) Charley ((())) and Annie ((())) and the carers ((())) and Lucy ((())) Tia ((())) and Kari ((())) and your lovely neighbours ((()))
Reshmi ((())) have a good day when is your mums op ((())) take care
Mike ((())) have a good day and vixen
Carol ((()))
take care
joan xx1 -
How Barbara are you? sorry to hear about your son but that’s good that he’s out of hospital though. I Understand about the the parking situation yes it is very annoying indeed I know they’ve been trying different things at the hospital here there is a car park but it’s too small and really expensive no it’s not good thing at all is it ? going to hospital as an ordeal it in itself and then there’s this hassle about parking and overspending, no can’t be good. My right hand hurts a little bit I think it’s still the side-effects of the jab, I am feeling better thanks but some pains are still there, all I did was hold my umbrella with my right hand but not constantly and the hand is still not quite feeling hundred percent, but The main thing is that it is getting better and it’s not as bad as 2 days ago thank goodness. Have a nice afternoon you take care. X
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Hi Toni how are you? Doing a lot better thanks not fully there but definitely on the mend got some irritating pains more than I normally have but it’s definitely an improvement from two days ago thank you. I think you’re Right about LA, big adjustment for him, lol, he got in such a mood though he said to his mummy that he thought baby R would eat all his food from chips to spinach or something like that, oh dear, The whole story does also show what a spoiled brat bill is though don’t you think? He looked after his own kids on his own for two hours and then needed to go to bed to rest and destress!! Just as well I’ve hidden the ready Brek, lol. Yeah that’s true that my mum Toni, you see the problem is she is one of these people who is fiercely independent and proud even when it gets to the point of being a bit stubborn and counter-productive anyway like you said at least her surgery will be over soon thank goodness. I think they’re doing both eyes I need to ask my mum about that actually I’m not now she’s in a bit of a mood 😡. I offered To go in the car there was no problem there except that my mum doesn’t want a fuss so I’ll wait at home for the news. Super spreaders I didn’t know that term, hmm it’s worrying isn’t it? Yes def best to be sensible and cautious. The consultant for my mum’s eyes was really nice and said that she is prioritising my mum surgery because the situation has got so bad regarding her cataracts basically my mum got the impression that she didn’t have to do that but she did because she was a nice compassionate doctor to be honest is it always the case for doctors as it seems to be a bit of a Russian roulette situation in my opinion. Oh no Bacon again I can look at it but not smell it so it’s not all bad, lol. I have to have methotrexate quite soon, what fun, so bye for now. Xx
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Hi joan How are you and Sue today? Thanks about my mum her Op is on the 11th so it’s not long now I’m not too bad thanks but it is freezing cold here even with millions of layers on I was cold when I went outside the wind is terrible I am prone to earache as well my sister is really prone to it, it’s odd why some people get it worse in others, anyway I’m in the warm now that’s the main thing I know this is a bit of a short message but I’m really I need to have a methotrexate and then have a bit of a rest so bye for now hope you and Sue have a good day take care.xx
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Morning everyone
Thick frost this morning when I took lucy into work at 4.30am brrrr! I thought it would be as the heating had come on on it's own.
Mike little baby Vixen!!!! She was so sweet! Those baby blue eyes💗How old was she when you got her?
Good lad getting that order in I am going to put one in too later this afternoon and make sure my neighbour add theirs. Don't they tell you which two items are missing? That's a bit tricky.
Christmas is a very hard time of year for lots of people. It seems like everyone is having a great time if you are on your own. They probably are only watching the same telly as you and eating similar food. Plenty will argue at least Vixen won't argue with you!
Morning Joan. Yes traffic isn't great, but I followed Paul all the way back he drove sensibly for me. It was lovely penelope made so many people smile when we were in traffic queues. Probably every other car looks and smiles or points or waves.🙂 How are you doing? How is your pain at the moment? I am sure you are keeping warm ((())) xxx
Morning Reshmi Such a relief that the vaccine side effects are wearing off now👍️ MTX day was it yesterday for you? ya booh🙁 has to be done though.
Your Mum does sound super-independant. Good job she a) had a kind consultant who has pushed her up the list for her surgery and b) that the consultant saw for herself how urgent it was in your Mum's case I suspect she (your Mum) was playing it down even there. Independence can indeed be counterproductive I have to agree.
You can stay at home and wait for her and be ready to spoil her when she gets back. She will need eye drops every five minutes and plenty of rest bless her.
Well poor Lord A! imagine Baby R eating all his food from chips to spinach!! Outrageous the audacity of it! He really is such a funny boy. Oh dear me poor, poor BIL couldn't manage 2 hours looking after the children without needing a rest🙄 Maybe he appreciates what your sister does now? I hope he can do nappies but suspect not..... You keep that ready brek out of sight!
Yes they are super-spreaders children not a very nice term really, but it's the truth I'm afraid . Their immune systems aren't fully developed so they catch everything and sneeze it and wipe it everywhere little darlings.
Kitty must have had the day off the laptop yesterday. I hope you feel better for it my lovely? How is your sacroiliac joint today? Is it any easier at all?
Sleek should have dropped off a bushbaby by now I hope you have plenty of jammie dodgers in?
Today I am going to get the Christmas tree out so Lucy can put it up and decorate it. She has been looking forward to doing that for AGES!! Since the end of November.
When does the Christmas Telly magazine come out? I want to know what's on this year...
Barbara I hope all is well with you and especially your son i am thinking of him still ((())) xxx
Right it's cold so we need some Ready brek I won't pinch any of Reshmi's!
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Mike little baby Vixen!!!! She was so sweet! Those baby blue eyes💗How old was she when you got her?
I think she was about 8 weeks, at least that is what I based her birthday on. And yes, she does get a pressie!!
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Hi Toni how are you? Sorry I may have expressed it wrong, but what happened was that LA had a fear that baby R would eat all the rest of his food (from chips to spinach) and so told his mum to relocate to baby R while he was having his lunch or something like that, lol. Got to go for I haven’t done my neck physio et cetera will be back later, Tc. Xx
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Good morning everyone
Toni ((())) it's strange we all have aches and pains in different parts of our bodies where is the place you have not got a pain. How is your back ((())) love to Paul ((())) and Charley ((())) and Annie ((())) and the carers ((())) and Lucy ((())) and Tia ((())) and Kari ((())) and your lovely neighbours ((()))
Love to Kath ((())) and Chris and Barbara ((())) and Mr B ((())) and Mike ((())) and vixen ((())) and Carol ((()))
Reshmi ((()))have a good day and your mum ((()))
take care
joan xx1 -
Good morning everyone, yes I did have the day off yesterday. I have no news really, only that my sacro Iliac has got worse since I stopped using the Fentanyl patches and Oromorph. ut I've discovered that rubbing liberally with Fenbid gel works. I can't use Iboprufen tablets because of my high BP. Barbara, did the injection you had in yours hurt much, was it a steroid jab?
Can I scream, C is driving me barmy!!!!!!
Thank Sleek for the bushbabt, I'm off to look for recipes now. First from IBS but it won't be vegan.
Now a vegan one for Antoinette.
Besan bhaji with brussels sprout tops
from Olive magazone
Celebrate sprout tops in this Indian-inspired brunch dish, served with a side of cranberry jelly. Besan bhaji is similar to scrambled eggs in texture, so it’s a nutritious plant-based alternative
- gram flour 40g
- extra-virgin olive oil for frying
- ground turmeric ½ tsp
- cumin seeds 1 tsp
- garam masala 2 tsp
- garlic 4 cloves, roughly chopped
- red onion 1, finely sliced
- green chilli 1, finely chopped
- coriander 6 sprigs, leaves picked, stalks finely chopped
- spinach 100g, shredded
- brussels sprout tops 300g, shredded, or 150g brussels sprouts with 150g spinach, shredded
- kala namak salt or sea salt, chapatis, natural yogurt, unwaxed lemon wedges and cranberry jelly to serve
- STEP 1
- Toast the gram flour in a dry pan over a medium heat until it begins to smell aromatic and turns light brown, then set aside.
- STEP 2
- Heat a glug of the oil in a frying pan or wok over a medium heat and add the spices, garlic, half of the sliced onion, half of the chilli and the coriander stalks. Stir-fry for 1 minute, making sure the garlic doesn’t brown. Add the sprout tops and stir-fry for 2 minutes. Sprinkle in the toasted gram flour and cook for a further 5-8 minutes, stirring occasionally, until the vegetables are cooked through. Add 2-3 tbsp of water to loosen the mixture.
- STEP 3
- Season with kala namak salt, then pile onto chapatis and scatter with the coriander leaves, remaining onion slices and chilli. Serve with the yogurt, lemon wedges for squeezing over and cranberry jelly.
"Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein
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Hi again Toni how are your? Yes it is indeed a relief that the side-effects are wearing off past the weather here though today at least and go for any sort of walk because of the freezing rain well maybe not literally freezing but it was cold enough, lol. Thanks I had methotrexate yesterday I delayed it slightly because of the evil side-effects but at least the methotrexate consuming over for now thankfully, definitely do have a point about my mum but one thing I have noticed is that my mum is very much open and sensible with medical professionals she isn’t always with us her family members but with doctors and nurses yes I think it’s because she’s been through so much that she knows that even if something is awkward uncomfortable embarrassing best to get it out in the open and treated, i’m don’t always feel as brave as that and Frank as her, But when I was in the psych hospital there were some really horrible embarrassing experiences so I know what has to be done really has to be done to even though find it more difficult than my mum, (That was place was terrible in so many ways wasn’t really treated with any dignity but I won’t go on about this now.) eyedrops and rest okay I’ll make a note of that thanks Toni. Right Rishi is really becoming a very funny and humorous character feeling it won’t be long at all before he will actually be devouring his chips and spinach oh dear at least he’ll be getting his greens🥦! Very important indeed, lol. My mum came up with quite a good idea well for me anyway I may not suit yourself but just I would suggest it ,I’m not sure but you know once we were talking about how methotrexate and makes us crave the bad stuff food wise? Well I told my mum about this and the kind of unfresh feeling the med leaves in my mouth and so so on and so forth and and she suggested maybe just buying some barley sugars and just kind of sucking a sweet now and not necessarily consuming the whole thing I thought that was quite a good idea and I’m going to try it carefully of course but if I feel I’m getting addicted to barley sugar so I’ve course I’ll scrap the whole idea but I thought it might be a plan because I used to eat less sweets before and it’s not like I’m eating thousands of them now but it just might make a bit of a refreshing change I do chew sugar free gum and that kind of thing but obviously not to excess of course because that can give be bad for the heart, I just thought I’d mention it if you wanted to give it a try. Yes you’re right good old bill he’s bit of a cliche and a character really , nappies I think he does them when he has to and sometimes if my mum is around and he’s trying to impress her he’ll change one and to try and give the illusion that he is ideal bill number one or something like that, lol, but my mum is a very clever woman not easily fooled believe me I know this from firsthand experience, lol. Does he appreciate everything but she does for the kids and the family I’m not sure about that to be honest I think their marriage works because she is really accommodating with him and the kids of course, also I know that she’s wanted to I have a serious relationship /marriage for a long time she’s had boyfriends before that really treated her quite badly she’s not like me she’s quite gregarious so I think she’s just compromising a lot I really hope it lasts not 100% sure It will, at least day They seem to be happy-ish in the situation right now course having kids makes everything different in a good way , yeah I do sometimes feel sad for her though because you know I just feel like she’s doing everything and he acts like his job is the more important job, and from what I’ve heard he’s even said that if the kids fall ill it’s her responsibility to try and take leave to look after them in the first place because that’s what women do or something like that!! Personally I would’ve kicked him out right there and then🥾. Lol, You can pinch some ready Brek at any time Toni, I just have a problem with Bill entering the cereal zone because he would undoubtedly take the whole 450 g box ask me to fry a bacon sandwich for him, To which I would reply that’s most definitely men’s work I am not qualified “anymore”, sorry I should explain that “anymore” is LA’s new favourite word he uses it all the time I don’t think he has any idea what it means, he just kinds of sings it so maybe is it going to be an opera singer as well a well as a chief tantrum maker! I probably covered all your points if not sorry I’ll have to leave it here as I’m feeling a bit tired have a nice day Toni take care
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Hi Joan how are you today? Thanks about me and my mum, mum is getting a bit tense sometimes that’s understandable because she’s got the Op soon but generally we are all okay here thanks hope you and Sue have a nice afternoon take care bye for now Reshmi. Xx
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Hi Kathleen sorry you’re in such pain, recipes look nice, I can’t have ibuprofen either it’s really annoying I agree…one of my friends told me that arthritis can be cured with ibuprofen this is the one who went to Cambridge oh dear, lol, she means well though bless and her she’s never eaten my Jammie toast at least not yet, lol. You care of yourself. Bye Tc. Xx
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Hi Barbara how are you today? take care Reshmi xx
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Evening all
Toni thankyou fir the readybrek I have run out if mine ...I prefer it to porridge, think it's because it takes me back
Glad Penelope is home safe and sound
Don't think Aidan will stand down just yet he's keeping an eye on you bless him
Our son is still struggling but not half has bad ..he's has many steroids and ABs ...oh how is you stomach hope you get to see the doc soon xx
Joan yeah we worry less now our son is back in his home,but must say the hospural really looked after him to all of you (((()))) xx
Mike what a beautiful kitten Vixen was ...maybe in time she will have a go at the scratch post ..there really are many people that find this time of the year so hard..but we will be here xx
Reshmi I am with you LA thought he wouldn't get any rea bless 😅 I remember my dad having cataracts but they did one at a time ..xx
Kath the infections were uncomfortable..but like the hip injections really ..they put steroids and anaesthetic in at the sane time...I got a few months out of them but when you have had an hip reolacement they don't do them in case of infection in the hip xx
Love to all
Xx x
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