Val's Cafe
Morning all :) bit calmer today - me and the windy weather - in fact bright & sunny. 'Busy' doesn't mean what it used to, of course - it's more like the Mrs Pepperpot version (if you remember), all morning to climb up on to the kitchen table and peel a potato - some days you are a little taller and can do a bit more - but I suppose you have to be pleased with small achievements (even if it does go right against the grain).
@Arthuritis I definitely don't go to the PO myself! - I'm extremely wary of the Covid, well any winter germs - in fact I have been to any kind of shop only a matter of 3 or 4 during the whole thing. I couldn't do ebay if that was necessary, but I've always used pick up from home services even before this - usually a courier - and, during the pandemic Royal Mail started a collection service too. It's only a bit extra, 60p on top for RM and much the same sort of fee for most couriers. I did used to occasionally drop a parcel off at local pick up points or the PO before this, especially if the courier missed a home collection, but not now (and you have to feel like the walk, which wasn't always the case by any means! Plus for a long time there was no handy PO, after they closed my sub branch.. Yes I'm an RA not an OA, and currently on meds, not MTX at present though I have been). Some services such as Tracked 48 you can't buy at a PO anyway, so I use collection for everything, family & xmas parcels &c. You can even book online and ask them to bring your label with them - if your printer lets you down &c - though that seems quite a lot to ask of your postie, especially as they are now picking up as well as delivering (it's usually the same person - I think). I do enjoy it apart from the odd customer, and over time I've rehomed certain things that although I could have donated to charity, and do for other things, sometimes it's been lovely to know where something is going - family things - and that they've found a good home. 😊
@frogmorton Yes, I won't take yours on too, if you don't mind 😂 although as I say, I do like it, even if sometimes it's self-inflicted hassle! - and I have also had some very nice and very interesting buyers. It has helped make some space.. I think.. although you then start keeping cardboard boxes in case they come in handy to pack such&such - and buying packing materials - so there's that. Must be simpler if you have not inherited hoarding tendencies, even though there is so much to be said for not chucking things away; like the man in the news & his 72 year old toaster! (Did you see the story of Gertrude & the 1930s wedding dress that nearly went in the skip? Horrors! I was nearly in tears 😢. Do hope your lovely brides are ok and are the 'colds' going?!!!) Right then, wildflower pics in the summer it is then, you're on. 😊🌺🌼🌻 And I MUST plant lots of sunflowers this year - they did well the year before, but all turned their faces over the (horrid) neighbours' fence, the traitors! I didn't know that although they turn to follow the sun when growing, they fix into a final position when mature. Other than that, they grew nicely, no pests. Last year I moved them to the opposite border and they got eaten unmercifully!
Hello Joan and glad you can post ok now, hope you have some sun and you're both well, and the dogs haven't minded the noisy windy days xx
Love to everyone - Kitty sorry you have this treatment impasse - hope it is one of those things that takes a better turn for you somehow xx
Hello Barbara, we often post within minutes of each other but as I'm early we shouldn't cross post today - so I'll leave a hot drink on pre-order behind the counter and a plate of biccies ☕️🍪 - and for anyone else in later xx
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Afternoon all well the wind today was w8rse than the other night 😯
No news in Mr Bs op yet ,we rang but they just say we are behind
Toni glad you got back safe and sound from dropping Lucy off...not nice out there ..
Yes all are well now ..strange but our gd was positive with no symptoms..and she was the only one that had the Phfizer..xx
Toady you are welcome ..I found out wild flowers dont like weeds ..that's interesting that you can't seed the lawn with them ..soming I was thinking of ..ebay can be a pain ..I yse Facebook at the min xx
Reshmi glad you are ok..and hope your mums blood test are fine ,so it was visiting time ..Nice to see them but glad when they go I say xx
Joan I'm not budging in this ,neither is mr both keep safe xx
Kitty sorry I forget what I read ..Will go and look on matrons munchies for your recipe ..xx
Mike I'm glad you went shopping with your sister ..I have been the same any excuse not to gi out..confidence seems to go ,with either age and arthritis ..xx
Love to arthritis and anyone else iv missed xx
Barbara0 -
@frogmorton Good spot! Yes, VA actively representing sufferers to big industry would be good.
You must catalogue your cake artistry… 🍰🧁🥮🍥
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hi Ar how are you? thanks for your message I do actually take Omeprazole which my GP prescribed after some goading from the medical social worker because of my mental health meds’ side-effects it does help to an extent to a certain extent , I’m feeling better now even though being quite careful with food I think that the combination of things that upset my stomach this time, anyway I’m better for now thanks for asking, maybe I can move out at some point in the future but right now my mum‘s health isn’t that good really and she also needs emotional support and also in these COVID times I do worry about making a change like that but anyway as long as my mum is is more or less okay I’m able to help for me that’s the main thing for me, because goodness knows my dad doesn’t do much thanks.
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Hi Toni how are you? My neck is okay thanks more or less as for my stomach as I just said to Ar, I have just about recovered I think possibly it was a combination of foods this time you see my mum made some kind of celebration food or rich food is perhaps a better description for Maidenhead visit family occasion or whatever and that mixed with other things I think didn’t do any good for my tummy but I’m okay now thank you I’ve got a haircut tomorrow other than that not doing much at the moment one good thing about the stomach problems that it did force me to lay off things like chocolate and rich cakes and all that which was good but I’m still needing a few sweets to get me through some of these days to be honest but I’m not having them all the time and that’s the main thing I guess, so Paul finished off most of the vegan pasty oh dear that can’t be good, lol. Is Paul vegan too? just thought I’d ask. LA has been telling people something like he’s got a backache he caught it from auntie / Mima Its okay he likes it, lol, he has also developed a lot of special friends as he calls them are all lady babies his best friends are gentleman babies but they seem to be outnumbered by a worrying and increasing amount of lady babies so I said to my dad “better make sure your bank accounts really healthy because you may have to pay for multiple weddings in the near future oh dear I’m not sure that’s the most moral approach LA but there you have it, lol. Baby R was really cute as well when I visited he’s got lovely curly hair like his dad and he tried to give me a piece of apple because he thought I looked hungry aww bless, lol, he really likes sharing unlike big bro who sometimes shares and sometimes feels that sharing means taking everything oh dear, hopefully he won’t be running for election any time soon, lol. Thanks about HV I did sleep well thank you yes weather has become quite weird hasn’t it really today I went out on a really tiny walk this morning and I think I misjudged this jumper situation but I had my hats and my gloves, I “double - hat “in the bad weather, lol, so I was okay. Ok I think I’ll have to leave it there Toni because of all the neck and so on and so forth hope you’re having a nice day take care. Xx
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hi Toni sorry forgot to say I’m really glad about the baby hope he or she is doing a bit better now has been discharged from hospital? take care. Xx
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Hi Barbara how are you today ? yeah It was visiting time you’re absolutely right nice to see them but glad when it’s over indeed also my sister is quite disorganised as usual so while I I was there I just had some squash and a few biscuits thing is plans kept on changing and so basically I didn’t really have a substantial lunch so that and carsickness and all the rest of it , I wasn’t feeling too great as you can imagine but I was glad to be able to give LA a backache apparently he thinks it’s an infectious disease bless him but he has a backache with pride, of course it’s a completely fictional backache and he still doing all sorts of exercise with this pain so I wonder what LA is putting his porridge let’s hope it’s not anabolic steroids or anything like that lol, only joking, so I was just just wanted to ask is there a favourite kind of main meal that you like to have in the cold weather like I don’t know something warming perhaps beef stew or something like that ? I was just curious! I like stew of almost any type I had brought some pizza bases and pizza sauce et cetera to make some half prepared cheese free pizzas out of but I think I’ll give my stomach a break for a while I thinking of doing them with tuna actually, do you like fish? okay hope you have a good evening take care. Xx
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hi to kitty Joan and turbo Gran Carol, hope you’re all okay today? did you have a good birthday celebration Carol? Okay can feel some twinges in my neck so I’m leaving it there take care
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Morning Kitty me duck!
I have Norton and have done for a long time ever since l had a real virus problem about 7 years ago.
Did Madame Sleekipuss fly in in that umbrella again yesterday? If she didn't I would like to know exactly where she went🤨
I bet Joan might not see my reply to her yesterday I think it's now on the previous page so just in case ((())) xxx
Morning Toady. My sister runs an etsy shop and she uses royal mail pick up.
Ah yes saving packaging😳 before my bride needed the room to dress in on the big day I had rather started to hoard packaging. The room is now pretty well immaculate and packaging safely recycled.
Thank you the brides are ok and in work this week before their honeymoon next week. The marriage certificate arrived yesterday they are so happy😊
I am horrified by your disloyal sunflowers 😮 how could they? Have they no loyalty?
Great! you me and Barbara will do our best with our wild flowers I am after pics of insects on mine too. I want to hear life in the garden. When we moved here 6 years ago there was none at all.
Barbara that is frustrating still waiting for a date for poor Mr B. My lovely neighbour is also still waiting......
It was still windy yesterday little Penelope and l felt the gusts alright😕
I was intending to scatter my seeds on the mud mountain hiding the pond thanks to you and Toady for the tips I will be careful.
Glad all yours are well now after covid and especially that you didn't get it.
Morning Reshmi thank you for asking. The baby escaped from hospital and is ok just very grumpy. Now both parents have tested positive. He must have got it at parents and toddlers 🙄
I am glad the neck is ok and stomach is settled for now. Yes a combination of nice rich foods for the Maidenhead constituents and other stuff best avoided could easily of caused it to flare up. Fancy food sets mine off too.
Lord A is never boring you can say that for him. Yep lots of Lady Babies might result in lots of weddings to pay for😁 Oh dear he's caught your bab back. I had no idea they were infectious 🤭🤭🤭Baby R sounds a delight an absolute sweetie sharing his apple. You know apples are good for tummies but they give ME heartburn 🤬
Paul isn't vegan just has BIL tendencies where food is concerned 🙄
A haircut? Good on you. You deserve it (and the odd sweet treat) is it walkable distance so your Dad wont need to be involved? I hope so.
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Cinnamon Baked Apples: snack, dessert or breakfast
02 Dec 2021
Posted at 11:35h in Recipes, The ANRF Chronicle by ANRF
The old adage “an apple a day keeps the doctor away” holds true. Research suggests including apple (of some form) on a daily basis in your diet lowers cholesterol and C-reactive protein (CRP), a key marker of inflammation in the blood. Like wise, maple syrup offers anti-inflammatory benefits obtained from the inclusion of the molecules quebecol and ginger, which has high levels of gingerol, which also has antioxidant effects. While one likely wouldn’t choose to pour syrup over apples, combined in a recipe that includes oats and sweet ingredients, is certainly a taste to be enjoyed.
During this holiday season, Ginger and Cinnamon Baked Apples can serve multiple purposes as a dessert or even a delectable breakfast, share with coffee and good conversation with holiday visitors or take as a dish when visiting family and friends.
Ginger And Cinnamon Baked Apples
- 5 cups skinned and sliced apples
- 2 teaspoons cinnamon
- 1 teaspoon ground ginger
- 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
- 2 teaspoons lemon juice
- 1 cup rolled oats
- 1 tablespoon maple syrup
- ½ cup finely blended oats
- 1 cup walnut butter
- Preheat oven to 375 degrees.
- In a large mixing bowl combine apple slices with one teaspoon of cinnamon, ginger, vanilla and lemon juice until well combined. Place in a 9-by-9-inch baking dish.
- In another bowl, combine oats (rolled and finely blended), one tablespoon cinnamon and maple syrup into a mixture. Spread over apples.
- Drop small pieces of walnut butter evenly over apples and crisp topping.
- Bake 35 minutes or until apple mixture is bubbling and topping is golden brown.
Article Author
Arthritis National Research Foundation
The Arthritis National Research Foundation's mission is to provide initial research funding to brilliant, investigative scientists with new ideas to cure arthritis and related autoimmune diseases. There are several ways to support research through the ANRF.
Good morning all, I hope you don't mind me beginning my post with the recipe, and I hope I'm not breaching membership rules by promoting the ANRF, but they support us arthritis sufferers just as VA does.
Antoinette, I did see aomething flit by my window, I think it was Sleek on her way to the nature reserve we have nearby. It's called Orchid Wood - so if she took her camera with her, you might get some beautiful but windswept views.
Reshmi, I'm sorry your neck is painful. Do you have one of those neck pillows for when you are resting?
Barbara, I'm sorry Mr B is still waiting for his op. My dad is still waiting to have his cataracts redone!
Joan, I saw you yesterday, I'm so pleased you are both alright and that it was technical problems.
Sending hugs to Mike and Arthuritis , Carol, Toady and anyone I've missed.
"Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein
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Good morning everyone
Kitty (()) thank you for the recipe’s I hope something can be done to help you. Love to Chris (()) and Anita (()) and Val (()) and Emily (()) and your Dad (())
Barbara (()) I’m sorry Mr B (()) has to wait for his operation love to your son (()) and Niamh (()) and your brother (()) and his girlfriend (()) and your niece (()) and her fiancé (())
Toni (()) have a good day yes Sue’s carers are well thank you love to Paul (()) and Charley (()) and Annie (()) and the carers (()) and Lucy (()) and Tia (()) and Kari (()) and your lovely neighbours (())
Toady (()) we have the sun today
Arthuris (()) have you got RA (())
Reshmi (()) have a good day and your mum (())
Mike (()) have you got the sun love to vixen
Carol (())
take care
joan xx1 -
Hi Toni How are you today? This will just be a quick message at least that’s my intention, lol, i’m glad about the baby in the village being well that’s a shame about the babies parents though, Please be aware that this is a public voice controlling session, I think I’m going to have to take a leaf out of your book by the way and really cut out cheese 100%, or at least 99 %. Thanks about the Advice about fancy food, Maidenhead constituents , I like that term, lol, thanks about LA and BR, Shane About the heartburn though that must be really annoying, hair cut went well thanks, and I walked there so there were no conflicts regarding methods of transportation and so on thank goodness, LA has got so obsessed with the contagious backache thing that he’s telling it to everybody he meets neighbours people on the street nursery carers lady babies oh dear…lol and The other funny thing is of course that he is enjoying the backache, it’s better than enjoying Co-Codamol or something like that GP made me take it once, it really affected my mind badly so I took one dose and stopped.I’d better Leave it there for now hope you’re having a nice day Toni take care. Xx
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Hi to Joan, K , Ar and Barbara, hope that you’re all doing okay today K yes I do have one of those sort of support pillows that I use when sleeping for my neck it’s definitely helping a bit thanks, it’s not painful all the time but can flareup fairly easily so I try and be a bit careful with iPad time Joan I hope Sue is doing well too. I better go for now hope you all have a good afternoon take care. X
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Kitty that recipe looks amazing! I may need to see if my heartburn will allow it. No wonder my CRP is often up with apples being so good for levels🙄I know Paul would love this. I remember pineapple is good for inflammation and I once had gorgeous baked pineapple. Need to try to find a recipe.
Sleek did indeed have her camera on her and took some aerial views of your garden, which she is keeping very tidy I must say, as well as the nature reserve. She knows I love 🐦 🐦 birds!
My birdies like me feeding them in the mornings they have taken to waiting for their feeders to be refilled
Poor old Dad still waiting to have his eyes done. That would help with his balance too if he could see properly wouldn't it.
Joan that is lovely a positive to say you have good days rather than that you have bad days. The best attitude to have. I am glad the carers are well they have been amazing throughout this pandemic haven't they? ((())) xxx
Morning Reshmi I hope all is well with you today and the haircut did not affect your neck? I bet you feel better for being out (independently - no need to rely on Mr Grumpy - very good👍️) and having your hair done.
Awww Lord A and his bad back. I can totally imagine him telling anyone who will listen about his 'sore back' bless him good job it isn't really bad - I bet he is running around as normal when he forgets about it??? He really is utterly charming I bet everyone loves him. He can try a wheatbag or hot water bottle, but definitely not co-codamol. I am so sorry they messed with your mind that's awful a lot of people swear by them.
You liked the 'Maidenhead Constituents' then? 🤭 best not tell them though!
Giving up cheese is so tough, but maybe you should go for a 6 week trial without maybe?
As of yesterday the village baby's parents were both coping well. They have another little one who is so far clear, but probably not for long.
I forgot to ask Mike what he and Sue had as their treat from M&S on Tuesday??
I had better give us some breakfast looks like yesterday's was a fail😳
vegan frittata
Woo-oooo to Toady, Carol and of course Barbara 😊
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I forgot to ask Mike what he and Sue had as their treat from M&S on Tuesday??
Morning petal, we had an iced bun followed by a walnut whip! Will get round to the photo you are after dreckly but a few things on my mind at the moment. Had annual blood pressure check yesterday and 2 machines broke so Head Nurse had to bring hers which worked but then she found an irregular heat beat (at least I had a heart beat) so next week have to have an ECG and 24 hour BP monitor, on top of that I had bloods taken yesterday to check out my prostate so am a bit anxious till the results come in. So for a change it is "not same rubbish different day", it is extra rubbish different day. Thank goodness for the cat!!
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Good morning everyone
Kitty ((())) I’m sorry your Dad is still waiting for his eyes to be done (()) I hope you have a good day love to Chris (()) and Anita (()) and Val (()) and Emily (()) and your Dad (())
Toni (()) they say snow is coming to parts of the country. Love to Paul (()) and Charley (()) and Annie (()) and the carers (()) and Lucy (()) and Tia (()) and Kari (()) and your lovely neighbours (())
Barbara (()) I hope everyone is doing well (())
Reshmi (()) I’m sorry about all your aches and pains (()) love to your mum (())
Mike ((())) sorry about your blood test and your blood pressure you must be worried (()) thinking of you and vixen
love to Arthurits and Toady and Carol (())
take care
joan xx2 -
Hi Toni I was having a bit of problem with voice controlling technical hitch so to speak but it’s okay now I’ve been watching that program that you recommended though I’m very much at the beginning , “This is us”, but it’s it’s really enjoyable so far thanks for the recommendation, I did early morning walk which was very good for me body and soul mind, neck etc feeling ok thanks, I’m glad The baby in the village is doing well, that looks like a very substantial breakfast vegan frittata thanks for that. I see that’s interesting about cc though because once a senior nurse told me Co-Codamol can basically make a lot of people feel mad and that I shouldn’t take it ever I suppose it’s one of those meds that gives different reactions of different people nothings ever simple is it Toni ? That’s a good idea about cheese instead of doing a cold turkey type of thing to set a goal et cetera very practical but the thing is I’m not hundred percent sure whether I’m going to give it up in all its forms though. Bye for now. XX
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Hi and bye all, sorry busy May be back later. Xx
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Good afternoon friends. I have been so tired today, so I hope I get some worthwhile sleep tonight, for Asda tomorrow.
I’ve been playing Wordle and doing rather way. There’s a new puzzle every day. Grey squares mean the letter used is not in the word. Blue means the letter is in the wrong place and orange means the letter is in the right place. Today’s wort was SHARE.
Wordle 229 6/6
Wordle 229 6/6
Best wishes to all. XXXXXXX
"Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein
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Hi Kitty sorry to hear you’ve not been sleeping well that’s one of the worst things isn’t it? I understand, so you’re playing wordle, good for you you’ve got a much bigger brain than I have, lol, I just stick with lowbrow crosswords online but remember too many word games on your tablet can be bad for your neck take care have a nice afternoon. Xx
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Evening all been spring like here hope it was the same for you all
Toni brides back at work ..hope they have a lovely honeymoon soon ..sure it will be
I can't wait to plant seeds ..the bulbs I planted very late around 4 weeks ago ate just showing xx
Mike my hubby had his preop and they found a slight heart murmur..toni Say's's it's common has we get older 🙄.xx
Reshmi so L A has a fictitious bad back ..bless we think children are not always listening but they don't miss much...its really nice you are there fir your mum xx
Joan thankyou again fir all the hugs...some back to you sue and the doggies ((((())))
Kitty I did look at your blueberry cheesecake sorry I dint alwats get into matrons munchies..sorry Aidan 😪 and the baked apple and ginger I am going to make and cut into bar pieces fir a snack..thankyou xx
Love to all xxxxxx
Barbara2 -
Hi Barbara Sorry to hear that your husband has a slight heart murmur my mum has one as well but she’s okay I think she got it when she had TB as a child or something like that, you’re absolutely right about children they’re more intelligent than we give them credit for lol, LA said at one stage that he’s got grandads cough and mummy’s headache and after my mum‘s cataracts were operated there was no surprise when he said that the doctor fixed his eyes too, also just like his grandad he said he broke his leg playing cricket when he was a Child! Lol, so that must mean he is at least 205 now, lol, he’s looking good for his age I’ve got to give him that, haha. Okay thanks for your message I hope you have a nice evening take care. Xx
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Hello everyone 😊 better day for me today, well better than waiting for a delivery man yesterday who was well outside his time slot & turned up just as I was about to click change delivery day; thank heavens, otherwise I would have been waiting today too, and wasted their time and mine. So I've had spare time to get on with my grand garage tidying project, which is keeping me amused mumbling to myself and rearranging everything.
Hope your Asda day goes well Kitty 🤞 I eke everything out as long as possible so as not to have a delivery any more often than I can help! and top up with the milkman & other odds & ends. Must go & book a slot soon though. Silly question, but I suppose your apple recipe is cooking apples? I could have a go at that - minimal prep really and simple ingredients - easier than making crumble. 😊 I resisted Wordle at first but have had a go or 2 since.
Nothing much else happening really, I must write some letters and emails but can't muster the discipline to get on with them. Have been vaguely watching political aides bail out one by one and wondering what next.. you have to laugh or you'd cry, what a shambles. 🙄
Saw all my dear birdies today too frog, the pigeons are never far away pushing in (I mostly ground feed, with a suet ball holder & 1 bird feeder) but I make sure there are 'secret' servings here & there so no-one misses out. I would be looking forward to Spring a lot more if it wasn't the thought of next door's cat counting the days til nesting season. If only you could put up your own little Center Parcs or Eden Project & keep them safe, but flying is, well, a bit of a fly in the ointment there. Sigh.
Love to Joan, do they really say there will be snow for some?! Has been colder these last nights so I suppose it's not unlikely - and only 7 degrees tomorrow, after it was 13 not so long since! But warming up again after the weekend. xx
Hello Barbara 👋 I have never had much doings with Facebook but people do seem to recommend it for selling - is it mostly people who don't mind collecting things - you would get so many nice things on ebay if you can pick them up, quite upsetting at times! Keep warm xx
Kettle on for anyone passing, hello bosh, & mike, who has made me want a Walnut Whip. Hello Carol too if she's reading anytime. xx
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another edit because I realize I scrolled past Barbara's post, or the page jumped down, anyway I didn't see it - as you can tell by me replying to you, but one post back - it's not just dreadful manners ;) happy to hear your bulbs are up! 🌷🌷🌷 I forgot to ask what they are; or are they mixed?
Also meant to thank Kitty for the lovely woodland pics, we used to leave in Derbyshire for a while when I was young, probably half an hour or so away (long before this had Nature Reserve status, so would it not have been accessible to the public until recently? will do a search myself but too late tonight, I must switch off!)
'night again xx
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Morning everyone😊Raining here.
Mike good to hear from you. Gosh scary I would be worried too if they found an irregular heartbeat and hope 'they' find out ASAP what is going on. Glad you also threw in a prostate blood test, very wise indeed. Vixen will be more than happy to keep Dad distracted I agree thank goodness for our pusskins. How did you break two BP machines by the way 😉only joking!
An iced bun and a walnut whip?! Go you two I take it Sue is well just a 1lb heavier than when she arrived at yours😁
Morning Joan - surely we will get some snow we always do as late as March and maybe even April. Let's just hope it doesn't hang around for too long eh? Having a cuppa with my lovely neighbours later. Love to you and Sue ((())) xxx
Morning Reshmi I am pleased to have sorted out your voice control issues. Well done walking early yesterday i did too although my fit bit failed to track in - grrr! Fingers crossed stomach neck etc are ok today 🤞
I am so very pleased you are enjoying 'This is us' it really is quite incredible how they have written and filmed it in the then and now. I am very very close to the end 😕I will really miss it. It got us through the pandemic along with 'The Good Karma Hospital'.
You did well to ditch the Cocos straight away and never try them again. We are all different you are quite right. Like gabapentin/pregablin which really suit some people, but one lady who used to come here saw dancing trees! Terrifying eh?. For me they did nothing at all either help-wise or side effects.
Yes all is well with baby and parents although the other little one is still ok. I offered to pick up anything essential for them yesterday but they managed an online order.
One vegan cheese I quite like is cheese spread with garlic and herbs that's ok.
Well have a good day hope all is well with your Mum HV is calmer and Excess Family are all well.
Morning Kitty me duck.
Sleek dropped off a sleeping draft for you I hope it helped you get a good night before Asda today. Fingers crossed everything is present and correct🤞
I had seen that people were doing wordle on facebook and wondered what it was so googled it. It looks fun and good for the brain too. Of course you would do well because poets use words all the time.
Take care Kitty ((()))🌈
Morning Barbara,
Yesterday was lovely really lifted my spirits I felt so optimistic about the summer. I fully intend to get some seeds planted next week.
The girls are back at work yes and looking forward to their honeymoon next week. Bless them they are still under the weather from whatever was wrong with them. Annie is on ABs and prednisone.
How are your lot doing? All well I hope?
I wondered whether Mike's heart issue might turn out to be a murmur too and just hope it's nothing to worry about, but it is scary isn't it? If it helps my neighbour has a pacemaker and they are still going to do his hip.
Morning Toady. Cleaning out the garage?! Wow!!! I am impressed. Not my favourite job at all that luckily husband does not allow any 'mess' in 'his' garage(s) he is obsessed with cars and nothing must be in there which could (heaven forbid!) touch much less scratch his cars!
I am trying to ignore the Government's issues a bit like you🙄Tell the news to shut up will you?!! You know my only concern with wordle is that it might be addictive for someone like me who can get carried away.
I have a cat, but so far in this bungalow she has been very well behaved with my birdies being a bit older now. When she was younger, at our old house, I had a huge fruit cage and used to have to resort to putting some in there while they get their feathers sorted. I saved a few that way. I think my puss can't be bothered these days bless her prefers voles and the like🤢
Time to get our seeds planted methinks maybe next week and the week after🌱
Thanks for the cuppa.
Hope all is well with @Arthuritis today and was yesterday too.
Love to Carol if she pops in.
Take care everyone!
because I love porridge!
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