Val's Cafe



  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,227
    edited 27. Jan 2022, 06:50

    Morning everyone :)

    AMAZING START!!!!!!!!! we had to wait while a group of deer crossed the road. So beautiful they were in the dark lit by my Fig's headlights.

    It's windy out there glad that wasn't Monday! 👰 veils would have been all over the place.

    Morning Joan thank you I hope to have some better photos in time 😊 Love to you and Sue and the carers ((())) xxx

    Kitty ((())) for your eyes the salad looks 😋 I do miss Halloumi very much but I think the recipe will do without don't you? I might pop mushrooms in instead. The vegan halloumi I have tried is pretty yukky 🤢

    I did indeed love the poem and will be sharing it with the girls later.

    The day was totally fab-u-lous!!! Such a happy, happy day. My friends who had a civil partnership 14 years ago (the ones I was best woman for?) said it was so much better, just felt like any other wedding. Things ARE improving they really are.

    Sleek was there of course along with Winnie both in their wedding outfits. The others were all there on zoom. I expect you've already seen a load of pics via her?

    Morning Reshmi thank you for your wedding compliments. Twas indeed me who organised the slippers and the signs all made by me too. I think weddings ought to be fun don't you? Lord A will have a sense of humour he has other influences than his Mum - his Goddess Auntie Mimi for one.

    How did your stomach cope after yesterday's risky food? I did ok because I was careful and took appropriate tablets with me ready😉 We had asparagus starter. The main was nut roast (nouvelle cuisine so tiny!) with vegetables. Desert was chocolate brownie and ice cream. Very nice.

    I am not at all impressed with your Dad's behaviour Reshmi in the opticians of all places! He is naughty to do that. I can understand the sore throat perhaps your throat tightens right up when you are so very stressed and upset. Well done for calling him out in front of your Mum. You are sensible to keep away as much as possible, but isolation isn't great for your mental health either ((()))

    Today will be better you do so well keeping up your physio stretches and walks. Take care and keep talking to us we are here.

    Good morning @Arthuritis

    The wedding was my eldest daughter Charley's It was a same sex wedding she married her wife Annie. They have been together a while and have bought their home together already. Annie is very good for Charley and vice versa. I am on my 2nd marriage and have a step daughter and a younger daughter Lucy. Lucy has had a tough time having leukaemia at 16 the treatment from which gave her avascular necrosis and resulted in her needing hip surgery and a new shoulder joint too. She also has epilepsy because of it all. My cat is the Sleek we sometimes talk about? She is a 12 year old white and tabby. I drive a pink Figaro car.

    Well done going vegan at all it still isn't the easiest choice, but it is a good one in my opinion. I am the only one in my household Lucy and Paul do eat meat. Paul only when we are out and Lucy has her own saucepans!

    The wedding has been my only event I think in 2 years too and gosh have I been scared leading up to it that 'somehow' I would catch it and not be able to go. I am now sacred someone there might have given me it in spite of everyone doing lateral flows of course.

    Sadly I didn't take any pics of food well many at all once we got to the venue until the next morning, but there was a 'magic mirror' I will post the one I took with my sister. I am hoping to acquire other peoples though....

    The video was very interesting thank you.

    Thank you Toady I am definitely all of those things exhausted being almost the most extreme although I do have the most ENORMOUS grin on my face still!

    there will be more photos I promise I am short of my own it seemed inappropriate and I just wanted to enjoy every minute of the day😊

    Love to Barbara

    and Carol

    Some breakfast:

    I am cold so we are having porridge sorry

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,227
    edited 27. Jan 2022, 06:56

    Kari and me!

    Look at my double chin🤭🤭🤭

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,242

    Good morning everyone

    I hope everyone has a good day ((())) I'm off to the hairdressers 9 30 love to everyone

    take care
    joan xx
  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583

    Just popped in to say hello ro everyone. Don’t forget that tomorrow is Asda day, so I won’t be in. If I’m as tired tomorrow as I am today, I don’t know how I’ll cope. Joan, enjoy the hairdressers. XXXXXX

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,317

    Hi Toni how are you today? I’m glad you had an amazing start I love all the photos you look amazing in your dress I’m very envious of your flat stomach 😄. I think your planning was really great it does help when humour is involved doesn’t it? my sisters wedding was nice but there was some disruptive influences one was the niece I told you about at some point I was creating allsorts of havoc almost set the place on fire with scented candles my mum luckily stopped another was the priest who was making all sorts of silly demands like bowls for the ritual need to be a certain metal, none of this was actually true according to scripture or whatever but he just pretended it was and made some people work like slaves, also my sister made my brother-in-law go to some ballroom dancing lessons with her and I could see how nervous he was while he was dancing at the wedding bless Him, i’m really glad that your daughters wedding went without a hitch and everyone seems to be having a great time in the photos too. You’re absolutely right society is more inclusive now though of course not quite as inclusive as it needs to be. Thanks about my dad et cetera I do not fully isolate myself though because on the occasions that my dad is otherwise occupied or out of the house my mum and I do have some nice chats my sister still feels uncomfortable talking to me about anything much but I’ve got used to that. Today I went on the early morning work walk, well early for me, lol, when I got back I was so tired I just rested in the cold room without thinking about it and I think I’ve slept in some kind of weird position because my side was really hurting and I was feeling quite horrendous but I managed to sleep again about two hours ago in the warm room and that was a good long and deep sleep thank goodness so now the pain on the side is minimal which is great. Yes my stomach was okay after the risky food thanks - after Barbara’s nice advice got a pizza takeaway from Dominos, but because I wasn’t used to that website have never used it before in fact I made a mistake with the cheese so ended up eating cheese but I didn’t have too much roughage for the rest of the day which was good. Also today I went to Costa on my own and sat down and had a cup of tea et cetera even though it’s not my habit to do that really not in the early morning, But it was quite good because I once read some mental health advice that you should go out once a week, well depending on covid situation of course, even if it’s only in a small way, it gives the mind a bit of a change, not a great change but it was a slight change and that was good 👍. Ok I ate a bit of rubbish but I was more careful later on in the day. Ok I’d Better go for now Toni bye for now take care. Xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,317

    Hi Joan, I Hope you and Sue are okay? hope the hairdressers goes well take care xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,317

    Hi Kitty, how are you? I hope you feel a bit less tired tomorrow take care.

    hi ar and Barbara too hope you’re having a nice day. Xx

  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281

    Evening all will keep thus short eyes not good

    Toni what a wonderful wedding 😁and thankyou fir the it thr camera or us your hair darker xx

    Reshmi dad isn't being fair, I feel fir you ,but glad at least you got to the hairdressers..xx

    Kitty did I read your eyes are bad ..sorry..hope Holly is still doing errands for you xx

    Joan my knee behaving thankyou ,love to all of you xx

    Love to toady Mike and arthritis x

  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281

    Sorry meant to say hiw nice the memory tabke was Toni..they would all be very proud xx

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,227
    edited 28. Jan 2022, 06:37

    Morning everyone

    I feel rather chilly this early. Brrrr although there is no ice rain or snow outside.

    Joan look at you your hair looks lovely🤗 I bet you feel much better for that I always do Love to you and Sue ((())) xxx

    Morning Mike how are you doing I haven't heard from you for a few days now? Is Vixen ok too and how is the diorama getting on?

    Kitty my lovely I am so sorry you feel so rough. I do hope against hope that all Asda food arrives and is easily popped away so that you can rest up.

    Sleek is coming to help you unpack sorry if she sneaked any herrings or cockles in on your order ((()))🌈🌈🌈

    Barbara well spotted my hair is slightly darker although looks even darker in that photo. Hopefully you will see better when we get the official pics.

    Kari is not so much smaller than me (I am 5'2.5" Kari is 5'1")I still had my agonising heels on and she was in her hotters lucky girl. I had some of the slippers straight after that though!

    Sorry your eyes are being naughty too. I take it no news about Mr B's op then? 🙄

    Good morning Reshmi. I think you did exceptionally well getting out to Costa like that and having a cup of tea. You are absolutely right about getting out (Covid permitting of course) my sister does the same even if she has to push herself to do it. I am glad you don't isolate too much you Mum no doubt needs your support and company as much as you do hers. Your Dad goes out to his group a fair bit too if I remember rightly?

    Well done managing two naps, but gosh no don't get cold that will be why the extra pain. Hopefully the warmer room will have sorted that a bit ((()))

    I have to admit to breathing in on that photo🤭 well in every photos I knew about! don't tell anyone! the dress is actually trousers!

    Weddings can be trouble they really can. As you know Paul is my second husband and it could have been tricky as the girls' Father's girlfriend doesn't really like me much, but you would have been proud of me. I was so very well behaved that she put a friend request in on facebook afterwards!!!

    Dancing lessons eh? Poor BIL I bet he loved that😫. Honestly most people just shuffle around and get by don't they?

    The priest sounded a bit of a control freak and your niece! Weddings! I imagine if Lucy ever gets married it will be trickier she can fall out with herself🙄

    My stomach is ok and has been for a couple of days I hope yours is too in spite of the risky food you have coped well,

    @Arthuritis are you on the Zoe Covid app? (Tim Spectre's baby) after covid settles he is looking into a few other conditions one being the gut and gut biome. I have signed up to be part of it.

    Toady it's too cold but I so want to get outside in the garden😕 Have you been out in yours yet? Maybe I will start some seeds off instead🤔 That might cheer me up a bit.

    Love to Carol I hope all is well your end and that you didn't have COVID not that i thought you did for even one minute.

    Better get on and do something, but first food!

    I have found a really good small business in Yorkshire which makes vegan pancake mixes and yorkshire pud mixes. Ordered some😋

  • Mike1
    Mike1 Member Posts: 1,992

    Morning Mike how are you doing I haven't heard from you for a few days now? Is Vixen ok too and how is the diorama getting on?

    Morning petal, nothing to report really, same as usual, different day same rubbish. Vixen is fine and I have nearly completed the base for the Battle of Waterloo diorama then I have over 200 figures to get painted.

  • Arthuritis
    Arthuritis Member Posts: 493

    @frogmorton Hiya! Yes I am on the zoe C-19 app, and it would be nice if Professor Tim Spector would shed light on the gut biome & the conflict of interest between big pharma shareholder priorities vs patient care.

    He flags up in his KCL lectures how docs receive no training on nutrition and he had to go discover it himself, and realise its profound impact.

    Having a prestigious Uni lab at his disposal ensured he had credible and indisputable findings. My fav one was when he outs big food & pharma, there’s no big bucks to be made on patenting whole food nutrition, so no incentive to do any research on the biggest immune organ.

    Yum! How do we get those Yorkshire vegan pancakes?

    Do they do vegan Arthritis Pain au chocolats too? 😉

    An arthritis Pain au chocolat with flair!

    I know just how it feels!

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,242

    Good morning everyone

    I shall have a mother go what I wrote was

    Kitty ((())) have a good day when I went to the hairdressers yesterday I got my mask out going a long on my scooter and all my loose money went on the path a lady walking passed helped me pick it up love to everyone ((()))

    Barbara ((())) that's good your knee is behaving love to everyone ((()))

    Toni ((())) was that Kari in the photo they are lovely photo's love to everyone ((()))

    Toady ((()))spring will be here soon

    Arthritis ((())) where do you live we live in Swindon in Wiltshire

    Reshmi ((())) I hope your tummy settles soon love to everyone ((()))

    Mike (((())) have a good day love to vixen

    Carol ((()))

    take care
    joan xx
  • Arthuritis
    Arthuritis Member Posts: 493

    @dachshund I am in London, only been to Swindon once years ago on the way to Cirencester. ☺️

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,317

    Hi Barbara how are you ? thanks for your nice message and your comment about my dad, i’ve actually got the hairdressers in a few days time it’s good that I booked it thank you. I hope you’re have a nice day take care. Xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,317

    Hi T how are you are? Are you back home now or are you having a little holiday? Btw this is a Public voice controlling session so I cannot talk freely, my dad used go out for “group work’, but these days it’s mostly online, but whenever he goes somewhere for an extended length of time, even if it’s one of his tremendous Tesco expeditions, v much an obsession of his, then we tend to chat, thank you. Thanks but the first was more of an attempted nap, the second was is a proper one thank goodness, the problem is That I get into such a habit of going straight into the cold room because most of the time that’s the most comfortable one in the house on my own is an Inferno but I’m getting used to swapping around thank you 😄. Okay I’m leaving things there for the sake of my neck. Pancakes Toni really, even of the vegan variety? Maybe stick with avocado salad, lol, i’ll be sure to post some to the LLF. Okay bye for now take care.

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,317

    Hi and bye to everyone else hope you’re all okay I just need to spend less time on this thing today just wanted to say Ar , so you’ve joined in the online junk food photography oh well if it keeps you happy haha. Tc

  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,600

    Hello people 😊 & thank you frog for the timely prod with a bamboo pole, because no I haven't really been in the garden for any length of time, so I made the effort. I was so good about going out for at least a little bit each day until it really did get chronically cold.. I still ought.. I just have no grit! (and not the horticultural sort!) Anyway do prompt me anytime, it might nudge me to get out there. Any sign of your snowdrops? I haven't checked properly - I do have some Russian snowdrops in a pot - and since I posted I now have FIVE tulips showing. 🌷 I am just thinking about seeds too - have added a pic of some of the things I've got started, or will be. Probably with mixed success - I do find sowing times & advice &c quite confusing & often contradictory. I once read someone say that the answer to 'when should I plant (whatever)' is always '2 months ago, or not for ages', haha, seems to be about right! The cup & saucer vine, left, I'm hoping to grow up & along the top of my bean canes so there is something going on there. The aquilegia I picked because it says they're unfussy. I was very taken with the oregano lavender last year, if you don't know it, it's a quick grower and has nice feathery leaves - half hardy though and the frost got mine because again it was late sown, but I'm looking forward to giving it a better go. The 2 poppies should be easy too & self sow, or at least make lots of seeds. And I never get on quickly enough with sweet peas so I'm going to try & do better this year. I will also have loads of dwarf agapanthus to try & find places for because the 2nd generation grew so well from seed from my original sowing, and I have the seeds from those too. Do you keep notes & things? I can't remember information which annoys me. I have been tidying the garage today too and didn't find anything too grisly up the worst cobwebby end, or injure myself poking about, so small medal for me.

    Hope all are well and definitely that everyone is covid free after the big day. 🤞 Lovely pictures and nice to see family! I like your earrings by the way! (& everyone's comments on your outfit etc go for me too.) 😊 Yes you did do well to avoid the windy day! That would have ben awful.

    Kitty hope your shopping was ok. I had Tesco on Tues - they have just started doing the emailing-ahead thing now too, so they were just a bit slower than others doing it. I do wish a robot delivery man would bring it, have really gone right off having to see people! They did sub me a larger Easter egg so that was something!

    bosh I just wanted to say do think you're good to go out to a cafe on your own, I used to like to, but I have lost my nerve now rather. It is definitely helpful to get out for a change if you have a bit of an atmosphere at home, our family are or were all a funny lot one way & another, & it was difficult not being able to go out & about as much once I got ill - I don't have my parents now & we had a lot of unfinished business really, families can be very difficult, so I do sympathize.

    Hello Joan, yes thank you Spring is definitely on the way - it is going to be 13 degrees tomorrow, and a bit of sun, apparently! Hope you have a good weekend.

    Barbara thank you for the hello, and hope you're all as well as poss 😘 these are some of the things I'm hoping to grow - I don't suppose the results will be anything like this 😂 but I have fun choosing the seeds, anyway.

    Love to all & anyone not here xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,317

    Thanks Toady x

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,227
    edited 29. Jan 2022, 06:53

    Morning everyone. What is this weather? Still so mild....

    Mike good to hear from you and to hear all is well. I know you don't say anything much unless you have something to say so I shouldn't worry really. The base is nearly done so a photo will be along dreckly??? Hmmm? Maybe?😉

    Joan what a disaster! I lost my debit card that way pulling my mask out, but luckily someone had handed it in and Paul managed to get it back before I had to cancel it. Nice lady there are nice people. ((())) xxx That is Kari yes well spotted!!

    Kitty was the order all present and correct? I hope so and that you are feeling a little bit more yourself? 🌈🌈

    This morning I am going to an outdoor vegan fayre hoping for exciting food and will be there when it opens so there aren't too many people.

    Charley's Annie posted on fbook by Charley.

    How is your Dad doing? Anita and Val too?

    I had a feeling @Arthuritis that you might be on the Zoe COVID app! I can spot the type a mile off. Said in the best possible way of course me being the type too😁

    Indeed no money at all in nutrition unless it's snake oil or diet snake oil, but as you know I respect Tim Spector very highly. It's partly the way he outs them isn't it?

    The vegan yorkie pud is Ella's vegan yorkie pud she makes pancakes too. My sister says Asda sell a vegan pan au chocolat😋 Your poor little arthritic one looks so sad. Can we turn him upside down so he is happier?

    Carol also lives in London. Not that that means you will know each other of course🤭 I am Staffordshire in the county town.

    Hi Reshmi ok I understand your post would have been a careful one if it was public!

    I am glad you and your Mum get time alone to talk when Dad goes shopping or whatnot. Send him to your sister's! Lord A will be happy and you two will get at least 2 hours peace😉

    I am feeling virtuous! I did extra exercise yesterday indoors as I didn't feel like leaving the house at all. So I restarted my 'Let's move with Leon' sessions. How is your neck doing? Remember warm room even if the cold one is more comfortable.

    I know pancakes don't you just love the naughty stuff? AS you have said sometimes we can risk it😋

    No holiday for us no we are back home I am back taking Lucy into work early again every day. Paul is going to do tomorrow morning though so I can have a rest. Charley and Annie go back on Monday then honeymoon on 7th February.

    Good Morning Toady.

    Those flowers look lovely I do hope some of them succeed. With me I often plant a month late that's true maybe not two. No sign of my snowdrops yet though I have really looked hard 😒

    5 tulips wow! That's great. The cup and saucer vine is it it annual? I could do with an annual like that to go on my new trellis. I am worried about growing anything on it which is hardy as wood doesn't last forever. I hadn't heard of oregano lavender (mine are all mostly Hidcote) but it looks lovely. I love the poppies and always have some of them here too my colour palette is mostly pink white blue and red, but as a lot of my plants were gifts from people in the village I expect some surprises too😊

    I will poke you regularly and will post my exploits. When Kitty's daughter gets down to the allotment she will get us both going 😊

    Barbara I hope you can read my reply yesterday to you.

    The pic above is Annie Charley's wife!

    Love of course to Carol I do hope all is well ((())) xxx

    It's Saturday so croissant and coffee day (this time last week I was manic!)

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,227

    Charley left Annie Right the new Mrs and Mrs❤️

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,242

    Good morning everyone

    Toni ((())) they are lovely photo's ((())) you must have been very worried when you lost your card. Have a good time at the vegan fayre ((())) love to Paul ((())) and Charley and Annie ((())) and Lucy ((())) and Tia ((())) and Kari ((())) and your lovely neighbours ((()))

    Toady ((())) thank you for the plants have a good weekend

    Arthritis ((())) have a good weekend

    Kitty ((())) love to all have a good weekend

    Barbara (((())) you take care all of you have a good weekend

    Reshmi ((())) how are you feeling today have a good weekend

    Mike (((())) have a good weekend and vixen

    Carol (((()))

    take care
    joan xx
  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583

    Morning all, hope you are all OK. I copied and pasted a recipe from an email and I've gone and lost it and deleted the email AAARGH!

    Joan, thank you so much, you too, X

    Toady, We had a couple of substitutes from Asda, but all was good. We used to have Tesco, but they cancelled one of our orders. So I rang up to confirm and they gave me a choice of dates. I picked one and we waited with baited breath - guess what, they cancelled it again! We'd had no delivery for 10 days. Thankfully a good neighbour went shopping for us (we are both housebound). So we've been with Asda ever since. . Those photps are gorgeous.

    Joan, I'm sorry you lost your post, it happens to all of us now and then. I'm glad the kind lady helped you pick your money up.

    Antoinette. I'm feeling a bit embarrassed as I see I got the names wrong in the poem. But I'm sure you corrected them. Lovely photos of the newlyweds.

    A Cup of Positivi-TEA: Four teas to help fight inflammation

    14 Sep 2021

    Posted at 14:46h in The ANRF Chronicle by ANRF 0 Comments 

    Certain plants are rich in compounds called phytochemicals, which can aid in preventing oxidative damage to cells and help to reduce excess inflammation. Due to their anti-inflammatory properties, certain plants may help relieve pain and stiffness caused by inflammation. Drinking tea made from these plants is an easy and tasty way to harness these anti-inflammatory properties. One cup of tea is a great addition to an anti-inflammatory diet as it will contribute to compounds taken in during meals, assisting them to be more effective at reducing inflammation.

    1. Green tea (Camellia sinensis L.)

    Green tea is high in polyphenols, the most potent of which is EGCG. The properties of EGCG have been found to relieve flareups associated with inflammatory bowel conditions such as ulcerative colitis, as well as reducing symptoms due to other inflammatory conditions. This tea contains caffeine and can interact with certain medications so it’s important to be sure there are not any interactions with other prescribed or over-the-counter medications.

    1. Holy basil (Ocimum sanctum)

    Holy basil (also known as Tulsi) is thought to help counter emotional, environmental and metabolic stress, which are often identified as contributing factors in inflammation that can lead to chronic disease. This tea is a good choice for those suffering from gout or RA as it assists in reducing uric acid levels. Some of Holy basil’s compounds fight inflammation by inhibiting the cox-1 and cox-2 enzymes, which produce inflammatory compounds and trigger pain, swelling and inflammation. Rose hip tea is a good alternative if Holy basil isn’t available as it works in the same manner.

    1. Turmeric (Curcuma longa)

    Much like using turmeric as a spice in many recipes to help decrease inflammation, sipping turmeric tea has this and other health benefits. With Curcumi as the bioactive compound, turmeric reduces pain and inflammation by disrupting some of the pathways that lead to these conditions. Studies show it reduces pain and improves physical function for those with osteoarthritis. Research also indicates it may help prevent Alzheimer’s and cancer, and boosts the immune system.

    1. Ginger (Zingiber officinale)

    Ginger impressively contains more than 50 different antioxidant compounds. These compounds not only limit the production of pro-inflammatory cytokines but also benefits blood sugar levels and cholesterol. Studies using high doses of ginger found it lowers inflammatory blood markers such as C-reactive protein, a common marker used to assess disease state.

    Article Author
    Arthritis National Research Foundation

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • Arthuritis
    Arthuritis Member Posts: 493

    @Kitty Nice article! I do like turmeric, green tea and ginger. I particularly like turmeric as it is a Cox-2 inhibitor (against internal inflammatory reaction), but not cox-1 (against pathogens). NSAIDs like Ibuprofen are both cox 1 & cox 2 inhibitors, and also block prostaglandins that stimulate production of GI mucous that protects your stomach and GI lining.

    I like Prof Tim Spector’s lectures on youtube, worth watching if you are interested in that type of thing😊

    Unlike the powerful drugs that do what turmeric does, turmeric has no side effects or dosage risks in normal food use. Drs Michael Greger & Tim Spector are both not keen on concentrated extracts, as these are either non effective or produce adverse effects in their unnatural single compound form. Michael gives clinical studies that prove this in his book and site (free, same info with vids).

  • Arthuritis
    Arthuritis Member Posts: 493

    @frogmorton Great pics of the happy couple! Very happy for them! 👏🥂

    My pain au chocolat is def in pain! 😂

    I will try Ella’s yorkie pud & Asda vegan pain au choc! Thanks for the tip!

    @dachshund and a great weekend to you too!