Val's Cafe
Hi everyone
wppl xx
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Good morning everyone
Kitty (()) Have a good weekend. Love to Anita (()) and Val (()) and Emily (()) and your Dad (())
Toady (()) How is your new phone (()) have a good weekend. We have rain. It’s the 1’st of April tomorrow.
Barbara (()) have a good day I hope everything is going alright there (()) love to Mr B (()) and your son (()) and Niamh (()) and your brother (()) and his girlfriend (()) and your niece (()) and her fiancé (())
Toni (()) Thank you. I’m sure your Figaro will pass the MOT (()) have a good weekend (()) love to Paul (()) and Charley (()) and Annie (()) and the carers (()) and Lucy (()) and Tia (()) and Kari (()) and your friend (()) and your lovely neighbours (())
Reshmi (()) How are you. is your hand getting better (()) love to your mum (()) how is she. Have a good weekend.
take care
joan xx0 -
Hi Everybody
just a little poetic offering to start with. Thank you.😀xx
poem for VC called keeping the Demons away on a rainy day
Time to batten down the hatches it’s raining again I’m afraid
treat yourself to an almond -flavoured hot choc , not store -bought but home-made
be grateful that it’s not a day for walking in the scorching summer sun
enjoy your “sustenance”, whether it’s healthy honey -toast or indulgent iced bun
Be thankful that the black ice and snow monsters have decided to stay home
Soon, the weather will be temperate again and toady and Toni can plant seedlings in the loam
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Hi Joan
how are you and Sue doing today?
im not too bad thanks 🙏
hand actually got better quite quickly
knee is taking a bit longer but still not too bad at all thanks
mums b sugar was good this morning thank you 👍
but she’s still got some stomach issues today unfortunately
I hope you’re both having a nice Friday bye tc xx
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Hi Toni 🌺
how are you?
im glad you liked the pics
Im not too bad at all thanks apart from the nasty rainy weather
bruises are not too bad thanks but I didn’t go out today as pavement looked v slippery with rain, normally I would’ve carefully gone out, but you’re right I need to recover properly before taking unnecessary risks 👍
Mums b sugar was good this morning thanks 👍👍
but she’s still got some stomach issues today unfortunately
I’ll mention the w- bix to her thanks, I think she prefers porridge in general, but I know you mean - something healthy to line the stomach, thanks 👍
Nice swimming costume lol, you can swim in the back garden if it rains enough lol
sorry your windows got smashed by the strong winds 😔
I hope they get fixed properly
Yes shame RR has MH probs at times but good that the nurse helps him, but he’s quite odd in himself there’s no doubt I agree, he’s also ignorant about quite a few matters - but he thinks he knows best 😀
Yes the stories can be a bit disturbing too for some, but I mostly take it in my stride, it’s only when I suspect people are really ill, I try not to get too involved- there was once a female friend I met through Wed group and she was pretty nasty to me really, I won’t go into a lot of detail, but I know her condition was extremely serious, much worse than mine was even, so what the root cause of her nasty behaviour was (ie whether it was her fault or not basically) I don’t really know, but now I’m polite but that’s about it, I still see her in the group from time to time, but luckily not seen her for a while.
ok I’m speeding myself up a bit now as bit of neck pain yesterday so I need to be careful
yes I agree regarding similarity of dads😀
no worries about hay fever eye drops 👍
LA said he can’t drive toy taxi outside house until he gets driving license lol
here I was thinking he was going to drive it to Reading on motorway lol
just as well really, imagine him getting a speeding ticket and being arrested by Leola’s sis! My goodness the “4 yr old guys” at the squash bar would never let him live it down, he’d be downgraded to just drinking water - with no honey! 😱
ok bfn Toni hope you have a nice afternoon tc xx
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Hi toady
how are you today?
sometimes people just really need to catch up on their sleep I don’t think it’s a bad thing personally 👍
unless you’d had a doctors appointment or something like that, but then you’d have found a way of keeping yourself awake
A bit of a DV situation yesterday unfortunately, but mum told D to let me eat in solitude and not to goad me at supper - time in general because she understood why the fall happened really, I’m a v cautious person and of course accidents can always happen, but putting me under pressure like that just wasn’t right - so that was kind of my mum to see things from my perspective
mum’s stomach is not good today though, she underplays things sometimes so as not to worry others, so I’m really hoping it’s not that serious and that it’ll improve soon
i know honey is healthy of course, but I’ve never liked the taste much, my friend once told me that there’s a special kind of honey that cures eczema psoriasis and hay fever, not sure about that really, but never mind 😂
ok I think I’ll leave it there for now as I don’t want to create neck pain again
bfn toady tc xx
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Hello everyone 😊 is that the kettle? Can't quite hear over the sound of the wind and the rain 🙄 well if not I'll put it on myself.
Frog I hope the intruder work chap has been & gone 😣 (woe indeed), and more to the point doesn't have to come back🤞. Sorry the paperwork pile is not going down speedily - I had faith in that black cat, he looked more than able. Well done for your delivery, at least, I am still just dawdling in and putting the odd thing in my basket every now & then. Doubt I'll be lucky with tomatoes this time they've been consistently out but perhaps by hanging on they'll come back in 🤔. Hope you got everything of yours. Not the nicest day is it - I have been out to see the birdies etc that's about it. I confess I'm repainting the spare room in white after all that 😳 I just can't shake off the current colour striking me as odd, slightly green (?!) & dingy, even though it's fine everywhere else I've used it, can't think why - so annoying. Also must have browsed every lampshade on the internet without making a decision and at this rate will be photoshopping them into pictures of the room, oh have a word with me will you I hate it when I get like this 😂. I do love the really retro ones with braided cord etc but not the place for them I don't think, they would just look like the house had its original deathtrap wiring 😄. Anyway the auger is here so give it a fine day and I will have a go. Hope things ok with you on home fronts and have a good weekend (must it be April? can't we put that in the intray too til we get around to it - I'm not ready!) xx
Hello joan, yes April already 😮 surely not. Not quite as wet as they said it would be today but just not that nice or warm. The phone seems fine, I am still setting it up, takes most of my time with new phones going round it turning things off all the things I don't want it to do - this one has a slightly different version of things I think, so everything isn't quite the same. My friend got locked out of paying for her shopping because the bank suddenly wanted an authentication code even though they hadn't asked for ages - she'd been having problems with her phone, so she couldn't pick up a text with the code. This is the trouble with these things 🙄 no-one could help her get around it. Have a good Saturday :) xx
Hi bosh, yes I'd much rather oversleep & catch up if I can. I didn't sleep well at all last night & was v cross, after the good night before, as I wasn't expecting it 😔 3 different bad dreams (3 that I can remember) and couldn't settle at all, nearly got up & made tea but couldn't get up the energy. Have not done that much today but in any case it was not that nice, so your poem put the day in a nutshell and was a nice dose of optimism thank you 😀 I will certainly need to plant seeds, mine are not coming up the way they do in my grandiose plans 😄. Glad your day was not too bad and well done your mum for being in your corner over suppertime interruptions 👍️ sorry to hear she is not feeling too good herself today. Btw the phone call person was ok they are an old friend, it's just that concentrating for that long is quite hard & reminds me that tiredness is always lurking 🙄 they don't ring often. At least if I don't have to do all the talking it's less likely I'll think afterwards that I talked too much or said something silly, so that's a good thing haha. Yes there are special super magic honey varieties supposedly, but like you, whether I think they're worth the hype or the eyewatering price, I couldn't say 🤷♀️. The iced tea looks lovely though 😀 and I loved this morning's little pic very 'magical' - do you remember 'masquerade' the book with a treasure hunt for a golden hare. have a good evening :) xx
Love to everybody 😘 xx
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Hi toady
im v much mxt - frazzled atm
but nice to “hear” from you as usual
not heard of the picture book but looked it up online sounds v interesting
ty about poem
good night toady tc xx
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Morning Joan how are you today? All well here although I had a late night so will be tired all day. It was the village quiz last night. My lovely neighbours were on our team (both have degrees along with me and one of the village Drs) and we came LAST!!!! 😁 AAh well. The Figaro is going in early for it's MOT because I can smell petrol which is not good. Take care both of you ((())) xxx
I love it!!!!!!!!!!!!! Fabulous little ditty there Reshmi😊 I will be out there as soon as this weather improves - fists in the loam😊
How are you? and your Mum is she ok today? I think a small bowl of porridge might be ideal don't you instead of wheatabix. Hope her stomach has eased by now I know she likes to act as though all is well, but I think she'd confide in you if it got too bad. You are very close. Your Mum is very sweet and protective of you. She won't let your Dad take it too far. Of course she remembers how the fall happened too🙄
It was slippery yesterday especially outside Lucy's flat I'm sure the slabs have algae on them. You have to be super careful. Glad your bruises are fading - bet they are colourful though!
I won't ask about your Dad I'm sure his tooth is still very sore, but he'll carry on until he can stand it no longer!
Did you see my embarrassment last night - in my post to Joan?😳
Don't worry about the windows it was only the double glazing which had blown so they were all misted up. £300 and all 4 replaced. It's very sunny at the front so the sun must cause it.
How old is RR? I have a mental picture of him maybe early 40's? As for that friend I hope she is doing ok, but whatever the cause I am very sorry she caused you upset. There really isn't any excuse for that. Of course her MH may have been really bad at the time, but she ought to have made up for it since. Your MH is all that bothers me and I hate to think of someone upsetting you. You do not deserve that😞
LA is quite a ;aw abiding little citizen isn't he? That's good to hear imagine if he was arrested by Leolia's Police officer sister?! He'd never live it down - the shame no chance of being 'star of the week' after that sort of conduct😳 These littlies do have busy lives don't they.
Take care and look after your neck ((()))
Morning Toady how are you today?
To be fair the intruder was only about an hour and a half and is nice, but in ma hoose? Noooo! Get oot a ma hoose! All done now 😊
My order arrived just before him and everything was there including Sleek's treats and cat milk. Gosh prices are rising though it's just stupid money🙄
I have green in the hall and love it, but it does not suit every room. I think white in a spare room is really a very good colour. Only thing is, is it you procrastinating from getting the shopping done? I got tomatoes! Large ones which are fine I can cut them smaller😋 Sleek will bring one over in her basket
with some Easter eggs and it seems cake!
Black cat will come back to help with paperwork on Monday apparently.....
Oh dear me struggling with lampshade big is the room that helps I think?
Lucy has these in the kitchen in multi colours
Sleek favours this
I am largely useless with that sort of thing sorry although I do know what you mean about the perception of 'retro' ones and wiring. We had honestly got original fuses here that you had to wind round when one went. Updating our electrics was a fair job. Men in the house for 3 whole days!😣
Oooh the auger is here! Lucky you! I bet you can't wait. Sleekipaws is extremely keen to have a turn so be careful where you put it.
Early to bed for me tonight see my post to Joan for my humiliation and late night last night😒
Have a good day
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Good morning everyone
Kitty (()) Have a good weekend. Love to Anita (()) and Val (()) and Emily (()) and your Dad (())
Toady (()) So you will be busy all weekend doing painting or sorting your phone out good luck they both take patience. Have a good weekend
Barbara (()) thinking about you and your family take care love to Mr B (()) and your Son (()) and Niamh (()) and your brother (()) and his girlfriend (()) and your niece (()) and her fiancé (())
Toni (()) Sorry you had an early visitor has long has he did the job good enough for you. When your routine changes it puts you out. Sorry you didn’t win the quiz you were asked the wrong questions (()) have a good weekend. Love to Paul (()) and Charley (()) and Annie (()) and the carers (()) and Lucy (()) and Tia (()) and Kari and your friend (()) and your lovely neighbours (())
Reshmi (()) have a good weekend love to your mum (())
take care
joan xx0 -
Hi everyone
wppl xx
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Hi Toni
how are you?
im ok thanks just v tired after walk shower etc
mums b sugar was good thanks 👍
her stomach seems far more settled today and she’s singing one of the LA related songs so I can tell she’s feeling happier thanks
this shower is great for hot showers cold settings are a bit complex but much better than the reverse prob of course!
im somewhat shattered after mainly hot shower so I’ll sign off for now
ty about poem 👍👍
Bfn Toni tc xx
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Hi again Toni
I am really glad you liked my poem 😊
I mentioned to mum your mums idea of having a bit of w bix / porridge in night and she also thought it was a good one and she said she’ll try it in the future thanks 👍
Algae outside L’s flat that doesn’t sound too safe, yes I’m being v careful thanks, still wearing snow boots
yes you’re right colourful bruises but bright colour is fading all the time and healing, which I’m v grateful for indeed
You’re absolutely right about dad, there’s no reasoning with him really
My mum’s friend phoned and told her that she accidentally drove her car into a tree! She was unharmed thank goodness but car is a write - off, apparently she’s a v bad driver, she’s lucky that’s all that happened, she has a lot of back problems too and is v stubborn, her family help her a lot but she doesn’t like it, so whether she should have been driving at all - I don’t really know 🤷♀️
I read about the quiz yes, don’t worry these things happen
I suppose one problem can be the topics chosen for the quiz, I know I’m hopeless at anything scientific for example, the only person who knows/ knew everything is / was my sis / Leonardo Da Vinci lol😂
I’m glad the window- damage wasn’t that bad and that the windows have been replaced
RR is around 50 years old
thanks about the friend who became nasty
you’re right she would’ve made amends by now if she’d wanted to, but I try not to worry about people like that anymore 👍
yes LA lives by the letter of the law lol
hes got another birthday party today- even more free cake - mountains lol
ill stop for now as radiator is burning hot and other seat would mean not caring for neck
bfn Toni you take care xx
Ps pic of italian lemon etc stall xx
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Hi people 😊
Just a quick visit as I have to go to the ebay packing dept soon; won't be picked up til Mon but I know what happens if I leave packaging til Sun, I still end up doing it at midnight. Pity me frog, I sold an item to one of my personal artistic-y type heroes and it was from my household any old item 'branch', not my nicer upmarket shop 😱😱😱 oh the mortification! 😳. April Fool's, yes, well, thank you, life, very funny 😂🙄. Talking of doing things at midnight I was planting extra sweet peas round then last night, don't ask me why these things just happen. I have made a right ahem of the 2nd wall of new paint today so it's not my day 😬. I love Lucy's style of lights but room too small I think & also will not be doing anything involving electrics & new ceiling fittings at this point, not having had the 3 day electrician experience.. yet.. it will be my lot one day, unfortunately. But I love Sleek's choice, I can't say I'm not tempted 😀 it would actually 'go' I think 😄 I will be happy just to get the blasted room finished and Put Some Things Back 🙏. No I haven't done my shop and no they don't have toms yet, though I did remember miles too late I had tinned in the cupboard, could've gone in the pasta. Glad you got all your shop & glad the house is your own again, hurrah. Sorry about the quiz 😬, yes they obviously did ask the wrong questions (and I bet there was sport). Have not been out with the auger, waiting til the right combo of damp but dried up a bit more than this. How lovely is that kitty in garden pic, oh yes please, all of that 😊. Couple of shopping 'news items', the large terracotta pots you remember I ages long ago from 🐝&Q that had doubled in price have halved again, so quite good value now; thet sent me a £5 off a not too big order in email, maybe you too' and (less good) ama*on have upped their min free delivery order to £25 😕 didn't see that coming. Hope the Fig is ok? yes definitely do not want petrol smells! hope can get sorted quickly. Have a good evening :) xx
Hello joan, my painting has not gone well looks like I will be doing it over again tomorrow 😬 tinkering with phone will have to wait. The painting is no hurry itself, it's the having everything in the way that I had to move out to get at the walls, that's annoying me. Maybe I will discover hidden new painting talent by tomorrow 😄 hope you are having a good day, the magpies were around earlier I forget what big birds they are and if you just get a quick glimpse I think I've seen a black and white cat :) xx
Hi to bosh, that little pic was me last night, I had to go to the postbox in the rain - me, of all people . Well I didn't have to I suppose but I wanted some post gone & on its way then it gets it 'off' you so to speak. Really was not nice but I managed to avoid all the snails that's the main thing . Glad your mum is feeling a bit better today and singing songs . Have read your news in other posts, sorry about your mum's friend's mishap, lucky she is ok, if the car is a write-off that really is quite a narrow squeak or could have been. I will catch up with everything else next time, I have been summoned not by Betjeman's bells, but by shop bells and have to go and pack a parcel to La France, Paris in fact nice work if you can get it. Keep me un café for later if you would be so kind, and maybe a piece of leftover birthday cake from LA's party.. ok, that one is a forlorn hope, I realize 😄. Bye for now 👋 xx
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Hi Joan
how are you and Sue doing today?
im tired but not too bad today thanks
mum had good b sugar level this morning and her stomach seems a lot better thank you 🙏
I hope your both having a good evening
bye tc xx
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Hi toady
sorry to hear that you had three different bad dreams two days ago
I hate nightmares, do you think your stomach was feeling uncomfortable?
that can be a factor for some people
I hope the trip to the nosegay dept goes well
on a related note a nice thing happened today, I’d ordered some relatively expensive chai tea syrup from A/Z and it had been delivered to wrong address, a couple of roads away approximately, anyway this lady, the resident there, brought it to the door, I thanked her of course, v kind of her though really and inefficient of AZ too no doubt, Bill would’ve probably drunk the whole bottle down and handed me empty container lol, I wouldn’t put it passed him 😂
thanks about the pic
yes rain is nasty
thanks about mum too
Yes driver was v lucky but she’s an odd person you know, when her back pain was severe she insisted on picking grandkids off the floor
and my mum suspects she was lying about how recklessly she was driving at time of tree incident too
I will keep un cafe no problem 👍
I don’t drink coffee myself so forgive me if it tastes like methotrexate witches’ broth lol
no EU surplus cake mountain or whatever it’s called unfortunately lol
ive got some d heat ointment- muffins lol, but I’d think you’d really need to be on the brink of starvation to want to start devouring those lol
bfn toady tc xx
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Just a quick 'night to you too bosh 😊 I lost most of my emoji from your post doing something silly with the formatting 🙄 that's why there are spaces before my full stops. I had a full complement of snails & Parisian artists (perhaps keep those 2 apart 😄). Thank you for the coffee much appreciated 👍️ I have mine weak so there was only a hint of witches' broth about it. Yes digestion has something to do with my bad nights I'm sure, even if they aren't always bad dream ones, though it's not like I eat triangular cheese sandwiches at bedtime 🙄 but should probably have sensibler mealtimes all day. Nice story about the chai syrup lady especially from a couple of streets away & not just next door or something 😀 some people definitely wouldn't do that. You may have seen me say to Toni A/Z have upped their free delivery threshold I suppose it has been the same for a long time but a shame because me putting together a complicated basketful to reach a certain amount doesn't need to get even more complicated. have a good night :) xx
p.s. to frog, lots of typos in my bit to you, but expect you will be able to pick the bones & the sense out of it.
Love to Kitty, hope you'll get in sometime & tell us how your garden is coming along 😊🌼 xx
and to Barbara too thinking of you 😘 xx
love to all xx
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Morning Joan yes definitely the wrong questions at the quiz! Never mind such is life. Another Sunday is here P's birthday I popped a little flower display on her plot ready yesterday. Hope you and Sue are doing ok? Do you watch Death in Paradise? ((())) xxx
Morning Reshmi I did love your poem yes it was very clever. You're doing well after the fall bruises fading nicely and hopefully feeling less 'unsafe' like you do after a fall.
Glad your Mum is back singing one of LA's songs bless her that is a good sign about time - she's been rough for a fair few days this time. Hope her sugar level is ok today.
Your shower sounds very good for winter, but not so good if you wanted a cooler shower on a hot day🤨 At teh moment you'd only need to stand outside for half an hour here. We are having frequent quite heavy showers. Plenty of time even for a good hairwash. 😂
Gosh your Mum's friend is very lucky she got out of that accident unscathed! Hitting a tree sounds terrifying! Maybe that will have put her off driving in future.
Where we went wrong was our JOKER (you get double points for any round you chose) we chose the wrong topic to put it on only getting 2 out of ten. If we had got even 4 we would ahve been several from the bottom. There wasn't much between the top and bottom scores to be fair.
Aha RR is around 50 I will slightly modify my mental image of him adding more grey hair which in my mind is a bit long. That 'friend' has lost a good friend in you so her loss. You are right to forget it. I had a very, very good friend (we got through so much together) who suddenly disappeared from my life. I found her once and left my mobile number. She never rang so that's that. Sadly, but we can't control other people.
LA is a very popular boy parties all over the place. I hope no-one will be testing the cake before it's cut!!!😣 I hope at least he knows that it is quite unlawful to lick cake!
Have a good day and take care ((()))
Ps I can almost smell those lemons!
Morning Toady how are you doing today?
Sleek is helping Paul do the books for work
Oh no!!!!!!!! 😣why oh why did that person buy something from there? Do your best and prettiest packaging maybe?
Sounds as though you wish you'd left the room sicky green rather than restarted it😕 Sleek says yes yes her choice of lampshade! Lucy's came with the flat and the ceilings are a million foot high. You will end up with loads and loads of sweet peas you know.....I'm saying nothing except another seed catalogue arrived here yesterday so i have chose some begonias for my hanging baskets. Largely due to the lack of need to dead head them😉
What have Amazon done?! A stealthy move that i had missed it. We must be very organised and order less often from now on. Wrong word for me 100% organised.
There was a sport round yes, but it was easy(ish) photos of women sport people and we got 8out of ten there. No it was things like anagrams and playing our joker on the wrong round. There were only about 10 points between the bottom and top scores you see. If we had put it on one we got 9 out of ten we'd have been 2nd. Problem is the rounds are mostly cryptic so impossible to guess what you'd be good at. Never mind eh?
It's still too wet for augering I agree. Best hang on a bit until it dries somewhat, but not too much...
Right have a good day we are visiting my friend this afternoon.
Take care
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Hi everyone
wppl xx
ps a medieval bill lol xx
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Good morning everyone
Kitty (()) Have a good day. Love to Anita (()) and Val (()) and Emily (()) and your Dad (())
Toady (()) I hope you got your packing done in time. Have a good day the painting might look different today (())
Barbara (()) Try not to worry too much (()) love to Mr B (()) and your son (()) and Niamh (()) and your brother (()) and his girlfriend (()) and your niece (()) and her fiancé (())
Toni (()) How are you I miss P the time goes so quick (()) No we have never watched Death in Paradise do you like it. Have a nice time visiting your friend (()) love to Paul (()) and Charley (()) and Annie (()) and the carers (()) and Lucy (()) and Tia (()) and Kari (()) and your lovely neighbours (())
Reshmi (()) that’s good your mum feels happier (()) have a good day take care.
take care
joan xx0 -
👋 toady
hi Joan
how are you both?
im not too bad thanks
thanks about mum, yes it’s really good 👍
have a nice afternoon
bye tc xx
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Hi Toni 🌺
how are you?
oh my goodness what a sauna it is in this house
even though I wasn’t that tired when walking this morning in fresh air
now I feel like a great big sleep - deprived lump lol
anyway maybe I’ll feel better as time progresses
National kids book day in USA i believe so a few nice nostalgic Roald D - book - related illustration(s) will follow at some point
mums feeling better thanks b sugar and generally atm, she’s started doing a lot cooking again, I couldn’t stop her, but dad is helping (atm), she didn’t let me help, which leads me to thinking it might be “guest = cooking” as I call it for EF, if so I hope she freezes it and there’s not some unplanned invasion that I don’t know about.
no I’m not feeling too “unsafe” thanks for asking
Sorry you’ve got so much rain
joker quiz round I understand
yes my mum deserves some good days now I agree 😊
I heard her talking to sis on phone, saying that LA may come here for all the holidays, I hope not tbh, because toys will be on the floor all the time, anyone could fall and when he comes mum gets carried away and may “guilt trip” into not going to group at all, anyway no point worrying about things until they actually happen I suppose
Ok I need to speed up a bit, sorry about that, otherwise I’ll lose all sorts of battles including shower of course, shower cold setting is too cold but nvm
yes not good when people don’t bother to keep in touch but best to ignore it I agree
no not seen LA lick a cake as yet, but please don’t suggest it to him lol😂
otherwise who knows what’ll happen next?
toady’s al fresco order for example, there’s a reason why no one else has ordered the flapjacks
bosh laughed evilly 😈
Bye for now Toni tc xx
ps QJL in her prime - or perhaps not lol xx
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Hi toady
don’t worry about the emojis
how was nosegay dept?
az increase in f delivery threshold I see , that’s not good
“kangaroo” food delivery company once overcharged my mum’s account for no reason - pretty evil 👿
I’m so tired atm
hungry too but am controlling- could almost eat a snail sandwich lol
bfn toady tc xx
ps nat kids book day in USA so r Dahl book illustration
james and the giant leech, on no sorry that’s bill 😂, peach of course xx
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Hi everyone
im not necessarily going to wait for toady - I know she won’t mind - I’ll see how I feel - instead I’ll keep on with regular bedtimes, mealtimes, not making tea in the middle of the night, not inviting another gastric ulcer into my life - just saying of course toady, not lecturing, just showing concern- so goodnight to all the sensible types and the three in the morning milk bottle mover - types too
sweet dreams xx
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Hello all 👋 have got late & silly despite all my resolutions and fine talk 😬 so I will be in tomorrow when hopefully order is restored.
Evening to frog, I am all done now in the packaging dept - pretty paper wouldn't do unfortunately in 'that' shop as I try to project a restrained air in that shop ie I don't buy or sell ladies' stuff so that it looks equally bland to men women etc, sometimes I don't want to advertize that I'm female myself for various reasons. So I ought to get some 'cool' paper I suppose, even after all this time I'm not that organized - I did have a Right Size box though thank heavens. Parcel off to Paris in the morning, lucky for it, although having seen what you get for your 800 euros a month in this district (seems to be a box bedroom and your own dustpan & brush), maybe not quite so envious 😱. I love Sleek helping Daddy with the paperwork 😍 aww, they are so lovely when they want you to 'look at me, not that'. Have a good night and I will be in to chat tomorrow :) xx
Hello joan, the paint definitely did not look better in the light of day 😂😂 it was a nice thought though 😊. Was not a good day for redoing it today but I know what I probably need to be aware of so better luck next time. Have a good Monday, love to Sue & the dear dogs 🐾 :) xx
Thank you bosh I indeed do take your extremely sensible words as concern not lecturing 😘, though if anyone probably does warrant a stern but kindly little lecture it's me, and I will make a bit more of an effort 👍️. Because some of it is natural night-owlery but some is definitely bad habit & bad organisation. I did have a few unavoidable delays with nosegay matters etc but also had a sleep this afternoon which I really don't like doing & didn't help matters. I hope you didn't resort to a snail sandwich 😄 and that you managed to get a happy medium yourself with rest &c. See you tomorrow & have a good night 🌜️xx Ps I am going to the land of rice for my next shop not al fresco, so nice try little LA, but some other unfortunate soul will get those flapjacks 😬 forewarned is forearmed though! x
Love to all 😘 xx
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