Val's Cafe



  • Mike1
    Mike1 Member Posts: 1,992

    You may all not need thanks for supporting me but you are going to get it anyway. My baby sister went to the surgery yesterday to pick up the additional BP meds only to find that they were out for delivery despite being told that they had to be picked up, anyway she was asked how she was so she let rip about me!! My first appointment has come through for Monday week with the Haematology Department for blood tests which will last an hour and which, presumably, is to work out what stage I am at and to sort out a chemo protocol; I have not been told that, I am just applying logic. Because of this ruddy pandemic I have to go alone to the appointment when, obviously, it would be better for anyone undergoing cancer treatment to have someone with them. The appointment is at 0815 so my baby sister can take me (we have to leave here at 0715) and she has said that while I am in the hospital she will potter off and have breakfast somewhere.

  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583

    Morning lovelies, yes my Asda order was all present and correct that is except the choc ices. Who knew they would be so popular in a cold, wet and windy February? I love Feb, as it's the month I was born in. I think oy must have been wet on THAT day!

    One question, HOW THE 'ECK DO YOU GET BIG WRITING FOR BARBARA TO READ? Or do you just do capitals? 🤔

    Reshmi,, er - French, German? Shouldn't we all learn Ukrainian? Vitayu (hello according to Googleski). I can count to 10 in Danish I think.

    Toady, what a smashing littlle bench. and I have noticed your plants too.

    Antoinette. I agree you should definitely take us all to Cornwall on the bus to have strong words with Mike's medics. I'll take a pack of Herring with me. I'll eat it on the way down and breath fish breath all over them. We kitty cats should stick together.

    Sending love to Joan, Carol and Barbara. XXXXXXXXX

    Stargazey Pie

    Find out how to make stargazey pie with this easy recipe – this traditional Cornish pie is made with herrings or pilchards and shortcrust pastry.

    • 500g Jus-Rol™ shortcrust pastry
    • 4 eggs 1 beaten to glaze, 3 hard boiled & roughly chopped
    • 7-8 herring gutted, cleaned, boned, & heads left on you can also use mackerel & pilchards
    • 150g white breadcrumbs
    • 50ml milk
    • 3-4 tbsp parsley chopped
    • 1 lemon juiced & rind
    • 1 onion chopped
    • 1/2 tsp salt season to taste
    • 1/2 tsp pepper season to taste
    • 110g streaky bacon rind removed & chopped
    • 150ml cider use a local brew if possible
    Equipment required
    • Pie Dish
    • Rolling Pin
    • 23 cm or 9 in pie dish
    Techniques Used
    • How to Roll Shortcrust Pastry
    • How to Make a No Dish Pie with Shortcrust Pastry
    1. Soak breadcrumbs in milk until moist, mix with lemon juice and rind, half the chopped onion plus most of the parsley and seasonings. Use to stuff fish, scattering any leftover over the base of a deep, round 23cm or similar pie dish.
    2. Arrange fish in the dish with their heads sticking up towards outer edge, scatter the remaining onions and parsley, chopped bacon and chopped eggs in between the fish, season well and carefully pour in the cider.
    3. Roll out pastry to fit the top of the pie dish, use trimmings to make a pastry rim to help the lid to stick to the top.
    4. Place pastry on top of pie and make slits in top where the heads are and then poke them through so they stand up. Press edges firmly together to deal, trim and brush top with beaten egg. Make a couple of slits or holes in centre to allow steam to escape and bake for 40-50 mins until pastry golden brown. Scatter with chopped parsley to serve.

    I challenge Antoinette to veganise that.PLEASE

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,242

    Good morning everyone

    kitty ((())) and Chris ((())) have a good weekend love to Anita (()) and Val (()) and Emily (()) and your Dad (())

    Barbara (()) how are you love to Mr B (()) and your son and Niamh (())) and your brother (()) and his girlfriend (()) and your niece (()) and her fiancé (()) have a good weekend

    Toady (()) it’s nice to have the sunshine I don’t know how long for. Your bench looks good and it’s doing a good job have a good weekend

    Toni (()) yes I would come in the bus to Cornwall to help Mike he has not been treated very good (()) have a good Sunday. Love to Paul (()) and Charley (()) and Annie ((()) and the carers (()) and Lucy (()) and Tia (()) and Kari (()) and your lovely neighbours (())

    Reshmi ((()) that’s good your heating is working have a good weekend all of you.

    Arthurits ((()) good luck with the ice cream have a good weekend

    Mike ((())) try not to worry too much I hope you get help from your surgery now. Have a good weekend and vixen I’m sue she will make you laugh.

    take care
    joan xx
  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,601
    edited 26. Feb 2022, 12:14

    Hiya @Kitty (sticks oar in) you get to the bold via the paragraph symbol thing ¶ by the compose message box (I found, eventually!) see pic, when you click it you get a drop down and then another when you click H2. Paragraph symbol is 'normal' type, then H2 H3 &c are various bold sizes and H5 is green for some reason. Whatever you select then follows you down until you change it again. (Have to say it's nowhere near as simple as the old forum formatting, I mean what does 'Heading Menu' say to you.. it doesn't say Bold Type/Font Size to me 🤨 )

    As for Toggle lists menu, don't ask me 😂 ..and if anyone knows how I can carriage return without a line space, do tell! x

    Back later :)

  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583

    Thank you Toady.

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281

    Afternoon all oh ek ope I'm not being a bother enlarging the writing

    Mike it will be scary for you but ince the treatments underway ..has fir someone being with you brother is allowed his girlfriend now so you ask ..we are all here for you xx

    Toni so glad Lucy is keeping well bless her ..yes Aiden would have been so upset over this war ..😪today is a nice day for us so I ventured out in the garden and I have a snowdrop will post a pic xx

    Toady you do make me laugh..our new neighboyrs ..not attached but still drilling and knocking ..but they are young and there first house

    I love what you have done with the dresser a good sturdy potting bench ..I'm the same hate to throw things iv forgotten what the fruit tree of yours is ..its looks so healthy xx

    Reshmi are you all warm now..I'm sure you didn't fuse the boiler I'm always twinking our stat ..Hooe all well after your mtx xx

    Joan my knees behaving thankyou now don't forget ti tell us how you and Sue are..thars what we are hear you are fir us xx

    Kitty don't worry about me the letters still go into one big or little but big does help.🤓hope all you asda order was intact xx

    Arthritis sorry if you are suffering I'm thinking about you xx

    Love to all xxxxx

  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281

    My snowdrop think the others might have gone in upside down 😅

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,321

    Hi Everybody I’m doing another working from memory type message so apologies if I’ve missed out a lot of stuff, hi k , how are you? It was just a casual question really not related to current affairs or anything like that, lol. By the way this is a public voice controlling session. Hi to Joan Barbara Ar t and Toni, hi again Toni I’m not too bad thanks got some sleep in the daytime really helps with methotrexate as we are all aware, I did actually find the poem but I’ve left my notebook upstairs so I promise I’ll try and write it on here at some point thanks, I don’t think that the visit to excess made his mood better, other than very temporarily, that is, my mum said that LA was being very naughty indeed, she didn’t let him watch cartoons all day and he got in a big mood and then LA said he wanted some more jelly baby sweets as he calls them my mum said that they were all finished to which he replied “ there is some more in your bag I saw them, shall I have a look?” Now as we all know little toddler nephews should not be looking in grannies’ handbags especially when those handbags contain medicine and other dangerous things, so in the end LA got his way again and ended up eating thousands of sweeties okay slight exaggeration there, lol, he got really angry when he wasn’t allowed to watch cartoons all day though and called my mum a “poo - poo” repeatedly oh dear, BR on the other hand behaved like a cherub, lol. Sometimes I find even tea can upset the stomach well mine anyway but if I’m not feeling well I can just have a squash type drink and some toast I guess a lot of sugar in that shop bought squash but relatively safe otherwise thanks. Thanks Barbara for asking about the heating it’s all sorted now also thanks to Joan and I hope you and Sue are okay? You know it’s a funny coincidence about your sister being called Sue and LLF‘S name being Sue too, as your sister support your sister seems so supportive and nice, whereas my friend isn’t fundamentally bad, but she can be a very difficult person at times, okay I’ll go for now, have as good Sunday as good is Poss take care. XX

  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,601
    edited 26. Feb 2022, 20:04

    Go Kitty 😸 👍️

    I am still laughing about the fishy breath by the way 😁 and I am definitely coming on the Cornwall cafe bus, I can revisit some old family haunts. Yes, choc ices, not for me in February to be honest.. something & custard more like. Glad everything else was there.

    Barbara you're NO trouble (once you know where the text thing is, it's no odds than clicking smilies or italics xx). And if I do make you laugh then my living has not been in vain 😊 😂 😘 thank you. Hope your neighbours not too noisy. Lovely to see your snowdrop! maybe the others will have righted themselves and just be a little later.🤞You will see my seed-planting below but it remains to be seen what comes up :) My previous pic was cherry plum hedging, that went in early last year.

    I'm sure the tomatoes will be soon up to quota now frog 😊 thank you, the bench is proving to be an asset and even though I'm still doing some potting by the sink I had somewhere to fetch my stuff from and put it away to almost like a proper organized person :) some of those seeds would now like a source of warmth, well they can ask, can't they. Nowhere very airing cupboardy to offer them but I'll think of something! Don't worry thanks I have done the garage sort in small doses :) I had an unpleasant spider encounter in the house yesterday so I'm v glad I'm not still doing the actual sweeping up &c as your nerve goes once you've 'seen one' doesn't it. Do have a good Sunday 'off' maybe some more weeding? Still have toadstool things coming back up in pots from last year's dodgy compost 🙄 I hoped the frost might have done for them but it was a faint hope. Prize to Barbara for beating us all to a snowdrop photo 😊🏆️ well I say us, I haven't even looked properly. Meant to say hope Paul had a good birthday, what a marvellous example his fellow birthday chap is!🚶‍♂️Yes I am on board for Cornwall - 'better fit' they had done better by Mike without us (and his sis) needing to give them the evil eye of course. 😕

    Joan it was a nice day here even if cold and a very pretty pink sky later on 🌥️ have a good Sunday xx

    Love to everyone and hope bosh and Arthuritis can have a quiet Sunday with their mtx day behind them for another week - not long til Tuesday Arthuritis - where does the time go..

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,321

    hi Everyone thanks toady , I hope you have a peaceful Sunday too, By the way I’ve didn’t find the poem I was talking about but I remembered it more or less and modified it slightly just a few lines are nothing great as usual but here it is it wasn’t actually about folic acid at least not directly I think when ar mentioned ulcers it made me remember 😁.

    Poem for VC called Back from the cake shop

    I’m Back from the cake shop and nothing is simple

    Ive started worrying about every ulcer and even every pimple

    But at the end of the day things become much easier to bear, 

    When my baby nephew eats up that diabolical eclair. 

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,228

    Morning everyone a bit breezy out there, but ok Sleek says☺️

    Mike you were brought up right obviously. Much appreciated. Yes haematology will be treating you, like Lucy it's not oncology for blood cancers. There may be some waiting so take a drink with you because they will steal a LOT of your blood and they will tell you your 'plan' life is better with a plan.

    I love your baby sis she really is wonderful I doubt she'll manage to eat much though as she'll be worrying about you. She sounds good and feisty too telling the Drs what she thinks! hah! She might get in with you in she's clever and you go in your manual. I mean someone needs to push you in🤨I totally agree with you people with cancer should never be alone. We'll be with you in spirit you know that ((()))

    Kitty look to the left by your cursor there is a backwards P with a vertical line next to it? click on it and a box pops up

    click until you get H2 and there it is! Only lasts for each line though it's a heading i think.

    You can do it either before you start typing or after the event on any line so have a go!

    If we all go down in the bus I can round up plenty of cats and grabe VIXEN on route? I can get Sleek, Mrs Darcey, Winnie, Rosie and Loki, Jessie and Oreo and Tommy and VIXEN and maybe Carol's Miss Cookie? Set all you cats on the medics and they will get their acts together for Mike. You can ALL fishy breath them🤭

    Sleek is after stargazy pie 100% she says YES purr-leeeze!

    No choc ices? what?😮that is dreadful news how will you survive a week without them. We have missed your birthday? Have we really? I think we need a cafe list of birthdays don't you think?

    Sleek says yes hers is 1st September🙄

    Joan that's great I knew you would help get Mike treated properly. It seems as though haematology have got involved so hopefully (in Lucy's case that was Dr Tim so fingers crossed there will be a Dr Tim there) a week Monday he will have a good plan. Hope you are both doing ok? ((())) xxx

    Morning Barbara how are you today? It is hardly any trouble at all enlarging text. Not at all.

    Your bulb is UP! I think plenty more to com there too. I only have the leaves so far, but watch this space. I went in the garden two days running (only for a bit, but oh it made me happy!) Paul has given me some of his old overalls so I look like whatsername off Corrie! I'm glad you got out too I think us humans should be outside you know. I think it really does us good mentally.

    Aidan would be horrified by this trouble in Ukraine those poor poor people. I think their (dictator) is mad completely mad. I can't stop thinking about them all 😕

    Morning Reshmi how are you today? I see you got some sleep yesterday that's always a help. When you feel less of an MTX hangover you can share the poem, but no rush don't be dashing about fetching it's just it might make us all smile.

    I made up songs about laxatives and annoying night staff when Lucy was in hospital to make the kids all laugh - they were all 'adults' technically.

    Oh dear me it rather sounds as though Lord A was not on his best behaviour for Granny and Grandad yesterday🤨 tut tut! Looking in Granny's handbag is absolutely not ok and also when she says no more sweets for now she means no more sweets! He knows he can wrap her around his little finger though because he got those sweets in the end. Calling Granny 'Poo-poo!!!' oh gosh i know it's naughty, but it is a bit funny too sorry. Good job Baby R was his usual sweet self isn't it?

    At least you and some peace and quiet for the day anyway.

    Ah yes I find squash really good. I know it has sugar in it, but it's the lesser of two evils when the stomach is iffy. I have my new vegan kefir stuff now so i will be doing a 14 day trial on it and will let you know if it helps.

    AND! Mike's sister is Susan and his cleaner is Sue too!

    See you for our walk in a bit?

    I didn't spot you had helped Kitty Toady 🙏 sorry your explanation was far more professional though!

    We'll have them down there if they don't sort Mike out a week Monday with a good plan and some confidence in his treatment. We will all be there as Aidan would say 'under the cloak' so we will know if they come up to the required standard.

    I did some more weeding yesterday it was great in my new (old pair of paul's) overalls and woolly hat I looked the part. Two more beds weeded nice and early. Some bulbs emerging there so will be leaving them to see what they might be🤔

    Well done you using your new potting bench. Oh your seeds look lovely and snug all labelled up neatly. 😊 It will be warmer there anyway I read somewhere we can water them with warm water to encourage them along.

    My veggie patch area seems rather waterlogged any ideas to make it more free draining? It is very close to my natural well underground...

    Oh no! Not indoor arachnids😧😧😧 help! It really does put you off doesn't it? Try adding a woolly hat it will keep your head safe. Other than that enlist assistance.

    Reshmi you have a nephew to gobble up all temptation for you!😁 Brilliant nice and short funny and catchy thank you for sharing!

    @Arthuritis I hope things are improving for you? It's Sunday further away from MTX day.

    and naughty breakfast day already

    posh tho!

    vegan/veggie option.

  • Mike1
    Mike1 Member Posts: 1,992

    Thanks Froggie. Why couldn't one of the medics tell me what you did? I was getting worried as I thought I would be shuffled from pillar to post. I signed on to the MacMillans website yesterday as they have a forum just for HL so I will hopefully pick up a few tips from them about living alone and coping with chemo. Have a good day.

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,242

    Good morning everyone

    Kitty ((())) sorry I missed your Birthday did you have a good day I hope so ((())) is it today. Love to Chris (()) and Anita (()) and Val (()) and Emily (()) and your Dad (())

    Barbara (()) thanks to toady I did it for you have a good day love to Mr B (()) and your son (()) and Niamh (()) and your brother (()) and his girlfriend ((())) and your niece (()) and her fiancé (()

    Toady (()) I did Barbara’s writing bigger like you said but when I finished it it went small. Have a good day (())

    Toni (()) I bet you look good in your overalls just the thing for gardening. Yes Mike needs someone with him to remember everything his mind will be a blur. Love to Paul (()) and Charley (()) and Annie (()) and the carers (()) and Lucy (()) and Tia (()) and Kari (()) and your lovely neighbours ((()))

    Reshmi ((())) have a good day don’t worry love to your mum (())

    Mike ((())) you have a lovely sister (()) you need her to go with you to remember things we always forget something trying to remember everything you take care and vixen (())

    take care
    joan xx
  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583

    Good morning everyone, I’ve decided to do my whole post in big print as it makes it easier for me to read as well.

    It’s a lovely Day but cold.

    Joan, it isn’t my birthday, I hope I didn’t give you that impression.

    Mike, MacMillan is good. Do you have a Maggies nearby? You can check online. They are so supportive.

    Barbara, it’s no trouble, quiet fun in fact.

    Reshmi, naughty LordA, I hope you are feeling a bit better today.

    Is Arthuritis coming on the bus with us? I’ll have to grab Holly’s kitten Bongo, I’m sure he’d like a break from the flat.

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281

    Morning all a lovely day here so appreciated 😁

    Toni I agree it feels so mych better being outside..I feel so lucky having a garden my eldest brother l7ved in an upstairs flat..was it Paul's bithrday sorry if I missed it xx

    Joan don't you worry about changing the font size hope uou are all doing ok abd been out on your scooters xx

    Toady we are all full of spring nice to see the seedlings 😁thankyou for helping with the font and your life us not in vain 😂just mind the spiders xx

    Mike good on your sister for sorting things these Dr's have a lot to answere for xx

    Kitty thankyou for the large font. Love the doggie one of our neighbours has the same breed dud well getting the name on 😅xx

    Reshmi hope you have a goid day today maybe a little walk if you have this nice weather xx

    Love to all


  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,321

    Hi to K Barbara Joan Ar t and Toni, how are you all today? I’m not too bad thanks but a bit sleepy. Thanks for liking my poem Toni , I agree LA is both naughty and funny at the same time, lol. That’s interesting about so many people being called Sue or Susan, lol, good to know. Yes Toni, LA certainly likes eating despite being quite skinny, I remember when he was a tiny baby he’d even eat part of his mum’s breakfast and mine if he was here visiting you could never get away with eating a whole piece of toast when tiny baby LA was around, oh dear, it’s wasn’t going to do me much harm but his mummy is so skinny already! goodness me that’s a bit of naughtiness indeed toast stealing good job he’s avoided conviction at least so far, lol. I also forgot to mention yesterday that after calling my mum the rude word , lol, he tried to make amends by laying on the charm as it were when he needed some help going to the bathroom or something like that he said to his granny I like your dress it was actually a blouse but it was a good attempt very nice conciliatory gesture or more conciliatory remark, lol, until the next tantrum which I have a feeling maybe chocolate - related 🍫. Hi again Barbara I’m glad you are enjoying being in the garden today sounds lovely, hi again Joan I hope that you and Sue are both okay today? X

    hi Kitty I hope you’re well. This was a bit short but I’d better leave it there otherwise I really will fall asleep okay have a nice afternoon everybody hope the weather is nice wherever you all are. Tc. Xx

  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,601

    Hello all this is very quick - first half of the day was nice & quiet being Sunday, sun shining, did some weeding myself, have a bath I thought - then - found water coming through the kitchen ceiling 😱 😱 being me I had mentally tidied whole house, called plumber, gone up to get cash out, worried about the Covid, sourced new bathtaps because they need doing and he may as well do them while here, & panicked about the electrics, all in the next 2 mins. BUT I think there is a half decent simple explanation (human error 😳 say no more) so phew, phew, phew. Call off the dogs. Now in slight state of post-panic tiredness so I will be back when I've got a grip of myself. 😂

    Will resume comments then but hope all having as good a day as possible.

    Joan when you've finished all your bold click down to start a new paragraph, then it should leave your bold bit bold and go back to the the ¶ thing automatically for the next normal bit, like frog said; you don't have to change it back from H2 to ¶ yourself. (I think!) Frog I didn't realize you could select it afterwards for a chunk of text, I've been doing highlight text & change. No need, obviously! :) Thank you. Trial & error innit!

    See you all soon xxx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,321

    Hi all just a very tiny message for me here at least that’s it that’s the intention, lol, That was very sweet of you to make poems to entertain the kids on the ward Toni, hi Barbara I’m glad I’m not the only one who fiddles with the thermostat, lol, that snowdrop looks lovely. Hi Joan thanks for your nice message I try not to worry, but I’m a bit of a worrywart I feel, lol, but I definitely worry a lot less then when I was in my 20s or 30s and my mum inspires me. Oh no toady water through the ceiling that happened to us once terrible I’m glad you got it sorted out though 👍. My mum was having a clear out and she found some old novelty long warm avocado socks that my bill gave to my dad and which he didn’t even look at let alone open , typical, so Ive started wearing them when I get too cold, thought I’d provide a visual because I thought they were quite funny and I may wear them to see the LLF to make it clear that’s I’m an avocado lover and if she doesn’t like it she can lie down on the floor of the café like a toddler and have a tantrum which will definitely not be rewarded with sweets let alone a massive piece of cake (she once at the biggest piece of cake I’ve seen in my life and then said “I follow a healthy diet really”) only joking of course I don’t want to risk LLF Vesuvius erupting yet again, lol. Another visual here of LLF when she erupts! Lol. Hope you have a good night everyone take care and keep warm. Xx

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,228

    Mike I used the Macmillan website when Lucy was ill and it was ever so helpful. I also rang them once when I was desperately upset. The forum just for HL will be great I was on ALL and also the leukaemia one. but if it helps at all the kids with HL all did very very well and all recovered. I think some of them had scans too (CTs or MRIs can't remember), not sure if they took bone marrow to check spread, but if they do it is fine - Lucy had loads of them in her 2.5 years of treatment. You are doing well really well finding out from reliable sources ((()))

    Joan at least I stay clean in the overalls! and they are warm with pockets for my phone and tissues! Let's hope they do let Mike's sister in with him your mind whizzes with news like that. Mind you they did give us a lot of leaflets and paperwork on each of the chemos so maybe he will get those too. Love to you and Sue ((())) xxx

    Kitty yes bring Bongo and Mrs Pond too and of course Vixen gets pride of place she will be treated like a princess by all the cats. Do you think we should look out some extra healthy meals food Mike now?

    You are right learning a new skill is always good isn't it? Shall I type big for you too if it helps your eyes as well?

    Yesterday was a gorgeous day, but ever so cold with a biting wind wasn't it? We went a drive to Tewkesbury a perfect length journey and I had my posh coffee through a drive through Starbucks. I will post a pic of the flooding in the park (by the carpark with the loos!) the poor people.

    I reckon @Arthuritis will come with us in the bus like it or not he might be my back up driver🤔

    Morning Barbara don't worry about Paul's birthday he isn't bothered at all about them these days.

    Oh it was lovely getting outside I feel so blessed (Aidan!) to have outdoor space and after all the building work last year an actual garden not just slopey grass😊Your brother may well have loved his flat? Lucy wants to live in a flat deliberately without a garden!

    Paul said we might get some rain again this week I hope he's wrong but he isn't often wrong😕 So no garden for us for a while. Still it might test your roof at least....

    Did you see Niamh this weekend? She will be back at school today won't she bless her.

    Morning Reshmi. How are you doing today? How is your neck is it holding up ok (sorry no pun intended)? I will see you for a 🚶 walk later on if you're free?

    Lord A is both funny and naughty, but he is always entertaining. I always say that about our 3 they have given me years of entertainment. Lots and lots of sleepless nights and worry, but so much fun too. It's always the skinny ones who can eat anything they want isn't it? His poor Mummy needs all the food she can get. I was super thin when mine were little too and working full time I think I was burning off all the calories.

    Oh what a charmer Lord A is trying to make up to your Mum for being so rude! Where does he learn such tricks? His Daddy maybe?😁😁bless him!

    You have 🥑 socks!!!!!!!!!! Lucy has some McDonald's burger socks you two would make a great pair - do wear them when you see LLF and Roger👍️

    Thank you for your kind words about my poems and songs on the Teenage Cancer trust ward. We did have some laughs in the ward you know it was rarely doom and gloom. The nurses were mostly young too. I have no idea what they made of me. I had them all scootering down the corridor of the unit on their drip stands. We were naughty.

    OMG!!!!!!!!!!! Toady whatever did you do? Has it all dried up ok? I had a bath after my gardening too sometimes it is necessary isn't it? Soothe the aches.

    I now have an extra snowdrop and an extra geranium and my veggie bed is calling for some plants/seeds. I have said we need to just give it another week into March at least. the plan is garlic, onions spring onions cabbage and kale in the big bed. Then in the planter the lettuce (I plan to make that self watering recycling some old plant pots which are black) and finally the herbs have their own planter too. Do you remember 'The herb garden'???

    A quick woo-oooo! to @Arthuritis hope all is well with you and yours. Monday is an ok day?

    Right breakfast:

    Sleek's idea

    vegan/veggie option

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,228
    edited 28. Feb 2022, 07:10

    The park under water at Tewkesbury yesterday the boat you can see is supposed to be on dry land - it's a planter with winter flowers in it!

  • Mike1
    Mike1 Member Posts: 1,992

    Thanks Froggie, all positive remarks are helpful as my mind has been all over the place over the weekend. I have signed Vixen up for the Cat Protection League Guardian scheme just in case! Got to get my paperwork in order as well but have been putting it off.

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,242

    Good morning everyone

    I have a blood test tomorrow morning

    Kitty (()) you said your birthday was in February I was just thinking it was that day. As long has you had a good day ((())) love to Chris ((())) and Anita (()) and Val (()) and Emily (()) and your Dad (())

    Toady ((()) sorry about your leak in the bathroom have a good day (())

    Barbara (()) has Mr B heard yet (()) he must be worried about it. Love to Mr B (()) and your son (()) and Niamh (()) and your brother ((()) and his girlfriend ((()) and your niece (()) and her fiancé (())

    Reshmi ((())) have a good day have you got nice scenery where you live love to your mum (())

    Toni ((()) it’s nice you and Kitty can explain all the things to Mike. No one else is helpful .

    Love to Paul (()) and Charley (()) and Annie (()) and the carers ((())) and Lucy (()) and Tia (()) and Kari (()) and your lovely neighbours (())

    Mike ((())) you have got everything sorted just right. Thinking of you don’t worry we care about you and vixen (())

    take care
    joan xx
  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583

    Good moening to you all.

    Joan, I did say I was born in February, but I'm not telling anyone the date because I don't celebrate them.

    Antoinette, I think you should post some of your poems on here. We need to read them. As for Bongo, his name is actually Bongy. He's a very naughty boy.

    as you can see.

    Morning Barbara, I don't know why I didn't think of this , myself, because it often crops up in the recipes I post.

    Mike, I've seen the advert for CPL care scheme. I think it's a wonderful idea. Gives peace of mind for all feline slaves that their pet will be cared for if they are no longer able.

    Reshmi, I'm loving the socks. what or who is LLV?

    Arthuritis, I hope you are feeling well today.

    Baked feta pasta

    45 Minutes Serves 2Easy

    A super simple vegetarian pasta bake packed with creamy feta, tomatoes and olives. Casarecce or gemelli pasta shapes work well here, as does a rocket salad served on the side

    By Anna Glover

    Olive Magazine


    • cherry tomatoes 400g (or a 400g tin of chopped tomatoes)
    • dried chilli flakes a pinch, plus a little extra
    • olive oil 2 tbsp
    • oregano or basil a small handful, leaves picked and chopped, plus a little extra
    • garlic 2 cloves, sliced
    • garlic 100g block
    • pasta 200g
    • black olives 50g


    • STEP 1
    • Heat the oven to 200C/fan 180C/gas 6. Tip the tomatoes, chilli, 1 tbsp of oil, herbs, garlic and some seasoning in a 20cm-wide baking dish. Make a gap in the middle and nestle in the feta block. Drizzle with the remaining oil, add some cracked black pepper and bake for 40 minutes until the feta is very soft, and the tomatoes have burst.
    • STEP 2
    • Cook the pasta until al dente, then drain, reserving 50ml of the cooking water. Tip the pasta into the dish along with the olives and stir well until combined. Add the pasta water to loosen the sauce if you need to. Scatter with more herbs and chilli flakes to serve.

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,321

    Hi to Joan Barbara k , Ar and Toni, how are all doing today? Hi again Joan how are you and Sue? Unfortunately there’s not really nice scenery where I live there is a park opposite my house but that’s about it and to be honest I don’t go to the park because quite a lot of fierce dogs go there, One of the mega brains as I call her my sisters best friend who is also a friend of mine now lives in Caversham which is also in Reading area but it’s nearer the countryside than where I am, she used to go on a lot of nice walks Near her house but she has more or less stopped doing that unfortunately. Hi k , LLF is what I call a friend of mine, it stands for long lost friend. Barbara how are you doing today? Were you able to spend some time in the garden today? we have a garden but it’s not that big, but my mum still sometimes walks in the garden which I think is nice for her because she likes flowers and plants a lot too and of course it’s safer then walking in the street where other people are about, as she is so immunocompromised. She gets knee pain sometimes too because she has a meniscus tear so she has to exercise if poss but v carefully I know it’s frustrating for her. Hi again Toni I agree with kitty it would be really nice to read some of your poems if you still have them, my neck is not too bad today thanks Toni I’m a little bit sore because I slept in awkward position in the spare room for awhile but without the heater on which was good for my skin but I think these are just normal pains then will go in a few hours or so but I’ve done my neck physio and thanks for asking, it was a bit of a coat issue situation in the morning Toni, I did walk , and it was Nice to “meet” you there on the walk, lol, but it was disturbingly mild when I went out the door so I changed my clothing appropriately but I wore a lighter cardigan then I perhaps normally would have done, but luckily it turned out okay I warmed up after a while so that was good I must admit I did go to the bakery today but I haven’t been there for a while so it could have been worse, lol. Avocado socks thanks K and Toni for liking these, lol, they are quite comfy for lounging around at home and warming your feet up at night time ( they’re not thermal though but I think that if I were to I wear them to see see the LLF in that cold café I would have to invest in some avocado tights, but I get eczema on my leg sometimes and unfortunately cheap avocado itchy tights would not do the job I only seem to be able to wear quite expensive brands of tights which is an extremely annoying thing especially when it gets warmer never mind, lol. That’s great that you could make those children and young people laugh Toni I think that’s a really important factor, state of mind. Do you have problems with eczema or psoriasis on your legs Toni? if you do, are you also quite restricted with types of tights and all that kind of thing? I can really only wear cotton or cotton- based things regardless of how hot weather gets. Some fish cooking is going on again in house Vesuvius but there haven’t been any major eruptions as yet mind you that usually happens later on in the day practically without fail, lol, I’ll go now and put some eyedrops in my eyes. Hope you all have a good afternoon take care Reshmi, xx

  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,601

    Hi all - well I have dried out after yesterday, it was not a Tewkesbury sized flood thankfully! as to what happened, I shan't go into that, but let's just say I and the shower head are no longer on speaking terms. 🤐 No harm done I hope, and on the plus side a) happy that it wasn't a problem with the ball valve I put on the hot pipe some time ago, and b) time was I could not have got down to take off the side of the bath or grovel about with a torch on the floor. Never let it be said I don't look on the bright side. 😉 However, having decided to replay yesterday and have another shot at that quiet bath I got in and within 5 minutes (ominous car pulling up noises, clunk, bang) - neighbours arrived back. 😕 I could cry. Nothing ever reminds me how much I don't want someone next door is their going away, because for a few days you sort of "expand" back to your own right size as it were - behaving normally, not worrying about making noise or having to hear theirs, more relaxed - and when you have to go back to having someone there you just crunch back up again & start creeping around your own house. So excuse my rather black mood. ⛈️ But thank you everyone for your sympathy over my small crisis. xx Very ungrateful of me to start my own damp problem when lots of you have had water in though no fault of your own - do hope nobody has any in over the next few bit-wet-looking days.

    Thank you for the tip about warm water for seedlings frog :) I have sown some Armeria Ballerina White today (from my own plant, I forgot I had saved them) to see if I have any luck, I haven't before (probably doing it wrong - I have been careful about the sowing guidelines now). Will do some more potting from bought seeds next. I also noticed an unfamiliar seedling in a tray outdoors.. could be a weed, or.. Astrantia, is that you?! Doubt it and I am not going to search what do astrantia seedlings look like & be disappointed, lol. I haven't got any good advice about your rather soggy veg patch, I'm afraid, isn't it usually something like dig (something or other!) into it - that's very helpful of me isn't it, sorry! Would it just get soggy again from the well regardless or could you make a natural barrier of sorts into the ground? Hope you can persuade your veg to tolerate the conditions, anyway - is this a new veg patch because of the garden rework, ie you haven't grown veg there before at all? Interested in your lettuce - did you see the item on Gardeners World with the floating watercress 'raft' arrangement, I'm not sure now why that was better than just trays in water raised off the bottom in another way. As far as veg goes it will be runner beans for me, later, dwarf runners/broad beans/french beans, other than that mostly pots of rocket & few bits of salad stuff &c. I do mostly pots & containers as it's easier for me & I don't have any raised beds atm. Will be having another go at beetroot & spring onions, and of course my toms. 🍅 And some herbs! Do you mean 'do I remember a previous herb garden of yours', or are we talking about Dill the Dog etc here?! 😂

    Hello Kitty aren't your daughters lucky to have such lovely animals, what a super little tabby - I miss cats' knees! those stripey trousers, they're just gorgeous aren't they 😽. Hope you are having a good Monday, nobody's favourite day really.

    Thank you Joan I'm relieved I don't have a mystery leak and definitely that I don't have to get a plumber in! Hope you are having a good start to the week and all the best with your blood test tomorrow, hope it all goes well & not too much waiting around. x

    Love your socks bosh 😊 I'm a big fun sock fan I have those ones with things like pandas and xmas reindeers that make a complete face across the pair if you know what I mean haha, and stripey socks, & so on.

    Kettle on for me and drown my sorrows in tea & biscuits I think - love to all, and -

    Barbara hope we have some more sun soon to get outside in - maybe by the end of the week? 🌞 xx