Val's Cafe
Good morning everyone
Kitty ((()) how are your pain’s doing I hope they are not to bad. love to Chris (()) and Anita (()) and Val (()) and Emily (()) and your Dad (())
Barbara (()) sorry Mr B (()) is still waiting to hear. love to your son ((()) and Niamh (()) and your son (()) and your brother (()) and his girlfriend (()) and your niece (()) and her fiancé (())
Toni (()) Co co’s worked for me for a few years with no side effects then my legs would’nt stop aching so I’m on Tramadol melts. we had porridge for breakfast. Have a good time with your neighbours (()) love to Paul (()) and Charley (()) and Annie (()) and the carers (()) and Lucy (()) and Tia (()) and Kari (())
Reshmi (()) I hope your tummy is better love to everyone
Toady (()) have a good weekend
love to Mike (()) and vixen and Carol
take care
joan xx1 -
Hi Toni how are you today? I’m trying to be concise that’s a bit of a joke isn’t it really? well I’m trying that’s the main thing whether that will actually happen there is another, stomach and Neck are okay today thanks oh yeah Co-Codamol is nasty stuff at least for some people thanks for the advice, yes any type of mental health side-effects are very scary my sister also similar reaction when she was given codeine to have for her neck pain which she once had not due to arthritis but the way she used to carry her work laptop bag or something like that, her work finally got her a new bag, but she should’ve said something a long time ago but she’s a lot like my dad in many ways stubborn think she just knows best anyway I won’t go into details here and now, lol. It’s a good programme this is us, clever filming indeed. Good About the other little one in the village very kind of you to offer help. Thanks for the Info about the garlic cheese vegan spread, was going to half prepare cheese free pizzas today with tuna but I sometimes do veggie ones only didn’t have all the ingredients oh well I’ll have to wait and make it another day. I’ve got the bases already for the pizzas but I don’t think they’re vegan I think the pizza sauce probably is though and I quite like putting together those pizzas From time to time I know it’s not really proper cooking but it’s quite good in my opinion and much cheaper than takeaway. Reminded me of something funny that happened I have a strange uncle not blood relation but like one he is a physics professor well he was I think he’s just about retired now but he has a son who’s is really quite stupid to be honest and very selfish and the father is pretty large and to be honest the son has put in a fair amount of weight but anyway I’ll get to the point, they’re both like eating and the father is a nice guy the son is is much less nice to be honest with you, he used to not be too bad before but he’s become a very obnoxious kind of person he boasts and about his job and more or less everything else on the planet, anyway so basically the father created a different Deliveroo account but then his wife realised that there was some discrepancies and basically his own son did some pizza fraud! he assumed his own father’s identity in order to get free pizza, oh my goodness he’s in his 40s he should’ve like learnt right from wrong by now, lol, I know he doesn’t do a great job put it believe me he’s not begging on the street or selling the big issue thank goodness I think he could’ve paid for his own silly pizza, lol - the people I know you can’t really make it up can you? Okay thanks Toni sorry if I haven’t quite answered everything I’m just kind of in a rush to do a few things before taking the dreaded methotrexate hope you’re having a nice afternoon take care Reshmi. Xx
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Hi Joan how are you and Sue today? I’m not too bad thanks stomach is okay at the moment so is my neck hi Barbara Hope you’re well ? Hi to kitty and ar as well hope everyone is okay I’ll go for now because I’m doing a methotrexate mental preparation whatever that means, lol, just meant I’m trying to relax for half an hour away from the screen before having my meds take care. Xx
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'Morning (afternoon, but had a late start so I'm adjusting accordingly.. ignore me) - if anyone wants some 'twelveses' I have made my 'signature' blueberry muffins, they are still warm.. yes, me, baking, bit of a novelty 🍰 - well it was too cold to go & play in the garage. 'Lucky' for you I guess frog if you don't want to do garage sorting and Paul has 'keep out' notices - it's like housework for me, one day I don't even lift a finger, then once I do get to the tidying stage it has to be a major turnout &c, all or nothing. Funny to think how few people actually keep their cars in their garage now it seems.. I suppose for some, like Barbara, it doesn't fit. Seed planting next week? Eek! I'm not ready! Oh well, I expect I'll hustle on a bit by then. 😊🌱 I did mean to go and do a square foot of weeding today to show willing but it's just too nasty, because it's blowing as well. Have been very lucky for years with cats, which has been a good innings I suppose; my 2 were never birders, and another cat visitor was mostly a mouser.. and I got most of those off him & released them (apart from the odd one that made itself at home in the house..) I'm fascinated by your fruit cage rescue centre, how did that work exactly? Do you mean chicks (in which case how did the parents get in), or adult birds that Sleek had had a go at? The worst is that this cat was totally avoidable, in that it's one that was palmed off on next door by the daughter, as it didn't get on with the silly dogs that the silly woman should not have had 😠 pardon my spleen, but it's such an unfortunate & unnecessary vexation; like I need one more of the few things I can enjoy - by dint of now being at home so much - spoilt. 🙄 You should be ok not getting addicted to Wordle as it's just daily. The slight gripe I have with it on principle is anyone getting money for old rope* because as far as I'm concerned this is just Mastermind but think of your own word. *the views of the poster do not represent the views of Versus Arthritis etc etc. Sorry the girls are still not 100% 😟
Thank you Joan hopefully the weekend will be better - I must go for a walk sooner or later - ashamed how long it's been! Have a good weekend yourselves. xx
Hope Kitty has dispatched Asda and can 'go to ground'. Am going to do a bit of online shopping - in case anyone has an Am*z*n shopping list there is a £5 of £15 promo running but maynot be for everyone, I saw it on the main page & a banner as well - just to mention -
Love to all xx
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If anyone has blood sugar problems look away now, good that you baked toady you not so good that you photographed it, only joking…or am I? Lol. Bfn. x
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@frogmorton Thanks for pictures of the very filling spanish omelette? Looked delish… I remember 6 months ago tucking into one of those at a tapas bar… ahhh fond memories of unhealthy brekkies and unlimited pain au chocolats… 🥐🥯🍔🍔🍔… now no more
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@Arthuritis ,that was a funny comment you left for Toni , unlimited pacs etc would be a ticking time bomb for most people though to be honest, even if they don’t have arthritis, lol. Tc.x
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"Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein
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Asda delivery this morning, only one substitution and no missing items according to email confirmation which makes a change; hopefully the driver will deliver to my back door this time as requested on my order instructions as it makes life a little easier than trying to drag the box through the house. I actually have a face to face with a GP on Monday after I discovered a lump on my neck, I had asked for a Dr to have a look when I am in the Surgery for an ECG on Wednesday but apparently they are all busy every morning so I have two outings next week. Have not forgotten about the photo Froggie, may do it dreckly but rugby is on the TV dreckly which takes priority, 😁
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Morning everyone :)
Joan tramadol was fabulous for me back when my back was really bad pre operation, but one day after I hadn't taken one for a bit I needed one and was sick for 24 hours so gave up on those. I am glad they are suiting you though and hope they help for a long time to come. My neighbour isn't too well so we had our cuppa with her in bed, but still managed a good chat and laugh 😊
Mike this is for you:
Morning Reshmi I hope you are as well as possible today. You accuse yourself of talking too much? Have you not seen my posts😁
Your poor sister on two counts one doing her neck in (was it torticollis?) and two having a nasty response to painkillers. Again it shows how different we all are doesn't it? Too stubborn to ask for a sensible bag honestly I hope she has learnt from that.
I like the garlic cheese spread on toast with avocado in top yummy! and quite good for an MTX hangover so if you need it today???
Funny you should mention pizza because Paul (on a diet! he does have similarities with your BIL!) brought home a vegan pizza from pizza hut it was pretty good but like you I prefer to make my own. Oh my goodness what kind of person commits 'Pizza Fraud' in his 40s😮 I cannot believe it imagine that. Perhaps it's the kind of person who needs to brag about his job in order to make himself feel superior and put other people down. Absolutely the people you know! I think you could write a book.
I hope the family are all well, your Mum, LA and BR and that HV is not spitting too much today ((()))
Morning Kitty me duck how are you today? I hope Chris is ok too.
Did everything come from ASDA and were you up to putting it all away?
Miss Sleekypaws is coming over later to weed your garden she is determined to give you 'a good show' this year
Don't tell her but I am about to book her vaccinations and check up.....
@Arthuritis I am very pleased you enjoyed the spanish omelette yours was vegan of course and today we shall be having croissants and yes plenty of pain au chocolats. They will do no harm in here either to the waistline or anyone's belly.
and maybe tomorrow we can have tapas? Kitty?
Good Morning Toady. Hope you are well today?
Thank you for the muffins they look lovely you are clever. I am happy to have them for elevensies, twelvsies even thirteensies😁 Just hand them over!!
Oh we have cars in our garage, but to be fair it was 'grown' a bit last year when my raised beds went in. He also has two more garages in the garden and a barn at one of the farms. On eof his cars is going to be at the classic car show at the NEC soon. A lot of garages are too small stupid really, but so were cars (and people maybe?) and parking spaces.
Next week is a little too soon for planting? Ok next week we choose and prepare our seeds yes? the week after they go in the compost? I am happy with that.
My baby bird rescue cage well it didn't always succeed to be fair I had some very upsetting deaths Oh well I remember Daddy blackbird 😓. I had branches in it for them to flap up to and spent a lot of time digging up worms. I used to only let puss out for short period and the top of the cage was off when she was inside. At that point she could catch around 4 birds a day it was a traumatic time.
Oh I know the type like your neighbour's daughter they take in animals without thinking and then can't cope🙄Tia (our middle one) deals with the consequences all the time at the dogs home where she works. Poor cat, poor you too I hope the cat isn't too young and will eventually calm down like Sleek has.
Barbara I hope you are well and the family too. Is Niamh over this weekend? I hope so she can cheer her Grandad up while he waits...My reply to your post is here somewhere I hope you can find it.((())) xxx
Love of course to Carol if she pops by.
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@frogmorton Such yummy pics! I hope one day I can venture into having one… or 2 or 3…☺️
@bosh Yes unlimited pacs would be very unhealthy, but occasionally such a heavenly indulgence… for non RA/T1D people
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Good morning everyone
Kitty (()) yes is that how many cats you want love to Chris (()) and Anita (()) and Val (()) and Emily (()) and your Dad (())
Toni (()) how is your back now sorry about your neighbour not being well (()) love to Paul (()) and Charley (()) and Annie (()) and the carers (()) and Lucy (()) and Tia (()) and Kari (()) and your lovely neighbours (())
Barbara (()) love to everyone thinking of you (())
Toady (()) have a good day
Mike sorry you have so many problems love to vixen
Reshmi (()) love to everyone
Carol (())
take care
joan xx1 -
Hi Toni i’m relatively okay today thank you how are you? Lol about talking too much, what I really meant to say is that I lack will power, When I write on here I often think that it Will be a short concise message, I end up having quite a bit Of A waffle, but not the Belgian type with cream, oh no don’t tell Arthuritis as he may supply some images, lol, I was in Belgium for some time as a student but I’m not an expert in waffles indeed I think only had one once when I was there, because someone was leaving, those kind of heavy waffles upset my stomach and I was On those meds I told you about which made me very large anyway. Thanks about my sister I’m not sure what torticollis is actually is it a type of disease? If so wasn’t a disease in her case it was a kind of sprain type situation, basically muscular pain caused by the heavy nature of the bag strap or something like that, yes different reactions indeed. Sounds good only I can only have very tiny amount of avocado, it seems to upset my stomach, I’m not feeling too great with the mxt hangover thanks lol, but I did get some sleep about an hour ago so that really helped. Everyone one is okay thank you including excess family, at the moment at least, thanks for appreciating the pizza fraud anecdote, lol, I’d better go for now as this is a public voice control session and I’ve not got too much charge left. take care Toni have a nice afternoon. Xx
I just wanted to quickly say hi to Joan Barbara Kathleen and Ar. Joan I hope you’re okay and Sue too. I also hope everyone else is okay Id better go before charge is fully gone have a good afternoon everybody. Take care.
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Hello all.. bit dull isn't it (a bit!).. half asleep today & just looking at jobs rather than starting them. Frogmorton I have made a few planting notes, that's something (I am going to not be too ambitious otherwise I will take on more than I can do). I am extremely cross because I found (by chance googling, as I do on & off at intervals) JUST the chimney pot I wanted online.. everything perfect, size, shape, type.. checked all the usual pitfalls like minimum order or huge delivery costs.. all fine.. went to buy, and instead of adding to basket it put up a not available message. Well if the site 'knows' it's not available, why is it still inviting one to buy. Being me I had already decided where to put it, photographed it, and posted it on here. The good news is I have at least 10 tulips now and my remaining ranunculus are showing signs of life and.. oh it's no use, there is no news good enough to cheer me up, I'm just too sad (has tantrum). 😂 😪
Unfortunately 'the' cat is in its prime and will not be calming down soon enough to be any help. I keep uncharitably hoping they won't be able to cope with it either, and will find it another home - which I know sounds awful, but they are elderly and it may happen anyway, so arguably would be less disruption now - and it's quite a busy road. (I'm not wishing infirmity on my neighbours, honestly). Otherwise I will be extending my mouse & bird graveyard it seems 🙄 I know it's nature & all that, but terribly distressing as you say. And the pity is if it were not a hunter, I'd be ever so pleased to have a kitty neighbour. Yes, Tia must see all sides of human nature, for sure. Sorry your neighbour is poorly and hope soon on the mend. x
Kitty I will take the black & white puss middle row far right if you wouldn't miss just one 😉 has the look of my dear (departed) girl. Hope things as well as poss with you. x
bosh; haha 😸 well I am definitely a one trick pony where baking is concerned and now you have all seen my one recipe, no-one will ever need to see it again. (I have one loaf cake I bake in a blue moon; usually can't be bothered, or don't have all the ingredients.) Anyway me being a bag of bones 💀 it's vaguely excusable for me to have cake etc, sorry everyone, (I don't suppose it'll do me any good long term and I don't put weight on anyway, blast it, but certainly can't afford to lose any). btw people are extremely rude to thin people - the things people have said to me! terribly tactless & personal. Hope you are managing post mtx, & have a better Sunday. x
Love to Joan and Barbara & everyone here & not here xxx 💟
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Hi today That’s okay really about the photograph Toni’s camera is quite uncontrollable anyway, lol, I understand, a lot of people are rude full stop, Without even trying to empathise, I agree completely there, i’m not feeling too bad thanks I guess, didn’t go out of the house at all today though because pavements looked a bit frosty so didn’t do any walking but hopefully I’ll manage to make up for it tomorrow 😄, I hope your day is going well take care. X
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Evening all
Promise I did read all your post bit by bit ..but f8rget lots 🤔
Toni sorry the girls are still poorly, wonder if it's a spin off of covid like our eldest had..niamh has just gone on home and has been cleaning for pocket money xx
Thankyou so much it really has helped knowing your neighbour is having his op even with his pace maker xx
Toady is busy sorting the garage and venting her spleen ..has fir the politics 🙄 what has this country come to..Facebook are mostly pick up and no charges..I have met some lovely people ..I always check there profile to be safe tho
Talk7ng if feeding birds if we use suet balls we get rats from the Brook across the rd . Cheeky devil's they are ..I put mixed bulbs in ..well they weren't mixed till I opened all the packet and forgot what they were 😅
Reshmi LA is a little old man bless 😅sorry your mum has heart trouble think Toni is right must be a age thing . Hope today not been to bad for you xx
Joan thankyou hope you are all keeping warm bet your glad you got that new boiler xx
Mike hope all us well when you eventually get seen by a doctor xx
Kitty I'm loving the cat organiser 😅xx
Love to all..xxxx
Barbara1 -
My pus is top row, far left. He is almost twin with my dear old friend Smutty. So named because of a black mark around his nose, I think he spent too much time gazing in the coal scuttle.what was your dear friend’s name Toady?
"Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein
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Morning everyone it's pouring down here🙄
Joan my back isn't too bad just now although it keeps sending one leg/foot numb which is a bit annoying. How about you are you coping with your pain ATM? My poor neighbour is definitely under the weather bless her, but her husband is looking after her very well. ((())) xxx
@Arthuritis I can have one every now and then you will too in time 🤞
Morning Reshmi I hope today is a good day for you?
A Belgian waffle with cream😁oh imagine! (Poor Arthuritis) I waffle too I think if we met up we would get kicked out of the cafe for talking too much can you imagine!!
I think sleep is the main thing, apart from unhealthy foods of course which bellies don't like, to help MTX hangovers. They are a lot like morning sickness to be honest and sleep is the best thing if you can
Torticollis is like a sort of neck sprain spasm thing it kills, bit isn't arthritis or anything like that. I have known 2 people have it it is nasty but over in a few weeks hopefully never to return.
No walk for me t0day I think I will do some versus Arthritis exercises instead it's such a vile day pouring down just what i don't need. Will watch some 'This is Us' later maybe with a cup of tea.
Oh Toady! I am so sorry about the chimney pot there is a lovely antiquey place here selling them if only you lived nearer you could get one this very day! they are open until 4 🙄
So frustrating.
I have been reading seed catalogues even though I really do have enough seeds making plans and getting excited too just like you.
Oh dear it's a young cat next door. That's not promising for your poor birdies. You will feel like you are 'farming' your birds for him or her to catch😕 cats are really lovely but i have decided when Sleek goes (hopefully in many years time) I will only take in elderly rescues. Tia will sort me out.
My neighbour is so lovely and has RA and is also paralysed due to a cyst in her spine a few years back. So her being ill is a worry. She and her husband are in the 70s and he needs his hip done. They are just lovely people.
Kitty you must post that pic of you holding Smutty for Toady to see if you can find it easily enough.((())) xxx I hope you are well? I missed you yesterday unless I just couldn't find you? That happens sometimes doesn't it?
Sending ((())) to Mike did you see the thread started by tonesblues? You must post about your dioramas unless you have since I last looked.
Morning Barbara how lovely Niamh earning her pocket money well done her.
I think the girls have not been right since COVID in march 2020 I ahve to agree with you. Hopefully they will both benefit from some sun on their honeymoon tomorrow 😊
I am glad it's reassured you about my neighbour's pacemaker I think they just checked the battery in it!! That's scary but of course they must have batteries I suppose.
We have a freecycle in our area on facebook I think it's a great idea.
You know Rats have the sweetest faces even if they are a bit scary.
Your bulbs will give you a lovely surprise you must let us know what they are😁
Take care everyone
vegan/veg options available of course!
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Good morning everyone
Kitty (()) how are all your problems I hope they are not to bad (()) love to Chris (()) and Anita (()) love Val (()) and Emily (()) and your Dad (())
Barbara (()) how are you love to Mr B (()) and your son (()) and Niamh (()) and your brother (()) and is girlfriend (()) and your niece (()) and her fiancé (())
Toni (()) yes it rained here as well I hope Charley and Annie soon feel better the honeymoon will be good. Love to Paul (()) and Charley (()) and Annie (()) and the carers (()) and Lucy (()) and Tia (()) and Kari (()) and your lovely neighbours (())
Toady (()) not good a puss next door have a good day
Reshmi (()) have a good day love to everyone
Mike and vixen (())
Carol (())
take care
joan xx1 -
Morning luvvies, we had a power cut yesterday morning, lasted about an hour. I was coming downstairs in the dark, and fell off the bottom step. Although it hurt, I didn't feel that I'd broken anything, not even another vertebra, so that's good.
Antoinette, here am I with my (blonde) friend Diana, and Smutty, Notice the smut on his nose.
I've found some really old photos of me as a child which I hope you don't mind me sharing with you.
Me and Anita (aged 6 and 13)
with my cousin Avril who saved my life that year
me aged 5 being lazy (my legs hurt)
On Palmerston Dtreet with Shanaz, Gail, Sheila and Anita (I took the photo)
Princess Kathleen (Kitty)
young Kitty
"Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein
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Pumpkin Cheesecake
16 Nov 2021
Posted at 12:46h in Recipes, The ANRF Chronicle by ANRF 0 Comments Share
Thanksgiving dinner may not complete without the traditional pumpkin pie for dessert or it might just be too much to have after a full meal. If you are open to add a little twist to your dessert selection, a pumpkin pie cheesecake is a lighter pumpkin option—add it to the dessert menu or replace the pie! Dessert will never overcome its stereotype of too much sugar and not enough health benefits, but there certainly can be exceptions. Among the benefits of pumpkin as an ingredient in any recipe is the high fiber content it provides. For those continually looking for ways to combat inflammation, fiber is linked to lowering C-reactive protein (CRP) blood levels, which is a common inflammatory marker used to access disease activity in rheumatic conditions. The beneficial bacteria in your gut feeds on high fiber foods, then releasing substances to aid in lowering levels of inflammation throughout the body. As a seasonal ingredient, pumpkin is common to crave this time of year and fiber can be incorporated all year through as it has proven benefit beyond these mentioned here.
Pumpkin Cheesecake
- 3 cups raw almonds
- 10 pitted medjool dates
- 3 tablespoons melted coconut oil
- ½ teaspoon ground cinnamon
- ¼ teaspoon sea salt
- 2 cups raw cashews
- 2/3 cup full-fat canned coconut milk
- 1/3 cup melted coconut oil
- 1 cup pureed pumpkin
- ½ cup pure maple syrup
- 2 tablespoon lemon juice
- 2 teaspoon pure vanilla extract
- 1 teaspoon ground all spice
- 1 teaspoon nutmeg
- 1 teaspoon pumpkin pie spice
- 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon, to taste
- ½ teaspoon sea salt, to taste
- Line an 8-inch spring form pie pan with parchment paper.
- Add ingredients for crust to a food processor or blender. Pulse until well-combined and forms a sticky dough.
- Transfer crust mixture to pie pan, pressing into an even layer. Put pan in freezer while preparing topping.
- Soak cashews in water for at least 3 hours (up to overnight). Drain and add to a high-powered blender with remaining topping ingredients. Blend until smooth and creamy. Add additional cinnamon, maple syrup and sea salt, to taste.
- Pour topping over cake crust and spread into an even layer. Refrigerate cheesecake for at least 3 hours until the topping is firm.
- Serve with whipped coconut cream.
Article Author
Arthritis National Research Foundation
The Arthritis National Research Foundation's mission is to provide initial research funding to brilliant, investigative scientists with new ideas to cure arthritis and related autoimmune diseases. There are several ways to support research through the ANRF. Find out more and donate today.
"Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein
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Hello everyone 😊 a bit of sun today but blowy, glad I have not got your rain frog! I have been out for a potter and here are my updated bulb pictures, they are not v good and nothing thrilling to see yet but at least they are a benchmark from - might have to take my word for the number of tulips, they are not easy to see at this point but there are 3 at least in the zinc pot, and I know they are there 😊 ..I have arrowed my ranunculus haha because they are mostly very small yet but I am pleased they survived the frosts, seeing as they technically ought to have been undercover. I have failed at them in the past so I will be happy if they do even half well. I have some more of those bulbs so I will spring-plant them as a backup. You can just see my Monty-instructed rosemary cuttings behind on the right. I am now going to do a proper seed stock take and make a few top-up purchases, sounds like a good Sunday plan, with tea & a nice lemon & stem ginger biscuit from xmas or 2.
I will get over my chimney pot disappointment thank you x 😉 not the end of the world and there are plenty out there, it was the double annoyance, that it was so nice AND that it was misleading - if it had just said sold out, I'd have had to lump it but at least there isn't the same letdown. (& I do have people that would take me to garden & reclamation places if asked.. but, well, independence 😉 I like to source my own things. And hopefully can go back to the occasional look round myself when things aren't so dicey "out there" as they are at the moment!) Yes sadly I will feel exactly as you say, that I have drawn birds to the garden and set up opportunities for cats.. should you discourage them, is the thing.. I wish I could give them their bus fare and a packet of sandwiches & wave them off to a better territory! It was false sense of security I suppose, of course anyone could have brought in 6 cats anytime, I was just not expecting them to, round here, as things stood. Hope your neighbour is doing as well as possible.. why do nice people seem to have more than their share of poorlinesses and troubles.. mentioning no names.
Kitty! what lovely pictures 😍 I didn't realize your Smutty was from back awhile. I love that photo 😊 did that hutch have an occupant? My kitty I mentioned was in fact known fondly as Rabbit to us, despite not being her proper name, she was just like a dear soft rabbit. I will sort out a picture; they are nearly all on my older PC. They are all marvellous photos, thank you for posting (that horse head cardigan! wonderful). I'm sure you will have told the story of Avril saving your life - probably even while I've been here in the past - perhaps you'd tell it again for those of us with bad memories 😳. How awful to have a power cut while it was still dark, I hope you are definitely ok from the nasty jolt?
Joan it will be freezing tonight, but tomorrow it will be as warm in the night, 9 degrees, as it is in the day today! What odd weather. Hope you are both well & the dear dogs. xx
Barbara 😂 yes mixing up bulbs, it just happens.. I did know what mine were up to a point.. not so sure now! Rats can't help being rats can they but they would not really be what you want to attract.. a friend doesn't like the tails, even of very small mice.. 🐁 Hope Mr. B is bearing up xx
Hope everyone is as well as possible & bosh can get a walk if it's not frosty/raining/blowing a gale, and thinking of anyone with upcoming tests or waiting for results xx
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Hi B how are you today? LA is definitely a little old man there is no doubt there good description there, lol. Hi Joan Hope you and Sue are okay today? take care. Hi Kitty lovely photos. Hi to Ar also toady hope you’re both okay? Toady I did go out strong winds pretty nasty but obviously not dangerously, it really Felt good to get some fresh air though, too rainy and windy for me to enter any coffee shops thank goodness for that then, lol. Hi Toni I’m not too bad thanks how are you? I hope you’ve had a chance to enjoy that programme and some tea it is one of those addictive ones isn’t it? But I think that’s just so typical of TV you can really get into a series and even if it lasts for ages you know that it’s not going to be there as a constant companion and sooner or later they’ll cancel it and replace it with something pretty rubbish please that’s what seems to happen to me in my experience of TV watching, lol. I Prepared some cheese free pizzas today by the way nothing really that sophisticated but I like the taste did use ham but it would’ve worked is just as well with sweetcorn et cetera and no meat. Sorry Barbara I forgot to mention thanks about my mum’s heart murmur. Back to Toni, sorry this is a bit disorganised but it’s the only way I’m going to get anything done today, lol, my goodness I’ve had to do a lot of scrolling today, lol, So what I wanted to say was thanks about the info regarding m hangover, being like mourning sickness, I’ve actually had morning sickness or being pregnant to be honest, lol, But good to know, Ok, torticollis got it I don’t think she’s had it as far as I’m aware, I got free Holland and Barrett magazine today which was very unusual perhaps it was a mistake who knows?but I’m working my way through it is quite interesting actually lots of different healthy recipes ideas there to be honest I don’t think some of them are that healthy for example brown sugar apple cake delicious but I wouldn’t call it healthy, lol, I might try some of the more savoury recipes at one point good idea indeed, so I had a tiny video call today with LA and BR, unfortunately LA was in a bit of a mood he barely talked but he did say he’s driving his taxi to Reading with a pretend cupcake attached to his steering wheel very delicious, but plastic cupcakes maybe one appetite suppressant I may refuse to take to ultimately, lol. Little BR I was also very sweet he is preparing a meal for everybody in the toy kitchen, he seems to have decorated his kitchen floor with the plates though, so perhaps not the most hygienic meal after all…lol. Weather is pretty nasty isn’t it really? I did go out but it was so windy it wasn’t an easy walk at all but I did get some fresh air which I really needed because as you know House Vesuvius is also known as heating Vesuvius, lol. Stretches are good there is no doubt there okay I’ve had a go because I’m feeling somewhat tired here hope you all have a nice afternoon take care everyone bye for now. Xx
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Hi Kitty, I just wanted to quickly say I remembered reading that you had a fall? Was it recently? are you okay? okay that’s all I wanted to say for now have a good night, love, Reshmi. Xx
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Morning everyone 😊
Morning Joan. I hope you and Sue are as well as possible. I spoke to Charley and Annie while I was taking Lucy to work from the hands free to Paul's hands free. He was driving them to Gatwick. They are so excited bless them😊Making happy memories now I expect. ((())) xxx
Kitty thank you for the photos! That was the very one I was after sat on the rabbits cage with your friend Diana. Smutty was a sweetheart. The other photos are very welcome too I love seeing other people's pics then I can imagine their lives better. They are lovely do you think your bones were playing up even at 5 or were you just tired after a busy day? Bizarrely I lived in Palmerston road in Essex when I was probably 5, 6 and 7 before moving to the Midlands Lichfield. You must retell the story of Avril the life-saver.
Gosh you were lucky of you didn't fracture anything I am so relieved to hear that you are ok ((()))
That pumpkin 🎃 pie...(cheesecake) looks yum and I see is vegan too. I have copied it to do next October when they seem to be in season here. I only made pumpkin soup this year and put it in a stew, so not very imaginative was it? This will definitely impress everyone! Ta very muchly😘
Toady I am impressed by your bulbs very impressed indeed. I am desperate to get outside, but it is still raining! Grrrrr! The only time it stopped yesterday was when I was picking Lucy up from work🙄
I can see them all and am very impressed with your rosemary cuttings. Monty D would be very proud of you I 🤔think. Yes a good root through your seeds with a cuppa and biccy perfect gardener's job to do. BTW if you are doing them Monty says we need to get our toms going inside this month.
Good on you getting over the chimney pot disappointment I agree we can go to our own places to buy stuff soon outdoors and on quieter days and times. It can be done and will lift our spirits very much.
I don't know what you can do about your birds really you'd have to feed them in the middle of a grassed area up high I suppose or at a certain time of day, but that would spoil your enjoyment of 'getting to know' them a bit. You must feel a bit like those farmers who farm pheasants for shoots. That upsets me. I have a pheasant (Kenny) who comes in my hedges with his wives Sleek doesn't even try!
Funny as you say how nicer people can suffer more and not nice ones seem to sometimes get off scot free. They will never develop empathy that way will they? My lovely neighbour is incredible so rarely do you see a frown on her face. She is always smiling and happy to listen.
Morning Reshmi How are you today? My stomach isn't too happy not sure what I did wrong except maybe overload it😳 Well done braving a walk I will be going out soon like it or not or my bones and back will suffer. It sounds as though the windy weather actually did you good yesterday.
The good news about this is us is that it should actually finish properly if I am right. We enjoyed it very much with a cuppa (no biscuit) I had too much for lunch so only managed soup for dinner. I know exactly what you mean about good series being cancelled so upsetting. If you are anything like me you get really into them and miss them once they aren't there😕
Honestly MTX is morning sickness all over again and the best thing really is to sleep it off. I gave Lucy that advice when she had it as one of her chemo drugs (in vast quantities). By the way it is yellow in drip form I bet that doesn't surprised you? She also had it intrathecally - into her spine. Poor thing.
Aha better watch out for LA in his car with your plastic cupcake😁 bless him even if he was moodier that usual. Hasn't BR come along? Wow! he is 'cooking' now. He can work on his hygiene skills in time I'm sure🤭 Mine used to love 'cooking' too. Oh bad news is the baby who had covid's brother now has it too. He is about a year and a half maybe a little more and feeling very sorry for himself as his back teeth are also coming through.
I think I'd rather have your pizza (sans ham) than the plastic cupcake.
Mike is all well in your household with you and Vixen? Unusual not so see even a little 'like' or 'thank you' from you. ((())) xxx
If you are in today Barbara I hope you can still see my reply to you from yesterday. Sending love and ((())) xxx the girls are on the plane!!!
I fancy potato pancakes:
all condiments available and some chutney too
Woo-ooo! to @Arthuritis and Carol if they happen in.
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