Val's Cafe



  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,317

    Okay I just lost a whole message there so I just wanted to say hi to everybody Toni Kathleen Barbara Joan and Kitty and Ar, I took a long time to get started today due to mxt hangover mild weather and thermostat, but that’s life I suppose, I’m okay thanks Joan at the moment stomach wise but thanks for asking, I found a new portable bladeless fan on eBay it’s helping me with hot flashes, that’s it because my neck is the Priority, hope you’re all okay nice photograph Toni, Tc xx

  • Arthuritis
    Arthuritis Member Posts: 493

    @frogmorton BTW Thanks for mentioning Carol! Of course we Londoner’s know each other😉😂(only joking)! Hi Carol!

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,317

    Lol Ar I’m in Reading so I of course know the whole of the south-east lol jk. Xx

  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,600
    edited 29. Jan 2022, 20:21

    Evening 😊 what a windy day! So glad I'm not where the worst of it was! I put some washing out, not the brightest idea ever 🌪️ I hoped to do a bit of weeding too but no chance! Frog; the cup & saucer vine is one of those perennial (but treat as an annual) things so it might do you nicely 🌿 most sites I've looked at say it will survive in a very mild winter and be more or less evergreen, but that really would have to be very mild I should think; if you want to keep it going they say plant in a pot and overwinter it indoors. That's what I planned to do anyway as otherwise it's pretty invasive apparently. You could just choose grow as an annual anyway I should think, as it is a very speedy grower so you aren't waiting around for it to establish before you get any cover, so yes it's an ideal trellis plant (extra pic is from ).

    I'm just deciding whether to go for the sort that turn colour, cream through green through mauve or there's a white variety. I'm hoping to grow it across the horizontal top section of my canes as I said, because they are tall but in far enough from the fence that I should get the screening effect of trellis but without the neighbours tutting. Then I can let my beans grow up to that level, in theory. I have some established hidcote lavender too, and some French and white that I hope have survived winter, and ONE pink lavender seedling indoors that I'm hovering over & willing to thrive. Nice to have donations from local people. 😊 I have bought some seed compost now so I'm all set for a good long seed browsing session. Yes I would love tales of allotment doings!

    Beautiful pictures and isn't Annie's makeup lovely (well both, of course, but easier to see in the closeup for those of us with specs!), did they do their own? Sorry if you've already said. Hope the vegan fayre was worth it and especially being the early bird, hope you got the vegan worm! (<- That sounded much better when I started to write it! 🐛 )

    Joan not long before the Covid I went to use a cashpoint and the person in front went off leaving their card still in it, with the screen saying 'do you want to make another transaction'! I'm not sure if someone could have (without the PIN), but in any case they were lucky an honest person found it & went after them. Horrible feeling dropping your change, isn't it. It was not a very sunny day after all - but not cold, anyway.

    Kitty, ah I see, you had a not good experience with Tesco, thanks for catching me up to date. I've never tried another not since some very early days with Iceland. It would be interesting. Those teas look so nice, why does one have no discipline with trying things, when they sound excellent and it's not exactly punishment to try them, I mean not like something that is good for you but horrid - must give one a go, I do like ginger.

    Love to all 💕 and

    hello Barbara - haven't seen my Mr B blackbird for ages, just Mrs B - maybe they will come out tomorrow for the Big Garden Birdwatch 🐦️ hope your Mr B is as well as can be xx

    Going to put the kettle on, and I have lots of hot cross buns if anyone wants xx

    cup and saucer vine, Cobaea scandens, also called cathedral bells.

  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281

    Evening all..

    Toni I can't believe how mild irs been ..but glad its getting us iver winter fir now..whar a lovely photo of both brides and the one of Annie on Facebook you are inly just coming down ...abd your hair really suits that little bit darker xx

    Toady at least you are giving seeds a go ..I buy them and forget ,same with bulbs 🤔..tell you what I was successful with ..the bee bombs they are brilliant masses of flowers that go on and in xx

    Joan glad the lady picked your money up I dint like these new notes they are si slippery to all of you xx

    Love to Reshmi and Kitty sorry my eyes are hard work xx

  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,228
    edited 30. Jan 2022, 07:03

    Hello All. Everyone safe from the storm?

    Morning Joan that's 100% right when my card fell out (of course I didn't know it had a t first until I went to put it in my purse and it wasn't there.....) I thought i'd have to cancel it and then it's over a week for a new one isn't it?🙄

    Thinking of Mike and hoping all is well though I like to think you'd say if it wasn't. ((()))

    Kitty I am glad your shopping was at least good enough.

    I did spot the name mix-up in good time not to worry when I cut and pasted it for them!! It doesn't matter this family does have a lot of girls and I think it will be because the first pic I was able to post was of me and Tia.

    My two favourite fruit/herbal teas are lemon and ginger and the turmeric. Thanks for the info😘

    So annoying to delete something you want isn't it? Don't tel me what the recipe was for I shall want it!!

    @Arthuritis I will definitely look at Tim's info on Cox 1 and 2 inhibitors. I take Arcoxia (Cox2) as my NSAID due to damage from the prescribing of too much brufen years ago pre back operation🙄 Such is life eh? Arcoxia is out of license now so as cheap as any NSAID.

    Thank you the girls are both very happy but don't feel well since the wedding. They are testing negative, but both have 'colds' which they don't trust to be colds.

    Yes we need to hit Asda for some unhealthy pain au chocolat.

    I will let you know what i think of the yorkshire pud mix as soon as I've tried it. Planning on doing vegan toad in the hole😋

    I just knew you'd know Carol🤣 yeah right!

    Barbara are those your bee bomb pics because they are really LOVELY!!!

    Thank you I have also started wearing my hair shorter and wavy. That super-straight look is just so last decade😂

    The girls had such a lovely day so did we all. I am still coming down you are right. I am using Bill (and Glenn's) scented wax melts they are so lovely.

    Reshmi I do hope you are ok not like you to be quick, but those hangovers can be pretty diabolical.((())) Oh for a cheese and onion pasty used to be my pre-vegan 'go to'. Healthy or not!

    Yesterday two friends came over for a takeaway balti. For the first time we ate inside. 2m distant and windows open, but oh it was just wonderful. They were at the wedding anyway and we were probably closer to them there but it just felt so normal. Paul kindly took Lucy into work this morning for me so I could stay up later.

    Take care and we'll hopefully hear from you later.

    Morning Toady well I really would prefer an annual anyway, but do try to 'save' everything I can....a pot hmm yes maybe to overwinter. So you can prune cup and saucer plants? I am interested I might try it because it looks so pretty.

    I went out and studied the ground very closely no sign at all of any snowdrops yet😕

    The vegan fayre was wonderful best to be early birds and yes we caught the worms! Indian street food (yum) pies (yum) and some real french bread and croissants made by a French ex-pat.

    I also bought a new bird nesting box made out of a coconut shell just because it is so pretty and some 'new' binoculars to spy on the neighbours (birds!) my old ones won't focus. Both from the dogs charity stall.

    Annie had a make-up person do her make-up, but Lucy did Charley's. Charley is just not keen and at Tia's washed off what that make up person did🤭

    Right I really must get on!

    Take care everyone

    Sunday breakfast as unhealthy as you like!

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,242

    Good morning everyone

    Kitty ((())) I'm sorry you lost your post ((())) that's good Asda has what you want good. Love to Chris ((())) and Anita ((())) and Val ((())) and Emily ((())) and your Dad ((()))

    Barbara ((())) have a good day love to Mr B ((())) and your son ((())) and Niamh ((())) and your brother ((())) and his girlfriend ((())) and your niece ((())) and her fiancé ((()))

    Toni ((())) I bet P((())) and Aidan ((())) would have loved those photo's. Have a good day all of you love to Paul (()) and Charley ((())) and Annie ((())) and the carers ((())) and Lucy ((())) and Tia ((())) and Kari ((())) and your lovely neighbours ((()))

    Arthritis ((())) have a good day pain wise.

    Reshmi ((())) how is your mum ((())) take care

    Mike and vixen (((()))

    Carol ((()))

    take care
    joan xx
  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583

    On Friday morning (just before Asda) I had a phone call from one of the Ostroporosis nurses. After discussing the problems with getting to the hospital for my DEXA scan, she said that as I didn’t go outside, and inside I used my Walker, I was minimal risk for falling and having a broken bone, she wouldn’t give me another appointment. I do take Calcium and vitamin D3, but it’s my spine I worry about. The spinal fractures I got by sitting up in bed! So no more treatment for me. 🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281

    Evening all

    Toni yes they are the bee bombs thought I would post it to let Toady see them ..I have had quite a few wild flower kits but none has good has the good to have some normality glad you enjoyed ..I dud the sane years ago with brufen.. they did so much damage.niw I can take any antiinflams because if these kidneys xx

    Joan thankyou for being so kind ..hope you are all getting on OK..we have another storm on the way so stay indoors xx

    Kitty isn't it rotten when you come to the end if treatment..I always think back to a doctor years ago who said no one should be left in pain ..little did he know ((((()))) xx

    Reshmi I hope you are ok maybe just having a rest hopefully xx

    Love to all


  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,317

    hi Toni Kitty Barbara and Joan, and Ar , Sorry I didn’t write a long message yesterday what happened was that I wrote a long message and somehow I managed to press something which deleted it and there wasn’t a lot of time so I just sent a short message instead I tried to explain yesterday but possibly not very clearly lol, those pasties sound great Tony to be honest its been ages since I’ve had any kind of pastie I almost got one the other day but the bakery was so boiling inside but I didn’t want to hang around too much so I left the pasty temptation alone for that day, lol, today was a very busy day as it was a family visiting day so I saw LA BR etc, lovely but really tiring, I was so tired almost had Lucozade but luckily there was some fruit juice in the house so I opted for that even though that’s also something I like to Ration, LA was ecstatic my mum bought him some ice cream, BR was shy but lovely too ,BR’s temperature has gone down but think he’s not quite hundred percent well yet but it seems like he’ll be okay by morning touch wood. My mum is not feeling too great though she’s got a bit of stomach problem stomach ache etc I hope that she’ll feel better soon, she has blood test for kidneys Tuesday I’m really praying that goes well. Sorry to hear about your Kidneys Barbara, I also can’t take anti-inflammatories but that was just because I had a stomach ulcer once. Toni I still think you look great in the pictures and I’m not sure that my stomach wouldn’t look flat however much I attempted to suck it in, lol, ok, trousers, got it still looks good 😄. Yes the priest was definitely a control freak, lol, I was fairly tempted to say to him “ sorry you’re in such a bad mood , you look hungry, Do you fancy a Big Mac?”, just a no - beef there, but very much a joke of course Toni, lol. Tbh I don’t even think a McDonald’s Mcplant would’ve satisfied his tastebuds or calmed his head down, lol. By the way LA told me that he doesn’t eat people, which is reassuring to know , lol, as of course although I have no bias regarding whether he chooses to eat meat or not certain meats should be avoided…that cheeky little monster 👹bye for now everyone have a nice dinner, no pasties Toni, not today, lol. Take care. Xx

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,228
    edited 31. Jan 2022, 06:11

    Morning everyone 😊

    By the heck that journey this morning was iffy! Wheelie bins and branches all over the place. I think maybe it was a bit much for the Fig.

    Good morning Joan. Oh yes P and Aidan would have loved the pics I have sent some to Bill at least and will send some to P's daughter. Next best thing☺️ I hope you two can stay in today apart from very quick dog walks it's vile! so windy. ((())) xxx

    My puss would not leave the house today Mike due to the weather I hope it's better your way and you are ok.

    Oh Kitty😕 I am not sure about that not being monitored as far as the osteoporosis is concerned.....surely it's best to know where things are at. Like you P could break a bone almost without knowing it (except for the pain of course). In your shoes I think I would sleep on it for a few days or weeks until you know what you want to do. I know transport is an issue, but it could be overcome especially when covid settles a bit.

    You must feel abandoned, but not by us I promise ((()))🌈🌈🌈

    Barbara I thought it was bee bombs! How gorgeous are they? I have two and a box of wildflowers to attack the pond surrounding area with. I will take some photos too😊 they should encourage insects therefore birds so all good.

    Brufen was lethal and I thought stronger than ibuprofen. To be fair I should have known better as aspirin used to give me belly ache even as a child. Of course no more NSAIDs with your kidneys.

    How is everyone - all recovered from their brush with COVID?

    Ah Reshmi so it was more of a technical issue yesterday I am glad as long as you are ok. I hope the neck isn't too bad and please be careful if you go a walk today it is very windy indeed.

    The hot shop saved you from temptation there the pasties were probably calling you! I got some from the vegan fayre you know vegan pies. Very nice, but as the pastry was gluten free needed (vegan) gravy. I only tasted a forkful Paul ate the rest!!

    How lovely having a visit from LA and BR 🤗 Small children (and other excess family) are tiring, but still it's wonderful to be around them for short periods. Bless LA being so happy because of something as simple as ice-cream! I hope BR will be back to normal soon. It is extremely good news that LA does not eat people😁😁 A baby here in the village is in hospital with COVID 😔🤞 worrying, but he should bounce back small children often do don't they?

    Poor Mum. That's not nice I hope her tum sorts itself before her blood test for her kidneys I will be thinking of her and hope the results are reassuring.

    Thank you for your compliments about my wedding outfit - I opted for trouser suit as it was likely to be very cold it being a January wedding and I was right brrrr! I doubt that the priest at your sister's wedding would be satisfied by a mcplant he might need 3 or 4🤭

    Woo-oooo! to Toady and @Arthuritis I hope all is well with you both.

  • Mike1
    Mike1 Member Posts: 1,992

    My puss would not leave the house today Mike due to the weather I hope it's better your way and you are ok.

    Morning petal the weather is OK down here so Vixen has already been out and back in for breakfast and out again. My baby sister has regularly offered to take me out over the past few years since I had my licence taken away but I have almost always turned her down as it hurts to get in and out of a normal car, and in any event I have not wanted to go anywhere (except appointments) for the past couple of years since Covid hit. Anyway I got a £50 M&S voucher for xmas from the people whom I call my surrogate parents and I sort of said that my sister could take me over there today! Whether I bottle out at the last minute or not remains to be seen as I have done that a number of times.

  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583

    Morning everyone, did anyone notice the recipe I posted in Matrons Munchies?

    Mike, how lively to go and spend your voucher. Any news on Elliott?

    Antoinette, QUOTE "In your shoes I think I would sleep on it for a few days or weeks until you know what you want to do."

    I don't think I have any say in the matter. They can't pit me on Bisphonates again until I have a DEXA scan. We seem to be in stalemate. The obvious solution would be to to on HRT, but of course I'm not allowed that because of the cancer!

    I hope the fig has recovered from the journey. Might I suggest that Sleek employs her brolly a la Mary Poppins?

    Reshmi, I'm pleased that BR's temperature has gone down. I hope your mum's blood test goes well.

    Barbara, the treatment I need doesn't ease the pain, it's meant to strengthen my bones.

    Where's our Joan?

    Chinese dry-fried green beans and minced shiitake

    Chef Jeremy Pang has put a vegan twist on this classic Sichuanese dish, swapping pork mince for shiitake mushrooms from Olive Magazine.


    • sichuan peppercorns ½ tsp
    • dried shiitake mushrooms 5, soaked in hot water for 2 hours or overnight
    • green beans 300g, trimmed
    • garlic 2 cloves, finely chopped
    • ginger ½ a thumb-sized piece, peeled and finely chopped
    • sui mi ya cai or Tianjin preserved cabbage 2 tbsp, soaked in hot water and finely chopped
    • large dried red chillies 3, soaked in hot water for 10 minutes and roughly chopped
    • vegetable oil 1-2 tbsp, plus extra for stir-frying


    • doubanjiang (chilli bean sauce) ½ tbsp
    • light soy sauce ½ tbsp
    • caster sugar ½ tsp
    • shaoxing rice wine ½ tbsp


    • STEP 1
    • Pound the peppercorns to a fine powder using a pestle and mortar. Finely dice the mushrooms and set aside. Mix together the sauce ingredients in a ramekin.
    • STEP 2
    • Prepare a ‘wok clock’ of ingredients on a plate ready for stir-frying: put the green beans at 12 o’clock followed by the garlic, ginger, preserved vegetables, chillies, peppercorns, mushrooms and the bowl of sauce.
    • STEP 3
    • Heat the vegetable oil in a wok over a high heat and, once hot, stir-fry the green beans for 1-2 minutes. Add 1 tbsp of just-boiled water and cover with a lid. Steam vigorously for 30 seconds-1 minute, then lift the lid and repeat the process with another 1 tbsp of just-boiled water. This should cook the green beans quickly but also start to blister them. Lift the lid and continue to stir-fry the beans over a high heat for a further 4-5 minutes until the skins are blistered all the way around.
    • STEP 4
    • At this point, remove the beans to a bowl and add another 1 tbsp of vegetable oil to the wok. Return to a high heat and, once hot, stir-fry around your wok clock, starting with the garlic and finishing with the mushrooms, stir-frying for 30 seconds between each addition. Once the mushrooms are in, continue to stir-fry for 3-4 minutes until they have started to crisp a little. Return the green beans to the wok, then pour in the sauce. Boil vigorously, folding the beans through the sauce a few times, until the sauce coats everything well. Serve.

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,242

    Good morning everyone

    Kitty ((())) I’m so sorry (())I hope something can be done. Love to Chris (()) and Anita (()) and Val (()) and Emily (()) and your Dad (())

    Barbara ((()) you be careful going out (()) love to Mr B (()) and your son ((())) and Niamh (()) and your brother (()) and his girlfriend (()) and your niece (()) and her fiancé (())

    Toni (()) you go careful (()) love to Paul (()) and Charley (()) and Annie (()) and the carers (()) and Lucy (()) and Tia (()) and Kari (()) and your lovely neighbours ((()))

    Reshmi ((())) have a good day

    Mike (()) and vixen (())

    Carol (())

    take care
    joan xx
  • Mike1
    Mike1 Member Posts: 1,992

    Mike, how lively to go and spend your voucher. Any news on Elliott?

    Hi Kitty. I actually went to M&S, my baby sister arrived just after 8am this morning and I did say to her that if she had phoned first I would have come up with an excuse not to go, she replied that she knew I would which is why she turned up unannounced!! Anyway we went so both have some nice bits to munch on later. Elliott was 10 last week and is still having speech and mobility issues but at least he is back to school albeit with a helper with him all the time.

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,317

    Hi K, Barbara Toni, Ar and Joan, how are you all today? Toni I’m very sorry to hear about the baby in your village who has Covid yes kids seem to be bouncing back well so I feel the baby will probably be fine in the end must be a very worrying time though, i’m not too bad thanks but feeling quite weak really as my stomach is not okay again not quite sure what caused it really, thanks about my mums blood test Kitty and Toni, I also had to go up and down the stairs thousands of times today due to family arguments I really find things difficult sometimes in this household, I think I’d just better in this here because I’m quite tired really sorry not being rude just tired, I hope you’re all having an okay day hi Mike can I get some of those nice biscuits from Marks & Spencer‘s please? only joking take care everyone. Xx

  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,600

    Hello all - flying visit - I wanted to come in yesterday but there was just No Time somehow, & today is much the same 😯 things cropping up (nothing bad, & everything still standing after last night, v grateful for that). Just waiting to hear from an ebay customer who wants to change the address their parcel is going to.. already had a customer want to return something this week, under very peculiar circumstances that I don't even understand myself! Ebay people, I could write a book, absolutely.

    Anyway just to say thank you Barbara for the picture; aren't they fabulous! I would have been a bit doubtful of results I think before! but these are lovely & such a variety, & if they keep going like you say that would be perfect for places where there isn't much doing. I really wanted wildflowers before in among the section of lawn I've let go wild but didn't realize until I looked into it that you need cleared ground, silly me. So must pick a bit of border instead & try these :)

    I certainly buy seeds and don't plant them all, too, believe me! 😳 I have the last few years' in boxes by date, and then one doubtfully marked "older but may be worth a go??"!

    Love to all & an IOU, hope to be in properly tomorrow (I may well sneak in last thing for a quiet cup of tea, so if you see the lights on late, it's me). xx

  • Arthuritis
    Arthuritis Member Posts: 493

    @toady I have a question… if you sell on ebay does it not mean regular visits to the postoffice Queue, painful standing but also exposure to covid while on RA immunosuppression, unless you have OA & not RA? Are you on MTX or biologics?

  • Arthuritis
    Arthuritis Member Posts: 493

    @bosh hope your stomach heels quickly. You might have eaten something that irritated your stomach lining, which is even more easily irritated if you are stressed or upset. Talk to your gp, you could get a prescription for PPIs to take when you have an episode.

    Your home situation does seem very stressful, any chance of you being able to move out?

    Sometimes family can be hugely supportive other times completely the opposite, but you can’t choose, vs friends, who are family you choose.

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,228

    Morning everyone WHITE RABBITS February already!

    Mike I am so pleased you got out!! That will have done you and your baby sis a lot of good. She has your number right enough😉 Did you get anything for you and Sue to share today though? Very pleased to hear Elliott is back in school and had his 10th birthday 🎂 bless him. He will get there. You had way better weatehr than us yesterday it's that wind and rain we had which put my puss off. She even ( and hates this) resorted to doing a number 2 in her litter.

    Hi Joan you haven't said much about how you and Sue are doing at the moment? I have been hearing that they are going to do a U turn on mandatory vaccines for NHS staff I wonder if Sue's nice carer can come back if that happens. ((())) xxx

    Kitty I think if you wanted to force the issue you could try again to get your DEXA scan after all it isn't your fault you haven't been able to get there. So if (maybe after COVID settles even) that you want your DEXA I am certain you have a right to push for one. Sleek isn't actually too happy about it.

    She did go out with her Mary Poppins brolly in the storm I was so cross with her there had been a no fly zone in the whole country, but you know her!

    A new recipe? I must investigate. But the Chinese dry-fried green beans and minced shiitake looks amazing I love mushrooms 😋

    Morning Reshmi how are you today? How is the neck doing and your poor stomach. Sometimes we have not really got any idea what set them off do we? I have done two two week food diaries no clear pattern.

    The baby is really small about 4 months old maybe 5 but he was born early. Fingers crossed he may be home soon even today so that is good news. As you know babies seem to go down very quickly, but back up as fast too so 🤞

    Sounds as though House vesuvius was bad yesterday I am so sorry I hope you slept ok and today is better. It was too bad to even get out for a walk weatherwise yesterday ((())) xxx

    Toady has been a busy bee! Ebay selling sounds a bit of a pain. If I send all the stuff I need to get rid of can you sell if for me? Only joking I wouldn't do that to you! Nowt as queer as folk as they say. OUr garden furniture has moved about, but we have been lucky everything here is still standing too.

    a cuppa if you get 5 today.

    We must all post pics of our wildflowers this summer and the insects inhabiting them if we can😊

    @Arthuritis I hope you are ok? Not much doing in my life atm recovering from the wedding....resigned from choir for now....erm took Lucy to work......erm not much else!

    Love to Carol if she stops by actually her birthday cake is still here waiting:

    took me hours.....🤥

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,242

    Good morning everyone

    I have had a problem posting on here but seems ok now

    Kitty (()) I'm so sorry would you be able to borrow a wheelchair from the hospital. Good luck love to everyone

    Toni ((()) Sue has not been told anything it's all alright at the moment thank you ((())) I hope you have better weather today love to everyone.

    Reshma ((()))sorry about all your problems love to your mum ((()))

    Love to Mike and vixen ((()))

    Toady ((())) and Arthuritis ((())) and Barbara ((())) and family ((()))

    Carol ((()))

    take care
    joan xx
  • Arthuritis
    Arthuritis Member Posts: 493

    Hi @frogmorton

    As ok as can be.

    Rant On. Just a bit frustrated that big powerful orgs make wonderful sounding claims of their ethical behaviour, and then you find the reality is far from that. Conflicts of interest, hiding critical clinical data (BMJ article) & collusion abound..

    Just found France (ScienceDirect article) reporting incidences of RA being triggered by covid vaccines with not a peep from govt or the Pharmas. Quite the opposite

    As for RA & pharma the more I dig the more shocking it seems. Thr big pharmas not only have no incentive for funding a cure (they make $37bn in annual sales of biologics), or at least as motivated as turkeys voting for Christmas like the farmer (govt) asking the fox on how to protect the chickens!

    Rant off!

    You are quite the artist with the cake deco! Thank you for the cheery morning piccy!

    @dachshund Hope you are well too!

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,228

    Joan I hope maybe the lovely carer might be allowed back they can't have one rule for one and one for another can they? ((())) xxx


    Oh yes my cake making skills know no bounds😂

    I have just seen that the Admins are collating all the information about people's reactions (Arthritis-wise) to vaccinations. They intend to draw it to someone's attention.

    If it's happening in the UK and france.....

    Take care

  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583

    Good Morning my Teasures, I've just had to install Norton on my laptop because BT are now using it for their web protect. But I'm not using it as my virus checker. I use Avast on my iPad and my laptop. Chris uses MacAfee on his. I don't know why they changed it, but when Avast runs out I might consider changing to Norton. Anyway, I hope all are well and hope that Joan appears soon bless her.

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein